Exemple #1
	def edit_host(self, **kw):
		Process the edit_host request
		# Confirm user authentication

		addr_type = self.address_types[kw['address_type']]
		is_dynamic = addr_type.has_key('pool') and addr_type['pool'] is not None and not addr_type['ranges']
		changed_to_static = kw.has_key('did_change_ip') or (kw.has_key('was_dynamic') and not is_dynamic)
			'old_mac' : kw['old_mac'],
			'mac' : kw['mac'],
			'hostname' : (kw['hostname'] if kw.has_key('hostname') else None),
			'domain' : (int(kw['domain']) if kw.has_key('domain') else None),
			'description' : kw['description'],
			'expiration' : (int(kw['expiration']) if kw.has_key('did_renew_host') else None),
			'is_dynamic' : kw['address_type'] == 'dynamic',
			'pool' : addr_type['pool'] if addr_type.has_key('pool') else None,
			'owners_list' : kw['owners_list'], 
			'network' : (kw['network'] if changed_to_static else None),
			'address' : (kw['ip'] if changed_to_static else None),
			'dhcp_group': (kw['dhcp_group'] if kw.has_key('dhcp_group') and kw['dhcp_group'] else None),
		self.redirect('/hosts/search/?q=%s' % misc.fix_mac(kw['mac'] if kw['mac'] else kw['old_mac']))
Exemple #2
	def add_attribute(self, mac, wrap=True, submit=False, attr_type_id=None, freeform_value=None, structured_value=None):
		# Confirm user authentication

		if wrap in ['0','f','False','no']:
			wrap = False

		vals = {}
		vals['wrap'] = wrap
		host = self.webservice.get_hosts({'mac':mac})
		if len(host) != 1:
			raise Exception("Invalid host: %s (%r)" % (mac,host) )
		host = host[0]
		host['clean_mac'] = misc.fix_mac(host['mac'])
		vals['host'] = host
		vals['valid_attributes'] = self.webservice.get_attributes({})
		attrs = {}
		for i in vals['valid_attributes']:
			attrs[i['id']] = i

		filename = '%s/templates/add_host_attribute.tmpl'%frontend.static_dir

		if submit:
			if attrs[int(attr_type_id)]['structured']:
				self.webservice.add_structured_attribute_to_host( {'mac': mac, 'avid':int(structured_value)} )
				self.webservice.add_freeform_attribute_to_host( {'mac': mac, 'aid': attr_type_id, 'value': freeform_value } )
			status = "Success."
			if wrap:
				status = 'Success. <a href="javascript:window.close()">close window</a>'
			return status
		if wrap:
			return self.__template.wrap(leftcontent=self.get_leftnav(), filename=filename, values=vals)
		return str(framework.Template(file=filename, searchList=vals))
Exemple #3
	def add_host(self, **kw):
		Process the add_host request
		# Confirm user authentication

		addr_type = self.address_types[kw['address_type']]
		is_dynamic = addr_type.has_key('pool') and addr_type['pool'] is not None and not addr_type['ranges']
		mac = self.webservice.register_host(
			'mac' : kw['mac'],
			'hostname' : kw['hostname'],
			'domain' : int(kw['domain']) if kw['domain'] else None,
			'description' : kw['description'],
			'expiration' : int(kw['expiration']),
			'is_dynamic' : is_dynamic,
			'pool' : addr_type['pool'] if addr_type.has_key('pool') else None,
			'owners_list' : kw['owners_list'], 
			'network' : (kw['network'] if kw.has_key('network') and kw['network'] else None),
			'add_host_to_my_group' : False,
			'address' : (kw['ip'] if kw.has_key('ip') else None),
			'dhcp_group': (kw['dhcp_group'] if kw.has_key('dhcp_group') and kw['dhcp_group'] else None),
		self.redirect('/hosts/search/?q=%s' % misc.fix_mac(mac))
Exemple #4
	def host_info(self, mac, wrap=True):
		# Confirm user authentication

		if wrap in ['0','f','False','no']:
			wrap = False

		# FIXME: it would be useful to get permissions on this host
		vals = {}
		print "get_hosts"
		host = self.webservice.get_hosts({'mac':mac})
		if len(host) != 1:
			raise Exception("Invalid host: %s (%r)" % (mac,host) )
		host = host[0]
		host['clean_mac'] = misc.fix_mac(host['mac'])
		vals['host'] = host
		vals['owners'] = self.webservice.find_ownernames_of_host({'mac':mac})
		vals['attributes'] = self.webservice.get_attributes_to_hosts({'mac':mac})
		vals['leased'] = self.webservice.get_leases({'mac':mac})
		vals['static'] = self.webservice.get_addresses({'mac':mac})
		vals['addresses'] = [ a['address'] for a in vals['static'] + vals['leased'] ]
		vals['pools'] = self.webservice.get_hosts_to_pools({'mac':mac}) ###

		if host['disabled']:
			vals['disabled'] = self.webservice.get_disabled( {'mac':mac} )[0]

		vals['dns_records'] = self.webservice.get_dns_records({'mac':mac,'order_by':'tid,name,ip_content,text_content'})
		vals['enable_gul'] = frontend.enable_gul

		if frontend.enable_gul:
			vals['arp_bymac'] = self.webservice.get_gul_recent_arp_bymac({'mac':mac})
			gul_byaddr = []
			addrlist = [ addr['address'] for addr in vals['static']+vals['leased'] ]
			gul_byaddr = self.webservice.get_gul_recent_arp_byaddress({'address':addrlist})

			byaddr = {}
			for i in gul_byaddr:
				if i.has_key('address'):
					byaddr[i['address']] = i
					print "No address field: %r" % i
			for addr in addrlist:
				if not byaddr.has_key(addr):
					byaddr[addr] = {'address':addr,'stopstamp':'no data','mac':'',}
			vals['arp_byaddress'] = byaddr

		filename = '%s/templates/host_info.tmpl'%frontend.static_dir

		if wrap:
			return self.__template.wrap(leftcontent=self.get_leftnav(), filename=filename, values=vals)
		return str(framework.Template(file=filename, searchList=vals))
Exemple #5
	def get_hosts_table(self, gid):
		'''Returns the table HTML
		@param gid: the database group id:'''
		text = []
		# Query the database
		hosts= self.webservice.get_hosts( { 'gid' : gid } )
		if not hosts:
			return "<p>This group does not contain any hosts.</p>"

		# The template HTML for every item
		item_template = '''<tr class="info" id="host%(clean_mac)s">
							<td class="actions">
								<a href="javascript:;" id="delHost%(clean_mac)s" onclick="confirmHostRemove('%(clean_mac)s'); return false;">Remove</a>
		# Go through the query and make the table HTML using the template
		for host in hosts:
			host['gid'] = gid
			host['clean_mac'] = misc.fix_mac(host['mac'])
			text.append(item_template % (host))
		# Combine all the parts into the table
		hosts_html = '''
				<table class="infoTable">
							<th width="25%%">Hostname</th>
							<th>Ethernet Address</th>
				''' % ''.join(text)
		return hosts_html
Exemple #6
	def get_results_table(self, search, gid):
		'''Returns the table of search results'''
		hosts = ''
		rows = []
		if len(search):
			hosts = self.webservice.get_hosts({ 'hostname' : '%%%s%%' % search, 'limit' : HOSTS_LIMIT })
			used_hosts_temp = self.webservice.get_hosts({ 'gid' : gid })
			# Put all used host names into a list for comparison
			used_hosts = []
			for host in used_hosts_temp:
		if not hosts:
			return '<p class="noResults">No hosts found.</p>'
			# The template HTML for every entry
			# If you change the <span id="add#"> below, be sure to update the regex in the table compliation below
			item_template = '''<tr class="info" id="host%(clean_mac)s">
								<td class="actions">
									<span id="add%(clean_mac)s">
										<a href="javascript:;" id="addLink%(clean_mac)s" onclick="addHostToGroup('%(clean_mac)s'); return false;">Add to group</a>
			# Go through the query and make the table HTML using the template
			table_html = ''
			for host in hosts:
				host['clean_mac'] = misc.fix_mac(host['mac'])
				host['gid'] = gid

				if host['hostname'] in used_hosts:
					# This host already belongs to this group, so don't allow the user to select it (ie. remove the span containing the links)
					# FIXME: this regex could be better ... 
					regex = re.compile('(<span).*?(<\\/span>)', re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
					rows.append(regex.sub('Already in group', (item_template % host)))
					# This host doesn't belong to this group yet, so keep all the normal links
					rows.append(item_template % (host))
			limit = ''
			if len(hosts) == HOSTS_LIMIT:
				limit = '<div class="message"><div>Search results truncated to %s results. Try making your search more specific.</div></div>' % HOSTS_LIMIT
			# Combine all the parts into the table
			info = '''%s
					<input type="hidden" id="gid" value="%s" />
					<table class="infoTable">
								<th width="25%%">Hostname</th>
								<th>Ethernet Address</th>
								<th class="actions">&nbsp;</th>
					''' % (limit, gid, ''.join(rows), limit)
			return info
Exemple #7
    def get_results_table(self, search, gid):
        '''Returns the table of search results'''

        hosts = ''
        rows = []
        HOSTS_LIMIT = 250

        if len(search):
            hosts = self.webservice.get_hosts({
                'hostname': '%%%s%%' % search,
                'limit': HOSTS_LIMIT
            used_hosts_temp = self.webservice.get_hosts({'gid': gid})

            # Put all used host names into a list for comparison
            used_hosts = []
            for host in used_hosts_temp:

        if not hosts:
            return '<p class="noResults">No hosts found.</p>'
            # The template HTML for every entry
            # If you change the <span id="add#"> below, be sure to update the regex in the table compliation below
            item_template = '''<tr class="info" id="host%(clean_mac)s">
								<td class="actions">
									<span id="add%(clean_mac)s">
										<a href="javascript:;" id="addLink%(clean_mac)s" onclick="addHostToGroup('%(clean_mac)s'); return false;">Add to group</a>

            # Go through the query and make the table HTML using the template
            table_html = ''
            for host in hosts:
                host['clean_mac'] = misc.fix_mac(host['mac'])
                host['gid'] = gid

                if host['hostname'] in used_hosts:
                    # This host already belongs to this group, so don't allow the user to select it (ie. remove the span containing the links)
                    # FIXME: this regex could be better ...
                    regex = re.compile('(<span).*?(<\\/span>)',
                                       re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
                        regex.sub('Already in group', (item_template % host)))
                    # This host doesn't belong to this group yet, so keep all the normal links
                    rows.append(item_template % (host))

            limit = ''
            if len(hosts) == HOSTS_LIMIT:
                limit = '<div class="message"><div>Search results truncated to %s results. Try making your search more specific.</div></div>' % HOSTS_LIMIT

            # Combine all the parts into the table
            info = '''%s
					<input type="hidden" id="gid" value="%s" />
					<table class="infoTable">
								<th width="25%%">Hostname</th>
								<th>Ethernet Address</th>
								<th class="actions">&nbsp;</th>
					''' % (limit, gid, ''.join(rows), limit)

            return info