Exemple #1
def get_cover_id(olkeys):
    """Return the first cover from the list of ol keys."""
    for olkey in olkeys:
        doc = ol_get(olkey)
        if not doc:
        is_author = doc['key'].startswith("/authors")
        covers = doc.get('photos' if is_author else 'covers', [])
        # Sometimes covers is stored as [None] or [-1] to indicate no covers.
        # If so, consider there are no covers.
        if covers and (covers[0] or -1) >= 0:
            return covers[0]
Exemple #2
def get_cover_id(olkeys):
    """Return the first cover from the list of ol keys."""
    for olkey in olkeys:
        doc = ol_get(olkey)
        if not doc:

        if doc['key'].startswith("/authors"):
            covers = doc.get('photos', [])
            covers = doc.get('covers', [])

        # Sometimes covers is stored as [-1] to indicate no covers. Consider it as no covers.
        if covers and covers[0] >= 0:
            return covers[0]