Exemple #1
def test_ycylinder():
    x, z, r = 3, 5, 2
    s = openmc.YCylinder(x0=x, z0=z, r=r)
    assert s.x0 == x
    assert s.z0 == z
    assert s.r == r

    # Check bounding box
    ll, ur = (+s).bounding_box
    assert np.all(np.isinf(ll))
    assert np.all(np.isinf(ur))
    ll, ur = (-s).bounding_box
    assert ll == pytest.approx((x - r, -np.inf, z - r))
    assert ur == pytest.approx((x + r, np.inf, z + r))

    # evaluate method
    assert s.evaluate((x, 0, z)) == pytest.approx(-r**2)

    # translate method
    st = s.translate((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
    assert st.x0 == s.x0 + 1
    assert st.z0 == s.z0 + 1
    assert st.r == s.r

    # rotate method
    sr = s.rotate((90, 90, 90))
    R = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]])
    assert sr._origin == pytest.approx(R @ s._origin)
    assert sr._axis == pytest.approx(R @ s._axis)
    # test passing in rotation matrix
    sr2 = s.rotate(R)
    assert sr2._get_base_coeffs() == pytest.approx(sr._get_base_coeffs())

    # Make sure repr works
def centers_y_cylinder():
    cylinder = openmc.YCylinder(r=1, x0=1, z0=2)
    min_y = openmc.YPlane(0)
    max_y = openmc.YPlane(1)
    region = +min_y & -max_y & -cylinder
    return openmc.model.pack_spheres(radius=_RADIUS,
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, center_base, height, radius, axis='z', **kwargs):
     cx, cy, cz = center_base
     check_greater_than('cylinder height', height, 0.0)
     check_greater_than('cylinder radius', radius, 0.0)
     check_value('cylinder axis', axis, ('x', 'y', 'z'))
     if axis == 'x':
         self.cyl = openmc.XCylinder(y0=cy, z0=cz, r=radius, **kwargs)
         self.bottom = openmc.XPlane(x0=cx, **kwargs)
         self.top = openmc.XPlane(x0=cx + height, **kwargs)
     elif axis == 'y':
         self.cyl = openmc.YCylinder(x0=cx, z0=cz, r=radius, **kwargs)
         self.bottom = openmc.YPlane(y0=cy, **kwargs)
         self.top = openmc.YPlane(y0=cy + height, **kwargs)
     elif axis == 'z':
         self.cyl = openmc.ZCylinder(x0=cx, y0=cy, r=radius, **kwargs)
         self.bottom = openmc.ZPlane(z0=cz, **kwargs)
         self.top = openmc.ZPlane(z0=cz + height, **kwargs)
def test_ycylinder():
    x, z, r = 3, 5, 2
    s = openmc.YCylinder(x0=x, z0=z, r=r)
    assert s.x0 == x
    assert s.z0 == z
    assert s.r == r

    # Check bounding box
    ll, ur = (+s).bounding_box
    assert np.all(np.isinf(ll))
    assert np.all(np.isinf(ur))
    ll, ur = (-s).bounding_box
    assert ll == pytest.approx((x-r, -np.inf, z-r))
    assert ur == pytest.approx((x+r, np.inf, z+r))

    # evaluate method
    assert s.evaluate((x, 0, z)) == pytest.approx(-r**2)

    # translate method
    st = s.translate((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
    assert st.x0 == s.x0 + 1
    assert st.z0 == s.z0 + 1
    assert st.r == s.r
Exemple #5
def get_openmc_surface(opencg_surface):
    """Return an OpenMC surface corresponding to an OpenCG surface.

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface

    openmc_surface : openmc.surface.Surface
        Equivalent OpenMC surface


    if not isinstance(opencg_surface, opencg.Surface):
        msg = 'Unable to create an OpenMC Surface from "{0}" which ' \
              'is not an OpenCG Surface'.format(opencg_surface)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    global openmc_surface
    surface_id = opencg_surface._id

    # If this Surface was already created, use it
    if surface_id in OPENMC_SURFACES:
        return OPENMC_SURFACES[surface_id]

    # Create an OpenMC Surface to represent this OpenCG Surface
    name = opencg_surface._name

    # Correct for OpenMC's syntax for Surfaces dividing Cells
    boundary = opencg_surface._boundary_type
    if boundary == 'interface':
        boundary = 'transmission'

    if opencg_surface._type == 'plane':
        A = opencg_surface._coeffs['A']
        B = opencg_surface._coeffs['B']
        C = opencg_surface._coeffs['C']
        D = opencg_surface._coeffs['D']
        openmc_surface = openmc.Plane(surface_id, boundary, A, B, C, D, name)

    elif opencg_surface._type == 'x-plane':
        x0 = opencg_surface._coeffs['x0']
        openmc_surface = openmc.XPlane(surface_id, boundary, x0, name)

    elif opencg_surface._type == 'y-plane':
        y0 = opencg_surface._coeffs['y0']
        openmc_surface = openmc.YPlane(surface_id, boundary, y0, name)

    elif opencg_surface._type == 'z-plane':
        z0 = opencg_surface._coeffs['z0']
        openmc_surface = openmc.ZPlane(surface_id, boundary, z0, name)

    elif opencg_surface._type == 'x-cylinder':
        y0 = opencg_surface._coeffs['y0']
        z0 = opencg_surface._coeffs['z0']
        R = opencg_surface._coeffs['R']
        openmc_surface = openmc.XCylinder(surface_id, boundary, y0, z0, R,

    elif opencg_surface._type == 'y-cylinder':
        x0 = opencg_surface._coeffs['x0']
        z0 = opencg_surface._coeffs['z0']
        R = opencg_surface._coeffs['R']
        openmc_surface = openmc.YCylinder(surface_id, boundary, x0, z0, R,

    elif opencg_surface._type == 'z-cylinder':
        x0 = opencg_surface._coeffs['x0']
        y0 = opencg_surface._coeffs['y0']
        R = opencg_surface._coeffs['R']
        openmc_surface = openmc.ZCylinder(surface_id, boundary, x0, y0, R,

        msg = 'Unable to create an OpenMC Surface from an OpenCG ' \
              'Surface of type "{0}" since it is not a compatible ' \
              'Surface type in OpenMC'.format(opencg_surface._type)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Add the OpenMC Surface to the global collection of all OpenMC Surfaces
    OPENMC_SURFACES[surface_id] = openmc_surface

    # Add the OpenCG Surface to the global collection of all OpenCG Surfaces
    OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id] = opencg_surface

    return openmc_surface
Exemple #6
def generate_model(sol_temp=303., sol_conc=0.299, U_enrch=0.1467, cr_wd=0.1):
    sol_atom_densities = BoilerAtomDensities(enrich=U_enrch,

    sol = openmc.Material(name='sol')
    sol.add_element('H', sol_atom_densities['H'], percent_type='ao')
    sol.add_element('O', sol_atom_densities['O'], percent_type='ao')
    sol.add_element('S', sol_atom_densities['S'], percent_type='ao')
    sol.add_nuclide('U234', sol_atom_densities['U234'], percent_type='ao')
    sol.add_nuclide('U235', sol_atom_densities['U235'], percent_type='ao')
    sol.add_nuclide('U238', sol_atom_densities['U238'], percent_type='ao')

    ad_tot = 0.
    for key in sol_atom_densities:
        ad_tot += sol_atom_densities[key]

    sol.set_density('atom/b-cm', ad_tot)

    brass = openmc.Material(name='brass')
    brass.add_element('Fe', 0.001002)
    brass.add_element('Cu', 0.674918)
    brass.add_element('Zn', 0.320956)
    brass.add_element('Sn', 0.001451)
    brass.add_element('Pb', 0.001673)
    brass.set_density('g/cc', 8.070)

    cadmium = openmc.Material(name='cadmium')
    cadmium.add_element('Cd', 1.0)
    cadmium.set_density('g/cc', 8.65)

    shell = openmc.Material(name='shell')
    shell.add_element('C', 0.003659)
    shell.add_element('Si', 0.019559)
    shell.add_element('P', 0.000798)
    shell.add_element('S', 0.000514)
    shell.add_element('Cr', 0.179602)
    shell.add_element('Mn', 0.019998)
    shell.add_element('Fe', 0.669338)
    shell.add_element('Ni', 0.102952)
    shell.add_element('Nb', 0.002365)
    shell.add_element('Ta', 0.001214)
    shell.set_density('g/cc', 8.0)

    beryl_ref = openmc.Material(name='beryl_ref')
    beryl_ref.add_element('O', 6.6210e-2)
    beryl_ref.add_element('Be', 6.6210e-2)
    beryl_ref.add_element('B', 3.0637e-7)
    beryl_ref.add_element('Co', 5.6202e-7)
    beryl_ref.add_element('Ag', 3.0706e-8)
    beryl_ref.add_element('Cd', 7.3662e-8)
    beryl_ref.add_element('In', 1.4423e-8)
    beryl_ref.set_density('g/cc', 2.75)

    grph = openmc.Material(name='grph')
    grph.add_element('C', 0.999999)
    grph.add_element('B', 0.000001)
    grph.set_density('g/cc', 1.7)

    air = openmc.Material(name='air')
    air.add_element('C', 0.000150)
    air.add_element('N', 0.784431)
    air.add_element('O', 0.210748)
    air.add_element('Ar', 0.004671)
    air.set_density('g/cc', 0.001205)

    materials = openmc.Materials(
        [sol, shell, beryl_ref, grph, air, brass, cadmium])

    rx_origin = [0., 76.3214, 0.]
    ref_sphere = openmc.Sphere(y0=rx_origin[1], r=47.4210)
    tank_o = openmc.Sphere(y0=rx_origin[1], r=15.3614)
    tank_i = openmc.Sphere(y0=rx_origin[1], r=15.282)
    graph_base_cyl = openmc.YCylinder(r=47.4210)
    #fill_drain_cav = openmc.YCylinder(r=4.445/2.);
    fill_drain_o = openmc.YCylinder(r=2.06375)
    fill_drain_i = openmc.YCylinder(r=1.905)
    plate_plane = openmc.YPlane(y0=0.)
    base_plane = openmc.YPlane(y0=34.4114)
    sphere_center_plane = openmc.YPlane(y0=rx_origin[1])
    upper_plane = openmc.YPlane(y0=118.2314)
    bbox = openmc.model.RightCircularCylinder([0., -10., 0.],

    # surfaces for the control rod
    rod_channel_bottom = 118.2314 - 76.20

    cr_cyl = openmc.YCylinder(x0=-18.891, z0=0., r=1.42875)
    cr_cyl_bottom = openmc.YPlane(y0=rod_channel_bottom)

    # surfaces for the safety rod
    sr_right = openmc.XPlane(x0=17.3664)
    sr_left = openmc.XPlane(x0=15.4614)
    sr_front = openmc.ZPlane(z0=7.62 / 2.)
    sr_back = openmc.ZPlane(z0=-7.62 / 2.)

    # top plane for cr/sr
    rod_channel_top = openmc.YPlane(y0=200.)
    rod_length = 76.20

    #sr_wd = 76.20;# cm, distance from fully inserted

    cr_bottom = openmc.YPlane(y0=(rod_channel_bottom + cr_wd))
    cr_top = openmc.YPlane(y0=(rod_channel_bottom + cr_wd + rod_length))

    #sr_bottom = openmc.YPlane(y0=(rod_channel_bottom+sr_wd));
    #sr_top = openmc.YPlane(y0=(rod_channel_bottom+sr_wd+rod_length));

    cr_brass_o = openmc.YCylinder(x0=-18.891, z0=0., r=0.9525)
    cr_brass_i = openmc.YCylinder(x0=-18.891, z0=0., r=0.7000)
    cr_cd_o = openmc.YCylinder(x0=-18.891, z0=0.0, r=1.03375)

    core = openmc.Cell()
    core.fill = sol
    core.region = (-tank_i) | (-fill_drain_i) & -bbox

    steel_tank_and_pipe = openmc.Cell()
    steel_tank_and_pipe.fill = shell
    #steel_tank_and_pipe.region = (+tank_i & -tank_o & ~(-fill_drain_i)) | \
    #                             (+fill_drain_i & -fill_drain_o & +tank_i) & -bbox
    steel_tank_and_pipe.region = (+tank_i & -tank_o & ~(-fill_drain_i)) | \
                                 (+fill_drain_i & -fill_drain_o & +tank_i) & -bbox

    # make a universe for the control rod
    cr_brass = openmc.Cell()
    cr_brass.fill = brass
    cr_brass.region = +cr_brass_i & -cr_brass_o & +cr_bottom & -cr_top

    cr_cd = openmc.Cell()
    cr_cd.fill = cadmium
    cr_cd.region = +cr_brass_o & -cr_cd_o & +cr_bottom & -cr_top

    cr_air = openmc.Cell()
    cr_air.fill = air
    cr_air.region = +cr_cyl_bottom & -rod_channel_top & -cr_cyl & ~cr_cd.region & ~cr_brass.region

    cr_univ = openmc.Universe()
    cr_univ.add_cells([cr_brass, cr_cd, cr_air])

    cr = openmc.Cell()
    cr.fill = cr_univ
    cr.region = -cr_cyl & +cr_cyl_bottom & -rod_channel_top

    sr = openmc.Cell()
    sr.fill = air
    sr.region = +sr_left & -sr_right & +cr_cyl_bottom & -upper_plane & -sr_front & +sr_back

    ref = openmc.Cell()
    ref.fill = beryl_ref
    ref.region = ((+tank_o & +fill_drain_o) & -ref_sphere & +base_plane
                  & -upper_plane) & ~cr.region & ~sr.region

    outside = openmc.Cell()
    outside.fill = air
    outside.region = -bbox & (+graph_base_cyl | (+ref_sphere & -upper_plane) |
                              (+upper_plane & +fill_drain_o & ~cr.region))

    graph_base = openmc.Cell()
    graph_base.fill = grph
    graph_base.region = (
        (-graph_base_cyl & +plate_plane & -base_plane & +fill_drain_o) |
        (-graph_base_cyl & +ref_sphere & +base_plane & -sphere_center_plane))
    root = openmc.Universe()
        [graph_base, ref, core, steel_tank_and_pipe, outside, cr, sr])

    geometry = openmc.Geometry()
    geometry.root_universe = root

    cell_filter = openmc.CellFilter(core)
    N = 1001
    energy_bins = np.logspace(-3, 7, num=N)
    energy_filter = openmc.EnergyFilter(values=energy_bins)

    abs_core = openmc.Tally(name='abs_core')
    abs_core.scores = ['absorption']
    abs_core.filters = [cell_filter, energy_filter]

    fission = openmc.Tally(name='fission')
    fission.scores = ['fission']
    fission.filters = [cell_filter, energy_filter]

    fission_by_nuclide = openmc.Tally(name='fission_by_nuclide')
    fission_by_nuclide.scores = ['fission']
    fission_by_nuclide.nuclides = ['U234', 'U235', 'U238']
    fission_by_nuclide.filters = [cell_filter, energy_filter]

    capture = openmc.Tally(name='capture')
    capture.scores = ['(n,gamma)']
    capture.filters = [cell_filter, energy_filter]

    capture_by_nuclide = openmc.Tally(name='capture_by_nuclide')
    capture_by_nuclide.scores = ['(n,gamma)']
    capture_by_nuclide.nuclides = ['U234', 'U238', 'H1', 'O16', 'S32']
    capture_by_nuclide.filters = [cell_filter, energy_filter]

    flux = openmc.Tally(name='flux')
    flux.scores = ['flux']
    flux.filters = [cell_filter, energy_filter]

    tallies = openmc.Tallies([
        abs_core, flux, fission, capture, fission_by_nuclide,

    settings = openmc.Settings()
    settings.batches = 100
    settings.inactive = 20
    settings.particles = 5000

    R = 15.
    y_org = 76.3214

    bounds = [-R, -R + y_org, -R, R, R + y_org, R]
    uniform_dist = openmc.stats.Box(bounds[:3],
    settings.source = openmc.source.Source(space=uniform_dist)


    return materials, geometry, tallies, settings
Exemple #7
    def _read_surfaces(self):
        self.n_surfaces = self._f['geometry/n_surfaces'].value

        # Initialize dictionary for each Surface
        # Keys     - Surface keys
        # Values   - Surfacee objects
        self.surfaces = {}

        for key in self._f['geometry/surfaces'].keys():
            if key == 'n_surfaces':

            surface_id = int(key.lstrip('surface '))
            index = self._f['geometry/surfaces'][key]['index'].value
            name = self._f['geometry/surfaces'][key]['name'].value.decode()
            surf_type = self._f['geometry/surfaces'][key]['type'].value.decode(
            bc = self._f['geometry/surfaces'][key][
            coeffs = self._f['geometry/surfaces'][key]['coefficients'][...]

            # Create the Surface based on its type
            if surf_type == 'x-plane':
                x0 = coeffs[0]
                surface = openmc.XPlane(surface_id, bc, x0, name)

            elif surf_type == 'y-plane':
                y0 = coeffs[0]
                surface = openmc.YPlane(surface_id, bc, y0, name)

            elif surf_type == 'z-plane':
                z0 = coeffs[0]
                surface = openmc.ZPlane(surface_id, bc, z0, name)

            elif surf_type == 'plane':
                A = coeffs[0]
                B = coeffs[1]
                C = coeffs[2]
                D = coeffs[3]
                surface = openmc.Plane(surface_id, bc, A, B, C, D, name)

            elif surf_type == 'x-cylinder':
                y0 = coeffs[0]
                z0 = coeffs[1]
                R = coeffs[2]
                surface = openmc.XCylinder(surface_id, bc, y0, z0, R, name)

            elif surf_type == 'y-cylinder':
                x0 = coeffs[0]
                z0 = coeffs[1]
                R = coeffs[2]
                surface = openmc.YCylinder(surface_id, bc, x0, z0, R, name)

            elif surf_type == 'z-cylinder':
                x0 = coeffs[0]
                y0 = coeffs[1]
                R = coeffs[2]
                surface = openmc.ZCylinder(surface_id, bc, x0, y0, R, name)

            elif surf_type == 'sphere':
                x0 = coeffs[0]
                y0 = coeffs[1]
                z0 = coeffs[2]
                R = coeffs[3]
                surface = openmc.Sphere(surface_id, bc, x0, y0, z0, R, name)

            elif surf_type in ['x-cone', 'y-cone', 'z-cone']:
                x0 = coeffs[0]
                y0 = coeffs[1]
                z0 = coeffs[2]
                R2 = coeffs[3]

                if surf_type == 'x-cone':
                    surface = openmc.XCone(surface_id, bc, x0, y0, z0, R2,
                if surf_type == 'y-cone':
                    surface = openmc.YCone(surface_id, bc, x0, y0, z0, R2,
                if surf_type == 'z-cone':
                    surface = openmc.ZCone(surface_id, bc, x0, y0, z0, R2,

            elif surf_type == 'quadric':
                a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k = coeffs
                surface = openmc.Quadric(surface_id, bc, a, b, c, d, e, f, g,
                                         h, j, k, name)

            # Add Surface to global dictionary of all Surfaces
            self.surfaces[index] = surface
def get_openmc_surface(opencg_surface):
    """Return an OpenMC surface corresponding to an OpenCG surface.

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface

    openmc_surface : openmc.surface.Surface
        Equivalent OpenMC surface


    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)

    surface_id = opencg_surface.id

    # If this Surface was already created, use it
    if surface_id in OPENMC_SURFACES:
        return OPENMC_SURFACES[surface_id]

    # Create an OpenMC Surface to represent this OpenCG Surface
    name = opencg_surface.name

    # Correct for OpenMC's syntax for Surfaces dividing Cells
    boundary = opencg_surface.boundary_type
    if boundary == 'interface':
        boundary = 'transmission'

    if opencg_surface.type == 'plane':
        A = opencg_surface.a
        B = opencg_surface.b
        C = opencg_surface.c
        D = opencg_surface.d
        openmc_surface = openmc.Plane(surface_id, boundary, A, B, C, D, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'x-plane':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        openmc_surface = openmc.XPlane(surface_id, boundary, x0, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'y-plane':
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        openmc_surface = openmc.YPlane(surface_id, boundary, y0, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'z-plane':
        z0 = opencg_surface.z0
        openmc_surface = openmc.ZPlane(surface_id, boundary, z0, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'x-cylinder':
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        z0 = opencg_surface.z0
        R = opencg_surface.r
        openmc_surface = openmc.XCylinder(surface_id, boundary, y0, z0, R,

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'y-cylinder':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        z0 = opencg_surface.z0
        R = opencg_surface.r
        openmc_surface = openmc.YCylinder(surface_id, boundary, x0, z0, R,

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'z-cylinder':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        R = opencg_surface.r
        openmc_surface = openmc.ZCylinder(surface_id, boundary, x0, y0, R,

        msg = 'Unable to create an OpenMC Surface from an OpenCG ' \
              'Surface of type "{0}" since it is not a compatible ' \
              'Surface type in OpenMC'.format(opencg_surface.type)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Add the OpenMC Surface to the global collection of all OpenMC Surfaces
    OPENMC_SURFACES[surface_id] = openmc_surface

    # Add the OpenCG Surface to the global collection of all OpenCG Surfaces
    OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id] = opencg_surface

    return openmc_surface
import openmc

# Geometry
ground_sphere = openmc.Sphere(0, -100.5, 0, 100, boundary_type='vacuum')

cyl = openmc.YCylinder(0, -1, 0.5, boundary_type='vacuum')
ymax = openmc.YPlane(1.0, boundary_type='vacuum')
ymin = openmc.YPlane(0.3, boundary_type='vacuum')
top_cap = openmc.Sphere(0, 1.0, -1, 0.5, boundary_type='vacuum')
bottom_cap = openmc.Sphere(0, 0.3, -1, 0.5, boundary_type='vacuum')
ground_cell = openmc.Cell(region=-ground_sphere)

pill = openmc.Cell(region=((-cyl & -ymax & +ymin) | -top_cap | -bottom_cap))
another_sphere = openmc.Sphere(-1.5, 0.5, -1.0, 0.5, boundary_type='vacuum')
another_sphere_cell = openmc.Cell(region=-another_sphere)

ycone = openmc.YCone(1.5, 1.0, -1, 0.5, boundary_type='vacuum')
cone_cell = openmc.Cell(region=(-ycone & -ymax & +ymin))

geometry = openmc.Geometry([ground_cell, pill, another_sphere_cell, cone_cell])

# Placeholder materials file

# Minimal settings
settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.particles = 500
settings.batches = 10
settings.inactive = 1
fuel.add_nuclide('U235', 1.2377e-4)
fuel.add_nuclide('U236', 1.2085e-6)
fuel.add_nuclide('U238', 2.3508e-3)
fuel.set_density('atom/b-cm', 9.6726E-02)
fuel.temperature = 300

mats = openmc.Materials([ss304, air, fuel])

yp1 = openmc.YPlane(y0=-40.0)
yp2 = openmc.YPlane(y0=-37.1425)
yp3 = openmc.YPlane(y0=7.6575)
yp4 = openmc.YPlane(y0=39.375)
yp5 = openmc.YPlane(y0=41.28)
yc6 = openmc.YCylinder(x0=0, z0=0, R=2.54)
yc7 = openmc.YCylinder(x0=0, z0=0, R=3.175)
yc8 = openmc.YCylinder(x0=0, z0=0, R=24.4475)
yc9 = openmc.YCylinder(x0=0, z0=0, R=25.4)
sph = openmc.Sphere(R=60.0)
sph.boundary_type = 'vacuum'

cell1 = openmc.Cell()
cell1.region = +yp1 & -yp5 & -yc6
cell1.fill = air

cell2 = openmc.Cell()
cell2.region = +yc6 & +yp1 & -yp2 & -yc9
cell2.fill = ss304

cell3 = openmc.Cell()