def test_warm_start(self):
        # create metamodel with warm_restart = True
        meta = MetaModel()
        meta.add_param('x1', 0.)
        meta.add_param('x2', 0.)
        meta.add_output('y1', 0.)
        meta.add_output('y2', 0.)
        meta.default_surrogate = ResponseSurface()
        meta.warm_restart = True

        # add to problem
        prob = Problem(Group())
        prob.root.add('meta', meta)

        # provide initial training data
        prob['meta.train:x1'] = [1.0, 3.0]
        prob['meta.train:x2'] = [1.0, 4.0]
        prob['meta.train:y1'] = [3.0, 1.0]
        prob['meta.train:y2'] = [1.0, 7.0]

        # run against a data point and check result
        prob['meta.x1'] = 2.0
        prob['meta.x2'] = 3.0

        assert_rel_error(self, prob['meta.y1'], 1.9085, .001)
        assert_rel_error(self, prob['meta.y2'], 3.9203, .001)

        # Add 3rd training point, moves the estimate for that point
        # back to where it should be.
        prob['meta.train:x1'] = [2.0]
        prob['meta.train:x2'] = [3.0]
        prob['meta.train:y1'] = [2.0]
        prob['meta.train:y2'] = [4.0]

        meta.train = True  # currently need to tell meta to re-train
        assert_rel_error(self, prob['meta.y1'], 2.0, .00001)
        assert_rel_error(self, prob['meta.y2'], 4.0, .00001)