Exemple #1
        class Top(Assembly):

            Src = VarTree(VTINputs(), iotype='in')
            Targ = VarTree(VTINputs(), iotype='out')

            def configure(self):
Exemple #2
        class MyComp(Component):
            ins = VarTree(tree(), iotype='in')
            outs = VarTree(tree(), iotype='out')

            def execute(self):
                self.outs = self.ins.copy()
                self.outs.z = 2.0*self.ins.x
Exemple #3
class TstComponent(Component):
    dummy_data = VarTree(TstContainer(), iotype='in')
    dummy_data_out = VarTree(TstContainer(), iotype='out')
    dummyin = Float(iotype='in')

    def execute(self):
        self.dummy_data_out = self.dummy_data.copy()
Exemple #4
class CompWithVarTreeSubTree(Component):

    ins = VarTree(TreeWithSubTree(), iotype="in")
    outs = VarTree(TreeWithFloat2(), iotype="out")
    outs2 = VarTree(TreeWithSubTree(), iotype="out")
    z = Float(iotype='out')

    def execute(self):

        self.outs.z = 2 * self.ins.x.x1 + 3 * self.ins.x.x2 + 4 * self.ins.y
        self.z = self.outs.z

    def provideJ(self):

        self.J = ones((2, 3))
        self.J[:, 0] *= 2
        self.J[:, 1] *= 3
        self.J[:, 2] *= 4
        return self.J

    def list_deriv_vars(self):
        ins = ('ins.x.x1', 'ins.x.x2', 'ins.y')
        outs = ('outs.z', 'z')

        return ins, outs
class VTComp(Component):
    vtree_in = VarTree(TstVtree(), iotype='in')
    vtree_out = VarTree(TstVtree(), iotype='out')

    def execute(self):
        self.vtree_out.floatval = self.vtree_in.floatval
        self.vtree_out.floatval2 = self.vtree_in.floatval2
class CompWithVarTreeSubTree(Component):
    ins = VarTree(TreeWithSubTree(), iotype="in")
    outs = VarTree(TreeWithSubTree(), iotype="out")

    def execute(self):
        self.outs.x = 2.0 * self.ins.x + 3.0 * self.ins.sub.x
        self.outs.sub.x = 4.0 * self.ins.x + 1.0 * self.ins.sub.x
Exemple #7
def common_io(assembly, varspeed, varpitch):

    regulated = varspeed or varpitch

    # add inputs
    assembly.add('npts_coarse_power_curve', Int(20, iotype='in', desc='number of points to evaluate aero analysis at'))
    assembly.add('npts_spline_power_curve', Int(200, iotype='in', desc='number of points to use in fitting spline to power curve'))
    assembly.add('AEP_loss_factor', Float(1.0, iotype='in', desc='availability and other losses (soiling, array, etc.)'))
    if varspeed:
        assembly.add('control', VarTree(VarSpeedMachine(), iotype='in', desc='control parameters'))
        assembly.add('control', VarTree(FixedSpeedMachine(), iotype='in', desc='control parameters'))

    # add slots (must replace)
    assembly.add('geom', Slot(GeomtrySetupBase))
    assembly.add('analysis', Slot(AeroBase))
    assembly.add('dt', Slot(DrivetrainLossesBase))
    assembly.add('cdf', Slot(CDFBase))

    # add outputs
    assembly.add('AEP', Float(iotype='out', units='kW*h', desc='annual energy production'))
    assembly.add('V', Array(iotype='out', units='m/s', desc='wind speeds (power curve)'))
    assembly.add('P', Array(iotype='out', units='W', desc='power (power curve)'))
    assembly.add('diameter', Float(iotype='out', units='m', desc='rotor diameter'))
    if regulated:
        assembly.add('ratedConditions', VarTree(RatedConditions(), iotype='out'))
Exemple #8
class BEMPerf(Component):
    """collects data from set of BladeElements and calculates aggregate values"""

    r = Float(.8, iotype="in", desc="tip radius of the rotor", units="m")
    rpm = Float(2100,
                desc="rotations per minute",

    free_stream = VarTree(FlowConditions(), iotype="in")

    data = VarTree(BEMPerfData(), iotype="out")

    #this lets the size of the arrays vary for different numbers of elements
    def __init__(self, n=10):
        super(BEMPerf, self).__init__()

        #array size based on number of elements
                  desc='thrusts from %d different blade elements' % n,
                  default_value=np.ones((n, )),
                  shape=(n, ),
                  desc='Cp integrant points from %d different blade elements' %
                  default_value=np.ones((n, )),
                  shape=(n, ),
                  desc='lambda_r from %d different blade elements' % n,
                  default_value=np.ones((n, )),
                  shape=(n, ),

    def execute(self):
        self.data = BEMPerfData()  # empty the variable tree

        V_inf = self.free_stream.V
        rho = self.free_stream.rho

        norm = (.5 * rho * (V_inf**2) * (pi * self.r**2))
        self.data.Ct = np.trapz(self.delta_Ct, x=self.lambda_r)
        self.data.net_thrust = self.data.Ct * norm

        self.data.Cp = np.trapz(self.delta_Cp,
                                x=self.lambda_r) * 8. / self.lambda_r.max()**2
        self.data.net_power = self.data.Cp * norm * V_inf

        self.data.J = V_inf / (self.rpm / 60.0 * 2 * self.r)
class InandOutTree(Component):
    zzz = Float(iotype='out', desc='nonvartree', units='ft')

    ins = VarTree(InVtree(), iotype='in')
    outs = VarTree(OutVtree(), iotype='out')

    def execute(self):
        self.outs.x = 2 * self.ins.a
        self.outs.y = 2 * self.ins.a + self.ins.b
Exemple #10
class SimpleComp(Component):
    cont_in = VarTree(DumbVT(), iotype='in')
    cont_out = VarTree(DumbVT(), iotype='out')

    def execute(self):
        self.cont_out.v1 = self.cont_in.v1 + 1.0
        self.cont_out.v2 = self.cont_in.v2 + 1.0
        self.cont_out.vt2.x = self.cont_in.vt2.x + 1.0
        self.cont_out.vt2.y = self.cont_in.vt2.y + 1.0
        self.cont_out.vt2.vt3.a = self.cont_in.vt2.vt3.a
        self.cont_out.vt2.vt3.b = self.cont_in.vt2.vt3.b

        if self.cont_in.data is not None:
            with self.cont_in.data.open() as inp:
                filename = '%s.data.vt' % self.name
                with open(filename, 'w') as out:
                self.cont_out.data = FileRef(filename, self)

        if self.cont_in.vt2.data is not None:
            with self.cont_in.vt2.data.open() as inp:
                filename = '%s.data.vt2' % self.name
                with open(filename, 'w') as out:
                self.cont_out.vt2.data = FileRef(filename, self)

        if self.cont_in.vt2.vt3.data is not None:
            with self.cont_in.vt2.vt3.data.open() as inp:
                filename = '%s.data.vt3' % self.name
                with open(filename, 'w') as out:
                self.cont_out.vt2.vt3.data = FileRef(filename, self)

    def get_vals(self, iotype):
        if iotype == 'in':
            cont = self.cont_in
            cont = self.cont_out
        return [

    def get_files(self, iotype):
        if iotype == 'in':
            cont = self.cont_in
            cont = self.cont_out
        return [
Exemple #11
class MEflows(VariableTree):
    """Container of variables defining the flow properties of the mixer-ejector nozzle"""

    gamma = Float(1.4, desc='Ratio of specific heats')
    Pstatic = Float(2116.8, units='lbf/ft**2', desc='Freestream static pressure')
    # alt = Float(0.0, units='ft', desc='Altitude')
    # Mach = Float(0.0, desc='Freestream Mach number')

    pri = VarTree(Stream())
    sec = VarTree(Stream())
Exemple #12
class InandOutTree(Component):

    ins = VarTree(InVtree(), iotype="in")

    outs = VarTree(OutVtree(), iotype="out")

    def execute(self):

        self.outs.x = 2*self.ins.a
        self.outs.y = 2*self.ins.a+self.ins.b
Exemple #13
class AeroHydroLoads(Component):

    windLoads = VarTree(FluidLoads(),
                        desc='wind loads in inertial coordinate system')
    waveLoads = VarTree(FluidLoads(),
                        desc='wave loads in inertial coordinate system')
    z = Array(iotype='in', desc='locations along tower')
    yaw = Float(0.0, iotype='in', units='deg', desc='yaw angle')

    outloads = VarTree(FluidLoads(),
                       desc='combined wind and wave loads')
    Px = Array(iotype='out',
               desc='force per unit length in x-direction')
    Py = Array(iotype='out',
               desc='force per unit length in y-direction')
    Pz = Array(iotype='out',
               desc='force per unit length in z-direction')
    qdyn = Array(iotype='out', units='N/m**2', desc='dynamic pressure')

    def execute(self):
        # aero/hydro loads
        wind = self.windLoads
        wave = self.waveLoads
        hubHt = self.z[-1]  # top of tower
        betaMain = np.interp(
            hubHt, self.z,
            wind.beta)  # wind coordinate system defined relative to hub height
        windLoads = DirectionVector(
            wind.Px, wind.Py,
        waveLoads = DirectionVector(
            wave.Px, wave.Py,

        self.outloads.Px = np.interp(self.z, wind.z, windLoads.x) + np.interp(
            self.z, wave.z, waveLoads.x)
        self.outloads.Py = np.interp(self.z, wind.z, windLoads.y) + np.interp(
            self.z, wave.z, waveLoads.y)
        self.outloads.Pz = np.interp(self.z, wind.z, windLoads.z) + np.interp(
            self.z, wave.z, waveLoads.z)
        self.outloads.qdyn = np.interp(self.z, wind.z, wind.qdyn) + np.interp(
            self.z, wave.z, wave.qdyn)
        self.outloads.z = self.z
        #The following are redundant, at one point we will consolidate them to something that works for both tower (not using vartrees) and jacket (still using vartrees)
        self.Px = self.outloads.Px
        self.Py = self.outloads.Py
        self.Pz = self.outloads.Pz
        self.qdyn = self.outloads.qdyn
    def __init__(self, Ns):
        super(Switch, self).__init__()

        # inputs
        self.add('fblade_initial', VarTree(Fblade(Ns), iotype='in'))
        self.add('fblade_updated', VarTree(Fblade(Ns), iotype='in'))

        # outputs
        self.add('fblade', VarTree(Fblade(Ns), iotype='out'))

        self.initial = True
        self.force_execute = True
Exemple #15
class FUSEDIECBase(Assembly):
    """base class for simulation codes running an IEC load basis"""

    inputs = VarTree(IECRunCaseBaseVT(), iotype='in', desc='')
    outputs = VarTree(IECOutputsBaseVT(), iotype='out', desc='')
    results_dir = Str('all_runs', iotype='in', desc='Directory for simulation results files')

    def __init__(self):
        super(FUSEDIECBase, self).__init__()

        # TODO KLD not using for now
        '''self.results_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.results_dir)
Exemple #16
        class Top(Assembly):

            Pileinputs = VarTree(PileGeoInputs(), iotype='in', desc="Pile Input Data")
            SPIstiffness = VarTree(PileGeoInputs(), iotype='out', desc="Pile Input Data")

            def configure(self):

                self.connect('Pileinputs.Lp', 'SPIstiffness.Lp')
                self.disconnect('Pileinputs.Lp', 'SPIstiffness.Lp')

                self.add('comp', MyComp())
                self.connect('Pileinputs.Lp', 'comp.x')
Exemple #17
class CompWithArrayVarTree(Component):
    ins = VarTree(TreeWithArray(), iotype="in")
    outs = VarTree(TreeWithArray(), iotype="out")

    def execute(self):
        self.outs.x[0] = 2*self.ins.x[0] + 6*self.ins.x[1]
        self.outs.x[1] = 4*self.ins.x[0] + 6*self.ins.x[1]

    def provideJ(self):
        self.J = array([[2., 6.], [4., 6.]])
        return self.J

    def list_deriv_vars(self):
        return ('ins.x',), ('outs.x',)
    def add_parameter(self, target, low=None, high=None,
                      scaler=None, adder=None, start=None,
                      fd_step=None, name=None, scope=None):
        """Adds a parameter or group of parameters to the driver."""
        super(HasVarTreeParameters, self).add_parameter(
            target, low, high, scaler, adder, start, fd_step, name, scope)

        if name is not None:
            path = name
        elif isinstance(target, basestring):
            path = target
        elif isinstance(target, Parameter):
            path = target.name or target.target
            path = target[0]

        path = make_legal_path(path)
        obj = self.parent
        names = ['case_inputs'] + path.split('.')
        for name in names[:-1]:
            if obj.get_trait(name):
                val = obj.get(name)
                val = VariableTree()
                obj.add_trait(name, VarTree(val, iotype='in'))
            obj = val

        name = names[-1]
        obj.add_trait(name, List(iotype='in'))
class TestComponent(Component):

    dummy_data = VarTree(TestContainer(), iotype='in')
    x = Float(iotype='out')

    def execute(self):
        self.x = (self.dummy_data.dummy1 - 3)**2 - self.dummy_data.dummy2
    def setUp(self):
        self.startdir = os.getcwd()
        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='test_csv-')

        self.top = top = set_as_top(Assembly())
        driver = top.add('driver', SimpleCaseIterDriver())
        top.add('comp1', ExecComp(exprs=['z=x+y']))
        top.add('comp2', ExecComp(exprs=['z=x+1']))
        top.connect('comp1.z', 'comp2.x')
        top.comp1.add('a_string', Str("Hello',;','", iotype='out'))
        top.comp1.add('a_array', Array(array([1.0, 3.0, 5.5]), iotype='out'))
        top.comp1.add('x_array', Array(array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), iotype='in'))
        top.comp1.add('b_bool', Bool(False, iotype='in'))
        top.comp1.add('vt', VarTree(DumbVT(), iotype='out'))
        top.driver.workflow.add(['comp1', 'comp2'])

        # now create some Cases
        outputs = ['comp1.z', 'comp2.z', 'comp1.a_string', 'comp1.a_array[2]']
        cases = []
        for i in range(10):
            i = float(i)
            inputs = [('comp1.x', i + 0.1), ('comp1.y', i * 2 + .1),
                      ('comp1.x_array[1]', 99.88), ('comp1.b_bool', True)]
            cases.append(Case(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs))

        Case.set_vartree_inputs(driver, cases)

        self.filename = "openmdao_test_csv_case_iterator.csv"
Exemple #21
class CompWithVarTree(Component):
    x1 = Float(iotype="in")
    ins = VarTree(TreeWithFloat2(), iotype="in")
    outs = VarTree(TreeWithFloat2(), iotype="out")
    z = Float(iotype="out")

    def execute(self):
        self.outs.z = 2*self.ins.z + 6*self.x1
        self.z = 4*self.ins.z + 6*self.x1

    def provideJ(self):
        self.J = array([[2., 6.], [4., 6.]])
        return self.J

    def list_deriv_vars(self):
        return ('ins.z', 'x1'), ('outs.z', 'z')
class VarTreeSink2(Component):

    invar = VarTree(DumbVTSubVarReq(), iotype="in")
    outvar = Float(1.5, iotype="out")

    def execute(self):
class VarTreeSink(Component):

    invar = VarTree(DumbVT(), iotype="in", required=True)
    outvar = Float(1.5, iotype="out")

    def execute(self):
class VarTreeSource(Component):

    invar = Float(2.0, iotype="in")
    outvar = VarTree(DumbVT(), iotype="out")

    def execute(self):
Exemple #25
class C1_vt(Component):
    vt = VarTree(V(), iotype='in')
    i = Int(0, iotype='in')
    val = Int(0, iotype='out')

    def execute(self):
        self.val = self.vt.l[self.i]
Exemple #26
class AComp(Component):

    inp = Float(iotype='in')
    out = VarTree(OutputVT(), iotype='out')

    def execute(self):
        self.out.a = 2 * self.inp
Exemple #27
class GeomComponent(Component):

    x = Float(1.0, iotype='in')

    geom_out = VarTree(GeomData(2, 1), iotype='out')

    def list_deriv_vars(self):
        return ('x'), ('geom_out.points', )

    def provideJ(self):
        self.J = np.array([[2, 0, 1], [0, 2, 1]], dtype=np.float)

    def apply_deriv(self, arg, result):
        result['geom_out.points'][0, :] += self.J[0, :] * arg['x']
        result['geom_out.points'][1, :] += self.J[1, :] * arg['x']

    def apply_derivT(self, arg, result):

        result['x'] += np.sum(self.J.T[:, 0] * arg['geom_out.points'][0, :])
        result['x'] += np.sum(self.J.T[:, 1] * arg['geom_out.points'][1, :])

    def execute(self):
        x = self.x

        J = np.array([[2, 0, 1], [0, 2, 1]])

        self.geom_out.points[0, :] = J[0, :] * x
        self.geom_out.points[1, :] = J[1, :] * x
Exemple #28
class AeroBase(Component):
    """A base component for a rotor aerodynamics code."""

    run_case = Enum('power', ('power', 'loads'), iotype='in')

    # --- use these if (run_case == 'power') ---

    # inputs
    Uhub = Array(np.array([1.0]), iotype='in', units='m/s', desc='hub height wind speed')
    Omega = Array(np.array([0.0]), iotype='in', units='rpm', desc='rotor rotation speed')
    pitch = Array(np.array([0.0]), iotype='in', units='deg', desc='blade pitch setting')

    # outputs
    T = Array(np.array([0.0]), iotype='out', units='N', desc='rotor aerodynamic thrust')
    Q = Array(np.array([0.0]), iotype='out', units='N*m', desc='rotor aerodynamic torque')
    P = Array(np.array([0.0]), iotype='out', units='W', desc='rotor aerodynamic power')

    # --- use these if (run_case == 'loads') ---
    # if you only use rotoraero.py and not rotor.py
    # (i.e., only care about power curves, and not structural loads)
    # then these second set of inputs/outputs are not needed

    # inputs
    V_load = Float(iotype='in', units='m/s', desc='hub height wind speed')
    Omega_load = Float(iotype='in', units='rpm', desc='rotor rotation speed')
    pitch_load = Float(iotype='in', units='deg', desc='blade pitch setting')
    azimuth_load = Float(iotype='in', units='deg', desc='blade azimuthal location')

    # outputs
    loads = VarTree(AeroLoads(), iotype='out', desc='loads in blade-aligned coordinate system')
Exemple #29
class VarComponent(Component):
    """Contains some vars"""

    boolvar = Bool(False, iotype='in')
    intvar = Int(333, iotype='in')
    floatvar = Float(-16.54, iotype='in')
    expvar1 = Float(1.2, iotype='in')
    expvar2 = Float(1.2, iotype='in')
    textvar = Str("This", iotype='in')
    arrayvar = Array(iotype='in')
    arrayvarsplit = Array(iotype='in')
    arrayvarsplit2 = Array(iotype='in')
    arrayvarzerod = Array(zeros(shape=(0, 0)), iotype='in')
    arrayvartwod = Array(zeros(shape=(1, 3)), iotype='in')
    arraysmall = Array(iotype='in')
    arrayshorthand = Array(iotype='in')
    single = Array(iotype='in')
    singleint = Array(iotype='in', dtype=numpy_int32)
    singlebool = Array(iotype='in', dtype=bool)
    stringarray = List([], iotype='in')
    listenumvar = List(Enum(1, (1, 2, 3)), iotype='in')
    listenumvar2 = List(Enum(1.5, (1.5, 2.4, 3.3)), iotype='in')
    listenumvar3 = List(Enum('a', ('a', 'b', 'c')), iotype='in')
    listenumvar4 = List(Enum(True, (True, False)), iotype='in')

    varcontainer = VarTree(VarContainer(), iotype='in')
Exemple #30
class SetupRunVarSpeed(Component):
    """determines approriate conditions to run AeroBase code across the power curve"""

    control = VarTree(VarSpeedMachine(), iotype='in', desc='control parameters')
    R = Float(iotype='in', units='m', desc='rotor radius')
    npts = Int(20, iotype='in', desc='number of points to evalute aero code to generate power curve')

    # outputs
    Uhub = Array(iotype='out', units='m/s', desc='freestream velocities to run')
    Omega = Array(iotype='out', units='rpm', desc='rotation speeds to run')
    pitch = Array(iotype='out', units='deg', desc='pitch angles to run')

    missing_deriv_policy = 'assume_zero'

    def execute(self):

        ctrl = self.control
        n = self.npts
        R = self.R

        # # attempt to distribute points mostly before rated
        # cpguess = 0.5
        # Vr0 = (ctrl.ratedPower/(cpguess*0.5*rho*pi*R**2))**(1.0/3)
        # Vr0 *= 1.20

        # V1 = np.linspace(Vin, Vr0, 15)
        # V2 = np.linspace(Vr0, Vout, 6)
        # V = np.concatenate([V1, V2[1:]])

        # velocity sweep
        V = np.linspace(ctrl.Vin, ctrl.Vout, n)

        # corresponding rotation speed
        Omega_d = ctrl.tsr*V/R*RS2RPM
        Omega, dOmega_dOmegad, dOmega_dmaxOmega = smooth_min(Omega_d, ctrl.maxOmega, pct_offset=0.01)

        # store values
        self.Uhub = V
        self.Omega = Omega
        self.pitch = ctrl.pitch*np.ones_like(V)

        # gradients
        dV = np.zeros((n, 3))
        dOmega_dtsr = dOmega_dOmegad * V/R*RS2RPM
        dOmega_dR = dOmega_dOmegad * -ctrl.tsr*V/R**2*RS2RPM
        dOmega = hstack([dOmega_dtsr, dOmega_dR, dOmega_dmaxOmega])
        dpitch = np.zeros((n, 3))
        self.J = vstack([dV, dOmega, dpitch])

    def list_deriv_vars(self):

        inputs = ('control.tsr', 'R', 'control.maxOmega')
        outputs = ('Uhub', 'Omega', 'pitch')

        return inputs, outputs

    def provideJ(self):

        return self.J