Exemple #1
class OptLatinHypercube(Container):
    """IDOEgenerator which provides a Latin hypercube DOE sample set.
    The Morris-Mitchell sampling criterion of the DOE is optimzied
    using an evolutionary algorithm.

    num_samples = Int(20,
                      desc="Number of sample points in the DOE sample set.")

    num_parameters = Int(
        2, desc="Number of parameters, or dimensions, for the DOE.")

    population = Int(
        desc="Size of the population used in the evolutionary optimization.")
    generations = Int(
        2, desc="Number of generations the optimization will evolve over.")
    norm_method = Enum(
        ["1-norm", "2-norm"],
        "Vector norm calculation method. '1-norm' is faster but less accurate."

    def __init__(self, num_samples=None, population=None, generations=None):
        super(OptLatinHypercube, self).__init__()

        self.qs = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50,
                   100]  #list of qs to try for Phi_q optimization
        if num_samples is not None:
            self.num_samples = num_samples
        if population is not None:
            self.population = population
        if generations is not None:
            self.generations = generations

    def __iter__(self):
        """Return an iterator over our sets of input values."""
        return self._get_input_values()

    def _get_input_values(self):
        rand_doe = rand_latin_hypercube(self.num_samples, self.num_parameters)
        best_lhc = LHC_indivudal(rand_doe, q=1, p=_norm_map[self.norm_method])

        for q in self.qs:
            lh = LHC_indivudal(rand_doe, q, _norm_map[self.norm_method])
            lh_opt = _mmlhs(lh, self.population, self.generations)
            if lh_opt.mmphi() < best_lhc.mmphi():
                best_lhc = lh_opt

        for row in best_lhc:
            yield row
Exemple #2
class NeuralNet(Container):
    """ Surrogate model based on an artificial nueral network using the ffnet
    package (http://ffnet.sourceforge.net/, GPL license).
    This class follows the ISurrogate interface.    


    n_hidden_nodes = Int(
        desc='Number of hidden nodes in hidden layer of network')

    def __init__(self, n_hidden_nodes=4):
        """Initializes neural net surrogate model.
        n_hidden_nodes: int
            number of hidden nodes
        self.n_hidden_nodes = n_hidden_nodes

    def get_uncertain_value(self, value):
        """Returns the value iself. Neural network can provide its own uncertainty. """
        return value

    def train(self, X, Y):
        """ Trains the neural network based on the given set of inputs
        and outputs. """

        inp = array(X)
        targ = array(Y)
        n_inputs = len(inp[0])

        # 1 Output node because Surrogate Model has only 1 output
        self._nn_surr = ffnet(mlgraph((n_inputs, self.n_hidden_nodes, 1)))

        # Start the training
        self._nn_surr.train_cg(inp, targ, disp=False)

        # Not sure why all these lines commented lines are here. -- KTM
        #self._nn_surr.train_genetic(inp, targ, individuals=10*n_inputs, generations=500)
        #self._nn_surr.train_tnc(inp, targ,maxfun=5000)

    def predict(self, X):
        """ Calculates a predicted value of the response based on the weights
         determined by the current neural network. """

        output = self._nn_surr(X)
        return output[0]
class GeoWithDerivatives(BoxParametricGeometry):
    '''Adds derivative functions to the famous box geometry.'''

    implements(IParametricGeometry, IStaticGeometry)

    def apply_deriv(self, arg, result):

    def apply_derivT(self, arg, result):

    def provideJ(self):
Exemple #4
class ListCaseIterator(object):

    """An iterator that returns :class:`Case` objects from a passed-in iterator
    of cases. This can be useful for runtime-generated cases from an
    optimizer, etc.


    def __init__(self, cases):
        self._cases = cases

    def __getitem__(self, num):
        return self._cases[num]
Exemple #5
class DumpCaseRecorder(object):
    """Dumps cases in a "pretty" form to a file-like object called "out" (defaults to ``sys.stdout``).
    If out is None, cases will be ignored.


    def __init__(self, out=sys.stdout):
        self.out = out

    def record(self, case):
        """Dump the given Case in a "pretty" form."""
        if self.out:  # if self.out is None, just do nothing
Exemple #6
class GeoMACHGeometry(object):
    '''A wrapper for a GeoMACH object that respresents a specific instance of a
    geometry at a designated set of parameters. Parameters are not modifiable.
    This object is able to provide data for visualization.


    def get_visualization_data(self, wv):
        '''Fills the given WV_Wrapper object with data for faces,
        edges, colors, etc.
        wv: WV_Wrapper object
        if self._model is None:
            return []

        t0 = time.time()
        xyzs = self._model.oml0.P0[:, :3]
        tris = self.tris

        mins = numpy.min(xyzs, axis=0)
        maxs = numpy.max(xyzs, axis=0)

        box = [mins[0], mins[1], mins[2], maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2]]

        print 'xyz shape = %s' % list(xyzs.shape)
        #xyzs = xyzs.astype(numpy.float32).flatten(order='C')

        print 'len(tris) = ', len(tris)

        #        wv.set_face_data(xyzs.astype(numpy.float32).flatten(order='C'),
        #                             tris.astype(numpy.int32).flatten(order='C'), bbox=box, name="oml_surf")

        for i, tri in enumerate(tris):
            min_idx = int(numpy.min(tri))
            max_idx = int(numpy.max(tri))
            #print "type = %s" % type(tri[0,0])
            #print 'i: %d    len(tri): %d' % (i,len(tri))
            new_a = xyzs[min_idx:max_idx + 1]
            new_tri = tri - min_idx

                             name="oml_surf%d" % i)
class ListCaseRecorder(object):
    """Stores cases in a list."""


    def __init__(self):
        self.cases = []
        self._cfg_map = {}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.cases)

    def startup(self):
        """ Nothing needed for a list case."""

    def register(self, driver, inputs, outputs):
        """Register names for later record call from `driver`."""
        self._cfg_map[driver] = (inputs, outputs)

    def record_constants(self, constants):
        """Record constant data - currently ignored."""

    def record(self, driver, inputs, outputs, exc, case_uuid, parent_uuid):
        """Store the case in our internal list."""
        in_names, out_names = self._cfg_map[driver]
            Case(zip(in_names, inputs), zip(out_names, outputs), exc,
                 case_uuid, parent_uuid))

    def close(self):
        """Does nothing."""

    def get_iterator(self):
        '''Return ListCaseIterator that uses our current list.'''
        return ListCaseIterator(self.cases)

    def get_attributes(self, io_only=True):
        """ We need a custom get_attributes because we aren't using Traits to
        manage our changeable settings. This is unfortunate and should be
        changed to something that automates this somehow."""

        attrs = {}
        attrs['type'] = type(self).__name__

        return attrs
Exemple #8
class DumbClass(object):
    def __init__(self, depgraph, name, inputs=('a','b'), outputs=('c','d'), states=(), resids=()):
        self.name = name
        self.dep = depgraph

        self._inputs = inputs[:]
        self._outputs = outputs[:]
        self._states = states[:]
        self._resids = resids[:]
    def get_pathname(self):
        return self.name

    def get(self, name):
        return getattr(self, name, None)
    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
    def get_invalidation_type(self):
        return 'full'

    def list_inputs(self):
        return self._inputs

    def list_outputs(self):
        return self._outputs
    def list_states(self):
        return self._states
    def list_residuals(self):
        return self._resids

    def contains(self, name):
        return name in self._inputs or name in self._outputs or hasattr(self, name)
    def invalidate_deps(self, vnames=None):
        return None
    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        return []
    def list_deriv_vars(self):
        return self._inputs, self._outputs
Exemple #9
class ListCaseRecorder(object):
    """Stores cases in a list."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.cases = []
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.cases)

    def record(self, case):
        """Store the case in our internal list."""

    def get_iterator(self):
        return ListCaseIterator(self.cases)
class MockSurrogate(Container):
    implements(ISurrogate, IMultiFiSurrogate)

    def __init__(self):
        super(MockSurrogate, self).__init__()

    def train(self, X, Y):

    def train_multifi(self, X, Y):

    def get_uncertain_value(self, value):
        return 0.0

    def predict(self, x):
        return 0.0
class DumbClass(object):

    def __init__(self,
                 inputs=('a', 'b'),
                 outputs=('c', 'd'),
        self.name = name
        self._depgraph = depgraph

        self._inputs = inputs[:]
        self._outputs = outputs[:]
        self._states = states[:]
        self._resids = resids[:]

    def get_pathname(self):
        return self.name

    def get(self, name):
        return getattr(self, name, None)

    def list_inputs(self):
        return self._inputs

    def list_outputs(self):
        return self._outputs

    def list_states(self):
        return self._states

    def list_residuals(self):
        return self._resids

    def contains(self, name):
        return name in self._inputs or name in self._outputs or hasattr(
            self, name)

    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        return []

    def list_deriv_vars(self):
        return self._inputs, self._outputs
class Iterator(object):
    """ Just keeps returning `case` until told to stop. """


    def __init__(self, case):
        super(Iterator, self).__init__()
        self.case = case
        self.stop = False

    def __iter__(self):
        return self._next_case()

    def _next_case(self):
        """ Generator which just returns copies of the given case. """
        while not self.stop:
            yield copy.copy(self.case)
        raise StopIteration
class ListCaseIterator(list):
    """An iterator that returns :class:`Case` objects from a passed-in iterator
    of cases. This can be useful for runtime-generated cases from an
    optimizer, etc.


    def __init__(self, cases):
        super(ListCaseIterator, self).__init__(cases)

    def get_attributes(self, io_only=True):
        """ We need a custom get_attributes because we aren't using Traits to
        manage our changeable settings. This is unfortunate, and should be
        changed to something that automates this somehow."""

        attrs = {}
        attrs['type'] = type(self).__name__

        return attrs
Exemple #14
class UncertainDistribution(object):
    """Base class for uncertain variables."""
    default_val_method = 'expected'
    def __init__(self, valmethod=None):
        self.valmethod = valmethod

    def getvalue(self):
        if self.valmethod:
            return getattr(self, self.valmethod)()
        return getattr(self, self.default_val_method)()
    def sample(self): 
        raise NotImplementedError('The %s class has no sample() method' % self.__class__.__name__)
    def expected(self): 
        raise NotImplementedError('The %s class has no expected() method' % self.__class__.__name__)
Exemple #15
class Variable(TraitType):
    """An OpenMDAO-specific trait type that serves as a common base
    class for framework visible inputs and outputs.

    def __init__(self, default_value=NoDefaultSpecified, **metadata):
        if 'vartypename' not in metadata:
            metadata['vartypename'] = self.__class__.__name__
        super(Variable, self).__init__(default_value=default_value, **metadata)

    def get_attribute(self, name, value, trait, meta):
        """Return the attribute dictionary for this variable. This dict is
        used by the GUI to populate the edit UI. The basic functionality that
        most variables need is provided here; you can overload this for
        special cases, like lists and dictionaries, or custom datatypes.

        name: str
          Name of variable.

        value: object
          The value of the variable.

        trait: CTrait
          The variable's trait.

        meta: dict
          Dictionary of metadata for this variable.

        attr = {}

        attr['name'] = name
        attr['type'] = type(value).__name__
        attr['value'] = value

        for field in meta:
            if field not in gui_excludes:
                attr[field] = meta[field]

        return attr, None
Exemple #16
        class MyDriver(SimpleDriver):


            def execute(self):
               # Direct uvec setting
                uvec = self._system.vec['u']
                #print uvec.keys()
                # Only can interact with the var that is in our node
                for num in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]:
                    if 'comp1.x' in uvec:
                        uvec['comp1.x'] = num
                        #print "SETTING", 'comp1.x', uvec['comp1.x']
                    if 'comp2.x' in uvec:
                        uvec['comp2.x'] = num
                        #print "SETTING", 'comp2.x', uvec['comp2.x']


            def requires_derivs(self):
                return False
Exemple #17
class Uniform(Container):
    """ DOEgenerator that performs a space-filling Design of Experiments with uniform
    distributions on all design variables. Plugs into the DOEgenerator socket on a 


    # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
    num_parameters = Int(0,
                         desc="Number of independent "
                         "parameters in the DOE.")
    num_samples = Int(0,
                      desc="Number of total samples in "
                      "the DOE.")

    def __init__(self, num_samples=None, *args, **kwargs):

        super(Uniform, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.num = 0

        if num_samples is not None:
            self.num_samples = num_samples

    def __iter__(self):
        """Return an iterator over our sets of input values"""
        if self.num_samples < 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Uniform distributions must have at least 2 samples. num_samples is set to less than 2."
        return self

    def next(self):
        if self.num < self.num_samples:
            self.num = self.num + 1
            return random.uniform(0, 1, self.num_parameters)
            raise StopIteration()
class FullFactorial(HasTraits):
    """ DOEgenerator that performs a full-factorial Design of Experiments. Plugs
    into the DOEgenerator socket on a DOEdriver."""
    # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
    num_parameters = Int(0, iotype="in", desc="Number of independent "
                                              "parameters in the DOE.")
    num_levels = Int(0, iotype="in", desc="Number of levels of values for "
                                          "each parameter.")
    def __init__(self, num_levels=0, *args, **kwargs):
        super(FullFactorial, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.num_levels = num_levels
    def __iter__(self):
        """Return an iterator over our sets of input values."""
        return product(*[linspace(0., 1., self.num_levels)
                         for i in range(self.num_parameters)])
Exemple #19
class ListCaseRecorder(object):
    """Stores cases in a list."""


    def __init__(self):
        self.cases = []

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.cases)

    def record(self, case):
        """Store the case in our internal list."""

    def close(self):
        """Does nothing."""

    def get_iterator(self):
        '''Return ListCaseIterator that uses our current list.'''
        return ListCaseIterator(self.cases)
Exemple #20
class ListCaseRecorder(object):

    """Stores cases in a list."""


    def __init__(self):
        self.cases = []
        self._cfg_map = {}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.cases)

    def startup(self):
        """ Nothing needed for a list case."""

    def register(self, driver, inputs, outputs):
        """Register names for later record call from `driver`."""
        self._cfg_map[driver] = (inputs, outputs)

    def record_constants(self, constants):
        """Record constant data - currently ignored."""

    def record(self, driver, inputs, outputs, exc, case_uuid, parent_uuid):
        """Store the case in our internal list."""
        in_names, out_names = self._cfg_map[driver]
        self.cases.append(Case(zip(in_names, inputs), zip(out_names, outputs),
                               exc, case_uuid, parent_uuid))

    def close(self):
        """Does nothing."""

    def get_iterator(self):
        '''Return ListCaseIterator that uses our current list.'''
        return ListCaseIterator(self.cases)
Exemple #21
class LatinHypercube(Container):
    """IDOEgenerator which provides a Latin hypercube DOE sample set.

    num_samples = Int(20,
                      desc="Number of sample points in the DOE sample set.")

    num_parameters = Int(
        2, desc="Number of parameters, or dimensions, for the DOE.")

    seed = Int(None,
               desc="Random seed for the optimizer. Set to a specific value "
               "for repeatable results; otherwise leave as None for truly "
               "random seeding.")

    def __init__(
        super(LatinHypercube, self).__init__()

        if num_samples is not None:
            self.num_samples = num_samples

    def __iter__(self):
        """Return an iterator over our sets of input values."""
        if self.seed is not None:

        return self._get_input_values()

    def _get_input_values(self):
        rand_doe = rand_latin_hypercube(self.num_samples, self.num_parameters)

        for row in rand_doe:
            yield row
Exemple #22
class ListCaseRecorder(object):
    """Stores cases in a list."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.cases = []
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.cases)

    def startup(self):
        """ Nothing needed for a list case."""
    def record(self, case):
        """Store the case in our internal list."""

    def close(self):
        """Does nothing."""

    def get_iterator(self):
        '''Return ListCaseIterator that uses our current list.'''
        return ListCaseIterator(self.cases)
    def get_attributes(self, io_only=True):
        """ We need a custom get_attributes because we aren't using Traits to
        manage our changeable settings. This is unfortunate and should be
        changed to something that automates this somehow."""
        attrs = {}
        attrs['type'] = type(self).__name__
        return attrs
class pyOptSparseDriver(Driver):
    """ Driver wrapper for pyOpt.

    implements(IHasParameters, IHasConstraints, IHasObjective, IOptimizer,

    optimizer = Enum('ALPSO',
                     desc='Name of optimizers to use')
    title = Str('Optimization using pyOpt',
                desc='Title of this optimization run')
    options = Dict(iotype='in', desc='Dictionary of optimization parameters')
    print_results = Bool(True, iotype='in', desc='Print pyOpt results if True')
    pyopt_diff = Bool(False,
                      desc='Set to True to let pyOpt calculate the gradient')

    exit_flag = Int(0, iotype="out", desc="0 for fail, 1 for ok")

    def __init__(self, n_x=None):
        """Initialize pyopt
        n_x: number of design variables"""

        super(pyOptSparseDriver, self).__init__()

        #create lb and ub inputs so external components can set the bounds
        self.n_x = None
        if n_x is not None:
            shape = (n_x, )
            self.n_x = n_x
                    "lower bounds for the design variables, which will override values given in the add_parameter",
                    "upper bounds for the design variables, which will override values given in the add_parameter",

        self.pyOpt_solution = None
        self.param_type = {}
        self.nparam = None

        self.objs = None
        self.nlcons = None
        self.lin_jacs = {}

    def execute(self):
        """pyOpt execution. Note that pyOpt controls the execution, and the
        individual optimizers control the iteration."""

        self.pyOpt_solution = None


        opt_prob = Optimization(self.title, self.objfunc)

        # Add all parameters
        self.param_type = {}
        self.nparam = self.total_parameters()
        param_list = []

        #need a counter for lb and ub arrays
        i_param = 0

        for name, param in self.get_parameters().iteritems():

            # We need to identify Enums, Lists, Dicts
            metadata = param.get_metadata()[1]
            values = param.evaluate()

            # Assuming uniform enumerated, discrete, or continuous for now.
            val = values[0]
            n_vals = len(values)
            choices = []
            if 'values' in metadata and \
               isinstance(metadata['values'], (list, tuple, array, set)):
                vartype = 'd'
                choices = metadata['values']
            elif isinstance(val, bool):
                vartype = 'd'
                choices = [True, False]
            elif isinstance(val, (int, int32, int64)):
                vartype = 'i'
            elif isinstance(val, (float, float32, float64)):
                vartype = 'c'
                msg = 'Only continuous, discrete, or enumerated variables' \
                      ' are supported. %s is %s.' % (name, type(val))
                self.raise_exception(msg, ValueError)
            self.param_type[name] = vartype

            if self.n_x is None:
                lower_bounds = param.get_low()
                upper_bounds = param.get_high()
                lower_bounds = self.lb[i_param:i_param + n_vals]
                upper_bounds = self.ub[i_param:i_param + n_vals]

            i_param += n_vals
        # Add all objectives
        for name, obj in self.get_objectives().iteritems():
            name = '%s.out0' % obj.pcomp_name

        # Calculate and save gradient for any linear constraints.
        lcons = self.get_constraints(linear=True).values() + \
        if len(lcons) > 0:
            lcon_names = ['%s.out0' % obj.pcomp_name for obj in lcons]
            self.lin_jacs = self.workflow.calc_gradient(param_list,
            #print "Linear Gradient"
            #print self.lin_jacs

        # Add all equality constraints
        nlcons = []
        for name, con in self.get_eq_constraints().iteritems():
            size = con.size
            lower = zeros((size))
            upper = zeros((size))
            name = '%s.out0' % con.pcomp_name
            if con.linear is True:
                opt_prob.addConGroup(name, size, lower=lower, upper=upper)

        # Add all inequality constraints
        for name, con in self.get_ineq_constraints().iteritems():
            size = con.size
            upper = zeros((size))
            name = '%s.out0' % con.pcomp_name
            if con.linear is True:
                opt_prob.addConGroup(name, size, upper=upper)

        # Add all double_sided constraints
        for name, con in self.get_2sided_constraints().iteritems():
            size = con.size
            upper = con.high * ones((size))
            lower = con.low * ones((size))
            name = '%s.out0' % con.pcomp_name
            if con.linear is True:
                opt_prob.addConGroup(name, size, upper=upper, lower=lower)

        self.objs = self.list_objective_targets()
        self.nlcons = nlcons

        # Instantiate the requested optimizer
        optimizer = self.optimizer
            exec('from pyoptsparse import %s' % optimizer)
        except ImportError:
            msg = "Optimizer %s is not available in this installation." % \
            self.raise_exception(msg, ImportError)

        optname = vars()[optimizer]
        opt = optname()

        # Set optimization options
        for option, value in self.options.iteritems():
            opt.setOption(option, value)

        # Execute the optimization problem
        if self.pyopt_diff:
            # Use pyOpt's internal finite difference
            sol = opt(opt_prob,
            # Use OpenMDAO's differentiator for the gradient
            sol = opt(opt_prob, sens=self.gradfunc)

        # Print results
        if self.print_results:
            print sol

        # Pull optimal parameters back into framework and re-run, so that
        # framework is left in the right final state
        dv_dict = sol.getDVs()
        param_types = self.param_type
        for name, param in self.get_parameters().iteritems():
            val = dv_dict[name]
            if param_types[name] == 'i':
                val = int(round(val))

            self.set_parameter_by_name(name, val)


        # Save the most recent solution.
        self.pyOpt_solution = sol
            exit_status = sol.optInform['value']
            self.exit_flag = 1
            if exit_status > 2:  # bad
                self.exit_flag = 0
        except KeyError:  #nothing is here, so something bad happened!
            self.exit_flag = 0

    def objfunc(self, dv_dict):
        """ Function that evaluates and returns the objective function and
        constraints. This function is passed to pyOpt's Optimization object
        and is called from its optimizers.

        dv_dict: dict
            Dictionary of design variable values


        func_dict: dict
            Dictionary of all functional variables evaluated at design point

        fail: int
            0 for successful function evaluation
            1 for unsuccessful function evaluation

        fail = 1
        func_dict = {}


            # Integer parameters come back as floats, so we need to round them
            # and turn them into python integers before setting.
            param_types = self.param_type
            for name, param in self.get_parameters().iteritems():
                val = dv_dict[name]
                if param_types[name] == 'i':
                    val = int(round(val))

                self.set_parameter_by_name(name, val)

            # Execute the model
            #print "Setting DV"
            #print dv_dict

            # Get the objective function evaluations
            for key, obj in self.get_objectives().iteritems():
                name = '%s.out0' % obj.pcomp_name
                func_dict[name] = array(obj.evaluate())

            # Get the constraint evaluations
            for key, con in self.get_constraints().iteritems():
                name = '%s.out0' % con.pcomp_name
                func_dict[name] = array(con.evaluate(self.parent))

            # Get the double-sided constraint evaluations
            for key, con in self.get_2sided_constraints().iteritems():
                name = '%s.out0' % con.pcomp_name
                func_dict[name] = array(con.evaluate(self.parent))

            fail = 0

        except Exception as msg:

            # Exceptions seem to be swallowed by the C code, so this
            # should give the user more info than the dreaded "segfault"
            print "Exception: %s" % str(msg)
            print 70 * "="
            import traceback
            print 70 * "="

        #print "Functions calculated"
        #print func_dict
        return func_dict, fail

    def gradfunc(self, dv_dict, func_dict):
        """ Function that evaluates and returns the gradient of the objective
        function and constraints. This function is passed to pyOpt's
        Optimization object and is called from its optimizers.

        dv_dict: dict
            Dictionary of design variable values

        func_dict: dict
            Dictionary of all functional variables evaluated at design point


        sens_dict: dict
            Dictionary of dictionaries for gradient of each dv/func pair

        fail: int
            0 for successful function evaluation
            1 for unsuccessful function evaluation

        fail = 1
        sens_dict = {}

            sens_dict = self.workflow.calc_gradient(dv_dict.keys(),
                                                    self.objs + self.nlcons,
            #for key, value in self.lin_jacs.iteritems():
            #    sens_dict[key] = value

            fail = 0

        except Exception as msg:

            # Exceptions seem to be swallowed by the C code, so this
            # should give the user more info than the dreaded "segfault"
            print "Exception: %s" % str(msg)
            print 70 * "="
            import traceback
            print 70 * "="

        #print "Derivatives calculated"
        #print dv_dict
        #print sens_dict
        return sens_dict, fail
Exemple #24
class SLSQPdriver(DriverUsesDerivatives):
    """Minimize a function using the Sequential Least SQuares Programming
    (SLSQP) method.

    SLSQP is a gradient optimizer that can handle both equality and
    inequality constraints.
    Note: Constraints should be added using the OpenMDAO convention
    (positive = violated).
    implements(IHasParameters, IHasConstraints, IHasObjective)
    # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
    accuracy = Float(1.0e-6, iotype='in', 
                     desc = 'Convergence accuracy')

    maxiter = Int(50, iotype='in', 
                   desc = 'Maximum number of iterations.')

    iprint = Enum(0, [0, 1, 2, 3], iotype='in',
                  desc = 'Controls the frequency of output: 0 (no output),1,2,3.')
    iout = Int(6, iotype='in',
                  desc = 'Fortran output unit. Leave  this at 6 for STDOUT.')
    output_filename = Str('slsqp.out', iotype='in',
                          desc = 'Name of output file (if iout not 6).')
    error_code = Int(0, iotype='out',
                  desc = 'Error code returned from SLSQP.')
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SLSQPdriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.error_messages = {
            -1 : "Gradient evaluation required (g & a)",
             1 : "Function evaluation required (f & c)",
             2 : "More equality constraints than independent variables",
             3 : "More than 3*n iterations in LSQ subproblem",
             4 : "Inequality constraints incompatible",
             5 : "Singular matrix E in LSQ subproblem",
             6 : "Singular matrix C in LSQ subproblem",
             7 : "Rank-deficient equality constraint subproblem HFTI",
             8 : "Positive directional derivative for linesearch",
             9 : "Iteration limit exceeded",        
        self.x = zeros(0,'d')
        self.x_lower_bounds = zeros(0,'d')
        self.x_upper_bounds = zeros(0,'d')
        # We auto-fill the slot because the gradient is required
        # in this implementation
        self.differentiator = FiniteDifference()
    def start_iteration(self):
        """Perform initial setup before iteration loop begins."""
        if not self.differentiator:
            msg = 'A differentiator must be socketed for this driver.'
            self.raise_exception(msg, RuntimeError)

        self.nparam = len(self.get_parameters().values())
        self.ncon = len(self.get_constraints())
        self.neqcon = len(self.get_eq_constraints())
        # get the initial values of the parameters
        self.x = zeros(self.nparam,'d')
        params = self.get_parameters().values()
        for i, val in enumerate(params):
            self.x[i] = val.evaluate(self.parent)
        # create lower and upper bounds arrays
        self.x_lower_bounds = zeros(self.nparam)
        self.x_upper_bounds = zeros(self.nparam)
        for i, param in enumerate(params):
            self.x_lower_bounds[i] = param.low
            self.x_upper_bounds[i] = param.high        
        self.ff = 0
        self.nfunc = 0
        self.ngrad = 0

        self._continue = True
    def run_iteration(self):
        """ Note: slsqp controls the looping."""
        n = self.nparam
        m = self.ncon
        meq = self.neqcon
        la = max(m,1)
        self.gg = zeros([la], 'd')
        df = zeros([n+1], 'd')
        dg = zeros([la, n+1], 'd')
        mineq = m - meq + 2*(n+1)
        lsq = (n+1)*((n+1)+1) + meq*((n+1)+1) + mineq*((n+1)+1)
        lsi = ((n+1)-meq+1)*(mineq+2) + 2*mineq
        lsei = ((n+1)+mineq)*((n+1)-meq) + 2*meq + (n+1)
        slsqpb = (n+1)*(n/2) + 2*m + 3*n + 3*(n+1) + 1
        lw = lsq + lsi + lsei + slsqpb + n + m
        w = zeros([lw], 'd')
        ljw = max(mineq,(n+1)-meq)
        jw = zeros([ljw], 'i')
            dg, self.error_code, self.nfunc, self.ngrad = \
              slsqp(self.ncon, self.neqcon, la, self.nparam, \
                    self.x, self.x_lower_bounds, self.x_upper_bounds, \
                    self.ff, self.gg, df, dg, self.accuracy, self.maxiter, \
                    self.iprint-1, self.iout, self.output_filename, \
                    self.error_code, w, lw, jw, ljw, \
                    self.nfunc, self.ngrad, \
                    self._func, self._grad)
            #      iout,ifile,mode,w,lw,jw,ljw,nfunc,ngrad,slfunc,slgrad)            
        except Exception, err:
        if self.iprint > 0 :

        # Log any errors
        if self.error_code != 0 :

        # Iteration is complete
        self._continue = False
        class SpecialDriver(Driver):


            def execute(self):
class NEWSUMTdriver(DriverUsesDerivatives):
    """ Driver wrapper of Fortran version of NEWSUMT. 
.. todo:: Check to see if this itmax variable is needed.
            NEWSUMT might handle it for us.

    implements(IHasParameters, IHasIneqConstraints, IHasObjective)

    itmax = Int(10,
                desc='Maximum number of iterations before \

    default_fd_stepsize = Float(0.01, iotype='in', desc='Default finite ' \
                                'difference stepsize. Parameters with ' \
                                'specified values override this.')

    ilin = Array(dtype=numpy_int,
                 default_value=zeros(0, 'i4'),
                 desc='Array designating whether each constraint is linear.')

    # Control parameters for NEWSUMT.
    # NEWSUMT has quite a few parameters to give the user control over aspects
    # of the solution.
    epsgsn = Float(0.001,
                   desc='Convergence criteria \
                      of the golden section algorithm used for the \
                      one dimensional minimization.')
    epsodm = Float(0.001,
                   desc='Convergence criteria \
                      of the unconstrained minimization.')
    epsrsf = Float(0.001,
                   desc='Convergence criteria \
                      for the overall process.')
    g0 = Float(0.1,
               desc='Initial value of the transition \
    ra = Float(1.0,
               desc='Penalty multiplier. Required if mflag=1')
    racut = Float(0.1,
                  desc='Penalty multiplier decrease ratio. \
                      Required if mflag=1.')
    ramin = Float(1.0e-13,
                  desc='Lower bound of \
                      penalty multiplier. \
                      Required if mflag=1.')
    stepmx = Float(2.0,
                   desc='Maximum bound imposed on the \
                      initial step size of the one-dimensional \

    jprint = Int(0,
                 desc='Print information during NEWSUMT \
                    solution. Higher values are more verbose. If 0,\
                    print initial and final designs only.',
    lobj = Int(0, iotype='in', desc='Set to 1 if linear objective function.')
    maxgsn = Int(20,
                 desc='Maximum allowable number of golden \
                    section iterations used for 1D minimization.')
    maxodm = Int(6,
                 desc='Maximum allowable number of one \
                    dimensional minimizations.')
    maxrsf = Int(15,
                 desc='Maximum allowable number of \
                     unconstrained minimizations.')
    mflag = Int(0,
                desc='Flag for penalty multiplier. \
                     If 0, initial value computed by NEWSUMT. \
                     If 1, initial value set by ra.')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(NEWSUMTdriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.iter_count = 0

        # Save data from common blocks into the driver
        self.contrl = _contrl()
        self.countr = _countr()

        # define the NEWSUMTdriver's private variables
        # note, these are all resized in config_newsumt

        # basic stuff
        self.design_vals = zeros(0, 'd')
        self.constraint_vals = []

        # temp storage
        self.__design_vals_tmp = zeros(0, 'd')
        self._ddobj = zeros(0)
        self._dg = zeros(0)
        self._dh = zeros(0)
        self._dobj = zeros(0)
        self._g = zeros(0)
        self._gb = zeros(0)
        self._g1 = zeros(0)
        self._g2 = zeros(0)
        self._g3 = zeros(0)
        self._s = zeros(0)
        self._sn = zeros(0)
        self._x = zeros(0)
        self._iik = zeros(0, dtype=int)

        self._lower_bounds = zeros(0)
        self._upper_bounds = zeros(0)
        self._iside = zeros(0)
        self.fdcv = zeros(0)

        # Just defined here. Set elsewhere
        self.n1 = self.n2 = self.n3 = self.n4 = 0

        # Ready inputs for NEWSUMT
        self._obj = 0.0
        self._objmin = 0.0

        self.isdone = False
        self.resume = False
        self.uses_Hessians = False

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Perform the optimization."""

        # Flag used to figure out if we are starting a new finite difference
        self.baseline_point = True

        # set newsumt array sizes and more...

        self.iter_count = 0

        # get the values of the parameters
        # check if any min/max constraints are violated by initial values
        for i, val in enumerate(self.get_parameters().values()):

            value = val.evaluate(self.parent)
            self.design_vals[i] = value
            # next line is specific to NEWSUMT
            self.__design_vals_tmp[i] = value

        # Call the interruptible version of SUMT in a loop that we manage
        self.isdone = False
        self.resume = False

    def continue_iteration(self):
        """Returns True if iteration should continue."""

        return not self.isdone and self.iter_count < self.itmax

    def pre_iteration(self):
        """Checks or RunStopped and evaluates objective."""

        super(NEWSUMTdriver, self).pre_iteration()
        if self._stop:
            self.raise_exception('Stop requested', RunStopped)

    def run_iteration(self):
        """ The NEWSUMT driver iteration."""


            ( fmin, self._obj, self._objmin, self.design_vals,
              self.__design_vals_tmp, self.isdone, self.resume) = \
                   self._lower_bounds, self._upper_bounds,
                   self._ddobj, self._dg, self._dh, self._dobj,
                   self.fdcv, self._g,
                   self._gb, self._g1, self._g2, self._g3,
                   self._obj, self._objmin,
                   self._s, self._sn, self.design_vals, self.__design_vals_tmp,
                   self._iik, self.ilin, self._iside,
                   self.n1, self.n2, self.n3, self.n4,
                   self.isdone, self.resume, analys_extra_args = (self,))

        except Exception, err:


        self.iter_count += 1

        # Update the parameters and run one final time with what it gave us.
        # This update is needed because I obeserved that the last callback to
        # user_function is the final leg of a finite difference, so the model
        # is not in sync with the final design variables.
        if not self.continue_iteration():
            dvals = [float(val) for val in self.design_vals]

            super(NEWSUMTdriver, self).run_iteration()
Exemple #27
class CSVCaseIterator(object):
    """An iterator that returns :class:`Case` objects from a passed-in iterator
    of cases. This can be useful for runtime-generated cases from an
    optimizer, etc.
    Current limitations:
        Quote character in the input CSV file should be ``'`` or ``"``. Other
        choices don't seem to get identified by csv.Sniffer.
        All string data must be contained inside of quotes. This includes
        field headers.


    def __init__(self, filename='cases.csv', headers=None):

        self.data = []
        self.headers = headers
        self.label_field = None

        #Open Input file
        self.filename = filename

    def filename(self):
        """Get the name of the CSV file."""

        return self._filename

    def filename(self, name):
        """Set the CSV file name."""

        self._filename = name

        with open(self.filename, 'r') as infile:
            # Sniff out the dialect
            dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(infile.readline())
            reader = csv.reader(infile, dialect, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)

            self.data = []
            for row in reader:

            if self.headers is None:
                self.need_fieldnames = True
                self.need_fieldnames = False
                if 'label' in self.headers.values():
                    for key, value in self.headers.iteritems():
                        if value == 'label':
                            self.label_field = key
                            del self.headers[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return self._next_case()

    def _next_case(self):
        """ Generator which returns Cases one at a time. """

        # Default case label for external csv files that don't have labels.
        label = "External Case"

        retries = max_retries = 0
        parent_uuid = msg = ""
        retries_field = None
        if self.headers is None:
            input_fields = {}
            input_fields = self.headers
        output_fields = {}

        for row in self.data:

            # Get fieldnames from file
            if self.need_fieldnames:

                # OpenMDAO-style CSV file
                if row[1] == '/INPUTS':

                    input_fields, output_fields = self._parse_fieldnames(row)

                    self.label_field = 0
                    retries_field = row.index('/METADATA') + 1
                    max_retries_field = retries_field + 1
                    parent_uuid_field = retries_field + 2
                    msg_field = retries_field + 3

                # Read headers from file
                elif self.headers is None:
                    for i, field in enumerate(row):
                        if field == 'label':
                            self.label_field = i
                            input_fields[i] = field

                self.need_fieldnames = False

            if self.label_field is not None:
                label = row[self.label_field]

            if retries_field is not None:
                retries = row[retries_field]
                max_retries = row[max_retries_field]
                parent_uuid = row[parent_uuid_field]
                msg = row[msg_field]

                # For some reason, default for these in a case is None
                if not retries:
                    retries = None
                if not max_retries:
                    max_retries = None

            inputs = []
            for i, field in input_fields.iteritems():
                inputs.append((field, row[i]))

            outputs = []
            for i, field in output_fields.iteritems():
                outputs.append((field, row[i]))

            yield Case(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, label=label, \
                       retries=retries, max_retries=max_retries, \
                       parent_uuid=parent_uuid, msg=msg)

    def _parse_fieldnames(self, row):
        ''' Parse our input and output fieldname dictionaries

        input_fields = {}
        output_fields = {}

        # This file was generated by a CSVCaseRecorder
        if row[1] == '/INPUTS':

            in_start = 2
            out_start = row.index('/OUTPUTS') + 1
            out_end = row.index('/METADATA')

            if in_start < out_start - 1:
                for i in range(in_start, out_start - 1):
                    input_fields[i] = row[i]

            if out_start < len(row) - 1:
                for i in range(out_start, out_end):
                    output_fields[i] = row[i]

        # This file was generated externally

        return input_fields, output_fields

    def get_attributes(self, io_only=True):
        """ We need a custom get_attributes because we aren't using Traits to
        manage our changeable settings. This is unfortunate, and should be
        changed to something that automates this somehow."""

        attrs = {}
        attrs['type'] = type(self).__name__
        variables = []

        attr = {}
        attr['name'] = "filename"
        attr['type'] = type(self.filename).__name__
        attr['value'] = str(self.filename)
        attr['connected'] = ''
        attr['desc'] = 'Name of the CSV file to be iterated.'

        attr = {}
        attr['name'] = "headers"
        attr['type'] = type(self.headers).__name__
        attr['value'] = str(self.headers)
        attr['connected'] = ''
            'desc'] = 'Optional dictionary of header labels, where the key is the column number.'

        attrs["Inputs"] = variables
        return attrs
class SLSQPdriver(Driver):
    """Minimize a function using the Sequential Least SQuares Programming
    (SLSQP) method.

    SLSQP is a gradient optimizer that can handle both equality and
    inequality constraints.

    Note: Constraints should be added using the OpenMDAO convention
    (positive = violated).

    implements(IHasParameters, IHasConstraints, IHasObjective, IOptimizer)

    # pylint: disable=E1101
    accuracy = Float(1.0e-6, iotype='in', desc='Convergence accuracy')

    maxiter = Int(50, iotype='in', desc='Maximum number of iterations.')

    iprint = Enum(
        0, [0, 1, 2, 3],
        desc='Controls the frequency of output: 0 (no output),1,2,3.')

    iout = Int(6,
               desc='Fortran output unit. Leave  this at 6 for STDOUT.')

    output_filename = Str('slsqp.out',
                          desc='Name of output file (if iout not 6).')

    error_code = Int(0, iotype='out', desc='Error code returned from SLSQP.')

    def __init__(self):

        super(SLSQPdriver, self).__init__()

        self.error_messages = {
            -1: "Gradient evaluation required (g & a)",
            1: "Function evaluation required (f & c)",
            2: "More equality constraints than independent variables",
            3: "More than 3*n iterations in LSQ subproblem",
            4: "Inequality constraints incompatible",
            5: "Singular matrix E in LSQ subproblem",
            6: "Singular matrix C in LSQ subproblem",
            7: "Rank-deficient equality constraint subproblem HFTI",
            8: "Positive directional derivative for linesearch",
            9: "Iteration limit exceeded",

        self.x = zeros(0, 'd')
        self.x_lower_bounds = zeros(0, 'd')
        self.x_upper_bounds = zeros(0, 'd')

        self.inputs = None
        self.obj = None
        self.con = None

        self.nparam = None
        self.ncon = None
        self.neqcon = None

        self.ff = 0
        self.nfunc = 0
        self.ngrad = 0

        self._continue = None

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Perform initial setup before iteration loop begins."""

        # Inital run to make sure the workflow executes
        super(SLSQPdriver, self).run_iteration()

        self.inputs = self.list_param_group_targets()
        self.obj = self.list_objective_targets()
        self.con = self.list_constraint_targets()

        self.nparam = self.total_parameters()
        self.ncon = self.total_constraints()
        self.neqcon = self.total_eq_constraints()

        self.x = self.eval_parameters(self.parent)
        self.x_lower_bounds = self.get_lower_bounds()
        self.x_upper_bounds = self.get_upper_bounds()

        self.ff = 0
        self.nfunc = 0
        self.ngrad = 0

        self._continue = True

    def run_iteration(self):
        """ Note: slsqp controls the looping."""

        n = self.nparam
        m = self.ncon
        meq = self.neqcon

        la = max(m, 1)
        gg = zeros([la], 'd')
        df = zeros([n + 1], 'd')
        dg = zeros([la, n + 1], 'd')

        mineq = m - meq + 2 * (n + 1)
        lsq = (n + 1) * ((n + 1) + 1) + meq * ((n + 1) + 1) + mineq * (
            (n + 1) + 1)
        lsi = ((n + 1) - meq + 1) * (mineq + 2) + 2 * mineq
        lsei = ((n + 1) + mineq) * ((n + 1) - meq) + 2 * meq + (n + 1)
        slsqpb = (n + 1) * (n / 2) + 2 * m + 3 * n + 3 * (n + 1) + 1
        lw = lsq + lsi + lsei + slsqpb + n + m
        w = zeros([lw], 'd')
        ljw = max(mineq, (n + 1) - meq)
        jw = zeros([ljw], 'i')

            dg, self.error_code, self.nfunc, self.ngrad = \
              slsqp(self.ncon, self.neqcon, la, self.nparam,
                    self.x, self.x_lower_bounds, self.x_upper_bounds,
                    self.ff, gg, df, dg, self.accuracy, self.maxiter,
                    self.iprint-1, self.iout, self.output_filename,
                    self.error_code, w, lw, jw, ljw,
                    self.nfunc, self.ngrad,
                    self._func, self._grad)

            #      iout,ifile,mode,w,lw,jw,ljw,nfunc,ngrad,slfunc,slgrad)

        except Exception as err:

        if self.iprint > 0:

        # Log any errors
        if self.error_code != 0:

        # Iteration is complete
        self._continue = False

    def _func(self, m, me, la, n, f, g, xnew):
        """ Return ndarrays containing the function and constraint

        Note: m, me, la, n, f, and g are unused inputs."""
        super(SLSQPdriver, self).run_iteration()
        f = self.eval_objective()

        if isnan(f):
            msg = "Numerical overflow in the objective."
            self.raise_exception(msg, RuntimeError)

        # Constraints. Note that SLSQP defines positive as satisfied.
        if self.ncon > 0:
            g = -1. * array(self.eval_constraints(self.parent))

        if self.iprint > 0:

        return f, g

    def _grad(self, m, me, la, n, f, g, df, dg, xnew):
        """ Return ndarrays containing the gradients of the objective
        and constraints.

        Note: m, me, la, n, f, and g are unused inputs."""

        J = self.workflow.calc_gradient(self.inputs, self.obj + self.con)
        #print "gradient", J
        df[0:self.nparam] = J[0, :].ravel()

        if self.ncon > 0:
            dg[0:self.ncon, 0:self.nparam] = -J[1:1 + self.ncon, :]

        return df, dg

    def requires_derivs(self):
        """SLSQP requires derivatives."""
        return True
Exemple #29
class CSVCaseRecorder(object):
    """Stores cases in a csv file. Defaults to cases.csv."""


    def __init__(self,

        self.delimiter = delimiter
        self.quotechar = quotechar
        self.append = append
        self.outfile = None
        self.csv_writer = None
        self._header_size = 0

        #Open output file
        self._write_headers = False
        self.filename = filename

    def filename(self):
        """Get the name of the CSV file."""

        return self._filename

    def filename(self, name):
        """Set the CSV file name."""

        self._filename = name

        if self.append:
            self.outfile = open(self.filename, 'a')
            self.outfile = open(self.filename, 'w')

            # Whenever we start a new CSV file, we need to insert a line
            # of headers. These won't be available until the first
            # case is passed to self.record.
            self._write_headers = True

        self.csv_writer = csv.writer(self.outfile,

    def record(self, case):
        """Store the case in a csv file. The format for a line of data
        Field 1      - label
        Field 2      - [Empty]
        Field 3      - Input 1
        Field i+2    - Input i
        Field i+3    - [Empty]
        Field i+4    - Output 1
        Field i+j+4  - Output j
        Field i+j+5  - [Empty]
        Field i+j+6  - retries
        Field i+j+7  - max_retries
        Field i+j+8  - parent_uuid
        Field i+j+9 - msg

        if self.outfile is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Attempt to record on closed recorder')

        if self._write_headers:

            headers = ['label', '/INPUTS']

            headers.extend(case.keys(iotype='in', flatten=True))


            headers.extend(case.keys(iotype='out', flatten=True))

                ['/METADATA', 'retries', 'max_retries', 'parent_uuid', 'msg'])

            self._write_headers = False
            self._header_size = len(headers)

        data = [case.label]

        for iotype in ['in', 'out']:
            data.extend(case.values(iotype=iotype, flatten=True))

            ['', case.retries, case.max_retries, case.parent_uuid, case.msg])

        if self._header_size != len(data):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "number of data points doesn't match header size in CSV recorder"


    def close(self):
        """Closes the file."""

        if self.csv_writer is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.outfile,
                              (StringIO.StringIO, cStringIO.OutputType)):
                # Closing a StringIO deletes its contents.
            self.outfile = None
            self.csv_writer = None

    def get_iterator(self):
        '''Return CSVCaseIterator that points to our current file'''

        # I think we can safely close the oufile if someone is
        # requesting the iterator

        return CSVCaseIterator(self.filename)

    def get_attributes(self, io_only=True):
        """ We need a custom get_attributes because we aren't using Traits to
        manage our changeable settings. This is unfortunate, and should be
        changed to something that automates this somehow."""

        attrs = {}
        attrs['type'] = type(self).__name__
        variables = []

        attr = {}
        attr['name'] = "filename"
        attr['type'] = type(self.filename).__name__
        attr['value'] = str(self.filename)
        attr['connected'] = ''
        attr['desc'] = 'Name of the CSV file to be output.'

        attr = {}
        attr['name'] = "append"
        attr['type'] = type(self.append).__name__
        attr['value'] = str(self.append)
        attr['connected'] = ''
        attr['desc'] = 'Set to True to append to the existing CSV file.'

        attr = {}
        attr['name'] = "delimiter"
        attr['type'] = type(self.delimiter).__name__
        attr['value'] = str(self.delimiter)
        attr['connected'] = ''
        attr['desc'] = 'CSV delimiter. Default is ",".'

        attrs["Inputs"] = variables
        return attrs
Exemple #30
class MPICaseDriver(Driver):
    A Driver that runs each parameter set concurrently in the specified number
    of processes.
    implements(IHasParameters, IHasResponses)

    def get_req_cpus(self):
        # None means there is no max procs. It will use as many as it's given
        req = self.workflow.get_req_cpus()
        return (req[0], None)

    def execute(self):
        """ Run each parameter set. """

        color = self._color[self.mpi.rank]

        if color == MPI.UNDEFINED or self.mpi.comm == MPI.COMM_NULL:

        # Prepare parameters and responses.
        case_paths = {}
        inputs = []
        values = []

        for path in self.get_parameters():
            if isinstance(path, tuple):
                for target in path:
                path = path[0]

            val = self.case_inputs.get(make_legal_path(path))


        if not inputs:

        length = len(values[0])

        for path in self.get_responses():
            case_paths[path] = make_legal_path(path)

        sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_parallel_subs, length)
        start = offsets[color]
        end = start + sizes[color]


        # Run each parameter set.
        for i in range(start, end):

            # Set inputs.
            for j, path in enumerate(inputs):
                self.set_parameter_by_name(path, values[j][i])

            # Run workflow.
            with MPIContext():

            # Get outputs.
            for path in self.get_responses():
                cpath = case_paths[path]
                self.case_outputs.get(cpath)[i] = self.parent.get(path)

        if self._num_parallel_subs > 1:
            # Now, collect the results back from all parallel processes
            for path in self.get_responses():
                path = case_paths[path]
                vals = self.case_outputs.get(path)
                if self._resp_comm != MPI.COMM_NULL:
                    allvals = self._resp_comm.gather(vals, root=0)

                    if self._resp_comm.rank == 0:
                        for i in range(self._num_parallel_subs):
                            vals[offsets[i]:offsets[i] +
                                 sizes[i]] = allvals[i][offsets[i]:offsets[i] +
                        junk = self.mpi.comm.bcast(vals, root=0)
                        vals = self.mpi.comm.bcast(None, root=0)
                    vals = self.mpi.comm.bcast(vals, root=0)

                self.case_outputs.set(path, vals)

    def setup_communicators(self, comm):
        self.mpi.comm = comm
        size = comm.size
        rank = comm.rank

        mincpu, maxcpu = self.workflow.get_req_cpus()
        self._num_parallel_subs = size / mincpu
        leftover = size % mincpu

        color = []
        resp_color = []
        undefs = [MPI.UNDEFINED] * mincpu
        for i in range(self._num_parallel_subs):
            color.extend([i] * mincpu)
            resp_color.extend([0] + undefs[1:])

        # TODO: give leftover procs to subsystems if they can utilize them
        if leftover:
            color.extend([MPI.UNDEFINED] * leftover)
            resp_color.extend([MPI.UNDEFINED] * leftover)

        sub_comm = comm.Split(color[rank])
        self._color = color

        # if we weren't given enough procs to run parallel workflows,
        # just run serial
        if self._num_parallel_subs == 1:
            self._resp_comm = MPI.COMM_NULL

        if mincpu > comm.size:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "subsystem %s requested %d processors but got %s" %
                (self.name, mincpu, comm.size))


        # Now set up a special comm for just the MPICaseDrivers that have 0 rank
        # sub_comm.  The responses are duplicated in each proc of the sub_comm,
        # so we just want the first one in order to avoid unnecessary data
        # passing. Later we'll broadcast the fully assembled case_outputs
        # vartree to all procs.
        self._resp_comm = comm.Split(resp_color[rank])