Exemple #1
def amsg2p(f, df, x0, epsilon, f_opt, gamma, callback = lambda x, f: False):
    # returns optim point and iteration number
    f0 = f(x0)
    if f0 - f_opt <= epsilon: return x0, 0
    x, n = x0.copy(), x0.size
    df0 = df(x0)
    ndf = norm(df0)
    h, dzeta, p, B = gamma * (f0 - f_opt) / ndf, df0 / ndf, zeros(n), diag(ones(n, 'float64')) # TODO: add possibility to create B of type float128
    k = 0
    while True:
        k += 1
        x -= h * dot(B, dzeta)
        F = f(x) 
        r = callback(x, F) 
        if r not in (0, False, None): 
            break # user-demanded stop
        if F - f_opt <= epsilon: break
        DF = df(x)
        DF_dilated = dot(B.T, DF)
        nDF_dilated = norm(DF_dilated)
        dzeta_new, h = DF_dilated / nDF_dilated, gamma * (F-f_opt) / nDF_dilated
        lambda1, lambda2 = -dot(p, dzeta_new), -dot(dzeta, dzeta_new)
        c1, c2 = lambda1>0, lambda2>0
        p = (lambda1 * p + lambda2 * dzeta)/sqrt(lambda1**2+lambda2**2) if c1 and c2 else dzeta if c2 and not c1 else zeros(n) if not c1 and not c2 else p
        mu = dot(p, dzeta_new)
        if -1 < mu < 0:
            S = sqrt(1-mu**2)
            nu = (1/S-1) * dzeta_new - (mu/S) * p 
            B += dot(dot(B, nu.reshape(n, 1)), dzeta_new.reshape(1, n))
            h /= S
            p = (p - mu * dzeta_new) / S
            p = zeros(n)
        dzeta = dzeta_new
    return x, k
Exemple #2
    def getPrimevalDilationMatrixWRTlinEqConstraints(self, p):
        n, Aeq, beq = p.n, p.Aeq, p.beq
        nLinEq = len(p.beq)
        ind_fixed = where(p.lb==p.ub)[0]
        arr=ones(n, dtype=self.T)
        arr[ind_fixed] = 0
        b = diag(arr)
        if hasattr(Aeq, 'tocsc'):Aeq = Aeq.tocsc()
        for i in range(nLinEq):
            vec = Aeq[i]
            #raise 0
            if hasattr(vec, 'toarray'): vec = vec.toarray().flatten()
            g = economyMult(b.T, vec)
            if not any(g): continue
            #ind_nnz = nonzero(g)[0]
            ng = norm(g)
            g = (g / ng).reshape(-1,1)
            vec1 = p.matmult(b, g)# TODO: remove economyMult, use dot?
            vec2 = -g.T
            b += p.matmult(vec1, vec2)
#            if len(ind_nnz) > 0.7 * g.size:
#                b += p.matmult(vec1, vec2)
#            else:
#                ind_nnz1 = nonzero(vec1)[0]
#                ind_nnz2 = nonzero(vec2)[1]
#                r = dot(vec1[ind_nnz1, :], vec2[:, ind_nnz2])
#                if p.debug: 
#                    assert abs(norm(p.matmult(vec1, vec2).flatten()) - norm(r.flatten())) < 1e-5
#                b[ix_(ind_nnz1, ind_nnz2)] += r
        return b
Exemple #3
def amsg2p(f, df, x0, epsilon, f_opt, gamma, callback=lambda x, f: False):
    # returns optim point and iteration number
    f0 = f(x0)
    if f0 - f_opt <= epsilon: return x0, 0
    x, n = x0.copy(), x0.size
    df0 = df(x0)
    ndf = norm(df0)
    h, dzeta, p, B = gamma * (f0 - f_opt) / ndf, df0 / ndf, zeros(n), diag(
             'float64'))  # TODO: add possibility to create B of type float128
    k = 0
    while True:
        k += 1
        x -= h * dot(B, dzeta)
        F = f(x)
        r = callback(x, F)
        if r not in (0, False, None):
            break  # user-demanded stop
        if F - f_opt <= epsilon: break
        DF = df(x)
        DF_dilated = dot(B.T, DF)
        nDF_dilated = norm(DF_dilated)
        dzeta_new, h = DF_dilated / nDF_dilated, gamma * (F -
                                                          f_opt) / nDF_dilated
        lambda1, lambda2 = -dot(p, dzeta_new), -dot(dzeta, dzeta_new)
        c1, c2 = lambda1 > 0, lambda2 > 0
        p = (lambda1 * p + lambda2 * dzeta) / sqrt(
            lambda1**2 +
            lambda2**2) if c1 and c2 else dzeta if c2 and not c1 else zeros(
                n) if not c1 and not c2 else p
        mu = dot(p, dzeta_new)
        if -1 < mu < 0:
            S = sqrt(1 - mu**2)
            nu = (1 / S - 1) * dzeta_new - (mu / S) * p
            B += dot(dot(B, nu.reshape(n, 1)), dzeta_new.reshape(1, n))
            h /= S
            p = (p - mu * dzeta_new) / S
            p = zeros(n)
        dzeta = dzeta_new
    return x, k
Exemple #4
def getAltitudeDirection(p, pointTop, point2, point3):
    b = point2 - pointTop
    c = point3 - pointTop
    alpha = dot(c, c-b) / norm(c-b)**2
    h = alpha * b + (1-alpha) * c

    abh = arccos(dot(h, b)/norm(h) /norm(b))
    ach = arccos(dot(h, c)/norm(h) /norm(c))
    abc = arccos(dot(b, c)/norm(b) /norm(c))
    #ahbc = arccos(dot(h,  b-c)/norm(h) /norm(b-c))
    isInsideTriangle = abh+ach-abc<=1e-8
    return h, isInsideTriangle
Exemple #5
        def iterfcn(*args,  **kwargs):
            p2.primalIterFcn(*args,  **kwargs)
            p.xk = p2.xk.copy()
            Fk = norm(p.f(p.xk), inf)
            p.rk = p.getMaxResidual(p.xk)

            #TODO: ADD p.rk

            if p.nEvals['f'] > p.maxFunEvals:
                p.istop = p2.istop = IS_MAX_FUN_EVALS_REACHED
            elif p2.istop!=0:
                if Fk < FTOL and p.rk < p.contol:
                    p.istop = 15
                    msg_contol = '' if p.isUC else 'and contol '
                    p.msg = 'solution with required ftol ' + msg_contol+ 'has been reached'
                else: p.istop = p2.istop

            return p.istop
Exemple #6
    def __solver__(self, p):

        alp, h0, nh, q1, q2 = self.alp, self.h0, self.nh, self.q1, self.q2
        if isPyPy:
            if p.nc != 0 or p.nh != 0:
                p.warn("in PyPy ralg may work incorrectly with nonlinear constraints yet")
            if p.nbeq != 0 or any(p.lb==p.ub):
                p.err('in PyPy ralg cannot handle linear equality constraints yet')
        if type(q1) == str:
            if p.probType== 'NLP' and p.isUC: q1 = 0.9
            else: q1 = 1.0
        T = self.T
        # alternatively instead of alp=self.alp etc you can use directly self.alp etc

        n = p.n
        x0 = p.x0
        if p.nbeq == 0 or any(abs(p._get_AeqX_eq_Beq_residuals(x0))>p.contol): # TODO: add "or Aeqconstraints(x0) out of contol"
            x0[x0<p.lb] = p.lb[x0<p.lb]
            x0[x0>p.ub] = p.ub[x0>p.ub]
        ind_box_eq = where(p.lb==p.ub)[0]
        nEQ = ind_box_eq.size
        if nEQ != 0:
            initLenBeq = p.nbeq
            Aeq, beq, nbeq = copy(p.Aeq), copy(p.beq), p.nbeq
            p.Aeq = zeros([Len(p.beq) + nEQ, p.n])
            p.beq = zeros(Len(p.beq) + nEQ)
            p.beq[:Len(beq)] = beq
            p.Aeq[:Len(beq)] = Aeq
            for i in range(len(ind_box_eq)):
                p.Aeq[initLenBeq+i, ind_box_eq[i]] = 1
                p.beq[initLenBeq+i] = p.lb[ind_box_eq[i]] # = p.ub[indEQ[i]], because they are the same
            p.nbeq += nEQ
        if not self.newLinEq or p.nbeq == 0:
            needProjection = False
            B0 = eye(n,  dtype=T)
            restoreProb = lambda *args: 0
            Aeq_r, beq_r, nbeq_r = None, None, 0
            needProjection = True
            B0 = self.getPrimevalDilationMatrixWRTlinEqConstraints(p)
            #Aeq, beq, nbeq = p.Aeq, p.beq, p.nbeq
            if any(abs(p._get_AeqX_eq_Beq_residuals(x0))>p.contol/16.0):
                #p.debugmsg('old point Aeq residual:'+str(norm(dot(Aeq, x0)-beq)))
                    x0 = self.linEqProjection(x0, p.Aeq, p.beq)
                except LinAlgError:
                    s = 'Failed to obtain projection of start point to linear equality constraints subspace, probably the system is infeasible'
                    p.istop, p.msg = -25,  s
                #p.debugmsg('new point Aeq residual:'+str(norm(dot(Aeq, x0)-beq)))
            if nEQ == 0:
                Aeq_r, beq_r, nbeq_r = p.Aeq, p.beq, p.nbeq
                Aeq_r, beq_r, nbeq_r = Aeq, beq, nbeq
            p.Aeq, p.beq, p.nbeq = None, None, 0
            # TODO: return prob with unmodified Aeq, beq
            def restoreProb():
                p.Aeq, p.beq, p.nbeq = Aeq_r, beq_r, nbeq_r
                #if nEQ != 0: restore lb, ub
        b = B0.copy() if self.B is None else self.B
#        B_f = diag(ones(n))
#        B_constr = diag(ones(n))
        hs = asarray(h0, T)
        if self.innerState is not None:
            hs = self.innerState['hs']
            b = self.innerState['B']
        ls_arr = []
        w = asarray(1.0/alp-1.0, T)

        """                            Shor r-alg engine                           """
        bestPoint = p.point(array(copy(x0).tolist(), T)) # tolist() for PyPy compatibility
        prevIter_best_ls_point = bestPoint
        prevIter_PointForDilation = bestPoint

        g = bestPoint._getDirection(self.approach)
        prevDirectionForDilation = g
        moveDirection = g
        if not any(g) and all(isfinite(g)):
            # TODO: create ENUMs
            p.istop = 14 if bestPoint.isFeas(False) else -14
            p.msg = 'move direction has all-zero coords'

        HS = []
        LS = []
        SwitchEncountered = False
        selfNeedRej = False
        doScale = False
        #directionVectorsList = []
#        #pass-by-ref! not copy!
#        if p.isFeas(p.x0): b = B_f
#        else: b = B_constr

#        if p.debug and hasattr(p, 'x_opt'):
#            import scipy
#            exactDirection = x0-p.x_opt
#            asdf_0 = exactDirection * (0.2+scipy.rand(n))
#            #asdf = asdf_0.copy()

        fTol = p.fTol if p.fTol is not None else 15*p.ftol
        # CHANGES
        if self.penalties:
            oldVal = p.f(p.x0)
            newVal = inf
            x = p.x0
            #H,  DH = p.h, p.dh
            if p.nh != 0:
                #S = 1.0
                _Aeq = p.dh(x)
                _beq = -p.h(x)
                df = p.df(x)
                if n>=150 and not scipyInstalled:
                if n>100 and scipyInstalled:
                    from scipy.sparse import eye as Eye # to prevent numpy.eye overwrite
                    HH = Eye(n, n)
                    HH = eye(n)
                qp = openopt.QP(H=HH, f=df, Aeq=_Aeq, beq=_beq)
    #                print ('len(_beq): %d' % len(_beq))
    #                assert len(_beq) != 0
                QPsolver = openopt.oosolver('cvxopt_qp', iprint=-1)
                if not QPsolver.isInstalled:
                    #p.pWarn('to use ')
                    S = None
                    r = qp.solve(QPsolver)
                    #S = 2.0*abs(r.duals).sum() if r.istop > 0 else 0
                    S = 10.0*sum(abs(r.duals)) if r.istop > 0 else None
                while any(p.h(x)) > p.contol:
                    if S is not None:
                        p2 = getattr(openopt, p.probType)(p.f, x)
                        p2.x0 = x
                        p2.h = p2.dh = None
                        p2.userProvided.h = p2.userProvided.dh = False
                        p2.nh = 0
                        p2.f = lambda *args, **kwargs: p.f(*args, **kwargs) + sum(abs(S * p.h(*args, **kwargs)))
                        p2.df = lambda *args, **kwargs: p.df(*args, **kwargs) + dot(S * sign(p.h(*args, **kwargs)), p.dh(*args, **kwargs))
                        #p2.iterfcn = p.iterfcn
    #                    def df2(*args, **kwargs):
    #                        r1 = p.df(*args, **kwargs)
    #                        r2 = S * dot(p.dh(*args, **kwargs).reshape(-1, 1), sign(p.h(*args, **kwargs))).flatten()
    #                        #raise 0
    #                        return r1+r2
    #                    #p2.df = lambda *args, **kwargs: p.df(*args, **kwargs) + S * dot(p.dh(x).reshape(-1, 1), sign(p.h(*args, **kwargs))).flatten()
    #                    p2.df = df2
    #                    #raise 0
                        r2 = p2.solve(p.solver, iprint=10)
                        if r2.stopcase >= 0:
                            x = r2.xf
                            p.solver.innerState = r2.extras['innerState']
                            oldVal, newVal = newVal, r2.ff
                            if r2.istop == IS_LINE_SEARCH_FAILED:
                                # TODO: custom S as raising penalties
                        if p.isFeas(p2.xk):
                            p.xf = p.xk = p2.xk
                            p.istop, p.msg = p2.istop, p2.msg
                            S *= 50
                            #print('max residual:%0.2e'% r2.rf)
                    else: # failed to solve QP
        #print 'b:', b, '\nhs:', hs
        # CHANGES END

        """                           Ralg main cycle                                    """

        for itn in range(p.maxIter+10):
            doDilation = True
            lastPointOfSameType = None # to prevent possible bugs
            alp_addition = 0.0
            iterStartPoint = prevIter_best_ls_point
            x = iterStartPoint.x.copy()

            g_tmp = economyMult(b.T, moveDirection)
            if any(g_tmp): g_tmp /= p.norm(g_tmp)
            g1 = p.matmult(b, g_tmp)
#            norm_moveDirection = p.norm(g1)
#            if doScale:
#                g1 *= (norm_moveDirection_prev/norm_moveDirection) ** 0.5
#            norm_moveDirection_prev = norm_moveDirection

#            if p.debug and hasattr(p, 'x_opt'):
#                cos_phi_0 = p.matmult(moveDirection,  prevIter_best_ls_point.x - p.x_opt)/p.norm(moveDirection)/p.norm(prevIter_best_ls_point.x - p.x_opt)
#                cos_phi_1 = p.matmult(g1,  prevIter_best_ls_point.x - p.x_opt)/p.norm(g1)/p.norm(prevIter_best_ls_point.x - p.x_opt)
#                print('beforeDilation: %f  afterDilation: %f' % (cos_phi_0, cos_phi_1) )
#                asdf = asdf_0.copy()
#                g_tmp = economyMult(b.T, asdf)
#                #g_tmp = p.matmult(b.T, asdf)
#                if any(g_tmp): g_tmp /= p.norm(g_tmp)
#                asdf = p.matmult(b, g_tmp)
#                cos_phi = dot(asdf, exactDirection) / p.norm(asdf) / p.norm(exactDirection)
#                p.debugmsg('cos_phi:%f' % cos_phi)
#                assert cos_phi >0

            """                           Forward line search                          """

            hs_cumsum = 0
            hs_start = hs
            for ls in range(p.maxLineSearch):
                hs_mult = 1.0
                if ls > 20:
                    hs_mult = 2.0
                elif ls > 10:
                    hs_mult = 1.5
                elif ls > 2:
                    hs_mult = 1.05
                hs *= hs_mult

                x -= hs * g1
                hs_cumsum += hs

                newPoint = p.point(x) if ls == 0 else iterStartPoint.linePoint(hs_cumsum/(hs_cumsum-hs), oldPoint) #  TODO: take ls into account?
                if not p.isUC:
                    if newPoint.isFeas(True) == iterStartPoint.isFeas(True):
                        lastPointOfSameType = newPoint
                if self.show_nnan: p.info('ls: %d nnan: %d' % (ls, newPoint.__nnan__()))

                if ls == 0:
                    oldPoint = prevIter_best_ls_point#prevIterPoint
                    oldoldPoint = oldPoint
                #if not self.checkTurnByGradient:
                if newPoint.betterThan(oldPoint, altLinInEq=True):
                    if newPoint.betterThan(bestPoint, altLinInEq=False): bestPoint = newPoint
                    oldoldPoint = oldPoint
                    oldPoint, newPoint = newPoint,  None
                    if not itn % 4: 
                        for fn in ['_lin_ineq', '_lin_eq']:
                            if hasattr(newPoint, fn): delattr(newPoint, fn)
            hs /= hs_mult
            if ls == p.maxLineSearch-1:
                p.istop,  p.msg = IS_LINE_SEARCH_FAILED,  'maxLineSearch (' + str(p.maxLineSearch) + ') has been exceeded, the problem seems to be unbounded'

            #iterPoint  = newPoint
            PointForDilation = newPoint
            #best_ls_point = newPoint if ls == 0 else oldPoint
            #if p.debug and ls != 0: assert not oldPoint.betterThan(best_ls_point)

            """                          Backward line search                          """
            mdx = max((150, 1.5*p.n))*p.xtol
            if itn == 0:  mdx = max((hs / 128.0, 128*p.xtol )) # TODO: set it after B rej as well
            ls_backward = 0
            maxLS = 3 if ls == 0 else 1
#            if ls <=3 or ls > 20:
            if self.doBackwardSearch:
                if self.new_bs:
                    best_ls_point,  PointForDilation, ls_backward = \
                    getBestPointAfterTurn(oldoldPoint, newPoint, maxLS = maxLS, maxDeltaF = 150*p.ftol, \
                                          maxDeltaX = mdx, altLinInEq = True, new_bs = True)
                    if PointForDilation.isFeas(True) == iterStartPoint.isFeas(True):
                        lastPointOfSameType = PointForDilation
#                        elif best_ls_point.isFeas(altLinInEq=True) == iterStartPoint.isFeas(altLinInEq=True):
#                            lastPointOfSameType = best_ls_point
                    best_ls_point, ls_backward = \
                    getBestPointAfterTurn(oldoldPoint, newPoint, maxLS = maxLS, altLinInEq = True, new_bs = False)
                    PointForDilation = best_ls_point

                # TODO: extract last point from backward search, that one is better than iterPoint
                if best_ls_point.betterThan(bestPoint): bestPoint = best_ls_point
                #p.debugmsg('ls_backward:%d' % ls_backward)
                if ls == 0 and ls_backward == -maxLS:
                    alp_addition += 0.25
                    #hs *= 0.9
                if ls_backward <= -1 and itn != 0:  # TODO: mb use -1 or 0 instead?
                    #alp_addition -= 0.25*ls_backward # ls_backward less than zero
                #hs *= 2 ** min((ls_backward+1, 0))
                #hs *= 0.95
            best_ls_point = PointForDilation # elseware lots of difficulties
            """                                 Updating hs                                 """
            step_x = p.norm(PointForDilation.x - prevIter_PointForDilation.x)
            step_f = abs(PointForDilation.f() - prevIter_PointForDilation.f())
            assert ls >= 0
            if itn > 3:
                mean_ls = (3*LS[-1] + 2*LS[-2]+LS[-3]) / 6.0
                j0 = 3.3
                if mean_ls > j0:
                    hs = (mean_ls - j0 + 1)**0.5 * hs_start
                    #hs = (ls/j0) ** 0.5 * hs_start
                    hs = hs_start
                    if ls == 0 and ls_backward == -maxLS:
                        shift_x = step_x / p.xtol
                        RD = log10(shift_x+1e-100)
                        if PointForDilation.isFeas(True) or prevIter_PointForDilation.isFeas(True):
                            RD = min((RD, asscalar(asarray(log10(step_f / p.ftol + 1e-100)))))
                        if RD > 1.0:
                            mp = (0.5, (ls/j0) ** 0.5, 1 - 0.2*RD)
                            hs *= max(mp)
                            #from numpy import argmax
                            #print argmax(mp), mp

            """                            Handling iterPoints                            """
            best_ls_point = PointForDilation
            #if not SwitchEncountered and p.nh != 0 and PointForDilation.isFeas(altLinInEq=False) != prevIter_PointForDilation.isFeas(altLinInEq=False):
                #SwitchEncountered = True
                #selfNeedRej = True
            involve_lastPointOfSameType = False
            if lastPointOfSameType is not None and PointForDilation.isFeas(True) != prevIter_PointForDilation.isFeas(True):
                # TODO: add middle point for the case ls = 0
                assert self.dilationType == 'plain difference'
                #directionForDilation = lastPointOfSameType._getDirection(self.approach) 
                PointForDilation = lastPointOfSameType
                involve_lastPointOfSameType = True
            #directionForDilation = newPoint.__getDirection__(self.approach) # used for dilation direction obtaining
#            if not self.new_bs or ls != 0:
#                moveDirection = iterPoint.__getDirection__(self.approach)
#            else:
#                moveDirection = best_ls_point.__getDirection__(self.approach)
                #directionForDilation = pointForDilation.__getDirection__(self.approach) 
#                cos_phi = -p.matmult(moveDirection, prevIterPoint.__getDirection__(self.approach))
#                assert cos_phi.size == 1
#                if cos_phi> 0:
#                    g2 = moveDirection#pointForDilation.__getDirection__(self.approach) 
#                else:
#                    g2 = pointForDilation.__getDirection__(self.approach) 
            if itn == 0:
                p.debugmsg('hs: ' + str(hs))
                p.debugmsg('ls: ' + str(ls))
            if self.showLS: p.info('ls: ' + str(ls))
            if self.show_hs: p.info('hs: ' + str(hs))
            if self.show_nnan: p.info('nnan: ' + str(best_ls_point.__nnan__()))
            if self.showRes:
                r, fname, ind = best_ls_point.mr(True)

            """                         Set dilation direction                            """

            #if sum(p.dotmult(g, g2))>0:
                #p.debugmsg('ralg warning: slope angle less than pi/2. Mb dilation for the iter will be omitted.')
                #doDilation = False

            # CHANGES
#            if lastPointOfSameType is None:
#                if currIterPointIsFeasible and not prevIterPointIsFeasible:
#                    alp_addition += 0.1
#                elif prevIterPointIsFeasible and not currIterPointIsFeasible:
#                    alp_addition -= 0.0
            # CHANGES END
#            r_p, ind_p, fname_p = prevIter_best_ls_point.mr(1)
#            r_, ind_, fname_ = PointForDilation.mr(1)


            #print itn,'>>>>>>>>>', currIterPointIsFeasible
            """                                    Excluding derivatives switched to/from NaN                                    """
            if self.skipPrevIterNaNsInDilation:
                c_prev, c_current = prevIter_PointForDilation.c(), PointForDilation.c()
                h_prev, h_current = prevIter_PointForDilation.h(), PointForDilation.h()
            """                                             Handling switch to NaN                                            """
            NaN_derivatives_excluded = False
            if self.skipPrevIterNaNsInDilation:
                assert self.approach == 'all active'
                if not prevIter_PointForDilation.isFeas(True):
                    """                          processing NaNs in nonlin inequality constraints                          """
                    ind_switch_ineq_to_nan = where(logical_and(isnan(c_current), c_prev>0))[0]              
                    if len(ind_switch_ineq_to_nan) != 0:
                        NaN_derivatives_excluded = True
                        tmp = prevIter_PointForDilation.dc(ind_switch_ineq_to_nan)
                        if hasattr(tmp, 'toarray'):
                            tmp = tmp.A
                        if len(ind_switch_ineq_to_nan)>1:
                            tmp *= (c_prev[ind_switch_ineq_to_nan] /sqrt((tmp**2).sum(1))).reshape(-1, 1)
                            tmp *= c_prev[ind_switch_ineq_to_nan] / norm(tmp)
                        if tmp.ndim>1: tmp = tmp.sum(0)
                        if not isinstance(tmp, ndarray) or isinstance(tmp, matrix): tmp = tmp.A.flatten() # dense or sparse matrix
                        #print '1: excluded:', norm(tmp), norm(prevDirectionForDilation)
                        prevDirectionForDilation -= tmp
                        #print '1: result=', norm(prevDirectionForDilation)
                    """                           processing NaNs in nonlin equality constraints                           """
                    ind_switch_eq_to_nan = where(logical_and(isnan(h_current), h_prev>0))[0]       
                    if len(ind_switch_eq_to_nan) != 0:
                        NaN_derivatives_excluded = True
                        tmp = prevIter_PointForDilation.dh(ind_switch_eq_to_nan)                        
                        if tmp.ndim>1: tmp = tmp.sum(0)
                        if not isinstance(tmp, ndarray) or isinstance(tmp, matrix): tmp = tmp.A.flatten() # dense or sparse matrix
                        prevDirectionForDilation -= tmp

                    ind_switch_eq_to_nan = where(logical_and(isnan(h_current), h_prev<0))[0]                
                    if len(ind_switch_eq_to_nan) != 0:
                        NaN_derivatives_excluded = True
                        tmp = prevIter_PointForDilation.dh(ind_switch_eq_to_nan)
                        if tmp.ndim>1: tmp = tmp.sum(0)
                        if not isinstance(tmp, ndarray) or isinstance(tmp, matrix): tmp = tmp.A.flatten() # dense or sparse matrix
                        prevDirectionForDilation += tmp
            directionForDilation = PointForDilation._getDirection(self.approach) 
            """                                            Handling switch from NaN                                           """
            if self.skipPrevIterNaNsInDilation:
                if not PointForDilation.isFeas(True):
                    """                          processing NaNs in nonlin inequality constraints                          """
                    ind_switch_ineq_from_nan = where(logical_and(isnan(c_prev), c_current>0))[0]
                    if len(ind_switch_ineq_from_nan) != 0:
                        NaN_derivatives_excluded = True
                        tmp = PointForDilation.dc(ind_switch_ineq_from_nan)
                        if hasattr(tmp, 'toarray'):
                            tmp = tmp.A                        
                        if len(ind_switch_ineq_from_nan)>1:
                            tmp *= (c_current[ind_switch_ineq_from_nan] /sqrt((tmp**2).sum(1))).reshape(-1, 1)
                            tmp *= c_current[ind_switch_ineq_from_nan] / norm(tmp)                        
                        if tmp.ndim>1: tmp = tmp.sum(0)
                        if not isinstance(tmp, ndarray) or isinstance(tmp, matrix): tmp = tmp.A.flatten() # dense or sparse matrix
                        #print '2: excluded:', norm(tmp), norm(directionForDilation)
                        directionForDilation -= tmp
                        #print '2: result=', norm(directionForDilation)
                    """                           processing NaNs in nonlin equality constraints                           """
                    ind_switch_eq_from_nan = where(logical_and(isnan(h_prev), h_current>0))[0]
                    if len(ind_switch_eq_from_nan) != 0:
                        NaN_derivatives_excluded = True
                        tmp = PointForDilation.dh(ind_switch_eq_from_nan)
                        if tmp.ndim>1: tmp = tmp.sum(0)
                        if not isinstance(tmp, ndarray) or isinstance(tmp, matrix): tmp = tmp.A.flatten() # dense or sparse matrix
                        directionForDilation -= tmp

                    ind_switch_eq_from_nan = where(logical_and(isnan(h_prev), h_current<0))[0]
                    if len(ind_switch_eq_from_nan) != 0:
                        NaN_derivatives_excluded = True
                        tmp = PointForDilation.dh(ind_switch_eq_from_nan)
                        if tmp.ndim>1: tmp = tmp.sum(0)
                        if not isinstance(tmp, ndarray) or isinstance(tmp, matrix): tmp = tmp.A.flatten() # dense or sparse matrix
                        directionForDilation += tmp

#            # CHANGES
#            gn = g2/norm(g2)
#            if len(directionVectorsList) == 0 or n < 3: pass
#            else:
#                if len(directionVectorsList) == 1 or abs(dot(directionVectorsList[-1], directionVectorsList[-2]))>0.999:
#                    projectionComponentLenght = abs(dot(directionVectorsList[-1], gn))
#                    restLength = sqrt(1 - min((1, projectionComponentLenght))**2)
#                else: 
#                    e1 = directionVectorsList[-1]
#                    e2 = directionVectorsList[-2] - dot(directionVectorsList[-1], directionVectorsList[-2]) * directionVectorsList[-1]
#                    e2 /= norm(e2)
#                    proj1, proj2 = dot(e1, gn), dot(e2, gn)
#                    rest = gn - proj1 * e1 - proj2 * e2
#                    restLength = norm(rest)
#                if restLength > 1+1e-5: p.pWarn('possible error in ralg solver: incorrect restLength, exceeds 1.0')
#                # TODO: make it parameters of ralg
#                commonCoeff, alp_add_coeff = 0.5, 1.0
#                if restLength < commonCoeff * (n - 2.0) / n:
#                    #pass
#                    alpAddition = 0.5+(arctan((n - 2.0) / (n * restLength)) - pi / 4.0) / (pi / 2.0) * alp_add_coeff
#                    #p.debugmsg('alpAddition:' + str(alpAddition))
#                    assert alpAddition > 0 # if someone incorrectly modifies commonCoeff it can be less than zero
#                    alp_addition += alpAddition
#                    #p.debugmsg('alp_addition:' + str(alp_addition))
#            directionVectorsList.append(gn)
#            if len(directionVectorsList) > 2: directionVectorsList = directionVectorsList[:-2]
#            # CHANGES END

            if self.dilationType == 'normalized' and (not fname_p in ('lb', 'ub', 'lin_eq', 'lin_ineq') \
                                                      or not fname_ in ('lb', 'ub', 'lin_eq', 'lin_ineq')) and (fname_p != fname_  or ind_p != ind_):
                G2,  G = directionForDilation/norm(directionForDilation), prevDirectionForDilation/norm(prevDirectionForDilation)
                G2,  G = directionForDilation, prevDirectionForDilation            
            if prevIter_PointForDilation.isFeas(True) == PointForDilation.isFeas(True):
                g1 = G2 - G
            elif prevIter_PointForDilation.isFeas(True):
                g1 = G2.copy()
                g1 = G.copy()
                alp_addition += 0.05
            #print p.getMaxResidual(PointForDilation.x, 1)
            # the case may be occured when 
            #  1) lastPointOfSameType is used 
            # or
            #  2) some NaN from constraints have been excluded
            if norm(G2 - G) < 1e-12 * min((norm(G2), norm(G))) and (involve_lastPointOfSameType or NaN_derivatives_excluded):
                p.debugmsg("ralg: 'last point of same type gradient' is used")
                g1 = G2

                #g1 = -G.copy() # signum doesn't matter here

            # changes wrt infeas constraints
#            if prevIterPoint.nNaNs() != 0:
#                cp, hp = prevIterPoint.c(), prevIterPoint.h()
#                ind_infeas_cp, ind_infeas_hp = isnan(cp), isnan(hp)
#                c, h = iterPoint.c(), iterPoint.h()
#                ind_infeas_c, ind_infeas_h = isnan(c), isnan(h)
#                ind_goodChange_c = logical_and(ind_infeas_cp,  logical_not(ind_infeas_c))
#                ind_goodChange_h = logical_and(ind_infeas_hp,  logical_not(ind_infeas_h))
#                any_c, any_h = any(ind_goodChange_c), any(ind_goodChange_h)
#                altDilation = zeros(n)
#                if any_c:
#                    altDilation += sum(atleast_2d(iterPoint.dc(where(ind_goodChange_c)[0])), 0)
#                    assert not any(isnan(altDilation))
#                if any_h:
#                    altDilation += sum(atleast_2d(iterPoint.dh(where(ind_goodChange_h)[0])), 0)
#                if any_c or any_h:
#                    #print '!>', altDilation
#                    #g1 = altDilation
#                    pass
            # changes end

            """                             Perform dilation                               """

            # CHANGES
#            g = economyMult(b.T, g1)
#            gn = g/norm(g)
#            if len(directionVectorsList) == 0 or n < 3 or norm(g1) < 1e-20: pass
#            else:
#                if len(directionVectorsList) == 1 or abs(dot(directionVectorsList[-1], directionVectorsList[-2]))>0.999:
#                    projectionComponentLenght = abs(dot(directionVectorsList[-1], gn))
#                    restLength = sqrt(1 - min((1, projectionComponentLenght))**2)
#                else: 
#                    e1 = directionVectorsList[-1]
#                    e2 = directionVectorsList[-2] - dot(directionVectorsList[-1], directionVectorsList[-2]) * directionVectorsList[-1]
#                    print dot(directionVectorsList[-1], directionVectorsList[-2])
#                    e2 /= norm(e2)
#                    proj1, proj2 = dot(e1, gn), dot(e2, gn)
#                    rest = gn - proj1 * e1 - proj2 * e2
#                    restLength = norm(rest)
#                assert restLength < 1+1e-5, 'error in ralg solver: incorrect restLength'
#                # TODO: make it parameters of ralg
#                commonCoeff, alp_add_coeff = 0.5, 1.0
#                if restLength < commonCoeff * (n - 2.0) / n:
#                    #pass
#                    alpAddition = 0.5+(arctan((n - 2.0) / (n * restLength)) - pi / 4.0) / (pi / 2.0) * alp_add_coeff
#                    #p.debugmsg('alpAddition:' + str(alpAddition))
#                    assert alpAddition > 0 # if someone incorrectly modifies commonCoeff it can be less than zero
#                    alp_addition += alpAddition
#                    #p.debugmsg('alp_addition:' + str(alp_addition))
#            directionVectorsList.append(gn)
#            if len(directionVectorsList) > 2: directionVectorsList = directionVectorsList[:-2]
            # CHANGES END

            if doDilation:
                g = economyMult(b.T, g1)
                ng = p.norm(g)

                if self.needRej(p, b, g1, g) or selfNeedRej:
                    selfNeedRej = False
                    if self.showRej or p.debug:
                        p.info('debug msg: matrix B restoration in ralg solver')
                    b = B0.copy()
                    hs = p.norm(prevIter_best_ls_point.x - best_ls_point.x)
                    # TODO: iterPoint = projection(iterPoint,Aeq) if res_Aeq > 0.75*contol

                if ng < 1e-40: 
                    hs *= 0.9
                    p.debugmsg('small dilation direction norm (%e), skipping' % ng)
                if all(isfinite(g)) and ng > 1e-50 and doDilation:
                    g = (g / ng).reshape(-1,1)
                    vec1 = economyMult(b, g).reshape(-1,1)# TODO: remove economyMult, use dot?
                    #if alp_addition != 0: p.debugmsg('alp_addition:' + str(alp_addition))
                    w = asarray(1.0/(alp+alp_addition)-1.0, T) 
                    vec2 = w * g.T
                    b += p.matmult(vec1, vec2)

            """                               Call OO iterfcn                                """
            if hasattr(p, '_df'): delattr(p, '_df')
            if best_ls_point.isFeas(False) and hasattr(best_ls_point, '_df'): 
                p._df = best_ls_point.df().copy()           

            """                             Check stop criteria                           """

            cond_same_point = array_equal(best_ls_point.x, prevIter_best_ls_point.x)
            if cond_same_point and not p.istop:
                p.istop = 14
                p.msg = 'X[k-1] and X[k] are same'
                p.stopdict[SMALL_DELTA_X] = True
                self.innerState = {'B': b, 'hs': hs}
            s2 = 0
            if p.istop and not p.userStop:
                if p.istop not in p.stopdict: p.stopdict[p.istop] = True # it's actual for converters, TODO: fix it
                if SMALL_DF in p.stopdict:
                    if best_ls_point.isFeas(False): s2 = p.istop
                if SMALL_DELTA_F in p.stopdict:
                    # TODO: implement it more properly
                    if best_ls_point.isFeas(False) and prevIter_best_ls_point.f() != best_ls_point.f(): s2 = p.istop
                if SMALL_DELTA_X in p.stopdict:
                    if best_ls_point.isFeas(False) or not prevIter_best_ls_point.isFeas(False) or cond_same_point: s2 = p.istop
#                if s2 and (any(isnan(best_ls_point.c())) or any(isnan(best_ls_point.h()))) \
#                and not p.isNaNInConstraintsAllowed\
#                and not cond_same_point:
#                    s2 = 0
                if not s2 and any(p.stopdict.values()):
                    for key,  val in p.stopdict.items():
                        if val == True:
                            s2 = key
                p.istop = s2
                for key,  val in p.stopdict.items():
                    if key < 0 or key in set([FVAL_IS_ENOUGH, USER_DEMAND_STOP, BUTTON_ENOUGH_HAS_BEEN_PRESSED]):
                        self.innerState = {'B': b, 'hs': hs}
            """                                If stop required                                """
            if p.istop:
#                if self.needRej(p, b, g1, g) or not feasiblePointWasEncountered:
#                    b = B0.copy()
#                    hs = max((p.norm(prevIter_best_ls_point.x - best_ls_point.x) , 128*p.xtol))
#                    p.istop = 0
#                else:
                    #p.istop, p.msg = istop, msg
                    self.innerState = {'B': b, 'hs': hs}

            """                Some final things for ralg main cycle                """
#            p.debugmsg('new point Aeq residual:'+str(norm(dot(Aeq, iterPoint.x)-beq)))
#            if needProjection and itn!=0:
#                #pass
#                x2 = self.linEqProjection(iterPoint.x, Aeq, beq)
#                p.debugmsg('norm(delta):' + str(norm(iterPoint.x-x2))) 
#                iterPoint = p.point(x2)
#                p.debugmsg('2: new point Aeq residual:'+str(norm(dot(Aeq, iterPoint.x)-beq)))
            #g = moveDirection.copy()
            #prevDirectionForDilation = directionForDilation

            #iterPoint = None
            #doScale = self.new_s and prevIter_PointForDilation.isFeas(True) !=  best_ls_point.isFeas(True)
            #print doScale
            prevIter_best_ls_point = best_ls_point
            prevIter_PointForDilation = best_ls_point
            prevDirectionForDilation = best_ls_point._getDirection(self.approach)
            moveDirection = best_ls_point._getDirection(self.approach)
Exemple #7
    def __solver__(self, p):
        if SMALL_DELTA_X in p.kernelIterFuncs.keys(): p.kernelIterFuncs.pop(SMALL_DELTA_X)
        if SMALL_DELTA_F in p.kernelIterFuncs.keys(): p.kernelIterFuncs.pop(SMALL_DELTA_F)

        if self.nspSolver == 'autoselect':
            nspSolver = 'amsg2p' if p.isUC else 'ralg'
            nspSolver = self.nspSolver
#        nspSolver = 'ralg'

        way = 3 if nspSolver == 'ralg' else 2
        if way == 1:
            use2 = False
            f = lambda x: sum(abs(p.f(x)))
            def df(x):
                return dot(p.df(x),  sign(p.f(x)))
        elif way == 2:
            use2 = True
            f = lambda x: sum(p.f(x)**2)
            def df(x):
                return 2.0*dot(p.f(x),  p.df(x))
        elif way == 3:
            use2 = False
            f = lambda x: max(abs(p.f(x)))
            def df(x):
                F = p.f(x)
                ind = argmax(abs(F))
                return p.df(x, ind) * sign(F[ind])

        FTOL = p.ftol**2 if use2 else p.ftol
        def iterfcn(*args,  **kwargs):
            p2.primalIterFcn(*args,  **kwargs)
            p.xk = p2.xk.copy()
            Fk = norm(p.f(p.xk), inf)
            p.rk = p.getMaxResidual(p.xk)

            #TODO: ADD p.rk

            if p.nEvals['f'] > p.maxFunEvals:
                p.istop = p2.istop = IS_MAX_FUN_EVALS_REACHED
            elif p2.istop!=0:
                if Fk < FTOL and p.rk < p.contol:
                    p.istop = 15
                    msg_contol = '' if p.isUC else 'and contol '
                    p.msg = 'solution with required ftol ' + msg_contol+ 'has been reached'
                else: p.istop = p2.istop

            return p.istop

        p2 = NSP(f, p.x0, df=df, xtol = p.xtol/1e16, gtol = p.gtol/1e16,\
        A=p.A,  b=p.b,  Aeq=p.Aeq,  beq=p.beq,  lb=p.lb,  ub=p.ub, \
        maxFunEvals = p.maxFunEvals, fEnough = FTOL, maxIter=p.maxIter, iprint = -1, \
        maxtime = p.maxTime, maxCPUTime = p.maxCPUTime,  noise = p.noise, fOpt = 0.0)

        if p.userProvided.c:
            p2.c,  p2.dc = p.c,  p.dc
        if p.userProvided.h:
            p2.h,  p2.dh = p.h,  p.dh

        p2.primalIterFcn,  p2.iterfcn = p2.iterfcn, iterfcn

        if p.debug: p2.iprint = 1
        if nspSolver == 'ralg':
            if p.isUC: p2.ftol = p.ftol / 1e16
            else: p2.ftol = 0.0
            p2.ftol = 0.0
            p2.xtol = 0.0
            p2.gtol = 0.0
        if use2:
            p2.fTol = 0.5*p.ftol ** 2
            p2.fTol = 0.5*p.ftol
        r2 = p2.solve(nspSolver)
        #xf = fsolve(p.f, p.x0, fprime=p.df, xtol = p.xtol, maxfev = p.maxFunEvals)
        xf = r2.xf
        p.xk = p.xf = xf
        p.fk = p.ff = asfarray(norm(p.f(xf), inf)).flatten()
Exemple #8
def lsqr( m, n, aprod, b, damp, atol, btol, conlim, itnlim, show, wantvar = False, callback = lambda x: None):
    [ x, istop, itn, r1norm, r2norm, anorm, acond, arnorm, xnorm, var ]...
    = lsqr( m, n, @aprod, b, damp, atol, btol, conlim, itnlim, show );
    LSQR solves  Ax = b  or  min ||b - Ax||_2  if damp = 0, or

       min || [ b ]  -  [   A    ] x ||   otherwise.
           || [ 0 ]     [ damp I ]   ||2

    A  is an m by n matrix defined by  y = aprod(mode, m, n, x),
    where aprod refers to a function that performs the matrix-vector operations.
    If mode = 1,   aprod  must return  y = Ax   without altering x.
    If mode = 2,   aprod  must return  y = A'x  without altering x.

    LSQR uses an iterative (conjugate-gradient-like) method.

    For further information, see 

    1. C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders (1982a).
       LSQR: An algorithm for sparse linear equations and sparse least squares,
       ACM TOMS 8(1), 43-71.
    2. C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders (1982b).
       Algorithm 583.  LSQR: Sparse linear equations and least squares problems,
       ACM TOMS 8(2), 195-209.
    3. M. A. Saunders (1995).  Solution of sparse rectangular systems using
       LSQR and CRAIG, BIT 35, 588-604.

    Input parameters:

    atol, btol  are stopping tolerances.  If both are 1.0e-9 (say),
                the final residual norm should be accurate to about 9 digits.
                (The final x will usually have fewer correct digits,
                depending on cond(A) and the size of damp.)
    conlim      is also a stopping tolerance.  lsqr terminates if an estimate
                of cond(A) exceeds conlim.  For compatible systems Ax = b,
                conlim could be as large as 1.0e+12 (say).  For least-squares
                problems, conlim should be less than 1.0e+8.
                Maximum precision can be obtained by setting
                atol = btol = conlim = zero, but the number of iterations
                may then be excessive.
    itnlim      is an explicit limit on iterations (for safety).
    show        if set to 1, gives an iteration log.
                If set to 0, suppresses output.

    Output parameters:

    x           is the final solution.
    istop       gives the reason for termination.
    istop       = 1 means x is an approximate solution to Ax = b.
                = 2 means x approximately solves the least-squares problem.
                r1norm      = norm(r), where r = b - Ax.
                r2norm      = sqrt( norm(r)^2  +  damp^2 * norm(x)^2 )
                = r1norm if damp = 0.
    anorm       = estimate of Frobenius norm of Abar = [  A   ].
    acond       = estimate of cond(Abar).
    arnorm      = estimate of norm(A'*r - damp^2*x).
    xnorm       = norm(x).
    var         (if present) estimates all diagonals of (A'A)^{-1} (if damp=0)
                or more generally (A'A + damp^2*I)^{-1}.
                This is well defined if A has full column rank or damp > 0.
                (Not sure what var means if rank(A) < n and damp = 0.)

    # Initialize.

    msg=['The exact solution is  x = 0                              ',
         'Ax - b is small enough, given atol, btol                  ',
         'The least-squares solution is good enough, given atol     ',
         'The estimate of cond(Abar) has exceeded conlim            ',
         'Ax - b is small enough for this machine                   ',
         'The least-squares solution is good enough for this machine',
         'Cond(Abar) seems to be too large for this machine         ',
         'The iteration limit has been reached                      ']

    if wantvar:
        var = zeros(n,1)
        var = None
#    if show:
#        print ' '
#        print 'LSQR            Least-squares solution of  Ax = b'
#        str1 = 'The matrix A has %8g rows  and %8g cols' % (m, n)
#        str2 = 'damp = %20.14e     wantvar = %-5s' % (damp, repr(wantvar))
#        str3 = 'atol = %8.2e                 conlim = %8.2e' % (atol, conlim)
#        str4 = 'btol = %8.2e                 itnlim = %8g' % (btol, itnlim)
#        print str1;   print str2;   print str3;   print str4;
    itn    = 0;   istop  = 0;   nstop  = 0
    ctol   = 0.0
    if conlim > 0.0: ctol = 1.0/conlim
    anorm  = 0.;	acond  = 0.
    dampsq = damp**2;	ddnorm = 0.;		res2   = 0.
    xnorm  = 0.;	xxnorm = 0.;		z      = 0.
    cs2    = -1.;	sn2    = 0.
    # Set up the first vectors u and v for the bidiagonalization.
    # These satisfy  beta*u = b,  alfa*v = A'u.
    u      = b[:m];	x    = zeros(n)
    alfa   = 0.;	beta = norm( u )
    if beta > 0:
        u = (1.0/beta) * u;	v = aprod(2, m, n, u)
        alfa = norm( v );

    if alfa > 0:
        v = (1.0/alfa) * v;    w = v.copy();
    arnorm = alfa * beta;
    if arnorm == 0:
#        print(msg[0])
        return (x, istop, itn, r1norm, r2norm, anorm, acond, arnorm, xnorm, var)

    rhobar = alfa;		phibar = beta;		bnorm  = beta;
    rnorm  = beta
    r1norm = rnorm
    r2norm = rnorm
    head1  = '   Itn      x(1)       r1norm     r2norm '
    head2  = ' Compatible   LS      Norm A   Cond A'
    if show:
#        print ' '
#        print head1+head2
        test1  = 1.0;		test2  = alfa / beta
        str1   = '%6g %12.5e'     % (itn,   x[0])
        str2   = ' %10.3e %10.3e' % (r1norm, r2norm)
        str3   = '  %8.1e %8.1e'  % (test1,  test2)
#        print str1+str2+str3
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     Main iteration loop.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    while itn < itnlim:
        itn = itn + 1
        #   Perform the next step of the bidiagonalization to obtain the
        #   next  beta, u, alfa, v.  These satisfy the relations
        #              beta*u  =  a*v   -  alfa*u,
        #              alfa*v  =  A'*u  -  beta*v.

        u    = aprod(1, m, n, v)  -  alfa*u
        beta = norm( u );
        if beta > 0:
            u     = (1.0/beta) * u
            anorm = normof4(anorm, alfa, beta, damp)
            v     = aprod(2, m, n, u)  -  beta*v
            alfa  = norm( v )
            if alfa > 0:  v = (1.0/alfa) * v
        # Use a plane rotation to eliminate the damping parameter.
        # This alters the diagonal (rhobar) of the lower-bidiagonal matrix.

        rhobar1 = normof2(rhobar, damp)
        cs1     = rhobar / rhobar1
        sn1     = damp   / rhobar1
        psi     = sn1 * phibar
        phibar  = cs1 * phibar
        #  Use a plane rotation to eliminate the subdiagonal element (beta)
        # of the lower-bidiagonal matrix, giving an upper-bidiagonal matrix.
        rho     =   normof2(rhobar1, beta)
        cs      =   rhobar1/ rho
        sn      =   beta   / rho
        theta   =   sn * alfa
        rhobar  = - cs * alfa
        phi     =   cs * phibar
        phibar  =   sn * phibar
        tau     =   sn * phi
        # Update x and w.
        t1      =   phi  /rho;
        t2      = - theta/rho;
        dk      =   (1.0/rho)*w;
        x       = x      +  t1*w
        w       = v      +  t2*w
        ddnorm  = ddnorm +  norm(dk)**2
        if wantvar: var = var  +  dk*dk
        # Use a plane rotation on the right to eliminate the
        # super-diagonal element (theta) of the upper-bidiagonal matrix.
        # Then use the result to estimate  norm(x).
        delta   =   sn2 * rho
        gambar  = - cs2 * rho
        rhs     =   phi  -  delta * z
        zbar    =   rhs / gambar
        xnorm   =   sqrt(xxnorm + zbar**2)
        gamma   =   normof2(gambar, theta)
        cs2     =   gambar / gamma
        sn2     =   theta  / gamma
        z       =   rhs    / gamma
        xxnorm  =   xxnorm  +  z**2
        # Test for convergence.
        # First, estimate the condition of the matrix  Abar,
        # and the norms of  rbar  and  Abar'rbar.
        acond   =   anorm * sqrt( ddnorm )
        res1    =   phibar**2
        res2    =   res2  +  psi**2
        rnorm   =   sqrt( res1 + res2 )
        arnorm  =   alfa * abs( tau )
        # 07 Aug 2002:
        # Distinguish between
        #    r1norm = ||b - Ax|| and
        #    r2norm = rnorm in current code
        #           = sqrt(r1norm^2 + damp^2*||x||^2).
        #    Estimate r1norm from
        #    r1norm = sqrt(r2norm^2 - damp^2*||x||^2).
        # Although there is cancellation, it might be accurate enough.
        r1sq    =   rnorm**2  -  dampsq * xxnorm
        r1norm  =   sqrt( abs(r1sq) )
        if r1sq < 0: r1norm = - r1norm
        r2norm  =   rnorm
        # Now use these norms to estimate certain other quantities,
        # some of which will be small near a solution.
        test1   =   rnorm / bnorm
        test2   =   arnorm/( anorm * rnorm )
        test3   =       1.0 / acond
        t1      =   test1 / (1    +  anorm * xnorm / bnorm)
        rtol    =   btol  +  atol *  anorm * xnorm / bnorm
        # The following tests guard against extremely small values of
        # atol, btol  or  ctol.  (The user may have set any or all of
        # the parameters  atol, btol, conlim  to 0.)
        # The effect is equivalent to the normal tests using
        # atol = eps,  btol = eps,  conlim = 1/eps.
        if itn >= itnlim:   istop = 7
        if 1 + test3  <= 1: istop = 6
        if 1 + test2  <= 1: istop = 5
        if 1 + t1     <= 1: istop = 4
        # Allow for tolerances set by the user.
        if  test3 <= ctol:  istop = 3
        if  test2 <= atol:  istop = 2
        if  test1 <= rtol:  istop = 1
        # See if it is time to print something.
        prnt = False;
        if n     <= 40       : prnt = True
        if itn   <= 10       : prnt = True
        if itn   >= itnlim-10: prnt = True
        if itn % 10 == 0     : prnt = True
        if test3 <=  2*ctol  : prnt = True
        if test2 <= 10*atol  : prnt = True
        if test1 <= 10*rtol  : prnt = True
        if istop !=  0       : prnt = True
        if prnt and show:
            str1 = '%6g %12.5e'     %(   itn,   x[0] )
            str2 = ' %10.3e %10.3e' %(r1norm, r2norm )
            str3 = '  %8.1e %8.1e'  %( test1,  test2 )
            str4 = ' %8.1e %8.1e'   %( anorm,  acond )
#            print str1+str2+str3+str4
        if istop > 0: break
        callback(x) # added for OpenOpt kernel

    # End of iteration loop.
    # Print the stopping condition.
#    if show:
#        print ' '
#        print 'LSQR finished'
#        print msg[istop]
#        print ' '
#        str1 = 'istop =%8g   r1norm =%8.1e'   %(istop, r1norm )
#        str2 = 'anorm =%8.1e   arnorm =%8.1e' %(anorm, arnorm )
#        str3 = 'itn   =%8g   r2norm =%8.1e'   %(  itn, r2norm )
#        str4 = 'acond =%8.1e   xnorm  =%8.1e' %(acond, xnorm  )
#        str5 = '                  bnorm  =%8.1e'    % bnorm
#        print str1 + '   ' + str2
#        print str3 + '   ' + str4
#        print str5
#        print ' '
    return ( x, istop, itn, r1norm, r2norm, anorm, acond, arnorm, xnorm, var )
Exemple #9
def lsqr(m,
         callback=lambda x: None):
    [ x, istop, itn, r1norm, r2norm, anorm, acond, arnorm, xnorm, var ]...
    = lsqr( m, n, @aprod, b, damp, atol, btol, conlim, itnlim, show );
    LSQR solves  Ax = b  or  min ||b - Ax||_2  if damp = 0, or

       min || [ b ]  -  [   A    ] x ||   otherwise.
           || [ 0 ]     [ damp I ]   ||2

    A  is an m by n matrix defined by  y = aprod(mode, m, n, x),
    where aprod refers to a function that performs the matrix-vector operations.
    If mode = 1,   aprod  must return  y = Ax   without altering x.
    If mode = 2,   aprod  must return  y = A'x  without altering x.

    LSQR uses an iterative (conjugate-gradient-like) method.

    For further information, see 

    1. C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders (1982a).
       LSQR: An algorithm for sparse linear equations and sparse least squares,
       ACM TOMS 8(1), 43-71.
    2. C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders (1982b).
       Algorithm 583.  LSQR: Sparse linear equations and least squares problems,
       ACM TOMS 8(2), 195-209.
    3. M. A. Saunders (1995).  Solution of sparse rectangular systems using
       LSQR and CRAIG, BIT 35, 588-604.

    Input parameters:

    atol, btol  are stopping tolerances.  If both are 1.0e-9 (say),
                the final residual norm should be accurate to about 9 digits.
                (The final x will usually have fewer correct digits,
                depending on cond(A) and the size of damp.)
    conlim      is also a stopping tolerance.  lsqr terminates if an estimate
                of cond(A) exceeds conlim.  For compatible systems Ax = b,
                conlim could be as large as 1.0e+12 (say).  For least-squares
                problems, conlim should be less than 1.0e+8.
                Maximum precision can be obtained by setting
                atol = btol = conlim = zero, but the number of iterations
                may then be excessive.
    itnlim      is an explicit limit on iterations (for safety).
    show        if set to 1, gives an iteration log.
                If set to 0, suppresses output.

    Output parameters:

    x           is the final solution.
    istop       gives the reason for termination.
    istop       = 1 means x is an approximate solution to Ax = b.
                = 2 means x approximately solves the least-squares problem.
                r1norm      = norm(r), where r = b - Ax.
                r2norm      = sqrt( norm(r)^2  +  damp^2 * norm(x)^2 )
                = r1norm if damp = 0.
    anorm       = estimate of Frobenius norm of Abar = [  A   ].
    acond       = estimate of cond(Abar).
    arnorm      = estimate of norm(A'*r - damp^2*x).
    xnorm       = norm(x).
    var         (if present) estimates all diagonals of (A'A)^{-1} (if damp=0)
                or more generally (A'A + damp^2*I)^{-1}.
                This is well defined if A has full column rank or damp > 0.
                (Not sure what var means if rank(A) < n and damp = 0.)

    # Initialize.

    msg = [
        'The exact solution is  x = 0                              ',
        'Ax - b is small enough, given atol, btol                  ',
        'The least-squares solution is good enough, given atol     ',
        'The estimate of cond(Abar) has exceeded conlim            ',
        'Ax - b is small enough for this machine                   ',
        'The least-squares solution is good enough for this machine',
        'Cond(Abar) seems to be too large for this machine         ',
        'The iteration limit has been reached                      '

    if wantvar:
        var = zeros(n, 1)
        var = None

#    if show:
#        print ' '
#        print 'LSQR            Least-squares solution of  Ax = b'
#        str1 = 'The matrix A has %8g rows  and %8g cols' % (m, n)
#        str2 = 'damp = %20.14e     wantvar = %-5s' % (damp, repr(wantvar))
#        str3 = 'atol = %8.2e                 conlim = %8.2e' % (atol, conlim)
#        str4 = 'btol = %8.2e                 itnlim = %8g' % (btol, itnlim)
#        print str1;   print str2;   print str3;   print str4;

    itn = 0
    istop = 0
    nstop = 0
    ctol = 0.0
    if conlim > 0.0: ctol = 1.0 / conlim
    anorm = 0.
    acond = 0.
    dampsq = damp**2
    ddnorm = 0.
    res2 = 0.
    xnorm = 0.
    xxnorm = 0.
    z = 0.
    cs2 = -1.
    sn2 = 0.

    # Set up the first vectors u and v for the bidiagonalization.
    # These satisfy  beta*u = b,  alfa*v = A'u.

    u = b[:m]
    x = zeros(n)
    alfa = 0.
    beta = norm(u)
    if beta > 0:
        u = (1.0 / beta) * u
        v = aprod(2, m, n, u)
        alfa = norm(v)

    if alfa > 0:
        v = (1.0 / alfa) * v
        w = v.copy()

    arnorm = alfa * beta
    if arnorm == 0:
        #        print(msg[0])
        return (x, istop, itn, r1norm, r2norm, anorm, acond, arnorm, xnorm,

    rhobar = alfa
    phibar = beta
    bnorm = beta
    rnorm = beta
    r1norm = rnorm
    r2norm = rnorm
    head1 = '   Itn      x(1)       r1norm     r2norm '
    head2 = ' Compatible   LS      Norm A   Cond A'

    if show:
        #        print ' '
        #        print head1+head2
        test1 = 1.0
        test2 = alfa / beta
        str1 = '%6g %12.5e' % (itn, x[0])
        str2 = ' %10.3e %10.3e' % (r1norm, r2norm)
        str3 = '  %8.1e %8.1e' % (test1, test2)
#        print str1+str2+str3

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#     Main iteration loop.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
    while itn < itnlim:
        itn = itn + 1
        #   Perform the next step of the bidiagonalization to obtain the
        #   next  beta, u, alfa, v.  These satisfy the relations
        #              beta*u  =  a*v   -  alfa*u,
        #              alfa*v  =  A'*u  -  beta*v.

        u = aprod(1, m, n, v) - alfa * u
        beta = norm(u)
        if beta > 0:
            u = (1.0 / beta) * u
            anorm = normof4(anorm, alfa, beta, damp)
            v = aprod(2, m, n, u) - beta * v
            alfa = norm(v)
            if alfa > 0: v = (1.0 / alfa) * v

        # Use a plane rotation to eliminate the damping parameter.
        # This alters the diagonal (rhobar) of the lower-bidiagonal matrix.

        rhobar1 = normof2(rhobar, damp)
        cs1 = rhobar / rhobar1
        sn1 = damp / rhobar1
        psi = sn1 * phibar
        phibar = cs1 * phibar

        #  Use a plane rotation to eliminate the subdiagonal element (beta)
        # of the lower-bidiagonal matrix, giving an upper-bidiagonal matrix.

        rho = normof2(rhobar1, beta)
        cs = rhobar1 / rho
        sn = beta / rho
        theta = sn * alfa
        rhobar = -cs * alfa
        phi = cs * phibar
        phibar = sn * phibar
        tau = sn * phi

        # Update x and w.

        t1 = phi / rho
        t2 = -theta / rho
        dk = (1.0 / rho) * w

        x = x + t1 * w
        w = v + t2 * w
        ddnorm = ddnorm + norm(dk)**2
        if wantvar: var = var + dk * dk

        # Use a plane rotation on the right to eliminate the
        # super-diagonal element (theta) of the upper-bidiagonal matrix.
        # Then use the result to estimate  norm(x).

        delta = sn2 * rho
        gambar = -cs2 * rho
        rhs = phi - delta * z
        zbar = rhs / gambar
        xnorm = sqrt(xxnorm + zbar**2)
        gamma = normof2(gambar, theta)
        cs2 = gambar / gamma
        sn2 = theta / gamma
        z = rhs / gamma
        xxnorm = xxnorm + z**2

        # Test for convergence.
        # First, estimate the condition of the matrix  Abar,
        # and the norms of  rbar  and  Abar'rbar.

        acond = anorm * sqrt(ddnorm)
        res1 = phibar**2
        res2 = res2 + psi**2
        rnorm = sqrt(res1 + res2)
        arnorm = alfa * abs(tau)

        # 07 Aug 2002:
        # Distinguish between
        #    r1norm = ||b - Ax|| and
        #    r2norm = rnorm in current code
        #           = sqrt(r1norm^2 + damp^2*||x||^2).
        #    Estimate r1norm from
        #    r1norm = sqrt(r2norm^2 - damp^2*||x||^2).
        # Although there is cancellation, it might be accurate enough.

        r1sq = rnorm**2 - dampsq * xxnorm
        r1norm = sqrt(abs(r1sq))
        if r1sq < 0: r1norm = -r1norm
        r2norm = rnorm

        # Now use these norms to estimate certain other quantities,
        # some of which will be small near a solution.

        test1 = rnorm / bnorm
        test2 = arnorm / (anorm * rnorm)
        test3 = 1.0 / acond
        t1 = test1 / (1 + anorm * xnorm / bnorm)
        rtol = btol + atol * anorm * xnorm / bnorm

        # The following tests guard against extremely small values of
        # atol, btol  or  ctol.  (The user may have set any or all of
        # the parameters  atol, btol, conlim  to 0.)
        # The effect is equivalent to the normal tests using
        # atol = eps,  btol = eps,  conlim = 1/eps.

        if itn >= itnlim: istop = 7
        if 1 + test3 <= 1: istop = 6
        if 1 + test2 <= 1: istop = 5
        if 1 + t1 <= 1: istop = 4

        # Allow for tolerances set by the user.

        if test3 <= ctol: istop = 3
        if test2 <= atol: istop = 2
        if test1 <= rtol: istop = 1

        # See if it is time to print something.

        prnt = False
        if n <= 40: prnt = True
        if itn <= 10: prnt = True
        if itn >= itnlim - 10: prnt = True
        if itn % 10 == 0: prnt = True
        if test3 <= 2 * ctol: prnt = True
        if test2 <= 10 * atol: prnt = True
        if test1 <= 10 * rtol: prnt = True
        if istop != 0: prnt = True

        if prnt and show:
            str1 = '%6g %12.5e' % (itn, x[0])
            str2 = ' %10.3e %10.3e' % (r1norm, r2norm)
            str3 = '  %8.1e %8.1e' % (test1, test2)
            str4 = ' %8.1e %8.1e' % (anorm, acond)
#            print str1+str2+str3+str4

        if istop > 0: break
        callback(x)  # added for OpenOpt kernel

    # End of iteration loop.
    # Print the stopping condition.

#    if show:
#        print ' '
#        print 'LSQR finished'
#        print msg[istop]
#        print ' '
#        str1 = 'istop =%8g   r1norm =%8.1e'   %(istop, r1norm )
#        str2 = 'anorm =%8.1e   arnorm =%8.1e' %(anorm, arnorm )
#        str3 = 'itn   =%8g   r2norm =%8.1e'   %(  itn, r2norm )
#        str4 = 'acond =%8.1e   xnorm  =%8.1e' %(acond, xnorm  )
#        str5 = '                  bnorm  =%8.1e'    % bnorm
#        print str1 + '   ' + str2
#        print str3 + '   ' + str4
#        print str5
#        print ' '

    return (x, istop, itn, r1norm, r2norm, anorm, acond, arnorm, xnorm, var)