Exemple #1
def inference(base_model_name, path_to_npz, data_format, input_files, plot):
    model_func = get_base_model(base_model_name)
    height, width = (368, 432)
    e = measure(
        lambda: TfPoseEstimator(path_to_npz,
                                target_size=(width, height),
        'create TfPoseEstimator')

    t0 = time.time()
    for idx, img_name in enumerate(input_files):
        image = measure(
            lambda: read_imgfile(
                img_name, width, height, data_format=data_format),
        humans, heatMap, pafMap = measure(lambda: e.inference(image),
        tl.logging.info('got %d humans from %s' % (len(humans), img_name))
        if humans:
            for h in humans:
        if plot:
            if data_format == 'channels_first':
                image = image.transpose([1, 2, 0])
            plot_humans(image, heatMap, pafMap, humans, '%02d' % (idx + 1))
    tot = time.time() - t0
    mean = tot / len(input_files)
    tl.logging.info('inference all took: %f, mean: %f, FPS: %f' %
                    (tot, mean, 1.0 / mean))
Exemple #2
def inference_2d(base_model_name, base_npz_path, rgb_files, dep_files):
    height, width, channel = (368, 432, 4)
    base_model_func = get_base_model(base_model_name)
    e_2d = measure(
        lambda: TfPoseEstimator(base_npz_path, base_model_func,
                                (height, width, channel)),
        'create TfPoseEstimator')

    time0 = time.time()
    for idx, (rgb_name, dep_name) in enumerate(zip(rgb_files, dep_files)):
        input_2d, init_h, init_w = measure(
            lambda: read_2dfiles(rgb_name, dep_name, height, width),
        humans, heatMap, pafMap = measure(lambda: e_2d.inference(input_2d),
        print('got %d humans from %s' % (len(humans), rgb_name[:-4]))
        # plot_humans(input_2d, heatMap, pafMap, humans, '%02d' % (idx + 1))

        if len(humans):
            coords2d, _, coords2d_vis = tranform_keypoints2d(
                humans[0].body_parts, init_w, init_h, 0.1)
            plot_human2d(rgb_name, dep_name, coords2d, idx, coords2d_vis)


    mean = (time.time() - time0) / len(rgb_files)
    print('inference all took: %f, mean: %f, FPS: %f' %
          (time.time() - time0, mean, 1.0 / mean))
Exemple #3
    def model_func():
        """Creates the openpose model.

        Returns a pair of lists: (inputs, outputs).
        image, conf, paf = get_base_model(base_model_name)(target_size,
        return [image], [conf, paf]
Exemple #4
def inference_data(base_model_name, base_npz_path, head_model_name,
                   head_npz_path, rgb_files, dep_files, cam_info):
    height, width, channel = (368, 432, 4)
    base_model_func = get_base_model(base_model_name)
    e_2d = measure(
        lambda: TfPoseEstimator(base_npz_path, base_model_func,
                                (height, width, channel)),
        'create TfPoseEstimator')

    x_size, y_size, z_size = (64, 64, 64)
    head_model_func = get_head_model(head_model_name)
    e_3d = measure(
        lambda: Pose3DEstimator(head_npz_path, head_model_func,
                                (x_size, y_size, z_size), False),
        'create Pose3DEstimator')

    time0 = time.time()
    coords_uv_list, coords_xyz_list = list(), list()
    for _, (rgb_name, dep_name) in enumerate(zip(rgb_files, dep_files)):
        input_2d, init_h, init_w = measure(
            lambda: read_2dfiles(rgb_name, dep_name, height, width),
        humans, _, _ = measure(lambda: e_2d.inference(input_2d),
        print('got %d humans from %s' % (len(humans), rgb_name[:-4]))

        if len(humans) is 0:
            coords2d, coords2d_conf, coords2d_vis = tranform_keypoints2d(
                humans[0].body_parts, init_w, init_h, 0.1)
            input_3d, trafo_params = measure(
                lambda: read_3dfiles(dep_name, cam_info, coords2d,
                                     coords2d_vis, x_size, y_size, z_size),
            coords3d, coords3d_conf = measure(lambda: e_3d.inference(input_3d),
            coords3d_pred = coords3d * trafo_params['scale'] + trafo_params[
            coords3d_pred_proj = Camera(cam_info['K'],
                                            coords2d, coords3d_pred[:, -1])

            cond = coords2d_conf > coords3d_conf  # use backproj only when 2d was visible and 2d/3d roughly matches
            coords3d_pred[cond, :] = coords3d_pred_proj[cond, :]
            coords3d_conf[cond] = coords2d_conf[cond]

            coords_xyz_list.append(coords3d_pred * 1000.0)

    write_gait(coords_uv_list, 'gait2d.txt')
    write_gait(coords_xyz_list, 'gait3d.txt')

    mean = (time.time() - time0) / len(rgb_files)
    print('inference all took: %f, mean: %f, FPS: %f' %
          (time.time() - time0, mean, 1.0 / mean))
Exemple #5
def inference_3d(base_model_name, base_npz_path, head_model_name,
                 head_npz_path, rgb_files, dep_files, cam_list, joint3d_list):
    height, width, channel = (368, 432, 4)
    base_model_func = get_base_model(base_model_name)
    e_2d = measure(
        lambda: TfPoseEstimator(base_npz_path, base_model_func,
                                (height, width, channel)),
        'create TfPoseEstimator')

    x_size, y_size, z_size = (64, 64, 64)
    head_model_func = get_head_model(head_model_name)
    e_3d = measure(
        lambda: Pose3DEstimator(head_npz_path, head_model_func,
                                (x_size, y_size, z_size), False),
        'create Pose3DEstimator')

    time0 = time.time()
    for idx, (rgb_name, dep_name, cam_info, joints3d) in enumerate(
            zip(rgb_files, dep_files, cam_list, joint3d_list)):
        input_2d, init_h, init_w = measure(
            lambda: read_2dfiles(rgb_name, dep_name, height, width),
        humans, _, _ = measure(lambda: e_2d.inference(input_2d),
        print('got %d humans from %s' % (len(humans), rgb_name[:-4]))

        cam_calib = Camera(cam_info['K'], cam_info['distCoef'])
        for h, (pred_2d, gt_3d) in enumerate(zip(humans, joints3d)):
            coords2d, coords2d_conf, coords2d_vis = tranform_keypoints2d(
                pred_2d.body_parts, init_w, init_h)
            input_3d, trafo_params = measure(
                lambda: read_3dfiles(dep_name, cam_info, coords2d,
                                     coords2d_vis, x_size, y_size, z_size),
            coords3d, coords3d_conf = measure(lambda: e_3d.inference(input_3d),
            coords3d_pred = coords3d * trafo_params['scale'] + trafo_params[
            coords3d_pred_proj = cam_calib.unproject(coords2d,
                                                     coords3d_pred[:, -1])

            cond = coords2d_conf > coords3d_conf  # use backproj only when 2d was visible and 2d/3d roughly matches
            coords3d_pred[cond, :] = coords3d_pred_proj[cond, :]
            coords3d_conf[cond] = coords2d_conf[cond]
            plot_human3d(rgb_name, dep_name, coords3d_pred, cam_calib,
                         'pre%d' % h, coords2d_vis)
            plot_human3d(rgb_name, dep_name, gt_3d[:18],
                         Camera(cam_info['K'], cam_info['distCoef']),
                         'gt%d' % h)


    mean = (time.time() - time0) / len(rgb_files)
    print('inference all took: %f, mean: %f, FPS: %f' %
          (time.time() - time0, mean, 1.0 / mean))
Exemple #6
 def model_func():
     target_size = (args.width, args.height)
     return get_base_model(args.base_model)(target_size, args.data_format)