def _2d_data_aug_fn(rgb_image, depth_list, ground_truth2d): """Data augmentation function.""" annos2d = cPickle.loads(ground_truth2d) annos2d = list(annos2d) depth_image = sio.loadmat(depth_list)['depthim_incolor'] depth_image = depth_image / 20.0 ## 2d data augmentation # random transfrom M_rotate = tl.prepro.affine_rotation_matrix(angle=(-30, 30)) # original paper: -40~40 M_zoom = tl.prepro.affine_zoom_matrix(zoom_range=(0.5, 0.8)) # original paper: 0.5~1.1 M_combined = transform_matrix = tl.prepro.transform_matrix_offset_center(M_combined, x=rgb_image.shape[0], y=rgb_image.shape[1]) rgb_image = tl.prepro.affine_transform_cv2(rgb_image, transform_matrix) depth_image = tl.prepro.affine_transform_cv2(depth_image, transform_matrix, border_mode='replicate') annos2d = tl.prepro.affine_transform_keypoints(annos2d, transform_matrix) # random crop and flip rgb_image, annos2d, depth_image = tl.prepro.keypoint_random_flip(rgb_image, annos2d, depth_image, prob=0.5) rgb_image, annos2d, depth_image = tl.prepro.keypoint_resize_random_crop(rgb_image, annos2d, depth_image, size=(hin, win)) # hao add # concat augmented rgb and depth depth_image = np.expand_dims(depth_image, axis=2) input_2d = np.concatenate((rgb_image, depth_image), axis=2) # generate 2d result maps including keypoints heatmap, pafs height, width, _ = input_2d.shape heatmap = get_heatmap(annos2d, height, width) vectormap = get_vectormap(annos2d, height, width) result2dmap = np.concatenate((heatmap, vectormap), axis=2) input_2d = np.array(input_2d, dtype=np.float32) result2dmap = np.array(result2dmap, dtype=np.float32) return input_2d, result2dmap
def _data_aug_fn(image, ground_truth): """Data augmentation function.""" ground_truth = cPickle.loads(ground_truth) ground_truth = list(ground_truth) annos = ground_truth[0] mask = ground_truth[1] h_mask, w_mask, _ = np.shape(image) # mask mask_miss = np.ones((h_mask, w_mask), dtype=np.uint8) for seg in mask: bin_mask = maskUtils.decode(seg) bin_mask = np.logical_not(bin_mask) mask_miss = np.bitwise_and(mask_miss, bin_mask) ## image data augmentation # randomly resize height and width independently, scale is changed image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_resize(image, annos, mask_miss, zoom_range=(0.8, 1.2)) # random rotate image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_rotate(image, annos, mask_miss, rg=15.0) # random left-right flipping image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_flip(image, annos, mask_miss, prob=0.5) # random resize height and width together image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_resize_shortestedge( image, annos, mask_miss, min_size=(hin, win), zoom_range=(0.95, 1.6)) # random crop image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_crop(image, annos, mask_miss, size=(hin, win)) # with padding # generate result maps including keypoints heatmap, pafs and mask h, w, _ = np.shape(image) height, width, _ = np.shape(image) heatmap = get_heatmap(annos, height, width) vectormap = get_vectormap(annos, height, width) resultmap = np.concatenate((heatmap, vectormap), axis=2) image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) img_mask = mask_miss.reshape(hin, win, 1) image = image * np.repeat(img_mask, 3, 2) resultmap = np.array(resultmap, dtype=np.float32) mask_miss = cv2.resize(mask_miss, (hout, wout), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) mask_miss = np.array(mask_miss, dtype=np.float32) return image, resultmap, mask_miss
def _mock_data_aug_fn(image, ground_truth): """Data augmentation function.""" ground_truth = cPickle.loads(ground_truth) ground_truth = list(ground_truth) annos = ground_truth[0] mask = ground_truth[1] h_mask, w_mask, _ = np.shape(image) # mask mask_miss = np.ones((h_mask, w_mask), dtype=np.uint8) for seg in mask: bin_mask = maskUtils.decode(seg) bin_mask = np.logical_not(bin_mask) mask_miss = np.bitwise_and(mask_miss, bin_mask) # random crop #TODO only working with quadradic dimmentions image, annos, mask_miss = tl.prepro.keypoint_resize_random_crop( image, annos, mask_miss, size=(config.MODEL.hin, # hao add # generate result maps including keypoints heatmap, pafs and mask height, width, _ = np.shape(image) heatmap = get_heatmap(annos, height, width) vectormap = get_vectormap(annos, height, width) resultmap = np.concatenate((heatmap, vectormap), axis=2) image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) #TODO image has not always the right size if 256 * 384 is requested print("image1 ", height, width, _) print("mask1 ", mask_miss.shape) # mask image in all 3 channels img_mask = mask_miss.reshape(height, width, 1) image = image * np.repeat(img_mask, 3, 2) resultmap = np.array(resultmap, dtype=np.float32) mask_miss = cv2.resize(mask_miss, (config.MODEL.hout, config.MODEL.wout), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) mask_miss = np.array(mask_miss, dtype=np.float32) return image, resultmap, mask_miss
def _data_aug_fn(image, ground_truth): """Data augmentation function.""" ground_truth = cPickle.loads(ground_truth) ground_truth = list(ground_truth) annos = ground_truth[0] mask = ground_truth[1] h_mask, w_mask, _ = np.shape(image) # mask mask_miss = np.ones((h_mask, w_mask), dtype=np.uint8) for seg in mask: bin_mask = maskUtils.decode(seg) bin_mask = np.logical_not(bin_mask) mask_miss = np.bitwise_and(mask_miss, bin_mask) ## image data augmentation # # randomly resize height and width independently, scale is changed # image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_resize(image, annos, mask_miss, zoom_range=(0.8, 1.2))# removed hao # # random rotate # image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_rotate(image, annos, mask_miss, rg=15.0)# removed hao # # random left-right flipping # image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_flip(image, annos, mask_miss, prob=0.5)# removed hao M_rotate = tl.prepro.affine_rotation_matrix(angle=(-30, 30)) # -40~40 M_flip = tl.prepro.affine_horizontal_flip_matrix(prob=0.5) M_zoom = tl.prepro.affine_zoom_matrix(zoom_range=(0.5, 0.8)) # 0.5~1.1 # M_shear = tl.prepro.affine_shear_matrix(x_shear=(-0.1, 0.1), y_shear=(-0.1, 0.1)) M_combined = # M_combined = tl.prepro.affine_zoom_matrix(zoom_range=0.9) # for debug h, w, _ = image.shape transform_matrix = tl.prepro.transform_matrix_offset_center(M_combined, x=w, y=h) image = tl.prepro.affine_transform_cv2(image, transform_matrix) annos = tl.prepro.affine_transform_keypoints(annos, transform_matrix) # random resize height and width together # image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_resize_shortestedge( # image, annos, mask_miss, min_size=(hin, win), zoom_range=(0.95, 1.6)) # removed hao # random crop # image, annos, mask_miss = keypoint_random_crop(image, annos, mask_miss, size=(hin, win)) # with padding # removed hao image, annos, mask_miss = tl.prepro.keypoint_resize_random_crop(image, annos, mask_miss, size=(hin, win)) # generate result maps including keypoints heatmap, pafs and mask h, w, _ = np.shape(image) height, width, _ = np.shape(image) heatmap = get_heatmap(annos, height, width) vectormap = get_vectormap(annos, height, width) resultmap = np.concatenate((heatmap, vectormap), axis=2) image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) img_mask = mask_miss.reshape(hin, win, 1) image = image * np.repeat(img_mask, 3, 2) resultmap = np.array(resultmap, dtype=np.float32) mask_miss = cv2.resize(mask_miss, (hout, wout), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) mask_miss = np.array(mask_miss, dtype=np.float32) return image, resultmap, mask_miss
def _data_aug_fn(image, ground_truth): """Data augmentation function.""" ground_truth = cPickle.loads(ground_truth) ground_truth = list(ground_truth) annos = ground_truth[0] mask = ground_truth[1] h_mask, w_mask, _ = np.shape(image) # mask mask_miss = np.ones((h_mask, w_mask), dtype=np.uint8) #TODO only working with quadradic dimmentions #print("image0 ",h_mask, w_mask, _) #print("mask0 ",mask_miss.shape) for seg in mask: bin_mask = maskUtils.decode(seg) bin_mask = np.logical_not(bin_mask) mask_miss = np.bitwise_and(mask_miss, bin_mask) ## image data augmentation # # randomly resize height and width independently, scale is changed # image, annos, mask_miss = tl.prepro.keypoint_random_resize(image, annos, mask_miss, zoom_range=(0.8, 1.2))# removed hao # # random rotate # image, annos, mask_miss = tl.prepro.keypoint_random_rotate(image, annos, mask_miss, rg=15.0)# removed hao # # random left-right flipping # image, annos, mask_miss = tl.prepro.keypoint_random_flip(image, annos, mask_miss, prob=0.5)# removed hao M_rotate = tl.prepro.affine_rotation_matrix( angle=(-180, 180)) # original paper: -40~40 # M_flip = tl.prepro.affine_horizontal_flip_matrix(prob=0.5) # hao removed: bug, keypoints will have error M_zoom = tl.prepro.affine_zoom_matrix( zoom_range=(0.5, 1.1)) # original paper: 0.5~1.1 # M_shear = tl.prepro.affine_shear_matrix(x_shear=(-0.1, 0.1), y_shear=(-0.1, 0.1)) M_combined = # M_combined = # M_combined = tl.prepro.affine_zoom_matrix(zoom_range=0.9) # for debug h, w, _ = image.shape transform_matrix = tl.prepro.transform_matrix_offset_center(M_combined, x=w, y=h) image = tl.prepro.affine_transform_cv2(image, transform_matrix) mask_miss = tl.prepro.affine_transform_cv2(mask_miss, transform_matrix, border_mode='replicate') annos = tl.prepro.affine_transform_keypoints(annos, transform_matrix) # random resize height and width together # image, annos, mask_miss = tl.prepro.keypoint_random_resize_shortestedge( # image, annos, mask_miss, min_size=(hin, win), zoom_range=(0.95, 1.6)) # removed hao image, annos, mask_miss = tl.prepro.keypoint_random_flip(image, annos, mask_miss, prob=0.5) # random crop #TODO only working with quadradic dimmentions image, annos, mask_miss = tl.prepro.keypoint_resize_random_crop( image, annos, mask_miss, size=(config.MODEL.hin, # hao add # generate result maps including keypoints heatmap, pafs and mask height, width, _ = np.shape(image) heatmap = get_heatmap(annos, height, width) vectormap = get_vectormap(annos, height, width) resultmap = np.concatenate((heatmap, vectormap), axis=2) image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) #TODO image has not always the right size if 256 * 384 is requested #print("image1 ",height, width, _) #print("mask1 ",mask_miss.shape) # mask image in all 3 channels img_mask = mask_miss.reshape(height, width, 1) image = image * np.repeat(img_mask, 3, 2) resultmap = np.array(resultmap, dtype=np.float32) mask_miss = cv2.resize(mask_miss, (config.MODEL.hout, config.MODEL.wout), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) mask_miss = np.array(mask_miss, dtype=np.float32) return image, resultmap, mask_miss