Exemple #1
def read_dimension(xml_source):

    source = _get_xml_iter(xml_source)

    it = iterparse(source)

    for event, element in it:

        if element.tag == '{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main}dimension':
            ref = element.get('ref')

            if ':' in ref:
                min_range, max_range = ref.split(':')
                min_range = max_range = ref

            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

            return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row


    return None
Exemple #2
def read_dimension(xml_source):
    min_row = min_col =  max_row = max_col = None
    source = _get_xml_iter(xml_source)
    it = iterparse(source)
    for event, el in it:
        if el.tag == '{%s}dimension' % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
            dim = el.get("ref")
            if ':' in dim:
                start, stop = dim.split(':')
                start = stop = dim
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(start)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(stop)
            return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row

        if el.tag == '{%s}row' % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
            row = el.get("r")
            if min_row is None:
                min_row = int(row)
            span = el.get("spans")
            start, stop = span.split(":")
            if min_col is None:
                min_col = int(start)
                max_col = int(stop)
                min_col = min(min_col, int(start))
                max_col = max(max_col, int(stop))
    max_row = int(row)
    warn("Unsized worksheet")
    return get_column_letter(min_col), min_row, get_column_letter(max_col),  max_row
    def merge_cells(self, range_string=None, start_row=None, start_column=None, end_row=None, end_column=None):
        """ Set merge on a cell range.  Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """
        if not range_string:
            if  start_row is None or start_column is None or end_row is None or end_column is None:
                msg = "You have to provide a value either for "\
                      "'coordinate' or for 'start_row', 'start_column', 'end_row' *and* 'end_column'"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
                range_string = '%s%s:%s%s' % (get_column_letter(start_column + 1), start_row + 1, get_column_letter(end_column + 1), end_row + 1)
        elif len(range_string.split(':')) != 2:
                msg = "Range must be a cell range (e.g. A1:E1)"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
            range_string = range_string.replace('$', '')

        # Make sure top_left cell exists - is this necessary?
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[0])
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[1])
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
        # Blank out the rest of the cells in the range
        for col in xrange(min_col, max_col + 1):
            for row in xrange(min_row, max_row + 1):
                if not (row == min_row and col == min_col):
                    # PHPExcel adds cell and specifically blanks it out if it doesn't exist
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' % (get_column_letter(col), row)).value = None
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' % (get_column_letter(col), row)).merged = True

        if range_string not in self._merged_cells:
    def unmerge_cells(self, range_string=None, start_row=None, start_column=None, end_row=None, end_column=None):
        """ Remove merge on a cell range.  Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """
        if not range_string:
            if start_row is None or start_column is None or end_row is None or end_column is None:
                msg = "You have to provide a value either for "\
                      "'coordinate' or for 'start_row', 'start_column', 'end_row' *and* 'end_column'"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
                range_string = '%s%s:%s%s' % (get_column_letter(start_column + 1), start_row + 1, get_column_letter(end_column + 1), end_row + 1)
        elif len(range_string.split(':')) != 2:
            msg = "Range must be a cell range (e.g. A1:E1)"
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
            range_string = range_string.replace('$', '')

        if range_string in self._merged_cells:
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[0])
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[1])
            min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
            max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
            # Mark cell as unmerged
            for col in xrange(min_col,max_col+1):
                for row in xrange(min_row,max_row+1):
                    if not (row == min_row and col == min_col):
                        self._get_cell('%s%s' % (get_column_letter(col), row)).merged = False
            msg = 'Cell range %s not known as merged.' % range_string
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
Exemple #5
def read_dimension(xml_source):

    source = _get_xml_iter(xml_source) 

    it = iterparse(source)

    for event, element in it:

        if element.tag == '{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main}dimension':
            ref = element.get('ref')
            if ':' in ref:
                min_range, max_range = ref.split(':')
                min_range = max_range = ref

            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

            return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row


    return None
def coord2rowcol(coord):
    Transform a spreadsheet style coordinate into a 0, 0 based index.
    col, row_idx = coordinate_from_string(coord)
    col_idx = column_index_from_string(col)
    return row_idx - 1, col_idx - 1
def collapse_cell_addresses(cells, input_ranges=()):
    """ Collapse a collection of cell co-ordinates down into an optimal
        range or collection of ranges.

        E.g. Cells A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3 should have the data-validation
        object applied, attempt to collapse down to a single range, A1:B3.

        Currently only collapsing contiguous vertical ranges (i.e. above
        example results in A1:A3 B1:B3).  More work to come.
    keyfunc = lambda x: x[0]

    # Get the raw coordinates for each cell given
    raw_coords = [coordinate_from_string(cell) for cell in cells]

    # Group up as {column: [list of rows]}
    grouped_coords = OrderedDict((k, [c[1] for c in g]) for k, g in
                          groupby(sorted(raw_coords, key=keyfunc), keyfunc))
    ranges = list(input_ranges)

    # For each column, find contiguous ranges of rows
    for column in grouped_coords:
        rows = sorted(grouped_coords[column])
        grouped_rows = [[r[1] for r in list(g)] for k, g in
                        lambda x: x[0] - x[1])]
        for rows in grouped_rows:
            if len(rows) == 0:
            elif len(rows) == 1:
                ranges.append("%s%d" % (column, rows[0]))
                ranges.append("%s%d:%s%d" % (column, rows[0], column, rows[-1]))

    return " ".join(ranges)
Exemple #8
def write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet):
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = 'topRight'
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs['xSplit'] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs['ySplit'] = str(row - 1)
            pane = 'bottomLeft'
            if column > 1:
                pane = 'bottomRight'
            dict(topLeftCell=topLeftCell, activePane=pane, state='frozen'))
        tag(doc, 'pane', paneAttrs)
        selectionAttrs['pane'] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'topRight'})
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'bottomLeft'})

        'activeCell': worksheet.active_cell,
        'sqref': worksheet.selected_cell

    tag(doc, 'selection', selectionAttrs)
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
Exemple #9
    def _get_row(self, element, min_col=1, max_col=None):
        """Return cells from a particular row"""
        col_counter = min_col

        for cell in safe_iterator(element, CELL_TAG):
            coord = cell.get('r')
            column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
            column = column_index_from_string(column_str)

            if max_col is not None and column > max_col:

            if min_col <= column:
                for gap in range(col_counter, column):
                    # pad row with missing cells
                    yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, None, None)

                data_type = cell.get('t', 'n')
                style_id = int(cell.get('s', 0))
                formula = cell.findtext(FORMULA_TAG)
                value = cell.find(VALUE_TAG)
                if value is not None:
                    value = value.text
                if formula is not None:
                    if not self.parent.data_only:
                        data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                        value = "=%s" % formula

                yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, column_str, value, data_type,
            col_counter = column + 1
        if max_col is not None:
            while col_counter <= max_col:
                yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, None, None)
                col_counter += 1
 def get_cells(self, min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col):
     p = iterparse(self.xml_source, tag=[ROW_TAG], remove_blank_text=True)
     for _event, element in p:
         if element.tag == ROW_TAG:
             row = int(element.get("r"))
             if max_row is not None and row > max_row:
             if min_row <= row:
                 for cell in safe_iterator(element, CELL_TAG):
                     coord = cell.get('r')
                     column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
                     column = column_index_from_string(column_str)
                     if max_col is not None and column > max_col:
                     if min_col <= column:
                         data_type = cell.get('t', 'n')
                         style_id = cell.get('s')
                         formula = cell.findtext(FORMULA_TAG)
                         value = cell.findtext(VALUE_TAG)
                         if formula is not None and not self.parent.data_only:
                             data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                             value = "=%s" % formula
                         yield ReadOnlyCell(row, column_str, value, data_type,
         if element.tag in (CELL_TAG, VALUE_TAG, FORMULA_TAG):
             # sub-elements of rows should be skipped
Exemple #11
 def get_cells(self, min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col):
     p = iterparse(self.xml_source, tag=[ROW_TAG], remove_blank_text=True)
     for _event, element in p:
         if element.tag == ROW_TAG:
             row = int(element.get("r"))
             if max_row is not None and row > max_row:
             if min_row <= row:
                 for cell in safe_iterator(element, CELL_TAG):
                     coord = cell.get('r')
                     column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
                     column = column_index_from_string(column_str)
                     if max_col is not None and column > max_col:
                     if min_col <= column:
                         data_type = cell.get('t', 'n')
                         style_id = cell.get('s')
                         formula = cell.findtext(FORMULA_TAG)
                         value = cell.findtext(VALUE_TAG)
                         if formula is not None and not self.parent.data_only:
                             data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                             value = "=%s" % formula
                         yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, column_str,
                                            value, data_type, style_id)
         if element.tag in (CELL_TAG, VALUE_TAG, FORMULA_TAG):
             # sub-elements of rows should be skipped
Exemple #12
    def _get_row(self, element, min_col=1, max_col=None):
        """Return cells from a particular row"""
        col_counter = min_col

        for cell in safe_iterator(element, CELL_TAG):
            coord = cell.get('r')
            column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
            column = column_index_from_string(column_str)

            if max_col is not None and column > max_col:

            if min_col <= column:
                for gap in range(col_counter, column):
                    # pad row with missing cells
                    yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, None, None)

                data_type = cell.get('t', 'n')
                style_id = int(cell.get('s', 0))
                formula = cell.findtext(FORMULA_TAG)
                value = cell.find(VALUE_TAG)
                if value is not None:
                    value = value.text
                if formula is not None:
                    if not self.parent.data_only:
                        data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA
                        value = "=%s" % formula

                yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, column_str,
                                   value, data_type, style_id)
            col_counter = column + 1
        if max_col is not None:
            while col_counter <= max_col:
                yield ReadOnlyCell(self, row, None, None)
                col_counter += 1
def collapse_cell_addresses(cells, input_ranges=()):
    """ Collapse a collection of cell co-ordinates down into an optimal
        range or collection of ranges.

        E.g. Cells A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3 should have the data-validation
        object applied, attempt to collapse down to a single range, A1:B3.

        Currently only collapsing contiguous vertical ranges (i.e. above
        example results in A1:A3 B1:B3).  More work to come.
    keyfunc = lambda x: x[0]

    # Get the raw coordinates for each cell given
    raw_coords = [coordinate_from_string(cell) for cell in cells]

    # Group up as {column: [list of rows]}
    grouped_coords = OrderedDict((k, [c[1] for c in g]) for k, g in
                          groupby(sorted(raw_coords, key=keyfunc), keyfunc))
    ranges = list(input_ranges)

    # For each column, find contiguous ranges of rows
    for column in grouped_coords:
        rows = sorted(grouped_coords[column])
        grouped_rows = [[r[1] for r in list(g)] for k, g in
                        lambda x: x[0] - x[1])]
        for rows in grouped_rows:
            if len(rows) == 0:
            elif len(rows) == 1:
                ranges.append("%s%d" % (column, rows[0]))
                ranges.append("%s%d:%s%d" % (column, rows[0], column, rows[-1]))

    return " ".join(ranges)
Exemple #14
def write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet):
    start_tag(doc, "sheetViews")
    start_tag(doc, "sheetView", {"workbookViewId": "0"})
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = "topRight"
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs["xSplit"] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs["ySplit"] = str(row - 1)
            pane = "bottomLeft"
            if column > 1:
                pane = "bottomRight"
        paneAttrs.update(dict(topLeftCell=topLeftCell, activePane=pane, state="frozen"))
        tag(doc, "pane", paneAttrs)
        selectionAttrs["pane"] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            tag(doc, "selection", {"pane": "topRight"})
            tag(doc, "selection", {"pane": "bottomLeft"})

    selectionAttrs.update({"activeCell": worksheet.active_cell, "sqref": worksheet.selected_cell})

    tag(doc, "selection", selectionAttrs)
    end_tag(doc, "sheetView")
    end_tag(doc, "sheetViews")
def write_sheetviews(worksheet):
    views = Element('sheetViews')
    sheetviewAttrs = {'workbookViewId': '0'}
    if not worksheet.show_gridlines:
        sheetviewAttrs['showGridLines'] = '0'
    view = SubElement(views, 'sheetView', sheetviewAttrs)
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = 'topRight'
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs['xSplit'] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs['ySplit'] = str(row - 1)
            pane = 'bottomLeft'
            if column > 1:
                pane = 'bottomRight'
        view.append(Element('pane', paneAttrs))
        selectionAttrs['pane'] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            SubElement(view, 'selection', {'pane': 'topRight'})
            SubElement(view, 'selection', {'pane': 'bottomLeft'})

    selectionAttrs.update({'activeCell': worksheet.active_cell,
                           'sqref': worksheet.selected_cell})

    SubElement(view, 'selection', selectionAttrs)
    return views
Exemple #16
def write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet):
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', {'workbookViewId': '0'})
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = 'topRight'
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs['xSplit'] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs['ySplit'] = str(row - 1)
            pane = 'bottomLeft'
            if column > 1:
                pane = 'bottomRight'
        tag(doc, 'pane', paneAttrs)
        selectionAttrs['pane'] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'topRight'})
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'bottomLeft'})

    selectionAttrs.update({'activeCell': worksheet.active_cell,
                           'sqref': worksheet.selected_cell})

    tag(doc, 'selection', selectionAttrs)
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
Exemple #17
def get_range_boundaries(range_string, row_offset=0, column_offset=1):

    if ':' in range_string:
        min_range, max_range = range_string.split(':')
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col) + 1

        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string)
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = min_col + column_offset
        max_row = min_row + row_offset

    return (min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)
def get_range_boundaries(range_string, row_offset=0, column_offset=1):

    if ':' in range_string:
        min_range, max_range = range_string.split(':')
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col) + 1

        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string)
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = min_col + column_offset
        max_row = min_row + row_offset

    return (min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)
Exemple #19
def read_dimension(xml_source):

    source = _get_xml_iter(xml_source)

    it = iterparse(source)

    smax_col = None
    smax_row = None
    smin_col = None
    smin_row = None

    for event, element in it:

        if element.tag == '{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main}dimension':
            ref = element.get('ref')

            if ':' in ref:
                min_range, max_range = ref.split(':')
                min_range = max_range = ref

            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

            return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row

        if element.tag == '{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main}c':
            # Supposedly the dimension is mandatory, but in practice it can be
            # left off sometimes, if so, observe the max/min extants and return
            # those instead.
            col, row = coordinate_from_string(element.get('r'))
            if smin_row is None:
                #initialize the observed max/min values
                smin_col = smax_col = col
                smin_row = smax_row = row
                #Keep track of the seen max and min (fallback if there's no dimension)
                smin_col = min(smin_col, col)
                smin_row = min(smin_row, row)
                smax_col = max(smax_col, col)
                smax_row = max(smax_row, row)

    return smin_col, smin_row, smax_col, smax_row
Exemple #20
def read_dimension(xml_source):

    source = _get_xml_iter(xml_source)

    it = iterparse(source)

    smax_col = None
    smax_row = None
    smin_col = None
    smin_row = None

    for event, element in it:

        if element.tag == '{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main}dimension':
            ref = element.get('ref')

            if ':' in ref:
                min_range, max_range = ref.split(':')
                min_range = max_range = ref

            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

            return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row

        if element.tag == '{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main}c':
            # Supposedly the dimension is mandatory, but in practice it can be
            # left off sometimes, if so, observe the max/min extants and return
            # those instead.
            col, row = coordinate_from_string(element.get('r'))
            if smin_row is None:
                #initialize the observed max/min values
                smin_col = smax_col = col
                smin_row = smax_row = row
                #Keep track of the seen max and min (fallback if there's no dimension)
                smin_col = min(smin_col, col)
                smin_row = min(smin_row, row)
                smax_col = max(smax_col, col)
                smax_row = max(smax_row, row)

    return smin_col, smin_row, smax_col, smax_row
def read_dimension(xml_source):
    min_row = min_col =  max_row = max_col = None
    source = _get_xml_iter(xml_source)
    it = iterparse(source)
    for event, el in it:
        if el.tag == '{%s}dimension' % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
            dim = el.get("ref")
            if ':' in dim:
                start, stop = dim.split(':')
                start = stop = dim
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(start)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(stop)
            return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row

        elif el.tag == '{%s}row' % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
            row = el.get("r")
            if min_row is None:
                min_row = int(row)
            span = el.get("spans", "")
            if ":" in span:
                start, stop = span.split(":")
                if min_col is None:
                    min_col = int(start)
                    max_col = int(stop)
                    min_col = min(min_col, int(start))
                    max_col = max(max_col, int(stop))

        elif el.tag == '{%s}c' % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
            coord = el.get('r')
            column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
            column = column_index_from_string(column_str)
            if min_col is None:
                min_col = column
                min_col = min(column, min_col)
            if max_col is None:
                max_col = column
                max_col = max(column, max_col)
    max_row = int(row)
    warn("Unsized worksheet")
    return get_column_letter(min_col), min_row, get_column_letter(max_col),  max_row
def read_dimension(xml_source):
    min_row = min_col = max_row = max_col = None
    source = _get_xml_iter(xml_source)
    it = iterparse(source)
    for event, el in it:
        if el.tag == "{%s}dimension" % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
            dim = el.get("ref")
            if ":" in dim:
                start, stop = dim.split(":")
                start = stop = dim
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(start)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(stop)
            return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row

        elif el.tag == "{%s}row" % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
            row = el.get("r")
            if min_row is None:
                min_row = int(row)
            span = el.get("spans", "")
            if ":" in span:
                start, stop = span.split(":")
                if min_col is None:
                    min_col = int(start)
                    max_col = int(stop)
                    min_col = min(min_col, int(start))
                    max_col = max(max_col, int(stop))

        elif el.tag == "{%s}c" % SHEET_MAIN_NS:
            coord = el.get("r")
            column_str, row = coordinate_from_string(coord)
            column = column_index_from_string(column_str)
            if min_col is None:
                min_col = column
                min_col = min(column, min_col)
            if max_col is None:
                max_col = column
                max_col = max(column, max_col)
    max_row = int(row)
    warn("Unsized worksheet")
    return get_column_letter(min_col), min_row, get_column_letter(max_col), max_row
Exemple #23
def get_range_boundaries(range_string, row=0, column=0):

    if ':' in range_string:
        min_range, max_range = range_string.split(':')
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col) + column
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col) + column
        min_row += row
        max_row += row

        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string)
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = min_col + 1
        max_row = min_row

    return (min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)
def style_range(ws, cell_range, style=None):
    :param ws:  Excel worksheet instance
    :param range: An excel range to style (e.g. A1:F20)
    :param style: An openpyxl Style object

    start_cell, end_cell = cell_range.split(':')
    start_coord = ce.coordinate_from_string(start_cell)
    start_row = start_coord[1]
    start_col = ce.column_index_from_string(start_coord[0])
    end_coord = ce.coordinate_from_string(end_cell)
    end_row = end_coord[1]
    end_col = ce.column_index_from_string(end_coord[0])

    for row in range(start_row, end_row + 1):
        for col_idx in range(start_col, end_col + 1):
            col = ce.get_column_letter(col_idx)
            ws.cell('%s%s' % (col, row)).style = style   
Exemple #25
def get_range_boundaries(range_string, row=0, column=0):

    if ':' in range_string:
        min_range, max_range = range_string.split(':')
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)

        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col) + column
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col) + column
        min_row += row
        max_row += row

        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string)
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = min_col + 1
        max_row = min_row

    return (min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)
Exemple #26
def read_dimension(source):
    min_row = min_col =  max_row = max_col = None
    DIMENSION_TAG = '{%s}dimension' % SHEET_MAIN_NS
    DATA_TAG = '{%s}sheetData' % SHEET_MAIN_NS
    it = iterparse(source, tag=[DIMENSION_TAG, DATA_TAG])
    for _event, element in it:
        if element.tag == DIMENSION_TAG:
            dim = element.get("ref")
            if ':' in dim:
                start, stop = dim.split(':')
                start = stop = dim
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(start)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(stop)
            return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row
        elif element.tag == DATA_TAG:
            # Dimensions missing
def read_dimension(source):
    min_row = min_col =  max_row = max_col = None
    DIMENSION_TAG = '{%s}dimension' % SHEET_MAIN_NS
    DATA_TAG = '{%s}sheetData' % SHEET_MAIN_NS
    it = iterparse(source, tag=[DIMENSION_TAG, DATA_TAG])
    for _event, element in it:
        if element.tag == DIMENSION_TAG:
            dim = element.get("ref")
            if ':' in dim:
                start, stop = dim.split(':')
                start = stop = dim
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(start)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(stop)
            return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row
        elif element.tag == DATA_TAG:
            # Dimensions missing
Exemple #28
    def merge_cells(self,
        """ Set merge on a cell range.  Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """
        if not range_string:
            if (start_row is None or start_column is None or end_row is None
                    or end_column is None):
                msg = "You have to provide a value either for "\
                    "'coordinate' or for 'start_row', 'start_column', 'end_row' *and* 'end_column'"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
                range_string = '%s%s:%s%s' % (
                    get_column_letter(start_column + 1), start_row + 1,
                    get_column_letter(end_column + 1), end_row + 1)
        elif ":" not in range_string:
            if COORD_RE.match(range_string):
                return  # Single cell
            msg = "Range must be a cell range (e.g. A1:E1)"
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
            range_string = range_string.replace('$', '')

        # Make sure top_left cell exists - is this necessary?
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[0])
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[1])
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
        # Blank out the rest of the cells in the range
        for col in range(min_col, max_col + 1):
            for row in range(min_row, max_row + 1):
                if not (row == min_row and col == min_col):
                    # PHPExcel adds cell and specifically blanks it out if it doesn't exist
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' %
                                   (get_column_letter(col), row)).value = None
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' %
                                   (get_column_letter(col), row)).merged = True

        if range_string not in self._merged_cells:
Exemple #29
    def _get_cell(self, coordinate):

        if not coordinate in self._cells:
            column, row = coordinate_from_string(coordinate)
            new_cell = openpyxl.cell.Cell(self, column, row)
            self._cells[coordinate] = new_cell
            if column not in self.column_dimensions:
                self.column_dimensions[column] = ColumnDimension(column)
            if row not in self.row_dimensions:
                self.row_dimensions[row] = RowDimension(row)
        return self._cells[coordinate]
def get_square_indices(sheet, location):
    left, right = location.upper().split(':')
    left_column_letter, left_row = coordinate_from_string(left)
    left_column = column_index_from_string(left_column_letter)
    if right:
        right_column_letter, right_row = coordinate_from_string(right)
        right_column = column_index_from_string(right_column_letter)
        right_defined = True
        right_row = sheet.get_highest_row()
        right_column = sheet.get_highest_column()
        right_defined = False
    if left_column > right_column:
        raise BadRequest(detail="Left column should be less than right")
    if left_row <= 0 or right_row <= 0:
        raise BadRequest(detail="Row index should be greater than 0")
    if left_row > right_row:
        raise BadRequest(
            detail="Left row index should be less or equal than right row")
    return left_column, left_row, right_column, right_row, right_defined
Exemple #31
    def _get_cell(self, coordinate):

        if not coordinate in self._cells:
            column, row = coordinate_from_string(coordinate)
            new_cell = openpyxl.cell.Cell(self, column, row)
            self._cells[coordinate] = new_cell
            if column not in self.column_dimensions:
                self.column_dimensions[column] = ColumnDimension(column, worksheet=self)
            if row not in self.row_dimensions:
                self.row_dimensions[row] = RowDimension(row, worksheet=self)
        return self._cells[coordinate]
Exemple #32
    def unmerge_cells(self,
        """ Remove merge on a cell range.  Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """
        if not range_string:
            if start_row is None or start_column is None or end_row is None or end_column is None:
                msg = "You have to provide a value either for "\
                      "'coordinate' or for 'start_row', 'start_column', 'end_row' *and* 'end_column'"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
                range_string = '%s%s:%s%s' % (
                    get_column_letter(start_column + 1), start_row + 1,
                    get_column_letter(end_column + 1), end_row + 1)
        elif len(range_string.split(':')) != 2:
            msg = "Range must be a cell range (e.g. A1:E1)"
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
            range_string = range_string.replace('$', '')

        if range_string in self._merged_cells:
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(
            min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
            max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
            # Mark cell as unmerged
            for col in xrange(min_col, max_col + 1):
                for row in xrange(min_row, max_row + 1):
                    if not (row == min_row and col == min_col):
                            '%s%s' %
                            (get_column_letter(col), row)).merged = False
            msg = 'Cell range %s not known as merged.' % range_string
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
def iterateOverCoordinates():
    processing_range = 'E3:CJ11'
    upperleft = (processing_range.partition(':')[0])
    lowerright = (processing_range.partition(':')[2])
    print(upperleft, lowerright)

    xy = coordinate_from_string(upperleft)
    print (xy)
    startcol = column_index_from_string(xy[0])
    print('startcol', startcol)

    xy = coordinate_from_string(lowerright)
    print (xy)
    endcol = column_index_from_string(xy[0])
    print('endcol', endcol)
    maxcol = endcol+1
    print('maxcol', maxcol)

    icol = 5
    column = get_column_letter(icol)
Exemple #34
def write_worksheet_sheetviews(doc, worksheet):
    from openpyxl.writer.worksheet import start_tag, end_tag, tag
    from openpyxl.cell import coordinate_from_string
    from openpyxl.worksheet import column_index_from_string

    viewattrs = {'workbookViewId': '0'}
    sheetview = worksheet.sheet_view
    if sheetview:
        if hasattr(sheetview, 'zoomScale'):
            viewattrs['zoomScale'] = sheetview.zoomScale
        if hasattr(sheetview, 'zoomScaleNormal'):
            viewattrs['zoomScaleNormal'] = sheetview.zoomScaleNormal

    start_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetView', viewattrs)
    selectionAttrs = {}
    topLeftCell = worksheet.freeze_panes
    if topLeftCell:
        colName, row = coordinate_from_string(topLeftCell)
        column = column_index_from_string(colName)
        pane = 'topRight'
        paneAttrs = {}
        if column > 1:
            paneAttrs['xSplit'] = str(column - 1)
        if row > 1:
            paneAttrs['ySplit'] = str(row - 1)
            pane = 'bottomLeft'
            if column > 1:
                pane = 'bottomRight'
            dict(topLeftCell=topLeftCell, activePane=pane, state='frozen'))
        tag(doc, 'pane', paneAttrs)
        selectionAttrs['pane'] = pane
        if row > 1 and column > 1:
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'topRight'})
            tag(doc, 'selection', {'pane': 'bottomLeft'})

        'activeCell': worksheet.active_cell,
        'sqref': worksheet.selected_cell

    tag(doc, 'selection', selectionAttrs)
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetView')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetViews')
Exemple #35
    def _write_comment_shape(self, comment, idx):
        # get zero-indexed coordinates of the comment
        col, row = coordinate_from_string(comment._parent.coordinate)
        row -= 1
        column = column_index_from_string(col) - 1

        style = ("position:absolute; margin-left:59.25pt;"
                 "z-index:1;visibility:hidden") % {
                     'height': comment._height,
                     'width': comment._width
        attrs = {
            "id": "_x0000_s%04d" % idx,
            "type": "#_x0000_t202",
            "style": style,
            "fillcolor": "#ffffe1",
            "{%s}insetmode" % officens: "auto"
        shape = Element("{%s}shape" % vmlns, attrs)

        SubElement(shape, "{%s}fill" % vmlns, {"color2": "#ffffe1"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}shadow" % vmlns, {
            "color": "black",
            "obscured": "t"
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}path" % vmlns,
                   {"{%s}connecttype" % officens: "none"})
        textbox = SubElement(shape, "{%s}textbox" % vmlns,
                             {"style": "mso-direction-alt:auto"})
        SubElement(textbox, "div", {"style": "text-align:left"})
        client_data = SubElement(shape, "{%s}ClientData" % excelns,
                                 {"ObjectType": "Note"})
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}MoveWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}SizeWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}AutoFill" % excelns).text = "False"
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Row" % excelns).text = "%d" % row
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Column" % excelns).text = "%d" % column
        return shape
    def _write_comment_shape(self, comment, idx):
        # get zero-indexed coordinates of the comment
        col, row = coordinate_from_string(comment._parent.coordinate)
        row -= 1
        column = column_index_from_string(col) - 1

        style = ("position:absolute; margin-left:59.25pt;"
                 "z-index:1;visibility:hidden") % {'height': comment._height,
                                                   'width': comment._width}
        attrs = {
            "id": "_x0000_s%04d" % idx ,
            "type": "#_x0000_t202",
            "style": style,
            "fillcolor": "#ffffe1",
            "{%s}insetmode" % officens: "auto"
        shape = Element("{%s}shape" % vmlns, attrs)

        SubElement(shape, "{%s}fill" % vmlns,
                   {"color2": "#ffffe1"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}shadow" % vmlns,
                   {"color": "black", "obscured": "t"})
        SubElement(shape, "{%s}path" % vmlns,
                   {"{%s}connecttype" % officens: "none"})
        textbox = SubElement(shape, "{%s}textbox" % vmlns,
                             {"style": "mso-direction-alt:auto"})
        SubElement(textbox, "div", {"style": "text-align:left"})
        client_data = SubElement(shape, "{%s}ClientData" % excelns,
                                 {"ObjectType": "Note"})
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}MoveWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}SizeWithCells" % excelns)
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}AutoFill" % excelns).text = "False"
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Row" % excelns).text = "%d" % row
        SubElement(client_data, "{%s}Column" % excelns).text = "%d" % column
        return shape
Exemple #37
    def range(self, range_string, row=0, column=0):
        """Returns a 2D array of cells, with optional row and column offsets.

        :param range_string: cell range string or `named range` name
        :type range_string: string

        :param row: number of rows to offset
        :type row: int

        :param column: number of columns to offset
        :type column: int

        :rtype: tuples of tuples of :class:`openpyxl.cell.Cell`

        if ':' in range_string:
            # R1C1 range
            result = []
            min_range, max_range = range_string.split(':')
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)
            if column:
                min_col = get_column_letter(
                    column_index_from_string(min_col) + column)
                max_col = get_column_letter(
                    column_index_from_string(max_col) + column)
            min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
            max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
            cache_cols = {}
            for col in xrange(min_col, max_col + 1):
                cache_cols[col] = get_column_letter(col)
            rows = xrange(min_row + row, max_row + row + 1)
            cols = xrange(min_col, max_col + 1)
            for row in rows:
                new_row = []
                for col in cols:
                    new_row.append(self.cell('%s%s' % (cache_cols[col], row)))
            return tuple(result)
                return self.cell(coordinate=range_string,
            except CellCoordinatesException:

            # named range
            named_range = self._parent.get_named_range(range_string)
            if named_range is None:
                msg = '%s is not a valid range name' % range_string
                raise NamedRangeException(msg)
            if isinstance(named_range, NamedRangeContainingValue):
                msg = '%s refers to a value, not a range' % range_string
                raise NamedRangeException(msg)

            result = []
            for destination in named_range.destinations:

                worksheet, cells_range = destination

                if worksheet is not self:
                    msg = 'Range %s is not defined on worksheet %s' % \
                            (cells_range, self.title)
                    raise NamedRangeException(msg)

                content = self.range(cells_range)

                if isinstance(content, tuple):
                    for cells in content:

            if len(result) == 1:
                return result[0]
                return tuple(result)
Exemple #38
def test_zero_row():
    with pytest.raises(CellCoordinatesException):
 def test_roundtrip(self, value):
     wb = Workbook()
     ws = wb.get_active_sheet()
     assert ws.point_pos(
         *ws.cell(value).anchor) == coordinate_from_string(value)
 def test_roundtrip(self, value):
     wb = Workbook()
     ws = wb.get_active_sheet()
     assert ws.point_pos(*ws.cell(value).anchor) == coordinate_from_string(value)
import requests
from datetime import datetime, date, time

wb = load_workbook('biorepositories_from_website.xlsx')
ws = wb.get_active_sheet()
wb1 = Workbook()
ws1 = wb1.active
ws1.title = "GRbio repos"

END_ROW = ws.get_highest_row()

#class Entry(self, name):
#	self.name = name

for row in ws.range('%s%s:%s%s'%(GR_REPO_NAME_COL, START_ROW, GR_REPO_NAME_COL, END_ROW)):
	for cell in row:
		coordinate = coordinate_from_string(cell.get_coordinate())
		if cell.value == None or cell.value == "Herbarium" or cell.value == "Herbario":
			cell.value = ws['%s%s'%(GR_INSTIT_NAME_COL, coordinate[1])].value

Exemple #42
    def range(self, range_string, row=0, column=0):
        """Returns a 2D array of cells, with optional row and column offsets.

        :param range_string: cell range string or `named range` name
        :type range_string: string

        :param row: number of rows to offset
        :type row: int

        :param column: number of columns to offset
        :type column: int

        :rtype: tuples of tuples of :class:`openpyxl.cell.Cell`

        if ":" in range_string:
            # R1C1 range
            result = []
            min_range, max_range = range_string.split(":")
            min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(min_range)
            max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(max_range)
            if column:
                min_col = get_column_letter(column_index_from_string(min_col) + column)
                max_col = get_column_letter(column_index_from_string(max_col) + column)
            min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
            max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
            cache_cols = {}
            for col in xrange(min_col, max_col + 1):
                cache_cols[col] = get_column_letter(col)
            rows = xrange(min_row + row, max_row + row + 1)
            cols = xrange(min_col, max_col + 1)
            for row in rows:
                new_row = []
                for col in cols:
                    new_row.append(self.cell("%s%s" % (cache_cols[col], row)))
            return tuple(result)
                return self.cell(coordinate=range_string, row=row, column=column)
            except CellCoordinatesException:

            # named range
            named_range = self._parent.get_named_range(range_string)
            if named_range is None:
                msg = "%s is not a valid range name" % range_string
                raise NamedRangeException(msg)
            if isinstance(named_range, NamedRangeContainingValue):
                msg = "%s refers to a value, not a range" % range_string
                raise NamedRangeException(msg)

            result = []
            for destination in named_range.destinations:

                worksheet, cells_range = destination

                if worksheet is not self:
                    msg = "Range %s is not defined on worksheet %s" % (cells_range, self.title)
                    raise NamedRangeException(msg)

                content = self.range(cells_range)

                if isinstance(content, tuple):
                    for cells in content:

            if len(result) == 1:
                return result[0]
                return tuple(result)
def test_invalid_coordinate():
    with pytest.raises(CellCoordinatesException):
def get_mins_maxs_from_range(range_string):
    min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[0])
    max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[1])
    min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
    max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
    return (min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)
Exemple #45
 def test_roundtrip(self):
     wb = Workbook()
     ws = wb.get_active_sheet()
     for address in ('A1', 'D52', 'X11'):
def test_coordinates():
    column, row = coordinate_from_string('ZF46')
    assert "ZF" == column
    assert 46 == row
Exemple #47
def test_invalid_coordinate():
Exemple #48
def test_zero_row():
Exemple #49
def test_coordinates():
    column, row = coordinate_from_string('ZF46')
    assert "ZF" == column
    assert 46 == row
Exemple #50
def test_invalid_coordinate():
    with pytest.raises(CellCoordinatesException):
def test_zero_row():
    with pytest.raises(CellCoordinatesException):
Exemple #52
def get_row_col_from_string(string):
    xy = coordinate_from_string(string)  # returns ('A',4)
    col = column_index_from_string(xy[0])  # returns 1
    row = xy[1]
    return ([row, col])
 def duplicate_cell_dimensions(cell, new_cell, worksheet):
     worksheet.row_dimensions[coordinate_from_string(new_cell.address)[1]] = \
     worksheet.column_dimensions[coordinate_from_string(new_cell.address)[0]] = \
Exemple #54
def test_coordinates():
    column, row = coordinate_from_string('ZF46')
    eq_("ZF", column)
    eq_(46, row)
Exemple #55
def test_coordinates():
    column, row = coordinate_from_string('ZF46')
    eq_("ZF", column)
    eq_(46, row)
Exemple #56
def test_zero_row():
Exemple #57
def test_invalid_coordinate():