Exemple #1
    def _write_series(self, subchart):

        for i, series in enumerate(self.chart):
            ser = SubElement(subchart, '{%s}ser' % CHART_NS)
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val':safe_string(i)})
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}order' % CHART_NS, {'val':safe_string(i)})

            if series.title:
                tx = SubElement(ser, '{%s}tx' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(tx, '{%s}v' % CHART_NS).text = series.title

            if isinstance(self, LineChart):
                marker = SubElement(ser, "{%s}marker" % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(marker, "{%s}symbol" % CHART_NS, val=safe_string(series.marker))

            if series.color:
                sppr = SubElement(ser, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                self._write_series_color(sppr, series)

            if series.error_bar:
                self._write_error_bar(ser, series)

            if series.labels:
                self._write_series_labels(ser, series)

            if series.xvalues:
                self._write_series_xvalues(ser, series)

            val = SubElement(ser, self.series_type)
            self._write_serial(val, series.reference)
Exemple #2
 def __iter__(self):
     for attr in self.__attrs__:
         value = getattr(self, attr)
         if value and attr != "outline":
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
         elif attr == "outline" and not value:
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #3
    def _write_series(self, subchart):

        for i, serie in enumerate(self.chart):
            ser = SubElement(subchart, '{%s}ser' % CHART_NS)
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val':safe_string(i)})
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}order' % CHART_NS, {'val':safe_string(i)})

            if serie.title:
                tx = SubElement(ser, '{%s}tx' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(tx, '{%s}v' % CHART_NS).text = serie.title

            if serie.color:
                sppr = SubElement(ser, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                self._write_series_color(sppr, serie)

            if serie.error_bar:
                self._write_error_bar(ser, serie)

            if serie.labels:
                self._write_series_labels(ser, serie)

            if serie.xvalues:
                self._write_series_xvalues(ser, serie)

            val = SubElement(ser, self.series_type)
            self._write_serial(val, serie.reference)
Exemple #4
    def _write_series(self, subchart):
        """write series"""
        for i, serie in enumerate(self.chart):
            ser = SubElement(subchart, '{%s}ser' % CHART_NS)
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': safe_string(i)})
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}order' % CHART_NS, {'val': safe_string(i)})

            if serie.title:
                t_x = SubElement(ser, '{%s}t_x' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(t_x, '{%s}v' % CHART_NS).text = serie.title

            if serie.color:
                sppr = SubElement(ser, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                _write_series_color_node(sppr, serie)
                d_pt = SubElement(ser, '{%s}dPt' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': '1'})
                SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}Bubble3D' % CHART_NS, {'val': '1'})
                sppr = SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                fillc = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS)
                SubElement(fillc, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': 'FFFF00'})

            if serie.error_bar:
                _write_error_bar(ser, serie)

            if serie.labels:
                _write_series_labels(ser, serie)

            if serie.xvalues:
                _write_series_xvalues(ser, serie)

            val = SubElement(ser, self.series_type)
            _write_serial(val, serie.reference)
    def _write_series(self, subchart):
        """write series"""
        for i, serie in enumerate(self.chart):
            ser = SubElement(subchart, '{%s}ser' % CHART_NS)
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': safe_string(i)})
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}order' % CHART_NS, {'val': safe_string(i)})

            if serie.title:
                t_x = SubElement(ser, '{%s}t_x' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(t_x, '{%s}v' % CHART_NS).text = serie.title

            if serie.color:
                sppr = SubElement(ser, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                _write_series_color_node(sppr, serie)
                d_pt = SubElement(ser, '{%s}dPt' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': '1'})
                SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}Bubble3D' % CHART_NS, {'val': '1'})
                sppr = SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                fillc = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS)
                SubElement(fillc, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val': 'FFFF00'})

            if serie.error_bar:
                _write_error_bar(ser, serie)

            if serie.labels:
                _write_series_labels(ser, serie)

            if serie.xvalues:
                _write_series_xvalues(ser, serie)

            val = SubElement(ser, self.series_type)
            _write_serial(val, serie.reference)
Exemple #6
 def __iter__(self):
     for attr in self.__attrs__:
         value = getattr(self, attr)
         if value and attr != "outline":
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
         elif attr == "outline" and not value:
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #7
    def _write_axis(self, plot_area, axis, label):

        if self.chart.auto_axis:

        ax = SubElement(plot_area, label)
        SubElement(ax, "{%s}axId" % CHART_NS, {"val": safe_string(axis.id)})

        scaling = SubElement(ax, "{%s}scaling" % CHART_NS)
        SubElement(scaling, "{%s}orientation" % CHART_NS, {"val": axis.orientation})
        if axis.delete_axis:
            SubElement(scaling, "{%s}" % CHART_NS, {"val": "1"})
        if axis.type == "valAx":
            SubElement(scaling, "{%s}max" % CHART_NS, {"val": str(float(axis.max))})
            SubElement(scaling, "{%s}min" % CHART_NS, {"val": str(float(axis.min))})

        SubElement(ax, "{%s}axPos" % CHART_NS, {"val": axis.position})
        if axis.type == "valAx":
            SubElement(ax, "{%s}majorGridlines" % CHART_NS)
            SubElement(ax, "{%s}numFmt" % CHART_NS, {"formatCode": "General", "sourceLinked": "1"})
        self._write_axis_title(axis, ax)
        SubElement(ax, "{%s}tickLblPos" % CHART_NS, {"val": axis.tick_label_position})
        SubElement(ax, "{%s}crossAx" % CHART_NS, {"val": str(axis.cross)})
        SubElement(ax, "{%s}crosses" % CHART_NS, {"val": axis.crosses})
        if axis.auto:
            SubElement(ax, "{%s}auto" % CHART_NS, {"val": "1"})
        if axis.label_align:
            SubElement(ax, "{%s}lblAlgn" % CHART_NS, {"val": axis.label_align})
        if axis.label_offset:
            SubElement(ax, "{%s}lblOffset" % CHART_NS, {"val": str(axis.label_offset)})
        if axis.type == "valAx":
            SubElement(ax, "{%s}crossBetween" % CHART_NS, {"val": axis.cross_between})
            SubElement(ax, "{%s}majorUnit" % CHART_NS, {"val": safe_string(axis.unit)})
Exemple #8
    def _write_series(self, subchart):
        """write series"""
        for i, serie in enumerate(self.chart):
            ser = SubElement(subchart, '{%s}ser' % CHART_NS)
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': safe_string(i)})
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}order' % CHART_NS, {'val': safe_string(i)})

            if serie.title:
                t_x = SubElement(ser, '{%s}tx' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(t_x, '{%s}v' % CHART_NS).text = serie.title

            if serie.color:
                sppr = SubElement(ser, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                _write_series_color_node(sppr, serie)

                d_pt = SubElement(ser, '{%s}dPt' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': '1'})
                sppr = SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                fillc = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS)
                SubElement(fillc, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': 'FF0000'})

                d_pt = SubElement(ser, '{%s}dPt' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': '2'})
                sppr = SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                fillc = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS)
                SubElement(fillc, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': '777777'})

                d_lbls = SubElement(ser, '{%s}dLbls' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}dLblPos' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': 'outEnd'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showLegendKey' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': '1'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showVal' % DRAWING_NS, {'val': '0'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showCatName' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': '0'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showSerName' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': '0'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showPercent' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': '1'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showBubbleSize' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': '0'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showLeaderLines' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': '0'})

            if serie.error_bar:
                _write_error_bar(ser, serie)

            if serie.labels:
                _write_series_labels(ser, serie)

            if serie.xvalues:
                _write_series_xvalues(ser, serie)

            val = SubElement(ser, self.series_type)
            _write_serial(val, serie.reference)
    def _write_series(self, subchart):
        """write series"""
        for i, serie in enumerate(self.chart):
            ser = SubElement(subchart, '{%s}ser' % CHART_NS)
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': safe_string(i)})
            SubElement(ser, '{%s}order' % CHART_NS, {'val': safe_string(i)})

            if serie.title:
                t_x = SubElement(ser, '{%s}tx' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(t_x, '{%s}v' % CHART_NS).text = serie.title

            if serie.color:
                sppr = SubElement(ser, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                _write_series_color_node(sppr, serie)

                d_pt = SubElement(ser, '{%s}dPt' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': '1'})
                sppr = SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                fillc = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS)
                SubElement(fillc, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val': 'FF0000'})

                d_pt = SubElement(ser, '{%s}dPt' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}idx' % CHART_NS, {'val': '2'})
                sppr = SubElement(d_pt, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_NS)
                fillc = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS)
                SubElement(fillc, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val': '777777'})

                d_lbls = SubElement(ser, '{%s}dLbls' % CHART_NS)
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}dLblPos' % DRAWING_NS,
                           {'val': 'outEnd'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showLegendKey' %
                           DRAWING_NS, {'val': '1'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showVal' % DRAWING_NS, {'val': '0'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showCatName' % DRAWING_NS, {'val': '0'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showSerName' % DRAWING_NS, {'val': '0'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showPercent' % DRAWING_NS, {'val': '1'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showBubbleSize' %
                           DRAWING_NS, {'val': '0'})
                SubElement(d_lbls, '{%s}showLeaderLines' %
                           DRAWING_NS, {'val': '0'})

            if serie.error_bar:
                _write_error_bar(ser, serie)

            if serie.labels:
                _write_series_labels(ser, serie)

            if serie.xvalues:
                _write_series_xvalues(ser, serie)

            val = SubElement(ser, self.series_type)
            _write_serial(val, serie.reference)
Exemple #10
 def __iter__(self):
     for attr in ('type', 'allowBlank', 'operator', 'sqref',
                  'showInputMessage', 'showErrorMessage', 'errorTitle',
                  'error', 'errorStyle', 'promptTitle', 'prompt'):
         value = getattr(self, attr)
         if value is not None:
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #11
 def __iter__(self):
     for key in self.__fields__:
         value = getattr(self, key, None)
         if key in ('style', 's'):
             value = self.style_id
         if value:
             yield key, safe_string(value)
def write_cell(worksheet, cell):
    string_table = worksheet.parent.shared_strings
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    if cell.has_style:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell._style

    if cell.data_type != 'f':
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell.internal_value

    el = Element("c", attributes)
    if value in ('', None):
        return el

    if cell.data_type == 'f':
        shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate, {})
        if shared_formula is not None:
            if (shared_formula.get('t') == 'shared'
                and 'ref' not in shared_formula):
                value = None
        formula = SubElement(el, 'f', shared_formula)
        if value is not None:
            formula.text= value[1:]
            value = None

    if cell.data_type == 's':
        value = string_table.add(value)
    cell_content = SubElement(el, 'v')
    if value is not None:
        cell_content.text = safe_string(value)
    return el
Exemple #13
 def __iter__(self):
     for key in self.__fields__:
         value = getattr(self, key, None)
         if key in ('style', 's'):
             value = self.style_id
         if value:
             yield key, safe_string(value)
Exemple #14
    def _write_axis(self, plot_area, axis, label):

        if self.chart.auto_axis:

        ax = SubElement(plot_area, label)
        SubElement(ax, '{%s}axId' % CHART_NS, {'val':safe_string(axis.id)})

        scaling = SubElement(ax, '{%s}scaling' % CHART_NS)
        SubElement(scaling, '{%s}orientation' % CHART_NS, {'val':axis.orientation})
        if axis.delete_axis:
            SubElement(scaling, '{%s}' % CHART_NS, {'val':'1'})
        if axis.type == "valAx":
            SubElement(scaling, '{%s}max' % CHART_NS, {'val':str(float(axis.max))})
            SubElement(scaling, '{%s}min' % CHART_NS, {'val':str(float(axis.min))})

        SubElement(ax, '{%s}axPos' % CHART_NS, {'val':axis.position})
        if axis.type == "valAx":
            SubElement(ax, '{%s}majorGridlines' % CHART_NS)
            SubElement(ax, '{%s}numFmt' % CHART_NS, {'formatCode':"General", 'sourceLinked':'1'})
        self._write_axis_title(axis, ax)
        SubElement(ax, '{%s}tickLblPos' % CHART_NS, {'val':axis.tick_label_position})
        SubElement(ax, '{%s}crossAx' % CHART_NS, {'val':str(axis.cross)})
        SubElement(ax, '{%s}crosses' % CHART_NS, {'val':axis.crosses})
        if axis.auto:
            SubElement(ax, '{%s}auto' % CHART_NS, {'val':'1'})
        if axis.label_align:
            SubElement(ax, '{%s}lblAlgn' % CHART_NS, {'val':axis.label_align})
        if axis.label_offset:
            SubElement(ax, '{%s}lblOffset' % CHART_NS, {'val':str(axis.label_offset)})
        if axis.type == "valAx":
            SubElement(ax, '{%s}crossBetween' % CHART_NS, {'val':axis.cross_between})
            SubElement(ax, '{%s}majorUnit' % CHART_NS, {'val':str(float(axis.unit))})
Exemple #15
def _explicit_none(tagname, value, namespace=None):
    Override serialisation because explicit none required
    if namespace is not None:
        tagname = "{%s}%s" % (namespace, tagname)
    return Element(tagname, val=safe_string(value))
def write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell):
    string_table = worksheet.parent.shared_strings
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    if cell.has_style:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell._style

    if cell.data_type != 'f':
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell.internal_value

    if value in ('', None):
        with xf.element("c", attributes):

    with xf.element('c', attributes):
        if cell.data_type == 'f':
            shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate, {})
            if shared_formula is not None:
                if (shared_formula.get('t') == 'shared'
                    and 'ref' not in shared_formula):
                    value = None
            with xf.element('f', shared_formula):
                if value is not None:
                    value = None

        if cell.data_type == 's':
            value = string_table.add(value)
        with xf.element("v"):
            if value is not None:
def write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell, styled=False):
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    if styled:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell.style_id

    if cell.data_type != 'f':
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell._value

    if value == '' or value is None:
        with xf.element("c", attributes):

    with xf.element('c', attributes):
        if cell.data_type == 'f':
            shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate, {})
            with xf.element('f', shared_formula):
                if value is not None:
                    value = None

        if cell.data_type == 's':
            value = worksheet.parent.shared_strings.add(value)
        with xf.element("v"):
            if value is not None:
 def __iter__(self):
     for attr in (
         value = getattr(self, attr)
         if value is not None:
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #19
 def to_tree(self, tagname=None):
     if tagname is None:
         tagname = self.tagname
     attrs = dict(self)
     el = Element(tagname, attrs)
     for n in self.__nested__:
         value = getattr(self, n)
         if isinstance(value, tuple):
             if hasattr(el, 'extend'):
             else: # py26 nolxml
                 for _ in self._serialise_nested(value):
         elif value:
             SubElement(el, n, val=safe_string(value))
     for child in self.__elements__:
         obj = getattr(self, child)
         if isinstance(obj, tuple):
             for v in obj:
                 if hasattr(v, 'to_tree'):
                     SubElement(el, child).text = v
         elif obj is not None:
     return el
Exemple #20
def write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell, styled=False):
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    if styled:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell.style_id

    if cell.data_type != 'f':
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell._value

    if value == '' or value is None:
        with xf.element("c", attributes):

    with xf.element('c', attributes):
        if cell.data_type == 'f':
            shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate, {})
            with xf.element('f', shared_formula):
                if value is not None:
                    value = None

        if cell.data_type == 's':
            value = worksheet.parent.shared_strings.add(value)
        with xf.element("v"):
            if value is not None:
Exemple #21
 def __iter__(self):
     for attr in self.__attrs__:
         value = getattr(self, attr)
         if attr.startswith("_"):
             attr = attr[1:]
         if attr != "attr_text" and value is not None:
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #22
def lxml_write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell, styled=False):
    value, attributes = _set_attributes(cell, styled)

    if value == '' or value is None:
        with xf.element("c", attributes):

    with xf.element('c', attributes):
        if cell.data_type == 'f':
            shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(cell.coordinate, {})
            with xf.element('f', shared_formula):
                if value is not None:
                    value = None

        if cell.data_type == 's':
            with xf.element("is"):
                attrs = {}
                if value != value.strip():
                    attrs["{%s}space" % XML_NS] = "preserve"
                el = Element("t", attrs) # lxml can't handle xml-ns
                el.text = value
                #with xf.element("t", attrs):
            with xf.element("v"):
                if value is not None:
def write_cell(doc, worksheet, cell, string_table):
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    cell_style = worksheet._styles.get(coordinate)
    if cell_style is not None:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell_style

    if cell.data_type != cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell.internal_value
    if value in ('', None):
        tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
        start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
        if cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_STRING:
            tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % string_table.index(value))
        elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
            shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate)
            if shared_formula is not None:
                attr = shared_formula
                if 't' in attr and attr['t'] == 'shared' and 'ref' not in attr:
                    # Don't write body for shared formula
                    tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr)
                    tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr, body=value[1:])
                tag(doc, 'f', body=value[1:])
            tag(doc, 'v')
        elif cell.data_type in (cell.TYPE_NUMERIC, cell.TYPE_BOOL):
            tag(doc, 'v', body=safe_string(value))
            tag(doc, 'v', body=value)
        end_tag(doc, 'c')
Exemple #24
    def _write_serial(self, node, reference, literal=False):
        is_ref = hasattr(reference, "pos1")
        data_type = reference.data_type
        number_format = getattr(reference, "number_format")

        mapping = {"n": {"ref": "numRef", "cache": "numCache"}, "s": {"ref": "strRef", "cache": "strCache"}}
        # data = None

        if is_ref:
            ref = SubElement(node, "{%s}%s" % (CHART_NS, mapping[data_type]["ref"]))
            SubElement(ref, "{%s}f" % CHART_NS).text = str(reference)
            data = SubElement(ref, "{%s}%s" % (CHART_NS, mapping[data_type]["cache"]))
            values = reference.values
            data = SubElement(node, "{%s}numLit" % CHART_NS)
            values = (1,)

        if data_type == "n":
            SubElement(data, "{%s}formatCode" % CHART_NS).text = number_format or "General"

        # if data is not None:
        SubElement(data, "{%s}ptCount" % CHART_NS, {"val": str(len(values))})
        for j, val in enumerate(values):
            if val is not None:
                val = safe_string(val)
                val = ""
            point = SubElement(data, "{%s}pt" % CHART_NS, idx="%d" % j)
            SubElement(point, "{%s}v" % CHART_NS).text = val
Exemple #25
 def vba_code(self):
     for attr in ("codeName", "enableFormatConditionsCalculation",
                  "filterMode", "published", "syncHorizontal", "syncRef",
                  "syncVertical", "transitionEvaluation", "transitionEntry"):
         value = getattr(self.sheet_properties, attr)
         if value is not None:
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
def write_cell(doc, worksheet, cell):
    string_table = worksheet.parent.shared_strings
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    if cell.has_style:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell._style

    if cell.data_type != cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell.internal_value
    if value in ('', None):
        tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
        start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
        if cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_STRING:
            idx = string_table.add(value)
            tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % idx)
        elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
            shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate)
            if shared_formula is not None:
                attr = shared_formula
                if 't' in attr and attr['t'] == 'shared' and 'ref' not in attr:
                    # Don't write body for shared formula
                    tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr)
                    tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr, body=value[1:])
                tag(doc, 'f', body=value[1:])
            tag(doc, 'v')
        elif cell.data_type in (cell.TYPE_NUMERIC, cell.TYPE_BOOL):
            tag(doc, 'v', body=safe_string(value))
            tag(doc, 'v', body=value)
        end_tag(doc, 'c')
Exemple #27
def write_cell(worksheet, cell, styled=None):
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    if styled:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell.style_id

    if cell.data_type != 'f':
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell._value

    el = Element("c", attributes)
    if value is None or value == "":
        return el

    if cell.data_type == 'f':
        shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate, {})
        if (shared_formula.get('t') == 'shared'
            and 'ref' not in shared_formula):
            value = None
        formula = SubElement(el, 'f', shared_formula)
        if value is not None:
            formula.text = value[1:]
            value = None

    if cell.data_type == 's':
        value = worksheet.parent.shared_strings.add(value)
    cell_content = SubElement(el, 'v')
    if value is not None:
        cell_content.text = safe_string(value)
    return el
Exemple #28
 def __iter__(self):
     for attr in ('type', 'allowBlank', 'operator', 'sqref',
                  'showInputMessage', 'showErrorMessage', 'errorTitle', 'error',
                  'promptTitle', 'prompt'):
         value = getattr(self, attr)
         if value is not None:
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #29
def _marker_symbol(tagname, value, namespace=None):
    Override serialisation because explicit none required
    if namespace is not None:
        tagname = "{%s}%s" % (namespace, tagname)
    return Element(tagname, val=safe_string(value))
Exemple #30
def etree_write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell, styled=None):

    value, attributes = _set_attributes(cell, styled)

    el = Element("c", attributes)
    if value is None or value == "":

    if cell.data_type == 'f':
        shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(cell.coordinate, {})
        formula = SubElement(el, 'f', shared_formula)
        if value is not None:
            formula.text = value[1:]
            value = None

    if cell.data_type == 's':
        inline_string = SubElement(el, 'is')
        text = SubElement(inline_string, 't')
        text.text = value

        cell_content = SubElement(el, 'v')
        if value is not None:
            cell_content.text = safe_string(value)

Exemple #31
 def to_tree(self, tagname=None, value=None, namespace=None):
     namespace = getattr(self, "namespace", namespace)
     if value is not None:
         if namespace is not None:
             tagname = "{%s}%s" % (namespace, tagname)
         value = safe_string(value)
         return Element(tagname, {self.attribute: value})
def write_cell(worksheet, cell):
    string_table = worksheet.parent.shared_strings
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    if cell.has_style:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell._style

    if cell.data_type != 'f':
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell.internal_value

    el = Element("c", attributes)
    if value in ('', None):
        return el

    if cell.data_type == 'f':
        shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate, {})
        if shared_formula is not None:
            if (shared_formula.get('t') == 'shared'
                and 'ref' not in shared_formula):
                value = None
        formula = SubElement(el, 'f', shared_formula)
        if value is not None:
            formula.text= value[1:]
            value = None

    if cell.data_type == 's':
        value = string_table.add(value)
    cell_content = SubElement(el, 'v')
    if value is not None:
        cell_content.text = safe_string(value)
    return el
Exemple #33
def write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell, string_table):
    coordinate = cell.coordinate
    attributes = {'r': coordinate}
    cell_style = worksheet._styles.get(coordinate)
    if cell_style is not None:
        attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell_style

    if cell.data_type != 'f':
        attributes['t'] = cell.data_type

    value = cell.internal_value

    if value in ('', None):
        with xf.element("c", attributes):

    with xf.element('c', attributes):
        if cell.data_type == 'f':
            shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate, {})
            if shared_formula is not None:
                if (shared_formula.get('t') == 'shared'
                        and 'ref' not in shared_formula):
                    value = None
            with xf.element('f', shared_formula):
                if value is not None:
                    value = None

        if cell.data_type == 's':
            value = string_table.index(value)
        with xf.element("v") as v:
            if value is not None:
Exemple #34
 def __iter__(self):
     for attr in self.__attrs__:
         value = getattr(self, attr)
         if attr.startswith("_"):
             attr = attr[1:]
         if attr != "attr_text" and value is not None:
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #35
 def vba_code(self):
     for attr in ("codeName", "enableFormatConditionsCalculation",
                  "filterMode", "published", "syncHorizontal", "syncRef",
                  "syncVertical", "transitionEvaluation", "transitionEntry"):
         value = getattr(self.sheet_properties, attr)
         if value is not None:
             yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #36
 def to_tree(self, tagname=None, value=None, namespace=None):
     namespace = getattr(self, "namespace", namespace)
     if value is not None:
         if namespace is not None:
             tagname = "{%s}%s" % (namespace, tagname)
         value = safe_string(value)
         return Element(tagname, {self.attribute:value})
Exemple #37
    def _write_print_settings(self):

        settings = SubElement(self.root, '{%s}printSettings' % CHART_NS)
        SubElement(settings, '{%s}headerFooter' % CHART_NS)
        margins = dict([(k, safe_string(v)) for (k, v) in iteritems(self.chart.print_margins)])
        SubElement(settings, '{%s}pageMargins' % CHART_NS, margins)
        SubElement(settings, '{%s}pageSetup' % CHART_NS)
Exemple #38
    def _write_serial(self, node, reference, literal=False):
        is_ref = hasattr(reference, 'pos1')
        data_type = reference.data_type
        number_format = getattr(reference, 'number_format')

        mapping = {'n':{'ref':'numRef', 'cache':'numCache'},
                   's':{'ref':'strRef', 'cache':'strCache'}}

        if is_ref:
            ref = SubElement(node, '{%s}%s' %(CHART_NS, mapping[data_type]['ref']))
            SubElement(ref, '{%s}f' % CHART_NS).text = str(reference)
            data = SubElement(ref, '{%s}%s' %(CHART_NS, mapping[data_type]['cache']))
            values = reference.values
            data = SubElement(node, '{%s}numLit' % CHART_NS)
            values = (1,)

        if data_type == 'n':
            SubElement(data, '{%s}formatCode' % CHART_NS).text = number_format or 'General'

        SubElement(data, '{%s}ptCount' % CHART_NS, {'val':str(len(values))})
        for j, val in enumerate(values):
            point = SubElement(data, '{%s}pt' % CHART_NS, {'idx':str(j)})
            val = safe_string(val)
            SubElement(point, '{%s}v' % CHART_NS).text = val
Exemple #39
 def __iter__(self):
     Dictionary interface for easier serialising.
     All values converted to strings
     for key in self.__fields__:
         value = getattr(self, key)
         yield key, safe_string(value)
Exemple #40
 def __iter__(self):
     for key in self.__fields__[1:]:
         if key == 'style':
             value = getattr(self, '_style')
             value = getattr(self, key)
         if value:
             yield key, safe_string(value)
Exemple #41
 def to_tree(self, tagname=None, value=None, namespace=None):
     namespace = getattr(self, "namespace", namespace)
     if value is not None:
         if namespace is not None:
             tagname = "{%s}%s" % (namespace, tagname)
         el = Element(tagname)
         el.text = safe_string(value)
         return el
Exemple #42
    def __iter__(self):

        for attr in self.__attrs__:
            value = getattr(self, attr)
            if attr == 'showGridLines' and value:
            if value is not None:
                yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #43
 def __iter__(self):
     Unset outline defaults to True, others default to False
     for key in ('diagonalUp', 'diagonalDown', 'outline'):
         value = getattr(self, key)
         if (key == "outline" and not value or key != "outline" and value):
             yield key, safe_string(value)
Exemple #44
 def to_tree(self, tagname=None, value=None, namespace=None):
     namespace = getattr(self, "namespace", namespace)
     if value is not None:
         if namespace is not None:
             tagname = "{%s}%s" % (namespace, tagname)
         el = Element(tagname)
         el.text = safe_string(value)
         return el
Exemple #45
    def __iter__(self):

        for attr in self.__attrs__:
            value = getattr(self, attr)
            if attr == 'showGridLines' and value:
            if value is not None:
                yield attr, safe_string(value)
Exemple #46
 def __iter__(self):
     for key in self.__fields__:
         if key == "style":
             value = self.style_id
             value = getattr(self, key)
         if value:
             yield key, safe_string(value)
 def __iter__(self):
     for key in self.__fields__[1:]:
         if key == 'style':
             value = getattr(self, '_style')
             value = getattr(self, key)
         if value:
             yield key, safe_string(value)
Exemple #48
 def __iter__(self):
     for key in self.__attrs__:
         if key == "attr_text":
         v = getattr(self, key)
         if v is not None:
             if v in RESERVED:
                 v = "_xlnm." + v
             yield key, safe_string(v)
 def __iter__(self):
     for key in ('sheet', 'objects', 'scenarios', 'formatCells',
               'formatRows', 'formatColumns', 'insertColumns', 'insertRows',
               'insertHyperlinks', 'deleteColumns', 'deleteRows',
               'selectLockedCells', 'selectUnlockedCells', 'sort', 'autoFilter',
               'pivotTables', 'password', 'algorithmName', 'saltValue', 'spinCount'):
         value = getattr(self, key)
         if value is not None:
             yield key, safe_string(value)
 def __iter__(self):
     for key in self.__attrs__:
         if key == "attr_text":
         v = getattr(self, key)
         if v is not None:
             if v in RESERVED:
                 v = "_xlnm." + v
             yield key, safe_string(v)
 def to_tree(self, tagname=None):
     parent = Element("fill")
     el = Element(self.tagname, patternType=safe_string(self.patternType))
     for c in self.__elements__:
         value = getattr(self, c)
         if value != Color():
     return parent
 def __iter__(self):
     for key in ('sheet', 'objects', 'scenarios', 'formatCells',
               'formatRows', 'formatColumns', 'insertColumns', 'insertRows',
               'insertHyperlinks', 'deleteColumns', 'deleteRows',
               'selectLockedCells', 'selectUnlockedCells', 'sort', 'autoFilter',
               'pivotTables', 'password', 'algorithmName', 'saltValue', 'spinCount'):
         value = getattr(self, key)
         if value is not None:
             yield key, safe_string(value)