class _DataLabelBase(Serialisable): numFmt = NestedString(allow_none=True) spPr = Typed(expected_type=ShapeProperties, allow_none=True) shapeProperties = Alias('spPr') txPr = Typed(expected_type=RichText, allow_none=True) textProperties = Alias('txPr') dLblPos = NestedNoneSet(values=[ 'bestFit', 'b', 'ctr', 'inBase', 'inEnd', 'l', 'outEnd', 'r', 't' ]) position = Alias('dLblPos') showLegendKey = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showVal = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showCatName = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showSerName = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showPercent = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showBubbleSize = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showLeaderLines = NestedBool(allow_none=True) separator = NestedString(allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ("delete", "numFmt", "spPr", "txPr", "dLblPos", "showLegendKey", "showVal", "showCatName", "showPercent", "showBubbleSize", "showLeaderLines", "separator") def __init__( self, delete=None, numFmt=None, spPr=None, txPr=None, dLblPos=None, showLegendKey=None, showVal=None, showCatName=None, showSerName=None, showPercent=None, showBubbleSize=None, showLeaderLines=None, separator=None, extLst=None, ): self.delete = delete self.numFmt = numFmt self.spPr = spPr self.txPr = txPr self.dLblPos = dLblPos self.showLegendKey = showLegendKey self.showVal = showVal self.showCatName = showCatName self.showSerName = showSerName self.showPercent = showPercent self.showBubbleSize = showBubbleSize self.showLeaderLines = showLeaderLines self.separator = separator
class InlineFont(Font): """ Font for inline text because, yes what you need are different objects with the same elements but different constraints. """ tagname = "RPrElt" rFont = NestedString(allow_none=True) charset = Font.charset family = b = Font.b i = Font.i strike = Font.strike outline = Font.outline shadow = Font.shadow condense = Font.condense extend = Font.extend color = Font.color sz = u = Font.u vertAlign = Font.vertAlign scheme = Font.scheme __elements__ = ('rFont', 'charset', 'family', 'b', 'i', 'strike', 'outline', 'shadow', 'condense', 'extend', 'color', 'sz', 'u', 'vertAlign', 'scheme') def __init__( self, rFont=None, charset=None, family=None, b=None, i=None, strike=None, outline=None, shadow=None, condense=None, extend=None, color=None, sz=None, u=None, vertAlign=None, scheme=None, ): self.rFont = rFont self.charset = charset = family self.b = b self.i = i self.strike = strike self.outline = outline self.shadow = shadow self.condense = condense self.extend = extend self.color = color = sz self.u = u self.vertAlign = vertAlign self.scheme = scheme
class ChartSpace(Serialisable): tagname = "chartSpace" date1904 = NestedBool(allow_none=True) lang = NestedString(allow_none=True) roundedCorners = NestedBool(allow_none=True) style = NestedMinMax(allow_none=True, min=1, max=48) clrMapOvr = Typed(expected_type=ColorMapping, allow_none=True) pivotSource = Typed(expected_type=PivotSource, allow_none=True) protection = Typed(expected_type=Protection, allow_none=True) chart = Typed(expected_type=ChartContainer) spPr = Typed(expected_type=GraphicalProperties, allow_none=True) graphicalProperties = Alias("spPr") txPr = Typed(expected_type=RichText, allow_none=True) textProperties = Alias("txPr") externalData = Typed(expected_type=ExternalData, allow_none=True) printSettings = Typed(expected_type=PrintSettings, allow_none=True) userShapes = Relation() extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('date1904', 'lang', 'roundedCorners', 'style', 'clrMapOvr', 'pivotSource', 'protection', 'chart', 'spPr', 'txPr', 'externalData', 'printSettings', 'userShapes') def __init__( self, date1904=None, lang=None, roundedCorners=None, style=None, clrMapOvr=None, pivotSource=None, protection=None, chart=None, spPr=None, txPr=None, externalData=None, printSettings=None, userShapes=None, extLst=None, ): self.date1904 = date1904 self.lang = lang self.roundedCorners = roundedCorners = style self.clrMapOvr = clrMapOvr self.pivotSource = pivotSource = protection self.chart = chart self.spPr = spPr self.txPr = txPr self.externalData = externalData self.printSettings = printSettings self.userShapes = userShapes def to_tree(self, tagname=None, idx=None, namespace=None): tree = super(ChartSpace, self).to_tree() tree.set("xmlns", CHART_NS) return tree
class ChartSpace(Serialisable): tagname = "chartSpace" date1904 = NestedBool(allow_none=True) lang = NestedString(allow_none=True) roundedCorners = NestedBool(allow_none=True) style = NestedInteger(allow_none=True) clrMapOvr = Typed(expected_type=ColorMapping, allow_none=True) pivotSource = Typed(expected_type=PivotSource, allow_none=True) protection = Typed(expected_type=Protection, allow_none=True) chart = Typed(expected_type=ChartContainer) spPr = Typed(expected_type=ShapeProperties, allow_none=True) txPr = Typed(expected_type=RichText, allow_none=True) externalData = Typed(expected_type=ExternalData, allow_none=True) printSettings = Typed(expected_type=PrintSettings, allow_none=True) userShapes = Typed(expected_type=RelId, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('date1904', 'lang', 'roundedCorners', 'style', 'clrMapOvr', 'pivotSource', 'protection', 'chart', 'spPr', 'txPr', 'externalData', 'printSettings', 'userShapes') def __init__( self, date1904=None, lang=None, roundedCorners=None, style=None, clrMapOvr=None, pivotSource=None, protection=None, chart=None, spPr=None, txPr=None, externalData=None, printSettings=None, userShapes=None, extLst=None, ): self.date1904 = date1904 self.lang = lang self.roundedCorners = roundedCorners = style self.clrMapOvr = clrMapOvr self.pivotSource = pivotSource = protection self.chart = chart self.spPr = spPr self.txPr = txPr self.externalData = externalData self.printSettings = printSettings self.userShapes = userShapes self.extLst = extLst
class StrVal(Serialisable): tagname = "strVal" idx = Integer() v = NestedString() def __init__( self, idx=0, v=None, ): self.idx = idx self.v = v
class Font(Serialisable): """Font options used in styles.""" UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = 'double' UNDERLINE_DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING = 'doubleAccounting' UNDERLINE_SINGLE = 'single' UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACCOUNTING = 'singleAccounting' name = NestedString(allow_none=True) charset = NestedInteger(allow_none=True) family = NestedMinMax(min=0, max=14, allow_none=True) sz = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) size = Alias("sz") b = NestedBool(to_tree=_no_value) bold = Alias("b") i = NestedBool(to_tree=_no_value) italic = Alias("i") strike = NestedBool(allow_none=True) strikethrough = Alias("strike") outline = NestedBool(allow_none=True) shadow = NestedBool(allow_none=True) condense = NestedBool(allow_none=True) extend = NestedBool(allow_none=True) u = NestedNoneSet(values=('single', 'double', 'singleAccounting', 'doubleAccounting')) underline = Alias("u") vertAlign = NestedNoneSet(values=('superscript', 'subscript', 'baseline')) color = ColorDescriptor(allow_none=True) scheme = NestedNoneSet(values=("major", "minor")) tagname = "font" __elements__ = ('name', 'charset', 'family', 'b', 'i', 'strike', 'outline', 'shadow', 'condense', 'color', 'extend', 'sz', 'u', 'vertAlign', 'scheme') def __init__(self, name=None, sz=None, b=None, i=None, charset=None, u=None, strike=None, color=None, scheme=None, family=None, size=None, bold=None, italic=None, strikethrough=None, underline=None, vertAlign=None, outline=None, shadow=None, condense=None, extend=None): = name = family if size is not None: sz = size = sz if bold is not None: b = bold self.b = b if italic is not None: i = italic self.i = i if underline is not None: u = underline self.u = u if strikethrough is not None: strike = strikethrough self.strike = strike self.color = color self.vertAlign = vertAlign self.charset = charset self.outline = outline self.shadow = shadow self.condense = condense self.extend = extend self.scheme = scheme
class WorkbookPackage(Serialisable): """ Represent the workbook file in the archive """ tagname = "workbook" conformance = NoneSet(values=['strict', 'transitional']) fileVersion = Typed(expected_type=FileVersion, allow_none=True) fileSharing = Typed(expected_type=FileSharing, allow_none=True) workbookPr = Typed(expected_type=WorkbookProperties, allow_none=True) properties = Alias("workbookPr") workbookProtection = Typed(expected_type=WorkbookProtection, allow_none=True) bookViews = NestedSequence(expected_type=BookView) sheets = NestedSequence(expected_type=ChildSheet) functionGroups = Typed(expected_type=FunctionGroupList, allow_none=True) externalReferences = NestedSequence(expected_type=ExternalReference) definedNames = Typed(expected_type=DefinedNameList, allow_none=True) calcPr = Typed(expected_type=CalcProperties, allow_none=True) oleSize = NestedString(allow_none=True, attribute="ref") customWorkbookViews = NestedSequence(expected_type=CustomWorkbookView) pivotCaches = NestedSequence(expected_type=PivotCache, allow_none=True) smartTagPr = Typed(expected_type=SmartTagProperties, allow_none=True) smartTagTypes = Typed(expected_type=SmartTagList, allow_none=True) webPublishing = Typed(expected_type=WebPublishing, allow_none=True) fileRecoveryPr = Typed(expected_type=FileRecoveryProperties, allow_none=True) webPublishObjects = Typed(expected_type=WebPublishObjectList, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) Ignorable = NestedString( namespace="", allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('fileVersion', 'fileSharing', 'workbookPr', 'workbookProtection', 'bookViews', 'sheets', 'functionGroups', 'externalReferences', 'definedNames', 'calcPr', 'oleSize', 'customWorkbookViews', 'pivotCaches', 'smartTagPr', 'smartTagTypes', 'webPublishing', 'fileRecoveryPr', 'webPublishObjects') def __init__( self, conformance=None, fileVersion=None, fileSharing=None, workbookPr=None, workbookProtection=None, bookViews=(), sheets=(), functionGroups=None, externalReferences=(), definedNames=None, calcPr=None, oleSize=None, customWorkbookViews=(), pivotCaches=(), smartTagPr=None, smartTagTypes=None, webPublishing=None, fileRecoveryPr=None, webPublishObjects=None, extLst=None, Ignorable=None, ): self.conformance = conformance self.fileVersion = fileVersion self.fileSharing = fileSharing if workbookPr is None: workbookPr = WorkbookProperties() self.workbookPr = workbookPr self.workbookProtection = workbookProtection self.bookViews = bookViews self.sheets = sheets self.functionGroups = functionGroups self.externalReferences = externalReferences self.definedNames = definedNames self.calcPr = calcPr self.oleSize = oleSize self.customWorkbookViews = customWorkbookViews self.pivotCaches = pivotCaches self.smartTagPr = smartTagPr self.smartTagTypes = smartTagTypes self.webPublishing = webPublishing self.fileRecoveryPr = fileRecoveryPr self.webPublishObjects = webPublishObjects def to_tree(self): tree = super(WorkbookPackage, self).to_tree() tree.set("xmlns", SHEET_MAIN_NS) return tree @property def active(self): for view in self.bookViews: if view.activeTab is not None: return view.activeTab return 0 @property def pivot_caches(self): """ Get PivotCache objects """ d = {} for c in self.caches: cache = get_rel(self.archive, self.rels,, cls=CacheDefinition) if cache.deps: records = get_rel(self.archive, cache.deps,, RecordList) else: records = None cache.records = records d[c.cacheId] = cache return d