Exemple #1
def column_index_from_string(column, fast=False):
    """Convert a column letter into a column number (e.g. B -> 2)

    Excel only supports 1-3 letter column names from A -> ZZZ, so we
    restrict our column names to 1-3 characters, each in the range A-Z.

    .. note::

        Fast mode is faster but does not check that all letters
        are capitals between A and Z

    column = column.upper()

    clen = len(column)

    if not fast and not all('A' <= char <= 'Z' for char in column):
        msg = 'Column string must contain only characters A-Z: got %s' % column
        raise ColumnStringIndexException(msg)

    if clen == 1:
        return ord(column[0]) - 64
    elif clen == 2:
        return ((1 + (ord(column[0]) - 65)) * 26) + (ord(column[1]) - 64)
    elif clen == 3:
        return ((1 + (ord(column[0]) - 65)) * 676) + (
            (1 + (ord(column[1]) - 65)) * 26) + (ord(column[2]) - 64)
    elif clen > 3:
        raise ColumnStringIndexException(
            'Column string index can not be longer than 3 characters')
        raise ColumnStringIndexException(
            'Column string index can not be empty')
Exemple #2
def get_column_letter(col_idx):
    """Convert a column number into a column letter (3 -> 'C')

    Right shift the column col_idx by 26 to find column letters in reverse
    order.  These numbers are 1-based, and can be converted to ASCII
    ordinals by adding 64.

    # these indicies corrospond to A -> ZZZ and include all allowed
    # columns
    if not 1 <= col_idx <= 18278:
        msg = 'Column index out of bounds: %s' % col_idx
        raise ColumnStringIndexException(msg)
    ordinals = []
    temp = col_idx
    while temp:
        quotient, remainder = divmod(temp, 26)
        # check for exact division and borrow if needed
        if remainder == 0:
            quotient -= 1
            remainder = 26
        ordinals.append(remainder + 64)
        temp = quotient
    return ''.join([chr(ordinal) for ordinal in ordinals])