Exemple #1
def format_output(val,eachformat, eachstyle):
    "Returns a excel cell with the data formated as specified"
    new_cell = WriteOnlyCell(xls_sheet, value = "init")
    new_cell.style = eachstyle
    if val==None:
    elif eachformat == None:
    elif eachformat == "OLE":
        val = ole_timestamp(val)
        new_cell.number_format = 'YYYY MMM DD'
    elif eachformat.startswith("OLE:"):
        val = ole_timestamp(val)
        val = val.strftime(eachformat[4:])
    elif eachformat=="FILE":
        val = file_timestamp(val)
        new_cell.number_format = 'YYYY MMM DD'
    elif eachformat.startswith("FILE:"):
        val = file_timestamp(val)
        val = val.strftime(eachformat[5:])
    elif eachformat.lower() == "lookup_id":
        val = id_table.get(val, "No match in srum lookup table for %s" % (val))
    elif eachformat.lower() == "lookup_luid":
        val = lookup_luid(val)
    elif eachformat.lower() == "lookup_sid":
        val = "%s (%s)" % (val, lookup_sid(val))
    elif eachformat.lower() == "seconds":
        val = val/86400.0
        new_cell.number_format = 'dd hh:mm:ss'
    elif eachformat.lower() == "md5":
        val = hashlib.md5(str(val)).hexdigest()
    elif eachformat.lower() == "sha1":
        val = hashlib.sha1(str(val)).hexdigest()
    elif eachformat.lower() == "sha256":
        val = hashlib.sha256(str(val)).hexdigest()
    elif eachformat.lower() == "base16":
        if type(val)=="<type 'int'>":
            val = hex(val)
            val = str(val).encode("hex")
    elif eachformat.lower() == "base2":
        if type(val)==int:
            val = bin(val)
                val = int(str(val),2)
            except :
                val = val
                new_cell.comment = Comment("Warning: Unable to convert value %s to binary." % (val),"srum_dump")
    elif eachformat.lower() == "interface_id" and options.reghive:
        val = interface_table.get(str(val),"")
    elif eachformat.lower() == "interface_id" and not options.reghive:
        val = val
        new_cell.comment = Comment("WARNING: Ignoring interface_id format command because the --REG_HIVE was not specified.", "srum_dump")
        val = val
        new_cell.comment =  Comment("WARNING: I'm not sure what to do with the format command %s.  It was ignored." % (eachformat), "srum_dump")  
    new_cell.value = val  
    return new_cell
Exemple #2
print sheet["A1"].value
print sheet["A1"].column
print sheet["A1"].row

print sheet.cell(row=1,column=2).value

# for


ft = Font(color=colors.RED)
wb = Workbook()

ws = wb.active
ws.font = ft
ws.title = "TYTAASD"

ws["B2"] = 43
ws["B6"] = "=A5+A6"

cell = WriteOnlyCell(ws, value="hello world")
cell.font = Font(name='Courier', size=36)
cell.comment = Comment(text="A comment", author="Author's Name")

ws.append([cell, 3.14, 4])
cell2 = ws.cell(row=1,column=2).value = "DUPA"
cell2 = ws.cell(row=1,column=2).font =  Font(name='Calibri', size=55,color=colors.RED)