def test_nested_to_tree(self, NestedText): simple = NestedText(4) xml = tostring(simple.to_tree()) expected = """ <simple> <coord>4</coord> </simple> """ diff = compare_xml(xml, expected) assert diff is None, diff
def test_from_tree(self, NestedText): xml = """ <coord>4</coord> """ node = fromstring(xml) simple = NestedText(node) assert simple.coord == 4
class Simple(Serialisable): tagname = "simple" coord = NestedText(expected_type=int) def __init__(self, coord): self.coord = coord
def test_nested_from_tree(self, NestedText): xml = """ <simple> <coord>4</coord> </simple> """ node = fromstring(xml) obj = NestedText.from_tree(node) assert obj.coord == 4
def test_to_tree(self, NestedText): simple = NestedText(4) assert simple.coord == 4 xml = tostring(NestedText.coord.to_tree("coord", simple.coord)) expected = """ <coord>4</coord> """ diff = compare_xml(xml, expected) assert diff is None, diff
class AnchorMarker(Serialisable): tagname = "marker" col = NestedText(expected_type=int) colOff = NestedText(expected_type=int) row = NestedText(expected_type=int) rowOff = NestedText(expected_type=int) def __init__( self, col=0, colOff=0, row=0, rowOff=0, ): self.col = col self.colOff = colOff self.row = row self.rowOff = rowOff
class SeriesLabel(Serialisable): tagname = "tx" strRef = Typed(expected_type=StrRef, allow_none=True) v = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) value = Alias('v') __elements__ = ('strRef', 'v') def __init__(self, strRef=None, v=None): self.strRef = strRef self.v = v
class StrVal(Serialisable): tagname = "strVal" idx = Integer() v = NestedText(expected_type=unicode) def __init__( self, idx=0, v=None, ): self.idx = idx self.v = v
class NumVal(Serialisable): idx = Integer() formatCode = NestedText(allow_none=True, expected_type=unicode) v = NumberValueDescriptor() def __init__( self, idx=None, formatCode=None, v=None, ): self.idx = idx self.formatCode = formatCode self.v = v
class NumRef(Serialisable): f = NestedText(expected_type=unicode) ref = Alias('f') numCache = Typed(expected_type=NumData, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('f', 'numCache') def __init__( self, f=None, numCache=None, extLst=None, ): self.f = f self.numCache = numCache
class RichText(Serialisable): tagname = "RElt" rPr = Typed(expected_type=InlineFont, allow_none=True) font = Alias("rPr") t = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) text = Alias("t") __elements__ = ('rPr', 't') def __init__( self, rPr=None, t=None, ): self.rPr = rPr self.t = t
class StrRef(Serialisable): tagname = "strRef" f = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) strCache = Typed(expected_type=StrData, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('f', 'strCache') def __init__( self, f=None, strCache=None, extLst=None, ): self.f = f self.strCache = strCache
class PhoneticText(Serialisable): tagname = "rPh" sb = Integer() eb = Integer() t = NestedText(expected_type=unicode) text = Alias('t') def __init__( self, sb=None, eb=None, t=None, ): = sb self.eb = eb self.t = t
class ExternalCell(Serialisable): r = String() t = NoneSet(values=(['b', 'd', 'n', 'e', 's', 'str', 'inlineStr'])) vm = Integer(allow_none=True) v = NestedText(allow_none=True, expected_type=unicode) def __init__( self, r=None, t=None, vm=None, v=None, ): self.r = r self.t = t self.vm = vm self.v = v
class RegularTextRun(Serialisable): tagname = "r" namespace = DRAWING_NS rPr = Typed(expected_type=CharacterProperties, allow_none=True) properties = Alias("rPr") t = NestedText(expected_type=unicode) value = Alias("t") __elements__ = ('rPr', 't') def __init__(self, rPr=None, t="", ): self.rPr = rPr self.t = t
class NumData(Serialisable): formatCode = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) ptCount = NestedInteger(allow_none=True) pt = Sequence(expected_type=NumVal) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('formatCode', 'ptCount', 'pt') def __init__( self, formatCode=None, ptCount=None, pt=(), extLst=None, ): self.formatCode = formatCode self.ptCount = ptCount = pt
class Text(Serialisable): tagname = "text" t = NestedText(allow_none=True, expected_type=unicode) plain = Alias("t") r = Sequence(expected_type=RichText, allow_none=True) formatted = Alias("r") rPh = Sequence(expected_type=PhoneticText, allow_none=True) phonetic = Alias("rPh") phoneticPr = Typed(expected_type=PhoneticProperties, allow_none=True) PhoneticProperties = Alias("phoneticPr") __elements__ = ('t', 'r', 'rPh', 'phoneticPr') def __init__( self, t=None, r=(), rPh=(), phoneticPr=None, ): self.t = t self.r = r self.rPh = rPh self.phoneticPr = phoneticPr @property def content(self): """ Text stripped of all formatting """ snippets = [] if self.plain is not None: snippets.append(self.plain) for block in self.formatted: if block.t is not None: snippets.append(block.t) return u"".join(snippets)
class ExtendedProperties(Serialisable): """ See 22.2 Most of this is irrelevant """ tagname = "Properties" Template = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) Manager = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) Company = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) Pages = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) Words = NestedText(expected_type=int,allow_none=True) Characters = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) PresentationFormat = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) Lines = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) Paragraphs = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) Slides = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) Notes = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) TotalTime = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) HiddenSlides = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) MMClips = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) ScaleCrop = NestedText(expected_type=bool, allow_none=True) HeadingPairs = Typed(expected_type=VectorVariant, allow_none=True) TitlesOfParts = Typed(expected_type=VectorLpstr, allow_none=True) LinksUpToDate = NestedText(expected_type=bool, allow_none=True) CharactersWithSpaces = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) SharedDoc = NestedText(expected_type=bool, allow_none=True) HyperlinkBase = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) HLinks = Typed(expected_type=VectorVariant, allow_none=True) HyperlinksChanged = NestedText(expected_type=bool, allow_none=True) DigSig = Typed(expected_type=DigSigBlob, allow_none=True) Application = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) AppVersion = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) DocSecurity = NestedText(expected_type=int, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('Application', 'AppVersion', 'DocSecurity', 'ScaleCrop', 'LinksUpToDate', 'SharedDoc', 'HyperlinksChanged') def __init__(self, Template=None, Manager=None, Company=None, Pages=None, Words=None, Characters=None, PresentationFormat=None, Lines=None, Paragraphs=None, Slides=None, Notes=None, TotalTime=None, HiddenSlides=None, MMClips=None, ScaleCrop=None, HeadingPairs=None, TitlesOfParts=None, LinksUpToDate=None, CharactersWithSpaces=None, SharedDoc=None, HyperlinkBase=None, HLinks=None, HyperlinksChanged=None, DigSig=None, Application="Microsoft Excel", AppVersion=VERSION, DocSecurity=None, ): self.Template = Template self.Manager = Manager self.Company = Company self.Pages = Pages self.Words = Words self.Characters = Characters self.PresentationFormat = PresentationFormat self.Lines = Lines self.Paragraphs = Paragraphs self.Slides = Slides self.Notes = Notes self.TotalTime = TotalTime self.HiddenSlides = HiddenSlides self.MMClips = MMClips self.ScaleCrop = ScaleCrop self.HeadingPairs = None self.TitlesOfParts = None self.LinksUpToDate = LinksUpToDate self.CharactersWithSpaces = CharactersWithSpaces self.SharedDoc = SharedDoc self.HyperlinkBase = HyperlinkBase self.HLinks = None self.HyperlinksChanged = HyperlinksChanged self.DigSig = None self.Application = Application self.AppVersion = AppVersion self.DocSecurity = DocSecurity def to_tree(self): tree = super(ExtendedProperties, self).to_tree() tree.set("xmlns", XPROPS_NS) return tree
class DataValidation(Serialisable): tagname = "dataValidation" sqref = Convertible(expected_type=MultiCellRange) cells = Alias("sqref") ranges = Alias("sqref") showErrorMessage = Bool() showDropDown = Bool(allow_none=True) hide_drop_down = Alias('showDropDown') showInputMessage = Bool() showErrorMessage = Bool() allowBlank = Bool() allow_blank = Alias('allowBlank') errorTitle = String(allow_none=True) error = String(allow_none=True) promptTitle = String(allow_none=True) prompt = String(allow_none=True) formula1 = NestedText(allow_none=True, expected_type=unicode) formula2 = NestedText(allow_none=True, expected_type=unicode) type = NoneSet(values=("whole", "decimal", "list", "date", "time", "textLength", "custom")) errorStyle = NoneSet(values=("stop", "warning", "information")) imeMode = NoneSet(values=("noControl", "off", "on", "disabled", "hiragana", "fullKatakana", "halfKatakana", "fullAlpha", "halfAlpha", "fullHangul", "halfHangul")) operator = NoneSet(values=("between", "notBetween", "equal", "notEqual", "lessThan", "lessThanOrEqual", "greaterThan", "greaterThanOrEqual")) validation_type = Alias('type') def __init__( self, type=None, formula1=None, formula2=None, allow_blank=False, showErrorMessage=True, showInputMessage=True, showDropDown=None, allowBlank=None, sqref=(), promptTitle=None, errorStyle=None, error=None, prompt=None, errorTitle=None, imeMode=None, operator=None, ): self.sqref = sqref self.showDropDown = showDropDown self.imeMode = imeMode self.operator = operator self.formula1 = formula1 self.formula2 = formula2 if allow_blank is not None: allowBlank = allow_blank self.allowBlank = allowBlank self.showErrorMessage = showErrorMessage self.showInputMessage = showInputMessage self.type = type self.promptTitle = promptTitle self.errorStyle = errorStyle self.error = error self.prompt = prompt self.errorTitle = errorTitle def add(self, cell): """Adds a cell or cell coordinate to this validator""" if hasattr(cell, "coordinate"): cell = cell.coordinate self.sqref += cell def __contains__(self, cell): if hasattr(cell, "coordinate"): cell = cell.coordinate return cell in self.sqref
class DocumentProperties(Serialisable): """High-level properties of the document. Defined in ECMA-376 Par2 Annex D """ tagname = "coreProperties" namespace = COREPROPS_NS category = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) contentStatus = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) keywords = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) lastModifiedBy = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) lastPrinted = NestedDateTime(allow_none=True) revision = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) version = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) last_modified_by = Alias("lastModifiedBy") # Dublin Core Properties subject = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True, namespace=DCORE_NS) title = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True, namespace=DCORE_NS) creator = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True, namespace=DCORE_NS) description = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True, namespace=DCORE_NS) identifier = NestedText(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True, namespace=DCORE_NS) language = NestedText(expected_type=unicode,allow_none=True, namespace=DCORE_NS) # Dubline Core Terms created = QualifiedDateTime(allow_none=True, namespace=DCTERMS_NS) modified = QualifiedDateTime(allow_none=True, namespace=DCTERMS_NS) __elements__ = ("creator","title", "description", "subject","identifier", "language", "created", "modified", "lastModifiedBy", "category", "contentStatus", "version", "revision", "keywords", "lastPrinted", ) def __init__(self, category=None, contentStatus=None, keywords=None, lastModifiedBy=None, lastPrinted=None, revision=None, version=None,, creator="openpyxl", description=None, identifier=None, language=None,, subject=None, title=None, ): self.contentStatus = contentStatus self.lastPrinted = lastPrinted self.revision = revision self.version = version self.creator = creator self.lastModifiedBy = lastModifiedBy self.modified = modified self.created = created self.title = title self.subject = subject self.description = description self.identifier = identifier self.language = language self.keywords = keywords self.category = category