Exemple #1
def run_tiles(num_tiles, job_ini, poolsize=0):
    Run a hazard calculation by splitting the sites into tiles.
    WARNING: this is experimental and meant only for internal users
    t0 = time.time()
    oq = readinput.get_oqparam(job_ini)
    num_sites = len(readinput.get_mesh(oq))
    task_args = [(job_ini, slc)
                 for slc in general.split_in_slices(num_sites, num_tiles)]
    if poolsize == 0:  # no pool
        Starmap = parallel.Sequential
    elif os.environ.get('OQ_DISTRIBUTE') == 'celery':
        Starmap = parallel.Processmap  # celery plays only with processes
    else:  # multiprocessing plays only with threads
        Starmap = parallel.Threadmap
    parent_child = [None, None]

    def agg(calc_ids, calc_id):
        if not calc_ids:  # first calculation
            parent_child[0] = calc_id
        parent_child[1] = calc_id
        logs.dbcmd('update_parent_child', parent_child)
        logging.warn('Finished calculation %d of %d',
                     len(calc_ids) + 1, num_tiles)
        return calc_ids + [calc_id]

    calc_ids = Starmap(engine.run_tile, task_args, poolsize).reduce(agg, [])
    datadir = datastore.get_datadir()
    for calc_id in calc_ids:
        print(os.path.join(datadir, 'calc_%d.hdf5' % calc_id))
    print('Total calculation time: %.1f h' % ((time.time() - t0) / 3600.))
Exemple #2
 def post_execute(self, times):
     Compute and store average losses from the losses_by_event dataset,
     and then loss curves and maps.
     self.datastore.set_attrs('task_info/start_ebrisk', times=times)
     oq = self.oqparam
     elt_length = len(self.datastore['losses_by_event'])
     builder = get_loss_builder(self.datastore)
     mon = performance.Monitor(hdf5=hdf5.File(self.datastore.hdf5cache()))
     smap = parallel.Starmap(compute_loss_curves_maps, monitor=mon)
     acc = []
     ct = oq.concurrent_tasks or 1
     for elt_slice in general.split_in_slices(elt_length, ct):
         smap.submit(self.datastore.filename, elt_slice,
                     oq.conditional_loss_poes, oq.individual_curves)
     acc = smap.reduce(acc=[])
     # copy performance information from the cache to the datastore
     pd = mon.hdf5['performance_data'].value
     hdf5.extend3(self.datastore.filename, 'performance_data', pd)
     self.datastore.open('r+')  # reopen
     self.datastore['task_info/compute_loss_curves_and_maps'] = (
     with self.monitor('saving loss_curves and maps', autoflush=True):
         for name, idx, arr in acc:
             for ij, val in numpy.ndenumerate(arr):
                 self.datastore[name][ij + idx] = val
Exemple #3
 def save_hmaps(self):
     Save hazard maps generated from the hazard curves
     oq = self.oqparam
     if oq.poes:
         mon = self.monitor('computing hazard maps')
         logging.info('Computing hazard maps for PoEs=%s', oq.poes)
         with mon:
             N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
             ct = oq.concurrent_tasks or 1
             if 'hcurves' in self.datastore:
                 kinds = self.datastore['hcurves']
                 hmaps_dt = numpy.dtype(
                     [('%s-%s' % (imt, poe), F32)
                      for imt in oq.imtls for poe in oq.poes])
                 for kind in kinds:
                         'hmaps/' + kind, hmaps_dt, (N,), fillvalue=None)
                 allargs = []
                 for slc in general.split_in_slices(N, ct):
                     hcurves_by_kind = {
                         kind: self.datastore['hcurves/' + kind][slc]
                         for kind in kinds}
                     allargs.append((hcurves_by_kind, slc,
                                     oq.imtls, oq.poes, mon))
                 for dic, slc in Starmap(build_hmaps, allargs):
                     for kind, hmaps in dic.items():
                         self.datastore['hmaps/' + kind][slc] = hmaps
             else:  # single realization
                 pg = PmapGetter(self.datastore, self.rlzs_assoc)
                 self.datastore['hmaps/mean'] = calc.make_hmap_array(
                     pg.get_mean(), oq.imtls, oq.poes, N)
Exemple #4
 def gen_args(self):
     :yields: the arguments for compute_gmfs_and_curves
     oq = self.oqparam
     sitecol = self.sitecol.complete
     monitor = self.monitor(self.core_task.__name__)
     imts = list(oq.imtls)
     min_iml = self.get_min_iml(oq)
     correl_model = oq.get_correl_model()
         csm_info = self.csm.info
     except AttributeError:  # no csm
         csm_info = self.datastore['csm_info']
     samples_by_grp = csm_info.get_samples_by_grp()
     rlzs_by_gsim = {
         grp_id: self.rlzs_assoc.get_rlzs_by_gsim(grp_id)
         for grp_id in samples_by_grp
     if self.precalc:
         num_ruptures = sum(len(rs) for rs in self.precalc.result.values())
         block_size = math.ceil(num_ruptures / (oq.concurrent_tasks or 1))
         for grp_id, ruptures in self.precalc.result.items():
             if not ruptures:
             for block in block_splitter(ruptures, block_size):
                 getter = GmfGetter(rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id], block, sitecol,
                                    imts, min_iml, oq.maximum_distance,
                                    oq.truncation_level, correl_model,
                 yield [getter], oq, monitor
     U = len(self.datastore['ruptures'])
     logging.info('Found %d ruptures', U)
     parent = self.can_read_parent() or self.datastore
     for slc in split_in_slices(U, oq.concurrent_tasks or 1):
         getters = []
         for grp_id in rlzs_by_gsim:
             ruptures = RuptureGetter(parent, slc, grp_id)
             if parent is self.datastore:  # not accessible parent
                 ruptures = list(ruptures)
                 if not ruptures:
                 GmfGetter(rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id], ruptures, sitecol, imts,
                           min_iml, oq.maximum_distance,
                           oq.truncation_level, correl_model,
                           oq.filter_distance, samples_by_grp[grp_id]))
         yield getters, oq, monitor
Exemple #5
    def gen_args(self, monitor):
        :yields: the arguments for compute_gmfs_and_curves
        oq = self.oqparam
        param = dict(oqparam=oq,
        concurrent_tasks = oq.concurrent_tasks
        if oq.hazard_calculation_id:
            U = len(self.datastore.parent['ruptures'])
            logging.info('Found %d ruptures', U)
            parent = self.can_read_parent() or self.datastore
            samples_by_grp = self.csm_info.get_samples_by_grp()
            for slc in split_in_slices(U, concurrent_tasks or 1):
                for grp_id in self.rlzs_by_gsim_grp:
                    rlzs_by_gsim = self.rlzs_by_gsim_grp[grp_id]
                    ruptures = RuptureGetter(parent, slc, grp_id)
                    par = param.copy()
                    par['samples'] = samples_by_grp[grp_id]
                    yield ruptures, self.sitecol, rlzs_by_gsim, par, monitor

        maxweight = self.csm.get_maxweight(weight, concurrent_tasks or 1)
        logging.info('Using maxweight=%d', maxweight)
        num_tasks = 0
        num_sources = 0
        for sm in self.csm.source_models:
            par = param.copy()
            par['samples'] = sm.samples
            for sg in sm.src_groups:
                # ignore the sources not producing ruptures
                sg.sources = [src for src in sg.sources if src.eb_ruptures]
                if not sg.sources:
                rlzs_by_gsim = self.rlzs_by_gsim_grp[sg.id]
                if sg.src_interdep == 'mutex':  # do not split
                    yield sg, self.src_filter, rlzs_by_gsim, par, monitor
                    num_tasks += 1
                    num_sources += len(sg.sources)
                for block in block_splitter(sg.sources, maxweight, weight):
                    yield block, self.src_filter, rlzs_by_gsim, par, monitor
                    num_tasks += 1
                    num_sources += len(block)
        logging.info('Sent %d sources in %d tasks', num_sources, num_tasks)
Exemple #6
 def from_ruptures(self, param, monitor):
     :yields: the arguments for compute_gmfs_and_curves
     oq = self.oqparam
     concurrent_tasks = oq.concurrent_tasks
     U = len(self.datastore.parent['ruptures'])
     logging.info('Found %d ruptures', U)
     parent = self.can_read_parent() or self.datastore
     for slc in split_in_slices(U, concurrent_tasks or 1):
         for grp_id in self.rlzs_by_gsim_grp:
             rlzs_by_gsim = self.rlzs_by_gsim_grp[grp_id]
             ruptures = RuptureGetter(parent, slc, grp_id)
             par = param.copy()
             par['samples'] = self.samples_by_grp[grp_id]
             yield ruptures, self.sitecol, rlzs_by_gsim, par, monitor
Exemple #7
 def gen_args(self):
     :yields: the arguments for compute_gmfs_and_curves
     oq = self.oqparam
     monitor = self.monitor(self.core_task.__name__)
     imts = list(oq.imtls)
     min_iml = self.get_min_iml(oq)
     correl_model = oq.get_correl_model()
         csm_info = self.csm.info
     except AttributeError:  # no csm
         csm_info = self.datastore['csm_info']
     samples_by_grp = csm_info.get_samples_by_grp()
     rlzs_by_gsim = {grp_id: self.rlzs_assoc.get_rlzs_by_gsim(grp_id)
                     for grp_id in samples_by_grp}
     if self.precalc:
         for grp_id, ruptures in self.precalc.result.items():
             if not ruptures:
             for block in block_splitter(ruptures, oq.ruptures_per_block):
                 getter = GmfGetter(
                     rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id], block, self.sitecol,
                     imts, min_iml, oq.maximum_distance,
                     oq.truncation_level, correl_model,
                 yield getter, oq, monitor
     parent = self.get_parent() or self.datastore
     U = len(parent['ruptures'])
     logging.info('Found %d ruptures', U)
     if parent is not self.datastore:  # accessible parent
     for slc in split_in_slices(U, oq.concurrent_tasks or 1):
         for grp_id in rlzs_by_gsim:
             ruptures = calc.RuptureGetter(parent, slc, grp_id)
             if parent is self.datastore:  # not accessible parent
                 ruptures = list(ruptures)
                 if not ruptures:
             getter = GmfGetter(
                 rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id], ruptures, self.sitecol,
                 imts, min_iml, oq.maximum_distance, oq.truncation_level,
                 correl_model, samples_by_grp[grp_id])
             yield getter, oq, monitor