def hazard_curves_per_trt(
        sources, sites, imtls, gsims, truncation_level=None,
    Compute the hazard curves for a set of sources belonging to the same
    tectonic region type for all the GSIMs associated to that TRT.
    The arguments are the same as in :func:`calc_hazard_curves`, except
    for ``gsims``, which is a list of GSIM instances.

        A list of G arrays of size N, where N is the number of sites and
        G the number of gsims. Each array contains records with fields given
        by the intensity measure types; the size of each field is given by the
        number of levels in ``imtls``.
    gnames = list(map(str, gsims))
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, float, len(imtls[imt]))
                          for imt in sorted(imtls)])
    imts = {from_string(imt): imls for imt, imls in imtls.items()}
    curves = [numpy.ones(len(sites), imt_dt) for gname in gnames]
    sources_sites = ((source, sites) for source in sources)
    ctx_mon = monitor('making contexts', measuremem=False)
    rup_mon = monitor('getting ruptures', measuremem=False)
    pne_mon = monitor('computing poes', measuremem=False)
    monitor.calc_times = []  # pairs (src_id, delta_t)
    for source, s_sites in source_site_filter(sources_sites):
        t0 = time.time()
            with rup_mon:
                rupture_sites = list(rupture_site_filter(
                    (rupture, s_sites) for rupture in source.iter_ruptures()))
            for rupture, r_sites in rupture_sites:
                for i, gsim in enumerate(gsims):
                    with ctx_mon:
                        sctx, rctx, dctx = gsim.make_contexts(r_sites, rupture)
                    with pne_mon:
                        for imt in imts:
                            poes = gsim.get_poes(
                                sctx, rctx, dctx, imt, imts[imt],
                            pno = rupture.get_probability_no_exceedance(poes)
                            expanded_pno = r_sites.expand(pno, placeholder=1)
                            curves[i][str(imt)] *= expanded_pno
        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, str(err))
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)

        # we are attaching the calculation times to the monitor
        # so that oq-lite (and the engine) can store them
        monitor.calc_times.append((, time.time() - t0))
        # NB: is an integer; it should not be confused
        # with source.source_id, which is a string
    for i in range(len(gnames)):
        for imt in imtls:
            curves[i][imt] = 1. - curves[i][imt]
    return curves
Exemple #2
def read_lazy(source, lazytags):
    Convert a NRML file into a validated LiteralNode object. The
    tree is lazy, i.e. you access nodes by iterating on them.

    :param source:
        a file name or file object open for reading
    :param lazytags:
       the name of nodes which subnodes must be read lazily
       a list of nodes; some of them will contain lazy subnodes
    nodes = []
        for _, el in iterparse(source, remove_comments=True):
            tag = striptag(el.tag)
            if tag in nodefactory:  # NRML tag
                nodes.append(node_from_elem(el, nodefactory[tag], lazy=lazytags))
                el.clear()  # save memory
        etype, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
        msg = str(exc)
        if str(source) not in msg:
            msg = "%s in %s" % (msg, source)
        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
    return nodes
def stochastic_event_set(
    Generates a 'Stochastic Event Set' (that is a collection of earthquake
    ruptures) representing a possible *realization* of the seismicity as
    described by a source model.

    The calculator loops over sources. For each source, it loops over ruptures.
    For each rupture, the number of occurrence is randomly sampled by

    .. note::
        This calculator is using random numbers. In order to reproduce the
        same results numpy random numbers generator needs to be seeded, see

    :param sources:
        An iterator of seismic sources objects (instances of subclasses
        of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.source.base.BaseSeismicSource`).
    :param sites:
        A list of sites to consider (or None)
    :param source_site_filter:
        The source filter to use (only meaningful is sites is not None)
    :param source_site_filter:
        The rupture filter to use (only meaningful is sites is not None)
        Generator of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture.Rupture`
        objects that are contained in an event set. Some ruptures can be
        missing from it, others can appear one or more times in a row.
    if sites is None:  # no filtering
        for source in sources:
                for rupture in source.iter_ruptures():
                    for i in range(rupture.sample_number_of_occurrences()):
                        yield rupture
            except Exception as err:
                etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
                msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
                msg %= (source.source_id, err.message)
                raise_(etype, msg, tb)
    # else apply filtering
    sources_sites = source_site_filter((source, sites) for source in sources)
    for source, r_sites in sources_sites:
            ruptures_sites = rupture_site_filter(
                (rupture, r_sites) for rupture in source.iter_ruptures())
            for rupture, _sites in ruptures_sites:
                for i in range(rupture.sample_number_of_occurrences()):
                    yield rupture
        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, err.message)
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)
Exemple #4
def _collect_bins_data(trt_num, sources, site, curves, src_group_id,
                       rlzs_assoc, gsims, imtls, poes, truncation_level,
                       n_epsilons, iml_disagg, mon):
    # returns a BinData instance
    sitecol = SiteCollection([site])
    mags = []
    dists = []
    lons = []
    lats = []
    trts = []
    pnes = collections.defaultdict(list)
    sitemesh = sitecol.mesh
    make_ctxt = mon('making contexts', measuremem=False)
    disagg_poe = mon('disaggregate_poe', measuremem=False)
    cmaker = ContextMaker(gsims)
    for source in sources:
            tect_reg = trt_num[source.tectonic_region_type]
            for rupture in source.iter_ruptures():
                with make_ctxt:
                        sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(
                            sitecol, rupture)
                    except filters.FarAwayRupture:
                # extract rupture parameters of interest
                dists.append(dctx.rjb[0])  # single site => single distance
                [closest_point] = rupture.surface.get_closest_points(sitemesh)
                # a dictionary, poe, imt_str -> (iml, prob_no_exceed)
                for gsim in gsims:
                    gs = str(gsim)
                    for imt_str, imls in imtls.items():
                        imt = from_string(imt_str)
                        imls = numpy.array(imls[::-1])
                        for rlz in rlzs_assoc[src_group_id, gs]:
                            rlzi = rlz.ordinal
                            iml = iml_disagg.get(imt_str)
                            curve_poes = curves[rlzi, imt_str][::-1]
                            for k, v in _disagg(
                                    iml, poes, curve_poes, imls, gsim, rupture,
                                    rlzi, imt, imt_str, sctx, rctx, dctx,
                                    truncation_level, n_epsilons, disagg_poe):
        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, err)
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)

    return BinData(numpy.array(mags, float),
                   numpy.array(dists, float),
                   numpy.array(lons, float),
                   numpy.array(lats, float),
                   numpy.array(trts, int),
Exemple #5
    def get_sources(self, kind, sitecol):
        :param kind: a string 'light', 'heavy' or 'all'
        :param sitecol: a SiteCollection instance
        :returns: the sources of the given kind affecting the given sitecol
        filter_mon = self.monitor('filtering sources')
        split_mon = self.monitor('splitting sources')
        for src in self.csm.get_sources(kind):
            filter_time = split_time = 0
            if self.filter_sources:
                    max_dist = self.maximum_distance[src.tectonic_region_type]
                except KeyError:
                    max_dist = self.maximum_distance['default']
                with filter_mon:
                        sites = src.filter_sites_by_distance_to_source(
                            max_dist, sitecol)
                        etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
                        msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s: %s'
                        msg %= (src.source_id, unicode(err))
                        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
                filter_time = filter_mon.dt
                if sites is None:
            if kind == 'heavy':
                if (src.trt_model_id, not in self.split_map:
          'splitting %s of weight %s',
                                 src, src.weight)
                    with split_mon:
                        sources = list(sourceconverter.split_source(src))
                        self.split_map[src.trt_model_id,] = sources
                    split_time = split_mon.dt
                    self.set_serial(src, sources)
                for ss in self.split_map[src.trt_model_id,]:
                    yield ss
                yield src
            split_sources = self.split_map.get(
                (src.trt_model_id,, [src])
            info = SourceInfo(src.trt_model_id, src.source_id,
                              src.weight, len(split_sources),
                              filter_time, split_time, 0)
            key = (src.trt_model_id, src.source_id)
            if key in self.infos:
                self.infos[key] += info
                self.infos[key] = info

Exemple #6
    def get_sources(self, kind, tile):
        :param kind: a string 'light', 'heavy' or 'all'
        :param tile: a :class:`` instance
        :returns: the sources of the given kind affecting the given tile
        filter_mon = self.monitor('filtering sources')
        split_mon = self.monitor('splitting sources')
        for src in self.csm.get_sources(kind):
            filter_time = split_time = 0
            if self.filter_sources:
                with filter_mon:
                        if src not in tile:
                        etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
                        msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s: %s'
                        msg %= (src.source_id, err)
                        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
                filter_time = filter_mon.dt
            if kind == 'heavy':
                if (src.trt_model_id, not in self.split_map:
          'splitting %s of weight %s',
                                 src, src.weight)
                    with split_mon:
                        sources = list(sourceconverter.split_source(src))
                        self.split_map[src.trt_model_id,] = sources
                    split_time = split_mon.dt
                    self.set_serial(src, sources)
                for ss in self.split_map[src.trt_model_id,]:
                    yield ss
                yield src
            split_sources = self.split_map.get(
                (src.trt_model_id,, [src])
            info = SourceInfo(src.trt_model_id, src.source_id,
                              src.weight, len(split_sources),
                              filter_time, split_time, 0)
            key = (src.trt_model_id, src.source_id)
            if key in self.infos:
                self.infos[key] += info
                self.infos[key] = info

Exemple #7
def context(fname, node):
    Context manager managing exceptions and adding line number of the
    current node and name of the current file to the error message.

    :param fname: the current file being processed
    :param node: the current node being processed
        yield node
        etype, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
        msg = 'node %s: %s, line %s of %s' % (
            striptag(node.tag), exc, node.lineno, fname)
        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
Exemple #8
def context(src):
    Used to add the source_id to the error message. To be used as

    with context(src):

    Typically the operation is filtering a source, that can fail for
    tricky geometries.
    except Exception:
        etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
        msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
        msg %= (src.source_id, err)
        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
Exemple #9
def poe_map(src, s_sites, imtls, cmaker, trunclevel, bbs, rup_indep,
            ctx_mon, pne_mon, disagg_mon):
    Compute the ProbabilityMap generated by the given source. Also,
    store some information in the monitors and optionally in the
    bounding boxes.
    pmap =
        len(imtls.array), len(cmaker.gsims), s_sites.sids, initvalue=rup_indep)
        for rup, weight in rupture_weight_pairs(src):
            with ctx_mon:  # compute distances
                    sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(s_sites, rup)
                except FarAwayRupture:
            with pne_mon:  # compute probabilities and updates the pmap
                pnes = get_probability_no_exceedance(
                    rup, sctx, rctx, dctx, imtls, cmaker.gsims, trunclevel)
                for sid, pne in zip(sctx.sites.sids, pnes):
                    if rup_indep:
                        pmap[sid].array *= pne
                        pmap[sid].array += pne * weight
            # add optional disaggregation information (bounding boxes)
            if bbs:
                with disagg_mon:
                    sids = set(sctx.sites.sids)
                    jb_dists = dctx.rjb
                    closest_points = rup.surface.get_closest_points(
                    bs = [bb for bb in bbs if bb.site_id in sids]
                    # NB: the assert below is always true; we are
                    # protecting against possible refactoring errors
                    assert len(bs) == len(jb_dists) == len(closest_points)
                    for bb, dist, p in zip(bs, jb_dists, closest_points):
                        bb.update([dist], [p.longitude], [p.latitude])
    except Exception as err:
        etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
        msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
        msg %= (src.source_id, str(err))
        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
    return ~pmap
Exemple #10
 def _build_trts_branches(self):
     # do the parsing, called at instantiation time to populate .values
     trts = []
     branches = []
     branchsetids = set()
     for branching_level in self._ltnode:
         if len(branching_level) > 1:
             raise InvalidLogicTree(
                 "Branching level %s has multiple branchsets" % branching_level["branchingLevelID"]
         for branchset in branching_level:
             if branchset["uncertaintyType"] != "gmpeModel":
                 raise InvalidLogicTree("only uncertainties of type " '"gmpeModel" are allowed in gmpe logic tree')
             bsid = branchset["branchSetID"]
             if bsid in branchsetids:
                 raise InvalidLogicTree("Duplicated branchSetID %s" % bsid)
             trt = branchset.attrib.get("applyToTectonicRegionType")
             if trt:
             effective = trt in self.tectonic_region_types
             weights = []
             for branch in branchset:
                 weight = Decimal(branch.uncertaintyWeight.text)
                 branch_id = branch["branchID"]
                 uncertainty = branch.uncertaintyModel
                     gsim = valid.gsim(uncertainty.text.strip(), **uncertainty.attrib)
                     etype, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
                     raise_(etype, "%s in file %r" % (exc, self.fname), tb)
                 bt = BranchTuple(branchset, branch_id, gsim, weight, effective)
             assert sum(weights) == 1, weights
     if len(trts) > len(set(trts)):
         raise InvalidLogicTree("Found duplicated applyToTectonicRegionType=%s" % trts)
     branches.sort(key=lambda b: (b.bset["branchSetID"],
     return trts, branches
Exemple #11
def read_nodes(fname, filter_elem, nodefactory=Node, remove_comments=True):
    Convert an XML file into a lazy iterator over Node objects
    satifying the given specification, i.e. a function element -> boolean.

    :param fname: file name of file object
    :param filter_elem: element specification

    In case of errors, add the file name to the error message.
        for _, el in iterparse(fname, remove_comments=remove_comments):
            if filter_elem(el):
                yield node_from_elem(el, nodefactory)
                el.clear()  # save memory
        etype, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
        msg = str(exc)
        if not str(fname) in msg:
            msg = '%s in %s' % (msg, fname)
        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
Exemple #12
def stochastic_event_set(sources, source_site_filter=nofilter, **kwargs):
    Generates a 'Stochastic Event Set' (that is a collection of earthquake
    ruptures) representing a possible *realization* of the seismicity as
    described by a source model.

    The calculator loops over sources. For each source, it loops over ruptures.
    For each rupture, the number of occurrence is randomly sampled by

    .. note::
        This calculator is using random numbers. In order to reproduce the
        same results numpy random numbers generator needs to be seeded, see

    :param sources:
        An iterator of seismic sources objects (instances of subclasses
        of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.source.base.BaseSeismicSource`).
    :param source_site_filter:
        The source filter to use (default noop filter)
        Generator of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture.Rupture`
        objects that are contained in an event set. Some ruptures can be
        missing from it, others can appear one or more times in a row.
    shift_hypo = kwargs['shift_hypo'] if 'shift_hypo' in kwargs else False
    for source, _ in source_site_filter.filter(sources):
            for rupture in source.iter_ruptures(shift_hypo=shift_hypo):
                [n_occ] = rupture.sample_number_of_occurrences()
                for _ in range(n_occ):
                    yield rupture
        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, str(err))
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)
Exemple #13
 def poe_map(self, src, sites, imtls, trunclevel, ctx_mon, poe_mon,
     :param src: a source object
     :param sites: a filtered SiteCollection
     :param imtls: intensity measure and levels
     :param trunclevel: truncation level
     :param ctx_mon: a Monitor instance for make_context
     :param poe_mon: a Monitor instance for get_poes
     :param rup_indep: True if the ruptures are independent
     :returns: a ProbabilityMap instance
     with ctx_mon:
         ruptures = self.filter_ruptures(src, sites)
     if not ruptures:
         return {}
         with poe_mon:
             pmap = self.make_pmap(ruptures, imtls, trunclevel, rup_indep)
     except Exception as err:
         etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
         msg = '%s (source id=%s)' % (str(err), src.source_id)
         raise_(etype, msg, tb)
     return pmap
Exemple #14
def _collect_bins_data(sources, site, imt, iml, gsims, truncation_level,
                       n_epsilons, source_site_filter, rupture_site_filter):
    Extract values of magnitude, distance, closest point, tectonic region
    types and PoE distribution.

    This method processes the source model (generates ruptures) and collects
    all needed parameters to arrays. It also defines tectonic region type
    bins sequence.
    mags = []
    dists = []
    lons = []
    lats = []
    tect_reg_types = []
    probs_no_exceed = []
    sitecol = SiteCollection([site])
    sitemesh = sitecol.mesh

    _next_trt_num = 0
    trt_nums = {}
    # here we ignore filtered site collection because either it is the same
    # as the original one (with one site), or the source/rupture is filtered
    # out and doesn't show up in the filter's output
    for src_idx, (source, s_sites) in \
            enumerate(source_site_filter(sources, sitecol)):
            tect_reg = source.tectonic_region_type
            gsim = gsims[tect_reg]
            cmaker = ContextMaker([gsim])
            if tect_reg not in trt_nums:
                trt_nums[tect_reg] = _next_trt_num
                _next_trt_num += 1
            tect_reg = trt_nums[tect_reg]

            for rupture, r_sites in rupture_site_filter(
                    source.iter_ruptures(), s_sites):
                # extract rupture parameters of interest
                [jb_dist] = rupture.surface.get_joyner_boore_distance(sitemesh)
                [closest_point] = rupture.surface.get_closest_points(sitemesh)

                # compute conditional probability of exceeding iml given
                # the current rupture, and different epsilon level, that is
                # ``P(IMT >= iml | rup, epsilon_bin)`` for each of epsilon bins
                sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(sitecol, rupture)
                 ] = gsim.disaggregate_poe(sctx, rctx, dctx, imt, iml,
                                           truncation_level, n_epsilons)

                # collect probability of a rupture causing no exceedances
        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, str(err))
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)

    mags = numpy.array(mags, float)
    dists = numpy.array(dists, float)
    lons = numpy.array(lons, float)
    lats = numpy.array(lats, float)
    tect_reg_types = numpy.array(tect_reg_types, int)
    probs_no_exceed = numpy.array(probs_no_exceed, float)

    trt_bins = [
        for (num, trt) in sorted((num, trt) for (trt, num) in trt_nums.items())

    return (mags, dists, lons, lats, tect_reg_types, trt_bins, probs_no_exceed)
Exemple #15
def _collect_bins_data(sources, site, imt, iml, gsims,
                       truncation_level, n_epsilons,
                       source_site_filter, rupture_site_filter):
    Extract values of magnitude, distance, closest point, tectonic region
    types and PoE distribution.

    This method processes the source model (generates ruptures) and collects
    all needed parameters to arrays. It also defines tectonic region type
    bins sequence.
    mags = []
    dists = []
    lons = []
    lats = []
    tect_reg_types = []
    probs_no_exceed = []
    sitecol = SiteCollection([site])
    sitemesh = sitecol.mesh

    _next_trt_num = 0
    trt_nums = {}

    sources_sites = ((source, sitecol) for source in sources)
    # here we ignore filtered site collection because either it is the same
    # as the original one (with one site), or the source/rupture is filtered
    # out and doesn't show up in the filter's output
    for src_idx, (source, s_sites) in \
            tect_reg = source.tectonic_region_type
            gsim = gsims[tect_reg]

            if not tect_reg in trt_nums:
                trt_nums[tect_reg] = _next_trt_num
                _next_trt_num += 1
            tect_reg = trt_nums[tect_reg]

            ruptures_sites = ((rupture, s_sites)
                              for rupture in source.iter_ruptures())
            for rupture, r_sites in rupture_site_filter(ruptures_sites):
                # extract rupture parameters of interest
                [jb_dist] = rupture.surface.get_joyner_boore_distance(sitemesh)
                [closest_point] = rupture.surface.get_closest_points(sitemesh)

                # compute conditional probability of exceeding iml given
                # the current rupture, and different epsilon level, that is
                # ``P(IMT >= iml | rup, epsilon_bin)`` for each of epsilon bins
                sctx, rctx, dctx = gsim.make_contexts(sitecol, rupture)
                [poes_given_rup_eps] = gsim.disaggregate_poe(
                    sctx, rctx, dctx, imt, iml, truncation_level, n_epsilons

                # collect probability of a rupture causing no exceedances
        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, str(err))
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)

    mags = numpy.array(mags, float)
    dists = numpy.array(dists, float)
    lons = numpy.array(lons, float)
    lats = numpy.array(lats, float)
    tect_reg_types = numpy.array(tect_reg_types, int)
    probs_no_exceed = numpy.array(probs_no_exceed, float)

    trt_bins = [
        trt for (num, trt) in sorted((num, trt)
                                     for (trt, num) in trt_nums.items())

    return (mags, dists, lons, lats, tect_reg_types, trt_bins, probs_no_exceed)
def hazard_curves_per_trt(sources,
    Compute the hazard curves for a set of sources belonging to the same
    tectonic region type for all the GSIMs associated to that TRT.
    The arguments are the same as in :func:`calc_hazard_curves`, except
    for ``gsims``, which is a list of GSIM instances.

        A list of G arrays of size N, where N is the number of sites and
        G the number of gsims. Each array contains records with fields given
        by the intensity measure types; the size of each field is given by the
        number of levels in ``imtls``.
    gnames = list(map(str, gsims))
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, float, len(imtls[imt]))
                          for imt in sorted(imtls)])
    imts = {from_string(imt): imls for imt, imls in imtls.items()}
    curves = [numpy.ones(len(sites), imt_dt) for gname in gnames]
    sources_sites = ((source, sites) for source in sources)
    ctx_mon = monitor('making contexts', measuremem=False)
    rup_mon = monitor('getting ruptures', measuremem=False)
    pne_mon = monitor('computing poes', measuremem=False)
    monitor.calc_times = []  # pairs (src_id, delta_t)
    for source, s_sites in source_site_filter(sources_sites):
        t0 = time.time()
            with rup_mon:
                rupture_sites = list(
                    rupture_site_filter((rupture, s_sites)
                                        for rupture in source.iter_ruptures()))
            for rupture, r_sites in rupture_sites:
                for i, gsim in enumerate(gsims):
                    with ctx_mon:
                        sctx, rctx, dctx = gsim.make_contexts(r_sites, rupture)
                    with pne_mon:
                        for imt in imts:
                            poes = gsim.get_poes(sctx, rctx, dctx, imt,
                                                 imts[imt], truncation_level)
                            pno = rupture.get_probability_no_exceedance(poes)
                            expanded_pno = r_sites.expand(pno, placeholder=1)
                            curves[i][str(imt)] *= expanded_pno
        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, str(err))
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)

        # we are attaching the calculation times to the monitor
        # so that oq-lite (and the engine) can store them
        monitor.calc_times.append((, time.time() - t0))
        # NB: is an integer; it should not be confused
        # with source.source_id, which is a string
    for i in range(len(gnames)):
        for imt in imtls:
            curves[i][imt] = 1. - curves[i][imt]
    return curves
def _collect_bins_data(trt_num, source_ruptures, site, curves, src_group_id,
                       rlzs_assoc, gsims, imtls, poes, truncation_level,
                       n_epsilons, mon):
    # returns a BinData instance
    sitecol = SiteCollection([site])
    mags = []
    dists = []
    lons = []
    lats = []
    trts = []
    pnes = []
    sitemesh = sitecol.mesh
    make_ctxt = mon('making contexts', measuremem=False)
    disagg_poe = mon('disaggregate_poe', measuremem=False)
    cmaker = ContextMaker(gsims)
    for source, ruptures in source_ruptures:
            tect_reg = trt_num[source.tectonic_region_type]
            for rupture in ruptures:
                with make_ctxt:
                    sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(sitecol, rupture)
                # extract rupture parameters of interest
                dists.append(dctx.rjb[0])  # single site => single distance
                [closest_point] = rupture.surface.get_closest_points(sitemesh)

                pne_dict = {}
                # a dictionary, poe, imt_str -> prob_no_exceed
                for gsim in gsims:
                    gs = str(gsim)
                    for imt_str, imls in imtls.items():
                        imt = from_string(imt_str)
                        imls = numpy.array(imls[::-1])
                        for rlz in rlzs_assoc[src_group_id, gs]:
                            rlzi = rlz.ordinal
                            curve_poes = curves[rlzi, imt_str][::-1]
                            for poe in poes:
                                iml = numpy.interp(poe, curve_poes, imls)
                                # compute probability of exceeding iml given
                                # the current rupture and epsilon_bin, that is
                                # ``P(IMT >= iml | rup, epsilon_bin)``
                                # for each of the epsilon bins
                                with disagg_poe:
                                    [poes_given_rup_eps] = \
                                            sctx, rctx, dctx, imt, iml,
                                            truncation_level, n_epsilons)
                                pne = rupture.get_probability_no_exceedance(
                                pne_dict[rlzi, poe, imt_str] = (iml, pne)

        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, err)
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)

    return BinData(numpy.array(mags, float),
                   numpy.array(dists, float),
                   numpy.array(lons, float),
                   numpy.array(lats, float),
                   numpy.array(trts, int),
def hazard_curves_per_trt(
        sources, sites, imtls, gsims, truncation_level=None,
        maximum_distance=None, bbs=(), monitor=DummyMonitor()):
    Compute the hazard curves for a set of sources belonging to the same
    tectonic region type for all the GSIMs associated to that TRT.
    The arguments are the same as in :func:`calc_hazard_curves`, except
    for ``gsims``, which is a list of GSIM instances.

        A list of G arrays of size N, where N is the number of sites and
        G the number of gsims. Each array contains records with fields given
        by the intensity measure types; the size of each field is given by the
        number of levels in ``imtls``.
    cmaker = ContextMaker(gsims, maximum_distance)
    gnames = list(map(str, gsims))
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, float, len(imtls[imt]))
                          for imt in sorted(imtls)])
    imts = {from_string(imt): imls for imt, imls in imtls.items()}
    curves = [numpy.ones(len(sites), imt_dt) for gname in gnames]
    sources_sites = ((source, sites) for source in sources)
    ctx_mon = monitor('making contexts', measuremem=False)
    rup_mon = monitor('getting ruptures', measuremem=False)
    pne_mon = monitor('computing poes', measuremem=False)
    monitor.calc_times = []  # pairs (src_id, delta_t)
    for source, s_sites in source_site_filter(sources_sites):
        t0 = time.time()
            with rup_mon:
                rupture_sites = list(rupture_site_filter(
                    (rupture, s_sites) for rupture in source.iter_ruptures()))
            for rupture, r_sites in rupture_sites:
                with ctx_mon:
                        sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(
                            r_sites, rupture)
                    except FarAwayRupture:

                    # add optional disaggregation information (bounding boxes)
                    if bbs:
                        sids = set(sctx.sites.sids)
                        jb_dists = dctx.rjb
                        closest_points = rupture.surface.get_closest_points(
                        bs = [bb for bb in bbs if bb.site_id in sids]
                        # NB: the assert below is always true; we are
                        # protecting against possible refactoring errors
                        assert len(bs) == len(jb_dists) == len(closest_points)
                        for bb, dist, p in zip(bs, jb_dists, closest_points):
                            if dist < maximum_distance:
                                # ruptures too far away are ignored
                                bb.update([dist], [p.longitude], [p.latitude])

                for i, gsim in enumerate(gsims):
                    with pne_mon:
                        for imt in imts:
                            poes = gsim.get_poes(
                                sctx, rctx, dctx, imt, imts[imt],
                            pno = rupture.get_probability_no_exceedance(poes)
                            expanded_pno = sctx.sites.expand(pno, 1.0)
                            curves[i][str(imt)] *= expanded_pno
        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, str(err))
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)

        # we are attaching the calculation times to the monitor
        # so that oq-lite (and the engine) can store them
        monitor.calc_times.append((, time.time() - t0))
        # NB: is an integer; it should not be confused
        # with source.source_id, which is a string
    for i in range(len(gnames)):
        for imt in imtls:
            curves[i][imt] = 1. - curves[i][imt]
    return curves
Exemple #19
def ucerf_poe_map(hdf5, ucerf_source, rupset_idx, s_sites, imtls, cmaker,
                  trunclevel, bbs, ctx_mon, pne_mon, disagg_mon):
    Compute a ProbabilityMap generated by the given set of indices.

    :param hdf5:
        UCERF file as instance of open h5py.File object
    :param ucerf_source:
        UCERFControl object
    :param list rupset_idx:
        List of rupture indices
    pmap =, len(cmaker.gsims),
                                s_sites.sids, initvalue=1.)
        for ridx in rupset_idx:
            # Get the ucerf rupture
            if not hdf5[ucerf_source.idx_set["rate_idx"]][ridx]:
                # Ruptures seem to have a zero probability from time to time
                # If this happens, skip it

            rup, ridx_string = get_ucerf_rupture(
                hdf5, ridx,
                ucerf_source.tom, s_sites,
            if not rup:
                # rupture outside of integration distance
            with ctx_mon:  # compute distances
                    sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(s_sites, rup)
                except FarAwayRupture:
            with pne_mon:  # compute probabilities and updates the pmap
                pnes = get_probability_no_exceedance(
                    rup, sctx, rctx, dctx, imtls, cmaker.gsims, trunclevel)
                for sid, pne in zip(sctx.sites.sids, pnes):
                    pmap[sid].array *= pne

            # add optional disaggregation information (bounding boxes)
            if bbs:
                with disagg_mon:
                    sids = set(sctx.sites.sids)
                    jb_dists = dctx.rjb
                    closest_points = rup.surface.get_closest_points(
                    bs = [bb for bb in bbs if bb.site_id in sids]
                    # NB: the assert below is always true; we are
                    # protecting against possible refactoring errors
                    assert len(bs) == len(jb_dists) == len(closest_points)
                    for bb, dist, p in zip(bs, jb_dists, closest_points):
                        bb.update([dist], [p.longitude], [p.latitude])
    except Exception as err:
        etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
        msg = 'An error occurred with rupture=%s. Error: %s'
        msg %= (ridx, str(err))
        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
    return ~pmap
Exemple #20
def hazard_curves_per_trt(
        sources, sites, imtls, gsims, truncation_level=None,
        maximum_distance=None, bbs=(), monitor=Monitor()):
    Compute the hazard curves for a set of sources belonging to the same
    tectonic region type for all the GSIMs associated to that TRT.
    The arguments are the same as in :func:`calc_hazard_curves`, except
    for ``gsims``, which is a list of GSIM instances.

        A list of G arrays of size N, where N is the number of sites and
        G the number of gsims. Each array contains records with fields given
        by the intensity measure types; the size of each field is given by the
        number of levels in ``imtls``.
    cmaker = ContextMaker(gsims, maximum_distance)
    gnames = list(map(str, gsims))
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, float, len(imtls[imt]))
                          for imt in sorted(imtls)])
    imts = {from_string(imt): imls for imt, imls in imtls.items()}
    curves = [numpy.ones(len(sites), imt_dt) for gname in gnames]
    sources_sites = ((source, sites) for source in sources)
    ctx_mon = monitor('making contexts', measuremem=False)
    pne_mon = monitor('computing poes', measuremem=False)
    monitor.calc_times = []  # pairs (src_id, delta_t)
    monitor.eff_ruptures = 0  # effective number of contributing ruptures
    for source, s_sites in source_site_filter(sources_sites):
        t0 = time.time()
            rupture_sites = rupture_site_filter(
                (rupture, s_sites) for rupture in source.iter_ruptures())
            for rupture, r_sites in rupture_sites:
                with ctx_mon:
                        sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(
                            r_sites, rupture)
                    except FarAwayRupture:

                    monitor.eff_ruptures += 1

                    # add optional disaggregation information (bounding boxes)
                    if bbs:
                        sids = set(sctx.sites.sids)
                        jb_dists = dctx.rjb
                        closest_points = rupture.surface.get_closest_points(
                        bs = [bb for bb in bbs if bb.site_id in sids]
                        # NB: the assert below is always true; we are
                        # protecting against possible refactoring errors
                        assert len(bs) == len(jb_dists) == len(closest_points)
                        for bb, dist, p in zip(bs, jb_dists, closest_points):
                            if dist < maximum_distance:
                                # ruptures too far away are ignored
                                bb.update([dist], [p.longitude], [p.latitude])

                for i, gsim in enumerate(gsims):
                    with pne_mon:
                        for imt in imts:
                            poes = gsim.get_poes(
                                sctx, rctx, dctx, imt, imts[imt],
                            pno = rupture.get_probability_no_exceedance(poes)
                            expanded_pno = sctx.sites.expand(pno, 1.0)
                            curves[i][str(imt)] *= expanded_pno
        except Exception as err:
            etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
            msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
            msg %= (source.source_id, str(err))
            raise_(etype, msg, tb)

        # we are attaching the calculation times to the monitor
        # so that oq-lite (and the engine) can store them
        monitor.calc_times.append((, time.time() - t0))
        # NB: is an integer; it should not be confused
        # with source.source_id, which is a string
    for i in range(len(gnames)):
        for imt in imtls:
            curves[i][imt] = 1. - curves[i][imt]
    return curves