Exemple #1
def build_hazard(pgetter, N, hstats, individual_curves, max_sites_disagg,
                 amplifier, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.getters.PmapGetter`
    :param N: the total number of sites
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param individual_curves: if True, also build the individual curves
    :param max_sites_disagg: if there are less sites than this, store rup info
    :param amplifier: instance of Amplifier or None
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('read PoEs'):
        if amplifier:
            ampcode = pgetter.dstore['sitecol'].ampcode
    imtls, poes, weights = pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes, pgetter.weights
    M = len(imtls)
    P = len(poes)
    L = len(imtls.array) if amplifier is None else len(amplifier.amplevels) * M
    R = len(weights)
    S = len(hstats)
    pmap_by_kind = {}
    if R > 1 and individual_curves or not hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs'] = [ProbabilityMap(L) for r in range(R)]
    if hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'] = [ProbabilityMap(L) for r in range(S)]
        if poes:
            pmap_by_kind['hmaps-stats'] = [
                ProbabilityMap(M, P) for r in range(S)
    combine_mon = monitor('combine pmaps', measuremem=False)
    compute_mon = monitor('compute stats', measuremem=False)
    for sid in pgetter.sids:
        with combine_mon:
            pcurves = pgetter.get_pcurves(sid)
            if amplifier:
                pcurves = amplifier.amplify(ampcode[sid], pcurves)
        if sum(pc.array.sum() for pc in pcurves) == 0:  # no data
        with compute_mon:
            if hstats:
                arr = numpy.array([pc.array for pc in pcurves])
                for s, (statname, stat) in enumerate(hstats.items()):
                    pc = getters.build_stat_curve(arr, imtls, stat, weights)
                    pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'][s][sid] = pc
                    if poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pc, pgetter.imtls, poes, sid)
            if R > 1 and individual_curves or not hstats:
                for pmap, pc in zip(pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs'], pcurves):
                    pmap[sid] = pc
                if poes:
                    pmap_by_kind['hmaps-rlzs'] = [
                        calc.make_hmap(pc, imtls, poes, sid) for pc in pcurves
    return pmap_by_kind
Exemple #2
def build_hazard_stats(pgetter, N, hstats, individual_curves, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.getters.PmapGetter`
    :param N: the total number of sites
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param individual_curves: if True, also build the individual curves
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('read PoEs'):
    imtls, poes, weights = pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes, pgetter.weights
    L = len(imtls.array)
    R = len(weights)
    S = len(hstats)
    pmap_by_kind = {'rlz_by_sid': {}}
    if R > 1 and individual_curves or not hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs'] = [ProbabilityMap(L) for r in range(R)]
    if hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'] = [ProbabilityMap(L) for r in range(S)]
        if poes:
            pmap_by_kind['hmaps-stats'] = [ProbabilityMap(L) for r in range(S)]
    combine_mon = monitor('combine pmaps', measuremem=False)
    compute_mon = monitor('compute stats', measuremem=False)
    for sid in pgetter.sids:
        with combine_mon:
            pcurves = pgetter.get_pcurves(sid)
        if sum(pc.array.sum() for pc in pcurves) == 0:  # no data
        with compute_mon:
            if hstats:
                arr = numpy.array([pc.array for pc in pcurves])
                for s, (statname, stat) in enumerate(hstats.items()):
                    pc = _build_stat_curve(arr, imtls, stat, weights)
                    pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'][s][sid] = pc
                    if poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pc, pgetter.imtls, poes, sid)
                    if statname == 'mean' and R > 1 and N <= FEWSITES:
                        rlz = pmap_by_kind['rlz_by_sid']
                        rlz[sid] = util.closest_to_ref(
                            [p.array for p in pcurves], pc.array)['rlz']
            if R > 1 and individual_curves or not hstats:
                for pmap, pc in zip(pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs'], pcurves):
                    pmap[sid] = pc
                if poes:
                    pmap_by_kind['hmaps-rlzs'] = [
                        calc.make_hmap(pc, imtls, poes, sid) for pc in pcurves
    return pmap_by_kind
Exemple #3
def build_hazard_stats(pgetter, N, hstats, individual_curves, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.getters.PmapGetter`
    :param N: the total number of sites
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param individual_curves: if True, also build the individual curves
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('combine pmaps'):
        pgetter.init()  # if not already initialized
            pmaps = pgetter.get_pmaps()
        except IndexError:  # no data
            return {}
        if sum(len(pmap) for pmap in pmaps) == 0:  # no data
            return {}
    R = len(pmaps)
    imtls, poes, weights = pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes, pgetter.weights
    pmap_by_kind = {}
    hmaps_stats = []
    hcurves_stats = []
    with monitor('compute stats'):
        for statname, stat in hstats.items():
            pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], weights, imtls)
            if pgetter.poes:
                    calc.make_hmap(pmap, pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes))
            if statname == 'mean' and R > 1 and N <= FEWSITES:
                pmap_by_kind['rlz_by_sid'] = rlz = {}
                for sid, pcurve in pmap.items():
                    rlz[sid] = util.closest_to_ref(
                        [pm.setdefault(sid, 0).array for pm in pmaps],
    if hcurves_stats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'] = hcurves_stats
    if hmaps_stats:
        pmap_by_kind['hmaps-stats'] = hmaps_stats
    if R > 1 and individual_curves or not hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs'] = pmaps
        if pgetter.poes:
            with monitor('build individual hmaps'):
                pmap_by_kind['hmaps-rlzs'] = [
                    calc.make_hmap(pmap, imtls, poes) for pmap in pmaps
    return pmap_by_kind
Exemple #4
def build_hazard_stats(pgetter, N, hstats, individual_curves, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.getters.PmapGetter`
    :param N: the total number of sites
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param individual_curves: if True, also build the individual curves
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('combine pmaps'):
        pgetter.init()  # if not already initialized
            pmaps = pgetter.get_pmaps()
        except IndexError:  # no data
            return {}
        if sum(len(pmap) for pmap in pmaps) == 0:  # no data
            return {}
    R = len(pmaps)
    imtls, poes, weights = pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes, pgetter.weights
    pmap_by_kind = {}
    hmaps_stats = []
    hcurves_stats = []
    with monitor('compute stats'):
        for statname, stat in hstats.items():
            pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], weights, imtls)
            if pgetter.poes:
                    calc.make_hmap(pmap, pgetter.imtls, pgetter.poes))
            if statname == 'mean' and R > 1 and N <= FEWSITES:
                pmap_by_kind['rlz_by_sid'] = rlz = {}
                for sid, pcurve in pmap.items():
                    rlz[sid] = util.closest_to_ref(
                        [pm.setdefault(sid, 0).array for pm in pmaps],
    if hcurves_stats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'] = hcurves_stats
    if hmaps_stats:
        pmap_by_kind['hmaps-stats'] = hmaps_stats
    if R > 1 and individual_curves or not hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs'] = pmaps
        if pgetter.poes:
            with monitor('build individual hmaps'):
                pmap_by_kind['hmaps-rlzs'] = [
                    calc.make_hmap(pmap, imtls, poes) for pmap in pmaps]
    return pmap_by_kind
Exemple #5
def extract_hazard(dstore, what):
    Extracts hazard curves and possibly hazard maps and/or uniform hazard
    spectra. Use it as /extract/hazard/mean or /extract/hazard/rlz-0, etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    yield 'sitecol', sitecol
    yield 'oqparam', oq
    yield 'imtls', oq.imtls
    yield 'realizations', dstore['csm_info'].rlzs
    yield 'checksum32', dstore['/'].attrs['checksum32']
    nsites = len(sitecol)
    M = len(oq.imtls)
    P = len(oq.poes)
    for kind, pmap in getters.PmapGetter(dstore).items(what):
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            key = 'hcurves/%s/%s' % (imt, kind)
            arr = numpy.zeros((nsites, len(oq.imtls[imt])))
            for sid in pmap:
                arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[oq.imtls.slicedic[imt], 0]
            logging.info('extracting %s', key)
            yield key, arr
        if oq.poes:
            hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
        for p, poe in enumerate(oq.poes):
            key = 'hmaps/poe-%s/%s' % (poe, kind)
            arr = numpy.zeros((nsites, M))
            idx = [m * P + p for m in range(M)]
            for sid in pmap:
                arr[sid] = hmap[sid].array[idx, 0]
            logging.info('extracting %s', key)
            yield key, arr
Exemple #6
def export_hmaps_xml_json(ekey, dstore):
    key, kind, fmt = get_kkf(ekey)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    sitemesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    fnames = []
    writercls = hazard_writers.HazardMapXMLWriter
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    nsites = len(sitemesh)
    for kind, hcurves in PmapGetter(dstore).items():
        hmaps = calc.make_hmap(
            hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes).convert(pdic, nsites)
        if kind.startswith('rlz-'):
            rlz = rlzs_assoc.realizations[int(kind[4:])]
            smlt_path = '_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path)
            gsimlt_path = rlz.gsim_rlz.uid
            smlt_path = ''
            gsimlt_path = ''
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            for j, poe in enumerate(oq.poes):
                suffix = '-%s-%s' % (poe, imt)
                fname = hazard_curve_name(
                    dstore, ekey, kind + suffix, rlzs_assoc)
                data = [HazardMap(site[0], site[1], _extract(hmap, imt, j))
                        for site, hmap in zip(sitemesh, hmaps)]
                writer = writercls(
                    fname, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time,
                    imt=imt, poe=poe,
                    smlt_path=smlt_path, gsimlt_path=gsimlt_path)
    return sorted(fnames)
Exemple #7
def export_hcurves_csv(ekey, dstore):
    Exports the hazard curves into several .csv files

    :param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
    :param dstore: datastore object
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    sitemesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
    key, kind, fmt = get_kkf(ekey)
    fnames = []
    if oq.poes:
        pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    for kind, hcurves in calc.PmapGetter(dstore).items(kind):
        fname = hazard_curve_name(dstore, (key, fmt), kind, rlzs_assoc)
        comment = _comment(rlzs_assoc, kind, oq.investigation_time)
        if key == 'uhs' and oq.poes and oq.uniform_hazard_spectra:
            uhs_curves = calc.make_uhs(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes,
                              util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, uhs_curves),
        elif key == 'hmaps' and oq.poes and oq.hazard_maps:
            hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                export_hazard_csv(ekey, fname, sitemesh, hmap, pdic, comment))
        elif key == 'hcurves':
                export_hcurves_by_imt_csv(ekey, kind, rlzs_assoc, fname,
                                          sitecol, hcurves, oq))
    return sorted(fnames)
Exemple #8
def extract_hazard(dstore, what):
    Extracts hazard curves and possibly hazard maps and/or uniform hazard
    spectra. Use it as /extract/hazard/mean or /extract/hazard/rlz-0, etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    yield 'sitecol', sitecol
    yield 'oqparam', oq
    yield 'imtls', oq.imtls
    yield 'realizations', dstore['csm_info'].rlzs
    yield 'checksum32', dstore['/'].attrs['checksum32']
    nsites = len(sitecol)
    M = len(oq.imtls)
    for statname, pmap in getters.PmapGetter(dstore, rlzs_assoc).items(what):
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            key = 'hcurves/%s/%s' % (imt, statname)
            arr = numpy.zeros((nsites, len(oq.imtls[imt])))
            for sid in pmap:
                arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[oq.imtls(imt), 0]
            logging.info('extracting %s', key)
            yield key, arr
        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
        for p, poe in enumerate(oq.poes):
            key = 'hmaps/poe-%s/%s' % (poe, statname)
            arr = numpy.zeros((nsites, M))
            for sid in pmap:
                arr[sid] = hmap[sid].array[:, p]
            logging.info('extracting %s', key)
            yield key, arr
Exemple #9
def build_hazard_stats(pgetter, hstats, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.getters.PmapGetter`
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('combine pmaps'):
        pgetter.init()  # if not already initialized
            pmaps = pgetter.get_pmaps(pgetter.sids)
        except IndexError:  # no data
            return {}
        if sum(len(pmap) for pmap in pmaps) == 0:  # no data
            return {}
    pmap_by_kind = {}
    for statname, stat in hstats:
        with monitor('compute ' + statname):
            pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], pgetter.weights)
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves', statname] = pmap
        if pgetter.poes:
                         statname] = calc.make_hmap(pmap, pgetter.imtls,
    return pmap_by_kind
Exemple #10
def export_hmaps_npz(ekey, dstore):
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
    dic = {}
    for kind, hcurves in calc.PmapGetter(dstore).items():
        hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
        dic[kind] = convert_to_array(hmap, mesh, pdic)
    savez(fname, **dic)
    return [fname]
Exemple #11
def export_hmaps_hdf5(ekey, dstore):
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
    with hdf5.File(fname, 'w') as f:
        for dskey in dstore['hcurves']:
            hcurves = dstore['hcurves/%s' % dskey]
            hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
            f['hmaps/%s' % dskey] = convert_to_array(hmap, mesh, pdic)
    return [fname]
Exemple #12
def export_hmaps_npz(ekey, dstore):
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
    dic = {}
    for dskey in dstore['hcurves']:
        hcurves = dstore['hcurves/%s' % dskey]
        hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
        dic[dskey] = convert_to_array(hmap, mesh, pdic)
    savez(fname, **dic)
    return [fname]
Exemple #13
def plot_hmaps(calc_id):
    Mean hazard maps plotter.
    dstore = datastore.read(calc_id)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    mean = calc.PmapGetter(dstore).get_mean()
    hmaps = calc.make_hmap(mean, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
    M, P = len(oq.imtls), len(oq.poes)
    array = hmaps.array.reshape(len(hmaps.array), M, P)
    plt = make_figure(dstore['sitecol'], oq.imtls, oq.poes, array)
Exemple #14
def export_hmaps_np(ekey, dstore):
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    mesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
    dic = {}
    for kind, hcurves in PmapGetter(dstore).items():
        hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
        dic[kind] = calc.convert_to_array(hmap, len(mesh), pdic)
    save_np(fname, dic, mesh, ('vs30', F32, sitecol.vs30),
    return [fname]
Exemple #15
def plot_hmaps(calc_id):
    Mean hazard maps plotter.
    dstore = engine.read(calc_id)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    mean = getters.PmapGetter(dstore, rlzs_assoc).get_mean()
    hmaps = calc.make_hmap(mean, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
    M, P = len(oq.imtls), len(oq.poes)
    array = hmaps.array.reshape(len(hmaps.array), M, P)
    plt = make_figure(dstore['sitecol'], oq.imtls, oq.poes, array)
Exemple #16
def extract_hmaps(dstore, what):
    Extracts hazard maps. Use it as /extract/hmaps/mean or
    /extract/hmaps/rlz-0, etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    mesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    dic = {}
    for kind, hcurves in getters.PmapGetter(dstore).items(what):
        hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
        dic[kind] = calc.convert_to_array(hmap, len(mesh), pdic)
    return hazard_items(dic, mesh, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time)
Exemple #17
def view_flat_hmaps(token, dstore):
    Display the flat hazard maps for the calculation. They are
    used for debugging purposes when comparing the results of two
    calculations. They are the mean over the sites of the mean hazard
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    assert oq.poes
    nsites = len(dstore['sitecol'])
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    mean = getters.PmapGetter(dstore).get_mean()
    hmaps = calc.make_hmap(mean, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
    array = calc.convert_to_array(hmaps, nsites, pdic)
    res = numpy.zeros(1, array.dtype)
    for name in array.dtype.names:
        res[name] = array[name].mean()
    return rst_table(res)
Exemple #18
def export_hcurves_csv(ekey, dstore):
    Exports the hazard curves into several .csv files

    :param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
    :param dstore: datastore object
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    sitemesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
    key, fmt = ekey
    fnames = []
    if oq.poes:
        pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    for kind in sorted(dstore['hcurves']):
        hcurves = dstore['hcurves/' + kind]
        fname = hazard_curve_name(dstore, ekey, kind, rlzs_assoc)
        comment = _comment(rlzs_assoc, kind, oq.investigation_time)
        if key == 'uhs':
            uhs_curves = calc.make_uhs(
                hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes, len(sitemesh))
                fname, util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, uhs_curves),
        elif key == 'hmaps':
            hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                export_hazard_csv(ekey, fname, sitemesh, hmap, pdic, comment))
            if export.from_db:  # called by export_from_db
                        ekey, kind, rlzs_assoc, fname, sitecol, hcurves, oq))
            else:  # when exporting directly from the datastore
                        ekey, fname, sitemesh, hcurves, oq.imtls, comment))

    return sorted(fnames)
Exemple #19
def view_hmap(token, dstore):
    Display the highest 20 points of the mean hazard map. Called as
    $ oq show hmap:0.1  # 10% PoE
        poe = valid.probability(token.split(':')[1])
    except IndexError:
        poe = 0.1
        mean = dstore['hcurves/mean']
    except KeyError:  # there is a single realization
        mean = dstore['hcurves/rlz-000']
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    hmap = calc.make_hmap(mean, oq.imtls, [poe])
    items = sorted([(hmap[sid].array.sum(), sid) for sid in hmap])[-20:]
    dt = numpy.dtype([('sid', U32)] + [(imt, F32) for imt in oq.imtls])
    array = numpy.zeros(len(items), dt)
    for i, (maxvalue, sid) in enumerate(reversed(items)):
        array[i] = (sid, ) + tuple(hmap[sid].array[:, 0])
    return rst_table(array)
Exemple #20
def extract_hazard_for_qgis(dstore, what):
    Extracts hazard curves and possibly hazard maps and/or uniform hazard
    spectra. Use it as /extract/qgis-hazard/rlz-0, etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    yield 'sitecol', sitecol
    yield 'oqparam', oq
    yield 'realizations', dstore['csm_info'].rlzs
    yield 'checksum32', dstore['/'].attrs['checksum32']
    N = len(sitecol)
    if oq.poes:
        pdic = {imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls}
    for kind, hcurves in getters.PmapGetter(dstore).items(what):
        logging.info('extracting hazard/%s', kind)
        yield 'hcurves-' + kind, calc.convert_to_array(hcurves, N, oq.imtls)
        if oq.poes and oq.uniform_hazard_spectra:
            yield 'uhs-' + kind, calc.make_uhs(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes, N)
        if oq.poes and oq.hazard_maps:
            hmaps = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
            yield 'hmaps-' + kind, calc.convert_to_array(hmaps, N, pdic)
Exemple #21
def export_hmaps_xml_json(ekey, dstore):
    export_type = ekey[1]
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitemesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    fnames = []
    writercls = (hazard_writers.HazardMapGeoJSONWriter
                 if export_type == 'geojson' else
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    nsites = len(sitemesh)
    for kind in dstore['hcurves']:
        hcurves = dstore['hcurves/' + kind]
        hmaps = calc.make_hmap(
            hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes).convert(pdic, nsites)
        if kind.startswith('rlz-'):
            rlz = rlzs_assoc.realizations[int(kind[4:])]
            smlt_path = '_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path)
            gsimlt_path = rlz.gsim_rlz.uid
            smlt_path = ''
            gsimlt_path = ''
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            for j, poe in enumerate(oq.poes):
                suffix = '-%s-%s' % (poe, imt)
                fname = hazard_curve_name(
                    dstore, ekey, kind + suffix, rlzs_assoc)
                data = [HazardMap(site[0], site[1], _extract(hmap, imt, j))
                        for site, hmap in zip(sitemesh, hmaps)]
                writer = writercls(
                    fname, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time,
                    imt=imt, poe=poe,
                    smlt_path=smlt_path, gsimlt_path=gsimlt_path)
    return sorted(fnames)
Exemple #22
    def post_execute(self, result):
        oq = self.oqparam
        if not oq.ground_motion_fields and not oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
        N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
        M = len(oq.imtls)
        L = len(oq.imtls.array)
        L1 = L // M
        if result and oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            rlzs = self.datastore['full_lt'].get_realizations()
            # compute and save statistics; this is done in process and can
            # be very slow if there are thousands of realizations
            weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
            # NB: in the future we may want to save to individual hazard
            # curves if oq.individual_curves is set; for the moment we
            # save the statistical curves only
            hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
            S = len(hstats)
            pmaps = list(result.values())
            R = len(weights)
            if len(pmaps) != R:
                # this should never happen, unless I break the
                # logic tree reduction mechanism during refactoring
                raise AssertionError('Expected %d pmaps, got %d' %
                                     (len(weights), len(pmaps)))
            if oq.individual_curves:
                logging.info('Saving individual hazard curves')
                self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-rlzs', F32, (N, R, M, L1))
                if oq.poes:
                    P = len(oq.poes)
                    M = len(oq.imtls)
                    ds = self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-rlzs', F32,
                                                    (N, R, M, P))
                for r, pmap in enumerate(pmaps):
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, M, L1), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array.reshape(M, L1)
                    self.datastore['hcurves-rlzs'][:, r] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid, r] = hmap[sid].array

            if S:
                logging.info('Computing statistical hazard curves')
                self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-stats', F32, (N, S, M, L1))
                if oq.poes:
                    P = len(oq.poes)
                    M = len(oq.imtls)
                    ds = self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-stats', F32,
                                                    (N, S, M, P))
                for s, stat in enumerate(hstats):
                    pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [hstats[stat]], weights,
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, M, L1), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array.reshape(M, L1)
                    self.datastore['hcurves-stats'][:, s] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid, s] = hmap[sid].array

        if self.datastore.parent:
        if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
            export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
            if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
            oq.export_dir = export_dir
            job_id = logs.init('job')
            oq.calculation_mode = 'classical'
            self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq, job_id)
            # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
            # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
            # the computation
            for imt in oq.imtls:
                cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore, imt)
                eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore, imt)
                self.rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(
                    cl_mean_curves, eb_mean_curves)
                    'Relative difference with the classical '
                    'mean curves: %d%% at site index %d, imt=%s',
                    self.rdiff * 100, index, imt)
Exemple #23
    def post_execute(self, result):
        Save the SES collection
        oq = self.oqparam
        if 'ucerf' in oq.calculation_mode:
        N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
        L = len(oq.imtls.array)
        if result and oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            rlzs = self.csm_info.get_rlzs_assoc().realizations
            # compute and save statistics; this is done in process and can
            # be very slow if there are thousands of realizations
            weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
            # NB: in the future we may want to save to individual hazard
            # curves if oq.individual_curves is set; for the moment we
            # save the statistical curves only
            hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
            if len(hstats):
                logging.info('Computing statistical hazard curves')
                for statname, stat in hstats:
                    pmap = compute_pmap_stats(result.values(), [stat], weights)
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, L), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[:, 0]
                    self.datastore['hcurves/' + statname] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        P = len(oq.poes)
                        I = len(oq.imtls)
                            'hmaps/' + statname, F32, (N, P * I))
                            'hmaps/' + statname, nbytes=N * P * I * 4)
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        ds = self.datastore['hmaps/' + statname]
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid] = hmap[sid].array[:, 0]

        if self.datastore.parent:
        if 'gmf_data' in self.datastore:
        if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
            export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
            if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
            oq.export_dir = export_dir
            # one could also set oq.number_of_logic_tree_samples = 0
            self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq)
            # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
            # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
            # the computation
            cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.cl.datastore)
            eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore)
            rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(
                cl_mean_curves, eb_mean_curves)
            logging.warn('Relative difference with the classical '
                         'mean curves: %d%% at site index %d',
                         rdiff * 100, index)
    def post_execute(self, result):
        oq = self.oqparam
        if not oq.ground_motion_fields:
        N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
        L = len(oq.imtls.array)
        if result and oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            rlzs = self.rlzs_assoc.realizations
            # compute and save statistics; this is done in process and can
            # be very slow if there are thousands of realizations
            weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
            # NB: in the future we may want to save to individual hazard
            # curves if oq.individual_curves is set; for the moment we
            # save the statistical curves only
            hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
            S = len(hstats)
            pmaps = list(result.values())
            R = len(weights)
            if len(pmaps) != R:
                # this should never happen, unless I break the
                # logic tree reduction mechanism during refactoring
                raise AssertionError('Expected %d pmaps, got %d' %
                                     (len(weights), len(pmaps)))
            if oq.individual_curves:
                logging.info('Saving individual hazard curves')
                self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-rlzs', F32, (N, R, L))
                self.datastore.set_attrs('hcurves-rlzs', nbytes=N * R * L * 4)
                if oq.poes:
                    P = len(oq.poes)
                    M = len(oq.imtls)
                    ds = self.datastore.create_dset(
                        'hmaps-rlzs', F32, (N, R, M, P))
                        'hmaps-rlzs', nbytes=N * R * P * M * 4)
                for r, pmap in enumerate(pmaps):
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, L), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[:, 0]
                    self.datastore['hcurves-rlzs'][:, r] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid, r] = hmap[sid].array

            if S:
                logging.info('Computing statistical hazard curves')
                self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-stats', F32, (N, S, L))
                self.datastore.set_attrs('hcurves-stats', nbytes=N * S * L * 4)
                if oq.poes:
                    P = len(oq.poes)
                    M = len(oq.imtls)
                    ds = self.datastore.create_dset(
                        'hmaps-stats', F32, (N, S, M, P))
                        'hmaps-stats', nbytes=N * S * P * M * 4)
                for s, stat in enumerate(hstats):
                    pmap = compute_pmap_stats(
                        pmaps, [hstats[stat]], weights, oq.imtls)
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, L), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[:, 0]
                    self.datastore['hcurves-stats'][:, s] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid, s] = hmap[sid].array

        if self.datastore.parent:
        if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
            export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
            if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
            oq.export_dir = export_dir
            job_id = logs.init('job')
            self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq, job_id)
            # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
            # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
            # the computation
            cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.cl.datastore)
            eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore)
            self.rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(
                cl_mean_curves, eb_mean_curves)
            logging.warning('Relative difference with the classical '
                            'mean curves: %d%% at site index %d',
                            self.rdiff * 100, index)
    def post_execute(self, result):
        oq = self.oqparam
        if not oq.ground_motion_fields:
        N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
        L = len(oq.imtls.array)
        if result and oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            rlzs = self.rlzs_assoc.realizations
            # compute and save statistics; this is done in process and can
            # be very slow if there are thousands of realizations
            weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
            # NB: in the future we may want to save to individual hazard
            # curves if oq.individual_curves is set; for the moment we
            # save the statistical curves only
            hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
            pmaps = list(result.values())
            if len(hstats):
                logging.info('Computing statistical hazard curves')
                if len(weights) != len(pmaps):
                    # this should never happen, unless I break the
                    # logic tree reduction mechanism during refactoring
                    raise AssertionError('Expected %d pmaps, got %d' %
                                         (len(weights), len(pmaps)))
                for statname, stat in hstats:
                    pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], weights, oq.imtls)
                    arr = numpy.zeros((N, L), F32)
                    for sid in pmap:
                        arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[:, 0]
                    self.datastore['hcurves/' + statname] = arr
                    if oq.poes:
                        P = len(oq.poes)
                        M = len(oq.imtls)
                            'hmaps/' + statname, F32, (N, M, P))
                            'hmaps/' + statname, nbytes=N * P * M * 4)
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
                        ds = self.datastore['hmaps/' + statname]
                        for sid in hmap:
                            ds[sid] = hmap[sid].array

        if self.datastore.parent:
        if oq.compare_with_classical:  # compute classical curves
            export_dir = os.path.join(oq.export_dir, 'cl')
            if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
            oq.export_dir = export_dir
            job_id = logs.init('job')
            self.cl = ClassicalCalculator(oq, job_id)
            # TODO: perhaps it is possible to avoid reprocessing the source
            # model, however usually this is quite fast and do not dominate
            # the computation
            cl_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.cl.datastore)
            eb_mean_curves = get_mean_curves(self.datastore)
            rdiff, index = util.max_rel_diff_index(
                cl_mean_curves, eb_mean_curves)
            logging.warning('Relative difference with the classical '
                            'mean curves: %d%% at site index %d',
                            rdiff * 100, index)
Exemple #26
def postclassical(pgetter, N, hstats, individual_rlzs, max_sites_disagg,
                  amplifier, monitor):
    :param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.getters.PmapGetter`
    :param N: the total number of sites
    :param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
    :param individual_rlzs: if True, also build the individual curves
    :param max_sites_disagg: if there are less sites than this, store rup info
    :param amplifier: instance of Amplifier or None
    :param monitor: instance of Monitor
    :returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

    The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
    used to specify the kind of output.
    with monitor('read PoEs', measuremem=True):

    if amplifier:
        with hdf5.File(pgetter.filename, 'r') as f:
            ampcode = f['sitecol'].ampcode
        imtls = DictArray({imt: amplifier.amplevels for imt in pgetter.imtls})
        imtls = pgetter.imtls
    poes, weights = pgetter.poes, pgetter.weights
    M = len(imtls)
    P = len(poes)
    L = imtls.size
    R = len(weights)
    S = len(hstats)
    pmap_by_kind = {}
    if R > 1 and individual_rlzs or not hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs'] = [ProbabilityMap(L) for r in range(R)]
        if poes:
            pmap_by_kind['hmaps-rlzs'] = [
                ProbabilityMap(M, P) for r in range(R)
    if hstats:
        pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'] = [ProbabilityMap(L) for r in range(S)]
        if poes:
            pmap_by_kind['hmaps-stats'] = [
                ProbabilityMap(M, P) for r in range(S)
    combine_mon = monitor('combine pmaps', measuremem=False)
    compute_mon = monitor('compute stats', measuremem=False)
    for sid in pgetter.sids:
        with combine_mon:
            pc = pgetter.get_pcurve(sid)  # shape (L, R)
            if amplifier:
                pc = amplifier.amplify(ampcode[sid], pc)
                # NB: the pcurve have soil levels != IMT levels
        if pc.array.sum() == 0:  # no data
        with compute_mon:
            if hstats:
                for s, (statname, stat) in enumerate(hstats.items()):
                    sc = getters.build_stat_curve(pc, imtls, stat, weights)
                    pmap_by_kind['hcurves-stats'][s][sid] = sc
                    if poes:
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(sc, imtls, poes, sid)
            if R > 1 and individual_rlzs or not hstats:
                for r, pmap in enumerate(pmap_by_kind['hcurves-rlzs']):
                    pmap[sid] = pc.extract(r)
                if poes:
                    for r in range(R):
                        hmap = calc.make_hmap(pc.extract(r), imtls, poes, sid)
    return pmap_by_kind