Exemple #1
    def polygon(self):
        The convex hull of the underlying mesh of points
        lons, lats = [], []
        for rup, pmf in self.data:

            if isinstance(rup.surface, MultiSurface):
                for sfc in rup.surface.surfaces:

        condition = numpy.isfinite(lons).astype(int)
        lons = numpy.extract(condition, lons)
        lats = numpy.extract(condition, lats)

        points = numpy.zeros(len(lons), [('lon', F32), ('lat', F32)])
        points['lon'] = numpy.round(lons, 5)
        points['lat'] = numpy.round(lats, 5)
        points = numpy.unique(points)
        mesh = Mesh(points['lon'], points['lat'])

        return mesh.get_convex_hull()
Exemple #2
 def test_many_points(self):
     lons = numpy.array([0.7, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.3, 0.9, 0.5, 0.4])
     lats = numpy.array([0.8, 0.5, 0.2, 0.7, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9, 0.4])
     mesh = Mesh(lons, lats, None)
     polygon = mesh.get_convex_hull()
     elons = [0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]
     elats = [0.2, 0.2, 0.9, 0.8, 0.4]
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(polygon.lons, elons)
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(polygon.lats, elats)
Exemple #3
 def test_many_points(self):
     lons = numpy.array([0.7, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.3, 0.9, 0.5, 0.4])
     lats = numpy.array([0.8, 0.5, 0.2, 0.7, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9, 0.4])
     mesh = Mesh(lons, lats, None)
     polygon = mesh.get_convex_hull()
     elons = [0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]
     elats = [0.2, 0.2, 0.9, 0.8, 0.4]
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(polygon.lons, elons)
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(polygon.lats, elats)
Exemple #4
 def test_two_points(self):
     mesh = Mesh(numpy.array([-10., -11.]), numpy.array([-12., -13.]), None)
     polygon = mesh.get_convex_hull()
     self.assertIsInstance(polygon, Polygon)
     elons = [-10.99996704, -11.0000323, -11.00003296, -10.00003295,
              -9.99996795, -9.99996705]
     elats = [-13.00003147, -13.00003212, -12.99996853, -11.99996865,
              -11.99996776, -12.00003135]
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(polygon.lons, elons)
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(polygon.lats, elats)
Exemple #5
 def test_two_points(self):
     mesh = Mesh(numpy.array([-10., -11.]), numpy.array([-12., -13.]), None)
     polygon = mesh.get_convex_hull()
     self.assertIsInstance(polygon, Polygon)
     elons = [-10.99996704, -11.0000323, -11.00003296, -10.00003295,
              -9.99996795, -9.99996705]
     elats = [-13.00003147, -13.00003212, -12.99996853, -11.99996865,
              -11.99996776, -12.00003135]
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(polygon.lons, elons)
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(polygon.lats, elats)
 def polygon(self):
     The convex hull of the underlying mesh of points
     lons = numpy.concatenate(
         [rup.surface.mesh.lons.flatten() for rup, pmf in self.data])
     lats = numpy.concatenate(
         [rup.surface.mesh.lats.flatten() for rup, pmf in self.data])
     points = numpy.zeros(len(lons), [('lon', F32), ('lat', F32)])
     points['lon'] = numpy.round(lons, 5)
     points['lat'] = numpy.round(lats, 5)
     points = numpy.unique(points)
     mesh = Mesh(points['lon'], points['lat'])
     return mesh.get_convex_hull()
 def polygon(self):
     The convex hull of the underlying mesh of points
     lons = []
     lats = []
     for rup, pmf in self.data:
     points = numpy.zeros(len(lons), [('lon', F32), ('lat', F32)])
     numpy.around(lons, 5, points['lon'])
     numpy.around(lats, 5, points['lat'])
     points = numpy.unique(points)
     mesh = Mesh(points['lon'], points['lat'])
     return mesh.get_convex_hull()
Exemple #8
class MultiPointSource(ParametricSeismicSource):
    MultiPointSource class, used to describe point sources with different
    MFDs and the same rupture_mesh_spacing, magnitude_scaling_relationship,
    rupture_aspect_ratio, temporal_occurrence_model, upper_seismogenic_depth,
    lower_seismogenic_depth, nodal_plane_distribution, hypocenter_distribution
    code = b'M'
    MODIFICATIONS = set(())

    def __init__(self, source_id, name, tectonic_region_type,
                 mfd, magnitude_scaling_relationship, rupture_aspect_ratio,
                 # point-specific parameters (excluding location)
                 upper_seismogenic_depth, lower_seismogenic_depth,
                 nodal_plane_distribution, hypocenter_distribution,
                 mesh, temporal_occurrence_model=None):
        assert len(mfd) == len(mesh), (len(mfd), len(mesh))
        rupture_mesh_spacing = None
            source_id, name, tectonic_region_type, mfd, rupture_mesh_spacing,
        self.upper_seismogenic_depth = upper_seismogenic_depth
        self.lower_seismogenic_depth = lower_seismogenic_depth
        self.nodal_plane_distribution = nodal_plane_distribution
        self.hypocenter_distribution = hypocenter_distribution
        self.mesh = mesh

    def __iter__(self):
        for i, (mfd, point) in enumerate(zip(self.mfd, self.mesh)):
            name = '%s:%s' % (self.source_id, i)
            ps = PointSource(
                name, name, self.tectonic_region_type,
                mfd, self.rupture_mesh_spacing,
                get(self.rupture_aspect_ratio, i),
                get(self.upper_seismogenic_depth, i),
                get(self.lower_seismogenic_depth, i),
            ps.num_ruptures = ps.count_ruptures()
            ps.scaling_rate = getattr(self, 'scaling_rate', 1)
            yield ps

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.mfd)

    def iter_ruptures(self, **kwargs):
        Yield the ruptures of the underlying point sources
        for ps in self:
            for rupture in ps.iter_ruptures(**kwargs):
                yield rupture

    def count_ruptures(self):
        for description of parameters and return value.
        return (len(self.get_annual_occurrence_rates()) *
                len(self.nodal_plane_distribution.data) *

    def get_bounding_box(self, maxdist):
        Bounding box containing all the point sources, enlarged by the
        maximum distance.
        return utils.get_bounding_box([ps.location for ps in self], maxdist)

    def polygon(self):
        The polygon containing all points
        return self.mesh.get_convex_hull()

    def __toh5__(self):
        npd = [(prob, np.strike, np.dip, np.rake)
               for prob, np in self.nodal_plane_distribution.data]
        hdd = self.hypocenter_distribution.data
        points = [(p.x, p.y) for p in self.mesh]
        mfd = self.mfd.kwargs.copy()
        for k, vals in mfd.items():
            if k in ('occurRates', 'magnitudes'):
                mfd[k] = [numpy.array(lst, F32) for lst in vals]
                mfd[k] = numpy.array(vals, F32)
        dic = {'nodal_plane_distribution': numpy.array(npd, npd_dt),
               'hypocenter_distribution': numpy.array(hdd, hdd_dt),
               'mesh': numpy.array(points, mesh_dt),
               'rupture_aspect_ratio': self.rupture_aspect_ratio,
               'upper_seismogenic_depth': self.upper_seismogenic_depth,
               'lower_seismogenic_depth': self.lower_seismogenic_depth,
               self.mfd.kind: mfd}
        attrs = {'source_id': self.source_id,
                 'name': self.name,
                 'tectonic_region_type': self.tectonic_region_type}
        return dic, attrs

    def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs):
        self.source_id = attrs['source_id']
        self.name = attrs['name']
        self.tectonic_region_type = attrs['tectonic_region_type']
        self.magnitude_scaling_relationship = SCALEREL[
        npd = dic.pop('nodal_plane_distribution').value
        hdd = dic.pop('hypocenter_distribution').value
        mesh = dic.pop('mesh').value
        self.rupture_aspect_ratio = dic.pop('rupture_aspect_ratio').value
        self.lower_seismogenic_depth = dic.pop('lower_seismogenic_depth').value
        self.upper_seismogenic_depth = dic.pop('upper_seismogenic_depth').value
        [(mfd_kind, mfd)] = dic.items()
        self.nodal_plane_distribution = PMF([
            (prob, NodalPlane(strike, dip, rake))
            for prob, strike, dip, rake in npd])
        self.hypocenter_distribution = PMF(hdd)
        self.mesh = Mesh(mesh['lon'], mesh['lat'])
        kw = {k: dset.value for k, dset in mfd.items()}
        kw['size'] = len(mesh)
        kw['kind'] = mfd_kind
        self.mfd = MultiMFD(**kw)

    def wkt(self):
        :returns: the geometry as a wkt string
        return self.mesh.get_convex_hull().wkt