Exemple #1
    def _get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
        Returns only the mean values.

        See documentation for method `GroundShakingIntensityModel` in
        # distances
        distsl = copy.copy(dists)
        distsl.rjb, distsl.rrup = \
            utils.get_equivalent_distances_east(rup.mag, dists.repi)
        # Pezeshk et al. 2011 - Rrup
        mean1, stds1 = super().get_mean_and_stddevs(sites, rup, distsl, imt,
        mean1 = self.apply_correction_to_BC(mean1, imt, distsl)
        # Atkinson 2008 - Rjb
        gmpe = Atkinson2008prime()
        mean2, stds2 = gmpe.get_mean_and_stddevs(sites, rup, distsl, imt,
        # Silva et al. 2002 - Rjb
        gmpe = SilvaEtAl2002SingleCornerSaturation()
        mean4, stds4 = gmpe.get_mean_and_stddevs(sites, rup, distsl, imt,
        mean4 = self.apply_correction_to_BC(mean4, imt, distsl)
        # Silva et al. 2002 - Rjb
        gmpe = SilvaEtAl2002DoubleCornerSaturation()
        mean5, stds5 = gmpe.get_mean_and_stddevs(sites, rup, distsl, imt,
        mean5 = self.apply_correction_to_BC(mean5, imt, distsl)
        # distances
        distsl.rjb, distsl.rrup = \
            utils.get_equivalent_distances_east(rup.mag, dists.repi, ab06=True)
        # Atkinson and Boore 2006 - Rrup
        gmpe = AtkinsonBoore2006Modified2011()
        mean3, stds3 = gmpe.get_mean_and_stddevs(sites, rup, distsl, imt,
        # Computing adjusted mean and stds
        mean_adj = np.log(
            np.exp(mean1) * 0.2 + np.exp(mean2) * 0.2 + np.exp(mean3) * 0.2 +
            np.exp(mean4) * 0.2 + np.exp(mean5) * 0.2)
        # Note that in this case we do not apply a triangular smoothing on
        # distance as explained at page 996 of Atkinson and Adams (2013)
        # for the calculation of the standard deviation
        stds_adj = np.log(
            np.exp(stds1) * 0.2 + np.exp(stds2) * 0.2 + np.exp(stds3) * 0.2 +
            np.exp(stds4) * 0.2 + np.exp(stds5) * 0.2)
        return mean_adj, stds_adj
Exemple #2
def get_extent(rupture=None, config=None):
    Method to compute map extent from rupture. There are numerous methods for
    getting the extent:
        - It can be specified directly in the config file,
        - it can be hard coded for specific magnitude ranges in the config
          file, or
        - it can be based on the MultiGMPE for the event.

    All methods except for the first requires a rupture object.

    If no config is provided then a rupture is required and the extent is based
    on a generic set of active/stable.

        rupture (Rupture): A ShakeMap Rupture instance.
        config (ConfigObj): ShakeMap config object.

        tuple: lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax rounded to the nearest


    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check to see what parameters are specified in the extent config
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    spans = {}
    bounds = []
    if config is not None:
        if 'extent' in config:
            if 'magnitude_spans' in config['extent']:
                if len(config['extent']['magnitude_spans']):
                    if isinstance(config['extent']['magnitude_spans'], dict):
                        spans = config['extent']['magnitude_spans']
            if 'bounds' in config['extent']:
                if 'extent' in config['extent']['bounds']:
                    if config['extent']['bounds']['extent'][0] != -999.0:
                        bounds = config['extent']['bounds']['extent']

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Simplest option: extent was specified in the config, use that and exit.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if len(bounds):
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bounds
        return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

    if not rupture or not isinstance(rupture, Rupture):
        raise TypeError('get_extent() requires a rupture object if the extent '
                        'is not specified in the config object.')

    # Find the central point
    origin = rupture.getOrigin()
    if isinstance(rupture, (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture)):
        # For an extended rupture, it is the midpoint between the extent of the
        # verticies
        lats = rupture.lats
        lons = rupture.lons

        # Remove nans
        lons = lons[~np.isnan(lons)]
        lats = lats[~np.isnan(lats)]

        clat = 0.5 * (np.nanmax(lats) + np.nanmin(lats))
        clon = 0.5 * (np.nanmax(lons) + np.nanmin(lons))
        # For a point source, it is just the epicenter
        clat = origin.lat
        clon = origin.lon

    mag = origin.mag

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Second simplest option: spans are hardcoded based on magnitude
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if len(spans):
        xmin = None
        xmax = None
        ymin = None
        ymax = None
        for spankey, span in spans.items():
            if mag > span[0] and mag <= span[1]:
                ymin = clat - span[2] / 2
                ymax = clat + span[2] / 2
                xmin = clon - span[3] / 2
                xmax = clon + span[3] / 2
        if xmin is not None:
            return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Use MultiGMPE to get spans
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if config is not None:
        gmpe = MultiGMPE.from_config(config)
        gmice = get_object_from_config('gmice', 'modeling', config)
        # Put in some default values for conf
        config = {
            'extent': {
                'mmi': {
                    'threshold': 4.5,
                    'mindist': 100,
                    'maxdist': 1000

        # Generic GMPEs choices based only on active vs stable
        # as defaults...
        stable = is_stable(origin.lon, origin.lat)
        if not stable:
            ASK14 = AbrahamsonEtAl2014()
            CB14 = CampbellBozorgnia2014()
            CY14 = ChiouYoungs2014()
            gmpes = [ASK14, CB14, CY14]
            site_gmpes = None
            weights = [1 / 3.0, 1 / 3.0, 1 / 3.0]
            gmice = WGRW12()
            Fea96 = FrankelEtAl1996MwNSHMP2008()
            Tea97 = ToroEtAl1997MwNSHMP2008()
            Sea02 = SilvaEtAl2002MwNSHMP2008()
            C03 = Campbell2003MwNSHMP2008()
            TP05 = TavakoliPezeshk2005MwNSHMP2008()
            AB06p = AtkinsonBoore2006Modified2011()
            Pea11 = PezeshkEtAl2011()
            Atk08p = Atkinson2008prime()
            Sea01 = SomervilleEtAl2001NSHMP2008()
            gmpes = [
                Fea96, Tea97, Sea02, C03, TP05, AB06p, Pea11, Atk08p, Sea01
            site_gmpes = [AB06p]
            weights = [0.16, 0.0, 0.0, 0.17, 0.17, 0.3, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0]
            gmice = AK07()

        gmpe = MultiGMPE.from_list(gmpes,

    min_mmi = config['extent']['mmi']['threshold']
    default_imt = imt.SA(1.0)
    sd_types = [const.StdDev.TOTAL]

    # Distance context
    dx = DistancesContext()
    # This imposes minimum/ maximum distances of:
    #   80 and 800 km; could make this configurable
    d_min = config['extent']['mmi']['mindist']
    d_max = config['extent']['mmi']['maxdist']
    dx.rjb = np.logspace(np.log10(d_min), np.log10(d_max), 2000)
    # Details don't matter for this; assuming vertical surface rupturing fault
    # with epicenter at the surface.
    dx.rrup = dx.rjb
    dx.rhypo = dx.rjb
    dx.repi = dx.rjb
    dx.rx = np.zeros_like(dx.rjb)
    dx.ry0 = np.zeros_like(dx.rjb)
    dx.rvolc = np.zeros_like(dx.rjb)

    # Sites context
    sx = SitesContext()
    # Set to soft soil conditions
    sx.vs30 = np.full_like(dx.rjb, 180)
    sx = MultiGMPE.set_sites_depth_parameters(sx, gmpe)
    sx.vs30measured = np.full_like(sx.vs30, False, dtype=bool)
    sx = Sites._addDepthParameters(sx)
    sx.backarc = np.full_like(sx.vs30, False, dtype=bool)

    # Rupture context
    rx = RuptureContext()
    rx.mag = origin.mag
    rx.rake = 0.0
    # From WC94...
    rx.width = 10**(-0.76 + 0.27 * rx.mag)
    rx.dip = 90.0
    rx.ztor = origin.depth
    rx.hypo_depth = origin.depth

    gmpe_imt_mean, _ = gmpe.get_mean_and_stddevs(sx, rx, dx, default_imt,

    # Convert to MMI
    gmpe_to_mmi, _ = gmice.getMIfromGM(gmpe_imt_mean, default_imt)

    # Minimum distance that exceeds threshold MMI?
    dists_exceed_mmi = dx.rjb[gmpe_to_mmi > min_mmi]
    if len(dists_exceed_mmi):
        mindist_km = np.max(dists_exceed_mmi)
        mindist_km = d_min

    # Get a projection
    proj = OrthographicProjection(clon - 4, clon + 4, clat + 4, clat - 4)
    if isinstance(rupture, (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture)):
        ruptx, rupty = proj(lons, lats)
        ruptx, rupty = proj(clon, clat)

    xmin = np.nanmin(ruptx) - mindist_km
    ymin = np.nanmin(rupty) - mindist_km
    xmax = np.nanmax(ruptx) + mindist_km
    ymax = np.nanmax(rupty) + mindist_km

    # Put a limit on range of aspect ratio
    dx = xmax - xmin
    dy = ymax - ymin
    ar = dy / dx
    if ar > 1.2:
        # Inflate x
        dx_target = dy / 1.2
        ddx = dx_target - dx
        xmax = xmax + ddx / 2
        xmin = xmin - ddx / 2
    if ar < 0.83:
        # Inflate y
        dy_target = dx * 0.83
        ddy = dy_target - dy
        ymax = ymax + ddy / 2
        ymin = ymin - ddy / 2

    lonmin, latmin = proj(np.array([xmin]), np.array([ymin]), reverse=True)
    lonmax, latmax = proj(np.array([xmax]), np.array([ymax]), reverse=True)

    # Round coordinates to the nearest minute -- that should make the
    # output grid register with common grid resolutions (60c, 30c,
    # 15c, 7.5c)
    logging.debug("Extent: %f, %f, %f, %f" % (lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax))
    return _round_coord(lonmin[0]), _round_coord(lonmax[0]), \
        _round_coord(latmin[0]), _round_coord(latmax[0])
Exemple #3
class EasternCan15Mid(GMPE):
    Implements the hybrid GMPE used to compute hazard in the Eastern part of

    The GMPEs used are:

    - Pezeshk et al. (2011) - For this GMPE we scale the ground motion from
    hard rock to B/C using the correction proposed in Atkinson and Adams (2013)
    Table 2 page 994. As the distance metric used is Rrup we compute an
    equivalent Rrup distance from Repi using the equations in Appendix A (page
    31) of Atkinson (2012).

    - Atkinson (2008) as revised in Atkinson and Boore (2011). As the distance
    metric used is Rjb we compute an equivalent Rjb distance from Repi
    using the equations in Appendix A (page 31) of Atkinson (2012).

    - Atkinson and Boore (2006) as revised in Atkinson and Boore (2011). As
    the distance metric used is Rjb we compute an equivalent Rjb distance
    from Repi using the equations in Appendix A (page 31) of Atkinson (2012).

    - Silva et al. (2002) single corner and saturation.

    - Silva et al. (2002) double corner and saturation.

    #: GMPE not tested against independent implementation so raise
    #: not verified warning
    non_verified = True

    #: Supported tectonic region type is 'stable continental region'
    #: equation has been derived from data from Eastern North America (ENA)
    # 'Instroduction', page 1859.

    #: Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration,
    #: and peak ground acceleration. See Table 2 in page 1865

    #: Geometric mean determined from the fiftieth percentile values of the
    #: geometric means computed for all nonredundant rotation angles and all
    #: periods less than the maximum useable period, independent of
    #: sensor orientation. See page 1864.
    #: :attr:'~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.GMRotI50'.

    #: Required rupture parameters are magnitude (eq. 4, page 1866).

    #: Required distance measure is RRup, explained in page 1864 (eq. 2 page
    #: 1861, eq. 5 page 1866).

    #: Required site parameters

    #: Required distance is only repi since rrup and rjb are obtained from repi

    #: Required rupture parameters

    #: Shear-wave velocity for reference soil conditions in [m s-1]

    #: Standard deviation types supported

    gsims = [
    sgn = 0

    def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
        See documentation for method `GroundShakingIntensityModel` in
        mean_stds = []  # 5 arrays of shape (2, M, N)
        for gsim in self.gsims:
            # add equivalent distances
            if isinstance(gsim, AtkinsonBoore2006Modified2011):
                c = utils.add_distances_east(ctx, ab06=True)
                c = utils.add_distances_east(ctx)
                contexts.get_mean_stds([gsim], c, imts, StdDev.TOTAL))

        for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
            cff = self.COEFFS_SITE[imt]

            # Pezeshk et al. 2011 - Rrup
            mean1, stds1 = mean_stds[0][:, m]
            mean1 = apply_correction_to_BC(cff, mean1, imt, ctx.repi)

            # Atkinson 2008 - Rjb
            mean2, stds2 = mean_stds[1][:, m]

            # Silva single corner
            mean4, stds4 = mean_stds[2][:, m]
            mean4 = apply_correction_to_BC(cff, mean4, imt, ctx.repi)

            # Silva double corner
            mean5, stds5 = mean_stds[3][:, m]
            mean5 = apply_correction_to_BC(cff, mean5, imt, ctx.repi)

            # Atkinson and Boore 2006 - Rrup
            mean3, stds3 = mean_stds[4][:, m]

            # Computing adjusted mean and stds
                m] = mean1 * 0.2 + mean2 * 0.2 + mean3 * 0.2 + mean4 * 0.2 + mean5 * 0.2

            # Note that in this case we do not apply a triangular smoothing on
            # distance as explained at page 996 of Atkinson and Adams (2013)
            # for the calculation of the standard deviation
            stds = np.log(
                np.exp(stds1) * 0.2 + np.exp(stds2) * 0.2 +
                np.exp(stds3) * 0.2 + np.exp(stds4) * 0.2 +
                np.exp(stds5) * 0.2)
            sig[m] = get_sigma(imt)
            if self.sgn:
                mean[m] += self.sgn * (stds + _get_delta(stds, ctx.repi))

    COEFFS_SITE = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5,
    IMT        mf
    0.05    -0.10
    0.10     0.03
    0.20     0.12
    0.33     0.14
    0.50     0.14
    1.00     0.11
    2.00     0.09
    5.00     0.06
Exemple #4
def _get_extent_from_multigmpe(rupture, config=None):
    Use MultiGMPE to determine extent
    (clon, clat) = _rupture_center(rupture)
    origin = rupture.getOrigin()
    if config is not None:
        gmpe = MultiGMPE.from_config(config)
        gmice = get_object_from_config('gmice', 'modeling', config)
            default_imt = imt.SA(1.0)
            default_imt = imt.PGV()
            default_imt = imt.PGA()
        # Put in some default values for conf
        config = {
            'extent': {
                'mmi': {
                    'threshold': 4.5,
                    'mindist': 100,
                    'maxdist': 1000

        # Generic GMPEs choices based only on active vs stable
        # as defaults...
        stable = is_stable(origin.lon, origin.lat)
        if not stable:
            ASK14 = AbrahamsonEtAl2014()
            CB14 = CampbellBozorgnia2014()
            CY14 = ChiouYoungs2014()
            gmpes = [ASK14, CB14, CY14]
            site_gmpes = None
            weights = [1/3.0, 1/3.0, 1/3.0]
            gmice = WGRW12()
            Fea96 = FrankelEtAl1996MwNSHMP2008()
            Tea97 = ToroEtAl1997MwNSHMP2008()
            Sea02 = SilvaEtAl2002MwNSHMP2008()
            C03 = Campbell2003MwNSHMP2008()
            TP05 = TavakoliPezeshk2005MwNSHMP2008()
            AB06p = AtkinsonBoore2006Modified2011()
            Pea11 = PezeshkEtAl2011()
            Atk08p = Atkinson2008prime()
            Sea01 = SomervilleEtAl2001NSHMP2008()
            gmpes = [Fea96, Tea97, Sea02, C03,
                     TP05, AB06p, Pea11, Atk08p, Sea01]
            site_gmpes = [AB06p]
            weights = [0.16, 0.0, 0.0, 0.17, 0.17, 0.3, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0]
            gmice = AK07()

        gmpe = MultiGMPE.from_list(
            gmpes, weights, default_gmpes_for_site=site_gmpes)
        default_imt = imt.SA(1.0)

    min_mmi = config['extent']['mmi']['threshold']
    sd_types = [const.StdDev.TOTAL]

    # Distance context
    dx = DistancesContext()
    # This imposes minimum/ maximum distances of:
    #   80 and 800 km; could make this configurable
    d_min = config['extent']['mmi']['mindist']
    d_max = config['extent']['mmi']['maxdist']
    dx.rjb = np.logspace(np.log10(d_min), np.log10(d_max), 2000)
    # Details don't matter for this; assuming vertical surface rupturing fault
    # with epicenter at the surface.
    dx.rrup = dx.rjb
    dx.rhypo = dx.rjb
    dx.repi = dx.rjb
    dx.rx = np.zeros_like(dx.rjb)
    dx.ry0 = np.zeros_like(dx.rjb)
    dx.rvolc = np.zeros_like(dx.rjb)

    # Sites context
    sx = SitesContext()
    # Set to soft soil conditions
    sx.vs30 = np.full_like(dx.rjb, 180)
    sx = MultiGMPE.set_sites_depth_parameters(sx, gmpe)
    sx.vs30measured = np.full_like(sx.vs30, False, dtype=bool)
    sx = Sites._addDepthParameters(sx)
    sx.backarc = np.full_like(sx.vs30, False, dtype=bool)

    # Rupture context
    rx = RuptureContext()
    rx.mag = origin.mag
    rx.rake = 0.0
    # From WC94...
    rx.width = 10**(-0.76 + 0.27*rx.mag)
    rx.dip = 90.0
    rx.ztor = origin.depth
    rx.hypo_depth = origin.depth

    gmpe_imt_mean, _ = gmpe.get_mean_and_stddevs(
        sx, rx, dx, default_imt, sd_types)

    # Convert to MMI
    gmpe_to_mmi, _ = gmice.getMIfromGM(gmpe_imt_mean, default_imt)

    # Minimum distance that exceeds threshold MMI?
    dists_exceed_mmi = dx.rjb[gmpe_to_mmi > min_mmi]
    if len(dists_exceed_mmi):
        mindist_km = np.max(dists_exceed_mmi)
        mindist_km = d_min

    # Get a projection
    proj = OrthographicProjection(clon - 4, clon + 4, clat + 4, clat - 4)
    if isinstance(rupture, (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture)):
        ruptx, rupty = proj(
        ruptx, rupty = proj(clon, clat)

    xmin = np.nanmin(ruptx) - mindist_km
    ymin = np.nanmin(rupty) - mindist_km
    xmax = np.nanmax(ruptx) + mindist_km
    ymax = np.nanmax(rupty) + mindist_km

    # Put a limit on range of aspect ratio
    dx = xmax - xmin
    dy = ymax - ymin
    ar = dy / dx
    if ar > 1.2:
        # Inflate x
        dx_target = dy / 1.2
        ddx = dx_target - dx
        xmax = xmax + ddx / 2
        xmin = xmin - ddx / 2
    if ar < 0.83:
        # Inflate y
        dy_target = dx * 0.83
        ddy = dy_target - dy
        ymax = ymax + ddy / 2
        ymin = ymin - ddy / 2

    lonmin, latmin = proj(np.array([xmin]), np.array([ymin]), reverse=True)
    lonmax, latmax = proj(np.array([xmax]), np.array([ymax]), reverse=True)

    # Round coordinates to the nearest minute -- that should make the
    # output grid register with common grid resolutions (60c, 30c,
    # 15c, 7.5c)
    logging.debug("Extent: %f, %f, %f, %f" %
                  (lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax))
    return _round_coord(lonmin[0]), _round_coord(lonmax[0]), \
        _round_coord(latmin[0]), _round_coord(latmax[0])