Exemple #1
def get_exposure(oqparam):
    Read the full exposure in memory and build a list of
    :class:`openquake.risklib.asset.Asset` instances.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
        an :class:`Exposure` instance
    out_of_region = 0
    if oqparam.region_constraint:
        region = wkt.loads(oqparam.region_constraint)
        region = None
    all_cost_types = set(oqparam.all_cost_types)
    fname = oqparam.inputs['exposure']
    exposure, assets_node = _get_exposure(fname, all_cost_types)
    relevant_cost_types = all_cost_types - set(['occupants'])
    asset_refs = set()
    ignore_missing_costs = set(oqparam.ignore_missing_costs)

    for idx, asset_node in enumerate(assets_node):
        values = {}
        deductibles = {}
        insurance_limits = {}
        retrofitteds = {}
        with context(fname, asset_node):
            asset_id = asset_node['id'].encode('utf8')
            if asset_id in asset_refs:
                raise read_nrml.DuplicatedID(asset_id)
            taxonomy = asset_node['taxonomy']
            if 'damage' in oqparam.calculation_mode:
                # calculators of 'damage' kind require the 'number'
                # if it is missing a KeyError is raised
                number = asset_node.attrib['number']
                # some calculators ignore the 'number' attribute;
                # if it is missing it is considered 1, since we are going
                # to multiply by it
                    number = asset_node['number']
                except KeyError:
                    number = 1
                    if 'occupants' in all_cost_types:
                        values['occupants_None'] = number
            location = asset_node.location['lon'], asset_node.location['lat']
            if region and not geometry.Point(*location).within(region):
                out_of_region += 1
            tagnode = getattr(asset_node, 'tags', None)
            assets_by_tag = exposure.assets_by_tag
            if tagnode is not None:
                # fill missing tagvalues with "?" and raise an error for
                # unknown tagnames
                with context(fname, tagnode):
                    dic = tagnode.attrib.copy()
                    for tagname in assets_by_tag.tagnames:
                            tagvalue = dic.pop(tagname)
                        except KeyError:
                            tagvalue = '?'
                            if tagvalue in '?*':
                                raise ValueError(
                                    'Invalid tagvalue="%s"' % tagvalue)
                        tag = '%s=%s' % (tagname, tagvalue)
                    if dic:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Unknown tagname %s or <tagNames> not '
                            'specified in the exposure' % ', '.join(dic))
            exposure.assets_by_tag['taxonomy=' + taxonomy].append(idx)
            costs = asset_node.costs
        except AttributeError:
            costs = Node('costs', [])
            occupancies = asset_node.occupancies
        except AttributeError:
            occupancies = Node('occupancies', [])
        for cost in costs:
            with context(fname, cost):
                cost_type = cost['type']
                if cost_type in relevant_cost_types:
                    values[cost_type] = cost['value']
                    retrovalue = cost.attrib.get('retrofitted')
                    if retrovalue is not None:
                        retrofitteds[cost_type] = retrovalue
                    if oqparam.insured_losses:
                        deductibles[cost_type] = cost['deductible']
                        insurance_limits[cost_type] = cost['insuranceLimit']

        # check we are not missing a cost type
        missing = relevant_cost_types - set(values)
        if missing and missing <= ignore_missing_costs:
                'Ignoring asset %s, missing cost type(s): %s',
                asset_id, ', '.join(missing))
            for cost_type in missing:
                values[cost_type] = None
        elif missing and 'damage' not in oqparam.calculation_mode:
            # missing the costs is okay for damage calculators
            with context(fname, asset_node):
                raise ValueError("Invalid Exposure. "
                                 "Missing cost %s for asset %s" % (
                                     missing, asset_id))
        tot_occupants = 0
        for occupancy in occupancies:
            with context(fname, occupancy):
                occupants = 'occupants_%s' % occupancy['period']
                values[occupants] = occupancy['occupants']
                tot_occupants += values[occupants]
        if occupancies:  # store average occupants
            values['occupants_None'] = tot_occupants / len(occupancies)
        area = float(asset_node.attrib.get('area', 1))
        ass = asset.Asset(idx, taxonomy, number, location, values, area,
                          deductibles, insurance_limits, retrofitteds,
    if region:
        logging.info('Read %d assets within the region_constraint '
                     'and discarded %d assets outside the region',
                     len(exposure.assets), out_of_region)
        if len(exposure.assets) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Could not find any asset within the region!')

    # sanity checks
    values = any(len(ass.values) + ass.number for ass in exposure.assets)
    assert values, 'Could not find any value??'
    return exposure
Exemple #2
    def _add_asset(self, idx, asset_node, param):
        values = {}
        deductibles = {}
        insurance_limits = {}
        retrofitteds = {}
        asset_id = asset_node['id'].encode('utf8')
        with context(param['fname'], asset_node):
            taxonomy = asset_node['taxonomy']
            if 'damage' in param['calculation_mode']:
                # calculators of 'damage' kind require the 'number'
                # if it is missing a KeyError is raised
                number = asset_node['number']
                # some calculators ignore the 'number' attribute;
                # if it is missing it is considered 1, since we are going
                # to multiply by it
                    number = asset_node['number']
                except KeyError:
                    number = 1
                    if 'occupants' in param['all_cost_types']:
                        values['occupants_None'] = number
            location = asset_node.location['lon'], asset_node.location['lat']
            if param['region'] and not geometry.Point(*location).within(
                param['out_of_region'] += 1
            tagnode = getattr(asset_node, 'tags', None)
            dic = {} if tagnode is None else tagnode.attrib.copy()
            with context(param['fname'], tagnode):
                dic['taxonomy'] = taxonomy
                idxs = self.tagcol.add_tags(dic)
            costs = asset_node.costs
        except AttributeError:
            costs = Node('costs', [])
            occupancies = asset_node.occupancies
        except AttributeError:
            occupancies = Node('occupancies', [])
        for cost in costs:
            with context(param['fname'], cost):
                cost_type = cost['type']
                if cost_type in param['relevant_cost_types']:
                    values[cost_type] = cost['value']
                    retrovalue = cost.get('retrofitted')
                    if retrovalue is not None:
                        retrofitteds[cost_type] = retrovalue
                    if param['insured_losses']:
                        deductibles[cost_type] = cost['deductible']
                        insurance_limits[cost_type] = cost['insuranceLimit']

        # check we are not missing a cost type
        missing = param['relevant_cost_types'] - set(values)
        if missing and missing <= param['ignore_missing_costs']:
            logging.warn('Ignoring asset %s, missing cost type(s): %s',
                         asset_id, ', '.join(missing))
            for cost_type in missing:
                values[cost_type] = None
        elif missing and 'damage' not in param['calculation_mode']:
            # missing the costs is okay for damage calculators
            with context(param['fname'], asset_node):
                raise ValueError("Invalid Exposure. "
                                 "Missing cost %s for asset %s" %
                                 (missing, asset_id))
        tot_occupants = 0
        for occupancy in occupancies:
            with context(param['fname'], occupancy):
                occupants = 'occupants_%s' % occupancy['period']
                values[occupants] = occupancy['occupants']
                tot_occupants += values[occupants]
        if occupancies:  # store average occupants
            values['occupants_None'] = tot_occupants / len(occupancies)
        area = float(asset_node.get('area', 1))
        ass = asset.Asset(idx, idxs, number, location, values, area,
                          deductibles, insurance_limits, retrofitteds,