Exemple #1
#             |   o     o     o    |     |    -- cover
#             ---------------------     --   --
#             |-------- B --------|
# RC section:
coverY = HCol / 2.0  # The distance from the section z-axis to the edge of the cover concrete -- outer edge of cover concrete
coverZ = BCol / 2.0  # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the cover concrete -- outer edge of cover concrete
coreY = coverY - coverCol
coreZ = coverZ - coverCol
nfY = 16  # number of fibers for concrete in y-direction
nfZ = 4  # number of fibers for concrete in z-direction

op.section('Fiber', ColSecTag)
op.patch('quad', IDconcU, nfZ, nfY, -coverY, coverZ, -coverY, -coverZ, coverY,
         -coverZ, coverY, coverZ)  # Define the concrete patch
op.layer('straight', IDreinf, numBarsCol, barAreaCol, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY,
op.layer('straight', IDreinf, numBarsCol, barAreaCol, coreY, coreZ, coreY,

# BEAM section:
op.section('Elastic', BeamSecTag, Ec, ABeam, IzBeam)  # elastic beam section)

ColTransfTag = 1
BeamTransfTag = 2
op.geomTransf('Linear', ColTransfTag)
op.geomTransf('Linear', BeamTransfTag)

numIntgrPts = 5

op.element('nonlinearBeamColumn', 1, 1, 3, numIntgrPts, ColSecTag,
def main():
    Create a Cantilever Problem

    ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)
    height = 5.0
    nElem = 20

    ElemLength = height / nElem
    nodeID = []
    Ycoord = 0
    for i in range(nElem + 1):
        ops.node(i, 0.0, Ycoord)
        Ycoord += ElemLength
    IDctrlNode = i

    ops.fix(0, 1, 1, 1)
    ops.geomTransf('Linear', 1)

    concrete = 'Concrete04'
    steel = 'Steel02'

    matTAGConc = 319
    matTAGSteel = 312
    fcc = -20000
    ec2c = -0.002
    ecu2c = -0.0035
    Ec = 30000000
    fct = 2200
    et = 0.001
    fy = 500000
    E0 = 200000000
    b = 0.01
    ops.uniaxialMaterial(concrete, matTAGConc, fcc, ec2c, ecu2c, Ec, fct, et)
    ops.uniaxialMaterial(steel, matTAGSteel, fy, E0, b, 20, 0.925, 0.15, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)

    # Core Fibers
    ops.section('Fiber', 105)
    ops.patch('rect', 319, 11, 11, -0.20, -0.20, 0.20, 0.20)
    # Cover Fibers
    ops.patch('rect', 319, 15, 2, 0.250000, 0.200000, -0.250000, 0.250000)
    ops.patch('rect', 319, 15, 2, 0.250000, -0.250000, -0.250000, -0.200000)
    ops.patch('rect', 319, 2, 11, -0.250000, -0.200000, -0.200000, 0.200000)
    ops.patch('rect', 319, 2, 11, 0.200000, -0.200000, 0.250000, 0.200000)
    # create corner bars
    ops.layer('straight', 312, 4, 0.00025450, 0.200000, 0.200000, -0.200000, 0.200000)
    ops.layer('straight', 312, 4, 0.00025450, 0.200000, -0.200000, -0.200000, -0.200000)
    ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', 100, 105, 3)

    for i in range(len(nodeID) - 1):
        ops.element('forceBeamColumn', i, nodeID[i], nodeID[i + 1], 1, 100, '-iter', 10, 1e-6)

    # Add Vertical Load at Top
    ops.timeSeries('Linear', 101)
    ops.pattern('Plain', 100, 101)
    ops.load(IDctrlNode, 0, -500, 0)

    # Solve Gravity First
    ops.integrator('LoadControl', 0.1)
    ops.test('RelativeTotalNormDispIncr', 0.001, 100, 2)
    LoadControlSubStep(10, 0.1, True)

    # Displacement Control Analysis(Pushover)
    ops.pattern('Plain', 200, 101)
    ops.load(IDctrlNode, 1, 0, 0)
    ops.test('RelativeTotalNormDispIncr', 1e-2, 500, 2)
    DispControlSubStep(100, IDctrlNode, 1, 1.0)
Exemple #3
def section_creator(sectag, matcore, matcover, matsteel, d, b, cc, fi, bartop, 
                      nsuby, nsubz, fibot=0, barbot=0, fiside = 0, barside = 0, angle = 0, print_section = False):
    This function generate a fiber section for openseespy framework.
    It is implemented for RC section, with the possibility to Plot the section,
    and to rotate the RcSection by a given angle.
    As output the function will generate the give section on openseespy model.
        Author: Gaetano Camarda, Ph.D. Student in Structural Engineer
        Affiliation: University of Palermo
        e-mail: [email protected]
                                                                     V1.0 2020
    Package needed
    - Openseespy
    - Openseespy.postprocessing
    - matplotlib
    - numpy
        sectag, the sectiontag in the model
        matcore, material for confined core concrete
        matcover, material for concrete cover
        matsteel, material for reinforcement
        d, section depth
        b, section base length
        cc, cover length
        fi, top bar diameter
        bartop, number of top bar; if barbot is not specidied, bartop will be used
        nsuby, fiber subdivision along y axis
        nsubz, fiber subdivision along z axis
    Optional input:
        fibot, diameter of bottom reinforcement if different from top
        barbot, number of bottom reinforcement if different from top
        fiside, diameter of side bar
        barside, number of side bar (How to use:
                                     if for example you need 4 bars, you have to
                                     input barside = 2, because the other 2 bars
                                     are inserted in bartop and bottom)
        angle, angle if you need to rotate section, for example angle = 90
        print_section, plot the section defined
    if fibot == 0:
        fibot = fi
    if barbot == 0:
        barbot = bartop
    import openseespy.opensees as ops
    import openseespy.postprocessing.ops_vis as opsv
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from numpy import power
    from numpy import pi
    ymax = b / 2
    zmax = d / 2
    ymin = ymax - cc
    zmin = zmax - cc
    Abar = pi * power(fi/2,2)
    Abarbot = pi * power(fibot/2,2)
    Abarside = pi * power(fiside/2,2)
    lside = d - (2*cc)
    bside = lside / (barside + 2) + (lside / (barside + 2))/(barside+2) # TODO: VERIFICARE COME SI COMPORTANO LE BARRE LATERAL
    angle = (angle * pi) /180
    pc = {
                        'a' : rotate_point(-ymin, -zmin, angle),
                        'b' : rotate_point(ymin, -zmin, angle),
                        'c' : rotate_point(ymin, zmin, angle),
                        'd' : rotate_point(-ymin, zmin, angle),
                        'e' : rotate_point(-ymax, -zmax, angle),
                        'f' : rotate_point(ymax, -zmax, angle),
                        'g' : rotate_point(ymax, zmax, angle),
                        'h' : rotate_point(-ymax, zmax, angle),
                        'b1': rotate_point(ymax, -zmin, angle),
                        'a1': rotate_point(-ymax, -zmin, angle),
                        'd1': rotate_point(-ymax, zmin, angle),
                        'c1': rotate_point(ymax, zmin, angle)
    fib_sec = [['section', 'Fiber', sectag],
                      ['patch','quad',matcore,nsuby, nsubz, pc['a'][0], pc['a'][1], pc['b'][0], pc['b'][1], pc['c'][0], pc['c'][1], pc['d'][0], pc['d'][1]], # core 1
                      ['patch','quad',matcover,nsuby, int(nsubz/2), pc['e'][0], pc['e'][1], pc['f'][0], pc['f'][1], pc['b1'][0], pc['b1'][1], pc['a1'][0], pc['a1'][1]], #  cover 2
                      ['patch','quad',matcover,nsuby, int(nsubz/2), pc['d1'][0], pc['d1'][1], pc['c1'][0], pc['c1'][1], pc['g'][0], pc['g'][1], pc['h'][0], pc['h'][1]], # cover 3
                      ['patch','quad',matcover,int(nsubz/2), nsuby, pc['a1'][0], pc['a1'][1], pc['a'][0], pc['a'][1], pc['d'][0], pc['d'][1], pc['d1'][0], pc['d1'][1]], # cover 4
                      ['patch','quad',matcover,int(nsubz/2), nsuby, pc['b'][0], pc['b'][1], pc['b1'][0], pc['b1'][1], pc['c1'][0], pc['c1'][1], pc['c'][0], pc['c'][1]] # cover 5
    ops.section('Fiber', sectag)
    ops.patch('quad',matcore,nsuby, nsubz, pc['a'][0], pc['a'][1], pc['b'][0], pc['b'][1], pc['c'][0], pc['c'][1], pc['d'][0], pc['d'][1])
    ops.patch('quad',matcover,nsuby, int(nsubz/2), pc['e'][0], pc['e'][1], pc['f'][0], pc['f'][1], pc['b1'][0], pc['b1'][1], pc['a1'][0], pc['a1'][1])
    ops.patch('quad',matcover,nsuby, int(nsubz/2), pc['d1'][0], pc['d1'][1], pc['c1'][0], pc['c1'][1], pc['g'][0], pc['g'][1], pc['h'][0], pc['h'][1])
    ops.patch('quad',matcover,int(nsubz/2), nsuby, pc['a1'][0], pc['a1'][1], pc['a'][0], pc['a'][1], pc['d'][0], pc['d'][1], pc['d1'][0], pc['d1'][1])
    ops.patch('quad',matcover,int(nsubz/2), nsuby, pc['b'][0], pc['b'][1], pc['b1'][0], pc['b1'][1], pc['c1'][0], pc['c1'][1], pc['c'][0], pc['c'][1])
    if barbot == bartop:
        fib_sec.append(['layer', 'straight', matsteel, bartop, Abar, pc['d'][0], pc['d'][1], pc['c'][0], pc['c'][1]])
        fib_sec.append(['layer', 'straight', matsteel, barbot, Abarbot, pc['a'][0], pc['a'][1], pc['b'][0], pc['b'][1]])
        ops.layer('straight', matsteel, bartop, Abar, pc['d'][0], pc['d'][1], pc['c'][0], pc['c'][1]),
        ops.layer('straight', matsteel, barbot, Abarbot, pc['a'][0], pc['a'][1], pc['b'][0], pc['b'][1])
    elif bartop != barbot:
        fib_sec.append(['layer', 'straight', matsteel, bartop, Abar, pc['d'][0], pc['d'][1], pc['c'][0], pc['c'][1]])
        fib_sec.append( ['layer', 'straight', matsteel, barbot, Abarbot, pc['a'][0], pc['a'][1], pc['b'][0], pc['b'][1]])
        ops.layer('straight', matsteel, bartop, Abar, pc['d'][0], pc['d'][1], pc['c'][0], pc['c'][1]),
        ops.layer('straight', matsteel, barbot, Abarbot, pc['a'][0], pc['a'][1], pc['b'][0], pc['b'][1])
    if barside != 0:
        p1 = rotate_point(-ymin, -zmin + bside, angle)
        p2 = rotate_point(-ymin, zmin - bside, angle)
        fib_sec.append(['layer', 'straight', matsteel, barside, Abarside, p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]])
        p3 = rotate_point(ymin, -zmin + bside, angle)
        p4 = rotate_point(ymin, zmin - bside, angle)
        fib_sec.append(['layer', 'straight', matsteel, barside, Abarside, p3[0], p3[1], p4[0], p4[1]])
        ops.layer('straight', matsteel, barside, Abarside, p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1])
        ops.layer('straight', matsteel, barside, Abarside, p3[0], p3[1], p4[0], p4[1])
    if print_section == True:
        # plt.style.use('classic')
        matcolor = ['r', 'darkgrey', 'lightgrey', 'w', 'w', 'w']
        opsv.plot_fiber_section(fib_sec, matcolor=matcolor)
        del fib_sec
# def PlotFrame(nodematrix,elementmatrix,displacement = None,scale = 1):
#     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#     plt.style.use('classic')
#     plt.figure()
#     if displacement is None:
#         plt.figure()
#         for i in range(len(elementmatrix[0])):
#             nodoi = elementmatrix[0][i]
#             nodoj = elementmatrix[1][i]
#             xx = (nodematrix[nodoi][0],nodematrix[nodoj][0])
#             yy = (nodematrix[nodoi][1],nodematrix[nodoj][1])
#             plt.text(nodematrix[nodoi][0], nodematrix[nodoi][1], nodoi)
#             plt.text(nodematrix[nodoj][0], nodematrix[nodoj][1], nodoj)
#             plt.text((nodematrix[nodoi][0]+nodematrix[nodoj][0])/2, (nodematrix[nodoi][1]+nodematrix[nodoj][1])/2, i, bbox=dict(facecolor='green', alpha=0.2))
#             plt.plot(xx, yy,'-k');
#     elif displacement is not None:
#             nodematrix_update = []
#             plt.figure()
#             for i in range(len(elementmatrix[0])):
#                 nodoi = elementmatrix[0][i]
#                 nodoj = elementmatrix[1][i]
#                 xx = (nodematrix[nodoi][0],nodematrix[nodoj][0])
#                 yy = (nodematrix[nodoi][1],nodematrix[nodoj][1])
#                 plt.text(nodematrix[nodoi][0], nodematrix[nodoi][1], nodoi)
#                 plt.text(nodematrix[nodoj][0], nodematrix[nodoj][1], nodoj)
#                 plt.text((nodematrix[nodoi][0]+nodematrix[nodoj][0])/2, (nodematrix[nodoi][1]+nodematrix[nodoj][1])/2, i,bbox=dict(facecolor='green', alpha=0.2))
#                 plt.plot(xx, yy,'-k');
#             txt = ('Node Displacement (Scale_factor: ' + str(scale) + ')')
#             plt.title(txt)
#             for i in range(len(nodematrix)):
#                 nodematrix_update.append([nodematrix[i][0]+displacement[i][0]*scale,nodematrix[i][1]+displacement[i][1]*scale])
#             for i in range(len(elementmatrix[0])):
#                 nodoi = elementmatrix[0][i]
#                 nodoj = elementmatrix[1][i]
#                 xx = (nodematrix_update[nodoi][0],nodematrix_update[nodoj][0])
#                 yy = (nodematrix_update[nodoi][1],nodematrix_update[nodoj][1])
#                 plt.plot(xx, yy,'-r');
# def PlotFrame_move(nodematrix,elementmatrix,displacement = None,scale = 1):
#     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#     plt.style.use('classic')
#     if displacement is None:
#         plt.figure()
#         for i in range(len(elementmatrix[0])):
#             nodoi = elementmatrix[0][i]
#             nodoj = elementmatrix[1][i]
#             xx = (nodematrix[nodoi][0],nodematrix[nodoj][0])
#             yy = (nodematrix[nodoi][1],nodematrix[nodoj][1])
#             plt.text(nodematrix[nodoi][0], nodematrix[nodoi][1], nodoi)
#             plt.text(nodematrix[nodoj][0], nodematrix[nodoj][1], nodoj)
#             plt.text((nodematrix[nodoi][0]+nodematrix[nodoj][0])/2, (nodematrix[nodoi][1]+nodematrix[nodoj][1])/2, i, bbox=dict(facecolor='green', alpha=0.2))
#             plt.plot(xx, yy,'-k');
#     elif displacement is not None:
#             nodematrix_update = []
#             plt.figure()
#             for i in range(len(elementmatrix[0])):
#                 nodoi = elementmatrix[0][i]
#                 nodoj = elementmatrix[1][i]
#                 xx = (nodematrix[nodoi][0],nodematrix[nodoj][0])
#                 yy = (nodematrix[nodoi][1],nodematrix[nodoj][1])
#                 plt.text(nodematrix[nodoi][0], nodematrix[nodoi][1], nodoi)
#                 plt.text(nodematrix[nodoj][0], nodematrix[nodoj][1], nodoj)
#                 plt.text((nodematrix[nodoi][0]+nodematrix[nodoj][0])/2, (nodematrix[nodoi][1]+nodematrix[nodoj][1])/2, i,bbox=dict(facecolor='green', alpha=0.2))
#                 plt.plot(xx, yy,'-k');
#             txt = ('Node Displacement (Scale_factor: ' + str(scale) + ')')
#             plt.title(txt)
#             for i in range(len(nodematrix)):
            for i in range(len(elementmatrix[0])):
                nodoi = elementmatrix[0][i]
                nodoj = elementmatrix[1][i]
                xx = (nodematrix_update[nodoi][0],nodematrix_update[nodoj][0])
                yy = (nodematrix_update[nodoi][1],nodematrix_update[nodoj][1])
                plt.plot(xx, yy,'-r');
def test_MomentCurvature():

    # Define model builder
    # --------------------
    ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)

    # Define materials for nonlinear columns
    # ------------------------------------------
    # CONCRETE                  tag   f'c        ec0   f'cu        ecu
    # Core concrete (confined)
    ops.uniaxialMaterial('Concrete01', 1, -6.0, -0.004, -5.0, -0.014)

    # Cover concrete (unconfined)
    ops.uniaxialMaterial('Concrete01', 2, -5.0, -0.002, 0.0, -0.006)

    # STEEL
    # Reinforcing steel
    fy = 60.0  # Yield stress
    E = 30000.0  # Young's modulus

    #                        tag  fy E0    b
    ops.uniaxialMaterial('Steel01', 3, fy, E, 0.01)

    # Define cross-section for nonlinear columns
    # ------------------------------------------

    # set some paramaters
    colWidth = 15
    colDepth = 24

    cover = 1.5
    As = 0.60
    # area of no. 7 bars

    # some variables derived from the parameters
    y1 = colDepth / 2.0
    z1 = colWidth / 2.0

    ops.section('Fiber', 1)

    # Create the concrete core fibers
    ops.patch('rect', 1, 10, 1, cover - y1, cover - z1, y1 - cover, z1 - cover)

    # Create the concrete cover fibers (top, bottom, left, right)
    ops.patch('rect', 2, 10, 1, -y1, z1 - cover, y1, z1)
    ops.patch('rect', 2, 10, 1, -y1, -z1, y1, cover - z1)
    ops.patch('rect', 2, 2, 1, -y1, cover - z1, cover - y1, z1 - cover)
    ops.patch('rect', 2, 2, 1, y1 - cover, cover - z1, y1, z1 - cover)

    # Create the reinforcing fibers (left, middle, right)
    ops.layer('straight', 3, 3, As, y1 - cover, z1 - cover, y1 - cover,
              cover - z1)
    ops.layer('straight', 3, 2, As, 0.0, z1 - cover, 0.0, cover - z1)
    ops.layer('straight', 3, 3, As, cover - y1, z1 - cover, cover - y1,
              cover - z1)

    # Estimate yield curvature
    # (Assuming no axial load and only top and bottom steel)
    # d -- from cover to rebar
    d = colDepth - cover
    # steel yield strain
    epsy = fy / E
    Ky = epsy / (0.7 * d)

    # Print estimate to standard output
    print("Estimated yield curvature: ", Ky)

    # Set axial load
    P = -180.0

    # Target ductility for analysis
    mu = 15.0

    # Number of analysis increments
    numIncr = 100

    # Call the section analysis procedure
    MomentCurvature(1, P, Ky * mu, numIncr)

    u = ops.nodeDisp(2, 3)
    assert abs(u - 0.00190476190476190541) < 1e-12