def pull_images(self, registry, username, password, only_internal=True):
        This pulls all images that are mentioned in artifact.

            registry (str): url of exposed OpenShift Docker registry
            username (str): username for for OpenShift Docker registry
            password (str): password for OpenShift Docker registry
            only_internal (bool): if True only images that are in internal
                                  OpenShift Docker registry, otherwise pulls
                                  all images (default is True)

        logger.debug("Pulling images (only_internal: {}, registry:{},"
                     " login:{}:{})".format(only_internal, registry, username,

        ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd([
            'docker', 'login', '-u', username, '-p', password, '-e',
            "{}@{}".format(username, registry), registry

        for image_info in self.images:
            if image_info["internal"]:
                image_info["image"] = utils.replace_registry_host(
                    image_info["image"], registry)
                if only_internal:
                    # we are exporting only internal images, skip this
            image = image_info["image"]
  "Pulling image {}".format(image))

            ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(['docker', 'pull', image])
    def push_images(self, registry, username, password, only_internal=True):
        This pushes all images that are mentioned in artifact.

            registry (str): url of registry
            username (str): username for docker registry. If None
                            (don't autheticate to registry)
            password (str): password for docker registry
            only_internal (bool): if True only images that are in internal
                                  OpenShift Docker registry, otherwise pulls
                                  all images (default is True)

        logger.debug("pushing images to registry only_internal: {}, "
                     "registry:{}, login:{}:{}".format(only_internal, registry,
                                                       username, password))

        if username and password:
            ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(['docker', 'login',
                                                '-u', username,
                                                '-p', password,
                                                '-e', "{}@{}".format(username,

        for image_info in self.images:
            if only_internal and not image_info["internal"]:
                # skip this image
            image = image_info["image"]

            # new name of image (only replace registry part)
            name_new_registry = utils.replace_registry_host(image, registry)

            (new_name, new_name_tag, new_name_digest) = utils.parse_image_name(

            if new_name_digest:
                # if this is image with define digest, use digest as tag
                # docker cannot push image without tag, and if images
                # is pulled with digest it doesn't have tag specified

                # if this is going to be used as tag, it cannot contain ':'
                tag = new_name_digest.replace(":", "")
                tag = new_name_tag

            new_full_name = "{}:{}".format(new_name, tag)
            image_info["image"] = new_full_name

  "Tagging image {} as {}".format(image, new_full_name))

            ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(['docker', 'tag', '-f', image,

  "Pushing image {}".format(new_full_name))
            ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(['docker', 'push', new_full_name])
    def push_images(self, registry, username, password, only_internal=True):
        This pushes all images that are mentioned in artifact.

            registry (str): url of registry
            username (str): username for docker registry. If None
                            (don't autheticate to registry)
            password (str): password for docker registry
            only_internal (bool): if True only images that are in internal
                                  OpenShift Docker registry, otherwise pulls
                                  all images (default is True)

        logger.debug("pushing images to registry only_internal: {}, "
                     "registry:{}, login:{}:{}".format(only_internal, registry,
                                                       username, password))

        if username and password:
            ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd([
                'docker', 'login', '-u', username, '-p', password, '-e',
                "{}@{}".format(username, registry), registry

        for image_info in self.images:
            if only_internal and not image_info["internal"]:
                # skip this image
            image = image_info["image"]

            # new name of image (only replace registry part)
            name_new_registry = utils.replace_registry_host(image, registry)

            (new_name, new_name_tag,
             new_name_digest) = utils.parse_image_name(name_new_registry)

            if new_name_digest:
                # if this is image with define digest, use digest as tag
                # docker cannot push image without tag, and if images
                # is pulled with digest it doesn't have tag specified

                # if this is going to be used as tag, it cannot contain ':'
                tag = new_name_digest.replace(":", "")
                tag = new_name_tag

            new_full_name = "{}:{}".format(new_name, tag)
            image_info["image"] = new_full_name

  "Tagging image {} as {}".format(image, new_full_name))

            ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(
                ['docker', 'tag', '-f', image, new_full_name])

  "Pushing image {}".format(new_full_name))
            ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(
                ['docker', 'push', new_full_name])
    def pull_images(self, registry, username, password, only_internal=True):
        This pulls all images that are mentioned in artifact.

            registry (str): url of exposed OpenShift Docker registry
            username (str): username for for OpenShift Docker registry
            password (str): password for OpenShift Docker registry
            only_internal (bool): if True only images that are in internal
                                  OpenShift Docker registry, otherwise pulls
                                  all images (default is True)

        logger.debug("Pulling images (only_internal: {}, registry:{},"
                     " login:{}:{})".format(only_internal, registry,
                                            username, password))

        ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(['docker', 'login',
                                            '-u', username,
                                            '-p', password,
                                            '-e', "{}@{}".format(username,

        for image_info in self.images:
            if image_info["internal"]:
                image_info["image"] = utils.replace_registry_host(
                    image_info["image"], registry)
                if only_internal:
                    # we are exporting only internal images, skip this
            image = image_info["image"]
  "Pulling image {}".format(image))

            ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(['docker', 'pull', image])
    def _call_oc(self, args):
        Runs a oc command with its arguments and returns the results.

            args (list): arguments for oc command

            ec:     The exit code from the command
            stdout: stdout from the command
            stderr: stderr from the command

        cmd = [self.oc]
        if self.oc_config:
            cmd.extend(["--config", self.oc_config])
        if self.namespace:
            cmd.extend(["--namespace", self.namespace])


        ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(cmd)

        return (ec, stdout, stderr)
    def _call_oc(self, args):
        Runs a oc command with its arguments and returns the results.

            args (list): arguments for oc command

            ec:     The exit code from the command
            stdout: stdout from the command
            stderr: stderr from the command

        cmd = [self.oc]
        if self.oc_config:
            cmd.extend(["--config", self.oc_config])
        if self.namespace:
            cmd.extend(["--namespace", self.namespace])


        ec, stdout, stderr = utils.run_cmd(cmd)

        return (ec, stdout, stderr)