Exemple #1
    def _buildKrigingAlgo(self, inputSample, outputSample):
        Build the functional chaos algorithm without running it.
        if self._basis is None:
            # create linear basis only for the defect parameter (1st parameter),
            # constant otherwise
            input = ['x' + str(i) for i in range(self._dim)]
            functions = []
            # constant
            functions.append(ot.SymbolicFunction(input, ['1']))
            # linear for the first parameter only
            functions.append(ot.SymbolicFunction(input, [input[0]]))
            self._basis = ot.Basis(functions)

        if self._covarianceModel is None:
            # anisotropic squared exponential covariance model
            self._covarianceModel = ot.SquaredExponential([1] * self._dim)

        # normalization
        mean = inputSample.computeMean()
            stddev = inputSample.computeStandardDeviation()
        except AttributeError:
            stddev = inputSample.computeStandardDeviationPerComponent()
        linear = ot.SquareMatrix(self._dim)
        for j in range(self._dim):
            linear[j, j] = 1.0 / stddev[j] if abs(stddev[j]) > 1e-12 else 1.0
        zero = [0.0] * self._dim
        transformation = ot.LinearFunction(mean, zero, linear)

        algoKriging = ot.KrigingAlgorithm(transformation(inputSample),
                                          outputSample, self._covarianceModel,
        return algoKriging, transformation
Exemple #2
def hyperplane(coefs):
    Generate a linear NMF from its coefficients
    dim = len(coefs)
    constant = [0.]
    center = [0.] * len(coefs)
    linear = ot.Matrix(1, dim)
    for i in range(dim):
        linear[0, i] = coefs[i]
    function = ot.LinearFunction(center, constant, linear)
    return function
import openturns as ot
from openturns.viewer import View

center = [0.0]
constant = [3.0]
linear = ot.Matrix([[2.0]])
f = ot.LinearFunction(center, constant, linear)

graph = f.draw(0.0, 10.0)
View(graph, figure_kwargs={'figsize': (8, 4)}, add_legend=True)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from openturns.viewer import View
from math import sqrt

domain = ot.Interval(-1.0, 1.0)
basis = ot.OrthogonalProductFunctionFactory([ot.FourierSeriesFactory()])
basisSize = 10
experiment = ot.GaussProductExperiment(basis.getMeasure(), [20])
mustScale = False
threshold = 0.001
factory = ot.KarhunenLoeveQuadratureFactory(domain, experiment, basis,
                                            basisSize, mustScale, threshold)
model = ot.AbsoluteExponential([1.0])
ev = ot.NumericalPoint()
functions = factory.build(model, ev)
g = ot.Graph()
for i in range(functions.getSize()):
    g.add((functions.build(i) *
           ot.LinearFunction([0.0] * domain.getDimension(), [sqrt(ev[i])],
                             ot.Matrix(1, domain.getDimension()))).draw(
                                 -1.0, 1.0, 256))

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
plt.suptitle("P1 approx. of KL expansion for $C(s,t)=e^{-|s-t|}$")
axis = fig.add_subplot(111)
View(g, figure=fig, axes=[axis], add_legend=False)
Exemple #5
    def run(self):
        Launch the algorithm and build the POD models.

        This method launches the iterative algorithm. First the censored data
        are filtered if needed. The Box Cox transformation is performed if it is
        enabled. Then the enrichment of the design of experiments is performed.
        Once the algorithm stops, it builds the POD models : conditional samples are 
        simulated for each defect size, then the distributions of the probability
        estimator (for MC simulation) are built. Eventually, a sample of this
        distribution is used to compute the mean POD and the POD at the confidence

        # Create an initial uniform distribution if not given
        if self._distribution is None:
            inputMin = self._input.getMin()
            inputMin[0] = np.min(self._defectSizes)
            inputMax = self._input.getMax()
            inputMax[0] = np.max(self._defectSizes)
            marginals = [ot.Uniform(inputMin[i], inputMax[i]) for i in range(self._dim)]
            self._distribution = ot.ComposedDistribution(marginals)

        # Create the design of experiments of the candidate points where the
        # criterion is computed
        if self._distribution.hasIndependentCopula():
            # without copula use low discrepancy experiment as first doe
            doeCandidate = ot.LowDiscrepancyExperiment(ot.SobolSequence(), 
                            self._distribution, self._candidateSize).generate()
            # else simple Monte Carlo distribution
            doeCandidate = self._distribution.getSample(self._candidateSize)

        # build initial kriging model
        # build the kriging model without optimization
        algoKriging, transformation = self._buildKrigingAlgo(self._input, self._signals)
        if self._verbose:
            print('Building the kriging model')
            print('Optimization of the covariance model parameters...')

        llDim = algoKriging.getReducedLogLikelihoodFunction().getInputDimension()
        lowerBound = [0.001] * llDim
        upperBound = [50] * llDim
        algoKriging = self._estimKrigingTheta(algoKriging,
                                              lowerBound, upperBound,

        # Get kriging results
        self._krigingResult = algoKriging.getResult() 
        self._covarianceModel = self._krigingResult.getCovarianceModel()
        self._basis = self._krigingResult.getBasisCollection()
        metamodel = ot.ComposedFunction(self._krigingResult.getMetaModel(), transformation)

        self._Q2 = self._computeQ2(self._input, self._signals, self._krigingResult, transformation)
        if self._verbose:
            print('Kriging validation Q2 (>0.9): {:0.4f}\n'.format(self._Q2))

        # Start the improvment loop
        iteration = 0
        while iteration < self._nIteration:
            iteration += 1
            if self._verbose:
                print('Iteration : {}/{}'.format(iteration, self._nIteration))

            # compute POD (ptrue = pn-1) for bias reducing in the criterion
            # Monte Carlo for all defect sizes in a vectorized way.
            # get Sample for all parameters except the defect size
            samplePred = self._distribution.getSample(self._samplingSize)[:,1:]
            fullSamplePred = ot.Sample(self._samplingSize * self._defectNumber,
            # Add the defect sizes as first value 
            for i, defect in enumerate(self._defectSizes):
                fullSamplePred[self._samplingSize*i:self._samplingSize*(i+1), :] = \
                                        self._mergeDefectInX(defect, samplePred)
            meanPredictionSample = metamodel(fullSamplePred)
            meanPredictionSample = np.reshape(meanPredictionSample, (self._samplingSize,
                                                    self._defectNumber), 'F')
            # compute the POD for all defect sizes
            currentPOD = np.mean(meanPredictionSample > self._detectionBoxCox, axis=0)

            # Compute criterion for all candidate in the candidate doe
            criterion = 1000000000
            for icand, candidate in enumerate(doeCandidate):

                # add the current candidate to the kriging doe
                inputAugmented = self._input[:]
                signalsAugmented = self._signals[:]
                # predict the signal value of the candidate using the current
                # kriging model
                # create a temporary kriging model with the new doe and without
                # updating the covariance model parameters

                # normalization
                mean = inputAugmented.computeMean()
                    stddev = inputAugmented.computeStandardDeviation()
                except AttributeError:
                    stddev = inputAugmented.computeStandardDeviationPerComponent()
                linear = ot.SquareMatrix(self._dim)
                for j in range(self._dim):
                    linear[j, j] = 1.0 / stddev[j] if abs(stddev[j]) > 1e-12 else 1.0
                zero = [0.0] * self._dim
                transformation = ot.LinearFunction(mean, zero, linear)

                algoKrigingTemp = ot.KrigingAlgorithm(transformation(inputAugmented), signalsAugmented,
                optimizer = algoKrigingTemp.getOptimizationAlgorithm()
                krigingResultTemp = algoKrigingTemp.getResult()

                # compute the criterion for all defect size
                crit = []
                # save results, used to compute the PODModel et PODCLModel
                PODPerDefect = ot.Sample(self._simulationSize *
                                         self._samplingSize, self._defectNumber)
                for idef, defect in enumerate(self._defectSizes):
                    podSample = self._computePODSamplePerDefect(defect,
                        self._detectionBoxCox, krigingResultTemp, transformation,
                        self._distribution, self._simulationSize, self._samplingSize)
                    PODPerDefect[:, idef] = podSample

                    meanPOD = podSample.computeMean()[0]
                    varPOD = podSample.computeVariance()[0]
                    crit.append(varPOD + (meanPOD - currentPOD[idef])**2)
                # compute the criterion aggregated for all defect sizes
                newCriterion = np.sqrt(np.mean(crit))

                # check if the result is better or not
                if newCriterion < criterion:
                    self._PODPerDefect = PODPerDefect
                    criterion = newCriterion
                    indexOpt = icand
                if self._verbose:
                    updateProgress(icand, int(doeCandidate.getSize()), 'Computing criterion')

            # get the best candidate
            candidateOpt = doeCandidate[indexOpt]
            # add new point to DOE
            # add the signal computed by the physical model
            if self._boxCox:
                self._signals.add(self._boxCoxTransform(self._physicalModel(candidateOpt) + [self._shift]))
            # remove added candidate from the doeCandidate
            if self._verbose:
                print('Criterion value : {:0.4f}'.format(criterion))
                print('Added point : {}'.format(candidateOpt))
                print('Update the kriging model')

            # update the kriging model without optimization
            algoKriging, transformation = self._buildKrigingAlgo(self._input, self._signals)
            self._Q2 = self._computeQ2(self._input, self._signals, algoKriging.getResult(), transformation)

            # Check the quality of the kriging model if it needs optimization
            if self._Q2 < 0.95:
                if self._verbose:
                    print('Optimization of the covariance model parameters...')

                algoKriging = self._estimKrigingTheta(algoKriging,
                                                      lowerBound, upperBound,

            # Get kriging results
            self._krigingResult = algoKriging.getResult()
            self._covarianceModel = self._krigingResult.getCovarianceModel()
            self._basis = self._krigingResult.getBasisCollection()

            self._Q2 = self._computeQ2(self._input, self._signals, self._krigingResult, transformation)
            if self._verbose:
                print('Kriging validation Q2 (>0.9): {:0.4f}'.format(self._Q2))

            if self._graph:
                # create the interpolate function of the POD model
                meanPOD = self._PODPerDefect.computeMean()
                interpModel = interp1d(self._defectSizes, np.array(meanPOD), kind='linear')
                self._PODmodel = ot.PythonFunction(1, 1, interpModel)
                # The POD at confidence level is built in getPODCLModel() directly
                fig, ax = self.drawPOD(self._probabilityLevel, self._confidenceLevel)
                if self._graphDirectory is not None:
                    if not os.path.exists(self._graphDirectory):
                    fig.savefig(os.path.join(self._graphDirectory, 'AdaptiveSignalPOD_')+str(iteration),
                                bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)

        # Compute the final POD with the last updated kriging model
        if self._verbose:
                print('\nStart computing the POD with the last updated kriging model')
        # compute the sample containing the POD values for all defect 
        self._PODPerDefect = ot.Sample(self._simulationSize *
                                         self._samplingSize, self._defectNumber)
        for i, defect in enumerate(self._defectSizes):
            self._PODPerDefect[:, i] = self._computePODSamplePerDefect(defect,
                self._detectionBoxCox, self._krigingResult, transformation,
                self._distribution, self._simulationSize, self._samplingSize)
            if self._verbose:
                updateProgress(i, self._defectNumber, 'Computing POD per defect')

        # compute the mean POD 
        meanPOD = self._PODPerDefect.computeMean()
        # create the interpolate function of the POD model
        interpModel = interp1d(self._defectSizes, np.array(meanPOD), kind='linear')
        self._PODmodel = ot.PythonFunction(1, 1, interpModel)

        # The POD at confidence level is built in getPODCLModel() directly

        # remove the interactive plotting