Exemple #1
def test_get_metric_list_of_str():
    ie = IECore()
    param = ie.get_metric("CPU", "OPTIMIZATION_CAPABILITIES")
    assert isinstance(param, list), "Parameter value for 'OPTIMIZATION_CAPABILITIES' " \
                                    f"metric must be a list but {type(param)} is returned"
    assert all(isinstance(v, str) for v in param), "Not all of the parameter values for 'OPTIMIZATION_CAPABILITIES' " \
                                                   "metric are strings!"
Exemple #2
def test_get_metric_tuple_of_two_ints():
    ie = IECore()
    param = ie.get_metric("CPU", "RANGE_FOR_STREAMS")
    assert isinstance(param, tuple), "Parameter value for 'RANGE_FOR_STREAMS' " \
                                     f"metric must be tuple but {type(param)} is returned"
    assert all(isinstance(v, int) for v in param), "Not all of the parameter values for 'RANGE_FOR_STREAMS' " \
                                                   "metric are integers!"
Exemple #3
def test_get_metric_tuple_of_three_ints():
    ie = IECore()
    param = ie.get_metric("CPU", "RANGE_FOR_ASYNC_INFER_REQUESTS")
    assert isinstance(param, tuple), "Parameter value for 'RANGE_FOR_ASYNC_INFER_REQUESTS' " \
                                     "metric must be tuple but {} is returned".format(type(param))
    assert all(isinstance(v, int) for v in param), "Not all of the parameter values for " \
                                                   "'RANGE_FOR_ASYNC_INFER_REQUESTS' metric are integers!"
def boot_myriad():
    myriad = {}
    model_xml = args.model
    model_bin = os.path.splitext(model_xml)[0] + ".bin"

    # ------------ Load Inference Engine and network files -------------
    log.info("Loading Inference Engine")
    ie = IECore()
    log.info("IR Engine info:")
    log.info("  Available IR Devices:     {}".format(ie.available_devices))
    if 'MYRIAD' in ie.available_devices:
        verinfo = ie.get_versions('MYRIAD')['MYRIAD']
        log.info("  Myriad Plugin version:    {}.{}".format(
            verinfo.major, verinfo.minor))
        log.info("  Myriad Build:             {}".format(verinfo.build_number))
        devices = ie.get_metric(metric_name='AVAILABLE_DEVICES',
        if (len(devices) > 1):
            ir_device = "MULTI:"
            for device in devices:
                ir_device += "MYRIAD." + device + ","
            ir_device = ir_device[:-1]
            ir_device = "MYRIAD"
        ir_device = "CPU"
        log.warn("!! MYRIAD DEVICE NOT FOUND. USING CPU !!")

    log.info("  Selected Device(s):       {}".format(ir_device))

    log.info("Loading network files XML [{}] and BIN [{}]".format(
        model_xml, model_bin))
    net = IENetwork(model=model_xml, weights=model_bin)
    net_input_layer_name = next(iter(net.inputs))
    n, c, h, w = net.inputs[net_input_layer_name].shape
    log.info("  Network shape:   [{},{},{},{}]".format(n, c, h, w))

    log.info("Loading labels file [{}]".format(args.labels.name))
    labels_map = [x.strip() for x in args.labels]

    log.info("Loading network to device... Please wait..")
    exec_net = ie.load_network(network=net,
    ir_num_requests = exec_net.get_metric('OPTIMAL_NUMBER_OF_INFER_REQUESTS')
    log.info("  Optimal Number of Infer Requests:  {}".format(ir_num_requests))
    log.info("Done loading network")

    myriad = {
        'n': n,
        'c': c,
        'h': h,
        'w': w,
        'labels_map': labels_map,
        'net': net,
        'exec_net': exec_net,
        'net_input_layer_name': net_input_layer_name,
    return myriad
Exemple #5
def test_register_plugin():
    ie = IECore()
    if ie.get_metric("CPU", "FULL_DEVICE_NAME") == "arm_compute::NEON":
        pytest.skip("Can't run on ARM plugin due-to MKLDNNPlugin specific test")
    ie.register_plugin("MKLDNNPlugin", "BLA")
    net = ie.read_network(model=test_net_xml, weights=test_net_bin)
    exec_net = ie.load_network(net, "BLA")
    assert isinstance(exec_net, ExecutableNetwork), "Cannot load the network to the registered plugin with name 'BLA'"
def get_cpu_name():
    ie = IECore()
        cpuname = ie.get_metric('CPU', 'FULL_DEVICE_NAME')
    except TypeError:
        cpuname = 'Undefined'
    del ie
    return cpuname
Exemple #7
def get_cpu_name():
    ie = IECore()
    if 'CPU' in ie.available_devices:
        cpuname = ie.get_metric('CPU', 'FULL_DEVICE_NAME')
        cpuname = 'Undefined'
    del ie
    return cpuname
Exemple #8
def get_gpu_name():
    ie = IECore()
    if 'GPU' in ie.available_devices:
        gpuname = ie.get_metric('GPU', 'FULL_DEVICE_NAME')
        gpuname = 'Underfined'
    del ie
    return gpuname
Exemple #9
def main():
    ie = IECore()
    print("Available devices:")
    for device in ie.available_devices:
        print("\tDevice: {}".format(device))
        for metric in ie.get_metric(device, "SUPPORTED_METRICS"):
                metric_val = ie.get_metric(device, metric)
                print("\t\t{}: {}".format(metric, param_to_string(metric_val)))
            except TypeError:
                print("\t\t{}: UNSUPPORTED TYPE".format(metric))

        print("\n\tDefault values for device configuration keys:")
        for cfg in ie.get_metric(device, "SUPPORTED_CONFIG_KEYS"):
                cfg_val = ie.get_config(device, cfg)
                print("\t\t{}: {}".format(cfg, param_to_string(cfg_val)))
            except TypeError:
                print("\t\t{}: UNSUPPORTED TYPE".format(cfg))
Exemple #10
def test_query_network(device):
    ie = IECore()
    if device == "CPU":
        if ie.get_metric(device, "FULL_DEVICE_NAME") == "arm_compute::NEON":
            pytest.skip("Can't run on ARM plugin due-to ngraph")
    import ngraph as ng
    net = ie.read_network(model=test_net_xml, weights=test_net_bin)
    query_res = ie.query_network(net, device)
    func_net = ng.function_from_cnn(net)
    ops_net = func_net.get_ordered_ops()
    ops_net_names = [op.friendly_name for op in ops_net]
    assert [key for key in query_res.keys() if key not in ops_net_names] == [], \
        "Not all network layers present in query_network results"
    assert next(iter(set(query_res.values()))) == device, "Wrong device for some layers"
Exemple #11
def test_register_plugins():
    ie = IECore()
    if ie.get_metric("CPU", "FULL_DEVICE_NAME") == "arm_compute::NEON":
        pytest.skip("Can't run on ARM plugin due-to MKLDNNPlugin specific test")
    if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
    elif platform == "darwin":
    elif platform == "win32":

    net = ie.read_network(model=test_net_xml, weights=test_net_bin)
    exec_net = ie.load_network(net, "CUSTOM")
    assert isinstance(exec_net,
                      ExecutableNetwork), "Cannot load the network to the registered plugin with name 'CUSTOM' " \
                                          "registred in the XML file"
Exemple #12
def test_buffer_values_after_add_outputs(device):
    path_to_repo = os.environ["MODELS_PATH"]
    test_net_xml_fp16 = os.path.join(path_to_repo, "models", "test_model", 'test_model_fp16.xml')
    test_net_bin_fp16 = os.path.join(path_to_repo, "models", "test_model", 'test_model_fp16.bin')
    ie_core = IECore()
    if device == "CPU":
        if ie_core.get_metric(device, "FULL_DEVICE_NAME") == "arm_compute::NEON":
            pytest.skip("Can't run on ARM plugin due-to ngraph")
    net = ie_core.read_network(model=test_net_xml_fp16, weights=test_net_bin_fp16)
    output_layer = "22"
    exec_net = ie_core.load_network(net, device)
    feed_dict = {
        'data': np.random.normal(0, 1, (1, 3, 32, 32)).astype(np.float32)
    result = exec_net.infer(feed_dict)
    assert np.all(abs(result[output_layer])<30)
    assert result[output_layer].dtype == np.float16
Exemple #13
def test_serialize(device):
    ie = IECore()
    if device == "CPU":
        if ie.get_metric(device, "FULL_DEVICE_NAME") == "arm_compute::NEON":
            pytest.skip("Can't run on ARM plugin due-to ngraph")
    import ngraph as ng
    net = ie.read_network(model=test_net_xml, weights=test_net_bin)
    net.serialize("./serialized_net.xml", "./serialized_net.bin")
    serialized_net = ie.read_network(model="./serialized_net.xml",
    func_net = ng.function_from_cnn(net)
    ops_net = func_net.get_ordered_ops()
    ops_net_names = [op.friendly_name for op in ops_net]
    func_serialized_net = ng.function_from_cnn(serialized_net)
    ops_serialized_net = func_serialized_net.get_ordered_ops()
    ops_serialized_net_names = [op.friendly_name for op in ops_serialized_net]
    assert ops_serialized_net_names == ops_net_names
def benchmark_model(model_path: PathLike,
                    device: str = "CPU",
                    seconds: int = 60, api: str = "async",
                    batch: int = 1, 
                    cache_dir: PathLike = "model_cache"):
    Benchmark model `model_path` with `benchmark_app`. Returns the output of `benchmark_app`
    without logging info, and information about the device

    :param model_path: path to IR model xml file, or ONNX model
    :param device: device to benchmark on. For example, "CPU" or "MULTI:CPU,GPU"
    :param seconds: number of seconds to run benchmark_app
    :param api: API. Possible options: sync or async
    :param batch: Batch size
    :param cache_dir: Directory that contains model/kernel cache files
    ie = IECore()
    model_path = Path(model_path)
    if ("GPU" in device) and ("GPU" not in ie.available_devices):
        raise ValueError(f"A GPU device is not available. Available devices are: {ie.available_devices}")
        benchmark_command = f"benchmark_app -m {model_path} -d {device} -t {seconds} -api {api} -b {batch} -cdir {cache_dir}"
        display(Markdown(f"**Benchmark {model_path.name} with {device} for {seconds} seconds with {api} inference**"));
        display(Markdown(f"Benchmark command: `{benchmark_command}`"));

        benchmark_output = get_ipython().run_line_magic('sx', '$benchmark_command')
        benchmark_result = [line for line in benchmark_output
                            if not (line.startswith(r"[") or line.startswith("  ") or line == "")]
        if "MULTI" in device:
            devices = device.replace("MULTI:", "").split(",")
            for single_device in devices:
                device_name = ie.get_metric(device_name=single_device, metric_name='FULL_DEVICE_NAME')
                print(f"{single_device} device: {device_name}")
            print(f"Device: {ie.get_metric(device_name=device, metric_name='FULL_DEVICE_NAME')}")
Exemple #15
def test_get_metric_str():
    ie = IECore()
    param = ie.get_metric("CPU", "FULL_DEVICE_NAME")
    assert isinstance(param, str), "Parameter value for 'FULL_DEVICE_NAME' " \
                                   "metric must be string but {} is returned".format(type(param))
Exemple #16
class Classification:
    def __init__(self, device: str, number_infer_requests, number_iterations, duration_seconds, api_type):
        self.device = device
        self.ie = IECore()
        self.nireq = number_infer_requests
        self.niter = number_iterations
        self.duration_seconds = get_duration_seconds(duration_seconds, self.niter, self.device)
        self.api_type = api_type
        self.device_number_streams = {}

    def __del__(self):
        del self.ie

    def add_extension(self, path_to_extension: str=None, path_to_cldnn_config: str=None):
        if GPU_DEVICE_NAME in self.device:
            if path_to_cldnn_config:
                self.ie.set_config({'CONFIG_FILE': path_to_cldnn_config}, GPU_DEVICE_NAME)
                logger.info('GPU extensions is loaded {}'.format(path_to_cldnn_config))
        if CPU_DEVICE_NAME in self.device or MYRIAD_DEVICE_NAME in self.device:
            if path_to_extension:
                self.ie.add_extension(extension_path=path_to_extension, device_name=CPU_DEVICE_NAME)
                logger.info('CPU extensions is loaded {}'.format(path_to_extension))

    def get_version_info(self) -> str:
        logger.info('InferenceEngine:\n{: <9}{:.<24} {}'.format('', 'API version', get_version()))
        version_string = 'Device info\n'
        for device, version in self.ie.get_versions(self.device).items():
            version_string += '{: <9}{}\n'.format('', device)
            version_string += '{: <9}{:.<24}{} {}.{}\n'.format('', version.description, ' version', version.major,
            version_string += '{: <9}{:.<24} {}\n'.format('', 'Build', version.build_number)
        return version_string

    def reshape(ie_network: IENetwork, batch_size: int):
        new_shapes = {}
        for input_layer_name, input_layer in ie_network.inputs.items():
            new_shapes[input_layer_name] = get_blob_shape(input_layer, batch_size)

        if new_shapes:
            logger.info('Resizing network to batch = {}'.format(batch_size))

    def set_config(self, number_streams: int, api_type: str = 'async',
                   number_threads: int = None, infer_threads_pinning: int = None):
        devices = parse_devices(self.device)
        self.device_number_streams = parse_nstreams_value_per_device(devices, number_streams)
        for device_name in  self.device_number_streams.keys():
            key = device_name + "_THROUGHPUT_STREAMS"
            supported_config_keys = self.ie.get_metric(device_name, 'SUPPORTED_CONFIG_KEYS')
            if key not in supported_config_keys:
                raise Exception("Device " + device_name + " doesn't support config key '" + key + "'! " +
                                "Please specify -nstreams for correct devices in format  <dev1>:<nstreams1>,<dev2>:<nstreams2>");

        for device in devices:
            if device == CPU_DEVICE_NAME:  # CPU supports few special performance-oriented keys
                # limit threading for CPU portion of inference
                if number_threads:
                    self.ie.set_config({'CPU_THREADS_NUM': str(number_threads)}, device)

                if MULTI_DEVICE_NAME in self.device and GPU_DEVICE_NAME in self.device:
                    self.ie.set_config({'CPU_BIND_THREAD': 'NO'}, CPU_DEVICE_NAME)
                    # pin threads for CPU portion of inference
                    self.ie.set_config({'CPU_BIND_THREAD': infer_threads_pinning}, device)

                # for CPU execution, more throughput-oriented execution via streams
                # for pure CPU execution, more throughput-oriented execution via streams
                if api_type == 'async':
                    cpu_throughput = {'CPU_THROUGHPUT_STREAMS': 'CPU_THROUGHPUT_AUTO'}
                    if device in self.device_number_streams.keys():
                        cpu_throughput['CPU_THROUGHPUT_STREAMS'] = str(self.device_number_streams.get(device))
                    self.ie.set_config(cpu_throughput, device)
                    self.device_number_streams[device] = self.ie.get_config(device, 'CPU_THROUGHPUT_STREAMS')

            elif device == GPU_DEVICE_NAME:
                if api_type == 'async':
                    gpu_throughput = {'GPU_THROUGHPUT_STREAMS': 'GPU_THROUGHPUT_AUTO'}
                    if device in self.device_number_streams.keys():
                        gpu_throughput['GPU_THROUGHPUT_STREAMS'] = str(self.device_number_streams.get(device))
                    self.ie.set_config(gpu_throughput, device)
                    self.device_number_streams[device] = self.ie.get_config(device, 'GPU_THROUGHPUT_STREAMS')

                if MULTI_DEVICE_NAME in self.device and CPU_DEVICE_NAME in self.device:
                    # multi-device execution with the CPU+GPU performs best with GPU trottling hint,
                    # which releases another CPU thread (that is otherwise used by the GPU driver for active polling)
                    self.ie.set_config({'CLDNN_PLUGIN_THROTTLE': '1'}, device)

            elif device == MYRIAD_DEVICE_NAME:
                self.ie.set_config({'LOG_LEVEL': 'LOG_INFO'}, MYRIAD_DEVICE_NAME)

    def read_network(self, path_to_model: str):
        xml_filename = os.path.abspath(path_to_model)
        head, tail = os.path.splitext(xml_filename)
        bin_filename = os.path.abspath(head + BIN_EXTENSION)

        ie_network = self.ie.read_network(xml_filename, bin_filename)

        input_info = ie_network.inputs

        if not input_info:
            raise AttributeError('No inputs info is provided')

        return ie_network

    def load_network(self, ie_network: IENetwork, perf_counts: bool):
        config = {'PERF_COUNT': ('YES' if perf_counts else 'NO')}

        exe_network = self.ie.load_network(ie_network,
                                           num_requests=1 if self.api_type == 'sync' else self.nireq or 0)
        # Number of requests
        self.nireq = len(exe_network.requests)
        return exe_network

    def infer(self, exe_network, batch_size, progress_bar=None):
        progress_count = 0
        infer_requests = exe_network.requests
        # warming up - out of scope
        if self.api_type == 'sync':
            status = exe_network.wait()
            if status != StatusCode.OK:
                raise Exception("Wait for all requests is failed with status code {}!".format(status))

        out_blob = next(iter(exe_network.outputs))
        start_time = datetime.utcnow()
        exec_time = 0
        iteration = 0

        times = []
        in_fly = set()
        # Start inference & calculate performance
        # to align number if iterations to guarantee that last infer requests are executed in the same conditions **/
        #(self.duration_seconds and exec_time < self.duration_seconds) or \
        while (self.niter and iteration < self.niter) or \
              (len(in_fly) == iteration*self.nireq) or \
              (self.api_type == 'async' and iteration % self.nireq):
            if self.api_type == 'sync':
                infer_request_id = exe_network.get_idle_request_id()
                if infer_request_id < 0:
                    status = exe_network.wait(num_requests=1)
                    if status != StatusCode.OK:
                        raise Exception("Wait for idle request failed!")
                    infer_request_id = exe_network.get_idle_request_id()
                    if infer_request_id < 0:
                        raise Exception("Invalid request id!")
                if infer_request_id in in_fly:
            iteration += 1
            exec_time = (datetime.utcnow() - start_time).total_seconds()

            if progress_bar:
              if self.duration_seconds:
                  # calculate how many progress intervals are covered by current iteration.
                  # depends on the current iteration time and time of each progress interval.
                  # Previously covered progress intervals must be skipped.
                  progress_interval_time = self.duration_seconds / progress_bar.total_num
                  new_progress = int(exec_time / progress_interval_time - progress_count)
                  progress_count += new_progress
              elif self.niter:

        # wait the latest inference executions
        inference_output = []
        status = exe_network.wait()
        for infer_request in infer_requests:
            output = infer_request.outputs[out_blob]
        if status != StatusCode.OK:
            raise Exception("Wait for all requests is failed with status code {}!".format(status))
        total_duration_sec = (datetime.utcnow() - start_time).total_seconds()
        for infer_request_id in in_fly:
        latency_ms = median(times)
        fps = batch_size * 1000 / latency_ms if self.api_type == 'sync' else batch_size * iteration / total_duration_sec
        if progress_bar:
        return inference_output,fps, latency_ms, total_duration_sec, iteration