Exemple #1
	def apply(self, line, state):
		result = OperationResult(line, False)

		if not state.args.cull:
			return result

		trimmedLine = line.strip()
		words = trimmedLine.split()
		if (len(words) > 0):
			if (words[0].upper() == "REMSTART" or words[0].upper() == "REMEND"):
				self.inMultilineComment = not self.inMultilineComment
				result.discard = True
				return result

		if self.inMultilineComment:
			result.discard = True
			return result

		result.line = stripComments(line)
		stripped = result.line.strip()

		if stripped == "" or stripped == "\n" or stripped == "\r\n":
			result.discard = True

		if state.lastline:
			result.line = result.line.rstrip("\r\n")

		return result
Exemple #2
	def apply(self, line, state):
		result = OperationResult(line, False)
		skip = False

		if not self.stack.isEmpty():
			#print(str(state.row) + " : " + str(self.stack.arr))
			if self.stack.contains(False):
				skip = True

		dirsearch = regex['directive'].search(line)
		if dirsearch:
			directive = dirsearch.group(1)
			identifier = dirsearch.group(2)

			if directive == "#ifdef" or directive == "#ifndef" and not skip:
				result.line = commentLine(result.line)

				if identifier == "":
					result.error = "Invalid " + directive
					return result

				if not identifier in state.macros:
					self.stack.push(directive == "#ifndef")
					result.line = handleCulledLine(result.line)
					return result

				self.stack.push(directive != "#ifndef")

			elif directive == "#else":
				result.line = commentLine(result.line)

				if self.stack.isEmpty():
					result.error = "Unexpected #else"
					return result
				if self.stack.top() == True:

			elif directive == "#endif":
				result.line = commentLine(result.line)

				if self.stack.isEmpty():
					result.error = "Unexpected #endif"
					return result


		if skip:
			result.line = handleCulledLine(result.line)

		return result
Exemple #3
    def apply(self, line, state):
        result = OperationResult(line, False)

        if not state.args.anticrap:
            return result

        #trimmed = stripComments(line)
        output = line

        self.strings = scanForStrings(line)
        slashmatch = regex['backslash'].finditer(line)
        dotmatch = regex['typedot'].finditer(line)

        for m in slashmatch:
            if checkIfInsideString(m.start('backslash'), self.strings):

            substitution = "."
            output = output[:m.start('backslash')] + substitution + output[

        for m in dotmatch:
            if checkIfInsideString(m.start('dot'), self.strings):

            substitution = "\\"
            output = output[:m.start('dot'
                                     )] + substitution + output[m.end('dot'):]

        result.line = output

        return result
Exemple #4
	def apply(self, line, state):
		result = OperationResult(line, False)

		if not state.args.anticrap:
			return result

		#trimmed = stripComments(line)
		output = line

		self.strings = scanForStrings(line)
		slashmatch = regex['backslash'].finditer(line)
		dotmatch = regex['typedot'].finditer(line)

		for m in slashmatch:
			if checkIfInsideString(m.start('backslash'), self.strings):

			substitution = "."
			output = output[:m.start('backslash')] + substitution + output[m.end('backslash'):]

		for m in dotmatch:
			if checkIfInsideString(m.start('dot'), self.strings):

			substitution = "\\"
			output = output[:m.start('dot')] + substitution + output[m.end('dot'):]

		result.line = output

		return result
Exemple #5
    def apply(self, line, state):
        result = OperationResult(line, False)

        if not state.args.dumb_debug:
            return result

        trimmed = stripComments(line)
        addition = ": "

        if isEmptyLine(trimmed):
            addition = ""

        if trimmed is not line:  # there's a comment on this line
            #print("left: " + line[len(trimmed)-1:])

            if isEmptyLine(trimmed):
                trimmed = line[:len(trimmed) -
                               1] + self.macrostring + addition + line[
                                   len(trimmed) - 1:]
                trimmed = self.macrostring + addition + line
            trimmed = self.macrostring + addition + line
        result.line = trimmed

        return result
Exemple #6
    def apply(self, line, state):
        result = OperationResult(line, False)
        # strings = [] # string start and end positions as StringPos instances

        trimmed = stripComments(line)
        output = line
        expanded_line = line

        # find the directive
        dirsearch = regex['directive'].search(trimmed)
        if dirsearch:
            directive = dirsearch.group(1)
            identifier = dirsearch.group(2)

            origline = output
            output = commentLine(line)

            if directive == "#define":
                macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
                if macro != None:
                    state.macros[macro.name] = macro
            elif directive == "#undef":
                temp_macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
                if temp_macro.name in state.macros:
                    del state.macros[temp_macro.name]
                        state.row, "Trying to undefine a nonexistent macro " +
            elif directive == "#pragma":
                if state.args.verbose: print("pragma: " + identifier)
                state.args = handlePragma(identifier, state.args)
            elif directive == "#include":
                if state.args.filedir:
                    self.handleInclude(state, trimmed, state.args.filedir)
                # we'll leave #ifdef, #ifndef and #else to the other operators
                output = origline

            if state.args.nomacros:
                return result

            visited = Stack()

            #for name in self.macros:
            output = expandAll(line, state.macros, visited, state)

        result.line = output
        return result
Exemple #7
	def apply(self, line, state):
		result = OperationResult(line, False)

		#trimmed = stripComments(line)
		output = line

		self.strings = scanForStrings(line)

		output = self.replaceAll(output, regex['comment_start'], 'REMSTART', 'comment_start')
		output = self.replaceAll(output, regex['comment_end'], 'REMEND', 'comment_end')

		result.line = output

		return result
Exemple #8
	def apply(self, line, state):
		result = OperationResult(line, False)
		# strings = [] # string start and end positions as StringPos instances

		trimmed = stripComments(line)
		output = line
		expanded_line = line

		# find the directive
		dirsearch = regex['directive'].search(trimmed)
		if dirsearch:
			directive = dirsearch.group(1)
			identifier = dirsearch.group(2)

			origline = output
			output = commentLine(line)

			if directive == "#define":
				macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
				if macro != None:
					state.macros[macro.name] = macro
			elif directive == "#undef":
				temp_macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
				if temp_macro.name in state.macros:
					del state.macros[temp_macro.name]
					warnings.add(state.row, "Trying to undefine a nonexistent macro " + temp_macro.name)					
			elif directive == "#pragma":
				if state.args.verbose: print("pragma: " + identifier)
				state.args = handlePragma(identifier, state.args)
			elif directive == "#include":
				if state.args.filedir:
					self.handleInclude(state, trimmed, state.args.filedir)
				# we'll leave #ifdef, #ifndef and #else to the other operators
				output = origline

			if state.args.nomacros:
				return result

			visited = Stack()

			#for name in self.macros:
			output = expandAll(line, state.macros, visited, state)

		result.line = output
		return result
Exemple #9
    def apply(self, line, state):
        result = OperationResult(line, False)

        if not state.args.minify:
            return result

        l = stripComments(line)
        strings = scanForStrings(l)
        commentStart = len(l)

        stringRegex = r'(("[^"]+")|(|[^"]*?)([^\s]*?))?'
        comments = r'(?P<comment>(|(\'|//)*$))'

        def string(s):
            if not s:
                return ""
            return s

        def replace(m, group):
            if checkIfInsideString(m.start(group), strings):
                return string(m.group(0))
            return string(m.group(1)) + string(m.group(group))

        ops = []
                re.compile(r'' + stringRegex +
                lambda m: replace(m, "op")))
                re.compile(r'' + stringRegex + r'(?<=\D)(0)(?P<digit>\.\d+)'),
                lambda m: replace(m, "digit")))

        #l = l.lstrip("\t")

        for o in ops:
            l = o.regex.sub(o.substitution, l)

        l = l.rstrip("\r\n")
        result.line = strInsert(result.line, 0, commentStart - 1, l)

        return result
Exemple #10
	def apply(self, line, state):
		result = OperationResult(line, False)

		if not state.args.minify:
			return result	

		l = stripComments(line)
		strings = scanForStrings(l)
		commentStart = len(l)

		stringRegex = r'(("[^"]+")|(|[^"]*?)([^\s]*?))?'
		comments = r'(?P<comment>(|(\'|//)*$))'

		def string(s):
			if not s:
				return ""
			return s
		def replace(m, group):
			if checkIfInsideString(m.start(group), strings):
				return string(m.group(0)) 
			return string(m.group(1)) + string(m.group(group))
		ops = []
		ops.append(Replacement(re.compile(r'' + stringRegex + '\s*(?P<op>[=+\-*/\><,\^]{1,2})\s*'), lambda m: replace(m, "op")))
		ops.append(Replacement(re.compile(r'' + stringRegex + r'(?<=\D)(0)(?P<digit>\.\d+)'), lambda m: replace(m, "digit") ))

		#l = l.lstrip("\t")

		for o in ops:
			l = o.regex.sub(o.substitution, l)
		l = l.rstrip("\r\n")
		result.line = strInsert(result.line, 0, commentStart-1, l)

		return result
Exemple #11
	def apply(self, line, state):
		result = OperationResult(line, False)

		if not state.args.dumb_debug:
			return result

		trimmed = stripComments(line)  
		addition = ": "

		if isEmptyLine(trimmed):
			addition = ""

		if trimmed is not line: # there's a comment on this line
			#print("left: " + line[len(trimmed)-1:])

			if isEmptyLine(trimmed): 
				trimmed = line[:len(trimmed)-1] + self.macrostring + addition + line[len(trimmed)-1:]
				trimmed = self.macrostring + addition + line
			trimmed = self.macrostring + addition + line
		result.line = trimmed

		return result
Exemple #12
	def apply(self, line, state):
		result = OperationResult(line, False)

		trimmed = stripComments(line)
		output = line
		expanded_line = line

		# find the directive
		dirsearch = regex['directive'].search(trimmed)
		if dirsearch:
			directive = dirsearch.group(1)
			identifier = dirsearch.group(2)

			output = commentLine(line)

			if directive == "#macro":
				if self.macro:
					warnings.add("Trying to define multiline macro %s inside other macro %s" % (identifier, self.macro.name))					
					return result

				self.macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
				self.payload = ""
			elif directive == "#endmacro":
				#print ("macro %s ends") % (self.macro.name)
				self.macro.payload = self.macro.payload.rstrip('\n')
				self.multimacros[self.macro.name] = self.macro
				self.macro = None
			# TODO this is basically duplicate of the above functionality, clean it up
			elif directive == "#lambda":
				if self.macro:
					warnings.add("Trying to define multiline lambda %s inside other macro %s" % (identifier, self.macro.name))					
					return result

				self.macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
				self.macro.oneliner = True
				self.payload = ""
			elif directive == "#endlambda":
				#print ("macro %s ends") % (self.macro.name)
				self.macro.payload = self.macro.payload.rstrip('\n')
				self.macro.payload = re.sub("\n+", r':', self.macro.payload)
				self.multimacros[self.macro.name] = self.macro
				self.macro = None
			elif directive == "#undef":
				temp_macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
				if temp_macro.name in self.multimacros:
					del self.multimacros[temp_macro.name]	

				output = output

			if state.args.nomacros:
				return result

			# Expand collected macros only if not inside a multiline macro.
			if self.macro:
				line_trimmed = line
				if self.macro.oneliner:
					line_trimmed = line.lstrip(" ").lstrip("\t")
				self.macro.payload += line_trimmed
				output = commentLine(output)
				output = expandAll(line, self.multimacros, Stack(), state)

		result.line = output
		return result
Exemple #13
    def apply(self, line, state):
        result = OperationResult(line, False)

        trimmed = stripComments(line)
        output = line
        expanded_line = line

        # find the directive
        dirsearch = regex['directive'].search(trimmed)
        if dirsearch:
            directive = dirsearch.group(1)
            identifier = dirsearch.group(2)

            output = commentLine(line)

            if directive == "#macro":
                if self.macro:
                        "Trying to define multiline macro %s inside other macro %s"
                        % (identifier, self.macro.name))
                    return result

                self.macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
                self.payload = ""
            elif directive == "#endmacro":
                #print ("macro %s ends") % (self.macro.name)
                self.macro.payload = self.macro.payload.rstrip('\n')
                self.multimacros[self.macro.name] = self.macro
                self.macro = None

            # TODO this is basically duplicate of the above functionality, clean it up
            elif directive == "#lambda":
                if self.macro:
                        "Trying to define multiline lambda %s inside other macro %s"
                        % (identifier, self.macro.name))
                    return result

                self.macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
                self.macro.oneliner = True
                self.payload = ""

            elif directive == "#endlambda":
                #print ("macro %s ends") % (self.macro.name)
                self.macro.payload = self.macro.payload.rstrip('\n')
                self.macro.payload = re.sub("\n+", r':', self.macro.payload)
                self.multimacros[self.macro.name] = self.macro
                self.macro = None
            elif directive == "#undef":
                temp_macro = Macro(dirsearch, trimmed)
                if temp_macro.name in self.multimacros:
                    del self.multimacros[temp_macro.name]

                output = output

            if state.args.nomacros:
                return result

            # Expand collected macros only if not inside a multiline macro.
            if self.macro:
                line_trimmed = line

                if self.macro.oneliner:
                    line_trimmed = line.lstrip(" ").lstrip("\t")

                self.macro.payload += line_trimmed
                output = commentLine(output)
                output = expandAll(line, self.multimacros, Stack(), state)

        result.line = output
        return result