Exemple #1
def test_append_tokens(df):
    Tests operations.append_tokens.
        :param df: DataFrame object from fixture.
    ops = Operations()
    df =ops.clean_string_column(df, 'pagename')
    df = ops.append_tokens(df)
    #The stop word 'first' is removed
    # see for a list of stop words: http://ir.dcs.gla.ac.uk/resources/linguistic_utils/stop_words
    assert df.where(df['pageviews']==60).select("tokens").first()['tokens'] == ['john', 'person', '100', 'day']
Exemple #2

from operations import Operations

ops = Operations()
#Create the dataframe from the lines RDD
df = ops.create_dataframe(lines, sqlContext)
#Clean the 'pagename' column of encoded characters
df = ops.clean_string_column(df, 'pagename')
#Add columns for hour, day, month, year from the file name
df = ops.append_date_columns(df)

#Group by timeframes
hour_df, day_df, month_df, year_df = ops.aggregate_times(df)
#Create tokens from the pagename
hour_df = ops.append_tokens(hour_df)
#Add term frequency and inverse document frequency
hour_df = ops.append_tf_idf(hour_df)
#Create ranking
hour_df, day_df, month_df, year_df = ops.append_ranks(hour_df, day_df, month_df, year_df)

#Get the top 200 for each timeframe
top_hourly = hour_df.filter(hour_df['hour_rank']<201)
top_daily =  day_df.filter(day_df['day_rank']<201)
top_monthly =  month_df.filter(month_df['month_rank']<201)
top_yearly =  year_df.filter(year_df['year_rank']<201)

#Create files on s3 with the results