def AKLT(L, pbc=False): ''' S1 * S1 + 1/3 (S1 * S1)^2 ''' print "\n--> Construct the Hamiltonian for the AKLT model of size L=%d ..." % L store = [[None, None, None, None, None, None, None] for i in range(L + 1)] store[1][0] = op.spin1_x().times(0) store[1][1] = op.spin1_x() store[1][2] = op.spin1_x() store[1][3] = op.spin1_y() store[1][4] = op.spin1_y() store[1][5] = op.spin1_z() store[1][6] = op.spin1_z() def iterate(l): if store[l] != store[0]: return store[l] le = int(l / 2) lH, llx, lrx, lly, lry, llz, lrz = iterate(le) rH, rlx, rrx, rly, rry, rlz, rrz = iterate(l - le) lid = lH.identity() rid = rH.identity() store[l][0] = lH.kron(rid) temp = lid.kron(rH) store[l][0].plus(temp) temp = lrx.kron(rlx) store[l][0].plus(temp) store[l][0].plus(temp.mult(temp).times(1 / 3.)) store[l][1] = llx.kron(rid) store[l][2] = lid.kron(rrx) store[l][3] = lly.kron(rid) store[l][4] = lid.kron(rry) store[l][5] = llz.kron(rid) store[l][6] = lid.kron(rrz) return store[l] H, lx, rx, ly, ry, lz, rz = iterate(L) if pbc: edge = lx.mult(rx) / 3)) print "--> Hamiltonian constructed." H.basis = op.basis(3) H.L = L return H
def Potts_n(L, n=3, J=1., h=1., theta=0., phi=0., pbc=False): ''' - J * Sz * Sz * e^{i theta} + h.c. - h * Sx * e^{i phi}''' print "\n--> Construct the Hamiltonian for the %d-Potts model of size L=%d ..." % ( n, L) store = [[None, None, None] for i in range(L + 1)] store[1][0] = op.tau_n(n).times(-h / 2 * (np.cos(phi) + 1j * np.sin(phi))) store[1][1] = op.sigma_n(n) store[1][2] = op.sigma_n(n).hermitian().times( -J * (np.cos(theta) + 1j * np.sin(theta))) def iterate(l): if store[l] != store[0]: return store[l] le = int(l / 2) lH, llo, lro = iterate(le) rH, rlo, rro = iterate(l - le) lid = lH.identity() rid = rH.identity() store[l][0] = lH.kron(rid) temp = lid.kron(rH) store[l][0].plus(temp) store[l][0].plus(lro.kron(rlo)) store[l][1] = llo.kron(rid) store[l][2] = lid.kron(rro) return store[l] H, lo, ro = iterate(L) if pbc: edge = operator(L, [store[1][1], store[1][2]], [0, L - 1]) edge.times(-J) temp = H.hermitian() print "--> Hamiltonian constructed." H.basis = op.basis(n) H.L = L return H
def Kitaev(L, t=1., u=1., d=1., pbc=False): ''' - t * c^d * c + 2u * n + d * c * c = ( -t * c^d + d * c) * c + h.c. + 2u * n ''' print "\n--> Construct the Hamiltonian for the Kitaev model of size L=%d ..." % ( L) store = [[None, None, None] for i in range(L + 1)] store[1][0] = op.fermion_c().hermitian().mult(op.fermion_c()).times(u) store[1][1] = op.fermion_c().hermitian().times(-t).plus( op.fermion_c().times(d)) store[1][2] = op.fermion_c() def iterate(l): if store[l] != store[0]: return store[l] le = int(l / 2) lH, llo, lro = iterate(le) rH, rlo, rro = iterate(l - le) lid = lH.identity() rid = rH.identity() store[l][0] = lH.kron(rid) temp = lid.kron(rH) store[l][0].plus(temp) store[l][0].plus(lro.kron(rlo)) store[l][1] = llo.kron(rid) store[l][2] = lid.kron(rro) return store[l] H, lo, ro = iterate(L) if pbc: edge = operator(L, [store[1][1], store[1][2]], [0, L - 1]) edge.times(-d) temp = H.hermitian() print "--> Hamiltonian constructed." H.basis = op.basis(2) H.L = L return H
def SSH(L, t=1., d=1., pbc=False): ''' - (t-d) * c^d * c - (t+d) * c^d * c ''' print "\n--> Construct the Hamiltonian for the SSH model of size L=%d ..." % ( L) ope_z = op.fermion_c().times(0.0) ope_c = op.fermion_c() ope_cd = op.fermion_c().hermitian() def iterate(a, b): if a == b: return [ope_z, ope_c, ope_cd] ab = a + int((b - a + 1) / 2) lH, llo, lro = iterate(a, ab - 1) rH, rlo, rro = iterate(ab, b) lid = lH.identity() rid = rH.identity() H = lH.kron(rid) temp = lid.kron(rH) td = -t + d if ab % 2: td = -t - d return [H, llo.kron(rid), lid.kron(rro)] H, lo, ro = iterate(1, L) if pbc: edge = operator(L, [ope_cd, ope_c], [0, L - 1]) edge.times(t + d) temp = H.hermitian() print "--> Hamiltonian constructed." H.basis = op.basis(2) H.L = L return H
nphot0 = 0 tmax = 20 dt = 0.1 # setup basis with ntls spin, each of Hilbert space dimentsion # 2 and photon with dimension nphot setup_basis(ntls, 2, nphot) #run other setup routines list_equivalent_elements() setup_convert_rho() from basis import nspins, ldim_p, ldim_s #setup inital state and calculate Liouvillian L = setup_Dicke(omega, omega0, U, g, gp, kappa, gam_phi, gam_dn, 3) initial = setup_rho(basis(ldim_p, nphot0), basis(ldim_s, 1)) print "setup L" #operators to calculate expectation values for na = tensor(create(ldim_p) * destroy(ldim_p), qeye(ldim_s)) sz = tensor(qeye(ldim_p), sigmaz()) #propagate t0 = time() resultscomp = time_evolve(L, initial, tmax, dt, [na, sz]) tf = time() - t0 print "Time evollution complete" print tf #plot time evolution
def FK(L=8, sec=0, t1=1., t2=1.0, f0=1., f1=1., pbc=False): ''' see the paper for Hamiltonian hopping t: i c^d c f0: -(2n-1)(2n-1) f1: -4(n+n-1)(n+n-1) + 8(cccc+h.c.) ''' if L not in [1,2,4,8]: raise Exception("Illegal L value") print "\n--> Construct the Hamiltonian for the FK model of size L=%d ..." % (L) n_up = op.fermion_up4().hermitian().mult( op.fermion_up4() ) n_down = op.fermion_down4().hermitian().mult( op.fermion_down4() ) pp = op.fermion_up4().mult( op.fermion_down4() ) # cc ide = n_up.identity() n2_up = n_up.copy().times(-2).plus( ide ) # 1-2n n2_down = n_down.copy().times(-2).plus( ide ) # 1-2n nn = n2_up.copy().plus(n2_down) # 2(1-n-n) mH = n2_up.mult( n2_down ).times(-f0/2.) if L==1: H = mH.hermitian().plus(mH) H.L = 1 H.basis = op.basis(4) return H # the 2-stie ham with the hopping t1 and onsite-interaction f0 H2 = op.fermion_up4().hermitian().kron( op.fermion_up4() ) op.fermion_down4().hermitian().kron( op.fermion_down4() ) ) H2.times( 2.j*float(t1) ) mH.kron(ide).plus( ide.kron(mH) ) ) if L==2: H = H2.hermitian().plus(H2) H.L = 1 H.basis = op.basis(4) return H # the 4 site ham with interaction f1 and hopping t2 H4 = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_up4().hermitian(), op.fermion_up4()], [1,3]) ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_down4().hermitian(), op.fermion_down4()], [1,3]) ) H4.times( 2.j*float(t2) ) ide = H2.identity() H2.kron(ide).plus( ide.kron(H2) ) ) ham.operator(4, [nn, nn], [1,2]).times(-f1/2.) ) ham.operator(4, [pp, pp], [1,2]).times(f1*8.) ) if L==4: H = H4.hermitian().plus(H4) H.L = 1 H.basis = op.basis(4) return H def kron_s(A, B, sec): fp = A.fparity ss = A.sym_sum sym = A.sym dim = sym * A.dim * B.dim ret = csr((dim, dim), dtype=np.complex) for row1 in range(sym): for col1 in range(sym): row2 = ss(sec, -row1) col2 = ss(sec, -col1) if not A._empty_(row1, col1) and not B._empty_(row2, col2): sign = 1 - 2*( fp[col1] * fp[ss(col2, -row2)] ) temp = coo( sparse.kron(A.val[row1][col1], B.val[row2][col2]) * sign ) block = A.dim * B.dim add = coo((, (temp.row + row1*block, temp.col + col1*block)),(dim, dim), dtype=np.complex) ret += add return ret # the 8 site ham lup = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_up4().hermitian()], [2]) rup = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_up4()], [0]) ldown = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_down4().hermitian()], [2]) rdown = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_down4()], [0]) ide = H4.identity() ln = ham.operator(4, [nn], [3]) rn = ham.operator(4, [nn], [0]) lp = ham.operator(4, [pp], [3]) rp = ham.operator(4, [pp], [0]) Hs = coo((16384, 16384), dtype=np.complex) Hs += kron_s(lup, rup, sec) Hs += kron_s(ldown, rdown, sec) Hs *= 2.j*float(t2) Hs += kron_s(H4, ide, sec) Hs += kron_s(ide, H4, sec) Hs += kron_s(ln, rn, sec)*(-f1/2.) Hs += kron_s(lp, rp, sec)*(f1*8.) if pbc: edge = kron_s(rup,lup, sec) edge += kron_s(rdown, ldown, sec) edge *= -2.j*float(t2) Hs += edge Hs += kron_s(rn, ln, sec)*(-f1/2.) Hs += kron_s(rp, lp, sec)*(f1*8.) Hs += Hs.conjugate().transpose() print "--> Hamiltonian constructed." return Hs
H = FK(L=8, sec=sec, t1=t1, t2=t2, f0=f0, f1=f1, pbc=pbc) evals, evecs = eigsh(H, which='SA') arg = np.argsort(evals) evals_all.append( evals[arg] ) evecs_all.append( evecs[:,arg] ) return np.array(evals_all), np.array(evecs_all) H = FK(L=L, sec=0, t1=t1, t2=t2, f0=f0, f1=f1, pbc=pbc) for sec in range(0,4): D, U = eigh(H.val[sec][sec].todense()) evals_all.append(D) evecs_all.append(U) return np.array(evals_all), np.array(evecs_all) L = 8 basis = ham.basis(L, op.basis(4), op.fermion_up4().sym_sum) evals, evecs = FK_eig(L=L, t1=1.0, t2=1., f0=0.25, f1=0.25, pbc=True) print evals[:,:5] sec = 0 rho = func.reduced_density_matrix(evecs[sec,:,0], basis[sec], 4, 4) u, d, v = svd(rho) ee = -np.sum(d**2 * np.log( d**2) ) print "Entanglement entropy:", ee, "or", ee/np.log(2), "ln2" rho = func.reduced_density_matrix(evecs[sec,:,1], basis[sec], 4, 4) u, d, v = svd(rho) ee = -np.sum(d**2 * np.log( d**2) ) print "Entanglement entropy:", ee, "or", ee/np.log(2), "ln2" sec = 3 rho = func.reduced_density_matrix(evecs[sec,:,0], basis[sec], 4, 4) u, d, v = svd(rho)
def FK(L=8, sec=0, t1=1., t2=1.0, f0=1., f1=1., pbc=False): ''' see the paper for Hamiltonian hopping t: i c^d c f0: -(2n-1)(2n-1) f1: -4(n+n-1)(n+n-1) + 8(cccc+h.c.) ''' if L not in [1, 2, 4, 8]: raise Exception("Illegal L value") print "\n--> Construct the Hamiltonian for the FK model of size L=%d ..." % ( L) n_up = op.fermion_up4().hermitian().mult(op.fermion_up4()) n_down = op.fermion_down4().hermitian().mult(op.fermion_down4()) pp = op.fermion_up4().mult(op.fermion_down4()) # cc ide = n_up.identity() n2_up = n_up.copy().times(-2).plus(ide) # 1-2n n2_down = n_down.copy().times(-2).plus(ide) # 1-2n nn = n2_up.copy().plus(n2_down) # 2(1-n-n) mH = n2_up.mult(n2_down).times(-f0 / 2.) if L == 1: H = mH.hermitian().plus(mH) H.L = 1 H.basis = op.basis(4) return H # the 2-stie ham with the hopping t1 and onsite-interaction f0 H2 = op.fermion_up4().hermitian().kron(op.fermion_up4()) H2.times(2.j * float(t1)) if L == 2: H = H2.hermitian().plus(H2) H.L = 1 H.basis = op.basis(4) return H # the 4 site ham with interaction f1 and hopping t2 H4 = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_up4().hermitian(), op.fermion_up4()], [1, 3]) ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_down4().hermitian(), op.fermion_down4()], [1, 3])) H4.times(2.j * float(t2)) ide = H2.identity(), [nn, nn], [1, 2]).times(-f1 / 2.)), [pp, pp], [1, 2]).times(f1 * 8.)) if L == 4: H = H4.hermitian().plus(H4) H.L = 1 H.basis = op.basis(4) return H def kron_s(A, B, sec): fp = A.fparity ss = A.sym_sum sym = A.sym dim = sym * A.dim * B.dim ret = csr((dim, dim), dtype=np.complex) for row1 in range(sym): for col1 in range(sym): row2 = ss(sec, -row1) col2 = ss(sec, -col1) if not A._empty_(row1, col1) and not B._empty_(row2, col2): sign = 1 - 2 * (fp[col1] * fp[ss(col2, -row2)]) temp = coo( sparse.kron(A.val[row1][col1], B.val[row2][col2]) * sign) block = A.dim * B.dim add = coo( (, (temp.row + row1 * block, temp.col + col1 * block)), (dim, dim), dtype=np.complex) ret += add return ret # the 8 site ham lup = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_up4().hermitian()], [2]) rup = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_up4()], [0]) ldown = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_down4().hermitian()], [2]) rdown = ham.operator(4, [op.fermion_down4()], [0]) ide = H4.identity() ln = ham.operator(4, [nn], [3]) rn = ham.operator(4, [nn], [0]) lp = ham.operator(4, [pp], [3]) rp = ham.operator(4, [pp], [0]) Hs = coo((16384, 16384), dtype=np.complex) Hs += kron_s(lup, rup, sec) Hs += kron_s(ldown, rdown, sec) Hs *= 2.j * float(t2) Hs += kron_s(H4, ide, sec) Hs += kron_s(ide, H4, sec) Hs += kron_s(ln, rn, sec) * (-f1 / 2.) Hs += kron_s(lp, rp, sec) * (f1 * 8.) if pbc: edge = kron_s(rup, lup, sec) edge += kron_s(rdown, ldown, sec) edge *= -2.j * float(t2) Hs += edge Hs += kron_s(rn, ln, sec) * (-f1 / 2.) Hs += kron_s(rp, lp, sec) * (f1 * 8.) Hs += Hs.conjugate().transpose() print "--> Hamiltonian constructed." return Hs
evals, evecs = eigsh(H, which='SA') arg = np.argsort(evals) evals_all.append(evals[arg]) evecs_all.append(evecs[:, arg]) return np.array(evals_all), np.array(evecs_all) H = FK(L=L, sec=0, t1=t1, t2=t2, f0=f0, f1=f1, pbc=pbc) for sec in range(0, 4): D, U = eigh(H.val[sec][sec].todense()) evals_all.append(D) evecs_all.append(U) return np.array(evals_all), np.array(evecs_all) L = 8 basis = ham.basis(L, op.basis(4), op.fermion_up4().sym_sum) evals, evecs = FK_eig(L=L, t1=1.0, t2=1., f0=0.25, f1=0.25, pbc=True) print evals[:, :5] sec = 0 rho = func.reduced_density_matrix(evecs[sec, :, 0], basis[sec], 4, 4) u, d, v = svd(rho) ee = -np.sum(d**2 * np.log(d**2)) print "Entanglement entropy:", ee, "or", ee / np.log(2), "ln2" rho = func.reduced_density_matrix(evecs[sec, :, 1], basis[sec], 4, 4) u, d, v = svd(rho) ee = -np.sum(d**2 * np.log(d**2)) print "Entanglement entropy:", ee, "or", ee / np.log(2), "ln2" sec = 3 rho = func.reduced_density_matrix(evecs[sec, :, 0], basis[sec], 4, 4) u, d, v = svd(rho)