Exemple #1
def bernoulli_distribution(prob=0.0, size=1):
    """ Generates a bernoulli distribution based on an input probability.

        prob (float): probability of distribution.
        size (int): size of array.

        A Bernoulli distribution array.


    # Creating bernoulli array
    bernoulli_array = np.zeros(size)

    # Generating random number
    r = generate_uniform_random_number(0, 1, size)

    # For each dimension
    for i in range(size):
        # If random generated number if smaller than probability
        if (r[i] < prob):
            # Mark as one
            bernoulli_array[i] = 1
            # If not, mark as zero
            bernoulli_array[i] = 0

    return bernoulli_array
import opfython.math.random as r

# Generating a random uniform number array
u = r.generate_uniform_random_number(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=10)

# Generating a random gaussian number array
g = r.generate_gaussian_random_number(mean=0.5, variance=1.0, size=10)
Exemple #3
    def learn(self, X_train, Y_train, X_val, Y_val, n_iterations=10):
        """Learns the best classifier over a validation set.

            X_train (np.array): Array of training features.
            Y_train (np.array): Array of training labels.
            X_val (np.array): Array of validation features.
            Y_val (np.array): Array of validation labels.
            n_iterations (int): Number of iterations.


        logger.info('Learning the best classifier ...')

        # Defines the maximum accuracy
        max_acc = 0

        # Defines the previous accuracy
        previous_acc = 0

        # Defines the iterations counter
        t = 0

        while True:
            logger.info('Running iteration %d/%d ...', t+1, n_iterations)

            # Fits training data into the classifier
            self.fit(X_train, Y_train)

            # Predicts new data
            preds = self.predict(X_val)

            # Calculating accuracy
            acc = g.opf_accuracy(Y_val, preds)

            if acc > max_acc:
                max_acc = acc

                best_opf = copy.deepcopy(self)

                # Saves the iteration number
                best_t = t

            # Gathers which samples were missclassified
            errors = np.argwhere(Y_val != preds)

            # Defining the initial number of non-prototypes as 0
            non_prototypes = 0

            for n in self.subgraph.nodes:
                if n.status != c.PROTOTYPE:
                    non_prototypes += 1

            for err in errors:
                # Counter will receive the number of non-prototypes
                ctr = non_prototypes

                # While the counter is bigger than zero
                while ctr > 0:
                    # Generates a random index
                    j = int(r.generate_uniform_random_number(0, len(X_train)))

                    # If the node on that particular index is not a prototype
                    if self.subgraph.nodes[j].status != c.PROTOTYPE:
                        # Swap the input nodes
                        X_train[j, :], X_val[err, :] = X_val[err, :], X_train[j, :]

                        # Swap the target nodes
                        Y_train[j], Y_val[err] = Y_val[err], Y_train[j]

                        # Decrements the number of non-prototypes
                        non_prototypes -= 1

                        # Resets the counter
                        ctr = 0

                    # If the node on that particular index is a prototype
                        # Decrements the counter
                        ctr -= 1

            # Calculating difference between current accuracy and previous one
            delta = np.fabs(acc - previous_acc)

            # Replacing the previous accuracy as current accuracy
            previous_acc = acc

            # Incrementing the counter
            t += 1

            logger.info('Accuracy: %s | Delta: %s | Maximum Accuracy: %s', acc, delta, max_acc)

            # If the difference is smaller than 10e-4 or iterations are finished
            if delta < 0.0001 or t == n_iterations:
                # Replaces current class with the best OPF
                self = best_opf

                logger.info('Best classifier has been learned over iteration %d.', best_t+1)

def test_generate_uniform_random_number():
    uniform_array = random.generate_uniform_random_number(0, 1, 5)

    assert uniform_array.shape == (5, )