def as_unitless_number(expr, args, kwargs, context): return LLLnode(value=args[0].value, args=args[0].args, typ=BaseType(args[0].typ.typ, {}), pos=getpos(expr))
def bitwise_or(expr, args, kwargs, context): return LLLnode.from_list(['or', args[0], args[1]], typ=BaseType('uint256'), pos=getpos(expr))
def concat(expr, context): args = [Expr(arg, context).lll_node for arg in expr.args] if len(args) < 2: raise StructureException("Concat expects at least two arguments", expr) for expr_arg, arg in zip(expr.args, args): if not isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType) and not is_base_type( arg.typ, 'bytes32'): raise TypeMismatchException( "Concat expects byte arrays or bytes32 objects", expr_arg) # Maximum length of the output total_maxlen = sum([ arg.typ.maxlen if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType) else 32 for arg in args ]) # Node representing the position of the output in memory placeholder = context.new_placeholder(ByteArrayType(total_maxlen)) # Object representing the output seq = [] # For each argument we are concatenating... for arg in args: # Start pasting into a position the starts at zero, and keeps # incrementing as we concatenate arguments placeholder_node = LLLnode.from_list(['add', placeholder, '_poz'], typ=ByteArrayType(total_maxlen), location='memory') placeholder_node_plus_32 = LLLnode.from_list( ['add', ['add', placeholder, '_poz'], 32], typ=ByteArrayType(total_maxlen), location='memory') if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType): # Ignore empty strings if arg.typ.maxlen == 0: continue # Get the length of the current argument if arg.location == "memory": length = LLLnode.from_list(['mload', '_arg'], typ=BaseType('int128')) argstart = LLLnode.from_list(['add', '_arg', 32], typ=arg.typ, location=arg.location) elif arg.location == "storage": length = LLLnode.from_list(['sload', ['sha3_32', '_arg']], typ=BaseType('int128')) argstart = LLLnode.from_list(['add', ['sha3_32', '_arg'], 1], typ=arg.typ, location=arg.location) # Make a copier to copy over data from that argyument seq.append([ 'with', '_arg', arg, [ 'seq', make_byte_slice_copier(placeholder_node_plus_32, argstart, length, arg.typ.maxlen, pos=getpos(expr)), # Change the position to start at the correct # place to paste the next value ['set', '_poz', ['add', '_poz', length]] ] ]) else: seq.append([ 'seq', [ 'mstore', ['add', placeholder_node, 32], unwrap_location(arg) ], ['set', '_poz', ['add', '_poz', 32]] ]) # The position, after all arguments are processing, equals the total # length. Paste this in to make the output a proper bytearray seq.append(['mstore', placeholder, '_poz']) # Memory location of the output seq.append(placeholder) return LLLnode.from_list(['with', '_poz', 0, ['seq'] + seq], typ=ByteArrayType(total_maxlen), location='memory', pos=getpos(expr), annotation='concat')
def extract32(expr, args, kwargs, context): sub, index = args ret_type = kwargs['type'] # Get length and specific element if sub.location == "memory": lengetter = LLLnode.from_list(['mload', '_sub'], typ=BaseType('int128')) elementgetter = lambda index: LLLnode.from_list( ['mload', ['add', '_sub', ['add', 32, ['mul', 32, index]]]], typ=BaseType('int128')) elif sub.location == "storage": lengetter = LLLnode.from_list(['sload', ['sha3_32', '_sub']], typ=BaseType('int128')) elementgetter = lambda index: LLLnode.from_list( ['sload', ['add', ['sha3_32', '_sub'], ['add', 1, index]]], typ=BaseType('int128')) # Special case: index known to be a multiple of 32 if isinstance(index.value, int) and not index.value % 32: o = LLLnode.from_list([ 'with', '_sub', sub, elementgetter( ['div', ['clamp', 0, index, ['sub', lengetter, 32]], 32]) ], typ=BaseType(ret_type), annotation='extracting 32 bytes') # General case else: o = LLLnode.from_list([ 'with', '_sub', sub, [ 'with', '_len', lengetter, [ 'with', '_index', ['clamp', 0, index, ['sub', '_len', 32]], [ 'with', '_mi32', ['mod', '_index', 32], [ 'with', '_di32', ['div', '_index', 32], [ 'if', '_mi32', [ 'add', [ 'mul', elementgetter('_di32'), ['exp', 256, '_mi32'] ], [ 'div', elementgetter(['add', '_di32', 1]), ['exp', 256, ['sub', 32, '_mi32']] ] ], elementgetter('_di32') ] ] ] ] ] ], typ=BaseType(ret_type), pos=getpos(expr), annotation='extracting 32 bytes') if ret_type == 'int128': return LLLnode.from_list([ 'clamp', ['mload', MemoryPositions.MINNUM], o, ['mload', MemoryPositions.MAXNUM] ], typ=BaseType('int128'), pos=getpos(expr)) elif ret_type == 'address': return LLLnode.from_list( ['uclamplt', o, ['mload', MemoryPositions.ADDRSIZE]], typ=BaseType(ret_type), pos=getpos(expr)) else: return o
def add_variable_offset(parent, key, pos): typ, location = parent.typ, parent.location if isinstance(typ, (StructType, TupleType)): if isinstance(typ, StructType): if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeMismatchException( "Expecting a member variable access; cannot access element %r" % key, pos) if key not in typ.members: raise TypeMismatchException( "Object does not have member variable %s" % key, pos) subtype = typ.members[key] attrs = sorted(typ.members.keys()) if key not in attrs: raise TypeMismatchException( "Member %s not found. Only the following available: %s" % (key, " ".join(attrs)), pos) index = attrs.index(key) annotation = key else: if not isinstance(key, int): raise TypeMismatchException( "Expecting a static index; cannot access element %r" % key, pos) attrs = list(range(len(typ.members))) index = key annotation = None if location == 'storage': return LLLnode.from_list([ 'add', ['sha3_32', parent], LLLnode.from_list(index, annotation=annotation) ], typ=subtype, location='storage') elif location == 'storage_prehashed': return LLLnode.from_list([ 'add', parent, LLLnode.from_list(index, annotation=annotation) ], typ=subtype, location='storage') elif location == 'memory': offset = 0 for i in range(index): offset += 32 * get_size_of_type(typ.members[attrs[i]]) return LLLnode.from_list(['add', offset, parent], typ=typ.members[key], location='memory', annotation=annotation) else: raise TypeMismatchException( "Not expecting a member variable access") elif isinstance(typ, MappingType): if isinstance(key.typ, ByteArrayType): if not isinstance(typ.keytype, ByteArrayType) or ( typ.keytype.maxlen < key.typ.maxlen): raise TypeMismatchException( 'Mapping keys of bytes cannot be cast, use exact same bytes type of: %s' % str(typ.keytype), pos) subtype = typ.valuetype if len(key.args[0].args) >= 3: # handle bytes literal. sub = LLLnode.from_list([ 'seq', key, [ 'sha3', ['add', key.args[0].args[-1], 32], ['mload', key.args[0].args[-1]] ] ]) else: sub = LLLnode.from_list([ 'sha3', ['add', key.args[0].value, 32], ['mload', key.args[0].value] ]) else: subtype = typ.valuetype sub = base_type_conversion(key, key.typ, typ.keytype, pos=pos) if location == 'storage': return LLLnode.from_list(['sha3_64', parent, sub], typ=subtype, location='storage') elif location == 'memory': raise TypeMismatchException( "Can only have fixed-side arrays in memory, not mappings", pos) elif isinstance(typ, ListType): subtype = typ.subtype sub = [ 'uclamplt', base_type_conversion(key, key.typ, BaseType('int128'), pos=pos), typ.count ] if location == 'storage': return LLLnode.from_list(['add', ['sha3_32', parent], sub], typ=subtype, location='storage') elif location == 'storage_prehashed': return LLLnode.from_list(['add', parent, sub], typ=subtype, location='storage') elif location == 'memory': offset = 32 * get_size_of_type(subtype) return LLLnode.from_list(['add', ['mul', offset, sub], parent], typ=subtype, location='memory') else: raise TypeMismatchException("Not expecting an array access ", pos) else: raise TypeMismatchException( "Cannot access the child of a constant variable! %r" % typ, pos)
if args[0].value <= 0: raise InvalidLiteralException("Negative wei value not allowed", expr) sub = ['mul', args[0].value, denomination] elif args[0].typ.typ == 'uint256': sub = ['mul', args[0], denomination] else: sub = ['div', ['mul', args[0], denomination], DECIMAL_DIVISOR] return LLLnode.from_list(sub, typ=BaseType('uint256', {'wei': 1}), location=None, pos=getpos(expr)) zero_value = LLLnode.from_list(0, typ=BaseType('uint256', {'wei': 1})) false_value = LLLnode.from_list(0, typ=BaseType('bool', is_literal=True)) @signature('address', 'bytes', outsize='num_literal', gas='uint256', value=Optional('uint256', zero_value), delegate_call=Optional('bool', false_value)) def raw_call(expr, args, kwargs, context): to, data = args gas, value, outsize, delegate_call = kwargs['gas'], kwargs[ 'value'], kwargs['outsize'], kwargs['delegate_call'] if delegate_call.typ.is_literal is False: raise TypeMismatchException(
def pack_args_by_32(holder, maxlen, arg, typ, context, placeholder, dynamic_offset_counter=None, datamem_start=None, zero_pad_i=None, pos=None): """ Copy necessary variables to pre-allocated memory section. :param holder: Complete holder for all args :param maxlen: Total length in bytes of the full arg section (static + dynamic). :param arg: Current arg to pack :param context: Context of arg :param placeholder: Static placeholder for static argument part. :param dynamic_offset_counter: position counter stored in static args. :param dynamic_placeholder: pointer to current position in memory to write dynamic values to. :param datamem_start: position where the whole datemem section starts. """ if isinstance(typ, BaseType): value = parse_expr(arg, context) value = base_type_conversion(value, value.typ, typ, pos) holder.append( LLLnode.from_list(['mstore', placeholder, value], typ=typ, location='memory')) elif isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType): bytez = b'' source_expr = Expr(arg, context) if isinstance(arg, ast.Str): if len(arg.s) > typ.maxlen: raise TypeMismatchException( "Data input bytes are to big: %r %r" % (len(arg.s), typ), pos) for c in arg.s: if ord(c) >= 256: raise InvalidLiteralException( "Cannot insert special character %r into byte array" % c, pos) bytez += bytes([ord(c)]) holder.append(source_expr.lll_node) # Set static offset, in arg slot. holder.append( LLLnode.from_list( ['mstore', placeholder, ['mload', dynamic_offset_counter]])) # Get the biginning to write the ByteArray to. dest_placeholder = LLLnode.from_list( ['add', datamem_start, ['mload', dynamic_offset_counter]], typ=typ, location='memory', annotation="pack_args_by_32:dest_placeholder") copier = make_byte_array_copier(dest_placeholder, source_expr.lll_node, pos=pos) holder.append(copier) # Add zero padding. new_maxlen = ceil32(source_expr.lll_node.typ.maxlen) holder.append([ 'with', '_bytearray_loc', dest_placeholder, [ 'seq', [ 'repeat', zero_pad_i, ['mload', '_bytearray_loc'], new_maxlen, [ 'seq', [ 'if', ['ge', ['mload', zero_pad_i], new_maxlen], 'break' ], # stay within allocated bounds [ 'mstore8', [ 'add', ['add', '_bytearray_loc', 32], ['mload', zero_pad_i] ], 0 ] ] ] ] ]) # Increment offset counter. increment_counter = LLLnode.from_list([ 'mstore', dynamic_offset_counter, [ 'add', [ 'add', ['mload', dynamic_offset_counter], ['ceil32', ['mload', dest_placeholder]] ], 32 ] ]) holder.append(increment_counter) elif isinstance(typ, ListType): maxlen += (typ.count - 1) * 32 typ = typ.subtype def check_list_type_match(provided): # Check list types match. if provided != typ: raise TypeMismatchException( "Log list type '%s' does not match provided, expected '%s'" % (provided, typ)) # List from storage if isinstance(arg, ast.Attribute) and == 'self': stor_list = context.globals[arg.attr] check_list_type_match(stor_list.typ.subtype) size = stor_list.typ.count for offset in range(0, size): arg2 = LLLnode.from_list([ 'sload', ['add', ['sha3_32', Expr(arg, context).lll_node], offset] ], typ=typ) p_holder = context.new_placeholder( BaseType(32)) if offset > 0 else placeholder holder, maxlen = pack_args_by_32(holder, maxlen, arg2, typ, context, p_holder, pos=pos) # List from variable. elif isinstance(arg, ast.Name): size = context.vars[].size pos = context.vars[].pos check_list_type_match(context.vars[].typ.subtype) for i in range(0, size): offset = 32 * i arg2 = LLLnode.from_list(pos + offset, typ=typ, location='memory') p_holder = context.new_placeholder( BaseType(32)) if i > 0 else placeholder holder, maxlen = pack_args_by_32(holder, maxlen, arg2, typ, context, p_holder, pos=pos) # is list literal. else: holder, maxlen = pack_args_by_32(holder, maxlen, arg.elts[0], typ, context, placeholder, pos=pos) for j, arg2 in enumerate(arg.elts[1:]): holder, maxlen = pack_args_by_32(holder, maxlen, arg2, typ, context, context.new_placeholder( BaseType(32)), pos=pos) return holder, maxlen
def get_length(arg): if arg.location == "memory": return LLLnode.from_list(['mload', arg], typ=BaseType('int128')) elif arg.location == "storage": return LLLnode.from_list(['sload', ['sha3_32', arg]], typ=BaseType('int128'))
def pack_logging_data(expected_data, args, context, pos): # Checks to see if there's any data if not args: return ['seq'], 0, None, 0 holder = ['seq'] maxlen = len(args) * 32 # total size of all packed args (upper limit) requires_dynamic_offset = any( [isinstance(data.typ, ByteArrayType) for data in expected_data]) if requires_dynamic_offset: zero_pad_i = context.new_placeholder( BaseType('uint256')) # Iterator used to zero pad memory. dynamic_offset_counter = context.new_placeholder(BaseType(32)) dynamic_placeholder = context.new_placeholder(BaseType(32)) else: dynamic_offset_counter = None zero_pad_i = None # Populate static placeholders. placeholder_map = {} for i, (arg, data) in enumerate(zip(args, expected_data)): typ = data.typ placeholder = context.new_placeholder(BaseType(32)) placeholder_map[i] = placeholder if not isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType): holder, maxlen = pack_args_by_32(holder, maxlen, arg, typ, context, placeholder, zero_pad_i=zero_pad_i, pos=pos) # Dynamic position starts right after the static args. if requires_dynamic_offset: holder.append( LLLnode.from_list(['mstore', dynamic_offset_counter, maxlen])) # Calculate maximum dynamic offset placeholders, used for gas estimation. for i, (arg, data) in enumerate(zip(args, expected_data)): typ = data.typ if isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType): maxlen += 32 + ceil32(typ.maxlen) if requires_dynamic_offset: datamem_start = dynamic_placeholder + 32 else: datamem_start = placeholder_map[0] # Copy necessary data into allocated dynamic section. for i, (arg, data) in enumerate(zip(args, expected_data)): typ = data.typ if isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType): pack_args_by_32(holder=holder, maxlen=maxlen, arg=arg, typ=typ, context=context, placeholder=placeholder_map[i], datamem_start=datamem_start, dynamic_offset_counter=dynamic_offset_counter, zero_pad_i=zero_pad_i, pos=pos) return holder, maxlen, dynamic_offset_counter, datamem_start
def parse_func(code, sigs, origcode, global_ctx, _vars=None): if _vars is None: _vars = {} sig = FunctionSignature.from_definition( code, sigs=sigs, custom_units=global_ctx._custom_units) # Get base args for function. total_default_args = len(code.args.defaults) base_args = sig.args[: -total_default_args] if total_default_args > 0 else sig.args default_args = code.args.args[-total_default_args:] default_values = dict( zip([arg.arg for arg in default_args], code.args.defaults)) # __init__ function may not have defaults. if == '__init__' and total_default_args > 0: raise FunctionDeclarationException( "__init__ function may not have default parameters.") # Check for duplicate variables with globals for arg in sig.args: if in global_ctx._globals: raise FunctionDeclarationException( "Variable name duplicated between function arguments and globals: " + # Create a local (per function) context. context = Context(vars=_vars, global_ctx=global_ctx, sigs=sigs, return_type=sig.output_type, is_constant=sig.const, is_payable=sig.payable, origcode=origcode, is_private=sig.private, method_id=sig.method_id) # Copy calldata to memory for fixed-size arguments max_copy_size = sum([ 32 if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType) else get_size_of_type(arg.typ) * 32 for arg in sig.args ]) base_copy_size = sum([ 32 if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType) else get_size_of_type(arg.typ) * 32 for arg in base_args ]) context.next_mem += max_copy_size clampers = [] # Create callback_ptr, this stores a destination in the bytecode for a private # function to jump to after a function has executed. _post_callback_ptr = "{}_{}_post_callback_ptr".format(, sig.method_id) if sig.private: context.callback_ptr = context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')) clampers.append( LLLnode.from_list(['mstore', context.callback_ptr, 'pass'], annotation='pop callback pointer')) if total_default_args > 0: clampers.append(['label', _post_callback_ptr]) # private functions without return types need to jump back to # the calling function, as there is no return statement to handle the # jump. stop_func = [['stop']] if sig.output_type is None and sig.private: stop_func = [['jump', ['mload', context.callback_ptr]]] if not len(base_args): copier = 'pass' elif == '__init__': copier = [ 'codecopy', MemoryPositions.RESERVED_MEMORY, '~codelen', base_copy_size ] else: copier = get_arg_copier(sig=sig, total_size=base_copy_size, memory_dest=MemoryPositions.RESERVED_MEMORY) clampers.append(copier) # Add asserts for payable and internal # private never gets payable check. if not sig.payable and not sig.private: clampers.append(['assert', ['iszero', 'callvalue']]) # Fill variable positions for i, arg in enumerate(sig.args): if i < len(base_args) and not sig.private: clampers.append( make_clamper(arg.pos, context.next_mem, arg.typ, == '__init__')) if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType): context.vars[] = VariableRecord(, context.next_mem, arg.typ, False) context.next_mem += 32 * get_size_of_type(arg.typ) else: context.vars[] = VariableRecord(, MemoryPositions.RESERVED_MEMORY + arg.pos, arg.typ, False) # Private function copiers. No clamping for private functions. dyn_variable_names = [ for a in base_args if isinstance(a.typ, ByteArrayType) ] if sig.private and dyn_variable_names: i_placeholder = context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')) unpackers = [] for idx, var_name in enumerate(dyn_variable_names): var = context.vars[var_name] ident = "_load_args_%d_dynarg%d" % (sig.method_id, idx) o = make_unpacker(ident=ident, i_placeholder=i_placeholder, begin_pos=var.pos) unpackers.append(o) if not unpackers: unpackers = ['pass'] clampers.append( LLLnode.from_list( ['seq_unchecked'] + unpackers + [ 0 ], # [0] to complete full overarching 'seq' statement, see private_label. typ=None, annotation='dynamic unpacker', pos=getpos(code))) # Create "clampers" (input well-formedness checkers) # Return function body if == '__init__': o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq'] + clampers + [parse_body(code.body, context)], pos=getpos(code)) elif is_default_func(sig): if len(sig.args) > 0: raise FunctionDeclarationException( 'Default function may not receive any arguments.', code) if sig.private: raise FunctionDeclarationException( 'Default function may only be public.', code) o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq'] + clampers + [parse_body(code.body, context)], pos=getpos(code)) else: if total_default_args > 0: # Function with default parameters. function_routine = "{}_{}".format(, sig.method_id) default_sigs = generate_default_arg_sigs(code, sigs, global_ctx._custom_units) sig_chain = ['seq'] for default_sig in default_sigs: sig_compare, private_label = get_sig_statements( default_sig, getpos(code)) # Populate unset default variables populate_arg_count = len(sig.args) - len(default_sig.args) set_defaults = [] if populate_arg_count > 0: current_sig_arg_names = { for x in default_sig.args} missing_arg_names = [ arg.arg for arg in default_args if arg.arg not in current_sig_arg_names ] for arg_name in missing_arg_names: value = Expr(default_values[arg_name], context).lll_node var = context.vars[arg_name] left = LLLnode.from_list(var.pos, typ=var.typ, location='memory', pos=getpos(code), mutable=var.mutable) set_defaults.append( make_setter(left, value, 'memory', pos=getpos(code))) current_sig_arg_names = { for x in default_sig.args} base_arg_names = { for arg in base_args} if sig.private: # Load all variables in default section, if private, # because the stack is a linear pipe. copier_arg_count = len(default_sig.args) copier_arg_names = current_sig_arg_names else: copier_arg_count = len(default_sig.args) - len(base_args) copier_arg_names = current_sig_arg_names - base_arg_names # Order copier_arg_names, this is very important. copier_arg_names = [ for x in default_sig.args if in copier_arg_names ] # Variables to be populated from calldata/stack. default_copiers = [] if copier_arg_count > 0: # Get map of variables in calldata, with thier offsets offset = 4 calldata_offset_map = {} for arg in default_sig.args: calldata_offset_map[] = offset offset += 32 if isinstance( arg.typ, ByteArrayType) else get_size_of_type(arg.typ) * 32 # Copy set default parameters from calldata dynamics = [] for arg_name in copier_arg_names: var = context.vars[arg_name] calldata_offset = calldata_offset_map[arg_name] if sig.private: _offset = calldata_offset if isinstance(var.typ, ByteArrayType): _size = 32 dynamics.append(var.pos) else: _size = var.size * 32 default_copiers.append( get_arg_copier(sig=sig, memory_dest=var.pos, total_size=_size, offset=_offset)) else: # Add clampers. default_copiers.append( make_clamper(calldata_offset - 4, var.pos, var.typ)) # Add copying code. if isinstance(var.typ, ByteArrayType): _offset = [ 'add', 4, ['calldataload', calldata_offset] ] else: _offset = calldata_offset default_copiers.append( get_arg_copier(sig=sig, memory_dest=var.pos, total_size=var.size * 32, offset=_offset)) # Unpack byte array if necessary. if dynamics: i_placeholder = context.new_placeholder( typ=BaseType('uint256')) for idx, var_pos in enumerate(dynamics): ident = 'unpack_default_sig_dyn_%d_arg%d' % ( default_sig.method_id, idx) default_copiers.append( make_unpacker(ident=ident, i_placeholder=i_placeholder, begin_pos=var_pos)) default_copiers.append(0) # for over arching seq, POP sig_chain.append([ 'if', sig_compare, [ 'seq', private_label, LLLnode.from_list( ['mstore', context.callback_ptr, 'pass'], annotation='pop callback pointer', pos=getpos(code)) if sig.private else ['pass'], ['seq'] + set_defaults if set_defaults else ['pass'], ['seq_unchecked'] + default_copiers if default_copiers else ['pass'], [ 'goto', _post_callback_ptr if sig.private else function_routine ] ] ]) # With private functions all variable loading occurs in the default # function sub routine. if sig.private: _clampers = [['label', _post_callback_ptr]] else: _clampers = clampers # Function with default parameters. o = LLLnode.from_list( [ 'seq', sig_chain, [ 'if', 0, # can only be jumped into [ 'seq', ['label', function_routine] if not sig.private else ['pass'], ['seq'] + _clampers + [parse_body(c, context) for c in code.body] + stop_func ] ] ], typ=None, pos=getpos(code)) else: # Function without default parameters. sig_compare, private_label = get_sig_statements(sig, getpos(code)) o = LLLnode.from_list([ 'if', sig_compare, ['seq'] + [private_label] + clampers + [parse_body(c, context) for c in code.body] + stop_func ], typ=None, pos=getpos(code)) # Check for at leasts one return statement if necessary. if context.return_type and context.function_return_count == 0: raise FunctionDeclarationException( "Missing return statement in function '%s' " %, code) o.context = context o.total_gas = o.gas + calc_mem_gas(o.context.next_mem) o.func_name = return o
def call_self_private(stmt_expr, context, sig): # ** Private Call ** # Steps: # (x) push current local variables # (x) push arguments # (x) push jumpdest (callback ptr) # (x) jump to label # (x) pop return values # (x) pop local variables method_name, expr_args, sig = call_lookup_specs(stmt_expr, context) pre_init = [] pop_local_vars = [] push_local_vars = [] pop_return_values = [] push_args = [] # Push local variables. if context.vars: var_slots = [(v.pos, v.size) for name, v in context.vars.items()] var_slots.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) mem_from, mem_to = var_slots[0][ 0], var_slots[-1][0] + var_slots[-1][1] * 32 push_local_vars = [['mload', pos] for pos in range(mem_from, mem_to, 32)] pop_local_vars = [['mstore', pos, 'pass'] for pos in reversed(range(mem_from, mem_to, 32))] # Push Arguments if expr_args: inargs, inargsize, arg_pos = pack_arguments(sig, expr_args, context, return_placeholder=False, pos=getpos(stmt_expr)) push_args += [ inargs ] # copy arguments first, to not mess up the push/pop sequencing. static_arg_count = len(expr_args) * 32 static_pos = arg_pos + static_arg_count total_arg_size = ceil32(inargsize - 4) if len(expr_args) * 32 != total_arg_size: # requires dynamic section. ident = 'push_args_%d_%d_%d' % (sig.method_id, stmt_expr.lineno, stmt_expr.col_offset) start_label = ident + '_start' end_label = ident + '_end' i_placeholder = context.new_placeholder(BaseType('uint256')) push_args += [ ['mstore', i_placeholder, arg_pos + total_arg_size], ['label', start_label], [ 'if', ['lt', ['mload', i_placeholder], static_pos], ['goto', end_label] ], [ 'if_unchecked', ['ne', ['mload', ['mload', i_placeholder]], 0], ['mload', ['mload', i_placeholder]] ], [ 'mstore', i_placeholder, ['sub', ['mload', i_placeholder], 32] ], # decrease i ['goto', start_label], ['label', end_label] ] # push static section push_args += [['mload', pos] for pos in reversed(range(arg_pos, static_pos, 32))] # Jump to function label. jump_to_func = [ ['add', ['pc'], 6], # set callback pointer. ['goto', 'priv_{}'.format(sig.method_id)], ['jumpdest'], ] # Pop return values. returner = [0] if sig.output_type: output_placeholder, returner, output_size = call_make_placeholder( stmt_expr, context, sig) if output_size > 0: dynamic_offsets = [] if isinstance(sig.output_type, (BaseType, ListType)): pop_return_values = [[ 'mstore', ['add', output_placeholder, pos], 'pass' ] for pos in range(0, output_size, 32)] elif isinstance(sig.output_type, ByteArrayType): dynamic_offsets = [(0, sig.output_type)] pop_return_values = [ ['pop', 'pass'], ] elif isinstance(sig.output_type, TupleType): static_offset = 0 pop_return_values = [] for out_type in sig.output_type.members: if isinstance(out_type, ByteArrayType): pop_return_values.append([ 'mstore', ['add', output_placeholder, static_offset], 'pass' ]) dynamic_offsets.append(([ 'mload', ['add', output_placeholder, static_offset] ], out_type)) else: pop_return_values.append([ 'mstore', ['add', output_placeholder, static_offset], 'pass' ]) static_offset += 32 # append dynamic unpacker. dyn_idx = 0 for in_memory_offset, out_type in dynamic_offsets: ident = "%d_%d_arg_%d" % (stmt_expr.lineno, stmt_expr.col_offset, dyn_idx) dyn_idx += 1 start_label = 'dyn_unpack_start_' + ident end_label = 'dyn_unpack_end_' + ident i_placeholder = context.new_placeholder( typ=BaseType('uint256')) begin_pos = ['add', output_placeholder, in_memory_offset] # loop until length. o = LLLnode.from_list( [ 'seq_unchecked', ['mstore', begin_pos, 'pass'], # get len ['mstore', i_placeholder, 0], ['label', start_label], [ 'if', [ 'ge', ['mload', i_placeholder], ['ceil32', ['mload', begin_pos]] ], ['goto', end_label] ], # break [ 'mstore', [ 'add', ['add', begin_pos, 32], ['mload', i_placeholder] ], 'pass' ], # pop into correct memory slot. [ 'mstore', i_placeholder, ['add', 32, ['mload', i_placeholder]] ], # increment i ['goto', start_label], ['label', end_label] ], typ=None, annotation='dynamic unpacker', pos=getpos(stmt_expr)) pop_return_values.append(o) o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq_unchecked'] + pre_init + push_local_vars + push_args + jump_to_func + pop_return_values + pop_local_vars + [returner], typ=sig.output_type, location='memory', pos=getpos(stmt_expr), annotation='Internal Call: %s' % method_name, add_gas_estimate=sig.gas) o.gas += sig.gas return o
def arithmetic(self): pre_alloc_left, left = self.arithmetic_get_reference(self.expr.left) pre_alloc_right, right = self.arithmetic_get_reference(self.expr.right) if not is_numeric_type(left.typ) or not is_numeric_type(right.typ): raise TypeMismatchException("Unsupported types for arithmetic op: %r %r" % (left.typ, right.typ), self.expr) arithmetic_pair = {left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ} # Special Case: Simplify any literal to literal arithmetic at compile time. if left.typ.is_literal and right.typ.is_literal and \ isinstance(right.value, int) and isinstance(left.value, int): if isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Add): val = left.value + right.value elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Sub): val = left.value - right.value elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Mult): val = left.value * right.value elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Div): val = left.value // right.value elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Mod): val = left.value % right.value elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Pow): val = left.value ** right.value else: raise ParserException('Unsupported literal operator: %s' % str(type(self.expr.op)), self.expr) num = ast.Num(val) num.source_code = self.expr.source_code num.lineno = self.expr.lineno num.col_offset = self.expr.col_offset return Expr.parse_value_expr(num, self.context) # Special case with uint256 were int literal may be casted. if arithmetic_pair == {'uint256', 'int128'}: # Check right side literal. if right.typ.is_literal and SizeLimits.in_bounds('uint256', right.value): right = LLLnode.from_list(right.value, typ=BaseType('uint256', None, is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr)) arithmetic_pair = {left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ} # Check left side literal. elif left.typ.is_literal and SizeLimits.in_bounds('uint256', left.value): left = LLLnode.from_list(left.value, typ=BaseType('uint256', None, is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr)) arithmetic_pair = {left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ} # Only allow explicit conversions to occur. if left.typ.typ != right.typ.typ: raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot implicitly convert {} to {}.".format(left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ), self.expr) ltyp, rtyp = left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ if isinstance(self.expr.op, (ast.Add, ast.Sub)): if left.typ.unit != right.typ.unit and left.typ.unit is not None and right.typ.unit is not None: raise TypeMismatchException("Unit mismatch: %r %r" % (left.typ.unit, right.typ.unit), self.expr) if left.typ.positional and right.typ.positional and isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Add): raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot add two positional units!", self.expr) new_unit = left.typ.unit or right.typ.unit new_positional = left.typ.positional ^ right.typ.positional # xor, as subtracting two positionals gives a delta op = 'add' if isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Add) else 'sub' if ltyp == 'uint256' and isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Add): o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq', # Checks that: a + b >= a ['assert', ['ge', ['add', left, right], left]], ['add', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit, new_positional), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif ltyp == 'uint256' and isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Sub): o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq', # Checks that: a >= b ['assert', ['ge', left, right]], ['sub', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit, new_positional), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif ltyp == rtyp: o = LLLnode.from_list([op, left, right], typ=BaseType(ltyp, new_unit, new_positional), pos=getpos(self.expr)) else: raise Exception("Unsupported Operation '%r(%r, %r)'" % (op, ltyp, rtyp)) elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Mult): if left.typ.positional or right.typ.positional: raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot multiply positional values!", self.expr) new_unit = combine_units(left.typ.unit, right.typ.unit) if ltyp == rtyp == 'uint256': o = LLLnode.from_list(['if', ['eq', left, 0], [0], ['seq', ['assert', ['eq', ['div', ['mul', left, right], left], right]], ['mul', left, right]]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif ltyp == rtyp == 'int128': o = LLLnode.from_list(['mul', left, right], typ=BaseType('int128', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif ltyp == rtyp == 'decimal': o = LLLnode.from_list(['with', 'r', right, ['with', 'l', left, ['with', 'ans', ['mul', 'l', 'r'], ['seq', ['assert', ['or', ['eq', ['sdiv', 'ans', 'l'], 'r'], ['iszero', 'l']]], ['sdiv', 'ans', DECIMAL_DIVISOR]]]]], typ=BaseType('decimal', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr)) else: raise Exception("Unsupported Operation 'mul(%r, %r)'" % (ltyp, rtyp)) elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Div): if left.typ.positional or right.typ.positional: raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot divide positional values!", self.expr) new_unit = combine_units(left.typ.unit, right.typ.unit, div=True) if ltyp == rtyp == 'uint256': o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq', # Checks that: b != 0 ['assert', right], ['div', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif ltyp == rtyp == 'int128': o = LLLnode.from_list(['sdiv', left, ['clamp_nonzero', right]], typ=BaseType('int128', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif ltyp == rtyp == 'decimal': o = LLLnode.from_list(['with', 'l', left, ['with', 'r', ['clamp_nonzero', right], ['sdiv', ['mul', 'l', DECIMAL_DIVISOR], 'r']]], typ=BaseType('decimal', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr)) else: raise Exception("Unsupported Operation 'div(%r, %r)'" % (ltyp, rtyp)) elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Mod): if left.typ.positional or right.typ.positional: raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot use positional values as modulus arguments!", self.expr) if left.typ.unit != right.typ.unit and left.typ.unit is not None and right.typ.unit is not None: raise TypeMismatchException("Modulus arguments must have same unit", self.expr) new_unit = left.typ.unit or right.typ.unit if ltyp == rtyp == 'uint256': o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq', ['assert', right], ['mod', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif ltyp == rtyp: o = LLLnode.from_list(['smod', left, ['clamp_nonzero', right]], typ=BaseType(ltyp, new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr)) else: raise Exception("Unsupported Operation 'mod(%r, %r)'" % (ltyp, rtyp)) elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Pow): if left.typ.positional or right.typ.positional: raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot use positional values as exponential arguments!", self.expr) if right.typ.unit: raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot use unit values as exponents", self.expr) if ltyp != 'int128' and ltyp != 'uint256' and isinstance(self.expr.right, ast.Name): raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot use dynamic values as exponents, for unit base types", self.expr) if ltyp == rtyp == 'uint256': o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq', ['assert', ['or', ['or', ['eq', right, 1], ['iszero', right]], ['lt', left, ['exp', left, right]]]], ['exp', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256'), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif ltyp == rtyp == 'int128': new_unit = left.typ.unit if left.typ.unit and not isinstance(self.expr.right, ast.Name): new_unit = {left.typ.unit.copy().popitem()[0]: self.expr.right.n} o = LLLnode.from_list(['exp', left, right], typ=BaseType('int128', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr)) else: raise TypeMismatchException('Only whole number exponents are supported', self.expr) else: raise Exception("Unsupported binop: %r" % self.expr.op) p = ['seq'] if pre_alloc_left: p.append(pre_alloc_left) if pre_alloc_right: p.append(pre_alloc_right) if o.typ.typ == 'int128': p.append(['clamp', ['mload', MemoryPositions.MINNUM], o, ['mload', MemoryPositions.MAXNUM]]) return LLLnode.from_list(p, typ=o.typ, pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif o.typ.typ == 'decimal': p.append(['clamp', ['mload', MemoryPositions.MINDECIMAL], o, ['mload', MemoryPositions.MAXDECIMAL]]) return LLLnode.from_list(p, typ=o.typ, pos=getpos(self.expr)) if o.typ.typ == 'uint256': p.append(o) return LLLnode.from_list(p, typ=o.typ, pos=getpos(self.expr)) else: raise Exception("%r %r" % (o, o.typ))
def attribute(self): # x.balance: balance of address x if self.expr.attr == 'balance': addr = Expr.parse_value_expr(self.expr.value, self.context) if not is_base_type(addr.typ, 'address'): raise TypeMismatchException("Type mismatch: balance keyword expects an address as input", self.expr) return LLLnode.from_list(['balance', addr], typ=BaseType('uint256', {'wei': 1}), location=None, pos=getpos(self.expr)) # x.codesize: codesize of address x elif self.expr.attr == 'codesize' or self.expr.attr == 'is_contract': addr = Expr.parse_value_expr(self.expr.value, self.context) if not is_base_type(addr.typ, 'address'): raise TypeMismatchException("Type mismatch: codesize keyword expects an address as input", self.expr) if self.expr.attr == 'codesize': eval_code = ['extcodesize', addr] output_type = 'int128' else: eval_code = ['gt', ['extcodesize', addr], 0] output_type = 'bool' return LLLnode.from_list(eval_code, typ=BaseType(output_type), location=None, pos=getpos(self.expr)) # self.x: global attribute elif isinstance(self.expr.value, ast.Name) and == "self": if self.expr.attr not in self.context.globals: raise VariableDeclarationException("Persistent variable undeclared: " + self.expr.attr, self.expr) var = self.context.globals[self.expr.attr] return LLLnode.from_list(var.pos, typ=var.typ, location='storage', pos=getpos(self.expr), annotation='self.' + self.expr.attr) # Reserved keywords elif isinstance(self.expr.value, ast.Name) and in ("msg", "block", "tx"): key = + "." + self.expr.attr if key == "msg.sender": if self.context.is_private: raise ParserException("msg.sender not allowed in private functions.", self.expr) return LLLnode.from_list(['caller'], typ='address', pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif key == "msg.value": if not self.context.is_payable: raise NonPayableViolationException("Cannot use msg.value in a non-payable function", self.expr) return LLLnode.from_list(['callvalue'], typ=BaseType('uint256', {'wei': 1}), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif key == "msg.gas": return LLLnode.from_list(['gas'], typ='uint256', pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif key == "block.difficulty": return LLLnode.from_list(['difficulty'], typ='uint256', pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif key == "block.timestamp": return LLLnode.from_list(['timestamp'], typ=BaseType('uint256', {'sec': 1}, True), pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif key == "block.coinbase": return LLLnode.from_list(['coinbase'], typ='address', pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif key == "block.number": return LLLnode.from_list(['number'], typ='uint256', pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif key == "block.prevhash": return LLLnode.from_list(['blockhash', ['sub', 'number', 1]], typ='bytes32', pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif key == "tx.origin": return LLLnode.from_list(['origin'], typ='address', pos=getpos(self.expr)) else: raise Exception("Unsupported keyword: " + key) # Other variables else: sub = Expr.parse_variable_location(self.expr.value, self.context) # contract type if isinstance(sub.typ, ContractType): return sub if not isinstance(sub.typ, StructType): raise TypeMismatchException("Type mismatch: member variable access not expected", self.expr.value) attrs = sorted(sub.typ.members.keys()) if self.expr.attr not in attrs: raise TypeMismatchException("Member %s not found. Only the following available: %s" % (self.expr.attr, " ".join(attrs)), self.expr) return add_variable_offset(sub, self.expr.attr, pos=getpos(self.expr))
def parse_return(self): if self.context.return_type is None: if self.stmt.value: raise TypeMismatchException("Not expecting to return a value", self.stmt) return LLLnode.from_list(self.make_return_stmt(0, 0), typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt)) if not self.stmt.value: raise TypeMismatchException("Expecting to return a value", self.stmt) def zero_pad(bytez_placeholder, maxlen): zero_padder = LLLnode.from_list(['pass']) if maxlen > 0: zero_pad_i = self.context.new_placeholder(BaseType('uint256')) # Iterator used to zero pad memory. zero_padder = LLLnode.from_list( ['repeat', zero_pad_i, ['mload', bytez_placeholder], maxlen, ['seq', ['if', ['gt', ['mload', zero_pad_i], maxlen], 'break'], # stay within allocated bounds ['mstore8', ['add', ['add', 32, bytez_placeholder], ['mload', zero_pad_i]], 0]]], annotation="Zero pad" ) return zero_padder sub = Expr(self.stmt.value, self.context).lll_node self.context.increment_return_counter() # Returning a value (most common case) if isinstance(sub.typ, BaseType): if not isinstance(self.context.return_type, BaseType): raise TypeMismatchException("Trying to return base type %r, output expecting %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value) sub = unwrap_location(sub) if not are_units_compatible(sub.typ, self.context.return_type): raise TypeMismatchException("Return type units mismatch %r %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value) elif sub.typ.is_literal and (self.context.return_type.typ == sub.typ or 'int' in self.context.return_type.typ and 'int' in sub.typ.typ): if not SizeLimits.in_bounds(self.context.return_type.typ, sub.value): raise InvalidLiteralException("Number out of range: " + str(sub.value), self.stmt) else: return LLLnode.from_list(['seq', ['mstore', 0, sub], self.make_return_stmt(0, 32)], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt)) elif is_base_type(sub.typ, self.context.return_type.typ) or \ (is_base_type(sub.typ, 'int128') and is_base_type(self.context.return_type, 'int256')): return LLLnode.from_list(['seq', ['mstore', 0, sub], self.make_return_stmt(0, 32)], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt)) else: raise TypeMismatchException("Unsupported type conversion: %r to %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value) # Returning a byte array elif isinstance(sub.typ, ByteArrayType): if not isinstance(self.context.return_type, ByteArrayType): raise TypeMismatchException("Trying to return base type %r, output expecting %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value) if sub.typ.maxlen > self.context.return_type.maxlen: raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot cast from greater max-length %d to shorter max-length %d" % (sub.typ.maxlen, self.context.return_type.maxlen), self.stmt.value) loop_memory_position = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')) # loop memory has to be allocated first. len_placeholder = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')) # len & bytez placeholder have to be declared after each other at all times. bytez_placeholder = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=sub.typ) if sub.location in ('storage', 'memory'): return LLLnode.from_list([ 'seq', make_byte_array_copier( LLLnode(bytez_placeholder, location='memory', typ=sub.typ), sub, pos=getpos(self.stmt) ), zero_pad(bytez_placeholder, sub.typ.maxlen), ['mstore', len_placeholder, 32], self.make_return_stmt(len_placeholder, ['ceil32', ['add', ['mload', bytez_placeholder], 64]], loop_memory_position=loop_memory_position)], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt) ) else: raise Exception("Invalid location: %s" % sub.location) elif isinstance(sub.typ, ListType): sub_base_type = re.split(r'\(|\[', str(sub.typ.subtype))[0] ret_base_type = re.split(r'\(|\[', str(self.context.return_type.subtype))[0] loop_memory_position = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')) if sub_base_type != ret_base_type: raise TypeMismatchException( "List return type %r does not match specified return type, expecting %r" % ( sub_base_type, ret_base_type ), self.stmt ) elif sub.location == "memory" and sub.value != "multi": return LLLnode.from_list(self.make_return_stmt(sub, get_size_of_type(self.context.return_type) * 32, loop_memory_position=loop_memory_position), typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt)) else: new_sub = LLLnode.from_list(self.context.new_placeholder(self.context.return_type), typ=self.context.return_type, location='memory') setter = make_setter(new_sub, sub, 'memory', pos=getpos(self.stmt)) return LLLnode.from_list(['seq', setter, self.make_return_stmt(new_sub, get_size_of_type(self.context.return_type) * 32, loop_memory_position=loop_memory_position)], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt)) # Returning a tuple. elif isinstance(sub.typ, TupleType): if not isinstance(self.context.return_type, TupleType): raise TypeMismatchException("Trying to return tuple type %r, output expecting %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value) if len(self.context.return_type.members) != len(sub.typ.members): raise StructureException("Tuple lengths don't match!", self.stmt) # check return type matches, sub type. for i, ret_x in enumerate(self.context.return_type.members): s_member = sub.typ.members[i] sub_type = s_member if isinstance(s_member, NodeType) else s_member.typ if type(sub_type) is not type(ret_x): raise StructureException( "Tuple return type does not match annotated return. {} != {}".format( type(sub_type), type(ret_x) ), self.stmt ) # Is from a call expression. if len(sub.args[0].args) > 0 and sub.args[0].args[0].value == 'call': # self-call to public. mem_pos = sub.args[0].args[-1] mem_size = get_size_of_type(sub.typ) * 32 return LLLnode.from_list(['return', mem_pos, mem_size], typ=sub.typ) elif (sub.annotation and 'Internal Call' in sub.annotation): mem_pos = sub.args[-1].value if sub.value == 'seq_unchecked' else sub.args[0].args[-1] mem_size = get_size_of_type(sub.typ) * 32 # Add zero padder if bytes are present in output. zero_padder = ['pass'] byte_arrays = [(i, x) for i, x in enumerate(sub.typ.members) if isinstance(x, ByteArrayType)] if byte_arrays: i, x = byte_arrays[-1] zero_padder = zero_pad(bytez_placeholder=['add', mem_pos, ['mload', mem_pos + i * 32]], maxlen=x.maxlen) return LLLnode.from_list( ['seq'] + [sub] + [zero_padder] + [self.make_return_stmt(mem_pos, mem_size) ], typ=sub.typ, pos=getpos(self.stmt)) subs = [] # Pre-allocate loop_memory_position if required for private function returning. loop_memory_position = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')) if self.context.is_private else None # Allocate dynamic off set counter, to keep track of the total packed dynamic data size. dynamic_offset_counter_placeholder = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')) dynamic_offset_counter = LLLnode( dynamic_offset_counter_placeholder, typ=None, annotation="dynamic_offset_counter" # dynamic offset position counter. ) new_sub = LLLnode.from_list( self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')), typ=self.context.return_type, location='memory', annotation='new_sub' ) keyz = list(range(len(sub.typ.members))) dynamic_offset_start = 32 * len(sub.args) # The static list of args end. left_token = LLLnode.from_list('_loc', typ=new_sub.typ, location="memory") def get_dynamic_offset_value(): # Get value of dynamic offset counter. return ['mload', dynamic_offset_counter] def increment_dynamic_offset(dynamic_spot): # Increment dyanmic offset counter in memory. return [ 'mstore', dynamic_offset_counter, ['add', ['add', ['ceil32', ['mload', dynamic_spot]], 32], ['mload', dynamic_offset_counter]] ] for i, typ in enumerate(keyz): arg = sub.args[i] variable_offset = LLLnode.from_list(['add', 32 * i, left_token], typ=arg.typ, annotation='variable_offset') if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType): # Store offset pointer value. subs.append(['mstore', variable_offset, get_dynamic_offset_value()]) # Store dynamic data, from offset pointer onwards. dynamic_spot = LLLnode.from_list(['add', left_token, get_dynamic_offset_value()], location="memory", typ=arg.typ, annotation='dynamic_spot') subs.append(make_setter(dynamic_spot, arg, location="memory", pos=getpos(self.stmt))) subs.append(increment_dynamic_offset(dynamic_spot)) elif isinstance(arg.typ, BaseType): subs.append(make_setter(variable_offset, arg, "memory", pos=getpos(self.stmt))) else: raise Exception("Can't return type %s as part of tuple", type(arg.typ)) setter = LLLnode.from_list( ['seq', ['mstore', dynamic_offset_counter, dynamic_offset_start], ['with', '_loc', new_sub, ['seq'] + subs]], typ=None ) return LLLnode.from_list( ['seq', setter, self.make_return_stmt(new_sub, get_dynamic_offset_value(), loop_memory_position)], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt) ) else: raise TypeMismatchException("Can only return base type!", self.stmt)
def parse_for_list(self): from .parser import ( parse_body, make_setter ) iter_list_node = Expr(self.stmt.iter, self.context).lll_node if not isinstance(iter_list_node.typ.subtype, BaseType): # Sanity check on list subtype. raise StructureException('For loops allowed only on basetype lists.', self.stmt.iter) iter_var_type = self.context.vars.get( if isinstance(self.stmt.iter, ast.Name) else None subtype = iter_list_node.typ.subtype.typ varname = value_pos = self.context.new_variable(varname, BaseType(subtype)) i_pos = self.context.new_variable('_index_for_' + varname, BaseType(subtype)) self.context.forvars[varname] = True if iter_var_type: # Is a list that is already allocated to memory. self.context.set_in_for_loop( # make sure list cannot be altered whilst iterating. iter_var = self.context.vars.get( body = [ 'seq', ['mstore', value_pos, ['mload', ['add', iter_var.pos, ['mul', ['mload', i_pos], 32]]]], parse_body(self.stmt.body, self.context) ] o = LLLnode.from_list( ['repeat', i_pos, 0, iter_var.size, body], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt) ) self.context.remove_in_for_loop( elif isinstance(self.stmt.iter, ast.List): # List gets defined in the for statement. # Allocate list to memory. count = iter_list_node.typ.count tmp_list = LLLnode.from_list( obj=self.context.new_placeholder(ListType(iter_list_node.typ.subtype, count)), typ=ListType(iter_list_node.typ.subtype, count), location='memory' ) setter = make_setter(tmp_list, iter_list_node, 'memory', pos=getpos(self.stmt)) body = [ 'seq', ['mstore', value_pos, ['mload', ['add', tmp_list, ['mul', ['mload', i_pos], 32]]]], parse_body(self.stmt.body, self.context) ] o = LLLnode.from_list( ['seq', setter, ['repeat', i_pos, 0, count, body]], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt) ) elif isinstance(self.stmt.iter, ast.Attribute): # List is contained in storage. count = iter_list_node.typ.count self.context.set_in_for_loop(iter_list_node.annotation) # make sure list cannot be altered whilst iterating. body = [ 'seq', ['mstore', value_pos, ['sload', ['add', ['sha3_32', iter_list_node], ['mload', i_pos]]]], parse_body(self.stmt.body, self.context), ] o = LLLnode.from_list( ['seq', ['repeat', i_pos, 0, count, body]], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt) ) self.context.remove_in_for_loop(iter_list_node.annotation) del self.context.vars[varname] del self.context.vars['_index_for_' + varname] del self.context.forvars[varname] return o