Exemple #1
 def _can_compare_with_uint256(operand):
     if operand.typ.typ == 'uint256':
         return True
     elif operand.typ.typ == 'int128' and operand.typ.is_literal and SizeLimits.in_bounds(
             'uint256', operand.value):
         return True
     return False
Exemple #2
def to_uint256(expr, args, kwargs, context):
    in_node = args[0]
    input_type, len = get_type(in_node)

    if isinstance(in_node, int):
        if not SizeLimits.in_bounds('uint256', in_node):
            raise InvalidLiteralException(
                "Number out of range: {}".format(in_node))
        _unit = in_node.typ.unit if input_type == 'int128' else None
        return LLLnode.from_list(in_node,
                                 typ=BaseType('uint256', _unit),

    elif isinstance(in_node,
                    LLLnode) and input_type in ('int128', 'num_literal'):
        _unit = in_node.typ.unit if input_type == 'int128' else None
        return LLLnode.from_list(['clampge', in_node, 0],
                                 typ=BaseType('uint256', _unit),

    elif isinstance(in_node, LLLnode) and input_type in ('bytes32', 'address'):
        return LLLnode(value=in_node.value,

        raise InvalidLiteralException(
            "Invalid input for uint256: %r" % in_node, expr)
Exemple #3
def process_arg(index, arg, expected_arg_typelist, function_name, context):
    if isinstance(expected_arg_typelist, Optional):
        expected_arg_typelist = expected_arg_typelist.typ
    if not isinstance(expected_arg_typelist, tuple):
        expected_arg_typelist = (expected_arg_typelist, )
    vsub = None
    for expected_arg in expected_arg_typelist:
        if expected_arg == 'num_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Num) and get_original_if_0_prefixed(
                    arg, context) is None:
                return arg.n
        elif expected_arg == 'str_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Str) and get_original_if_0_prefixed(
                    arg, context) is None:
                bytez = b''
                for c in arg.s:
                    if ord(c) >= 256:
                        raise InvalidLiteralException(
                            "Cannot insert special character %r into byte array"
                            % c, arg)
                    bytez += bytes([ord(c)])
                return bytez
        elif expected_arg == 'name_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
                return arg.id
            elif isinstance(arg, ast.Subscript) and arg.value.id == 'bytes':
                return 'bytes[%s]' % arg.slice.value.n
        elif expected_arg == '*':
            return arg
        elif expected_arg == 'bytes':
            sub = Expr(arg, context).lll_node
            if isinstance(sub.typ, ByteArrayType):
                return sub
            # Does not work for unit-endowed types inside compound types, e.g. timestamp[2]
            parsed_expected_type = parse_type(
                ast.parse(expected_arg).body[0].value, 'memory')
            if isinstance(parsed_expected_type, BaseType):
                vsub = vsub or Expr.parse_value_expr(arg, context)
                if is_base_type(vsub.typ, expected_arg):
                    return vsub
                elif expected_arg in ('int128', 'uint256') and isinstance(vsub.typ, BaseType) and \
                     vsub.typ.is_literal and SizeLimits.in_bounds(expected_arg, vsub.value):
                    return vsub
                vsub = vsub or Expr(arg, context).lll_node
                if vsub.typ == parsed_expected_type:
                    return Expr(arg, context).lll_node
    if len(expected_arg_typelist) == 1:
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            "Expecting %s for argument %r of %s" %
            (expected_arg, index, function_name), arg)
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            "Expecting one of %r for argument %r of %s" %
            (expected_arg_typelist, index, function_name), arg)
        return arg.id
Exemple #4
    def unroll_constant(self, const):
        # const = self.context.constants[self.expr.id]
        expr = Expr.parse_value_expr(const.value, Context(vars=None, global_ctx=self, origcode=const.source_code))
        annotation_type = parse_type(const.annotation.args[0], None, custom_units=self._custom_units)

        fail = False

        if self.is_instances([expr.typ, annotation_type], ByteArrayType):
            if expr.typ.maxlen < annotation_type.maxlen:
                return const
            fail = True

        elif expr.typ != annotation_type:
            fail = True
            # TODO: 
            # special case for literals, which can be uint256 types as well.
            # if self.is_instances([expr.typ, annotation_type], BaseType) and \
            #    [annotation_type.typ, expr.typ.typ] == ['uint256', 'int128'] and \
            #    SizeLimits.in_bounds('uint256', expr.value):
            #     fail = False

            # elif self.is_instances([expr.typ, annotation_type], BaseType) and \
            #    [annotation_type.typ, expr.typ.typ] == ['int128', 'int128'] and \
            #    SizeLimits.in_bounds('int128', expr.value):
            #     fail = False
            if self.is_instances([expr.typ, annotation_type], BaseType) and \
               [annotation_type.typ, expr.typ.typ] == ['integer', 'integer'] and \
               SizeLimits.in_bounds('integer', expr.value):
                fail = False

            elif self.is_instances([expr.typ, annotation_type], BaseType) and \
               [annotation_type.typ, expr.typ.typ] == ['amount', 'amount'] and \
               SizeLimits.in_bounds('amount', expr.value):
                fail = False

        if fail:
            raise TypeMismatchException('Invalid value for constant type, expected %r' % annotation_type, const.value)
            expr.typ = annotation_type
        return expr
Exemple #5
    def number(self):
        orignum = get_original_if_0_prefixed(self.expr, self.context)

        if orignum is None and isinstance(self.expr.n, int):
            # Literal (mostly likely) becomes int128
            if SizeLimits.in_bounds('int128', self.expr.n) or self.expr.n < 0:
                return LLLnode.from_list(self.expr.n, typ=BaseType('int128', unit=None, is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            # Literal is large enough (mostly likely) becomes uint256.
                return LLLnode.from_list(self.expr.n, typ=BaseType('uint256', unit=None, is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))

        elif isinstance(self.expr.n, float):
            numstring, num, den = get_number_as_fraction(self.expr, self.context)
            # if not SizeLimits.in_bounds('decimal', num // den):
            # if not SizeLimits.MINDECIMAL * den <= num <= SizeLimits.MAXDECIMAL * den:
            if not (SizeLimits.MINNUM * den < num < SizeLimits.MAXNUM * den):
                raise InvalidLiteralException("Number out of range: " + numstring, self.expr)
            if DECIMAL_DIVISOR % den:
                raise InvalidLiteralException("Too many decimal places: " + numstring, self.expr)
            return LLLnode.from_list(num * DECIMAL_DIVISOR // den, typ=BaseType('decimal', unit=None), pos=getpos(self.expr))
        # Binary literal.
        elif orignum[:2] == '0b':
            str_val = orignum[2:]
            total_bits = len(orignum[2:])
            total_bits = total_bits if total_bits % 8 == 0 else total_bits + 8 - (total_bits % 8)  # ceil8 to get byte length.
            if len(orignum[2:]) != total_bits:  # Support only full formed bit definitions.
                raise InvalidLiteralException("Bit notation requires a multiple of 8 bits / 1 byte. {} bit(s) are missing.".format(total_bits - len(orignum[2:])), self.expr)
            byte_len = int(total_bits / 8)
            placeholder = self.context.new_placeholder(ByteArrayType(byte_len))
            seq = []
            seq.append(['mstore', placeholder, byte_len])
            for i in range(0, total_bits, 256):
                section = str_val[i:i + 256]
                int_val = int(section, 2) << (256 - len(section))  # bytes are right padded.
                    ['mstore', ['add', placeholder, i + 32], int_val])
            return LLLnode.from_list(['seq'] + seq + [placeholder],
                typ=ByteArrayType(byte_len), location='memory', pos=getpos(self.expr), annotation='Create ByteArray (Binary literal): %s' % str_val)
        elif len(orignum) == 42:
            if checksum_encode(orignum) != orignum:
                raise InvalidLiteralException("Address checksum mismatch. If you are sure this is the "
                                              "right address, the correct checksummed form is: " +
                                              checksum_encode(orignum), self.expr)
            return LLLnode.from_list(self.expr.n, typ=BaseType('address', is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))
        elif len(orignum) == 66:
            return LLLnode.from_list(self.expr.n, typ=BaseType('bytes32', is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            raise InvalidLiteralException("Cannot read 0x value with length %d. Expecting 42 (address incl 0x) or 66 (bytes32 incl 0x)"
                                          % len(orignum), self.expr)
Exemple #6
def to_int128(expr, args, kwargs, context):
    in_node = args[0]
    typ, len = get_type(in_node)
    if typ in ('uint256', 'bytes32'):
        if in_node.typ.is_literal and not SizeLimits.in_bounds(
                'int128', in_node.value):
            raise InvalidLiteralException(
                "Number out of range: {}".format(in_node.value), expr)
        return LLLnode.from_list([
            'clamp', ['mload', MemoryPositions.MINNUM], in_node,
            ['mload', MemoryPositions.MAXNUM]
                                 typ=BaseType('int128', in_node.typ.unit),
        return byte_array_to_num(in_node, expr, 'int128')
Exemple #7
 def _check_valid_assign(self, sub):
     if isinstance(self.stmt.annotation, ast.Call):  # unit style: num(wei)
         if self.stmt.annotation.func.id != sub.typ.typ and not sub.typ.is_literal:
             raise TypeMismatchException('Invalid type, expected: %s' % self.stmt.annotation.func.id, self.stmt)
     elif isinstance(self.stmt.annotation, ast.Dict):
         if not isinstance(sub.typ, StructType):
             raise TypeMismatchException('Invalid type, expected a struct')
     elif isinstance(self.stmt.annotation, ast.Subscript):
         if not isinstance(sub.typ, (ListType, ByteArrayType)):  # check list assign.
             raise TypeMismatchException('Invalid type, expected: %s' % self.stmt.annotation.value.id, self.stmt)
     # Check that the integer literal, can be assigned to uint256 if necessary.
     elif (self.stmt.annotation.id, sub.typ.typ) == ('uint256', 'int128') and sub.typ.is_literal:
         if not SizeLimits.in_bounds('uint256', sub.value):
             raise InvalidLiteralException('Invalid uint256 assignment, value not in uint256 range.', self.stmt)
     elif self.stmt.annotation.id != sub.typ.typ and not sub.typ.unit:
         raise TypeMismatchException('Invalid type, expected: %s' % self.stmt.annotation.id, self.stmt)
Exemple #8
def base_type_conversion(orig, frm, to, pos):
    orig = unwrap_location(orig)
    if getattr(frm, 'is_literal', False) and frm.typ in (
            'uint256') and not SizeLimits.in_bounds(frm.typ, orig.value):
        raise InvalidLiteralException(
            "Number out of range: " + str(orig.value), pos)
    if not isinstance(frm,
                      (BaseType, NullType)) or not isinstance(to, BaseType):
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            "Base type conversion from or to non-base type: %r %r" % (frm, to),
    elif is_base_type(frm, to.typ) and are_units_compatible(frm, to):
        return LLLnode(orig.value,
    elif is_base_type(frm, 'int128') and is_base_type(
            to, 'decimal') and are_units_compatible(frm, to):
        return LLLnode.from_list(['mul', orig, DECIMAL_DIVISOR],
                                 typ=BaseType('decimal', to.unit,
    elif isinstance(frm, NullType):
        if to.typ not in ('int128', 'bool', 'uint256', 'address', 'bytes32',
            # This is only to future proof the use of  base_type_conversion.
            raise TypeMismatchException(
                "Cannot convert null-type object to type %r" % to,
                pos)  # pragma: no cover
        return LLLnode.from_list(0, typ=to)
    elif isinstance(to, ContractType) and frm.typ == 'address':
        return LLLnode(orig.value,
    # Integer literal conversion.
    elif (frm.typ, to.typ, frm.is_literal) == ('int128', 'uint256', True):
        return LLLnode(orig.value,
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            "Typecasting from base type %r to %r unavailable" % (frm, to), pos)
Exemple #9
    def compare(self):
        left = Expr.parse_value_expr(self.expr.left, self.context)
        right = Expr.parse_value_expr(self.expr.comparators[0], self.context)

        if isinstance(left.typ, ByteArrayType) and isinstance(right.typ, ByteArrayType):
            if left.typ.maxlen != right.typ.maxlen:
                raise TypeMismatchException('Can only compare bytes of the same length', self.expr)
            if left.typ.maxlen > 32 or right.typ.maxlen > 32:
                raise ParserException('Can only compare bytes of length shorter than 32 bytes', self.expr)
        elif isinstance(self.expr.ops[0], ast.In) and \
           isinstance(right.typ, ListType):
            if not are_units_compatible(left.typ, right.typ.subtype) and not are_units_compatible(right.typ.subtype, left.typ):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Can't use IN comparison with different types!", self.expr)
            return self.build_in_comparator()
            if not are_units_compatible(left.typ, right.typ) and not are_units_compatible(right.typ, left.typ):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Can't compare values with different units!", self.expr)

        if len(self.expr.ops) != 1:
            raise StructureException("Cannot have a comparison with more than two elements", self.expr)
        if isinstance(self.expr.ops[0], ast.Gt):
            op = 'sgt'
        elif isinstance(self.expr.ops[0], ast.GtE):
            op = 'sge'
        elif isinstance(self.expr.ops[0], ast.LtE):
            op = 'sle'
        elif isinstance(self.expr.ops[0], ast.Lt):
            op = 'slt'
        elif isinstance(self.expr.ops[0], ast.Eq):
            op = 'eq'
        elif isinstance(self.expr.ops[0], ast.NotEq):
            op = 'ne'
            raise Exception("Unsupported comparison operator")

        # Compare (limited to 32) byte arrays.
        if isinstance(left.typ, ByteArrayType) and isinstance(left.typ, ByteArrayType):
            left = Expr(self.expr.left, self.context).lll_node
            right = Expr(self.expr.comparators[0], self.context).lll_node

            def load_bytearray(side):
                if side.location == 'memory':
                    return ['mload', ['add', 32, side]]
                elif side.location == 'storage':
                    return ['sload', ['add', 1, ['sha3_32', side]]]

            return LLLnode.from_list(
                [op, load_bytearray(left), load_bytearray(right)], typ='bool', pos=getpos(self.expr))

        # Compare other types.
        if not is_numeric_type(left.typ) or not is_numeric_type(right.typ):
            if op not in ('eq', 'ne'):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Invalid type for comparison op", self.expr)
        left_type, right_type = left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ

        # Special Case: comparison of a literal integer. If in valid range allow it to be compared.
        if {left_type, right_type} == {'int128', 'uint256'} and {left.typ.is_literal, right.typ.is_literal} == {True, False}:

            comparison_allowed = False
            if left.typ.is_literal and SizeLimits.in_bounds(right_type, left.value):
                comparison_allowed = True
            elif right.typ.is_literal and SizeLimits.in_bounds(left_type, right.value):
                comparison_allowed = True
            op = self._signed_to_unsigned_comparision_op(op)

            if comparison_allowed:
                return LLLnode.from_list([op, left, right], typ='bool', pos=getpos(self.expr))

        elif {left_type, right_type} == {'uint256', 'uint256'}:
            op = self._signed_to_unsigned_comparision_op(op)
        elif (left_type in ('decimal', 'int128') or right_type in ('decimal', 'int128')) and left_type != right_type:
            raise TypeMismatchException(
                'Implicit conversion from {} to {} disallowed, please convert.'.format(left_type, right_type),

        if left_type == right_type:
            return LLLnode.from_list([op, left, right], typ='bool', pos=getpos(self.expr))
            raise TypeMismatchException("Unsupported types for comparison: %r %r" % (left_type, right_type), self.expr)
Exemple #10
    def arithmetic(self):
        pre_alloc_left, left = self.arithmetic_get_reference(self.expr.left)
        pre_alloc_right, right = self.arithmetic_get_reference(self.expr.right)

        if not is_numeric_type(left.typ) or not is_numeric_type(right.typ):
            raise TypeMismatchException("Unsupported types for arithmetic op: %r %r" % (left.typ, right.typ), self.expr)

        arithmetic_pair = {left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ}

        # Special Case: Simplify any literal to literal arithmetic at compile time.
        if left.typ.is_literal and right.typ.is_literal and \
           isinstance(right.value, int) and isinstance(left.value, int):

            if isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Add):
                val = left.value + right.value
            elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Sub):
                val = left.value - right.value
            elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Mult):
                val = left.value * right.value
            elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Div):
                val = left.value // right.value
            elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Mod):
                val = left.value % right.value
            elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Pow):
                val = left.value ** right.value
                raise ParserException('Unsupported literal operator: %s' % str(type(self.expr.op)), self.expr)

            num = ast.Num(val)
            num.source_code = self.expr.source_code
            num.lineno = self.expr.lineno
            num.col_offset = self.expr.col_offset

            return Expr.parse_value_expr(num, self.context)

        # Special case with uint256 were int literal may be casted.
        if arithmetic_pair == {'uint256', 'int128'}:
            # Check right side literal.
            if right.typ.is_literal and SizeLimits.in_bounds('uint256', right.value):
                right = LLLnode.from_list(right.value, typ=BaseType('uint256', None, is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))
                arithmetic_pair = {left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ}
            # Check left side literal.
            elif left.typ.is_literal and SizeLimits.in_bounds('uint256', left.value):
                left = LLLnode.from_list(left.value, typ=BaseType('uint256', None, is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))
                arithmetic_pair = {left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ}

        # Only allow explicit conversions to occur.
        if left.typ.typ != right.typ.typ:
            raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot implicitly convert {} to {}.".format(left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ), self.expr)

        ltyp, rtyp = left.typ.typ, right.typ.typ
        if isinstance(self.expr.op, (ast.Add, ast.Sub)):
            if left.typ.unit != right.typ.unit and left.typ.unit is not None and right.typ.unit is not None:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Unit mismatch: %r %r" % (left.typ.unit, right.typ.unit), self.expr)
            if left.typ.positional and right.typ.positional and isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Add):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot add two positional units!", self.expr)
            new_unit = left.typ.unit or right.typ.unit
            new_positional = left.typ.positional ^ right.typ.positional  # xor, as subtracting two positionals gives a delta
            op = 'add' if isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Add) else 'sub'
            if ltyp == 'uint256' and isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Add):
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq',
                                # Checks that: a + b >= a
                                ['assert', ['ge', ['add', left, right], left]],
                                ['add', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit, new_positional), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            elif ltyp == 'uint256' and isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Sub):
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq',
                                # Checks that: a >= b
                                ['assert', ['ge', left, right]],
                                ['sub', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit, new_positional), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            elif ltyp == rtyp:
                o = LLLnode.from_list([op, left, right], typ=BaseType(ltyp, new_unit, new_positional), pos=getpos(self.expr))
                raise Exception("Unsupported Operation '%r(%r, %r)'" % (op, ltyp, rtyp))
        elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Mult):
            if left.typ.positional or right.typ.positional:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot multiply positional values!", self.expr)
            new_unit = combine_units(left.typ.unit, right.typ.unit)
            if ltyp == rtyp == 'uint256':
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['if', ['eq', left, 0], [0],
                                      ['seq', ['assert', ['eq', ['div', ['mul', left, right], left], right]],
                                      ['mul', left, right]]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            elif ltyp == rtyp == 'int128':
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['mul', left, right], typ=BaseType('int128', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            elif ltyp == rtyp == 'decimal':
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['with', 'r', right, ['with', 'l', left,
                                        ['with', 'ans', ['mul', 'l', 'r'],
                                                ['assert', ['or', ['eq', ['sdiv', 'ans', 'l'], 'r'], ['iszero', 'l']]],
                                                ['sdiv', 'ans', DECIMAL_DIVISOR]]]]], typ=BaseType('decimal', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr))
                raise Exception("Unsupported Operation 'mul(%r, %r)'" % (ltyp, rtyp))
        elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Div):
            if left.typ.positional or right.typ.positional:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot divide positional values!", self.expr)
            new_unit = combine_units(left.typ.unit, right.typ.unit, div=True)
            if ltyp == rtyp == 'uint256':
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq',
                                # Checks that:  b != 0
                                ['assert', right],
                                ['div', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            elif ltyp == rtyp == 'int128':
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['sdiv', left, ['clamp_nonzero', right]], typ=BaseType('int128', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            elif ltyp == rtyp == 'decimal':
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['with', 'l', left, ['with', 'r', ['clamp_nonzero', right],
                                            ['sdiv', ['mul', 'l', DECIMAL_DIVISOR], 'r']]],
                                      typ=BaseType('decimal', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr))
                raise Exception("Unsupported Operation 'div(%r, %r)'" % (ltyp, rtyp))
        elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Mod):
            if left.typ.positional or right.typ.positional:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot use positional values as modulus arguments!", self.expr)
            if left.typ.unit != right.typ.unit and left.typ.unit is not None and right.typ.unit is not None:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Modulus arguments must have same unit", self.expr)
            new_unit = left.typ.unit or right.typ.unit
            if ltyp == rtyp == 'uint256':
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq',
                                ['assert', right],
                                ['mod', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            elif ltyp == rtyp:
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['smod', left, ['clamp_nonzero', right]], typ=BaseType(ltyp, new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr))
                raise Exception("Unsupported Operation 'mod(%r, %r)'" % (ltyp, rtyp))
        elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Pow):
            if left.typ.positional or right.typ.positional:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot use positional values as exponential arguments!", self.expr)
            if right.typ.unit:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot use unit values as exponents", self.expr)
            if ltyp != 'int128' and ltyp != 'uint256' and isinstance(self.expr.right, ast.Name):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot use dynamic values as exponents, for unit base types", self.expr)
            if ltyp == rtyp == 'uint256':
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq',
                                        ['assert', ['or', ['or', ['eq', right, 1], ['iszero', right]],
                                        ['lt', left, ['exp', left, right]]]],
                                        ['exp', left, right]], typ=BaseType('uint256'), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            elif ltyp == rtyp == 'int128':
                new_unit = left.typ.unit
                if left.typ.unit and not isinstance(self.expr.right, ast.Name):
                    new_unit = {left.typ.unit.copy().popitem()[0]: self.expr.right.n}
                o = LLLnode.from_list(['exp', left, right], typ=BaseType('int128', new_unit), pos=getpos(self.expr))
                raise TypeMismatchException('Only whole number exponents are supported', self.expr)
            raise Exception("Unsupported binop: %r" % self.expr.op)

        p = ['seq']

        if pre_alloc_left:
        if pre_alloc_right:

        if o.typ.typ == 'int128':
            p.append(['clamp', ['mload', MemoryPositions.MINNUM], o, ['mload', MemoryPositions.MAXNUM]])
            return LLLnode.from_list(p, typ=o.typ, pos=getpos(self.expr))
        elif o.typ.typ == 'decimal':
            p.append(['clamp', ['mload', MemoryPositions.MINDECIMAL], o, ['mload', MemoryPositions.MAXDECIMAL]])
            return LLLnode.from_list(p, typ=o.typ, pos=getpos(self.expr))
        if o.typ.typ == 'uint256':
            return LLLnode.from_list(p, typ=o.typ, pos=getpos(self.expr))
            raise Exception("%r %r" % (o, o.typ))
Exemple #11
    def parse_return(self):
        if self.context.return_type is None:
            if self.stmt.value:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Not expecting to return a value", self.stmt)
            return LLLnode.from_list(self.make_return_stmt(0, 0), typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt))
        if not self.stmt.value:
            raise TypeMismatchException("Expecting to return a value", self.stmt)

        def zero_pad(bytez_placeholder, maxlen):
            zero_padder = LLLnode.from_list(['pass'])
            if maxlen > 0:
                zero_pad_i = self.context.new_placeholder(BaseType('uint256'))  # Iterator used to zero pad memory.
                zero_padder = LLLnode.from_list(
                    ['repeat', zero_pad_i, ['mload', bytez_placeholder], maxlen,
                            ['if', ['gt', ['mload', zero_pad_i], maxlen], 'break'],  # stay within allocated bounds
                            ['mstore8', ['add', ['add', 32, bytez_placeholder], ['mload', zero_pad_i]], 0]]],
                    annotation="Zero pad"
            return zero_padder

        sub = Expr(self.stmt.value, self.context).lll_node
        # Returning a value (most common case)
        if isinstance(sub.typ, BaseType):
            if not isinstance(self.context.return_type, BaseType):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Trying to return base type %r, output expecting %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value)
            sub = unwrap_location(sub)
            if not are_units_compatible(sub.typ, self.context.return_type):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Return type units mismatch %r %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value)
            elif sub.typ.is_literal and (self.context.return_type.typ == sub.typ or
                    'int' in self.context.return_type.typ and
                    'int' in sub.typ.typ):
                if not SizeLimits.in_bounds(self.context.return_type.typ, sub.value):
                    raise InvalidLiteralException("Number out of range: " + str(sub.value), self.stmt)
                    return LLLnode.from_list(['seq', ['mstore', 0, sub], self.make_return_stmt(0, 32)], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt))
            elif is_base_type(sub.typ, self.context.return_type.typ) or \
                    (is_base_type(sub.typ, 'int128') and is_base_type(self.context.return_type, 'int256')):
                return LLLnode.from_list(['seq', ['mstore', 0, sub], self.make_return_stmt(0, 32)], typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt))
                raise TypeMismatchException("Unsupported type conversion: %r to %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value)
        # Returning a byte array
        elif isinstance(sub.typ, ByteArrayType):
            if not isinstance(self.context.return_type, ByteArrayType):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Trying to return base type %r, output expecting %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value)
            if sub.typ.maxlen > self.context.return_type.maxlen:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot cast from greater max-length %d to shorter max-length %d" %
                                            (sub.typ.maxlen, self.context.return_type.maxlen), self.stmt.value)

            loop_memory_position = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256'))  # loop memory has to be allocated first.
            len_placeholder = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256'))  # len & bytez placeholder have to be declared after each other at all times.
            bytez_placeholder = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=sub.typ)

            if sub.location in ('storage', 'memory'):
                return LLLnode.from_list([
                        LLLnode(bytez_placeholder, location='memory', typ=sub.typ),
                    zero_pad(bytez_placeholder, sub.typ.maxlen),
                    ['mstore', len_placeholder, 32],
                    self.make_return_stmt(len_placeholder, ['ceil32', ['add', ['mload', bytez_placeholder], 64]], loop_memory_position=loop_memory_position)],
                    typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt)
                raise Exception("Invalid location: %s" % sub.location)

        elif isinstance(sub.typ, ListType):
            sub_base_type = re.split(r'\(|\[', str(sub.typ.subtype))[0]
            ret_base_type = re.split(r'\(|\[', str(self.context.return_type.subtype))[0]
            loop_memory_position = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256'))
            if sub_base_type != ret_base_type:
                raise TypeMismatchException(
                    "List return type %r does not match specified return type, expecting %r" % (
                        sub_base_type, ret_base_type
            elif sub.location == "memory" and sub.value != "multi":
                return LLLnode.from_list(self.make_return_stmt(sub, get_size_of_type(self.context.return_type) * 32, loop_memory_position=loop_memory_position),
                                            typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt))
                new_sub = LLLnode.from_list(self.context.new_placeholder(self.context.return_type), typ=self.context.return_type, location='memory')
                setter = make_setter(new_sub, sub, 'memory', pos=getpos(self.stmt))
                return LLLnode.from_list(['seq', setter, self.make_return_stmt(new_sub, get_size_of_type(self.context.return_type) * 32, loop_memory_position=loop_memory_position)],
                                            typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt))

        # Returning a tuple.
        elif isinstance(sub.typ, TupleType):
            if not isinstance(self.context.return_type, TupleType):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Trying to return tuple type %r, output expecting %r" % (sub.typ, self.context.return_type), self.stmt.value)

            if len(self.context.return_type.members) != len(sub.typ.members):
                raise StructureException("Tuple lengths don't match!", self.stmt)

            # check return type matches, sub type.
            for i, ret_x in enumerate(self.context.return_type.members):
                s_member = sub.typ.members[i]
                sub_type = s_member if isinstance(s_member, NodeType) else s_member.typ
                if type(sub_type) is not type(ret_x):
                    raise StructureException(
                        "Tuple return type does not match annotated return. {} != {}".format(
                            type(sub_type), type(ret_x)

            # Is from a call expression.
            if len(sub.args[0].args) > 0 and sub.args[0].args[0].value == 'call':  # self-call to public.
                mem_pos = sub.args[0].args[-1]
                mem_size = get_size_of_type(sub.typ) * 32
                return LLLnode.from_list(['return', mem_pos, mem_size], typ=sub.typ)

            elif (sub.annotation and 'Internal Call' in sub.annotation):
                mem_pos = sub.args[-1].value if sub.value == 'seq_unchecked' else sub.args[0].args[-1]
                mem_size = get_size_of_type(sub.typ) * 32
                # Add zero padder if bytes are present in output.
                zero_padder = ['pass']
                byte_arrays = [(i, x) for i, x in enumerate(sub.typ.members) if isinstance(x, ByteArrayType)]
                if byte_arrays:
                    i, x = byte_arrays[-1]
                    zero_padder = zero_pad(bytez_placeholder=['add', mem_pos, ['mload', mem_pos + i * 32]], maxlen=x.maxlen)
                return LLLnode.from_list(
                    ['seq'] +
                    [sub] +
                    [zero_padder] +
                    [self.make_return_stmt(mem_pos, mem_size)
                ], typ=sub.typ, pos=getpos(self.stmt))

            subs = []
            # Pre-allocate loop_memory_position if required for private function returning.
            loop_memory_position = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')) if self.context.is_private else None
            # Allocate dynamic off set counter, to keep track of the total packed dynamic data size.
            dynamic_offset_counter_placeholder = self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256'))
            dynamic_offset_counter = LLLnode(
                dynamic_offset_counter_placeholder, typ=None, annotation="dynamic_offset_counter"  # dynamic offset position counter.
            new_sub = LLLnode.from_list(
                self.context.new_placeholder(typ=BaseType('uint256')), typ=self.context.return_type, location='memory', annotation='new_sub'
            keyz = list(range(len(sub.typ.members)))
            dynamic_offset_start = 32 * len(sub.args)  # The static list of args end.
            left_token = LLLnode.from_list('_loc', typ=new_sub.typ, location="memory")

            def get_dynamic_offset_value():
                # Get value of dynamic offset counter.
                return ['mload', dynamic_offset_counter]

            def increment_dynamic_offset(dynamic_spot):
                # Increment dyanmic offset counter in memory.
                return [
                    'mstore', dynamic_offset_counter,
                        ['add', ['ceil32', ['mload', dynamic_spot]], 32],
                        ['mload', dynamic_offset_counter]]

            for i, typ in enumerate(keyz):
                arg = sub.args[i]
                variable_offset = LLLnode.from_list(['add', 32 * i, left_token], typ=arg.typ, annotation='variable_offset')
                if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType):
                    # Store offset pointer value.
                    subs.append(['mstore', variable_offset, get_dynamic_offset_value()])

                    # Store dynamic data, from offset pointer onwards.
                    dynamic_spot = LLLnode.from_list(['add', left_token, get_dynamic_offset_value()], location="memory", typ=arg.typ, annotation='dynamic_spot')
                    subs.append(make_setter(dynamic_spot, arg, location="memory", pos=getpos(self.stmt)))

                elif isinstance(arg.typ, BaseType):
                    subs.append(make_setter(variable_offset, arg, "memory", pos=getpos(self.stmt)))
                    raise Exception("Can't return type %s as part of tuple", type(arg.typ))

            setter = LLLnode.from_list(
                    ['mstore', dynamic_offset_counter, dynamic_offset_start],
                    ['with', '_loc', new_sub, ['seq'] + subs]],

            return LLLnode.from_list(
                    self.make_return_stmt(new_sub, get_dynamic_offset_value(), loop_memory_position)],
                typ=None, pos=getpos(self.stmt)
            raise TypeMismatchException("Can only return base type!", self.stmt)