Exemple #1
def test_simplify_quantities():
    print "Testing simplification of quantities"
    from quantity import Constant, SpaceField, Quantities
    zero = Constant("zero", subfields=False, value=Value(0.0))
    C = Constant("C",
                 value=Value("mat1", -1.25).set("mat2", -2.5))

    a = SpaceField("a", [3], subfields=True)
    b = SpaceField("b", [3])
    H_exch = SpaceField("H_exch", [3], subfields=True)
    rho = SpaceField("rho", [])
    M_sat = Constant("M_sat", [],
                     value=Value("mat1", 1e6).set("mat2", 0.5e6))
    m = SpaceField("m", [3], subfields=True)
    qs = [C, a, b, H_exch, m, rho, M_sat]
    context = OpSimplifyContext(quantities=Quantities(qs),
                                material=["mat1", "mat2"],

    # Testing the 'periodic' amendment
    pbc_in = \
        "C*<d/dxj H_exch(k)||d/dxj m(k)>; periodic:H_exch(k), j:1, k:3"
    # Expected result if context.is_periodic = True
    pbc_out_if_pbc = \
        ("  (-1.25)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat1(k)||d/dxj m_mat1(k)> "
         "+ (-2.5)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat2(k)||d/dxj m_mat2(k)>; "
         "periodic: H_exch_mat1(k); periodic: H_exch_mat2(k),"
         "j:1, k:3")
    # Expected result if context.is_periodic = False
    pbc_out_ifnot_pbc = \
        ("  (-1.25)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat1(k)||d/dxj m_mat1(k)> "
         "+ (-2.5)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat2(k)||d/dxj m_mat2(k)>, "
         "j:1, k:3")

    strings = {}
    strings[True] = \
        [("<a||b>", "<a_mat1||b> + <a_mat2||b>"),
         ("C*<d/dxj H_exch(k)||d/dxj m(k)>, j:1, k:3",
          "  (-1.25)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat1(k)||d/dxj m_mat1(k)> "
          "+ (-2.5)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat2(k)||d/dxj m_mat2(k)>,j:1, k:3"),
         ("M_sat*<rho||d/dxj m(j)> + M_sat*<rho||D/Dxj m(j)>, j:3",
          " 1000000.0*<rho||d/dxj m_mat1(j)> + "
          "1000000.0*<rho||D/Dxj m_mat1(j)> + "
          "500000.0*<rho||d/dxj m_mat2(j)> + "
          "500000.0*<rho||D/Dxj m_mat2(j)>, j:3"),
         (pbc_in, pbc_out_if_pbc)]

    strings[False] = [(pbc_in, pbc_out_ifnot_pbc)]

    for is_periodic in (False, True):
        context.is_periodic = is_periodic
        for string, result in strings[is_periodic]:
            parse_tree = parse(string).simplify(context=context)
            my_result = str(parse_tree)
            assert compare_strings(my_result, result), \
                ("Simplified of '%s' is '%s', but '%s' is expected."
                 % (string, my_result, result))
            print "passed"
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new Operator Computation.


          `is_periodic` : bool
            Whether the operator is periodic. If this is set to False, then
            the amendments 'periodic' in the operator string are silently
            removed during the operator simplification.

        self.is_periodic = is_periodic
        operator_tree = opparser.parse(operator_string)
        self.mat_opts = mat_opts
        self.cofield_to_field = cofield_to_field
Exemple #3
def test_simplify_quantities():
    print "Testing simplification of quantities"
    from quantity import Constant, SpaceField, Quantities
    zero = Constant("zero", subfields=False, value=Value(0.0))
    C = Constant("C", subfields=True,
                 value=Value("mat1", -1.25).set("mat2", -2.5))

    a = SpaceField("a", [3], subfields=True)
    b = SpaceField("b", [3])
    H_exch = SpaceField("H_exch", [3], subfields=True)
    rho = SpaceField("rho", [])
    M_sat = Constant("M_sat", [], subfields=True,
                     value=Value("mat1", 1e6).set("mat2", 0.5e6))
    m = SpaceField("m", [3], subfields=True)
    qs = [C, a, b, H_exch, m, rho, M_sat]
    context = OpSimplifyContext(quantities=Quantities(qs),
                                material=["mat1", "mat2"],

    # Testing the 'periodic' amendment
    pbc_in = \
        "C*<d/dxj H_exch(k)||d/dxj m(k)>; periodic:H_exch(k), j:1, k:3"
    # Expected result if context.is_periodic = True
    pbc_out_if_pbc = \
        ("  (-1.25)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat1(k)||d/dxj m_mat1(k)> "
         "+ (-2.5)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat2(k)||d/dxj m_mat2(k)>; "
         "periodic: H_exch_mat1(k); periodic: H_exch_mat2(k),"
         "j:1, k:3")
    # Expected result if context.is_periodic = False
    pbc_out_ifnot_pbc = \
        ("  (-1.25)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat1(k)||d/dxj m_mat1(k)> "
         "+ (-2.5)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat2(k)||d/dxj m_mat2(k)>, "
         "j:1, k:3")
    strings = {}
    strings[True] = \
        [("<a||b>", "<a_mat1||b> + <a_mat2||b>"),
         ("C*<d/dxj H_exch(k)||d/dxj m(k)>, j:1, k:3",
          "  (-1.25)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat1(k)||d/dxj m_mat1(k)> "
          "+ (-2.5)*<d/dxj H_exch_mat2(k)||d/dxj m_mat2(k)>,j:1, k:3"),
         ("M_sat*<rho||d/dxj m(j)> + M_sat*<rho||D/Dxj m(j)>, j:3",
          " 1000000.0*<rho||d/dxj m_mat1(j)> + "
          "1000000.0*<rho||D/Dxj m_mat1(j)> + "
          "500000.0*<rho||d/dxj m_mat2(j)> + "
          "500000.0*<rho||D/Dxj m_mat2(j)>, j:3"),
         (pbc_in, pbc_out_if_pbc)]

    strings[False] = [(pbc_in, pbc_out_ifnot_pbc)]

    for is_periodic in (False, True):
        context.is_periodic = is_periodic
        for string, result in strings[is_periodic]:
            parse_tree = parse(string).simplify(context=context)
            my_result = str(parse_tree)
            assert compare_strings(my_result, result), \
                ("Simplified of '%s' is '%s', but '%s' is expected."
                 % (string, my_result, result))
            print "passed"
Exemple #4
def test_consistency():
    print "Testing that parsed tree can be translated to original string"
    strings = [" 1.25*<rho||d/dxj m(j)> + 4.5*<rho||D/Dxj m(j)>, j:3",
               "(-24.0583053511)*<d/dxj H_exch_Py(k)||d/dxj m_Py(k)>,j:3, k:3",
               "<a(i, j)||d/dxj b(k)>, i:1, j:2, k:3",
               "<a(i, j)||d/dxj b(k)> + <c(i)||d/dxj b(k, j)>, i:1, j:2, k:3",
               "2*<a||d/dxj b> + (-1.23)*<c||d/dxj b>, j:2",
               "-<rho||d/dxj m(j)>, j:3",
               (" -<d/dxj phi[not outer] || d/dxj phi[not outer]>;"
                "phi[outer]=phi[outer], j:3"),
               ("<d/dxj phi[not outer] || d/dxj phi[outer]>; "
                "(L||R)=(*||phi[outer]), j:3")]
    for string in strings:
        backnforth = str(parse(string))
        assert compare_strings(backnforth, string), \
          "Original='%s' but parsed ='%s'." % (string, backnforth)
        print "passed"
Exemple #5
def test_consistency():
    print "Testing that parsed tree can be translated to original string"
    strings = [
        " 1.25*<rho||d/dxj m(j)> + 4.5*<rho||D/Dxj m(j)>, j:3",
        "(-24.0583053511)*<d/dxj H_exch_Py(k)||d/dxj m_Py(k)>,j:3, k:3",
        "<a(i, j)||d/dxj b(k)>, i:1, j:2, k:3",
        "<a(i, j)||d/dxj b(k)> + <c(i)||d/dxj b(k, j)>, i:1, j:2, k:3",
        "2*<a||d/dxj b> + (-1.23)*<c||d/dxj b>, j:2",
        "-<rho||d/dxj m(j)>, j:3",
        (" -<d/dxj phi[not outer] || d/dxj phi[not outer]>;"
         "phi[outer]=phi[outer], j:3"),
        ("<d/dxj phi[not outer] || d/dxj phi[outer]>; "
         "(L||R)=(*||phi[outer]), j:3")
    for string in strings:
        backnforth = str(parse(string))
        assert compare_strings(backnforth, string), \
          "Original='%s' but parsed ='%s'." % (string, backnforth)
        print "passed"
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, name, operator_string, mat_opts=[], is_periodic=False,
                 inputs=None, outputs=None, cofield_to_field=False,
        """Create a new Operator Computation.


          `is_periodic` : bool
            Whether the operator is periodic. If this is set to False, then
            the amendments 'periodic' in the operator string are silently
            removed during the operator simplification.

        self.is_periodic = is_periodic
        operator_tree = opparser.parse(operator_string)
        ParsedComputation.__init__(self, name, "OpProg",
                                   operator_tree, operator_string,
                                   inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs,
        self.mat_opts = mat_opts
        self.cofield_to_field = cofield_to_field
Exemple #7
def test_simplify():
    print "Testing simplification"
    strings = [("0*<a||b>", ""),
               ("0*<a||b> + 1*<a||b>", "<a||b>"),]
               #("abc <- def;", "abc <- def;"),
               #("a <- 0*(b + c);", "a <- 0.0;"),
               #("a <- 1*(b + c);", "a <- (b + c);"),
               #("a <- 2*(b + c);", "a <- 2.0*(b + c);"),
               #("a <- 2*(b + c)*2.5;", "a <- 5.0*(b + c);"),
               #("a <- 2*(b + c)*2.5/5.0;", "a <- (b + c);"),
               #("a <- 1*(1*b + c*1)*1/1;", "a <- (b + c);"),
               #("a <- 1*(1*b + c*1)*0/1;", "a <- 0.0;"),
               #("a <- (2);", "a <- 2.0;"),
               #("a <- 1*(0.5 + b - (5 - 4)/2);", "a <- b;"),
               #("a <- -1*-1;", "a <- 1.0;"),
               #("a <- --1;", "a <- 1.0;"),]
    for string, result in strings:
        my_result = str(parse(string).simplify())
        assert compare_strings(my_result, result), \
          ("Simplified of '%s' is '%s', but '%s' is expected."
           % (string, my_result, result))
        print "passed"
Exemple #8
def test_simplify():
    print "Testing simplification"
    strings = [
        ("0*<a||b>", ""),
        ("0*<a||b> + 1*<a||b>", "<a||b>"),
    #("abc <- def;", "abc <- def;"),
    #("a <- 0*(b + c);", "a <- 0.0;"),
    #("a <- 1*(b + c);", "a <- (b + c);"),
    #("a <- 2*(b + c);", "a <- 2.0*(b + c);"),
    #("a <- 2*(b + c)*2.5;", "a <- 5.0*(b + c);"),
    #("a <- 2*(b + c)*2.5/5.0;", "a <- (b + c);"),
    #("a <- 1*(1*b + c*1)*1/1;", "a <- (b + c);"),
    #("a <- 1*(1*b + c*1)*0/1;", "a <- 0.0;"),
    #("a <- (2);", "a <- 2.0;"),
    #("a <- 1*(0.5 + b - (5 - 4)/2);", "a <- b;"),
    #("a <- -1*-1;", "a <- 1.0;"),
    #("a <- --1;", "a <- 1.0;"),]
    for string, result in strings:
        my_result = str(parse(string).simplify())
        assert compare_strings(my_result, result), \
          ("Simplified of '%s' is '%s', but '%s' is expected."
           % (string, my_result, result))
        print "passed"