def main(argv):
    import getopt

    OPTS = [
        ("h", ""),
        ("d", ""),
        ("o", ":")

    USAGE = "[Usage] [-d delete files after merging] [-o merged file] [outfile file1 file2 file3 ...  input files]"

        opts, args = op.process_opts( argv[1:], OPTS, USAGE )
    except getopt.GetoptError as err: print( err )

    if "h" in opts.keys():
        print( USAGE )

    filenames = args
    outfile = opts.get( "o", "outfile_" + "".join( filenames ) )

    filecontents = zip( filenames, map( lambda filename: file( filename ).read(), filenames ) )

    if "d" in opts.keys():
        cmd = "rm "
        map( lambda filename: os.system( cmd + filename ), filenames )

    with open( outfile, "w" ) as f:
        f.write( "--------------------\n" )
        f.write( "\n".join( map( lambda x: ":\n\n".join( x ) + "\n--------------------", filecontents ) ) )
def main(argv):
    import getopt

    OPTS = [("h", ""), ("t", ""), ("n", ":"), ("args", "=")]

    USAGE = (
        "[Usage] [ -t time ] [ -n specified node # ] [ --args 'argv1 argv2 argv3 ...' ] [ file1.c file2.c file3.c ... ]"

        opts, args = op.process_opts(argv[1:], OPTS, USAGE)
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:

    if "h" in opts.keys():

    if "t" in opts.keys():
        run_cmd = "time "
        run_cmd = ""

    compile_cmd = "mpicc"
    run_cmd += "mpiexec"
    remove_cmd = "rm"
    filenames = args
    outfilenames = map(lambda x: re.sub("\.c", ".o", x), filenames)

    # Compiling files
    cmds = map(_generate_cmd, [compile_cmd] * len(filenames), outfilenames, filenames)
    map(_print, cmds)
    map(os.system, cmds)

    # Executing executables
    node_opt = opts.get("n", "")
    if len(node_opt) > 0:
        node_opt = " -npernode " + node_opt
    cmds = map(
        lambda x: run_cmd + node_opt + " " + x + " " + opts.get("args", "") + " > " + re.sub("\.o", ".log", x),
    map(_print, cmds)
    map(os.system, cmds)

    # Deleting executables
    cmds = map(lambda x: remove_cmd + " " + x, outfilenames)
    map(_print, cmds)
    map(os.system, cmds)
def main(argv):
    import getopt

    OPTS = [
        ("h", ""),
        ("dir", "="),
        ("config", "=")
    USAGE = "\n".join( map( lambda x: "".join(x), OPTS ) )

        opts, args = opt_processing.process_opts( argv[1:], OPTS, USAGE )
    except getopt.GetoptError as err: print( err )

    if "h" in opts.keys() or "config" not in opts.keys():
        print( USAGE )

    out_dir = opts.get( "dir", "run_space" )
    if out_dir.endswith( "/" ): out_dir = out_dir[0:-1]
    config_file = file( opts[ "config" ] )

    if os.path.exists( out_dir ) and os.path.isdir( out_dir ): shutil.rmtree( out_dir )
    os.makedirs( out_dir )

    config = json.load( config_file )
    queue_mode = config[ "queue_mode" ]
    job_name = config[ "job_name" ]
    rerunnable = config[ "rerunnable" ]
    exec_cmd = config[ "exec_cmd" ]
    outpath_prefix = config[ "outpath_prefix" ]
    x11_forwarding = config.get( "x11_forwarding", False )

    res_configs = config[ "res_configs" ]
    n = len( res_configs )
    outpaths = map( lambda x: "/".join( [ out_dir, outpath_prefix + str(x) + ".sh" ] ), np.arange( 0, n ) + 1 )
    map( _dummy_gen_job_script, [queue_mode] * n, [job_name] * n, [rerunnable] * n, [exec_cmd] * n, outpaths, x11_forwarding, res_configs )

def main(argv):
    import getopt

    OPTS = [
        ("h", ""),
        ("o", ":"),
        ("d", ""),
        ("b", ""),
        ("N", ":"),
        ("r", ""),
        ("nodes", "="),
        ("ppn", "="),
        ("wt", "=")
    USAGE = "\n".join( map( lambda x: "".join(x), OPTS ) )

        opts, args = opt_processing.process_opts( argv[1:], OPTS, USAGE )
    except getopt.GetoptError as err: print( err )

    if "h" in opts.keys():
        print( USAGE )

    queue_mode = "debug"
    rerunnable = "n"

    if "b" in opts.keys(): queue_mode = "batch"
    if "r" in opts.keys(): rerunnable = "y"
    job_name = opts.get( "N", "MY_JOB" )
    nodes_num = opts.get( "nodes", "1" )
    ppn_num = opts.get( "ppn", "4" )
    tasks = "-l nodes=" + nodes_num + ":ppn=" + ppn_num
    wt = opts.get( "wt", "00:01:00" )

    outpath = opts.get( "o", "job" )
    if not outpath.endswith( ".sh" ): outpath += ".sh"
    gen_job_script( queue_mode, job_name, rerunnable, nodes_num, ppn_num, wt, " ".join( args[0:] ), outpath )