Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, dynamics, cost, us0, x0, dt, max_step,
              integrator=None, Ks=None):
     self.dynamics = dynamics
     if integrator is None:
       self.integrator = EulerIntegrator(self.dynamics)
       self.integrator = integrator
     self.cost = cost
     self.us = us0  # N x m
     self.min_hessian_value = 1.0 / max_step
     N = self.cost.N
     n = self.integrator.dynamics.n
     m = self.integrator.dynamics.m
     self.w = np.zeros(n)  # Mean noise
     if Ks is not None:
         self.Ks = Ks
         self.Ks = np.zeros((N, m, n+1))
     self.xs = np.empty((N + 1, n))
     self.xs[0] = x0
     self.dt = dt
     self.us_up = np.empty_like(us0)
     self.xs_up = np.empty_like(self.xs)
     self.xs_up[0] = x0
     self.V = np.Inf  # Total value function
     self.N = N
     self.status = True
     self.step_search = Armiho()
     # Initialization
     self.update_dynamics(self.us, self.xs)
Exemple #2
 def testResidualNoNoise(self):
     dynamics = LinearDynamics(
         (np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])))
     integrator = EulerIntegrator(dynamics)
     Sigma0 = Ellipsoid(np.eye(2), np.array([0, 0]))
     Sigmaw = Ellipsoid(np.eye(2), np.array([0, 0]))
     N = 10
     h = 0.1
     x0 = np.array([1, 1])
     # Q, R, Qf
     cost_gains = [np.diag([1, 1]), np.diag([1, 1]), np.diag([2, 2])]
     cost_sqrt_gains = [np.sqrt(gain) for gain in cost_gains]
     # Obstacles
     obstacles = [
         Obstacle(np.array([2, 2]), 1.2),
         Obstacle(np.array([3, 3]), 0.2)
     # Desired States, Controls:
     xds = None
     uds = np.zeros((N, 2))
     # Controls:
     us = np.zeros((N, 2))
     us[:, 0] = 1.0
     projection_matrix = np.eye(2)
     feedback_gains = np.zeros((N, 2, 2))
     residual_vector = residual(us.ravel(), h, N, x0, Sigma0, Sigmaw, xds,
                                uds, integrator, cost_sqrt_gains,
                                feedback_gains, obstacles,
     Rsqrt = cost_sqrt_gains[1]
     # Nominal dynamics
     xs, _ = getNominalDynamics(us.ravel(), h, N, x0, integrator)
     index = 0
     for i in range(N):
         np_testing.assert_almost_equal(residual_vector[index:(index + 2)],
                                        np.dot(Rsqrt, us[i]))
         index = index + 2
         for obstacle in obstacles:
             obs_distance = np.linalg.norm(xs[i] - obstacle.center)
             if obs_distance > obstacle.radius:
                 np_testing.assert_equal(residual_vector[index:(index + 2)],
                     np.linalg.norm(residual_vector[index:(index + 2)]), 0)
             index = index + 2
     # Terminal
     for obstacle in obstacles:
         obs_distance = np.linalg.norm(xs[-1] - obstacle.center)
         if obs_distance > obstacle.radius:
             np_testing.assert_equal(residual_vector[index:(index + 2)],
                 np.linalg.norm(residual_vector[index:(index + 2)]), 0)
         index = index + 2
     self.assertEqual(index, residual_vector.size)
Exemple #3
 def test_lqr_linear_system(self):
     dynamics = LinearDynamics((np.array([[0,1],[0,0]]), np.array([[0],[1]])))
     integrator = EulerIntegrator(dynamics)
     N = 10
     h = 0.1
     x0 = np.array([1,1])
     # Q, R, Qf
     cost_gains = [np.diag([1,1]), np.diag([1]), np.diag([2,2])]
     feedback_gains = np.empty((N, 1, 2))
     lqrUpdateGains(np.random.sample(N), h, N, x0, cost_gains, integrator,feedback_gains)
     np_testing.assert_array_less(feedback_gains[:-1, :, :], np.zeros_like(feedback_gains)[:-1, :, :])
Exemple #4
 def test_lqr_unicycle(self):
     dynamics = UnicycleDynamics()
     integrator = EulerIntegrator(dynamics)
     N = 10
     h = 0.1
     x0 = np.array([1,1,0])
     # Q, R, Qf
     cost_gains = [np.diag([1,1,1]), np.diag([0.5, 1.0]), np.diag([2,2,2])]
     feedback_gains = np.empty((N, 2, 3))
     u = np.ravel(np.vstack((np.ones(N), np.hstack((np.ones(int(0.5*N)), -np.ones(int(N-0.5*N)))))).T)
     lqrUpdateGains(u, h, N, x0, cost_gains, integrator,feedback_gains)
Exemple #5
from robust_gnn.gn_lqr_algo import gn_lqr_algo
from robust_gnn.obstacle_residual import Obstacle
from robust_gnn.ellipsoid import Ellipsoid
from optimal_control_framework.discrete_integrators import EulerIntegrator
from optimal_control_framework.dynamics import LinearDynamics

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dynamics = LinearDynamics((np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]]), np.array([[0],
    N = 10
    h = 0.1
    u0 = np.zeros(N)
    x0 = np.array([0, 0])
    Sigma0 = Ellipsoid(np.eye(2), np.array([0.1, 0.1]))
    Sigmaw = Ellipsoid(np.eye(2), np.array([0, 0]))
    integrator = EulerIntegrator(dynamics)
    # Q, R, Qf
    cost_gains = [
        np.diag([1, 1]),
        np.diag([0.1]), 100 * np.array([[2, 0.2], [0.2, 2]])
    # Obstacles
    obstacles = [Obstacle(np.array([1]), 0.5)]
    projection_matrix = np.array([[0, 1]])
    ko_sqrt = 2
    # Desired
    xds = None
    uds = np.zeros((N, 1))
    xd_N = np.array([0.5, 0])
    # Run algo and get outputs
    out = gn_lqr_algo(N, h, x0, u0, Sigma0, Sigmaw, integrator, cost_gains,
Exemple #6
class Ddp(object):
    def __init__(self, dynamics, cost, us0, x0, dt, max_step,
                 integrator=None, Ks=None):
        self.dynamics = dynamics
        if integrator is None:
          self.integrator = EulerIntegrator(self.dynamics)
          self.integrator = integrator
        self.cost = cost
        self.us = us0  # N x m
        self.min_hessian_value = 1.0 / max_step
        N = self.cost.N
        n = self.integrator.dynamics.n
        m = self.integrator.dynamics.m
        self.w = np.zeros(n)  # Mean noise
        if Ks is not None:
            self.Ks = Ks
            self.Ks = np.zeros((N, m, n+1))
        self.xs = np.empty((N + 1, n))
        self.xs[0] = x0
        self.dt = dt
        self.us_up = np.empty_like(us0)
        self.xs_up = np.empty_like(self.xs)
        self.xs_up[0] = x0
        self.V = np.Inf  # Total value function
        self.N = N
        self.status = True
        self.step_search = Armiho()
        # Initialization
        self.update_dynamics(self.us, self.xs)

    def regularize(self, Q, min_hessian_value):
        w, v = np.linalg.eigh(Q)
        min_w = np.min(w)
        if min_w < min_hessian_value:
            delta_reg = min_hessian_value - min_w
            return Q + delta_reg * np.eye(Q.shape[0])
            return Q

    def control(self, k, x):
        delta_x = x - self.xs[k]
        K_k = self.Ks[k]
        u = self.us[k] + np.dot(K_k[:, :-1], delta_x)
        return u

    def update_dynamics(self, us, xs):
        self.V = 0
        for i, u in enumerate(us):
            x = xs[i]
            self.V = self.V + self.cost.stagewise_cost(i, x, u)
            xs[i + 1] = self.integrator.step(i, self.dt, x, u, self.w)
            # TODO Change instead of dynamics take in an integrator that
            # integrates continuous dynamics using a fancy integrator maybe
        self.V = self.V + self.cost.terminal_cost(xs[-1])

    def backward_pass(self, xs, us, Ks, min_hessian_value):
        V, Vx, Vxx = self.cost.terminal_cost(xs[-1], True)
        dV = [0, 0]
        for k in range(self.N - 1, -1, -1):
            L, jac, hess = self.cost.stagewise_cost(k, xs[k], us[k], True)
            Lx, Lu = jac
            Lxx, Luu, Lxu = hess
            fx, fu, _ = self.integrator.jacobian(k, self.dt, xs[k], us[k],
            Qx = Lx + np.dot(fx.T, Vx)
            Qu = Lu + np.dot(fu.T, Vx)
            Qxx = Lxx + np.dot(fx.T, np.dot(Vxx, fx))
            Quu = Luu + np.dot(fu.T, np.dot(Vxx, fu))
            Qux = Lxu + np.dot(fu.T, np.dot(Vxx, fx))
            Quu_reg = self.regularize(Quu, min_hessian_value)
            Qux_u = np.hstack((Qux, Qu[:, np.newaxis]))
            K = -scipy_linalg.solve(Quu_reg, Qux_u, sym_pos=True)
            Vx = Qx + np.dot(K[:, :-1].T, Qu)
            Vxx = Qxx + np.dot(K[:, :-1].T, Qux)
            Ks[k] = K
            dV[0] = dV[0] + np.dot(K[:, -1], Qu)
            dV[1] = dV[1] + 0.5*np.dot(K[:, -1], np.dot(Quu_reg, K[:, -1]))
        self.step_search.dV = dV

    def forward_pass_step(self, Ks, xs, us, alpha):
        Vnew = 0
        for k in range(self.N):
            x = self.xs_up[k]
            delta_x = x - self.xs[k]
            K_k = Ks[k]
            u = self.us[k] + alpha * K_k[:, -1] + np.dot(K_k[:, :-1], delta_x)
            Vnew = Vnew + self.cost.stagewise_cost(k, x, u)
            self.xs_up[k+1] = self.integrator.step(k, self.dt, x, u, self.w)
            self.us_up[k] = u
        Vnew = Vnew + self.cost.terminal_cost(self.xs_up[-1])
        return Vnew

    def forward_pass(self, Ks):
        Vnew = np.Inf
        alpha = self.step_search.alpha_max
        self.step_search.step_converged = False
        while not self.step_search.termination(self.V, Vnew, alpha):
            Vnew = self.forward_pass_step(Ks, self.xs, self.us, alpha)
            alpha = self.step_search.updateStep(self.V, Vnew, alpha)
        if alpha < self.step_search.alpha_min:
            print("Failed to find a reasonable step size! Probably converged!")
            Vnew = self.V
            self.status = False
            self.xs, self.xs_up = self.xs_up, self.xs  # Swap xs
            self.us, self.us_up = self.us_up, self.us  # Swap us
            self.status = True
        return Vnew

    def iterate(self):
        self.backward_pass(self.xs, self.us, self.Ks,
        self.V = self.forward_pass(self.Ks)