def register(request): if not get_bool('REGISTRATION_OPEN', True): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) if request.method == 'POST': course_code = request.POST.get('course', None) email_address = request.POST.get('email', None) phone = request.POST.get('phone', None) res = register_for_course(course_code, email_address, phone) if res == RegStatus.SUCCESS: return homepage_with_msg( request, 'success', 'Your registration for %s was successful!' % course_code) elif res == RegStatus.OPEN_REG_EXISTS: return homepage_with_msg( request, 'warning', "You've already registered to get alerts for %s!" % course_code) elif res == RegStatus.NO_CONTACT_INFO: return homepage_with_msg( request, 'danger', 'Please enter either a phone number or an email address.') else: return homepage_with_msg( request, 'warning', 'There was an error on our end. Please try again!') else: raise Http404('GET not accepted')
def should_send_pca_alert(course_term, course_status): if get_current_semester() != course_term: return False add_drop_period = get_or_create_add_drop_period(course_term) return (get_bool("SEND_FROM_WEBHOOK", False) and (course_status == "O" or course_status == "C") and (add_drop_period.end is None or datetime.utcnow().replace( tzinfo=gettz(TIME_ZONE)) < add_drop_period.end))
def pca_registration_open(): """ Returns True iff PCA should be accepting new registrations. """ current_adp = get_or_create_add_drop_period( semester=get_current_semester()) return get_bool("REGISTRATION_OPEN", True) and ( current_adp.end is None or datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=gettz(TIME_ZONE)) < current_adp.end)
def test_get_bool_no_exists(self): self.assertIsNone(get_bool("invalid"))
def test_get_bool_exists_is_bool(self): self.option.value_type = Option.TYPE_BOOL self.option.value = "TruE" self.assertTrue(get_bool(self.key))
def test_get_bool_exists_not_bool(self): self.assertIsNone(get_bool(self.key))
def index(request): if not get_bool('REGISTRATION_OPEN', True): return homepage_closed(request) return render_homepage(request, [])
def render_homepage(request, notifications): return render( request, 'index.html', { 'notifications': notifications, 'recruiting': get_bool('RECRUITING', False) })
def accept_webhook(request): auth_header = request.META.get('Authorization', request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', '')) username, password = extract_basic_auth(auth_header) if username != settings.WEBHOOK_USERNAME or \ password != settings.WEBHOOK_PASSWORD: return HttpResponse('''Your credentials cannot be verified. They should be placed in the header as "Authorization-Bearer", YOUR_APP_ID and "Authorization-Token" , YOUR_TOKEN"''', status=401) if request.method != 'POST': return HttpResponse('Methods other than POST are not allowed', status=405) if 'json' not in request.content_type.lower(): return HttpResponse('Request expected in JSON', status=415) try: data = json.loads(request.body) except json.JSONDecodeError: return HttpResponse('Error decoding JSON body', status=400) course_id = data.get('course_section', None) if course_id is None: return HttpResponse('Course ID could not be extracted from response', status=400) course_status = data.get('status', None) if course_status is None: return HttpResponse( 'Course Status could not be extracted from response', status=400) course_term = data.get('term', None) if course_term is None: return HttpResponse('Course Term could not be extracted from response', status=400) prev_status = data.get('previous_status', None) if prev_status is None: return HttpResponse( 'Previous Status could not be extracted from response', status=400) should_send_alert = get_bool('SEND_FROM_WEBHOOK', False) and \ course_status == 'O' and get_value('SEMESTER') == course_term u = record_update(course_id, course_term, prev_status, course_status, should_send_alert, request.body) update_course_from_record(u) if should_send_alert: try: alert_for_course(course_id, semester=course_term, sent_by='WEB') return JsonResponse({'message': 'webhook recieved, alerts sent'}) except ValueError: return JsonResponse({'message': 'course code could not be parsed'}) else: return JsonResponse({'message': 'webhook recieved'})