Exemple #1
    opt.dataroot = './data/celeba/CelebA_train'
    opt.load_size = 80
    opt.crop_size = 64
    opt.size = 64
    dataset = create_dataset(opt)  # create a dataset given opt.dataset_mode and other options
    dataset_size = len(dataset)
    print('#training images = %d' % dataset_size)
    raise Exception('Not implemented yet')

########################################  OFDM setting  ###########################################
size_after_compress = (opt.size // (2**opt.n_downsample))**2 * (opt.C_channel // 2)
opt.N = opt.batchSize                       # Batch size
opt.P = 1                                   # Number of symbols
opt.M = 64                                  # Number of subcarriers per symbol
opt.K = 16                                  # Length of CP
opt.L = 8                                   # Number of paths
opt.decay = 4
opt.S = size_after_compress // opt.M        # Number of packets

opt.is_cfo = False
opt.is_trick = True
opt.is_cfo_random = False
opt.max_ang = 1.7
opt.ang = 1.7

if opt.CE not in ['LS', 'MMSE', 'TRUE', 'IMPLICIT']:
    raise Exception("Channel estimation method not implemented")

if opt.EQ not in ['ZF', 'MMSE', 'IMPLICIT']: