def finishCal(self): u"""calculates the ratio of the calibrated axis, saves it to the options object (not to a file!!)""" if self.calibration == None: self.showInfoMessage("Blad programu") elif self.calibration in ('X', 'Y'): #TODO: tu jest odwolanie do mediatora, koniecznie ustaw odpowiednie metody !! if self.calibration == 'X': przesuniecie = self.mediator.coordCounter.ticksX else: przesuniecie = self.mediator.coordCounter.ticksY self.showInfoMessage( _("General distance in axis %s: %s" % (self.calibration, przesuniecie))) text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( self, programName, _('Enter distance the input device has moved: ')) if ok: calc = przesuniecie / float(text) if self.calibration == 'X': self.options.xRatio = calc elif self.calibration == 'Y': self.options.yRatio = calc self.showInfoMessage( _("Ticks on milimeter in axis ") + self.calibration + _(" is: %s") % calc) self.calibration = None self.setMeasuringMode()
def allowCalibrate(self): text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, programName, _("""Enter below "SUWMIARKA". It is protection against accidentally changing of the calibration configuration. Entering word other than "SUWMIARKA" or pressing Cancel key simply returns to the mail menu and doesn't allow calibration. If you choose to allow calibrating, and then with any cause you would like to turn off allowing calibration, choose option """) +_('Measuring mode')) if ok: if text == "SUWMIARKA": for i in (4,5):
def saveRatio(self): u"""saves ratio to a file""" try: self.options.saveRatio() # if some problems occurred, show the info message except: self.showInfoMessage(_("Error during saving calibration data to file.")) # else show message that everything was ok else: self.showInfoMessage(_("Calibration data saved correctly"))
def askWanted(self, axis): text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, programName, _('Distance to measure in %s axis:')%axis) name = {'X':'wantedX', 'Y':'wantedY'} try: # force converting to float text="%s.0" % text distance = float(eval(text)) setattr(self, name[axis], distance) except: self.showInfoMessage(_("You entered inproper number. You can use arithmetic operators (+, -, * /)")) self.updateUi()
def saveRatio(self): u"""saves ratio to a file""" try: self.options.saveRatio() # if some problems occurred, show the info message except: self.showInfoMessage( _("Error during saving calibration data to file.")) # else show message that everything was ok else: self.showInfoMessage(_("Calibration data saved correctly"))
def allowCalibrate(self): text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( self, programName, _("""Enter below "SUWMIARKA". It is protection against accidentally changing of the calibration configuration. Entering word other than "SUWMIARKA" or pressing Cancel key simply returns to the mail menu and doesn't allow calibration. If you choose to allow calibrating, and then with any cause you would like to turn off allowing calibration, choose option """ ) + _('Measuring mode')) if ok: if text == "SUWMIARKA": for i in (4, 5):
def askWanted(self, axis): text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( self, programName, _('Distance to measure in %s axis:') % axis) name = {'X': 'wantedX', 'Y': 'wantedY'} try: # force converting to float text = "%s.0" % text distance = float(eval(text)) setattr(self, name[axis], distance) except: self.showInfoMessage( _("You entered inproper number. You can use arithmetic operators (+, -, * /)" )) self.updateUi()
def cal(self, axis): u"""starts calibrating an axis""" reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, programName, _("Starting calibration of axis: %s")%axis, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok: self.reset() self.calibration = axis
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): try: self.mediator.coordChanged() except TickException, e: QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self, "", _("Inproper reading from input device."), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) self.reset()
def cal(self, axis): u"""starts calibrating an axis""" reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self, programName, _("Starting calibration of axis: %s") % axis, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok: self.reset() self.calibration = axis
def updateUi(self): u"""updates UI based on distX and distY values""" # global distance ran over detector in both axis formatedDistanceX, formatedDistanceY = "%.3F" % self.distX, "%.3F" % self.distY # natively show the distance ran over the detector textX, textY = formatedDistanceX, formatedDistanceY # update info about if self.mode.getMode() == "MEASURING": pass # the calibrated axis doesn't show the global way ran elif self.mode.getMode() == "CAL_X": textX = _("calibration") elif self.mode.getMode() == "CAL_Y": textY = _("calibration") self.textX = "<font color=red size=4><b>" + textX + "</b></font>" # fill the data into labels from PyQt4 import Qt # showing total distance ran over cursor self.ui.lbWayX.setText(textX) self.ui.lbWayY.setText(textY) # calculate the remaining distance and show it remainingX = self.wantedX - self.distX remainingY = self.wantedY - self.distY self.ui.lbRemainingX.setText("%3.3F"%remainingX) self.ui.lbRemainingY.setText("%3.3F"%remainingY) # show the distance user wants to measure self.ui.lbWantedX.setText("%3.3F"%self.wantedX) self.ui.lbWantedY.setText("%3.3F"%self.wantedY) # show info about current working mode self.ui.lbMode.setText(str(self.mode.getMode()))
def updateUi(self): u"""updates UI based on distX and distY values""" # global distance ran over detector in both axis formatedDistanceX, formatedDistanceY = "%.3F" % self.distX, "%.3F" % self.distY # natively show the distance ran over the detector textX, textY = formatedDistanceX, formatedDistanceY # update info about if self.mode.getMode() == "MEASURING": pass # the calibrated axis doesn't show the global way ran elif self.mode.getMode() == "CAL_X": textX = _("calibration") elif self.mode.getMode() == "CAL_Y": textY = _("calibration") self.textX = "<font color=red size=4><b>" + textX + "</b></font>" # fill the data into labels from PyQt4 import Qt # showing total distance ran over cursor self.ui.lbWayX.setText(textX) self.ui.lbWayY.setText(textY) # calculate the remaining distance and show it remainingX = self.wantedX - self.distX remainingY = self.wantedY - self.distY self.ui.lbRemainingX.setText("%3.3F" % remainingX) self.ui.lbRemainingY.setText("%3.3F" % remainingY) # show the distance user wants to measure self.ui.lbWantedX.setText("%3.3F" % self.wantedX) self.ui.lbWantedY.setText("%3.3F" % self.wantedY) # show info about current working mode self.ui.lbMode.setText(str(self.mode.getMode()))
def finishCal(self): u"""calculates the ratio of the calibrated axis, saves it to the options object (not to a file!!)""" if self.calibration == None: self.showInfoMessage("Blad programu") elif self.calibration in ('X','Y'): #TODO: tu jest odwolanie do mediatora, koniecznie ustaw odpowiednie metody !! if self.calibration =='X': przesuniecie = self.mediator.coordCounter.ticksX else: przesuniecie = self.mediator.coordCounter.ticksY self.showInfoMessage(_("General distance in axis %s: %s"%(self.calibration, przesuniecie))) text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, programName, _('Enter distance the input device has moved: ')) if ok: calc = przesuniecie / float(text) if self.calibration == 'X': self.options.xRatio = calc elif self.calibration =='Y': self.options.yRatio = calc self.showInfoMessage(_("Ticks on milimeter in axis ")+self.calibration+_(" is: %s")%calc) self.calibration = None self.setMeasuringMode()
def __init__(self, parent=None): # QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # from PyQt4 import QString self.ui = Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self, [ (_('Reset'), self.reset), (_('Measuring mode'), self.setMeasuringMode), (_('Distance to measure in X axis'), self.askWantedX), (_('Distance to measure in Y axis'), self.askWantedY), (_('Calibrate Y axis'), self.calY), (_('Calibrate X axis'), self.calX), (_('Finish calibration'), self.finishCal), (_('Save calibration'), self.saveRatio), (_('Allow calibration'), self.allowCalibrate), ]) print 'main widget: ',self.centralWidget() self.centralWidget().setMouseTracking(True) # mode of working self.mode = Mode(self, ("MEASURING", "CAL_X", "CAL_Y")) # storing programs options self.options = Options() # object that manages all other objects :) self.mediator = Mediator(self.cursor(), self) # distance the user wants the device to travel self.wantedX, self.wantedY = 0.0, 0.0 self.setMeasuringMode() # set default values self.reset()
def __init__(self, parent=None): # QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # from PyQt4 import QString self.ui = Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self, [ (_('Reset'), self.reset), (_('Measuring mode'), self.setMeasuringMode), (_('Distance to measure in X axis'), self.askWantedX), (_('Distance to measure in Y axis'), self.askWantedY), (_('Calibrate Y axis'), self.calY), (_('Calibrate X axis'), self.calX), (_('Finish calibration'), self.finishCal), (_('Save calibration'), self.saveRatio), (_('Allow calibration'), self.allowCalibrate), ]) print 'main widget: ', self.centralWidget() self.centralWidget().setMouseTracking(True) # mode of working self.mode = Mode(self, ("MEASURING", "CAL_X", "CAL_Y")) # storing programs options self.options = Options() # object that manages all other objects :) self.mediator = Mediator(self.cursor(), self) # distance the user wants the device to travel self.wantedX, self.wantedY = 0.0, 0.0 self.setMeasuringMode() # set default values self.reset()
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): try: self.mediator.coordChanged() except TickException, e: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "", _("Inproper reading from input device."), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) self.reset()
def setupUi(self, Form, dct): = Menu(Form, dct) # labels showing info about current working mode self.lbModeDescription = QtGui.QLabel(_("Working mode"), Form) self.lbMode = QtGui.QLabel(Form) # v_box representing info about current working mode self.v_box_mode_widget = QtGui.QWidget(Form) self.v_box_mode = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.v_box_mode_widget) self.v_box_mode.addStretch(1) self.v_box_mode.addWidget(self.lbModeDescription) self.v_box_mode.addWidget(self.lbMode) self.v_box_mode_widget.resize(200,200) # lalbels showing the total way in mm in proper axises self.lbWayX = QtGui.QLabel(Form) self.lbWayY = QtGui.QLabel(Form) # labels showing how much distance the user should ran so that he ran all he wants TODO: przetlumacz to na poprawny angielski self.lbRemainingX = QtGui.QLabel(Form) self.lbRemainingY = QtGui.QLabel(Form) # how many of way a device should travel overall self.lbDescWantedX = QtGui.QLabel(_("Distance to measure: "), Form) self.lbDescWantedY = QtGui.QLabel(_("Distance to measure: "), Form) self.lbWantedX = QtGui.QLabel(Form) self.lbWantedY = QtGui.QLabel(Form) # labels descriptioning labels showing the total distance ran by the detector (mouse) self.lbDescWayX = QtGui.QLabel("X:", Form) self.lbDescWayY = QtGui.QLabel("Y:", Form) self.lbDescRX = QtGui.QLabel(_("distance left:"), Form) self.lbDescRY = QtGui.QLabel(_("distance left:"), Form) # # grouped information: axis name and how many millimeters the detector (mouse) has moved: # self.h_box_x_widget = QtGui.QWidget(Form) self.h_box_x = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.h_box_x_widget) self.h_box_x.addWidget(self.lbDescWantedX) self.h_box_x.addWidget(self.lbWantedX) self.h_box_y_widget = QtGui.QWidget(Form) self.h_box_y = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.h_box_y_widget) self.h_box_y.addWidget(self.lbDescWantedY) self.h_box_y.addWidget(self.lbWantedY) # information of all axis self.v_box_dist_widget = QtGui.QWidget(Form) self.v_box_dist = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.v_box_dist_widget) self.v_box_dist.addWidget(self.h_box_x_widget) self.v_box_dist.addWidget(self.h_box_y_widget) self.info_box_widget = QtGui.QWidget() self.info_box = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.info_box_widget) for w in(self.v_box_mode_widget,, self.v_box_dist_widget, QtGui.QLabel("\t\t\t",Form)): self.info_box.addWidget(w) self.distanceWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.distance = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.distanceWidget) self.distanceXWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceX = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.distanceXWidget) for w in (self.lbDescWayX, self.lbWayX):self.distanceX.addWidget(w) self.distanceYWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceY = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.distanceYWidget) for w in (self.lbDescWayY, self.lbWayY):self.distanceY.addWidget(w) for w in (self.distanceXWidget, self.distanceYWidget):self.distance.addWidget(w) self.distanceRemainingWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceRemaining = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.distanceRemainingWidget) self.distanceRXW = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceRX = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.distanceRXW) for w in (self.lbDescRX, self.lbRemainingX): self.distanceRX.addWidget(w) self.distanceRYW = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceRY = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.distanceRYW) for w in(self.lbDescRY, self.lbRemainingY): self.distanceRY.addWidget(w) self.distanceRemaining.addWidget(self.distanceRXW) self.distanceRemaining.addWidget(self.distanceRYW) self.distanceWidget.setMouseTracking(True) self.lbWayX.setMouseTracking(True) self.distanceXWidget.setMouseTracking(True) self.main_widget = QtGui.QWidget() self.main = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() for widget in (self.distanceWidget, self.distanceRemainingWidget, self.info_box_widget):self.main.addWidget(widget) self.main.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100,100,600,600)) Form.setObjectName("Form") # Form.setLayout(self.main) Form.resize(800, 800) self.main_widget.setLayout(self.main) Form.setCentralWidget(self.main_widget) self.retranslateUi(Form) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Form) self.modifyLabels() self.lbWayX.resize(200, 200)
def setupUi(self, Form, dct): = Menu(Form, dct) # labels showing info about current working mode self.lbModeDescription = QtGui.QLabel(_("Working mode"), Form) self.lbMode = QtGui.QLabel(Form) # v_box representing info about current working mode self.v_box_mode_widget = QtGui.QWidget(Form) self.v_box_mode = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.v_box_mode_widget) self.v_box_mode.addStretch(1) self.v_box_mode.addWidget(self.lbModeDescription) self.v_box_mode.addWidget(self.lbMode) self.v_box_mode_widget.resize(200, 200) # lalbels showing the total way in mm in proper axises self.lbWayX = QtGui.QLabel(Form) self.lbWayY = QtGui.QLabel(Form) # labels showing how much distance the user should ran so that he ran all he wants TODO: przetlumacz to na poprawny angielski self.lbRemainingX = QtGui.QLabel(Form) self.lbRemainingY = QtGui.QLabel(Form) # how many of way a device should travel overall self.lbDescWantedX = QtGui.QLabel(_("Distance to measure: "), Form) self.lbDescWantedY = QtGui.QLabel(_("Distance to measure: "), Form) self.lbWantedX = QtGui.QLabel(Form) self.lbWantedY = QtGui.QLabel(Form) # labels descriptioning labels showing the total distance ran by the detector (mouse) self.lbDescWayX = QtGui.QLabel("X:", Form) self.lbDescWayY = QtGui.QLabel("Y:", Form) self.lbDescRX = QtGui.QLabel(_("distance left:"), Form) self.lbDescRY = QtGui.QLabel(_("distance left:"), Form) # # grouped information: axis name and how many millimeters the detector (mouse) has moved: # self.h_box_x_widget = QtGui.QWidget(Form) self.h_box_x = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.h_box_x_widget) self.h_box_x.addWidget(self.lbDescWantedX) self.h_box_x.addWidget(self.lbWantedX) self.h_box_y_widget = QtGui.QWidget(Form) self.h_box_y = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.h_box_y_widget) self.h_box_y.addWidget(self.lbDescWantedY) self.h_box_y.addWidget(self.lbWantedY) # information of all axis self.v_box_dist_widget = QtGui.QWidget(Form) self.v_box_dist = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.v_box_dist_widget) self.v_box_dist.addWidget(self.h_box_x_widget) self.v_box_dist.addWidget(self.h_box_y_widget) self.info_box_widget = QtGui.QWidget() self.info_box = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.info_box_widget) for w in (self.v_box_mode_widget,, self.v_box_dist_widget, QtGui.QLabel("\t\t\t", Form)): self.info_box.addWidget(w) self.distanceWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.distance = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.distanceWidget) self.distanceXWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceX = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.distanceXWidget) for w in (self.lbDescWayX, self.lbWayX): self.distanceX.addWidget(w) self.distanceYWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceY = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.distanceYWidget) for w in (self.lbDescWayY, self.lbWayY): self.distanceY.addWidget(w) for w in (self.distanceXWidget, self.distanceYWidget): self.distance.addWidget(w) self.distanceRemainingWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceRemaining = QtGui.QVBoxLayout( self.distanceRemainingWidget) self.distanceRXW = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceRX = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.distanceRXW) for w in (self.lbDescRX, self.lbRemainingX): self.distanceRX.addWidget(w) self.distanceRYW = QtGui.QWidget() self.distanceRY = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.distanceRYW) for w in (self.lbDescRY, self.lbRemainingY): self.distanceRY.addWidget(w) self.distanceRemaining.addWidget(self.distanceRXW) self.distanceRemaining.addWidget(self.distanceRYW) self.distanceWidget.setMouseTracking(True) self.lbWayX.setMouseTracking(True) self.distanceXWidget.setMouseTracking(True) self.main_widget = QtGui.QWidget() self.main = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() for widget in (self.distanceWidget, self.distanceRemainingWidget, self.info_box_widget): self.main.addWidget(widget) self.main.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 100, 600, 600)) Form.setObjectName("Form") # Form.setLayout(self.main) Form.resize(800, 800) self.main_widget.setLayout(self.main) Form.setCentralWidget(self.main_widget) self.retranslateUi(Form) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Form) self.modifyLabels() self.lbWayX.resize(200, 200)