def format_infile_string(self):

        # Handle memory and comment
        memcmd, _memkw = """***, %s\nmemory,%d,m\n""" % (self.molecule.tagline, int(math.ceil(self.memory / 8.0))), {}

        # Handle molecule and basis set
        molcmd, _molkw = self.molecule.format_molecule_for_molpro(), {}

        # format global convergence directions
        #        text += self.format_global_parameters()
        _cdscmd, cdskw = muster_cdsgroup_options(self.method)

        # Handle calc type and quantum chemical method
        mdccmd, mdckw, mdcls = procedures["energy"][self.method](self.method, self.dertype, self.molecule)
        _bascmd, baskw = self.muster_basis_options()

        #        # format options
        #        optcmd = qcdb.options.prepare_options_for_psi4(mdckw)

        # make options from imdb only user options (currently non-existent). set basis and castup from here.
        # Handle driver vs input/default keyword reconciliation
        userkw = self.options
        #        userkw = p4util.prepare_options_for_modules()
        # userkw = qcdb.options.reconcile_options(userkw, memkw)
        # userkw = qcdb.options.reconcile_options(userkw, molkw)
        userkw = options.reconcile_options2(userkw, cdskw)
        userkw = options.reconcile_options2(userkw, baskw)
        # userkw = qcdb.options.reconcile_options(userkw, psikw)
        userkw = options.reconcile_options2(userkw, mdckw)

        # Handle conversion of psi4 keyword structure into cfour format
        # optcmdB = options.prepare_options_for_psi4(userkw)
        optcmd = prepare_options_for_molpro(userkw, mdcls)
        bascmd, _baskw = self.prepare_basis_for_molpro(), {}  # self.options['BASIS']), {}

        # Handle text to be passed untouched
        litcmd = """\nshow[1,20f20.12],ee*,ce*,te*\nshow[1,60f20.12],_E*\n\n"""

        # Assemble infile pieces
        return memcmd + molcmd + bascmd + optcmd + mdccmd + litcmd
Exemple #2
    def format_infile_string(self):

        # Handle memory and comment
        memcmd, memkw = """# %s\n\nmemory %d mb\n\n""" % (self.molecule.tagline, self.memory), {}

        # Handle molecule and basis set
        molcmd, molkw = self.molecule.format_molecule_for_psi4(), {}

        # format global convergence directions
#        text += self.format_global_parameters()
        _cdscmd, cdskw = muster_cdsgroup_options()

        # Handle calc type and quantum chemical method
        mdccmd, mdckw = procedures['energy'][self.method](self.method, self.dertype)

#        # format options
#        optcmd = qcdb.options.prepare_options_for_psi4(mdckw)

# make options from imdb only user options (currently non-existent). set basis and castup from here.
        # Handle driver vs input/default keyword reconciliation
        userkw = self.options
#        userkw = p4util.prepare_options_for_modules()
        #userkw = qcdb.options.reconcile_options(userkw, memkw)
        #userkw = qcdb.options.reconcile_options(userkw, molkw)
        #userkw = qcdb.options.reconcile_options(userkw, baskw)
        #userkw = qcdb.options.reconcile_options(userkw, psikw)
        userkw = options.reconcile_options2(userkw, cdskw)
        userkw = options.reconcile_options2(userkw, mdckw)

        # Handle conversion of psi4 keyword structure into cfour format
        optcmd = options.prepare_options_for_psi4(userkw)

        # Handle text to be passed untouched to psi4
        litcmd = """\nprint_variables()\n\n"""

        # Assemble infile pieces
        return memcmd + molcmd + optcmd + mdccmd + litcmd