class Main(object): def __init__(self): self.main = Corrector() self.match = "" self.matchgeo = "" self.commands = [] self.option = Options() self.display = Chunks("") self.display.create_Chunks() self.last_Display = "" self.find = Chunks("") self.find.create_Chunks() self.table = Outline() self.location_History = {} def run(self): hlp = Helper();br=True;results={};resultsort=[];correcting = False while br: if correcting or self.matchgeo: pass else: command = raw_input("SMS in: ") if not self.matchgeo: t,option,word = self.process(unicode(command)) words = t[0];disting = t[1][-1] if option and len(resultsort)==0: self.option = option;self.match = word if len(self.display) > 0 : self.last_Display = self.display self.display = Chunks(self.option.print_Options()) self.display.create_Chunks(heading="By ({0}) Did you mean: ".format(word), footing="Please choose.") print self.display.goto_Chunk(); continue if len(self.option)>0 and len(words[0])==1: ch = self.option.select_Option(words[0]) if ch!=None and len(resultsort)==0: self.main.correctedHistory[self.match]=self.option[ch][2] disting = t[1][-2]; k = disting['tokens'].index(self.match) disting['tokens'][k] = self.option[ch][2] try: k = disting['words'].index(self.match) disting['words'][k] = self.option[ch][2] words = disting['words'] except: disting['words'].append(self.option[ch][2]) words = disting['words'] if self.option[ch][2] == "find": word = "find";self.option = Options() else: self.option = Options();correcting = True command = " ".join(disting['tokens']); continue if ch!=None and type(resultsort)!=unicode: text = "{0} - Ratings : {1}".format(resultsort[ch][0],resultsort[ch][1]) text += "\n" +" Telephone Number: " + results[resultsort[ch][0]][1] text += "\n Address: "+results[resultsort[ch][0]][0] self.display = Chunks(text) self.display.create_Chunks() print self.display.goto_Chunk() self.option = Options();continue if ch!=None and type(resultsort)==unicode: self.matchgeo = [results[ch]]; self.location_History[resultsort] = [results[ch]] disting = t[1][-2]; words = disting['words'];self.option = Options() continue correcting = False if word == "find" or "find" in words: if word == "find": self.find = self.last_Display else: self.find = self.display expand = self.find.find_Chunks(" ".join([i for i in disting['tokens'] if i!="find"])) if expand!=False: self.find.chunk_list = expand print self.find.goto_Chunk() else: print "No results found" continue for k in range(len(words)): dirfin = finder(r'directory|places',words[k]) if dirfin.found(): if "list" in words: self.display = Chunks(",".join(hlp.dirtypes()).replace("_"," ")) self.display.create_Chunks(heading="List of types of places:") print self.display.goto_Chunk(); break direc=Directory([i for i in words if i!="directory" or i!="places"]) if len(self.matchgeo) > 0: direc.locs=self.matchgeo; self.matchgeo = "" results,resultsort =,self.location_History) if results == None: break elif type(resultsort) == unicode: for i in results: self.option.add_Option(content="{0}".format(i[0].encode('utf-8'))) self.display = Chunks(self.option.print_Options()) self.display.create_Chunks(heading="By {0} did you mean:".format(str(resultsort)), footing="Please choose a location. ") print self.display.goto_Chunk(); break for i in resultsort: self.option.add_Option(content="{0} - Ratings : {1}".format(i[0].encode('utf-8'),str(i[1]))) self.display = Chunks(self.option.print_Options()) self.display.create_Chunks(heading="Nearby places:", footing="Choose for more details. ") print self.display.goto_Chunk(); break outfin = finder(r'outline',words[k]) if outfin.found(): with open("textblock.txt","rb") as f: textblock="string_escape") for i in range(len(textblock)): if textblock[i:i+2] == "\u": textblock= textblock[:i]+unichr(int(textblock[i+2:i+6],base=16)).encode("utf-8") +textblock[i+6:] f.close() self.table.add_TxtBlock(textblock) if[i for i in words if i !="outline"],disting['numbers']) != False: self.display =[i for i in words if i !="outline"],disting['numbers']) print self.display.goto_Chunk(); break exifin = finder(r'exit',words[k]) if exifin.found(): br=False;break helpfin = finder(r'help',words[k]) if helpfin.found(): print hlp;break if "next" in words[k]: print self.display.next_Chunk(); break if "goto" in words[k]: try: n = disting['numbers'][0] num = int(n) except: num = -1 print self.display.goto_Chunk(num); break def process(self,command): opts = [];self.main.disting(command) for i in self.main.cur()['words']+self.main.cur()['splits']: for j in self.main.match(i): if j[0]=='None': continue if j[1]==0: try: k = self.main.cur()['words'].index(i) self.main.cur()['words'][k] = j[0] except: self.main.cur()['words'].append(j[0]) continue if opts == []: opts = Options() opts.add_Option(content="{0}".format(j[0])) if opts: return [self.main.cur()['words'],self.main.history],opts,i return [self.main.cur()['words'],self.main.history],opts,""
def run(self,s,numbers): if "tables" in s: for p in self.expand: self.expand[p] = 0 section = Chunks(self.output_Outline()) section.create_Chunks(heading = "Outline Table") return section if "expand" in s: if "all" in s: for p in self.expand: self.expand[p] = 1 section = Chunks(self.output_Outline()) section.create_Chunks(heading = "Outline Table - Expanded All") return section if len(numbers) > 0 and numbers[0] in self.expand: self.expand[numbers[0]] = 1; section = Chunks(self.output_Outline(chap=numbers[0])) section.create_Chunks(heading = "Expanded Chapter {0}".format(numbers[0])); return section if "level" in s: for i in numbers: if int(i) != 1: self.lvl=True for p in self.expand: self.expand[p] = 1 else: self.lvl=False self.level = int(i)-1 section = Chunks(self.output_Outline()) section.create_Chunks(heading = "Level {0} - Outline".format(i), footing = "Select Outline Number" ) return section for i in numbers: if self.lvl==True:; section = Chunks(self.output_Outline(chap=i)) section.create_Chunks(heading = "Section {0} - Level {1} Outline".format(i,str(self.level+1))) self.lvl=False; return section elif self.txt_Check(i): self.expand[numbers[0]] = 0 section = Chunks(self.txt_Item(i)) section.create_Chunks(heading = "Section {0}".format(i)) return section else: section = Chunks(self.output_Outline(chap=i)) section.create_Chunks(heading = "Section {0} - Outline".format(i)) return section return False