class Dial(Tkinter.Frame, KeyboardEntry): """This class implements a Dial widget. The widget has a pointer that can be moved around a circle. The range corresponding to one full turn can be specified as well as the min and max values that are allowed. By defaults these are set to None meaning that there is no min and no max. One turn corresponds to 360 units by default. A dial can also operate in discrete mode (if self.increment is set to x). In this mode the values will be restrained to be multiples of self.increment. The Widget has a Callback manager. Callback functions get called at every value change if self.contiguous is set to 1, else they get called when the mouse button is released. They always get called with the current value as an argument. An optional label can be displayed at the center of the Dial widget. The size of the dial has to be specified at instanciation. Other parameters can be set after the widget has been created. The widget tried to adjust automatically the size of the arrow according to the size of the dial. The widget has a configure() method: type, min, max, increment, precision, showLabel, value, continuous, oneTurn can be set this way. master, labCfg and size can be passed only to the constructor. a lock() method is used to disable the various gui components of the options panel. Usage: <instance>.lock(<component>=<value>) components see configure(). value is 0 or 1. 1 disables, 0 enables. Setting values with increment enabled: if using the method set(), the actual value will 'snap' to the next increment. i.e., if the value is set to 3, and the increment is set to 2, setting the value to 6 will actually result in 7 (3,5,7,9,.....) To still be able to set the value, disregarding the current active increment, the set method understands the optional keyword force=True, i.e. dial.set(<value>, force=True)), which will set the value to <value>. The increment will now be added to this new <value> """ def __init__(self, master=None, type='float', labCfg={'fg':'black','side':'left', 'text':None}, min=None, max=None, increment=.0, precision=2, showLabel=1, value=0.0, continuous=1, oneTurn=360., size=50, callback=None, lockMin=0, lockBMin=0, lockMax=0, lockBMax=0, lockIncrement=0, lockBIncrement=0, lockPrecision=0, lockShowLabel=0, lockValue=0, lockType=0, lockContinuous=0, lockOneTurn=0, **kw): Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master) Tkinter.Pack.config(self) self.callbacks = CallbackManager() # object to manage callback # functions. They get called with the # current value as an argument # initialize various attributes with default values self.precision = 2 # decimal places self.min = None # minimum value self.max = None # maximum value self.increment = increment # value increment self.minOld = 0. # used to store old values self.maxOld = 0. self.incrementOld = increment self.size = 50 # defines widget size self.offsetValue = 0. # used to set increment correctly self.lab = None # label self.callback = None # user specified callback self.opPanel = None # option panel widget self.oneTurn = 360. # value increment for 1 full turn self.value = 0.0 # current value of widget self.oldValue = 0.0 # old value of widget self.showLabel = 1 # turn on to display label on self.continuous = 1 # set to 1 to call callbacks at # each value change, else gets called # on button release event self.angle = 0. # angle corresponding to value self.labCfg = labCfg # Tkinter Label options self.labelFont = ( ensureFontCase('helvetica'), 14, 'bold') # label font self.labelColor = 'yellow' # label color self.canvas = None # the canvas to create the widget in self.usedArcColor = '#aaaaaa' # filled arc color of used portion self.unusedArcColor = '#cccccc' # filled arc color of unused portion self.pyOver180 = math.pi/180.0 # constants used in various places self.threeSixtyOver1turn = 1 self.piOver1turn = math.pi/360. self.lockMin = lockMin # lock<X> vars are used in self.lock() self.lockMax = lockMax # to lock/unlock entries in optionpanel self.lockIncrement = lockIncrement self.lockBMin = lockBMin self.lockBMax = lockBMax self.lockBIncrement = lockBIncrement self.lockPrecision = lockPrecision self.lockShowLabel = lockShowLabel self.lockValue = lockValue self.lockType = lockType self.lockContinuous = lockContinuous self.lockOneTurn = lockOneTurn self.setArrow() # configure with user-defined values self.setSize(size) self.setCallback(callback) self.setContinuous(continuous) self.setType(type) self.setPrecision(precision) self.setOneTurn(oneTurn) self.setMin(min) self.setMax(max) self.setIncrement(increment) self.setShowLabel(showLabel) self.setValue(value) self.setLabel(self.labCfg) self.createCanvas(master) canvas = self.canvas canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.mouseDown) canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.mouseUp) canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouseMove) canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) if == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32': canvas.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.mouseWheel) else: canvas.bind("<Button-4>", self.mouseWheel) canvas.bind("<Button-5>", self.mouseWheel) KeyboardEntry.__init__(self, (canvas,), self.setFromEntry) self.opPanel = OptionsPanel(master = self, title="Dial Options") ## if self.callback: ## self.callbacks.AddCallback(self.callback) def setFromEntry(self, valueString): try: self.set(self.type(valueString)) except ValueError: # fixme we would like to pop this up in a window maybe import traceback traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc() def handleKeyStroke(self, event): # handle key strokes for numbers only in widget keyboard entry label key = event.keysym if key.isdigit() or key=='period' or key=='minus' or key=='plus': if key == 'period': key = '.' elif key == 'minus': key = '-' elif key == 'plus': key = '+' self.typedValue += key self.typedValueTK.configure(text=self.typedValue) else: KeyboardEntry.handleKeyStroke(self, event) def setSize(self, size): """Set widget size. Size must be of type int and greater than 0""" assert isinstance(size, types.IntType),\ "Illegal size: expected type %s, got %s"%(type(1), type(size) ) assert size > 0, "Illegal size: must be > 0, got %s"%size self.size = size def setCallback(self, cb): """Set widget callback. Must be callable function. Callback is called every time the widget value is set/modified""" assert cb is None or callable(cb) or type(cb) is types.ListType,\ "Illegal callback: must be either None or callable, or list. Got %s"%cb if cb is None: return elif type(cb) is types.ListType: for func in cb: assert callable(func), "Illegal callback must be callable. Got %s"%func self.callbacks.AddCallback(func) else: self.callbacks.AddCallback(cb) self.callback = cb def toggleOptPanel(self, event=None): if self.opPanel.flag: self.opPanel.Dismiss_cb() else: if not hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.displayPanel(create=1) else: self.opPanel.displayPanel(create=0) def setArrow(self, size=None): if size is not None: self.setSize(size) aS = self.size/40 self.arrowLength = max(3, 3*aS) # arrow head length self.arrowWidth = max(2, aS) # half the arrow body width self.arrowBorderwidth = max(1, self.arrowWidth/2) # width of arrow # shadow lines self.arrowHeadWidth = 2*self.arrowWidth # width of arrow head base def mouseDown(self, event): # remember where the mouse went down self.lastx = event.x self.lasty = event.y def mouseUp(self, event): # call callbacks if not in continuous mode if not self.continuous: self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(self.opPanel.valInput.get()) if self.showLabel == 2: # no widget labels on mouse release self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId2, text='') self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId, text='') def mouseMove(self, event): dx = event.x-self.xm dy = self.ym-event.y n = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) if n == 0.0: v = [0.0, 0.0] else: v = [dx/n, dy/n] # find the cosine of the angle between new hand position and previous # hand position ma = v[0]*self.vector[0] + v[1]*self.vector[1] # assure no rounding errors if ma > 1.0: ma = 1.0 elif ma < -1.0: ma = -1.0 # compute angle increment compared to current vector ang = math.acos(ma) # find the sign of the rotation, sign of z component of vector prod. oldv = self.vector normz = oldv[0]*v[1] - oldv[1]*v[0] if normz>0: ang = -1. * ang # compute the new value val = self.value + ang*self.oneTurnOver2pi self.set(val) self.lastx = event.x self.lasty = event.y def mouseWheel(self, event): #print "mouseWheel", event, event.num if == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32': if > 0: lEventNum = 4 else: lEventNum = 5 else: lEventNum = event.num if lEventNum == 4: self.set(self.value+self.oneTurn) else: self.set(self.value-self.oneTurn) def get(self): return self.type(self.value) def printLabel(self): if self.canvas is None: return self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId2, text=self.labelFormat%self.value)#newVal) self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId, text=self.labelFormat%self.value)#newVal) def set(self, val, update=1, force=0): # if force is set to 1, we call this method regardless of the # widget configuration. This is for example the case if the dial # is set to continuous=0, but the value is set in the options panel # snap to closest increment if self.increment is not None and self.increment != 0. and not force: offset = self.offsetValue%self.increment dval = round(val/self.increment) * self.increment if val < dval: dval = dval + offset - self.increment else: dval = dval + offset if self.min is not None and dval < self.min: dval = self.min elif self.max is not None and dval > self.max: dval = self.max # recompute vector and angle corresponding to val self.angle = (dval%self.oneTurn)*self.threeSixtyOver1turn if dval <0.0: self.angle = self.angle - 360.0 a = self.angle*self.pyOver180 self.vector = [math.sin(a), math.cos(a)] self.value = dval self.offsetValue = dval else: # 'regular' mode, i.e. no step-wise increment if self.min is not None and val < self.min: val = self.min elif self.max is not None and val > self.max: val = self.max # recompute vector and angle corresponding to val self.angle = (val%self.oneTurn)*self.threeSixtyOver1turn if val <0.0: self.angle = self.angle - 360.0 a = self.angle*self.pyOver180 self.vector = [math.sin(a), math.cos(a)] self.value = val self.offsetValue = val #update arrow in display self.drawArrow() newVal = self.get() if self.continuous or force: if update and self.oldValue != newVal or force: self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) if self.showLabel==2: self.printLabel() else: if self.showLabel==2: self.printLabel() if self.showLabel==1: self.printLabel() if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.valInput.set(self.labelFormat%newVal) def drawArrow(self): if self.canvas is None: return # end point x1 = self.xm + self.vector[0]*self.rad y1 = self.ym - self.vector[1]*self.rad # point at arrow head base xb = self.xm + self.vector[0]*self.radNoArrow yb = self.xm - self.vector[1]*self.radNoArrow # vector orthogonal to arrow n = [-self.vector[1], -self.vector[0]] pts1 = [ self.xm+n[0]*self.arrowWidth, self.ym+n[1]*self.arrowWidth, xb+n[0]*self.arrowWidth, yb+n[1]*self.arrowWidth, xb+n[0]*self.arrowHeadWidth, yb+n[1]*self.arrowHeadWidth, x1, y1 ] pts2 = [ x1, y1, xb-n[0]*self.arrowHeadWidth, yb-n[1]*self.arrowHeadWidth, xb-n[0]*self.arrowWidth, yb-n[1]*self.arrowWidth, self.xm-n[0]*self.arrowWidth, self.ym-n[1]*self.arrowWidth ] canvas = self.canvas if self.vector[0] > 0.0: col1 = '#DDDDDD' col2 = 'black' else: col1 = 'black' col2 = '#DDDDDD' apply( canvas.coords, (self.arrowPolId,) + tuple(pts1+pts2) ) apply( canvas.coords, (self.arrowPolborder1,) + tuple(pts1) ) canvas.itemconfigure( self.arrowPolborder1, fill=col1 ) apply( canvas.coords, (self.arrowPolborder2,) + tuple(pts2) ) canvas.itemconfigure( self.arrowPolborder2, fill=col2 ) canvas.itemconfigure(self.arcId, extent = 0.0-self.angle) def createCanvas(self, master): size = self.size self.frame = Tkinter.Frame(self, borderwidth=3, relief='sunken') self.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(self.frame, width=size+2, height=size+2) self.xm = self.ym = size/2+2 self.rad = size/2 self.radNoArrow = self.rad-self.arrowLength self.vector = [0, 1] x1 = self.xm + self.vector[0]*self.rad y1 = self.ym + self.vector[1]*self.rad canvas = self.canvas self.circleId = canvas.create_oval(2,2,size,size, width=1, fill=self.unusedArcColor) self.arcId = canvas.create_arc(2,2,size,size, start=90., extent=0, fill=self.usedArcColor) canvas.create_line(2, self.ym, size+2, self.ym) canvas.create_line(self.xm, 2, self.ym, size+2) self.arrowPolId = canvas.create_polygon( 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, fill='gray75' ) self.arrowPolborder1 = canvas.create_line( 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, fill='black', width = self.arrowBorderwidth) self.arrowPolborder2 = canvas.create_line( 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, fill='white', width = self.arrowBorderwidth ) r = size/20 off = self.arrowBorderwidth canvas.create_oval(self.xm-r,self.ym-r-off/2,self.xm+r,self.ym+r-off/2, fill='#DDDDDD', outline='white') canvas.create_oval(self.xm-r,self.ym-r+off,self.xm+r,self.ym+r+off, fill='black', outline='black') canvas.create_oval(self.xm-r,self.ym-r,self.xm+r,self.ym+r, fill='gray70', outline='#DDDDDD') self.labelId2 = canvas.create_text(self.xm+2, self.ym+2, fill='black', justify='center', text='', font = self.labelFont) self.labelId = canvas.create_text(self.xm, self.ym, fill=self.labelColor, justify='center', text='', font = self.labelFont) self.drawArrow() self.opPanel = OptionsPanel(master = self, title="Dial Options") # pack em up self.canvas.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP) self.frame.pack(expand=1, fill='x') self.toggleWidgetLabel(self.showLabel) def toggleWidgetLabel(self, val): if val == 0: # no widget labels self.showLabel=0 self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId2, text='') self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId, text='') if val == 1: # show always widget labels self.showLabel=1 self.printLabel() if val == 2: # show widget labels only when mouse moves self.showLabel=2 self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId2, text='') self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId, text='') def setValue(self, val): if type(val) == types.StringType: val = float(val) assert type(val) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for value: expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type(1), type(1.0), type(val) ) # setValue does NOT call a callback! if self.min is not None and val < self.min: val = self.min if self.max is not None and val > self.max: val = self.max self.value = self.type(val) self.offsetValue=self.value self.oldValue = self.value #update arrow in display self.angle = (self.value%self.oneTurn)*self.threeSixtyOver1turn if self.value <0.0: self.angle = self.angle - 360.0 a = self.angle*self.pyOver180 self.vector = [math.sin(a), math.cos(a)] self.drawArrow() if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.valInput.set(self.labelFormat%self.value) def setLabel(self, labCfg): self.labCfg = labCfg text = labCfg.get('text', None) if text is None or text=='': return d={} for k, w in self.labCfg.items(): if k == 'side': continue else: d[k] = w if not 'side' in self.labCfg.keys(): self.labCfg['side'] = 'left' if not self.lab: self.lab = Tkinter.Label(self, d) self.lab.pack(side=self.labCfg['side']) self.lab.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) else: self.lab.configure(text) ##################################################################### # the 'configure' methods: ##################################################################### def configure(self, **kw): for key,value in kw.items(): # the 'set' parameter callbacks if key=='labCfg': self.setLabel(value) elif key=='type': self.setType(value) elif key=='min': self.setMin(value) elif key=='max': self.setMax(value) elif key=='increment': self.setIncrement(value) elif key=='precision': self.setPrecision(value) elif key=='showLabel': self.setShowLabel(value) elif key=='continuous': self.setContinuous(value) elif key=='oneTurn': self.setOneTurn(value) # the 'lock' entries callbacks elif key=='lockType': self.lockTypeCB(value) elif key=='lockMin': self.lockMinCB(value) elif key=='lockBMin': self.lockBMinCB(value) elif key=='lockMax': self.lockMaxCB(value) elif key=='lockBMax': self.lockBMaxCB(value) elif key=='lockIncrement': self.lockIncrementCB(value) elif key=='lockBIncrement': self.lockBIncrementCB(value) elif key=='lockPrecision': self.lockPrecisionCB(value) elif key=='lockShowLabel': self.lockShowLabelCB(value) elif key=='lockValue': self.lockValueCB(value) elif key=='lockContinuous': self.lockContinuousCB(value) elif key=='lockOneTurn': self.lockOneTurnCB(value) def setType(self, Type): assert type(Type) in [types.StringType, types.TypeType],\ "Illegal type for datatype. Expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type('a'), type(type), type(Type) ) if type(Type) == type(""): # type str assert Type in ('int','float'),\ "Illegal type descriptor. Expected 'int' or 'float', got '%s'"%Type self.type = eval(Type) else: self.type = Type if self.type == int: self.labelFormat = "%d" self.int_value = self.value else: self.labelFormat = "%."+str(self.precision)+"f" if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togIntFloat']['widget'] if self.type == int: w.setvalue('int') elif self.type == 'float': w.setvalue('float') if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() # and update the printed label if self.canvas and self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() def setMin(self, min): if min is not None: assert type(min) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for minimum. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(min) ) if self.max and min > self.max: min = self.max self.min = self.type(min) if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.value < self.min: self.set(self.min) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.minInput.set(self.labelFormat%self.min) self.opPanel.toggleMin.set(1) self.opPanel.min_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') self.minOld = self.min else: self.min = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleMin.set(0) self.opPanel.min_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setMax(self, max): if max is not None: assert type(max) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for maximum. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(max) ) if self.min and max < self.min: max = self.min self.max = self.type(max) if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.value > self.max: self.set(self.max) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.maxInput.set(self.labelFormat%self.max) self.opPanel.toggleMax.set(1) self.opPanel.max_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') self.maxOld = self.max else: self.max = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleMax.set(0) self.opPanel.max_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setIncrement(self, incr): if incr is not None: assert type(incr) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for increment. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(incr) ) self.increment = self.type(incr) self.offsetValue = self.value self.incrementOld = self.increment if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.incrInput.set(self.labelFormat%self.increment) self.opPanel.toggleIncr.set(1) self.opPanel.incr_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') else: self.increment = self.type(0) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleIncr.set(0) self.opPanel.incrInput.set(self.labelFormat%0) self.opPanel.incr_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setPrecision(self, val): assert type(val) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for precision. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(val) ) val = int(val) if val > 10: val = 10 if val < 1: val = 1 self.precision = val if self.type == float: self.labelFormat = "%."+str(self.precision)+"f" else: self.labelFormat = "%d" if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['selPrec']['widget'] w.setvalue(val) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() # and update the printed label if self.canvas and self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() def setContinuous(self, cont): """ cont can be None, 0 or 1 """ assert cont in [None, 0, 1],\ "Illegal value for continuous: expected None, 0 or 1, got %s"%cont if cont != 1: cont = None self.continuous = cont if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togCont']['widget'] if cont: w.setvalue('on')#i=1 else: w.setvalue('off')#i=0 if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() def setShowLabel(self, val): """Show label can be 0, 1 or 2 0: no label 1: label is always shown 2: show label only when value changes""" assert val in [0,1,2],\ "Illegal value for showLabel. Expected 0, 1 or 2, got %s"%val if val != 0 and val != 1 and val != 2: print "Illegal value. Must be 0, 1 or 2" return self.showLabel = val self.toggleWidgetLabel(val) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togLabel']['widget'] if self.showLabel == 0: label = 'never' elif self.showLabel == 1: label = 'always' elif self.showLabel == 2: label = 'move' w.setvalue(label) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() def setOneTurn(self, oneTurn): assert type(oneTurn) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for oneTurn. Expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(oneTurn) ) self.oneTurn = oneTurn self.threeSixtyOver1turn = 360./oneTurn self.piOver1turn = math.pi/oneTurn self.oneTurnOver2pi = oneTurn / (2*math.pi) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() ##################################################################### # the 'lock' methods: ##################################################################### def lockTypeCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockType = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockMinCB(self, mode): #min entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockMin = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBMinCB(self, mode): # min checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBMin = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockMaxCB(self, mode): # max entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockMax = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBMaxCB(self, mode): # max checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBMax = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockIncrementCB(self, mode): # increment entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockIncrement = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBIncrementCB(self, mode): # increment checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBIncrement = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockPrecisionCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockPrecision = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockShowLabelCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockShowLabel = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockValueCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockValue = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockContinuousCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockContinuous = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockOneTurnCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockOneTurn = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay()
class ThumbWheel(Tkinter.Frame, KeyboardEntry): """ This class builds a thumbwheel put onto a wheelpad. constructor options: - master: the master into the thumwheel can be packed. If one is specified, the widget gets packed in a toplevel() window - height, width, orient specify the size and orientation of the widget. - wheelpad specifies the pad onto which the thumbwheel gets packed optional is a canvascfg to configure the wheelpad canvas Tkinter options. for example if the wheelpad needs a blue background: canvascfg={'bg':'blue'} - continuous: boolean. When set to True, continuous is 'on' and the callback functions will be called each time the value changes. Otherwise continuous will be 'off' and callback functions will be called on mouse release. - callback: (None, callable function or list of callable functions).to specify function to be called when the value of the thumbwheel is modified. - type: ('float', 'int' ...) string describing the type of the thumbwheel - min, max, increment, precision, oneTurn specify the parameters of the thumbwheel. - labCfg describes the label of the thumbwheel which will be packed to the left of the widget by default unless 'side' is specified. Possible keywords are text and side. - wheelLabCfg describes the label located on the wheel where the value of the thumbwheel will be displayed - showLabel Flag to specify whether to display the wheelLabel always 1, never 0, only on motion 2. - canvasCfg describe the canvas containing the thumbwheel. An option panel is available to the user to modify the thumbwheel settings by right clicking on the widget - lockMin, lockBMin, lockMax, lockBMax, lockIncrement, lockBIncrement, lockPrecision, lockShowLabel, lockValue, lockType, lockContinuous, lockOneTurn: These flags specifies whether (when set to 1) or not (when set to 0) the user will be allowed to change the setting of the thumbwheel. - reportDelta is flag to specify whether value differences should be reported rathe than absolute values The widget has a configure() method: type, min, max, increment, precision, showLabel, value, continuous, oneTurn, orient, reportDelta can be set this way. a lock() method is used to disable the various gui components of the options panel. Usage: <instance>.configure(<component>=<value>) components see configure(). value is 0 or 1. 1 disables,0 enables. """ #FIXME: this would be the mechanism to remove all arguments from the # init (see DejaVu) # keywords = [ # 'master', # 'oneTurn', # ] def __init__(self, master=None, labCfg={ 'fg': 'black', 'side': 'left', 'text': None }, wheelLabCfg={}, canvasCfg={}, callback=None, type='float', min=None, max=None, increment=0.0, precision=2, showLabel=1, value=0.0, continuous=True, width=200, height=40, oneTurn=10., wheelPad=6, lockMin=0, lockBMin=0, lockMax=0, lockBMax=0, lockIncrement=0, lockBIncrement=0, lockPrecision=0, lockShowLabel=0, lockValue=0, lockType=0, lockContinuous=0, lockOneTurn=0, orient=None, reportDelta=0, **kw): # See FIXME init # if __debug__: # checkkeywords(kw) Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master) Tkinter.Pack.config(self, side='left', anchor='w') #FIXME: nblines are not dynamically computed self.nblines = 30 self.callback = None self.callbacks = CallbackManager() # object to manage callback # functions. They get called with the # current value as an argument self.width = 200 self.height = 40 self.setWidth(width) self.setHeight(height) # set widget orientation: either horizontal or vertical self.setOrient(orient) # initialize various attributes with default values self.precision = 2 # decimal places self.min = None # minimum value self.max = None # maximum value self.increment = increment # value increment self.minOld = 0. # used to store old values self.maxOld = 0. self.incrementOld = increment self.size = 50 # defines widget size self.offsetValue = 0. # used to set increment correctly self.lab = None # label self.opPanel = None # option panel widget self.oneTurn = 360. # value increment for 1 full turn self.value = 0.0 # current value of widget self.oldValue = 0.0 # old value of widget self.showLabel = 1 # turn on to display label on self.continuous = True # set to 1 to call callbacks at # each value change, else gets called # on button release event self.angle = 0. # angle corresponding to value self.labCfg = labCfg # Tkinter Label options self.labelFont = (ensureFontCase('helvetica'), 14, 'bold' ) # label font self.labelColor = 'yellow' # label color self.canvas = None # the canvas to create the widget in self.usedArcColor = '#aaaaaa' # filled arc color of used portion self.unusedArcColor = '#cccccc' # filled arc color of unused portion self.pyOver180 = math.pi / 180.0 # constants used in various places self.threeSixtyOver1turn = 1 self.piOver1turn = math.pi / 360. self.wheelLabCfg = wheelLabCfg # Tkinter wheel label options self.canvasCfg = canvasCfg # Tkinter Canvas options self.wheelPad = wheelPad # pad between wheel and widget borders self.deltaVal = 0. # delta with value at last callback self.valueLabel = None # Tkinter Label self.setType(type) # can be float or int self.discreteValue = 0. # value in discrete space self.lockMin = lockMin # lock<X> variables in configure() self.lockMax = lockMax # to lock/unlock entries in options # panel self.lockMin = lockMin # lock<X> vars are used in self.lock() self.lockMax = lockMax # to lock/unlock entries in optionpanel self.lockIncrement = lockIncrement self.lockBMin = lockBMin self.lockBMax = lockBMax self.lockBIncrement = lockBIncrement self.lockPrecision = lockPrecision self.lockShowLabel = lockShowLabel self.lockValue = lockValue self.lockType = lockType self.lockContinuous = lockContinuous self.lockOneTurn = lockOneTurn self.reportDelta = reportDelta self.setLabel(self.labCfg) self.createCanvas(master, wheelPad=wheelPad) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.mouseDown) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.mouseUp) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouseMove) self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) self.valueLabel.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.mouseDown) self.valueLabel.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.mouseUp) self.valueLabel.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouseMove) self.valueLabel.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) if == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32': self.canvas.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.mouseWheel) self.valueLabel.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.mouseWheel) else: self.canvas.bind("<Button-4>", self.mouseWheel) self.valueLabel.bind("<Button-4>", self.mouseWheel) self.canvas.bind("<Button-5>", self.mouseWheel) self.valueLabel.bind("<Button-5>", self.mouseWheel) self.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) KeyboardEntry.__init__(self, (self, self.canvas, self.valueLabel), self.setFromEntry) self.opPanel = OptionsPanel(master=self, title="Thumbwheel Options") # now set the constructor options correctly using the configure method self.setValue(value) apply( self.configure, (), { 'type': type, 'min': min, 'max': max, 'increment': increment, 'precision': precision, 'showLabel': showLabel, 'continuous': continuous, 'oneTurn': oneTurn, 'lockType': lockType, 'lockMin': lockMin, 'lockBMin': lockBMin, 'lockMax': lockMax, 'lockBMax': lockBMax, 'lockIncrement': lockIncrement, 'lockBIncrement': lockBIncrement, 'lockPrecision': lockPrecision, 'lockShowLabel': lockShowLabel, 'lockValue': lockValue, 'lockContinuous': lockContinuous, 'lockOneTurn': lockOneTurn, 'orient': orient, 'reportDelta': reportDelta, 'callback': callback }) def setFromEntry(self, valueString): try: self.set(self.type(valueString), force=1) except ValueError: # fixme we would like to pop this up in a window maybe import traceback traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc() def handleKeyStroke(self, event): # handle key strokes for numbers only in widget keyboard entry label key = event.keysym if key.isdigit() or key == 'period' or key == 'minus' or key == 'plus': if key == 'period': key = '.' elif key == 'minus': key = '-' elif key == 'plus': key = '+' self.typedValue += key self.typedValueTK.configure(text=self.typedValue) else: KeyboardEntry.handleKeyStroke(self, event) def setWidth(self, width): assert isinstance(width, types.IntType),\ "Illegal width: expected %s, got %s"%(type(1),type(width)) assert width > 0, "Illegal width: must be > 0, got %s" % width self.width = width def setHeight(self, height): assert isinstance(height, types.IntType),\ "Illegal height: expected %s, got %s"%(type(1),type(height)) assert height > 0, "Illegal height: must be > 0, got %s" % height self.height = height def setCallbacks(self, cb): """Set widget callback. Must be callable function. Callback is called every time the widget value is set/modified""" assert cb is None or callable(cb) or type(cb) is types.ListType,\ "Illegal callback: must be either None or callable. Got %s"%cb if cb is None: return elif type(cb) is types.ListType: for func in cb: assert callable( func), "Illegal callback must be callable. Got %s" % func self.callbacks.AddCallback(func) else: self.callbacks.AddCallback(cb) self.callback = cb def toggleOptPanel(self, event=None): if self.opPanel.flag: self.opPanel.Dismiss_cb() else: if not hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.displayPanel(create=1) else: self.opPanel.displayPanel(create=0) def mouseDown(self, event): # remember where the mouse went down if self.orient == 'horizontal': self.lastx = event.x else: self.lastx = event.y def mouseUp(self, event): # call callbacks if not in continuous mode newVal = self.get() if self.oldValue != newVal: if not self.continuous: self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) if self.showLabel == 2: # no widget labels on mouse release self.valueLabel.place_forget() def mouseMove(self, event): if self.orient == 'horizontal': dx = event.x - self.lastx self.lastx = event.x else: dx = event.y - self.lastx self.lasty = event.y dang = dx * math.pi / 180. val = dang * self.oneTurnOver2pi self.computeNewValue(val) def mouseWheel(self, event): #print "mouseWheel", event, event.num if == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32': if > 0: lEventNum = 4 else: lEventNum = 5 else: lEventNum = event.num if lEventNum == 4: self.computeNewValue(self.oneTurn / 10) else: self.computeNewValue(-self.oneTurn / 10) def get(self): if self.reportDelta: return self.type(self.deltaVal) else: return self.type(self.value) def printLabel(self): if not self.showLabel in [1, 2]: return hl = self.valueLabel.winfo_reqheight() wl = self.valueLabel.winfo_reqwidth() h = self.canvas.winfo_reqheight() w = self.canvas.winfo_reqwidth(), x=(w - wl) * .5, y=((h - hl) * 0.5) - self.height / 4 + 2) self.valueLabel.configure(text=self.labelFormat % self.value) def set(self, val, update=1, force=0): # if force is set to 1, we call this method regardless of the # widget configuration. This is for example the case if the thumwheel # is set to continuous=0, but the value is set in the options panel if self.min is not None and val <= self.min: val = self.min elif self.max is not None and val >= self.max: val = self.max oldval = self.value self.value = val self.deltaVal = self.value - oldval newVal = self.get() if update and self.continuous or force: if self.oldValue != self.value or force: self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) if self.showLabel == 2: self.printLabel() if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.valInput.set(self.labelFormat % self.value) #FIXME: this could be renamed increment (to parallel the set method) # some code in this method is duplicated in set method def computeNewValue(self, val): # snap to closest increment oldval = self.value if self.increment is not None and self.increment != 0.: self.discreteValue = self.discreteValue + val if self.discreteValue >= self.increment: self.value = self.value + self.increment self.discreteValue = 0. elif -self.discreteValue >= self.increment: self.value = self.value - self.increment self.discreteValue = 0. else: self.value = self.value + val if self.min is not None and self.value <= self.min: self.value = self.min val = 0 elif self.max is not None and self.value >= self.max: self.value = self.max val = 0 self.deltaVal = self.value - oldval # self.angle is used in drawLines() self.angle = val / self.oneTurnOver2pi self.drawLines() if self.showLabel > 0: # ALWAYS self.printLabel() if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.valInput.set(self.labelFormat % self.value) newVal = self.get() if self.oldValue != newVal and not self.reportDelta: # this part is called either when the value is float OR when # continuous is off if self.continuous: self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) else: pass else: # this part is usually called when the datatype is INT AND # continuous is on if self.oldValue != newVal: # only call this part when we "reach" a new value self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) else: # else we need nothing to do pass def createCanvas(self, master, wheelPad=6): bw = self.borderWidth = wheelPad # distance between wheel and raise cd = { 'width': self.width + bw, 'height': self.height + bw, 'relief': 'raised', 'borderwidth': 3 } for k, w in self.canvasCfg.items(): cd[k] = w self.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(self, cd) cbdw = int(self.canvas.cget('borderwidth')) bd = self.borderWidth + cbdw + 1 # +1 for pixel0 that is not drawn height = self.height - bw width = self.width - bw cp = self.canvas.create_polygon self.outline1 = cp(bd, bd, bd, height + cbdw, width + cbdw, height + cbdw, width + cbdw, bd, bd, bd, width=1, outline='gray60', fill='gray85') ul = bd + 1 # upper left pixel l = (width + cbdw - 1) - (bd + 1) # length of the inner box cl25 = 2. * l / 25. cl = self.canvas.create_line self.outline2 = cl(ul + int(cl25), ul, ul, ul, ul, height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='gray20') self.outline3 = cl(ul + int(cl25), ul, ul + int(3 * cl25), ul, width=1, fill='gray60') self.outline4 = cl(ul + int(cl25), height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(3 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='gray60') self.outline5 = cl(ul + int(5 * cl25), ul, ul + int(7.5 * cl25), ul, width=1, fill='white') self.outline4 = cl(ul + int(5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(7.5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='white') self.outline6 = cl(ul + int(9.5 * cl25), ul, ul + int(11.5 * cl25), ul, width=1, fill='gray60') self.outline7 = cl(ul + int(9.5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(11.5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='gray60') re = ul + l self.outline8 = cl(ul + int(11.5 * cl25), ul, re, ul, re, height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(11.5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='gray20') # corners of the box where the lines have to be drawn self.innerbox = (ul + 1, ul + 1, re - 1, height + cbdw - 1) self.circlePtsAngles = [] inc = 2 * math.pi / float(self.nblines) for i in range(self.nblines): self.circlePtsAngles.append(i * inc) self.circlePtsAngles = Numeric.array(self.circlePtsAngles, 'f') self.linesIds = [] self.shLinesIds = [] # this table should depend on the number of lines # currently it is of length 15 (self.nblines/2) # It should be resized automatically to self.nblines/2 self.shadowLinesOptions = [ (0, 'black', 1), # offset, color, width (2, 'gray30', 1), (2, 'gray30', 1), (0, 'gray30', 1), (-1, 'white', 1), (-1, 'white', 1), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 1), (-1, 'white', 1), (0, 'gray30', 1), (-2, 'gray30', 1), (-2, 'gray30', 1), (0, 'black', 1), # offset, color, width (0, 'black', 1), # offset, color, width ] for i in range(self.nblines): self.linesIds.append(cl(0, 0, 0, 0, width=1, fill='black')) self.shLinesIds.append(cl(0, 0, 0, 0)) wlabCfg = {'padx': 0, 'pady': 0} wlabCfg.update(self.wheelLabCfg) self.valueLabel = apply(Tkinter.Label, (self.master, ), wlabCfg) self.drawLines() self.canvas.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT) self.toggleWidgetLabel(self.showLabel) def drawLines(self): # angle has to be provided in radians angle = self.angle self.circlePtsAngles = self.circlePtsAngles + angle self.circlePtsAngles = Numeric.remainder(self.circlePtsAngles, 2 * math.pi) xcoords = Numeric.cos(self.circlePtsAngles) xsin = Numeric.sin(self.circlePtsAngles) if self.orient == 'horizontal': w = self.innerbox[2] - self.innerbox[0] r = w / 2 c = self.innerbox[0] + r y1 = self.innerbox[1] y2 = self.innerbox[3] else: w = self.innerbox[3] - self.innerbox[1] r = w / 2 c = self.innerbox[1] + r y1 = self.innerbox[0] y2 = self.innerbox[2] cl = self.canvas.create_line setCoords = self.canvas.coords setOpt = self.canvas.itemconfigure pi2 = math.pi / 2. drawLines = 0 co = Numeric.take(xcoords, Numeric.nonzero(Numeric.greater_equal(xsin, 0.0))) co = Numeric.sort(co) co = [-1] + list(co) for i in range(len(co)): x = c - int(co[i] * r) if self.orient == 'horizontal': setCoords(self.linesIds[i], x, y1, x, y2) else: setCoords(self.linesIds[i], y1, x, y2, x) shopt = self.shadowLinesOptions[i] x = x + shopt[0] if self.orient == 'horizontal': setCoords(self.shLinesIds[i], x, y1, x, y2) else: setCoords(self.shLinesIds[i], y1, x, y2, x) setOpt(self.shLinesIds[i], fill=shopt[1], width=shopt[2]) def toggleWidgetLabel(self, val): if val == 0: # no widget labels self.showLabel = 0 self.valueLabel.place_forget() if val == 1: # show always widget labels self.showLabel = 1 self.printLabel() if val == 2: # show widget labels only when mouse moves self.showLabel = 2 self.valueLabel.place_forget() def setValue(self, val): assert type(val) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for value: expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type(1), type(1.0), type(val) ) # setValue does NOT call a callback! if self.min is not None and val < self.min: val = self.min if self.max is not None and val > self.max: val = self.max self.value = self.type(val) self.oldValue = self.value self.offsetValue = self.value if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() ##################################################################### # the 'configure' methods: ##################################################################### def configure(self, **kw): if 'type' in kw.keys(): # make sure type is set first self.setType(kw['type']) del kw['type'] for key, value in kw.items(): # the 'set' parameter callbacks if key == 'labCfg': self.setLabel(value) elif key == 'callback': self.setCallbacks(value) elif key == 'wheelLabCfg': self.wheelLablCfg.update(value) self.printLabel() elif key == 'min': self.setMin(value) elif key == 'max': self.setMax(value) elif key == 'increment': self.setIncrement(value) elif key == 'precision': self.setPrecision(value) elif key == 'showLabel': self.setShowLabel(value) elif key == 'continuous': self.setContinuous(value) elif key == 'oneTurn': self.setOneTurn(value) elif key == 'orient': self.setOrient(value) elif key == 'reportDelta': self.setReportDelta(value) # the 'lock' entries callbacks elif key == 'lockType': self.lockTypeCB(value) elif key == 'lockMin': self.lockMinCB(value) elif key == 'lockBMin': self.lockBMinCB(value) elif key == 'lockMax': self.lockMaxCB(value) elif key == 'lockBMax': self.lockBMaxCB(value) elif key == 'lockIncrement': self.lockIncrementCB(value) elif key == 'lockBIncrement': self.lockBIncrementCB(value) elif key == 'lockPrecision': self.lockPrecisionCB(value) elif key == 'lockShowLabel': self.lockShowLabelCB(value) elif key == 'lockValue': self.lockValueCB(value) elif key == 'lockContinuous': self.lockContinuousCB(value) elif key == 'lockOneTurn': self.lockOneTurnCB(value) def setLabel(self, labCfg): self.labCfg = labCfg text = labCfg.get('text', None) if text is None or text == '': return d = {} for k, w in self.labCfg.items(): if k == 'side': continue else: d[k] = w if not 'side' in self.labCfg.keys(): self.labCfg['side'] = 'left' if not self.lab: self.lab = Tkinter.Label(self, d) self.lab.pack(side=self.labCfg['side']) self.lab.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) else: self.lab.configure(text) def setType(self, Type): assert type(Type) in [types.StringType, types.TypeType],\ "Illegal type for datatype. Expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type('a'), type(type), type(Type) ) if type(Type) == type(""): # type str assert Type in ('int','float'),\ "Illegal type descriptor. Expected 'int' or 'float', got '%s'"%Type self.type = eval(Type) else: self.type = Type if self.type == int: self.labelFormat = "%d" self.int_value = self.value else: self.labelFormat = "%." + str(self.precision) + "f" if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togIntFloat']['widget'] if self.type == int: w.setvalue('int') elif self.type == 'float': w.setvalue('float') if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() if self.valueLabel and self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() def setMin(self, min): if min is not None: assert type(min) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for minimum. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(min) ) if self.max and min > self.max: min = self.max self.min = self.type(min) if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.value < self.min: self.set(self.min) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.minInput.set(self.labelFormat % self.min) self.opPanel.toggleMin.set(1) self.opPanel.min_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') self.minOld = self.min else: self.min = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleMin.set(0) self.opPanel.min_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setMax(self, max): if max is not None: assert type(max) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for maximum. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(max) ) if self.min and max < self.min: max = self.min self.max = self.type(max) if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.value > self.max: self.set(self.max) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.maxInput.set(self.labelFormat % self.max) self.opPanel.toggleMax.set(1) self.opPanel.max_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') self.maxOld = self.max else: self.max = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleMax.set(0) self.opPanel.max_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setIncrement(self, incr): if incr is not None: assert type(incr) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for increment. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(incr) ) self.increment = self.type(incr) self.offsetValue = self.value self.incrementOld = self.increment if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.incrInput.set(self.labelFormat % self.increment) self.opPanel.toggleIncr.set(1) self.opPanel.incr_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') else: self.increment = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleIncr.set(0) self.opPanel.incr_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setPrecision(self, val): assert type(val) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for precision. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(val) ) val = int(val) if val > 10: val = 10 if val < 1: val = 1 self.precision = val if self.type == float: self.labelFormat = "%." + str(self.precision) + "f" else: self.labelFormat = "%d" if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['selPrec']['widget'] w.setvalue(val) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() # and update the printed label if self.canvas and self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() def setContinuous(self, cont): """ cont can be None, 0 or 1 """ assert cont in [True, False, 0, 1],\ "Illegal value for continuous: expecting a boolean True, False, got %s"%cont self.continuous = cont if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togCont']['widget'] if cont: w.setvalue('on') else: w.setvalue('off') def setShowLabel(self, val): """Show label can be 0, 1 or 2 0: no label 1: show label only when value changes 2: label is always shown""" assert val in [0,1,2],\ "Illegal value for showLabel. Expected 0, 1 or 2, got %s"%val if val != 0 and val != 1 and val != 2: print "Illegal value. Must be 0, 1 or 2" return self.showLabel = val self.toggleWidgetLabel(val) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togLabel']['widget'] if self.showLabel == 0: label = 'never' elif self.showLabel == 1: label = 'always' elif self.showLabel == 2: label = 'move' w.setvalue(label) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() def setOneTurn(self, oneTurn): assert type(oneTurn) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for oneTurn. Expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(oneTurn) ) self.oneTurn = oneTurn self.threeSixtyOver1turn = 360. / oneTurn self.piOver1turn = math.pi / oneTurn self.oneTurnOver2pi = oneTurn / (2 * math.pi) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() def setOrient(self, orient): if orient is None: if self.width > self.height: orient = 'horizontal' else: orient = 'vertical' assert orient in ['horizontal', 'vertical'],\ "Expected 'vertical' or 'horizontal', got '%s'"%orient self.orient = orient def setReportDelta(self, rD): assert rD in [None, 0, 1],\ "Expected None, 0 or 1, got %s"%rD if rD is None or rD == 0: self.reportDelta = 0 else: self.reportDelta = 1 ##################################################################### # the 'lock' methods: ##################################################################### def lockTypeCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockType = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockMinCB(self, mode): #min entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockMin = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBMinCB(self, mode): # min checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBMin = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockMaxCB(self, mode): # max entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockMax = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBMaxCB(self, mode): # max checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBMax = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockIncrementCB(self, mode): # increment entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockIncrement = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBIncrementCB(self, mode): # increment checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBIncrement = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockPrecisionCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockPrecision = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockShowLabelCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockShowLabel = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockValueCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockValue = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockContinuousCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockContinuous = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockOneTurnCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockOneTurn = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay()
class Dial(Tkinter.Frame, KeyboardEntry): """This class implements a Dial widget. The widget has a pointer that can be moved around a circle. The range corresponding to one full turn can be specified as well as the min and max values that are allowed. By defaults these are set to None meaning that there is no min and no max. One turn corresponds to 360 units by default. A dial can also operate in discrete mode (if self.increment is set to x). In this mode the values will be restrained to be multiples of self.increment. The Widget has a Callback manager. Callback functions get called at every value change if self.contiguous is set to 1, else they get called when the mouse button is released. They always get called with the current value as an argument. An optional label can be displayed at the center of the Dial widget. The size of the dial has to be specified at instanciation. Other parameters can be set after the widget has been created. The widget tried to adjust automatically the size of the arrow according to the size of the dial. The widget has a configure() method: type, min, max, increment, precision, showLabel, value, continuous, oneTurn can be set this way. master, labCfg and size can be passed only to the constructor. a lock() method is used to disable the various gui components of the options panel. Usage: <instance>.lock(<component>=<value>) components see configure(). value is 0 or 1. 1 disables, 0 enables. Setting values with increment enabled: if using the method set(), the actual value will 'snap' to the next increment. i.e., if the value is set to 3, and the increment is set to 2, setting the value to 6 will actually result in 7 (3,5,7,9,.....) To still be able to set the value, disregarding the current active increment, the set method understands the optional keyword force=True, i.e. dial.set(<value>, force=True)), which will set the value to <value>. The increment will now be added to this new <value> """ def __init__(self, master=None, type='float', labCfg={ 'fg': 'black', 'side': 'left', 'text': None }, min=None, max=None, increment=.0, precision=2, showLabel=1, value=0.0, continuous=1, oneTurn=360., size=50, callback=None, lockMin=0, lockBMin=0, lockMax=0, lockBMax=0, lockIncrement=0, lockBIncrement=0, lockPrecision=0, lockShowLabel=0, lockValue=0, lockType=0, lockContinuous=0, lockOneTurn=0, **kw): Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master) Tkinter.Pack.config(self) self.callbacks = CallbackManager() # object to manage callback # functions. They get called with the # current value as an argument # initialize various attributes with default values self.precision = 2 # decimal places self.min = None # minimum value self.max = None # maximum value self.increment = increment # value increment self.minOld = 0. # used to store old values self.maxOld = 0. self.incrementOld = increment self.size = 50 # defines widget size self.offsetValue = 0. # used to set increment correctly self.lab = None # label self.callback = None # user specified callback self.opPanel = None # option panel widget self.oneTurn = 360. # value increment for 1 full turn self.value = 0.0 # current value of widget self.oldValue = 0.0 # old value of widget self.showLabel = 1 # turn on to display label on self.continuous = 1 # set to 1 to call callbacks at # each value change, else gets called # on button release event self.angle = 0. # angle corresponding to value self.labCfg = labCfg # Tkinter Label options self.labelFont = (ensureFontCase('helvetica'), 14, 'bold' ) # label font self.labelColor = 'yellow' # label color self.canvas = None # the canvas to create the widget in self.usedArcColor = '#aaaaaa' # filled arc color of used portion self.unusedArcColor = '#cccccc' # filled arc color of unused portion self.pyOver180 = math.pi / 180.0 # constants used in various places self.threeSixtyOver1turn = 1 self.piOver1turn = math.pi / 360. self.lockMin = lockMin # lock<X> vars are used in self.lock() self.lockMax = lockMax # to lock/unlock entries in optionpanel self.lockIncrement = lockIncrement self.lockBMin = lockBMin self.lockBMax = lockBMax self.lockBIncrement = lockBIncrement self.lockPrecision = lockPrecision self.lockShowLabel = lockShowLabel self.lockValue = lockValue self.lockType = lockType self.lockContinuous = lockContinuous self.lockOneTurn = lockOneTurn self.setArrow() # configure with user-defined values self.setSize(size) self.setCallback(callback) self.setContinuous(continuous) self.setType(type) self.setPrecision(precision) self.setOneTurn(oneTurn) self.setMin(min) self.setMax(max) self.setIncrement(increment) self.setShowLabel(showLabel) self.setValue(value) self.setLabel(self.labCfg) self.createCanvas(master) canvas = self.canvas canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.mouseDown) canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.mouseUp) canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouseMove) canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) if == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32': canvas.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.mouseWheel) else: canvas.bind("<Button-4>", self.mouseWheel) canvas.bind("<Button-5>", self.mouseWheel) KeyboardEntry.__init__(self, (canvas, ), self.setFromEntry) self.opPanel = OptionsPanel(master=self, title="Dial Options") ## if self.callback: ## self.callbacks.AddCallback(self.callback) def setFromEntry(self, valueString): try: self.set(self.type(valueString)) except ValueError: # fixme we would like to pop this up in a window maybe import traceback traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc() def handleKeyStroke(self, event): # handle key strokes for numbers only in widget keyboard entry label key = event.keysym if key.isdigit() or key == 'period' or key == 'minus' or key == 'plus': if key == 'period': key = '.' elif key == 'minus': key = '-' elif key == 'plus': key = '+' self.typedValue += key self.typedValueTK.configure(text=self.typedValue) else: KeyboardEntry.handleKeyStroke(self, event) def setSize(self, size): """Set widget size. Size must be of type int and greater than 0""" assert isinstance(size, types.IntType),\ "Illegal size: expected type %s, got %s"%(type(1), type(size) ) assert size > 0, "Illegal size: must be > 0, got %s" % size self.size = size def setCallback(self, cb): """Set widget callback. Must be callable function. Callback is called every time the widget value is set/modified""" assert cb is None or callable(cb) or type(cb) is types.ListType,\ "Illegal callback: must be either None or callable, or list. Got %s"%cb if cb is None: return elif type(cb) is types.ListType: for func in cb: assert callable( func), "Illegal callback must be callable. Got %s" % func self.callbacks.AddCallback(func) else: self.callbacks.AddCallback(cb) self.callback = cb def toggleOptPanel(self, event=None): if self.opPanel.flag: self.opPanel.Dismiss_cb() else: if not hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.displayPanel(create=1) else: self.opPanel.displayPanel(create=0) def setArrow(self, size=None): if size is not None: self.setSize(size) aS = self.size / 40 self.arrowLength = max(3, 3 * aS) # arrow head length self.arrowWidth = max(2, aS) # half the arrow body width self.arrowBorderwidth = max(1, self.arrowWidth / 2) # width of arrow # shadow lines self.arrowHeadWidth = 2 * self.arrowWidth # width of arrow head base def mouseDown(self, event): # remember where the mouse went down self.lastx = event.x self.lasty = event.y def mouseUp(self, event): # call callbacks if not in continuous mode if not self.continuous: self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(self.opPanel.valInput.get()) if self.showLabel == 2: # no widget labels on mouse release self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId2, text='') self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId, text='') def mouseMove(self, event): dx = event.x - self.xm dy = self.ym - event.y n = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) if n == 0.0: v = [0.0, 0.0] else: v = [dx / n, dy / n] # find the cosine of the angle between new hand position and previous # hand position ma = v[0] * self.vector[0] + v[1] * self.vector[1] # assure no rounding errors if ma > 1.0: ma = 1.0 elif ma < -1.0: ma = -1.0 # compute angle increment compared to current vector ang = math.acos(ma) # find the sign of the rotation, sign of z component of vector prod. oldv = self.vector normz = oldv[0] * v[1] - oldv[1] * v[0] if normz > 0: ang = -1. * ang # compute the new value val = self.value + ang * self.oneTurnOver2pi self.set(val) self.lastx = event.x self.lasty = event.y def mouseWheel(self, event): #print "mouseWheel", event, event.num if == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32': if > 0: lEventNum = 4 else: lEventNum = 5 else: lEventNum = event.num if lEventNum == 4: self.set(self.value + self.oneTurn) else: self.set(self.value - self.oneTurn) def get(self): return self.type(self.value) def printLabel(self): if self.canvas is None: return self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId2, text=self.labelFormat % self.value) #newVal) self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId, text=self.labelFormat % self.value) #newVal) def set(self, val, update=1, force=0): # if force is set to 1, we call this method regardless of the # widget configuration. This is for example the case if the dial # is set to continuous=0, but the value is set in the options panel # snap to closest increment if self.increment is not None and self.increment != 0. and not force: offset = self.offsetValue % self.increment dval = round(val / self.increment) * self.increment if val < dval: dval = dval + offset - self.increment else: dval = dval + offset if self.min is not None and dval < self.min: dval = self.min elif self.max is not None and dval > self.max: dval = self.max # recompute vector and angle corresponding to val self.angle = (dval % self.oneTurn) * self.threeSixtyOver1turn if dval < 0.0: self.angle = self.angle - 360.0 a = self.angle * self.pyOver180 self.vector = [math.sin(a), math.cos(a)] self.value = dval self.offsetValue = dval else: # 'regular' mode, i.e. no step-wise increment if self.min is not None and val < self.min: val = self.min elif self.max is not None and val > self.max: val = self.max # recompute vector and angle corresponding to val self.angle = (val % self.oneTurn) * self.threeSixtyOver1turn if val < 0.0: self.angle = self.angle - 360.0 a = self.angle * self.pyOver180 self.vector = [math.sin(a), math.cos(a)] self.value = val self.offsetValue = val #update arrow in display self.drawArrow() newVal = self.get() if self.continuous or force: if update and self.oldValue != newVal or force: self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) if self.showLabel == 2: self.printLabel() else: if self.showLabel == 2: self.printLabel() if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.valInput.set(self.labelFormat % newVal) def drawArrow(self): if self.canvas is None: return # end point x1 = self.xm + self.vector[0] * self.rad y1 = self.ym - self.vector[1] * self.rad # point at arrow head base xb = self.xm + self.vector[0] * self.radNoArrow yb = self.xm - self.vector[1] * self.radNoArrow # vector orthogonal to arrow n = [-self.vector[1], -self.vector[0]] pts1 = [ self.xm + n[0] * self.arrowWidth, self.ym + n[1] * self.arrowWidth, xb + n[0] * self.arrowWidth, yb + n[1] * self.arrowWidth, xb + n[0] * self.arrowHeadWidth, yb + n[1] * self.arrowHeadWidth, x1, y1 ] pts2 = [ x1, y1, xb - n[0] * self.arrowHeadWidth, yb - n[1] * self.arrowHeadWidth, xb - n[0] * self.arrowWidth, yb - n[1] * self.arrowWidth, self.xm - n[0] * self.arrowWidth, self.ym - n[1] * self.arrowWidth ] canvas = self.canvas if self.vector[0] > 0.0: col1 = '#DDDDDD' col2 = 'black' else: col1 = 'black' col2 = '#DDDDDD' apply(canvas.coords, (self.arrowPolId, ) + tuple(pts1 + pts2)) apply(canvas.coords, (self.arrowPolborder1, ) + tuple(pts1)) canvas.itemconfigure(self.arrowPolborder1, fill=col1) apply(canvas.coords, (self.arrowPolborder2, ) + tuple(pts2)) canvas.itemconfigure(self.arrowPolborder2, fill=col2) canvas.itemconfigure(self.arcId, extent=0.0 - self.angle) def createCanvas(self, master): size = self.size self.frame = Tkinter.Frame(self, borderwidth=3, relief='sunken') self.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(self.frame, width=size + 2, height=size + 2) self.xm = self.ym = size / 2 + 2 self.rad = size / 2 self.radNoArrow = self.rad - self.arrowLength self.vector = [0, 1] x1 = self.xm + self.vector[0] * self.rad y1 = self.ym + self.vector[1] * self.rad canvas = self.canvas self.circleId = canvas.create_oval(2, 2, size, size, width=1, fill=self.unusedArcColor) self.arcId = canvas.create_arc(2, 2, size, size, start=90., extent=0, fill=self.usedArcColor) canvas.create_line(2, self.ym, size + 2, self.ym) canvas.create_line(self.xm, 2, self.ym, size + 2) self.arrowPolId = canvas.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fill='gray75') self.arrowPolborder1 = canvas.create_line(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fill='black', width=self.arrowBorderwidth) self.arrowPolborder2 = canvas.create_line(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fill='white', width=self.arrowBorderwidth) r = size / 20 off = self.arrowBorderwidth canvas.create_oval(self.xm - r, self.ym - r - off / 2, self.xm + r, self.ym + r - off / 2, fill='#DDDDDD', outline='white') canvas.create_oval(self.xm - r, self.ym - r + off, self.xm + r, self.ym + r + off, fill='black', outline='black') canvas.create_oval(self.xm - r, self.ym - r, self.xm + r, self.ym + r, fill='gray70', outline='#DDDDDD') self.labelId2 = canvas.create_text(self.xm + 2, self.ym + 2, fill='black', justify='center', text='', font=self.labelFont) self.labelId = canvas.create_text(self.xm, self.ym, fill=self.labelColor, justify='center', text='', font=self.labelFont) self.drawArrow() self.opPanel = OptionsPanel(master=self, title="Dial Options") # pack em up self.canvas.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP) self.frame.pack(expand=1, fill='x') self.toggleWidgetLabel(self.showLabel) def toggleWidgetLabel(self, val): if val == 0: # no widget labels self.showLabel = 0 self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId2, text='') self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId, text='') if val == 1: # show always widget labels self.showLabel = 1 self.printLabel() if val == 2: # show widget labels only when mouse moves self.showLabel = 2 self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId2, text='') self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.labelId, text='') def setValue(self, val): if type(val) == types.StringType: val = float(val) assert type(val) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for value: expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type(1), type(1.0), type(val) ) # setValue does NOT call a callback! if self.min is not None and val < self.min: val = self.min if self.max is not None and val > self.max: val = self.max self.value = self.type(val) self.offsetValue = self.value self.oldValue = self.value #update arrow in display self.angle = (self.value % self.oneTurn) * self.threeSixtyOver1turn if self.value < 0.0: self.angle = self.angle - 360.0 a = self.angle * self.pyOver180 self.vector = [math.sin(a), math.cos(a)] self.drawArrow() if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.valInput.set(self.labelFormat % self.value) def setLabel(self, labCfg): self.labCfg = labCfg text = labCfg.get('text', None) if text is None or text == '': return d = {} for k, w in self.labCfg.items(): if k == 'side': continue else: d[k] = w if not 'side' in self.labCfg.keys(): self.labCfg['side'] = 'left' if not self.lab: self.lab = Tkinter.Label(self, d) self.lab.pack(side=self.labCfg['side']) self.lab.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) else: self.lab.configure(text) ##################################################################### # the 'configure' methods: ##################################################################### def configure(self, **kw): for key, value in kw.items(): # the 'set' parameter callbacks if key == 'labCfg': self.setLabel(value) elif key == 'type': self.setType(value) elif key == 'min': self.setMin(value) elif key == 'max': self.setMax(value) elif key == 'increment': self.setIncrement(value) elif key == 'precision': self.setPrecision(value) elif key == 'showLabel': self.setShowLabel(value) elif key == 'continuous': self.setContinuous(value) elif key == 'oneTurn': self.setOneTurn(value) # the 'lock' entries callbacks elif key == 'lockType': self.lockTypeCB(value) elif key == 'lockMin': self.lockMinCB(value) elif key == 'lockBMin': self.lockBMinCB(value) elif key == 'lockMax': self.lockMaxCB(value) elif key == 'lockBMax': self.lockBMaxCB(value) elif key == 'lockIncrement': self.lockIncrementCB(value) elif key == 'lockBIncrement': self.lockBIncrementCB(value) elif key == 'lockPrecision': self.lockPrecisionCB(value) elif key == 'lockShowLabel': self.lockShowLabelCB(value) elif key == 'lockValue': self.lockValueCB(value) elif key == 'lockContinuous': self.lockContinuousCB(value) elif key == 'lockOneTurn': self.lockOneTurnCB(value) def setType(self, Type): assert type(Type) in [types.StringType, types.TypeType],\ "Illegal type for datatype. Expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type('a'), type(type), type(Type) ) if type(Type) == type(""): # type str assert Type in ('int','float'),\ "Illegal type descriptor. Expected 'int' or 'float', got '%s'"%Type self.type = eval(Type) else: self.type = Type if self.type == int: self.labelFormat = "%d" self.int_value = self.value else: self.labelFormat = "%." + str(self.precision) + "f" if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togIntFloat']['widget'] if self.type == int: w.setvalue('int') elif self.type == 'float': w.setvalue('float') if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() # and update the printed label if self.canvas and self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() def setMin(self, min): if min is not None: assert type(min) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for minimum. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(min) ) if self.max and min > self.max: min = self.max self.min = self.type(min) if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.value < self.min: self.set(self.min) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.minInput.set(self.labelFormat % self.min) self.opPanel.toggleMin.set(1) self.opPanel.min_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') self.minOld = self.min else: self.min = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleMin.set(0) self.opPanel.min_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setMax(self, max): if max is not None: assert type(max) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for maximum. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(max) ) if self.min and max < self.min: max = self.min self.max = self.type(max) if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.value > self.max: self.set(self.max) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.maxInput.set(self.labelFormat % self.max) self.opPanel.toggleMax.set(1) self.opPanel.max_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') self.maxOld = self.max else: self.max = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleMax.set(0) self.opPanel.max_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setIncrement(self, incr): if incr is not None: assert type(incr) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for increment. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(incr) ) self.increment = self.type(incr) self.offsetValue = self.value self.incrementOld = self.increment if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.incrInput.set(self.labelFormat % self.increment) self.opPanel.toggleIncr.set(1) self.opPanel.incr_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') else: self.increment = self.type(0) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleIncr.set(0) self.opPanel.incrInput.set(self.labelFormat % 0) self.opPanel.incr_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setPrecision(self, val): assert type(val) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for precision. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(val) ) val = int(val) if val > 10: val = 10 if val < 1: val = 1 self.precision = val if self.type == float: self.labelFormat = "%." + str(self.precision) + "f" else: self.labelFormat = "%d" if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['selPrec']['widget'] w.setvalue(val) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() # and update the printed label if self.canvas and self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() def setContinuous(self, cont): """ cont can be None, 0 or 1 """ assert cont in [None, 0, 1],\ "Illegal value for continuous: expected None, 0 or 1, got %s"%cont if cont != 1: cont = None self.continuous = cont if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togCont']['widget'] if cont: w.setvalue('on') #i=1 else: w.setvalue('off') #i=0 if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() def setShowLabel(self, val): """Show label can be 0, 1 or 2 0: no label 1: label is always shown 2: show label only when value changes""" assert val in [0,1,2],\ "Illegal value for showLabel. Expected 0, 1 or 2, got %s"%val if val != 0 and val != 1 and val != 2: print "Illegal value. Must be 0, 1 or 2" return self.showLabel = val self.toggleWidgetLabel(val) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togLabel']['widget'] if self.showLabel == 0: label = 'never' elif self.showLabel == 1: label = 'always' elif self.showLabel == 2: label = 'move' w.setvalue(label) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() def setOneTurn(self, oneTurn): assert type(oneTurn) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for oneTurn. Expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(oneTurn) ) self.oneTurn = oneTurn self.threeSixtyOver1turn = 360. / oneTurn self.piOver1turn = math.pi / oneTurn self.oneTurnOver2pi = oneTurn / (2 * math.pi) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() ##################################################################### # the 'lock' methods: ##################################################################### def lockTypeCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockType = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockMinCB(self, mode): #min entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockMin = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBMinCB(self, mode): # min checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBMin = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockMaxCB(self, mode): # max entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockMax = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBMaxCB(self, mode): # max checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBMax = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockIncrementCB(self, mode): # increment entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockIncrement = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBIncrementCB(self, mode): # increment checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBIncrement = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockPrecisionCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockPrecision = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockShowLabelCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockShowLabel = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockValueCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockValue = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockContinuousCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockContinuous = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockOneTurnCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockOneTurn = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay()
class ThumbWheel(Tkinter.Frame, KeyboardEntry): """ This class builds a thumbwheel put onto a wheelpad. constructor options: - master: the master into the thumwheel can be packed. If one is specified, the widget gets packed in a toplevel() window - height, width, orient specify the size and orientation of the widget. - wheelpad specifies the pad onto which the thumbwheel gets packed optional is a canvascfg to configure the wheelpad canvas Tkinter options. for example if the wheelpad needs a blue background: canvascfg={'bg':'blue'} - continuous: boolean. When set to True, continuous is 'on' and the callback functions will be called each time the value changes. Otherwise continuous will be 'off' and callback functions will be called on mouse release. - callback: (None, callable function or list of callable functions).to specify function to be called when the value of the thumbwheel is modified. - type: ('float', 'int' ...) string describing the type of the thumbwheel - min, max, increment, precision, oneTurn specify the parameters of the thumbwheel. - labCfg describes the label of the thumbwheel which will be packed to the left of the widget by default unless 'side' is specified. Possible keywords are text and side. - wheelLabCfg describes the label located on the wheel where the value of the thumbwheel will be displayed - showLabel Flag to specify whether to display the wheelLabel always 1, never 0, only on motion 2. - canvasCfg describe the canvas containing the thumbwheel. An option panel is available to the user to modify the thumbwheel settings by right clicking on the widget - lockMin, lockBMin, lockMax, lockBMax, lockIncrement, lockBIncrement, lockPrecision, lockShowLabel, lockValue, lockType, lockContinuous, lockOneTurn: These flags specifies whether (when set to 1) or not (when set to 0) the user will be allowed to change the setting of the thumbwheel. - reportDelta is flag to specify whether value differences should be reported rathe than absolute values The widget has a configure() method: type, min, max, increment, precision, showLabel, value, continuous, oneTurn, orient, reportDelta can be set this way. a lock() method is used to disable the various gui components of the options panel. Usage: <instance>.configure(<component>=<value>) components see configure(). value is 0 or 1. 1 disables,0 enables. """ #FIXME: this would be the mechanism to remove all arguments from the # init (see DejaVu) # keywords = [ # 'master', # 'oneTurn', # ] def __init__(self, master=None, labCfg={'fg':'black','side':'left', 'text':None}, wheelLabCfg={}, canvasCfg={}, callback=None, type='float', min=None, max=None, increment=0.0, precision=2, showLabel=1, value=0.0, continuous=True, width=200, height=40, oneTurn=10., wheelPad=6, lockMin=0, lockBMin=0, lockMax=0,lockBMax=0, lockIncrement=0, lockBIncrement=0, lockPrecision=0, lockShowLabel=0, lockValue=0, lockType=0, lockContinuous=0, lockOneTurn=0, orient=None, reportDelta=0, **kw): # See FIXME init # if __debug__: # checkkeywords(kw) Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master) Tkinter.Pack.config(self, side='left', anchor='w') #FIXME: nblines are not dynamically computed self.nblines = 30 self.callback = None self.callbacks = CallbackManager() # object to manage callback # functions. They get called with the # current value as an argument self.width = 200 self.height = 40 self.setWidth(width) self.setHeight(height) # set widget orientation: either horizontal or vertical self.setOrient(orient) # initialize various attributes with default values self.precision = 2 # decimal places self.min = None # minimum value self.max = None # maximum value self.increment = increment # value increment self.minOld = 0. # used to store old values self.maxOld = 0. self.incrementOld = increment self.size = 50 # defines widget size self.offsetValue = 0. # used to set increment correctly self.lab = None # label self.opPanel = None # option panel widget self.oneTurn = 360. # value increment for 1 full turn self.value = 0.0 # current value of widget self.oldValue = 0.0 # old value of widget self.showLabel = 1 # turn on to display label on self.continuous = True # set to 1 to call callbacks at # each value change, else gets called # on button release event self.angle = 0. # angle corresponding to value self.labCfg = labCfg # Tkinter Label options self.labelFont = ( ensureFontCase('helvetica'), 14, 'bold') # label font self.labelColor = 'yellow' # label color self.canvas = None # the canvas to create the widget in self.usedArcColor = '#aaaaaa' # filled arc color of used portion self.unusedArcColor = '#cccccc' # filled arc color of unused portion self.pyOver180 = math.pi/180.0 # constants used in various places self.threeSixtyOver1turn = 1 self.piOver1turn = math.pi/360. self.wheelLabCfg = wheelLabCfg # Tkinter wheel label options self.canvasCfg = canvasCfg # Tkinter Canvas options self.wheelPad = wheelPad # pad between wheel and widget borders self.deltaVal = 0. # delta with value at last callback self.valueLabel = None # Tkinter Label self.setType(type) # can be float or int self.discreteValue = 0. # value in discrete space self.lockMin = lockMin # lock<X> variables in configure() self.lockMax = lockMax # to lock/unlock entries in options # panel self.lockMin = lockMin # lock<X> vars are used in self.lock() self.lockMax = lockMax # to lock/unlock entries in optionpanel self.lockIncrement = lockIncrement self.lockBMin = lockBMin self.lockBMax = lockBMax self.lockBIncrement = lockBIncrement self.lockPrecision = lockPrecision self.lockShowLabel = lockShowLabel self.lockValue = lockValue self.lockType = lockType self.lockContinuous = lockContinuous self.lockOneTurn = lockOneTurn self.reportDelta = reportDelta self.setLabel(self.labCfg) self.createCanvas(master, wheelPad=wheelPad) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.mouseDown) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.mouseUp) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouseMove) self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) self.valueLabel.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.mouseDown) self.valueLabel.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.mouseUp) self.valueLabel.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouseMove) self.valueLabel.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) if == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32': self.canvas.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.mouseWheel) self.valueLabel.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.mouseWheel) else: self.canvas.bind("<Button-4>", self.mouseWheel) self.valueLabel.bind("<Button-4>", self.mouseWheel) self.canvas.bind("<Button-5>", self.mouseWheel) self.valueLabel.bind("<Button-5>", self.mouseWheel) self.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) KeyboardEntry.__init__(self, (self, self.canvas, self.valueLabel), self.setFromEntry) self.opPanel = OptionsPanel(master = self, title="Thumbwheel Options") # now set the constructor options correctly using the configure method self.setValue(value) apply( self.configure, (), {'type':type, 'min':min, 'max':max, 'increment':increment, 'precision':precision, 'showLabel':showLabel, 'continuous':continuous, 'oneTurn':oneTurn, 'lockType':lockType, 'lockMin':lockMin, 'lockBMin':lockBMin, 'lockMax':lockMax, 'lockBMax':lockBMax, 'lockIncrement':lockIncrement, 'lockBIncrement':lockBIncrement, 'lockPrecision':lockPrecision, 'lockShowLabel':lockShowLabel, 'lockValue':lockValue, 'lockContinuous':lockContinuous, 'lockOneTurn':lockOneTurn, 'orient':orient, 'reportDelta':reportDelta, 'callback':callback }) def setFromEntry(self, valueString): try: self.set(self.type(valueString), force=1) except ValueError: # fixme we would like to pop this up in a window maybe import traceback traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc() def handleKeyStroke(self, event): # handle key strokes for numbers only in widget keyboard entry label key = event.keysym if key.isdigit() or key=='period' or key=='minus' or key=='plus': if key == 'period': key = '.' elif key == 'minus': key = '-' elif key == 'plus': key = '+' self.typedValue += key self.typedValueTK.configure(text=self.typedValue) else: KeyboardEntry.handleKeyStroke(self, event) def setWidth(self, width): assert isinstance(width, types.IntType),\ "Illegal width: expected %s, got %s"%(type(1),type(width)) assert width > 0,"Illegal width: must be > 0, got %s"%width self.width = width def setHeight(self, height): assert isinstance(height, types.IntType),\ "Illegal height: expected %s, got %s"%(type(1),type(height)) assert height > 0,"Illegal height: must be > 0, got %s"%height self.height = height def setCallbacks(self, cb): """Set widget callback. Must be callable function. Callback is called every time the widget value is set/modified""" assert cb is None or callable(cb) or type(cb) is types.ListType,\ "Illegal callback: must be either None or callable. Got %s"%cb if cb is None: return elif type(cb) is types.ListType: for func in cb: assert callable(func), "Illegal callback must be callable. Got %s"%func self.callbacks.AddCallback(func) else: self.callbacks.AddCallback(cb) self.callback = cb def toggleOptPanel(self, event=None): if self.opPanel.flag: self.opPanel.Dismiss_cb() else: if not hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.displayPanel(create=1) else: self.opPanel.displayPanel(create=0) def mouseDown(self, event): # remember where the mouse went down if self.orient=='horizontal': self.lastx = event.x else: self.lastx = event.y def mouseUp(self, event): # call callbacks if not in continuous mode newVal = self.get() if self.oldValue != newVal: if not self.continuous: self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) if self.showLabel == 2: # no widget labels on mouse release self.valueLabel.place_forget() def mouseMove(self, event): if self.orient=='horizontal': dx = event.x - self.lastx self.lastx = event.x else: dx = event.y - self.lastx self.lasty = event.y dang = dx * math.pi / 180. val = dang*self.oneTurnOver2pi self.computeNewValue(val) def mouseWheel(self, event): #print "mouseWheel", event, event.num if == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32': if > 0: lEventNum = 4 else: lEventNum = 5 else: lEventNum = event.num if lEventNum == 4: self.computeNewValue(self.oneTurn/10) else: self.computeNewValue(-self.oneTurn/10) def get(self): if self.reportDelta: return self.type(self.deltaVal) else: return self.type(self.value) def printLabel(self): if not self.showLabel in [1,2]: return hl = self.valueLabel.winfo_reqheight() wl = self.valueLabel.winfo_reqwidth() h = self.canvas.winfo_reqheight() w = self.canvas.winfo_reqwidth(), x=(w-wl)*.5, y=((h-hl)*0.5)- self.height/4 + 2) self.valueLabel.configure(text=self.labelFormat%self.value) def set(self, val, update=1, force=0): # if force is set to 1, we call this method regardless of the # widget configuration. This is for example the case if the thumwheel # is set to continuous=0, but the value is set in the options panel if self.min is not None and val <= self.min: val = self.min elif self.max is not None and val >= self.max: val = self.max oldval = self.value self.value = val self.deltaVal = self.value - oldval newVal = self.get() if update and self.continuous or force: if self.oldValue != self.value or force: self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) if self.showLabel==2: self.printLabel() if self.showLabel==1: self.printLabel() if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.valInput.set(self.labelFormat%self.value) #FIXME: this could be renamed increment (to parallel the set method) # some code in this method is duplicated in set method def computeNewValue(self, val): # snap to closest increment oldval = self.value if self.increment is not None and self.increment != 0.: self.discreteValue = self.discreteValue + val if self.discreteValue>=self.increment: self.value = self.value+self.increment self.discreteValue=0. elif -self.discreteValue>=self.increment: self.value = self.value-self.increment self.discreteValue=0. else: self.value = self.value + val if self.min is not None and self.value <= self.min: self.value = self.min val = 0 elif self.max is not None and self.value >= self.max: self.value = self.max val = 0 self.deltaVal = self.value - oldval # self.angle is used in drawLines() self.angle = val/self.oneTurnOver2pi self.drawLines() if self.showLabel>0: # ALWAYS self.printLabel() if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.valInput.set(self.labelFormat%self.value) newVal = self.get() if self.oldValue != newVal and not self.reportDelta: # this part is called either when the value is float OR when # continuous is off if self.continuous: self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) else: pass else: # this part is usually called when the datatype is INT AND # continuous is on if self.oldValue != newVal: # only call this part when we "reach" a new value self.oldValue = newVal self.callbacks.CallCallbacks(newVal) else: # else we need nothing to do pass def createCanvas(self, master, wheelPad=6): bw = self.borderWidth = wheelPad # distance between wheel and raise cd={'width':self.width+bw, 'height':self.height+bw, 'relief':'raised', 'borderwidth':3} for k, w in self.canvasCfg.items(): cd[k] = w self.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(self, cd) cbdw = int(self.canvas.cget('borderwidth')) bd = self.borderWidth + cbdw + 1 # +1 for pixel0 that is not drawn height = self.height-bw width = self.width-bw cp = self.canvas.create_polygon self.outline1 = cp( bd, bd, bd, height+cbdw, width+cbdw, height+cbdw, width+cbdw, bd, bd, bd, width=1, outline='gray60', fill='gray85') ul = bd+1 # upper left pixel l = (width+cbdw-1) - (bd+1) # length of the inner box cl25 = 2.*l/25. cl = self.canvas.create_line self.outline2 = cl( ul+int(cl25), ul, ul, ul, ul, height+cbdw-1, ul+int(cl25), height+cbdw-1, width=1, fill='gray20') self.outline3 = cl( ul+int(cl25), ul, ul+int(3*cl25), ul, width=1, fill='gray60') self.outline4 = cl( ul+int(cl25), height+cbdw-1, ul+int(3*cl25), height+cbdw-1, width=1, fill='gray60') self.outline5 = cl( ul+int(5*cl25), ul, ul+int(7.5*cl25), ul, width=1, fill='white') self.outline4 = cl( ul+int(5*cl25), height+cbdw-1, ul+int(7.5*cl25), height+cbdw-1, width=1, fill='white') self.outline6 = cl( ul+int(9.5*cl25), ul, ul+int(11.5*cl25), ul, width=1, fill='gray60') self.outline7 = cl( ul+int(9.5*cl25), height+cbdw-1, ul+int(11.5*cl25), height+cbdw-1, width=1, fill='gray60') re = ul+l self.outline8 = cl( ul+int(11.5*cl25), ul, re, ul, re, height+cbdw-1, ul+int(11.5*cl25), height+cbdw-1, width=1, fill='gray20') # corners of the box where the lines have to be drawn self.innerbox = (ul+1, ul+1, re-1, height+cbdw-1) self.circlePtsAngles = [] inc = 2*math.pi/float(self.nblines) for i in range(self.nblines): self.circlePtsAngles.append( i*inc ) self.circlePtsAngles = Numeric.array(self.circlePtsAngles, 'f') self.linesIds = [] self.shLinesIds = [] # this table should depend on the number of lines # currently it is of length 15 (self.nblines/2) # It should be resized automatically to self.nblines/2 self.shadowLinesOptions = [ ( 0, 'black', 1), # offset, color, width ( 2, 'gray30', 1), ( 2, 'gray30', 1), ( 0, 'gray30', 1), (-1, 'white', 1), (-1, 'white', 1), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 1), (-1, 'white', 1), ( 0, 'gray30', 1), (-2, 'gray30', 1), (-2, 'gray30', 1), ( 0, 'black', 1), # offset, color, width ( 0, 'black', 1), # offset, color, width ] for i in range(self.nblines): self.linesIds.append(cl(0,0,0,0,width=1, fill='black')) self.shLinesIds.append(cl(0,0,0,0)) wlabCfg = {'padx':0,'pady':0} wlabCfg.update(self.wheelLabCfg) self.valueLabel = apply( Tkinter.Label, (self.master,), wlabCfg) self.drawLines() self.canvas.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT) self.toggleWidgetLabel(self.showLabel) def drawLines(self): # angle has to be provided in radians angle = self.angle self.circlePtsAngles = self.circlePtsAngles+angle self.circlePtsAngles = Numeric.remainder(self.circlePtsAngles, 2*math.pi) xcoords = Numeric.cos(self.circlePtsAngles) xsin = Numeric.sin(self.circlePtsAngles) if self.orient=='horizontal': w = self.innerbox[2] - self.innerbox[0] r = w/2 c = self.innerbox[0] + r y1 = self.innerbox[1] y2 = self.innerbox[3] else: w = self.innerbox[3] - self.innerbox[1] r = w/2 c = self.innerbox[1] + r y1 = self.innerbox[0] y2 = self.innerbox[2] cl = self.canvas.create_line setCoords = self.canvas.coords setOpt = self.canvas.itemconfigure pi2 = math.pi/2. drawLines = 0 co = Numeric.take(xcoords, Numeric.nonzero(Numeric.greater_equal(xsin, 0.0))) co = Numeric.sort(co) co = [-1]+list(co) for i in range(len(co)): x = c - int(co[i]*r) if self.orient=='horizontal': setCoords(self.linesIds[i], x, y1, x, y2) else: setCoords(self.linesIds[i], y1, x, y2, x) shopt = self.shadowLinesOptions[i] x = x + shopt[0] if self.orient=='horizontal': setCoords(self.shLinesIds[i], x, y1, x, y2) else: setCoords(self.shLinesIds[i], y1, x, y2, x) setOpt(self.shLinesIds[i], fill = shopt[1], width=shopt[2]) def toggleWidgetLabel(self, val): if val == 0: # no widget labels self.showLabel=0 self.valueLabel.place_forget() if val == 1: # show always widget labels self.showLabel=1 self.printLabel() if val == 2: # show widget labels only when mouse moves self.showLabel=2 self.valueLabel.place_forget() def setValue(self, val): assert type(val) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for value: expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type(1), type(1.0), type(val) ) # setValue does NOT call a callback! if self.min is not None and val < self.min: val = self.min if self.max is not None and val > self.max: val = self.max self.value = self.type(val) self.oldValue = self.value self.offsetValue=self.value if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() ##################################################################### # the 'configure' methods: ##################################################################### def configure(self, **kw): if 'type' in kw.keys(): # make sure type is set first self.setType(kw['type']) del kw['type'] for key,value in kw.items(): # the 'set' parameter callbacks if key=='labCfg': self.setLabel(value) elif key=='callback': self.setCallbacks(value) elif key=='wheelLabCfg': self.wheelLablCfg.update(value) self.printLabel() elif key=='min': self.setMin(value) elif key=='max': self.setMax(value) elif key=='increment': self.setIncrement(value) elif key=='precision': self.setPrecision(value) elif key=='showLabel': self.setShowLabel(value) elif key=='continuous': self.setContinuous(value) elif key=='oneTurn': self.setOneTurn(value) elif key=='orient': self.setOrient(value) elif key=='reportDelta': self.setReportDelta(value) # the 'lock' entries callbacks elif key=='lockType': self.lockTypeCB(value) elif key=='lockMin': self.lockMinCB(value) elif key=='lockBMin': self.lockBMinCB(value) elif key=='lockMax': self.lockMaxCB(value) elif key=='lockBMax': self.lockBMaxCB(value) elif key=='lockIncrement': self.lockIncrementCB(value) elif key=='lockBIncrement': self.lockBIncrementCB(value) elif key=='lockPrecision': self.lockPrecisionCB(value) elif key=='lockShowLabel': self.lockShowLabelCB(value) elif key=='lockValue': self.lockValueCB(value) elif key=='lockContinuous': self.lockContinuousCB(value) elif key=='lockOneTurn': self.lockOneTurnCB(value) def setLabel(self, labCfg): self.labCfg = labCfg text = labCfg.get('text', None) if text is None or text=='': return d={} for k, w in self.labCfg.items(): if k == 'side': continue else: d[k] = w if not 'side' in self.labCfg.keys(): self.labCfg['side'] = 'left' if not self.lab: self.lab = Tkinter.Label(self, d) self.lab.pack(side=self.labCfg['side']) self.lab.bind("<Button-3>", self.toggleOptPanel) else: self.lab.configure(text) def setType(self, Type): assert type(Type) in [types.StringType, types.TypeType],\ "Illegal type for datatype. Expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type('a'), type(type), type(Type) ) if type(Type) == type(""): # type str assert Type in ('int','float'),\ "Illegal type descriptor. Expected 'int' or 'float', got '%s'"%Type self.type = eval(Type) else: self.type = Type if self.type == int: self.labelFormat = "%d" self.int_value = self.value else: self.labelFormat = "%."+str(self.precision)+"f" if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togIntFloat']['widget'] if self.type == int: w.setvalue('int') elif self.type == 'float': w.setvalue('float') if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() if self.valueLabel and self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() def setMin(self, min): if min is not None: assert type(min) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for minimum. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(min) ) if self.max and min > self.max: min = self.max self.min = self.type(min) if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.value < self.min: self.set(self.min) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.minInput.set(self.labelFormat%self.min) self.opPanel.toggleMin.set(1) self.opPanel.min_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') self.minOld = self.min else: self.min = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleMin.set(0) self.opPanel.min_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setMax(self, max): if max is not None: assert type(max) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for maximum. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(max) ) if self.min and max < self.min: max = self.min self.max = self.type(max) if self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() if self.value > self.max: self.set(self.max) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.maxInput.set(self.labelFormat%self.max) self.opPanel.toggleMax.set(1) self.opPanel.max_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') self.maxOld = self.max else: self.max = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleMax.set(0) self.opPanel.max_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setIncrement(self, incr): if incr is not None: assert type(incr) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for increment. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(incr) ) self.increment = self.type(incr) self.offsetValue = self.value self.incrementOld = self.increment if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.incrInput.set(self.labelFormat%self.increment) self.opPanel.toggleIncr.set(1) self.opPanel.incr_entry.configure(state='normal', fg='gray0') else: self.increment = None if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.toggleIncr.set(0) self.opPanel.incr_entry.configure(state='disabled', fg='gray40') def setPrecision(self, val): assert type(val) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for precision. Expected type %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(val) ) val = int(val) if val > 10: val = 10 if val < 1: val = 1 self.precision = val if self.type == float: self.labelFormat = "%."+str(self.precision)+"f" else: self.labelFormat = "%d" if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['selPrec']['widget'] w.setvalue(val) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() # and update the printed label if self.canvas and self.showLabel == 1: self.printLabel() def setContinuous(self, cont): """ cont can be None, 0 or 1 """ assert cont in [True, False, 0, 1],\ "Illegal value for continuous: expecting a boolean True, False, got %s"%cont self.continuous = cont if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w=self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togCont']['widget'] if cont: w.setvalue('on') else: w.setvalue('off') def setShowLabel(self, val): """Show label can be 0, 1 or 2 0: no label 1: show label only when value changes 2: label is always shown""" assert val in [0,1,2],\ "Illegal value for showLabel. Expected 0, 1 or 2, got %s"%val if val != 0 and val != 1 and val != 2: print "Illegal value. Must be 0, 1 or 2" return self.showLabel = val self.toggleWidgetLabel(val) if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): w = self.opPanel.idf.entryByName['togLabel']['widget'] if self.showLabel == 0: label = 'never' elif self.showLabel == 1: label = 'always' elif self.showLabel == 2: label = 'move' w.setvalue(label) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() def setOneTurn(self, oneTurn): assert type(oneTurn) in [types.IntType, types.FloatType],\ "Illegal type for oneTurn. Expected %s or %s, got %s"%( type(0), type(0.0), type(oneTurn) ) self.oneTurn = oneTurn self.threeSixtyOver1turn = 360./oneTurn self.piOver1turn = math.pi/oneTurn self.oneTurnOver2pi = oneTurn / (2*math.pi) if self.opPanel: self.opPanel.updateDisplay() def setOrient(self, orient): if orient is None: if self.width > self.height: orient='horizontal' else: orient = 'vertical' assert orient in ['horizontal', 'vertical'],\ "Expected 'vertical' or 'horizontal', got '%s'"%orient self.orient = orient def setReportDelta(self, rD): assert rD in [None, 0, 1],\ "Expected None, 0 or 1, got %s"%rD if rD is None or rD == 0: self.reportDelta = 0 else: self.reportDelta = 1 ##################################################################### # the 'lock' methods: ##################################################################### def lockTypeCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockType = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockMinCB(self, mode): #min entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockMin = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBMinCB(self, mode): # min checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBMin = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockMaxCB(self, mode): # max entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockMax = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBMaxCB(self, mode): # max checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBMax = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockIncrementCB(self, mode): # increment entry field if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockIncrement = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockBIncrementCB(self, mode): # increment checkbutton if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockBIncrement = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockPrecisionCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockPrecision = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockShowLabelCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockShowLabel = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockValueCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockValue = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockContinuousCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockContinuous = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay() def lockOneTurnCB(self, mode): if mode != 0: mode = 1 self.lockOneTurn = mode if hasattr(self.opPanel, 'optionsForm'): self.opPanel.lockUnlockDisplay()