Exemple #1
def optimize_umda(target, n_agents, n_variables, n_iterations, hyperparams):
    """Abstracts Opytimizer's Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm into a single method.

        target (callable): The method to be optimized.
        n_agents (int): Number of agents.
        n_variables (int): Number of variables.
        n_iterations (int): Number of iterations.
        hyperparams (dict): Dictionary of hyperparameters.

        A History object containing all optimization's information.


    # Creating the BooleanSpace
    space = BooleanSpace(n_agents=n_agents,

    # Creating the Function
    function = Function(pointer=target)

    # Creating UMDA's optimizer
    optimizer = UMDA(hyperparams=hyperparams)

    # Creating the optimization task
    task = Opytimizer(space=space, optimizer=optimizer, function=function)

    return task.start(store_best_only=True)
Exemple #2
def optimize(opt, target, n_agents, n_iterations, hyperparams):
    """Abstracts all Opytimizer's mechanisms into a single method.

        opt (Optimizer): An Optimizer-child class.
        target (callable): The method to be optimized.
        n_agents (int): Number of agents.
        n_iterations (int): Number of iterations.
        hyperparams (dict): Dictionary of hyperparameters.

        A History object containing all optimization's information.


    # Creating the SearchSpace
    space = SearchSpace(n_agents=n_agents,

    # Creating the Optimizer
    optimizer = opt(hyperparams=hyperparams)

    # Creating the Function
    function = Function(pointer=target)

    # Creating the optimization task
    task = Opytimizer(space=space, optimizer=optimizer, function=function)

    return task.start(store_best_only=True)
Exemple #3
def optimize_gp(target, n_trees, n_terminals, n_variables, n_iterations,
                min_depth, max_depth, functions, lb, ub, hyperparams):
    """Abstracts Opytimizer's Genetic Programming into a single method.

        target (callable): The method to be optimized.
        n_trees (int): Number of agents.
        n_terminals (int): Number of terminals
        n_variables (int): Number of variables.
        n_iterations (int): Number of iterations.
        min_depth (int): Minimum depth of trees.
        max_depth (int): Maximum depth of trees.
        functions (list): Functions' nodes.
        lb (list): List of lower bounds.
        ub (list): List of upper bounds.
        hyperparams (dict): Dictionary of hyperparameters.

        A History object containing all optimization's information.


    # Creating the TreeSpace
    space = TreeSpace(n_trees=n_trees,

    # Creating the Function
    function = Function(pointer=target)

    # Creating GP's optimizer
    optimizer = GP(hyperparams=hyperparams)

    # Creating the optimization task
    task = Opytimizer(space=space, optimizer=optimizer, function=function)

    return task.start(store_best_only=True)
def test_store_best_agent_only():
    pso = PSO()
    n_iters = 10
    target_fn = Function(pointer=square)
    space = SearchSpace(lower_bound=[-10], upper_bound=[10], n_iterations=n_iters)

    history = Opytimizer(space, pso, target_fn).start(store_best_only=True)
    assert not hasattr(history, 'agents')

    assert hasattr(history, 'best_agent')
    assert len(history.best_agent) == n_iters
def test_store_all_agents():
    pso = PSO()
    n_iters = 10
    n_agents = 2
    target_fn = Function(pointer=square)
    space = SearchSpace(lower_bound=[-10], upper_bound=[10], n_iterations=n_iters, n_agents=n_agents)

    history = Opytimizer(space, pso, target_fn).start()
    assert hasattr(history, 'agents')

    # Ensuring that the amount of entries is the same as the amount of iterations and
    # that for each iteration all agents are kept
    assert len(history.agents) == n_iters
    assert all(len(iter_agents) == n_agents for iter_agents in history.agents)

    assert hasattr(history, 'best_agent')
    assert len(history.best_agent) == n_iters
def test_hook():
    pso = PSO()
    n_iters = 10
    counter = 0

    target_fn = Function(pointer=square)
    space = SearchSpace(lower_bound=[-10], upper_bound=[10], n_iterations=n_iters, n_agents=15)

    def eval_hook(arg_opt, arg_space, arg_target_fn):
        assert arg_opt is pso
        assert arg_space is space
        assert arg_target_fn is target_fn

        nonlocal counter
        counter += 1

    Opytimizer(space, pso, target_fn).start(pre_evaluation=eval_hook)

    # The hook is evaluated for each iteration plus initialization
    assert counter == n_iters + 1
Exemple #7
# Number of decision variables
n_variables = 1

# Number of running iterations
n_iterations = 100

# Lower and upper bounds (has to be the same size as n_variables)
lower_bound = [0.00001]
upper_bound = [10]

# Creating the SearchSpace class
s = SearchSpace(n_agents=n_agents, n_iterations=n_iterations,
                n_variables=n_variables, lower_bound=lower_bound,

# Hyperparameters for the optimizer
hyperparams = {
    'w': 0.7,
    'c1': 1.7,
    'c2': 1.7

# Creating PSO's optimizer
p = PSO(hyperparams=hyperparams)

# Finally, we can create an Opytimizer class
o = Opytimizer(space=s, optimizer=p, function=f)

# Running the optimization task
history = o.start()
Exemple #8
    # Predicts new data
    preds = opf.predict(X_val_selected)

    # Calculates accuracy
    acc = g.opf_accuracy(Y_val, preds)

    return 1 - acc

# Number of agents and decision variables
n_agents = 5
n_variables = 64

# Parameters for the optimizer
params = {
    'c1': r.generate_binary_random_number(size=(n_variables, 1)),
    'c2': r.generate_binary_random_number(size=(n_variables, 1))

# Creates the space, optimizer and function
space = BooleanSpace(n_agents, n_variables)
optimizer = BPSO()
function = Function(supervised_opf_feature_selection)

# Bundles every piece into Opytimizer class
opt = Opytimizer(space, optimizer, function)

# Runs the optimization task
Exemple #9
from opytimark.markers.n_dimensional import Sphere

from opytimizer import Opytimizer
from opytimizer.core import Function
from opytimizer.optimizers.misc import GS
from opytimizer.spaces import GridSpace

# Number of decision variables and step size of the grid
n_variables = 2
step = [0.1, 1]

# Lower and upper bounds (has to be the same size as `n_variables`)
lower_bound = [-10, -10]
upper_bound = [10, 10]

# Creates the space, optimizer and function
space = GridSpace(n_variables, step, lower_bound, upper_bound)
optimizer = GS()
function = Function(Sphere())

# Bundles every piece into Opytimizer class
opt = Opytimizer(space, optimizer, function, save_agents=False)

# Runs the optimization task
Exemple #10
n_iterations = 1000

# Lower and upper bounds (has to be the same size as n_variables)
lower_bound = [-10, -10]
upper_bound = [10, 10]

# Creating the SearchSpace class
s = SearchSpace(n_agents=n_agents, n_iterations=n_iterations,
                n_variables=n_variables, lower_bound=lower_bound,

# Hyperparameters for the optimizer
hyperparams = {
    'alpha': 0.5,
    'beta': 0.2,
    'gamma': 1.0

# Creating FA's optimizer
p = FA(hyperparams=hyperparams)

# Defining task's main function
z = Multi(functions=[b.sphere, b.exponential],
          weights=[0.5, 0.5], method='weight_sum')

# Finally, we can create an Opytimizer class
o = Opytimizer(space=s, optimizer=p, function=z)

# Running the optimization task
Exemple #11
from opytimizer.spaces import SearchSpace
from opytimizer.utils.callback import DiscreteSearchCallback

# Random seed for experimental consistency

# Number of agents and decision variables
n_agents = 20
n_variables = 2

# Lower and upper bounds (has to be the same size as `n_variables`)
lower_bound = [-10, -10]
upper_bound = [10, 10]

# Defines the allowed values for performing the discrete search
allowed_values = [
    list(range(lb, ub, 2)) for lb, ub in zip(lower_bound, upper_bound)

# Creates the space, optimizer and function
space = SearchSpace(n_agents, n_variables, lower_bound, upper_bound)
optimizer = PSO()
function = Function(Sphere())

# Bundles every piece into Opytimizer class
opt = Opytimizer(space, optimizer, function, save_agents=False)

# Runs the optimization task
Exemple #12
n_variables = 2

# Minimum and maximum depths of the trees
min_depth = 2
max_depth = 5

# Functions nodes, lower and upper bounds
functions = ["SUM", "MUL", "DIV"]
lower_bound = [-10, -10]
upper_bound = [10, 10]

# Creates the space, optimizer and function
space = TreeSpace(
optimizer = GP()
function = Function(Sphere())

# Bundles every piece into Opytimizer class
opt = Opytimizer(space, optimizer, function, save_agents=False)

# Runs the optimization task
# Random seed for experimental consistency

# Number of agents and decision variables
n_agents = 20
n_variables = 2

# Lower and upper bounds (has to be the same size as `n_variables`)
lower_bound = [-10, -10]
upper_bound = [10, 10]

# Creates the space, optimizer and function
space = SearchSpace(n_agents, n_variables, lower_bound, upper_bound)
optimizer = PSO()
function = Function(Sphere())

# Bundles every piece into Opytimizer class
opt = Opytimizer(space, optimizer, function, save_agents=False)

# Runs the optimization task
opt.start(n_iterations=10, callbacks=[CheckpointCallback(frequency=10)])

# Deletes the optimization objecs
del opt

# Loads the task from file and resumes it
# Note that the following lines achieves the same results as a 35-iteration running
opt = Opytimizer.load('iter_10_checkpoint.pkl')
Exemple #14
from opytimark.markers.n_dimensional import Sphere

from opytimizer import Opytimizer
from opytimizer.core import Function
from opytimizer.optimizers.swarm import PSO
from opytimizer.spaces import SearchSpace
from opytimizer.utils.callback import CheckpointCallback

# Random seed for experimental consistency

# Number of agents and decision variables
n_agents = 20
n_variables = 2

# Lower and upper bounds (has to be the same size as `n_variables`)
lower_bound = [-10, -10]
upper_bound = [10, 10]

# Creates the space, optimizer and function
space = SearchSpace(n_agents, n_variables, lower_bound, upper_bound)
optimizer = PSO()
function = Function(Sphere())

# Bundles every piece into Opytimizer class
opt = Opytimizer(space, optimizer, function, save_agents=False)

# Runs the optimization task
# CheckpointCallback will snapshot the optimization every `frequency` iterations
opt.start(n_iterations=10, callbacks=[CheckpointCallback(frequency=1)])
Exemple #15
# Number of agents and decision variables
n_agents = 3
n_variables = 2

# Lower and upper bounds (has to be the same size as `n_variables`)
lower_bound = [-10, -10]
upper_bound = [10, 10]

# Creates the space, optimizer and function
space = SearchSpace(n_agents, n_variables, lower_bound, upper_bound)
optimizer = PSO()
function = Function(Sphere())

# Bundles every piece into Opytimizer class
opt = Opytimizer(space, optimizer, function, save_agents=True)

# Runs the optimization task

# Saves the optimization task

# One can load the optimization task from disk or work directly with the attribute that is saved
# History keys are saved as lists, where the last dimension stands for their iteration
# opt = Opytimizer.load('opt_task.pkl')

# Prints the last iteration best agent and checks that it matches the best agent in space
# Also prints a random iteration best agent
best_agent_pos, best_agent_fit = opt.history.get_convergence("best_agent")