Exemple #1
def infer_ngrams_corpus(corpus, return_dict=False):

    bow_features = [(i, attribute.name)
                    for i, attribute in enumerate(corpus.domain.attributes)
                    if 'bow-feature' in attribute.attributes]
    if len(bow_features) == 0:
        corpus = BowVectorizer().transform(corpus)
        bow_features = [(i, attribute.name)
                        for i, attribute in enumerate(corpus.domain.attributes)
                        if 'bow-feature' in attribute.attributes]

    feature_presence = corpus.X.sum(axis=0)
    keep = [(i, a) for i, a in bow_features if feature_presence[0, i] > 0]
    # sort features by the order in the dictionary
    dictionary = Dictionary(corpus.ngrams_iterator(include_postags=True),
    idx_of_keep = np.argsort([dictionary.token2id[a] for _, a in keep])
    keep = [keep[i][0] for i in idx_of_keep]
    result = Sparse2Corpus(corpus.X[:, keep].T)

    return (result, dictionary) if return_dict else result