def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.dataset = None self.sample = None self.otherdata = None # GUI box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Info") self.infoa = gui.widgetLabel( box, 'No data on input yet, waiting to get something.') self.infob = gui.widgetLabel(box, '') gui.separator(self.controlArea) self.optionsBox = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Options") gui.spin(self.optionsBox, self, 'proportion', minv=10, maxv=90, step=10, label='Sample Size [%]:', callback=[self.selection, self.checkCommit]) gui.checkBox(self.optionsBox, self, 'commitOnChange', 'Commit data on selection change') gui.button(self.optionsBox, self, "Commit", callback=self.commit) self.optionsBox.setDisabled(True) self.resize(100, 50)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # sets self.curvePoints, self.steps equidistant points from # 1/self.steps to 1 self.updateCurvePoints() # [start-snippet-2] self.scoring = [ ("Classification Accuracy", Orange.evaluation.scoring.CA), ("AUC", Orange.evaluation.scoring.AUC), ("Precision", Orange.evaluation.scoring.Precision), ("Recall", Orange.evaluation.scoring.Recall) ] # [end-snippet-2] #: input data on which to construct the learning curve = None #: A {input_id: Learner} mapping of current learners from input channel self.learners = OrderedDict() #: A {input_id: List[Results]} mapping of input id to evaluation #: results list, one for each curve point self.results = OrderedDict() #: A {input_id: List[float]} mapping of input id to learning curve #: point scores self.curves = OrderedDict() # GUI box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Info") self.infoa = gui.widgetLabel(box, 'No data on input.') self.infob = gui.widgetLabel(box, 'No learners.') gui.separator(self.controlArea) box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Evaluation Scores") gui.comboBox(box, self, "scoringF", items=[x[0] for x in self.scoring], callback=self._invalidate_curves) gui.separator(self.controlArea) box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Options") gui.spin(box, self, 'folds', 2, 100, step=1, label='Cross validation folds: ', keyboardTracking=False, callback=lambda: self._invalidate_results() if self.commitOnChange else None) gui.spin(box, self, 'steps', 2, 100, step=1, label='Learning curve points: ', keyboardTracking=False, callback=[self.updateCurvePoints, lambda: self._invalidate_results() if self.commitOnChange else None]) gui.checkBox(box, self, 'commitOnChange', 'Apply setting on any change') self.commitBtn = gui.button(box, self, "Apply Setting", callback=self._invalidate_results, disabled=True) gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # table widget self.table = gui.table(self.mainArea, selectionMode=QTableWidget.NoSelection)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() = None self.embedder = None self._worker_thread = None self._progress_updater = None def commit(): return self.commit() box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, box=True) kwargs = dict(controlWidth=75, alignment=Qt.AlignRight, callback=commit) gui.spin(box, self, "p", 0.0, 10.0, 0.1, label="Return parameter (p): ", spinType=float, **kwargs) gui.spin(box, self, "q", 0.0, 10.0, 0.1, label="In-out parameter (q): ", spinType=float, **kwargs) gui.spin(box, self, "walk_len", 1, 100_000, 1, label="Walk length: ", **kwargs) gui.spin(box, self, "num_walks", 1, 10_000, 1, label="Walks per node: ", **kwargs) gui.spin(box, self, "emb_size", 1, 10_000, 1, label="Embedding size: ", **kwargs) gui.spin(box, self, "window_size", 1, 20, 1, label="Context size: ", **kwargs) gui.spin(box, self, "num_epochs", 1, 100, 1, label="Number of epochs: ", **kwargs) gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, "auto_commit", "Commit", checkbox_label="Auto-commit", orientation=Qt.Horizontal) commit()
def _setup_control_area(self) -> None: box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Word Scoring Methods") for value, (n, _, tt) in SCORING_METHODS.items(): b = gui.hBox(box, margin=0) gui.checkBox( b, self, value, label=n, callback=self.__setting_changed, tooltip=tt, ) if value in ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS: value, options = ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS[value] gui.comboBox( b, self, value, items=options, callback=self.__setting_changed, ) box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Aggregation") gui.comboBox( box, self, "aggregation", items=[n for n in AGGREGATIONS], callback=self.__setting_changed, ) gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # select words box box = gui.vBox(self.buttonsArea, "Select Documents") grid = QGridLayout() grid.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._sel_method_buttons = QButtonGroup() for method, label in enumerate(SelectionMethods.ITEMS): button = QRadioButton(label) button.setChecked(method == self.sel_method) grid.addWidget(button, method, 0) self._sel_method_buttons.addButton(button, method) self._sel_method_buttons.buttonClicked[int].connect( self.__set_selection_method) spin = gui.spin( box, self, "n_selected", 1, 999, addToLayout=False, callback=lambda: self.__set_selection_method(SelectionMethods. N_BEST), ) grid.addWidget(spin, 3, 1) box.layout().addLayout(grid) # autocommit gui.auto_send(self.buttonsArea, self, "auto_commit")
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # sets self.curvePoints, self.steps equidistant points from # 1/self.steps to 1 self.updateCurvePoints() self.scoring = [("Classification Accuracy", Orange.evaluation.scoring.CA), ("AUC", Orange.evaluation.scoring.AUC), ("Precision", Orange.evaluation.scoring.Precision), ("Recall", Orange.evaluation.scoring.Recall)] #: Input data on which to construct the learning curve = None #: Optional test data self.testdata = None #: LearnerData for each learner input self.learners: List[LearnerData] = [] # [start-snippet-3] #: The current evaluating task (if any) self._task = None # type: Optional[Task] #: An executor we use to submit learner evaluations into a thread pool self._executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() # [end-snippet-3] # GUI box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Info") self.infoa = gui.widgetLabel(box, 'No data on input.') self.infob = gui.widgetLabel(box, 'No learners.') gui.separator(self.controlArea) box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Evaluation Scores") gui.comboBox(box, self, "scoringF", items=[x[0] for x in self.scoring], callback=self._invalidate_curves) gui.separator(self.controlArea) box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Options") gui.spin(box, self, 'folds', 2, 100, step=1, label='Cross validation folds: ', keyboardTracking=False, callback=lambda: self._invalidate_results() if self.commitOnChange else None) gui.spin(box, self, 'steps', 2, 100, step=1, label='Learning curve points: ', keyboardTracking=False, callback=[ self.updateCurvePoints, lambda: self._invalidate_results() if self.commitOnChange else None ]) gui.checkBox(box, self, 'commitOnChange', 'Apply setting on any change') self.commitBtn = gui.button(box, self, "Apply Setting", callback=self._invalidate_results, disabled=True) gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # table widget self.table = gui.table(self.mainArea, selectionMode=QTableWidget.NoSelection)
def __init__(self, parent=None, signalManager=None): widget.OWWidget.__init__(self, parent, signalManager) # GUI possible_geometries = GeometryType.allGeometryTypes() geometries = [geo.description() for geo in possible_geometries] self.geometries_mapping = {} for index,geo in enumerate(possible_geometries): self.geometries_mapping[index] = geo self.cbb_geometry_type = gui.comboBox(self, self, "value_cbb_geometry_type", box=None, label="Geometry type", items=geometries, control2attributeDict=self.geometries_mapping) crystal_names = ["Si", "Diamond"] self.cbb_crystal_name = gui.comboBox(self, self, "value_cbb_crystal_name", box=None, label = "Crystal Name", items = crystal_names, control2attributeDict=self.crystal_names_mapping) self.le_thickness = gui.lineEdit(self, self, "value_le_thickness", label="Thickness [cm]") self.sp_miller_h = gui.spin(self, self, "value_sp_miller_h", -100000, 100000, step=1, label="Miller index h") self.sp_miller_k = gui.spin(self, self, "value_sp_miller_k", -100000, 100000, step=1, label="Miller index k") self.sp_miller_l = gui.spin(self, self, "value_sp_miller_l", -100000, 100000, step=1, label="Miller index l") self.sp_asymmetry_angle = gui.spin(self, self, "value_sp_asymmetry_angle", 0, 90, step=1, label="Asymmetry angle [deg]") self.le_energy_min = gui.lineEdit(self, self, "value_le_energy_min", label="Minimum energy [keV]") self.le_energy_max = gui.lineEdit(self, self, "value_le_energy_max", label="Maximum energy [keV]") self.le_energy_min = gui.lineEdit(self, self, "value_le_energy_points", label="Energy points") self.le_angle_min = gui.lineEdit(self, self, "value_le_angle_min", label="Angle min [micro rad]") self.le_angle_max = gui.lineEdit(self, self, "value_le_angle_max", label="Angle max [micro rad]") self.le_angle_points = gui.lineEdit(self, self, "value_le_angle_points", label="Angle points") self.btn_calculate = gui.button(self, self, "Calculate", self.calculate)