Exemple #1
class MariaDB(object):
    MariaDB is a facade pattern class based on Orator ORM
    def __init__(self, host, port, user, password, database, trace=0):
        self._client = 'MariaDB'
        self._host = host
        self._port = port
        self._user = user
        self._password = password
        self._database = database
        self._api = None
        self._last_query = None

        # Debug messages
        self._trace = trace

        # This is to avoid problems that mysql has with localhost
        if host == 'localhost':
            self._host = ''
        # Create connection with pony orm python API
        config = {
            'mysql': {
                'driver': 'mysql',
                'host': host,
                'database': database,
                'user': user,
                'password': password,
                'port': port,
                'prefix': ''

        self._api = DatabaseManager(config)
        result = self._api.select('SHOW TABLES')
        if not list(result):
            raise DBConnectionFailed(
                f'Connection to MariaDB failed. Check connection parameters')

    def last_query(self):
        return self._last_query

    def last_query_stats(self):
        return None

    def sql(self, q):
        return self._api.select(q)

    def cmd(self):
Exemple #2
from orator import DatabaseManager

config = {
    'mysql': {
        'driver': 'mysql',
        'host': 'localhost',
        'database': 'db_wo',
        'user': '******',
        'password': '******',
        'prefix': ''

db = DatabaseManager(config)
results = db.select('SELECT * from tb_pesan_gedung where (now() > DATE_ADD(waktu_pesan, INTERVAL 2 HOUR)) and status = "pending" and status_pembayaran = "Belum Melakukan Pembayaran"')

# print results
for r in results:
	# print r
	db.table('tb_pesan_gedung').where('id_pesan', r['id_pesan']).update(status='expired')

# query
# waktu_pesan, 
# now() as sekarang, 
# DATE_ADD(waktu_pesan, INTERVAL 2 HOUR) as expired, 
# if(now() > (DATE_ADD(waktu_pesan, INTERVAL 2 HOUR)), 'lebih','kurang') as jam_setelah 
# from tb_pesan_gedung 
# where 
# (DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 HOUR) > waktu_pesan) 
from orator import DatabaseManager

config = {
    'mysql': {
        'read': [{
            'host': 'localhost',
            'database': 'test1',
            'user': '******',
            'password': '******'
        'write': [{
            'host': 'localhost',
            'database': 'test',
            'user': '******',
            'password': '******',
        'driver': 'mysql',
        'prefix': ''

db = DatabaseManager(config)
results = db.select('select * from user')
print results
Exemple #4
class DBController():

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.parent = parent
        #Configure DB
        self.config = {
                'mysql': {
                        'driver': 'mysql',
                        'host': 'localhost',
                        'database': 'mydb',
                        'user': '******',
                        'password': '******',
                        'prefix': ''

        self.db = DatabaseManager(self.config)

    def makeUser(self, name, birthday, gender, nationality):
        return User(Name=name, Birthday=birthday, Gender=gender, Nationality=nationality)

    def makeRun(self, type, user):
        newRun = Run()
        currentTime = datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        newRun.Starttime = currentTime
        return newRun
    def makeEncoding(self, code ,fileName):
        """Creates and returns a new encoding object to be saved, or returns a ref to
        an existing such object if an encoding with such attributes already exists.
        @code (int): Encoding of the file.
        @fileName (string): Name of the file.s
        @returns (Encoding object): object to be saved to database with .save().
        newEncoding = Encoding.first_or_create(code=code, filename=fileName)
        return newEncoding

    def makeSample(self, sampleNumber, channelVals, timestamp, run, encoding):
        """Creates and returns a new Sample object to be saved.
        @sampleNumber (int): Should correspond to the id sent with every sample
            from the board.
        @channelVals (list): Array with the values for each sample. Value
            at index 0 should be the value for channel 1 and so on.
        @timestamp (datestring on format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): time at which 
            sample was taken, UTC time.
        @run (Run object): As returned by makeRun for example, the run that 
            owns this sample.
        @encoding(Encoding object): as returned by makeEncoding, the encoding
            showing which img was shown during this sample.
        @returns (Sample object): a new sample to be saved to DB. 
        newSample = Sample()
        newSample.Timestamp = timestamp

        for i in range(1, 17):
            eval("newSample.Channel" + i + "_val = " + str(channelVals[i]))

        newSample.SampleNumber = sampleNumber
        return newSample

    def getUser(self, id):
        """Returns an actual User object, not simple dictionary with info"""
        return User.first_or_create(User_ID = id)

    def getAllUsers(self):
        """Returns a list of dicts with info of all users in DB"""
        userQuery = "select * from user"
        return self.db.select(userQuery)

    def getAllUserSamples(self, userID):
        """Returns a list of dictionaries filled with information about
        the EEG values from all runs made by a certain user."""
        query = ("select Run_ID, SampleNumber, filename, Channel1_val, Channel2_val,"+
                "Channel3_val, Channel4_val, Channel5_val Channel6_val,"+
                "Channel7_val, Channel8_val, Channel9_val, Channel10_val, Channel11_val,"+
                "Channel12_val, Channel13_val, Channel14_val, Channel15_val, Channel16_val "+
                "from user join run "+
                "on run.idUser = user.User_ID join "+
                "sample on sample.idRun = run.Run_ID join "+
                "encoding on encoding.Encoding_ID = sample.idEncoding "+
                "where user.User_ID = %d;" % userID)

        return self.db.select(query)

    def deleteUser(self, userID):
        """Deletes user from database based on user ID.
        @userID (str): 
            ID of user to be deleted.
        deletedRows = User.where('user_id', '=', userID).delete()