Exemple #1
    def test_convert_coe_to_rv(self):
        # Data from Vallado, example 2.6
        p = 11067.790
        ecc = 0.83285
        inc = radians(87.87)
        raan = radians(227.89)
        argp = radians(53.38)
        ta = radians(92.335)

        expected_position = [6525.344, 6861.535, 6449.125]
        expected_velocity = [4.902276, 5.533124, -1.975709]

        position, velocity = coe2rv(MU_E, p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, ta)

        assert_allclose(position, expected_position, rtol=1e-5)
        assert_allclose(velocity, expected_velocity, rtol=1e-5)
Exemple #2
def kepler(argp, delta_t_sec, ecc, inc, p, raan, sma, ta):
    # Initial mean anomaly
    M_0 = ta_to_M(ta, ecc)

    # Mean motion
    n = sqrt(wgs84.mu / sma**3)

    # Propagation
    M = M_0 + n * delta_t_sec

    # New true anomaly
    ta = M_to_ta(M, ecc)

    # Position and velocity vectors
    position_eci, velocity_eci = coe2rv(MU_E, p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, ta)

    return position_eci, velocity_eci
def pkepler(argp, delta_t_sec, ecc, inc, p, raan, sma, ta):
    """Perturbed Kepler problem (only J2)

    Based on algorithm 64 of Vallado 3rd edition

    # Mean motion
    n = sqrt(MU_E / sma**3)

    # Initial mean anomaly
    M_0 = ta_to_M(ta, ecc)

    # Update for perturbations
    delta_raan = (-(3 * n * R_E_KM**2 * J2) / (2 * p**2) * cos(inc) *
    raan = raan + delta_raan

    delta_argp = ((3 * n * R_E_KM**2 * J2) / (4 * p**2) *
                  (4 - 5 * sin(inc)**2) * delta_t_sec)
    argp = argp + delta_argp

    M0_dot = ((3 * n * R_E_KM**2 * J2) / (4 * p**2) * (2 - 3 * sin(inc)**2) *
              sqrt(1 - ecc**2))
    M_dot = n + M0_dot

    # Propagation
    M = M_0 + M_dot * delta_t_sec

    # New true anomaly
    ta = M_to_ta(M, ecc)

    # Position and velocity vectors
    position_eci, velocity_eci = coe2rv(MU_E, p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, ta)

    return position_eci, velocity_eci