Exemple #1
 def test__get_pmz( self ):
     pmat = get_pmat( False )
     omat = sage_identity_matrix( 9 )
     vmat = sage_identity_matrix( 9 )
     pmz_lst, prj_pmz_lst = get_pmz( pmat, omat, vmat )
     print( pmz_lst )
     print( prj_pmz_lst )
     assert str( pmz_lst ) == '[1, c1, s1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]'
     assert str( prj_pmz_lst ) == '[1, c1, s1, 0]'
    def test__get_mat_1(self):
        # Permute a block matrices to obtain rotation along x-axis.
        print(get_mat('I', 'Oprpp', 'I'))

        e_lst = [1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8]
        i_lst = sage_Permutation(e_lst).inverse()

        A_str = 'E' + str(i_lst)
        B_str = 'Oprpp'
        C_str = 'E' + str(e_lst)
        tup = (A_str, B_str, C_str)

        mati = get_emat(A_str)
        mate = get_emat(C_str)

        assert mate * mati == sage_identity_matrix(9)

        out = get_mat(*tup)
        assert str(
        ) == '[(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, c0, -s0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, s0, c0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)]'
def get_rot_S3(rot):
    Constructs a rotation matrix for S^3.
    rot : list<int>
        List of 6 rotation angles. Each angle is an integer in [0,360].
        A 5x5 matrix that rotates the projective closure of S^3 in 
        projective 4-space along the angle parameters.         

    a12, a13, a23, a14, a24, a34 = rot

    M = sage_identity_matrix(5)
    M *= get_rot_mat(5, 1, 2, a12)
    M *= get_rot_mat(5, 1, 3, a13)
    M *= get_rot_mat(5, 2, 3, a23)
    M *= get_rot_mat(5, 1, 4, a14)
    M *= get_rot_mat(5, 2, 4, a24)
    M *= get_rot_mat(5, 3, 4, a34)

    return sage_matrix(M)
Exemple #4
    def test__imp_pmz(self):

        A = sage__eval(
            '[(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 119/169, -120/169, 0), (0, 0, 120/169, 119/169, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1)]'
        A = sage_matrix(A)
        B = sage_identity_matrix(5)

        baseA, baseB, pmzAB = get_pmz(A, B, 0)

        dct = get_imp(A, B, 0, False, False)
        key_lst = [
            'Agreat', 'Bgreat', 'eqn_x', 'eqn_str', 'eqn_xyz', 'sng_lst'
        Agreat, Bgreat, eqn_x, eqn_str, eqn_xyz, sng_lst = [
            dct[key] for key in key_lst

        x, y, z = sage_var('x,y,z')
        seqn = eqn_xyz.subs({
            x: pmzAB[0],
            y: pmzAB[1],
            z: pmzAB[2]

        assert seqn == 0
Exemple #5
def get_omat(o_str):
    o_str : string
        A string with format:
        where the *-symbol is a place holder for
        one of the following characters: r,s,m,p,a.  
        A 9x9 matrix over "OrbRing.num_field" of the shape     
            1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 
            0  *  *  0  0  0  0  0  0 
            0  *  *  0  0  0  0  0  0  
            0  0  0  *  *  0  0  0  0  
            0  0  0  *  *  0  0  0  0  
            0  0  0  0  0  *  *  0  0  
            0  0  0  0  0  *  *  0  0  
            0  0  0  0  0  0  0  *  *  
            0  0  0  0  0  0  0  *  *
        where each 2x2 matrix on the diagonal is of either 
        one of the following shapes:
            'r': c0 -s0    's': -c0  s0      
                 s0  c0         -s0 -c0

            'p': 1  0    'm': -1  0    'a': 1  0
                 0  1          0 -1         0 -1
    # parse input
    if o_str[0] != 'O' or len(o_str) != 5:
        raise ValueError('Incorrect input string: ', o_str)

    c0, s0 = OrbRing.coerce('c0,s0')

    br = [[c0, -s0], [s0, c0]]
    bs = [[-c0, s0], [-s0, -c0]]
    bp = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
    bm = [[-1, 0], [0, -1]]
    ba = [[1, 0], [0, -1]]
    b_dct = {'r': br, 's': bs, 'p': bp, 'm': bm, 'a': ba}

    bmat_lst = []
    for ch in o_str[1:]:
        bmat_lst += [b_dct.get(ch, 'error')]

    omat = sage_identity_matrix(OrbRing.R, 9)
    idx = 1
    for bmat in bmat_lst:
        omat.set_block(idx, idx, sage_matrix(OrbRing.R, bmat))
        idx = idx + 2

    return omat
Exemple #6
    def test__get_pmz(self):

        A = sage__eval(
            '[(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 119/169, -120/169, 0), (0, 0, 120/169, 119/169, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1)]'
        A = sage_matrix(A)
        B = sage_identity_matrix(5)

        baseA, baseB, pmzAB = get_pmz(A, B, 0)


        assert len(baseA) == 3
        assert len(baseB) == 3
        assert len(pmzAB) == 3
Exemple #7
    def test__get_rot_S3(self):

        a01, a02, a03, a12, a13, a23 = 6 * [0]
        a23 = 2
        c, s = get_cs(a23)

        out = get_rot_S3(a01, a02, a03, a12, a13, a23)
        print('out =')

        chk = sage_identity_matrix(sage_QQ, 5)
        chk[2, 2] = c
        chk[2, 3] = -s
        chk[3, 2] = s
        chk[3, 3] = c
        print('chk =')

        assert str(list(out)) == str(list(chk))
Exemple #8
    def test__get_imp(self):

        A = sage__eval(
            '[(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 119/169, -120/169, 0), (0, 0, 120/169, 119/169, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1)]'
        A = sage_matrix(A)
        B = sage_identity_matrix(5)

        dct = get_imp(A, B, 0, False, False)

        key_lst = [
            'Agreat', 'Bgreat', 'eqn_x', 'eqn_str', 'eqn_xyz', 'sng_lst'
        Agreat, Bgreat, eqn_x, eqn_str, eqn_xyz, sng_lst = [
            dct[key] for key in key_lst

        assert Agreat and Bgreat
        assert eqn_x.total_degree() == 4
        assert sng_lst == []
def blum_cyclide():
    Construct a povray image of 6 families of circles on a smooth Darboux cyclide.
    This surface is also known as the Blum cyclide.

    # construct dct
    a0 = PolyRing( 'x,y,v,w', True ).ext_num_field( 't^2 + 1' ).root_gens()[0]  # i

    bpt_1234 = BasePointTree( ['xv', 'xw', 'yv', 'yw'] )
    bpt_1234.add( 'xv', ( -1 * a0, 1 * a0 ), 1 )  # e1
    bpt_1234.add( 'xv', ( 1 * a0, -1 * a0 ), 1 )  # e2
    bpt_1234.add( 'xw', ( -2 * a0, 2 * a0 ), 1 )  # e3
    bpt_1234.add( 'xw', ( 2 * a0, -2 * a0 ), 1 )  # e4

    bpt_12 = BasePointTree( ['xv', 'xw', 'yv', 'yw'] )
    bpt_12.add( 'xv', ( -1 * a0, 1 * a0 ), 1 )  # e1
    bpt_12.add( 'xv', ( 1 * a0, -1 * a0 ), 1 )  # e2

    bpt_34 = BasePointTree( ['xv', 'xw', 'yv', 'yw'] )
    bpt_34.add( 'xw', ( -2 * a0, 2 * a0 ), 1 )  # e3
    bpt_34.add( 'xw', ( 2 * a0, -2 * a0 ), 1 )  # e4

    ls_22 = LinearSeries.get( [2, 2], bpt_1234 )  # |2(l1+l2)-e1-e2-e3-e4|
    ls_21 = LinearSeries.get( [2, 1], bpt_1234 )
    ls_12 = LinearSeries.get( [1, 2], bpt_1234 )
    ls_11a = LinearSeries.get( [1, 1], bpt_12 )
    ls_11b = LinearSeries.get( [1, 1], bpt_34 )

    OrbTools.p( 'linear series 22 =\n', ls_22 )
    OrbTools.p( 'linear series 21 =\n', ls_21 )
    OrbTools.p( 'linear series 12 =\n', ls_12 )
    OrbTools.p( 'linear series 11a =\n', ls_11a )
    OrbTools.p( 'linear series 11b =\n', ls_11b )

    sig = ( 4, 1 )
    pol_lst = ls_22.get_implicit_image()

    # determine signature
    x_lst = sage_PolynomialRing( sage_QQ, [ 'x' + str( i ) for i in range( sum( sig ) )] ).gens()
    for pol in pol_lst:

        if pol.degree() == 2:
            M = sage_invariant_theory.quadratic_form( pol, x_lst ).as_QuadraticForm().matrix()
            D, V = sage_matrix( sage_QQ, M ).eigenmatrix_right()  # D has first all negative values on diagonal
            cur_sig = ( len( [ d for d in D.diagonal() if d < 0 ] ), len( [ d for d in D.diagonal() if d > 0 ] ) )
            cur_sig = '[no signature]'
        OrbTools.p( '\t\t', pol, cur_sig )

    # obtain surface in sphere
    coef_lst = [0, -1, -1]
    dct = get_surf( ls_22, sig, coef_lst )

    # construct projection matrix P
    U, J = dct['UJ']
    U.swap_rows( 0, 4 )
    J.swap_columns( 0, 4 )
    J.swap_rows( 0, 4 )
    assert dct['M'] == approx_QQ( U.T * J * U )
    approxU = approx_QQ( U )
    P = sage_identity_matrix( 5 ).submatrix( 0, 0, 4, 5 )
    P[0, 4] = -1;
    P = P * approxU
    OrbTools.p( ' approx_QQ( U ) =', list( approx_QQ( U ) ) )
    OrbTools.p( ' approx_QQ( J ) =', list( approx_QQ( J ) ) )
    OrbTools.p( ' P              =', list( P ) )

    # call get_proj
    f_xyz, pmz_AB_lst = get_proj( dct['imp_lst'], dct['pmz_lst'], P )
    f_xyz_deg_lst = [f_xyz.degree( sage_var( v ) ) for v in ['x', 'y', 'z']]

    # compute reparametrization
    ring = PolyRing( 'x,y,v,w,c0,s0,c1,s1' )  # construct polynomial ring with new generators
    p_lst = ring.coerce( ls_22.pol_lst )
    x, y, v, w, c0, s0, c1, s1 = ring.gens()
    X = 1 - s0; Y = c0;  # see get_S1xS1_pmz()
    V = 1 - s1; W = c1;
    CB_dct = { x:X, y:Y, v:X * W + Y * V, w: X * V - Y * W }
    DB_dct = { x:X, y:Y, v:4 * X * W - Y * V, w: X * V + Y * W }
    EB_dct = { x:X, y:Y, v:40 * W * X ** 2 + 25 * W * Y ** 2 + 24 * V * X * Y, w:40 * V * X ** 2 + 16 * V * Y ** 2 - 15 * W * X * Y  }
    AF_dct = { x:-10 * Y * V ** 2 - 25 * Y * W ** 2 + 9 * X * V * W, y:15 * X * V ** 2 + 24 * X * W ** 2 - 15 * Y * V * W, v:V, w:W  }
    pmz_CB_lst = list( P * sage_vector( [ p.subs( CB_dct ) for p in p_lst] ) )
    pmz_DB_lst = list( P * sage_vector( [ p.subs( DB_dct ) for p in p_lst] ) )
    pmz_EB_lst = list( P * sage_vector( [ p.subs( EB_dct ) for p in p_lst] ) )
    pmz_AF_lst = list( P * sage_vector( [ p.subs( AF_dct ) for p in p_lst] ) )

    # output
    OrbTools.p( 'f_xyz =', f_xyz_deg_lst, '\n', f_xyz )
    OrbTools.p( 'pmz_AB_lst =\n', pmz_AB_lst )
    OrbTools.p( 'pmz_CB_lst =\n', pmz_CB_lst )
    OrbTools.p( 'pmz_DB_lst =\n', pmz_DB_lst )
    OrbTools.p( 'pmz_EB_lst =\n', pmz_EB_lst )
    OrbTools.p( 'pmz_AF_lst =\n', pmz_AF_lst )

    # mathematica
    pmz_lst = [ ( pmz_AB_lst, 'AB' ),
                ( pmz_CB_lst, 'CB' ),
                ( pmz_DB_lst, 'DB' ),
                ( pmz_EB_lst, 'EB' ),
                ( pmz_AF_lst, 'AF' )]

    OrbTools.p( 'Mathematica input for ParametricPlot3D:' )
    for pmz, AB in pmz_lst:
        s = 'pmz' + AB + '=' + str( pmz )
        s = s.replace( '[', '{' ).replace( ']', '}' )
        print( s )

    # PovInput for Blum cyclide
    pin = PovInput()
    pin.path = './' + get_time_str() + '_blum_cyclide/'
    pin.fname = 'orb'
    pin.scale = 1
    pin.cam_dct['location'] = ( 0, -7, 0 )
    pin.cam_dct['lookat'] = ( 0, 0, 0 )
    pin.cam_dct['rotate'] = ( 20, 180, 20 )
    pin.shadow = True
    pin.light_lst = [( 0, 0, -5 ), ( 0, -5, 0 ), ( -5, 0, 0 ),
                     ( 0, 0, 5 ), ( 0, 5, 0 ), ( 5, 0, 0 ),
                     ( -5, -5, -5 ), ( 5, -5, 5 ), ( -5, -5, 5 ), ( 5, -5, -5 ) ]
    pin.axes_dct['show'] = False
    pin.axes_dct['len'] = 1.2
    pin.height = 400
    pin.width = 800
    pin.quality = 11
    pin.ani_delay = 10
    pin.impl = None

    start0 = sage_QQ( 1 ) / 10  # step0=10 step1=15
    v0_lst = [ start0 + ( sage_QQ( i ) / 180 ) * sage_pi for i in range( 0, 360, 10 )]
    v1_lst = [ ( sage_QQ( i ) / 180 ) * sage_pi for i in range( 0, 360, 15 )]
    v1_lst_F = [ start0 + ( sage_QQ( i ) / 360 ) * sage_pi for i in range( 0, 720, 1 )]

    v1_lst_WE = [1.8, 2.3, 2.7, 3.1, 3.5, 3.8, 4.134, 4.31, 4.532, 4.7, 4.9, 5.08, 5.25, 5.405, 5.553, 5.7, 5.84]
    v1_lst_WF = [1.69, 1.87, 2.07, 2.26, 2.5, 2.72, 2.96, 3.2, 3.42, 3.65, 3.81]
    v1_lst_WD = [ 5.44, 5.56, 5.68, 5.81, 5.95, 6.1, 6.27, 6.474]  # [5.01, 5.12, 5.22, 5.32,

    v1_lst_SA = [6.5]; v1_lst_SE = [5.4];
    v1_lst_SB = [5.95]; v1_lst_SF = [2.28];
    v1_lst_SC = [4.83]; v1_lst_SD = [5.55];

    pin.pmz_dct['A'] = ( pmz_AB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['B'] = ( pmz_AB_lst, 1 )
    pin.pmz_dct['C'] = ( pmz_CB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['D'] = ( pmz_DB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['E'] = ( pmz_EB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['F'] = ( pmz_AF_lst, 1 )
    pin.pmz_dct['WD'] = ( pmz_DB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['WE'] = ( pmz_EB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['WF'] = ( pmz_AF_lst, 1 )
    pin.pmz_dct['SA'] = ( pmz_AB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['SB'] = ( pmz_AB_lst, 1 )
    pin.pmz_dct['SC'] = ( pmz_CB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['SD'] = ( pmz_DB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['SE'] = ( pmz_EB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['SF'] = ( pmz_AF_lst, 1 )
    pin.pmz_dct['FA'] = ( pmz_AB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['FB'] = ( pmz_AB_lst, 1 )
    pin.pmz_dct['FC'] = ( pmz_CB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['FD'] = ( pmz_DB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['FE'] = ( pmz_EB_lst, 0 )
    pin.pmz_dct['FF'] = ( pmz_AF_lst, 1 )

    pin.curve_dct['A'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['B'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['C'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['D'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['E'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['F'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}

    pin.curve_dct['WD'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_WD, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['WE'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_WE, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['WF'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_WF, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}

    pin.curve_dct['SA'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_SA, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['SB'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_SB, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['SC'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_SC, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['SD'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_SD, 'prec':10, 'width':0.06}
    pin.curve_dct['SE'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_SE, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}
    pin.curve_dct['SF'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_SF, 'prec':10, 'width':0.05}

    pin.curve_dct['FA'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_F, 'prec':10, 'width':0.01}
    pin.curve_dct['FB'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_F, 'prec':10, 'width':0.01}
    pin.curve_dct['FC'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_F, 'prec':10, 'width':0.01}
    pin.curve_dct['FD'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_F, 'prec':10, 'width':0.01}
    pin.curve_dct['FE'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_F, 'prec':10, 'width':0.01}
    pin.curve_dct['FF'] = {'step0':v0_lst, 'step1':v1_lst_F, 'prec':10, 'width':0.01}

    col_A = rgbt2pov( ( 28, 125, 154, 0 ) )  # blue
    col_B = rgbt2pov( ( 74, 33, 0, 0 ) )  # brown
    col_C = rgbt2pov( ( 75, 102, 0, 0 ) )  # green
    col_E = col_A
    col_F = col_B
    col_D = col_C
    colFF = rgbt2pov( ( 179, 200, 217, 0 ) )  # light blue

    pin.text_dct['A'] = [True, col_A, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['B'] = [True, col_B, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['C'] = [True, col_C, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['E'] = [True, col_E, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['F'] = [True, col_F, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['D'] = [True, col_D, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['WE'] = [True, col_E, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['WF'] = [True, col_F, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['WD'] = [True, col_D, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['SA'] = [True, col_A, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['SB'] = [True, col_B, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['SC'] = [True, col_C, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['SE'] = [True, col_E, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['SF'] = [True, col_F, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['SD'] = [True, col_D, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['FA'] = [True, colFF, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['FB'] = [True, colFF, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['FC'] = [True, colFF, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['FE'] = [True, colFF, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['FF'] = [True, colFF, 'phong 0.2' ]
    pin.text_dct['FD'] = [True, colFF, 'phong 0.2' ]

    # raytrace image/animation
    F_lst = ['FA', 'FB', 'FC']
    S_lst = ['SA', 'SB', 'SC', 'SD', 'SE', 'SF']
    create_pov( pin, ['A', 'B', 'C'] )
    create_pov( pin, ['A', 'B', 'C'] + F_lst )
    create_pov( pin, ['WD', 'WE', 'WF'] )
    create_pov( pin, ['WD', 'WE', 'WF'] + F_lst )
    create_pov( pin, S_lst + F_lst )

    # ABC - EFD
    create_pov( pin, ['A', 'B'] + F_lst )
    create_pov( pin, ['E', 'F'] + F_lst )
Exemple #10
def get_mat(A_str, B_str, C_str):
    A_str : string 
        A string of either one of the following forms:                            
            'M<list of a 9x9 matrix>'
            *-symbol is a place holder for one of the following characters: 
            #-symbol denotes an element of "OrbRing.num_field".                     
            %-symbol denotes an integer in [0,360].
            $-symbol denotes an integer in [1,8] such that each
              integer occurs only once. For example 'E[2,1,3,4,5,6,7,8]'
              is correct, but 'E[1,1,3,4,5,6,7,8]' is incorrect.
    B_str : string 
        Same specs as "A_str".
    C_str : string        
       Same specs as "A_str".  
        Let matrix A over QQ[c0,s0,c1,s1] be defined as follows,
        where we make a case distinction on "A_str":
             "A_str[0] == 'O' " : "A = get_omat( A_str )".
             "A_str[0] == 'T' " : "A = get_tmat( A_str )".
             "A_str[0] == 'E' " : "A = get_emat( A_str )".
             "A_str[0] == 'X' " : "A = get_xmat( A_str )".  
             "A_str    == 'tT'" : "A = get_tmat('tT')".
             "A_str[0] == 'R' " : "A = get_rmat( A_str )".
             "A_str    == 'I' " : "A = sage_identity_matrix(9,9)".      
             "A_str    == 'P1'" : "A = get_pmat( True )".
             "A_str    == 'P0'" : "A = get_pmat( False )".
             "A_str[0] == 'M' " : "A = sage_matrix(<list of a matrix>)".
          Similarly, we obtain matrices B and C.          
          We return the matrix A*B*C.

    M_lst = []
    for M_str in [A_str, B_str, C_str]:

        if M_str[0] == 'O': M_lst += [get_omat(M_str)]
        elif M_str[0] == 'T': M_lst += [get_tmat(M_str)]
        elif M_str[0] == 'E': M_lst += [get_emat(M_str)]
        elif M_str[0] == 'X': M_lst += [get_xmat(M_str)]
        elif M_str == 'tT': M_lst += [get_tmat('tT')]
        elif M_str[0] == 'R': M_lst += [get_rmat(M_str)]
        elif M_str == 'I':
            M_lst += [sage_identity_matrix(OrbRing.num_field, 9, 9)]
        elif M_str == 'P1':
            M_lst += [get_pmat(True)]
        elif M_str == 'P0':
            M_lst += [get_pmat(False)]
        elif M_str[0] == 'M':
            mat_lst = OrbRing.coerce(M_str[1:])
            M_lst += [sage_matrix(mat_lst)]

    return M_lst[0] * M_lst[1] * M_lst[2]
Exemple #11
def get_tmat(t_str=None):
    t_str : string 
        A String with either one of the following 3 formats:
            * A string with format:
              where # are in "OrbRing.num_field".
            * 'tT'.
            * "None".
        A 9x9 matrix defined over "OrbRing.num_field" representing an 
        Euclidean translation of S^7. This map is obtained as the composition 
        of a stereographic projection with center 
        an Euclidean translation in R^7, and the inverse stereographic projection.
        If "t_str==None", then the entries of the translation matrix are indeterminates  
        t1,...,t7 in "OrbRing.R".          
        If "t_str=='tT'", then the indeterminates are set to [c0,s0,0,0,0,0,0]. 
        Thus the translations along a circle.

    t = OrbRing.coerce('[t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]')

    # construct a translation matrix with undetermined
    # translations in t1,...,t7
    a = (sage_QQ(1) / 2) * sum([ti**2 for ti in t])
    mat = []
    mat += [[1 + a] + list(t) + [-a]]
    for i in range(0, 7):
        mat += [[t[i]] + sage_identity_matrix(OrbRing.R, 7).row(i).list() +
    mat += [[a] + list(t) + [1 - a]]

    if t_str == None:
        # return matrix with indeterminates
        return sage_matrix(OrbRing.R, mat)

    elif t_str == 'tT':
        # translations along a circle
        c0, s0 = OrbRing.coerce('c0,s0')
        q = [c0, s0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        # Substitute coordinates [#,#,#,#,#,#,#]
        # for the t0,...,t7 variables.
        q = sage__eval(t_str[1:])
        if len(q) != 7:
            raise ValueError('Expect 7 translation coordinates: ', t_str)

    # substitute q for t
    smat = []
    for row in mat:
        srow = []
        for col in row:
            srow += [col.subs({t[i]: q[i] for i in range(7)})]
        smat += [srow]

    if t_str == 'tT':
        return sage_matrix(OrbRing.R, smat)
        return sage_matrix(OrbRing.num_field, smat)