Exemple #1
def resolve(step_uuid: str, consumer: str = None) -> Tuple[Any]:
    """Resolves the most recently used tranfer method of the given step.

    Additionally, resolves all the ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` the
    receiving transfer method has to be called with.

        step_uuid: UUID of the step to resolve its most recent write.
        consumer: The consumer of the output data. This is put inside
            the metadata of an empty object to trigger a notification in
            the plasma store, which is then used to manage eviction of

        Tuple containing the information of the function to be called
        to get the most recent data from the step. Additionally, returns
        fill-in arguments for the function.

        OutputNotFoundError: If no output can be found of the given
            `step_uuid`. Either no output was generated or the in-memory
            object store died (and therefore lost all its data).
    # TODO: not completely sure whether this global approach is prefered
    #       over difining that same list inside this function. Arguably
    #       defining it outside the function allows for easier
    #       extendability.
    global _resolve_methods

    method_infos = []
    for method in _resolve_methods:
            if method.__name__ == "resolve_memory":
                method_info = method(step_uuid, consumer=consumer)
                method_info = method(step_uuid)

        except OutputNotFoundError:
            # We know now that the user did not use this method to output
            # thus we can just skip it and continue.
        except OrchestNetworkError:
            # If no in-memory store is running, then getting the data
            # from memory obviously will not work.

    # If no info could be collected, then the previous step has not yet
    # been executed.
    if not method_infos:
        raise OutputNotFoundError(
            f'Output from incoming step "{step_uuid}" cannot be found. '
            "Try rerunning it.")

    # Get the method that was most recently used based on its logged
    # timestamp.
    # NOTE: if multiple methods have the same timestamp then the method
    # that is highest in the `_resolve_methods` list will be returned.
    # Since `max` returns the first occurrence of the maximum value.
    most_recent = max(method_infos, key=lambda x: x["timestamp"])
    return (
Exemple #2
def get_inputs(ignore_failure: bool = False,
               verbose: bool = False) -> List[Any]:
    """Gets all data sent from incoming steps.

        ignore_failure: If True then the returned result can have
            ``None`` values if the data of a step could not be
            retrieved. If False, then this function will fail if any of
            the incoming steps's data could not be retrieved. Example:
            ``[None, 'Hello World!']`` vs :exc:`OutputNotFoundError`
        verbose: If True print all the steps from which the current step
            has retrieved data.

        List of all the data in the specified order from the front-end.


        StepUUIDResolveError: The step's UUID cannot be resolved and
            thus it cannot determine what inputs to get.

        >>> # It does not matter how the data was output in steps 1 and 2.
        >>> # It is resolved automatically by the get_inputs method.
        >>> data_step_1, data_step_2 = get_inputs()

        Only call :meth:`get_inputs` once! When auto eviction is
        configured data might no longer be available. Either cache the
        data or maintain a copy yourself.

    with open(Config.PIPELINE_DESCRIPTION_PATH, "r") as f:
        pipeline_description = json.load(f)

    pipeline = Pipeline.from_json(pipeline_description)
        step_uuid = get_step_uuid(pipeline)
    except StepUUIDResolveError:
        raise StepUUIDResolveError(
            "Failed to determine from where to get data.")

    # TODO: maybe instead of for loop we could first get the receive
    #       method and then do batch receive. For example memory allows
    #       to do get_buffers which operates in batch.
    # NOTE: the order in which the `parents` list is traversed is
    # indirectly set in the UI. The order is important since it
    # determines the order in which the inputs are received in the next
    # step.
    data = []
    for parent in pipeline.get_step_by_uuid(step_uuid).parents:
        parent_uuid = parent.properties["uuid"]
        get_output_method, args, kwargs = resolve(parent_uuid,

        # Either raise an error on failure of getting output or
        # continue with other steps.
            incoming_step_data = get_output_method(*args, **kwargs)
        except OutputNotFoundError as e:
            if not ignore_failure:
                raise OutputNotFoundError(e)

            incoming_step_data = None

        if verbose:
            parent_title = parent.properties["title"]
            if incoming_step_data is None:
                print(f'Failed to retrieve input from step: "{parent_title}"')
                print(f'Retrieved input from step: "{parent_title}"')


    return data
Exemple #3
def get_inputs(ignore_failure: bool = False,
               verbose: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Gets all data sent from incoming steps.

        ignore_failure: If True then the returned result can have
            ``None`` values if the data of a step could not be
            retrieved. If False, then this function will fail if any of
            the incoming steps's data could not be retrieved. Example:
            ``[None, "Hello World!"]`` vs :exc:`OutputNotFoundError`
        verbose: If True print all the steps from which the current step
            has retrieved data.

        Dictionary with input data for this step. We differentiate
        between two cases:

        * Named data, which is data that was outputted with a `name` by
          any parent step. Named data can be retrieved through the
          dictionary by its name, e.g. ``data = get_inputs()["my_name"]``.
          Name collisions will raise an :exc:`InputNameCollisionError`.
        * Unnamed data, which is an ordered list containing all the
          data that was outputted without a name by the parent steps.
          Unnamed data can be retrieved by accessing the reserved
          ``"unnamed"`` key. The order of this list depends on the order
          of the parent steps of the node, which is visible through the


            # It does not matter how the data was output by parent steps.
            # It is resolved automatically by the get_inputs method.
                "unnamed" : ["Hello World!", (3, 4)],
                "named_1" : "mystring",
                "named_2" : [1, 2, 3]

        InputNameCollisionError: Multiple steps have outputted data with
            the same name.
        OutputNotFoundError: If no output can be found of the given
            `step_uuid`. Either no output was generated or the in-memory
            object store died (and therefore lost all its data).
        StepUUIDResolveError: The step's UUID cannot be resolved and
            thus it cannot determine what inputs to get.

        Only call :meth:`get_inputs` once! When auto eviction is
        configured data might no longer be available. Either cache the
        data or maintain a copy yourself.

    with open(Config.PIPELINE_DEFINITION_PATH, "r") as f:
        pipeline_definition = json.load(f)

    pipeline = Pipeline.from_json(pipeline_definition)
        step_uuid = get_step_uuid(pipeline)
    except StepUUIDResolveError:
        raise StepUUIDResolveError(
            "Failed to determine from where to get data.")

    collisions_dict = defaultdict(list)
    get_output_methods = []

    # Check for collisions before retrieving any data.
    for parent in pipeline.get_step_by_uuid(step_uuid).parents:

        # For each parent get what function to use to retrieve its
        # output data and metadata related to said data.
        parent_uuid = parent.properties["uuid"]
        get_output_method, args, kwargs, metadata = _resolve(
            parent_uuid, consumer=step_uuid)

        # Maintain the output methods in order, but wait with calling
        # them so that we can first check for collisions.
            (parent, get_output_method, args, kwargs, metadata))

        if metadata["name"] != Config._RESERVED_UNNAMED_OUTPUTS_STR:

    # If there are collisions raise an error.
    collisions_dict = {k: v for k, v in collisions_dict.items() if len(v) > 1}
    if collisions_dict:
        msg = [
            f"\n{name}: {sorted(step_names)}"
            for name, step_names in collisions_dict.items()
        msg = "".join(msg)
        raise InputNameCollisionError(
            f"Name collisions between input data coming from different steps: {msg}"

    # TODO: maybe instead of for loop we could first get the receive
    #       method and then do batch receive. For example memory allows
    #       to do get_buffers which operates in batch.
    # NOTE: the order in which the `parents` list is traversed is
    # indirectly set in the UI. The order is important since it
    # determines the order in which unnamed inputs are received in
    # the next step.
    data = {Config._RESERVED_UNNAMED_OUTPUTS_STR: []}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    for parent, get_output_method, args, kwargs, metadata in get_output_methods:

        # Either raise an error on failure of getting output or
        # continue with other steps.
            incoming_step_data = get_output_method(*args, **kwargs)
        except OutputNotFoundError as e:
            if not ignore_failure:
                raise OutputNotFoundError(e)

            incoming_step_data = None

        if verbose:
            parent_title = parent.properties["title"]
            if incoming_step_data is None:
                print(f'Failed to retrieve input from step: "{parent_title}"')
                print(f'Retrieved input from step: "{parent_title}"')

        # Populate the return dictionary, where nameless data gets
        # appended to a list and named data becomes a (name, data) pair.
        name = metadata["name"]
        if name == Config._RESERVED_UNNAMED_OUTPUTS_STR:
            data[name] = incoming_step_data

    return data