Exemple #1
orchestrator.processor.base_processor -- shortdesc

orchestrator.processor.base_processor is the base of all processors

It defines method mandatory for a processor

from orchestrator.common.logger.maja_logging import configure_logger
from orchestrator.cots.otb.otb_app_handler import OtbAppHandler
from orchestrator.common.xml_tools import *
from orchestrator.modules.maja_module import MajaModule
from orchestrator.common.maja_exceptions import *
import os

LOGGER = configure_logger(__name__)

class MajaDTMProcessing(MajaModule):

    NAME = "DTMProcessing"

    def __init__(self):
        super(MajaDTMProcessing, self).__init__()
        self._solar_app = None

orchestrator.algorithms.geometric_flags.geometric_flags -- shortdesc

orchestrator.algorithms.geometric_flags.geometric_flags is a description

It defines classes_and_methods


from math import pi, acos, sin, cos

from orchestrator.common.logger import maja_logging
LOGGER = maja_logging.configure_logger(__name__)

class GeometricFlagsGenerator(object):
    This class provides two flags:

    - a sunglint flag which is raised if the geometry is close to the sunglint direction.
    Indeed, above water surfaces, near sun glint direction, reflectances are very dependent on
    wind speed and viewing and solar angles.
    - a hot-spot flag which is raised if the geometry is close to the hot-spot direction.
    Indeed, above land surfaces, near the backscattering direction, quick variation of
    reflectances happen.
    def __init__(self, theta_s, theta_v, phi_s, phi_v, sunglint_threshold,