Exemple #1
def on_break_block(event):
    if not event.isCancelled():
        player = event.getPlayer()
        block  = event.getBlock()
        for th in tilehelpers:
            area = th.get("area")
            if th.get("owner") == uid(player) and str(block.getWorld().getUID()) == th.get("world") and block.getX() in range(area[0][0], area[0][1]+1) and block.getY() in range(area[1][0], area[1][1]+1) and block.getZ() in range(area[2][0], area[2][1]+1):

                # stack block in directions
                for direction in th.get("directions"):
                    directions = dirmap[direction]
                    size       = [
                        1 + abs(area[0][1] - area[0][0]),
                        1 + abs(area[1][1] - area[1][0]),
                        1 + abs(area[2][1] - area[2][0])

                    newblock = block.getWorld().getBlockAt(
                        block.getX() + size[0] * directions[0],
                        block.getY() + size[1] * directions[1],
                        block.getZ() + size[2] * directions[2]

                    event = BlockBreakEvent(newblock, player)
                    if not event.isCancelled():
Exemple #2
def on_block_break(event):
    global removing_input

    if removing_input:
    sender = event.getPlayer()
    block  = event.getBlock()
    btype  = str(block.getType()).lower()
    if str(block.getType()) in accepted_inputs and not event.isCancelled():
        pos_str = location_str(block)
        if inputs.get(pos_str):
            if sender.isSneaking():
                # test if player is allowed to build here
                removing_input = True
                test_event     = BlockBreakEvent(block, sender)
                removing_input = False
                if test_event.isCancelled():
                    msg(sender, "&cYou are not allowed to remove this %s" % btype)
                    return True
                inputs.pop(pos_str) # remove
                msg(sender, "&eSuccessfully removed this %s!" % btype)
                return True
            elif not changing_input:
                msg(sender, "&cYou cannot destroy this %s!" % btype)
                msg(sender, "&c&nSneak&c and break if you want to remove it.")
                return True
Exemple #3
def can_build(player, block):
    return True if the player can change/build at the location of given block
    event = BlockBreakEvent(block, player)
    return not event.isCancelled()
Exemple #4
def can_build(player, block):
    return True if the player can change/build at the location of given block
    event = BlockBreakEvent(block, player)
    return not event.isCancelled()
Exemple #5
def on_interact(event):
    player = event.getPlayer()
    if (isEnabled("cauldron", uid(player))
            and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.cauldron")
            and is_creative(player)
            and event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK and
        (not event.hasItem() or event.getItem().getType() == Material.REDSTONE)
            and event.getClickedBlock().getType() == Material.CAULDRON):
        block = event.getClickedBlock()
        event2 = BlockBreakEvent(block, player)
        if not event2.isCancelled():
            block.setData(block.getData() - 1 if block.getData() > 0 else 3)
def on_interact(event):
    player = event.getPlayer()
    if (isEnabled("cauldron", uid(player))
        and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.cauldron")
        and is_creative(player)
        and event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK
        and (not event.hasItem() or event.getItem().getType() == Material.REDSTONE)
        and event.getClickedBlock().getType() == Material.CAULDRON
        block = event.getClickedBlock()
        event2 = BlockBreakEvent(block, player)
        if not event2.isCancelled():
            block.setData(block.getData() - 1 if block.getData() > 0 else 3)
Exemple #7
def on_dammnspam_command(sender, command, label, args):
    global changing_input

    plugin_header(sender, "DamnSpam")
    if not checkargs(sender, args, 1, 2):
        msg(sender, "&c/damnspam <seconds> &e(Buttons/Levers)")
        msg(sender, "&c/damnspam <seconds after off> <seconds after on> &e(Levers only)")
        return True
        if not is_creative(sender):
            msg(sender, "&cYou can only do this in Creative mode.")
            return True

    # /damnspam <secs>
    if len(args) == 1:
        timeout_on = args[0]
            timeout_on  = round(float(timeout_on), 2)
            timeout_off = timeout_on
            if 60 >= timeout_on <= -2 or timeout_on == 0:
                timeout_on = False
            if timeout_on == False:
                msg(sender, "&cThe timeout must be within 0-60 or -1.")
                return True
        except ValueError:
            msg(sender, "&cThe timeout must be a number")
            return True

    # /damnspam <off> <on>
    elif len(args) == 2:
        timeout_on  = args[0]
        timeout_off = args[1]
            timeout_on  = round(float(timeout_on), 2)
            timeout_off = round(float(timeout_off), 2)
            if 60 >= timeout_on <= -2 or timeout_on == 0:
                timeout_on = False
            if 60 >= timeout_off <= -2 or timeout_off == 0:
                timeout_off = False
            if timeout_on == False or timeout_off == False:
                msg(sender, "&cThe timeout must be within 0-60 or -1.")
                return True
        except ValueError:
            msg(sender, "&cThe timeout must be a number")
            return True

    # get the block we're looking at
    target = sender.getTargetBlock(None, 10)
    ttype  = str(target.getType())
    if ttype not in accepted_inputs:
        msg(sender, "&cPlease look at a button or lever while executing this command!")
        return True

    if location_str(target) in inputs:
        changing_input = True # this input already has a timeout
    # test if player is allowed to build here
    test_event = BlockBreakEvent(target, sender)
    changing_input = False
    if test_event.isCancelled():
        msg(sender, "&cYou are not allowed to modify this %s" % str(target.getType()).lower())
        return True

    # add block to inputs
    add_input(sender, target, timeout_off, timeout_on)
    msg(sender, "&aSuccessfully set a timeout for this %s." % ttype.lower().replace("_", " "))
    return True