def authenticateFido2(self, userId, requestParameters):

        if REMOTE_DEBUG:

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        session = identity.getSessionId()

        tokenResponse = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
        print("%s. Authenticate. Got fido2 authentication response: %s" %
              (, tokenResponse))
        metaDataConfiguration = self.getFidoMetaDataConfiguration()
        assertionService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance(
        assertionStatus = assertionService.verify(tokenResponse)
        authenticationStatusEntity = assertionStatus.readEntity(

        if assertionStatus.getStatus() != Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode():
                "%s. Authenticate. Got invalid authentication status from Fido2 server"
            return False

        return authenticationService.authenticate(
Exemple #2
 def getUserValueFromAuth(self, remote_attr, requestParameters):
         toBeFeatched = "loginForm:" + remote_attr
         return ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, toBeFeatched)
     except Exception, err:
         print("Registration: Exception inside getUserValueFromAuth " +
Exemple #3
    def authenticateRecoveryCode(self,requestParameters, username, identity):
        # Inject dependencies
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationProtectionService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationProtectionService)
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
        languageBean = CdiUtil.bean(LanguageBean)

        if (authenticationProtectionService.isEnabled()):

        recoveryCode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "Recover:recoveryCode")

        user = userService.getUser(username, "secretAnswer")
        secretAnswers = userService.getCustomAttribute(user, "secretAnswer")

        if (secretAnswers is not None):
            for secretAnswer in secretAnswers.getValues():
                code = self.decryptAES(self.aesKey, secretAnswer)
                if (StringHelper.equals(code, recoveryCode)):
                    if (authenticationProtectionService.isEnabled()):
                        authenticationProtectionService.storeAttempt(username, True)
                    return True

        if (authenticationProtectionService.isEnabled()):
            authenticationProtectionService.storeAttempt(username, False)

        facesMessages.add( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, languageBean.getMessage("mfa.invalidRecoveryCode"))
        return False
Exemple #4
    def authenticate(self, configuration_attributes, request_parameters, step):
        print "ThumbSignIn. Inside authenticate. Step %d" % step
        authentication_service = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        identity.setWorkingParameter("ts_host", ts_host)
        identity.setWorkingParameter("ts_statusPath", ts_statusPath)

        if step == 1 or step == 3:
            print "ThumbSignIn. Authenticate for Step %d" % step

            login_flow = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(request_parameters,
            print "ThumbSignIn. Value of login_flow parameter is %s" % login_flow

            # Logic for ThumbSignIn Authentication Flow (Either step 1 or step 3)
                identity.setWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW, login_flow)
                print "ThumbSignIn. Value of userLoginFlow is %s" % identity.getWorkingParameter(
                logged_in_status = authentication_service.authenticate(
                print "ThumbSignIn. logged_in status : %r" % logged_in_status
                return logged_in_status

            # Logic for traditional login flow (step 1)
            print "ThumbSignIn. User credentials login flow"
            print "ThumbSignIn. Value of userLoginFlow is %s" % identity.getWorkingParameter(
            logged_in = self.authenticate_user_credentials(
                identity, authentication_service)
            print "ThumbSignIn. Status of User Credentials based Authentication : %r" % logged_in

            # When the traditional login fails, reinitialize the ThumbSignIn data before sending error response to UI
            if not logged_in:
                self.initialize_thumbsignin(identity, AUTHENTICATE)
                return False

            print "ThumbSignIn. Authenticate successful for step %d" % step
            return True

        elif step == 2:
            print "ThumbSignIn. Registration flow (step 2)"

            user = self.get_authenticated_user_from_gluu(
            if user is None:
                print "ThumbSignIn. Registration flow (step 2). Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            user_name = user.getUserId()
            print "ThumbSignIn. Registration flow (step 2) successful. user_name: %s" % user_name
            return True

            return False
Exemple #5
    def getCodeFromRequest(self, requestParameters):
        print "MFA Recovery. getCodeFromRequest called"
            toBeFetched1 = "loginForm:recoveryCode1"
            toBeFetched2 = "loginForm:recoveryCode2"
            toBeFetched3 = "loginForm:recoveryCode3"
            code1 = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, toBeFetched1)
            code2 = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, toBeFetched2)
            code3 = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, toBeFetched3)

            print "MFA Recovery. getCodeFromRequest: fetched loginForm:recoveryCode(s) '%s-%s-%s'" % (
                code1, code2, code3)
            if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(code1) and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(
                    code2) and StringHelper.isNotEmpty(code3):
                code = "%s-%s-%s" % (code1, code2, code3)
                return code
            return Null
        except Exception, err:
            print("MFA Recovery. getCodeFromRequest Exception: " + str(err))
Exemple #6
    def parsePlatformData(self, requestParameters):
            #Find device info passed in HTTP request params (see index.xhtml)
            platform = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:platform")
            deviceInf = json.loads(platform)
            print "Casa. parsePlatformData. Error parsing platform data"
            deviceInf = None

        return deviceInf
    def parsePlatformData(self, requestParameters):
            #Find device info passed in HTTP request params (see index.xhtml)
            platform = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:platform")
            deviceInf = json.loads(platform)
            print "Casa. parsePlatformData. Error parsing platform data"
            deviceInf = None

        return deviceInf
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "MFA Chooser. authenticate called for step '%s'" % step

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        # What option did they choose?
        choice = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
        print "MFA Chooser. Authenticate: %s selected." % choice
        identity.setWorkingParameter("authenticatorType", choice)

        return False
    def get_user_id_from_thumbsignin(self, request_parameters):
        transaction_id = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(request_parameters, TRANSACTION_ID)
        print "ThumbSignIn. Value of transaction_id is %s" % transaction_id
        get_user_request = "getUser/" + transaction_id
        print "ThumbSignIn. Value of get_user_request is %s" % get_user_request

        get_user_response = self.thumbsigninApiController.handleThumbSigninRequest(get_user_request, ts_api_key, ts_api_secret)
        print "ThumbSignIn. Value of get_user_response is %s" % get_user_response
        get_user_response_json = JSONObject(get_user_response)
        thumbsignin_user_id = get_user_response_json.get(USER_ID)
        print "ThumbSignIn. Value of thumbsignin_user_id is %s" % thumbsignin_user_id
        return thumbsignin_user_id
    def getNextStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        print "Casa. getNextStep called %s" % str(step)
        if step > 1:
            acr = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "alternativeMethod")
            if acr != None:
                print "Casa. getNextStep. Use alternative method %s" % acr
                CdiUtil.bean(Identity).setWorkingParameter("ACR", acr)
                #retry step with different acr
                return 2

        return -1
Exemple #11
    def get_user_id_from_thumbsignin(self, request_parameters):
        transaction_id = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(request_parameters, TRANSACTION_ID)
        print "ThumbSignIn. Value of transaction_id is %s" % transaction_id
        get_user_request = "getUser/" + transaction_id
        print "ThumbSignIn. Value of get_user_request is %s" % get_user_request

        get_user_response = self.thumbsigninApiController.handleThumbSigninRequest(get_user_request, ts_api_key, ts_api_secret)
        print "ThumbSignIn. Value of get_user_response is %s" % get_user_response
        get_user_response_json = JSONObject(get_user_response)
        thumbsignin_user_id = get_user_response_json.get(USER_ID)
        print "ThumbSignIn. Value of thumbsignin_user_id is %s" % thumbsignin_user_id
        return thumbsignin_user_id
Exemple #12
    def getNextStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        print "Casa. getNextStep called %s" % str(step)
        if step > 1:
            acr = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "alternativeMethod")
            if acr != None:
                print "Casa. getNextStep. Use alternative method %s" % acr
                CdiUtil.bean(Identity).setWorkingParameter("ACR", acr)
                #retry step with different acr
                return 2

        return -1
    def authenticate(self, configuration_attributes, request_parameters, step):
        print "ThumbSignIn. Inside authenticate. Step %d" % step
        authentication_service = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        identity.setWorkingParameter("ts_host", ts_host)
        identity.setWorkingParameter("ts_statusPath", ts_statusPath)

        if step == 1 or step == 3:
            print "ThumbSignIn. Authenticate for Step %d" % step

            login_flow = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(request_parameters, "login_flow")
            print "ThumbSignIn. Value of login_flow parameter is %s" % login_flow

            # Logic for ThumbSignIn Authentication Flow (Either step 1 or step 3)
                identity.setWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW, login_flow)
                print "ThumbSignIn. Value of userLoginFlow is %s" % identity.getWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW)
                logged_in_status = authentication_service.authenticate(self.get_user_id_from_thumbsignin(request_parameters))
                print "ThumbSignIn. logged_in status : %r" % logged_in_status
                return logged_in_status

            # Logic for traditional login flow (step 1)
            print "ThumbSignIn. User credentials login flow"
            identity.setWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW, THUMBSIGNIN_REGISTRATION)
            print "ThumbSignIn. Value of userLoginFlow is %s" % identity.getWorkingParameter(USER_LOGIN_FLOW)
            logged_in = self.authenticate_user_credentials(identity, authentication_service)
            print "ThumbSignIn. Status of User Credentials based Authentication : %r" % logged_in

            # When the traditional login fails, reinitialize the ThumbSignIn data before sending error response to UI
            if not logged_in:
                self.initialize_thumbsignin(identity, AUTHENTICATE)
                return False

            print "ThumbSignIn. Authenticate successful for step %d" % step
            return True

        elif step == 2:
            print "ThumbSignIn. Registration flow (step 2)"

            user = self.get_authenticated_user_from_gluu(authentication_service)
            if user is None:
                print "ThumbSignIn. Registration flow (step 2). Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            user_name = user.getUserId()
            print "ThumbSignIn. Registration flow (step 2) successful. user_name: %s" % user_name
            return True

            return False
Exemple #14
    def alternateActionRequested(self, requestParameters):
        print "MFA Enroll Recovery. alternateActionRequested called"
            toBeFetched = "loginForm:action"
            print "MFA Enroll Recovery. alternateActionRequested: fetching '%s'" % toBeFetched
            action_value = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, toBeFetched)

            print "MFA Enroll Recovery. alternateActionRequested: fetched action_value '%s'" % action_value
            if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty(action_value) ):
                return action_value
            return None
        except Exception, err:
            print("MFA Enroll Recovery. alternateActionRequested Exception: " + str(err))
            return None
Exemple #15
    def getSwitchValueFromAuth(self, requestParameters):
        print "IDP Chooser. getSwitchValueFromAuth called"
            switchCredential = "loginForm:switchCredentialBox"
            print "IDP Chooser. getSwitchValueFromAuth: fetching '%s'" % switchCredential
            switch_credential_selected = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                requestParameters, switchCredential)

            print "IDP Chooser. getSwitchValueFromAuth: fetched switch_credential_selected = '%s'" % switch_credential_selected
            if switch_credential_selected == "on":
                return True
            return False
        except Exception, err:
            print("IDP Chooser. getSwitchValueFromAuth Exception: " + str(err))
Exemple #16
    def getAcrValueFromAuth(self, requestParameters):
        print "IDP Chooser. getAcrValueFromAuth called"
            toBeFeatched = "loginForm:acrname"
            print "IDP Chooser. getAcrValueFromAuth: fetching '%s'" % toBeFeatched
            new_acr_provider_value = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                requestParameters, toBeFeatched)

            print "IDP Chooser. getAcrValueFromAuth: fetched new_acr_provider_value '%s'" % new_acr_provider_value
            if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(new_acr_provider_value):
                return new_acr_provider_value
            return None
        except Exception, err:
            print("IDP Chooser. getAcrValueFromAuth Exception: " + str(err))
Exemple #17
    def getMfaValueFromAuth(self, requestParameters):
        print "MFA Chooser. getMfaValueFromAuth called"
            toBeFeatched = "loginForm:mfachoice"
            print "MFA Chooser. getMfaValueFromAuth: fetching '%s'" % toBeFeatched
            new_acr_value = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,

            print "MFA Chooser. getMfaValueFromAuth: fetched new_acr_value '%s'" % new_acr_value
            if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(new_acr_value):
                return new_acr_value
            return Null
        except Exception, err:
            print("MFA Chooser. getMfaValueFromAuth Exception: " + str(err))
Exemple #18
    def authenticateTOTP(self, requestParameters, username, identity):
        print "MFA. authenticateTOTP called"

        # Inject dependencies
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
        languageBean = CdiUtil.bean(LanguageBean)
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationProtectionService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationProtectionService)


        if (authenticationProtectionService.isEnabled()):

        totpCode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "TOTPauthenticate:totpCode")
        # Do some basic input validation
        if (totpCode is None or len(totpCode) != 6 or not totpCode.isdigit()):
            facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, languageBean.getMessage("mfa.otpInvalid"))
            return False

        # Find the user, retrieve and decrypt their TOTP code
        user = userService.getUser(username, "oxExternalUid")
        if (user is None):
            print "MFA. authenticateTOTP. Failed to find user"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("nextStep", -1) # Error page
            return True

        externalUids = userService.getCustomAttribute(user, "oxExternalUid")
        if (externalUids is not None):
            for externalUid in externalUids.getValues():
                if (externalUid.startswith("totp:")):
                    secretKey = self.decryptAES(self.aesKey, externalUid[5:])
        if (secretKey is None):
            print "MFA. authenticateTOTP. Failed to find TOTP secret"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("nextStep", -1) # Error page
            return True

        # Authenticate the TOTP code
        if (not self.validateTotpKey(self.fromBase64Url(secretKey), totpCode)):
            facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, languageBean.getMessage("mfa.otpInvalid"))
            if (authenticationProtectionService.isEnabled()):
                authenticationProtectionService.storeAttempt(username, False)
            return False

        if (authenticationProtectionService.isEnabled()):
            authenticationProtectionService.storeAttempt(username, True)
        return True
Exemple #19
    def registerFIDO(self, requestParameters, username, identity):
        print "MFA. registerFIDO called"

        registrationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance().createRegistrationRequestService(self.metaDataConfiguration)

        token_response = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "tokenResponse")
        registrationStatus = registrationRequestService.finishRegistration(username, token_response)

        if (registrationStatus.getStatus() != Constants.RESULT_SUCCESS):
            print "MFA. Register FIDO. Failed to register U2F device"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("flow", "Error") # Trigger the error page
            return False
        self.deleteTOTP(username, identity)
        return True
Exemple #20
    def handleResponse(self, requestParameters):
        """Process an authentication response from passport. Returns a User object, or None in case of failure."""

        jwt = None
        externalProfile = None
            # gets jwt parameter "user" sent after authentication by passport (if exists)
            jwt_param = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "user")

            # Parse JWT and validate
            # TODO: Log a security event whenever JWT validation fails
            jwt = Jwt.parse(jwt_param)
            if not self.verifySignature(jwt):
                return None
            if self.jwtHasExpired(jwt):
                return None

            claims = jwt.getClaims()
            externalProfileJson = CdiUtil.bean(EncryptionService).decrypt(
            externalProfile = json.loads(externalProfileJson)

            providerId = externalProfile["provider"]
            providerConfig = self.registeredProviders.get(providerId)
            providerType = providerConfig["type"]

            sub = claims.getClaimAsString("sub")
            if providerType == "saml":  # This is silly. It should be consistent.
                externalProfile["externalUid"] = "passport-saml:%s:%s" % (
                    providerId, sub)
                externalProfile["externalUid"] = "passport-%s:%s" % (
                    providerId, sub)

            print("Passport. handleResponse. Invalid JWT from passport")
            return None

        return externalProfile
Exemple #21
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "MFA Enroll Recovery. authenticate called for step '%s'" % step

        # if it's the confirmation page then just get on with it and finish
        if (step == 2):
            return True

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        # For authentication then check if someone enrolling clicked CANCEL button
        alternateAction = self.alternateActionRequested(requestParameters)
        if ( alternateAction == 'cancel'):
            identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes().put("authenticationFlow", "RESTART_ENROLLMENT")
            CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).updateSessionId( identity.getSessionId() )
            return True

        # 1. Make sure we have a session and a user with no existing codes in the profile
        session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
        if not session_id_validation:
            print "MFA Enroll Recovery. prepareForStep for step %s. Failed to validate session state" % step
            return False

        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        authenticated_user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

        if authenticated_user == None:
            print "MFA Enroll Recovery. prepareForStep. Failed to determine authenticated user from previous module"
            return False

        # 2. Get the confirmation checkbox value
        confirmCodeBox = None
            toBeFeatched = "loginForm:confirmCodeBox"
            print "MFA Enroll Recovery. authenticate: fetching '%s'" % toBeFeatched
            confirmCodeBox = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, toBeFeatched)
        except Exception, err:
            print("MFA Enroll Recovery. authenticate Exception getting form checkbox: " + str(err))
Exemple #22
    def authenticateFIDO(self, requestParameters, username, identity):
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
        languageBean = CdiUtil.bean(LanguageBean)
        authenticationProtectionService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationProtectionService)


        if (authenticationProtectionService.isEnabled()):

        token_response = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "tokenResponse")
        authenticationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance().createAuthenticationRequestService(self.metaDataConfiguration)
        authenticationStatus = authenticationRequestService.finishAuthentication(username, token_response)

        if (authenticationStatus.getStatus() != Constants.RESULT_SUCCESS):
            print "MFA. Authenticate FIDO. Failed to authenticate  U2F device"
            facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, languageBean.getMessage("mfa.FIDOInvalid"))
            if (authenticationProtectionService.isEnabled()):
                authenticationProtectionService.storeAttempt(username, False)
            return False
        if (authenticationProtectionService.isEnabled()):
            authenticationProtectionService.storeAttempt(username, True)
        return True
Exemple #23
    def processOtpAuthentication(self, requestParameters, user_name, identity,
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

        otpCode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(otpCode):
                              "Failed to authenticate. OTP code is empty")
            print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. otpCode is empty"

            return False

        if otp_auth_method == "enroll":
            # Get key from session
            otp_secret_key_encoded = identity.getWorkingParameter(
            if otp_secret_key_encoded == None:
                print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. OTP secret key is invalid"
                return False

            otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(otp_secret_key_encoded)

            if self.otpType == "hotp":
                validation_result = self.validateHotpKey(
                    otp_secret_key, 1, otpCode)

                if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                    print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during enrollment. otpCode is valid"
                    # Store HOTP Secret Key and moving factor in user entry
                    otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % (

                    # Add otp_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                        user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                        return True

                    print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during enrollment. Failed to update user entry"
            elif self.otpType == "totp":
                validation_result = self.validateTotpKey(
                    otp_secret_key, otpCode)
                if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                    print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during enrollment. otpCode is valid"
                    # Store TOTP Secret Key and moving factor in user entry
                    otp_user_external_uid = "totp:%s" % otp_secret_key_encoded

                    # Add otp_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                        user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                        return True

                    print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during enrollment. Failed to update user entry"
        elif otp_auth_method == "authenticate":
            # Modified for Casa compliance

            user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(user_name, "hotp")

            #if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
            #    print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. There is no OTP enrollment for user '%s'" % user_name
            #    facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "There is no valid OTP user enrollments")
            #    return False

            if len(user_enrollments) > 0:
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    user_enrollment_data = user_enrollment.split(";")
                    otp_secret_key_encoded = user_enrollment_data[0]

                    # Get current moving factor from user entry
                    moving_factor = StringHelper.toInteger(
                    otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(otp_secret_key_encoded)

                    # Validate TOTP
                    validation_result = self.validateHotpKey(
                        otp_secret_key, moving_factor, otpCode)
                    if (validation_result !=
                            None) and validation_result["result"]:
                        print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during authentication. otpCode is valid"
                        otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % (
                            otp_secret_key_encoded, moving_factor)
                        new_otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % (

                        # Update moving factor in user entry
                        find_user_by_external_uid = userService.replaceUserAttribute(
                            user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid,
                        if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                            return True

                        print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during authentication. Failed to update user entry"

            user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(user_name, "totp")

            if len(user_enrollments) > 0:
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(user_enrollment)

                    # Validate TOTP
                    validation_result = self.validateTotpKey(
                        otp_secret_key, otpCode)
                    if (validation_result !=
                            None) and validation_result["result"]:
                        print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during authentication. otpCode is valid"
                        return True

                          "Failed to authenticate. OTP code is invalid")
        print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. OTP code is invalid"

        return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        session_attributes = self.identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
        form_passcode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "passcode")
        form_name = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "TwilioSmsloginForm")

        print "TwilioSMS. form_response_passcode: %s" % str(form_passcode)

        if step == 1:
            print "TwilioSMS. Step 1 Password Authentication"
            credentials = self.identity.getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if not logged_in:
                return False

            # Get the Person's number and generate a code
            foundUser = None
                foundUser = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
                print 'TwilioSMS, Error retrieving user %s from LDAP' % (user_name)
                return False

                isVerified = foundUser.getAttribute("phoneNumberVerified")
                if isVerified:
                    self.mobile_number = foundUser.getAttribute("employeeNumber")
                if  self.mobile_number == None:
                    self.mobile_number = foundUser.getAttribute("mobile")
                if  self.mobile_number == None:
                    self.mobile_number = foundUser.getAttribute("telephoneNumber")
                if  self.mobile_number == None:
                    print "TwilioSMS, Error finding mobile number for user '%'" % user_name    
                facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Failed to determine mobile phone number")
                print 'TwilioSMS, Error finding mobile number for' % (user_name)
                return False

            # Generate Random six digit code and store it in array
            code = random.randint(100000, 999999)

            # Get code and save it in LDAP temporarily with special session entry
            self.identity.setWorkingParameter("code", code)

                Twilio.init(self.ACCOUNT_SID, self.AUTH_TOKEN);
                message = Message.creator(PhoneNumber(self.mobile_number), PhoneNumber(self.FROM_NUMBER), str(code)).create();
                print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                print 'TwilioSMs, Message Sid: %s' % (message.getSid())
                print 'TwilioSMs, User phone: %s' % (self.mobile_number)
                print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                self.identity.setWorkingParameter("mobile_number", self.mobile_number)
                self.identity.setWorkingParameter("mobile", self.mobile_number)
                print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                print "Number: %s" % (self.identity.getWorkingParameter("mobile_number"))
                print "Mobile: %s" % (self.identity.getWorkingParameter("mobile"))
                print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                return True
            except Exception, ex:
                facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Failed to send message to mobile phone")
                print "TwilioSMS. Error sending message to Twilio"
                print "TwilioSMS. Unexpected error:", ex

            return False
Exemple #25
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        if step == 1:
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1"
            login_button = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(login_button):
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1. Form were submitted incorrectly"
                return False
            if self.enabled_recaptcha:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1. Validating recaptcha response"
                recaptcha_response = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                    requestParameters, "g-recaptcha-response")

                recaptcha_result = self.validateRecaptcha(recaptcha_response)
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1. recaptcha_result: '%s'" % recaptcha_result

                return recaptcha_result

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2"

            # Validate if user selected certificate
            cert_x509 = self.getSessionAttribute("cert_x509")
            if cert_x509 == None:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. User not selected any certs"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_selected", False)

                # Return True to inform user how to reset workflow
                return True
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_selected", True)
                x509Certificate = self.certFromString(cert_x509)

            subjectX500Principal = x509Certificate.getSubjectX500Principal()
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. User selected certificate with DN '%s'" % subjectX500Principal

            # Validate certificates which user selected
            valid = self.validateCertificate(x509Certificate)
            if not valid:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Certificate DN '%s' is not valid" % subjectX500Principal
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_valid", False)

                # Return True to inform user how to reset workflow
                return True

            identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_valid", True)

            # Calculate certificate fingerprint
            x509CertificateFingerprint = self.calculateCertificateFingerprint(
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Fingerprint is '%s' of certificate with DN '%s'" % (
                x509CertificateFingerprint, subjectX500Principal)

            # Attempt to find user by certificate fingerprint
            cert_user_external_uid = "cert:%s" % x509CertificateFingerprint
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid attribute value %s" % cert_user_external_uid

            find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", cert_user_external_uid, True)
            if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to find user"

                if self.map_user_cert:
                    print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Storing cert_user_external_uid for step 3"
                    return True
                    print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Mapping cert to user account is not allowed"
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_count_login_steps", 2)
                    return False

            foundUserName = find_user_by_external_uid.getUserId()
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. foundUserName: "******"Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Setting count steps to 2"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_count_login_steps", 2)

            return logged_in
        elif step == 3:
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 3"

            cert_user_external_uid = self.getSessionAttribute(
            if cert_user_external_uid == None:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 3. cert_user_external_uid is empty"
                return False

            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            # Double check just to make sure. We did checking in previous step
            # Check if there is user which has cert_user_external_uid
            # Avoid mapping user cert to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", cert_user_external_uid, True)
            if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                # Add cert_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                    user_name, "oxExternalUid", cert_user_external_uid, True)
                if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                    print "Cert. Authenticate for step 3. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                return True

            return True
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        session_attributes = self.identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
        form_passcode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "passcode")
        form_name = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "TwilioSmsloginForm")

        print "TwilioSMS. form_response_passcode: %s" % str(form_passcode)

        if step == 1:
            print "TwilioSMS. Step 1 Password Authentication"
            credentials = self.identity.getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if not logged_in:
                return False

            # Get the Person's number and generate a code
            foundUser = None
                foundUser = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
                print 'TwilioSMS, Error retrieving user %s from LDAP' % (user_name)
                return False

                isVerified = foundUser.getAttribute("phoneNumberVerified")
                if isVerified:
                    self.mobile_number = foundUser.getAttribute("employeeNumber")
                if  self.mobile_number == None:
                    self.mobile_number = foundUser.getAttribute("mobile")
                if  self.mobile_number == None:
                    self.mobile_number = foundUser.getAttribute("telephoneNumber")
                if  self.mobile_number == None:
                    print "TwilioSMS, Error finding mobile number for user '%s'" % user_name    
                facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Failed to determine mobile phone number")
                print 'TwilioSMS, Error finding mobile number for "%s". Exception: %s` % (user_name, sys.exc_info()[1])`'
                return False

            # Generate Random six digit code and store it in array
            code = random.randint(100000, 999999)

            # Get code and save it in LDAP temporarily with special session entry
            self.identity.setWorkingParameter("code", code)

                Twilio.init(self.ACCOUNT_SID, self.AUTH_TOKEN);
                message = Message.creator(PhoneNumber(self.mobile_number), PhoneNumber(self.FROM_NUMBER), str(code)).create();
                print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                print 'TwilioSMs, Message Sid: %s' % (message.getSid())
                print 'TwilioSMs, User phone: %s' % (self.mobile_number)
                print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                self.identity.setWorkingParameter("mobile_number", self.mobile_number)
                self.identity.setWorkingParameter("mobile", self.mobile_number)
                print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                print "Number: %s" % (self.identity.getWorkingParameter("mobile_number"))
                print "Mobile: %s" % (self.identity.getWorkingParameter("mobile"))
                print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
                return True
            except Exception, ex:
                facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Failed to send message to mobile phone")
                print "TwilioSMS. Error sending message to Twilio"
                print "TwilioSMS. Unexpected error:", ex

            return False
Exemple #27
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        if (step == 1):
            print "U2F. Authenticate for step 1"

            if authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser() != None:
                return True

            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2"

            token_response = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if token_response == None:
                print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2. tokenResponse is empty"
                return False

            auth_method = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if auth_method == None:
                print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2. authMethod is empty"
                return False

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            if (auth_method == 'authenticate'):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Call FIDO U2F in order to finish authentication workflow"
                authenticationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance(
                authenticationStatus = authenticationRequestService.finishAuthentication(
                    user.getUserId(), token_response)

                if (authenticationStatus.getStatus() !=
                    print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2. Get invalid authentication status from FIDO U2F server"
                    return False

                return True
            elif (auth_method == 'enroll'):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Call FIDO U2F in order to finish registration workflow"
                registrationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance(
                registrationStatus = registrationRequestService.finishRegistration(
                    user.getUserId(), token_response)

                if (registrationStatus.getStatus() !=
                    print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2. Get invalid registration status from FIDO U2F server"
                    return False

                return True
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Authenticatiod method is invalid"
                return False

            return False
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        if (step == 1):
            print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 1"

            if authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser() != None:
                return True

            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2"

            token_response = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if token_response == None:
                print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2. tokenResponse is empty"
                return False

            auth_method = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if auth_method == None:
                print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2. authMethod is empty"
                return False

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            if (auth_method == 'authenticate'):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Call Fido2 in order to finish authentication flow"
                assertionService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance(
                assertionStatus = assertionService.verify(token_response)
                authenticationStatusEntity = assertionStatus.readEntity(

                if (assertionStatus.getStatus() !=
                    print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2. Get invalid authentication status from Fido2 server"
                    return False

                return True
            elif (auth_method == 'enroll'):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Call Fido2 in order to finish registration flow"
                attestationService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance(
                attestationStatus = attestationService.verify(token_response)

                if (attestationStatus.getStatus() !=
                    print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2. Get invalid registration status from Fido2 server"
                    return False

                return True
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Authentication method is invalid"
                return False

            return False
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        if (step == 1):
            print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 1"

            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2"

            token_response = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "tokenResponse")
            if token_response == None:
                print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2. tokenResponse is empty"
                return False

            auth_method = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "authMethod")
            if auth_method == None:
                print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2. authMethod is empty"
                return False

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            if (auth_method == 'authenticate'):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Call Fido2 in order to finish authentication flow"
                assertionService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance().createAssertionService(self.metaDataConfiguration)
                assertionStatus = assertionService.verify(token_response)
                authenticationStatusEntity = assertionStatus.readEntity(java.lang.String)

                if (assertionStatus.getStatus() != Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()):
                    print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2. Get invalid authentication status from Fido2 server"
                    return False

                return True
            elif (auth_method == 'enroll'):
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Call Fido2 in order to finish registration flow"
                attestationService = Fido2ClientFactory.instance().createAttestationService(self.metaDataConfiguration)
                attestationStatus = attestationService.verify(token_response)

                if (attestationStatus.getStatus() != Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()):
                    print "Fido2. Authenticate for step 2. Get invalid registration status from Fido2 server"
                    return False

                return True
                print "Fido2. Prepare for step 2. Authentication method is invalid"
                return False

            return False
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        if step == 1:
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1"
            login_button = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:loginButton")
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(login_button):
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1. Form were submitted incorrectly"
                return False
            if self.enabled_recaptcha:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1. Validating recaptcha response"
                recaptcha_response = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "g-recaptcha-response")

                recaptcha_result = self.validateRecaptcha(recaptcha_response)
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1. recaptcha_result: '%s'" % recaptcha_result
                return recaptcha_result

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2"

            # Validate if user selected certificate
            cert_x509 = self.getSessionAttribute("cert_x509")
            if cert_x509 == None:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. User not selected any certs"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_selected", False)
                # Return True to inform user how to reset workflow
                return True
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_selected", True)
                x509Certificate = self.certFromString(cert_x509)

            subjectX500Principal = x509Certificate.getSubjectX500Principal()
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. User selected certificate with DN '%s'" % subjectX500Principal
            # Validate certificates which user selected
            valid = self.validateCertificate(x509Certificate)
            if not valid:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Certificate DN '%s' is not valid" % subjectX500Principal
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_valid", False)
                # Return True to inform user how to reset workflow
                return True

            identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_valid", True)
            # Calculate certificate fingerprint
            x509CertificateFingerprint = self.calculateCertificateFingerprint(x509Certificate)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_x509_fingerprint", x509CertificateFingerprint)
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Fingerprint is '%s' of certificate with DN '%s'" % (x509CertificateFingerprint, subjectX500Principal)
            # Attempt to find user by certificate fingerprint
            cert_user_external_uid = "cert:%s" % x509CertificateFingerprint
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid attribute value %s" % cert_user_external_uid

            find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", cert_user_external_uid)
            if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to find user"
                if self.map_user_cert:
                    print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Storing cert_user_external_uid for step 3"
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_user_external_uid", cert_user_external_uid)
                    return True
                    print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Mapping cert to user account is not allowed"
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_count_login_steps", 2)
                    return False

            foundUserName = find_user_by_external_uid.getUserId()
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. foundUserName: "******"Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Setting count steps to 2"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_count_login_steps", 2)

            return logged_in
        elif step == 3:
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 3"

            cert_user_external_uid = self.getSessionAttribute("cert_user_external_uid")
            if cert_user_external_uid == None:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 3. cert_user_external_uid is empty"
                return False

            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            # Double check just to make sure. We did checking in previous step
            # Check if there is user which has cert_user_external_uid
            # Avoid mapping user cert to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", cert_user_external_uid)
            if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                # Add cert_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", cert_user_external_uid)
                if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                    print "Cert. Authenticate for step 3. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                return True
            return True
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        extensionResult = self.extensionAuthenticate(configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step)
        if extensionResult != None:
            return extensionResult

        print "Passport. authenticate for step %s called" % str(step)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            # Get JWT token
            jwt_param = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "user")
            if jwt_param != None:
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. JWT user profile token found"

                # Parse JWT and validate
                jwt = Jwt.parse(jwt_param)
                if not self.validSignature(jwt):
                    return False

                (user_profile, json) = self.getUserProfile(jwt)
                if user_profile == None:
                    return False

                return self.attemptAuthentication(identity, user_profile, json)

            #See passportlogin.xhtml
            provider = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:provider")
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(provider):

                #it's username + passw auth
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication detected"
                logged_in = False

                credentials = identity.getCredentials()
                user_name = credentials.getUsername()
                user_password = credentials.getPassword()

                if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password):
                    authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
                    logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication returned: %s" % logged_in
                return logged_in

            elif provider in self.registeredProviders:
                #it's a recognized external IDP
                identity.setWorkingParameter("selectedProvider", provider)
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Retrying step 1"
                #see prepareForStep (step = 1)
                return True

        if step == 2:
            mail = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:email")
            json = identity.getWorkingParameter("passport_user_profile")

            if mail == None:
            elif json != None:
                # Completion of profile takes place
                user_profile = self.getProfileFromJson(json)
                user_profile["mail"] = mail

                return self.attemptAuthentication(identity, user_profile, json)

            print "Passport. authenticate for step 2. Failed: expected mail value in HTTP request and json profile in session"
            return False
Exemple #32
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()


        if step == 1:

            ### LOCKOUT
            print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 1"
            facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            cacheService = CdiUtil.bean(CacheService)

            print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 1"
            authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(credentials)

            if authenticated_user != None:
            elif user_name != self.no_lockout_admin:
                countInvalidLoginArributeValue = self.getUserAttributeValue(
                    user_name, self.invalidLoginCountAttribute)
                userSatus = self.getUserAttributeValue(user_name, "gluuStatus")
                print "Current user '%s' status is '%s'" % (user_name,

                countInvalidLogin = StringHelper.toInteger(
                    countInvalidLoginArributeValue, 0)

                if countInvalidLogin < self.maximumInvalidLoginAttemps:
                    countInvalidLogin = countInvalidLogin + 1
                    remainingAttempts = self.maximumInvalidLoginAttemps - countInvalidLogin

                    print "Remaining login count attempts '%s' for user '%s'" % (
                        remainingAttempts, user_name)

                        user_name, self.invalidLoginCountAttribute,
                    if remainingAttempts > 0 and userSatus == "active":
                            StringHelper.toString(remainingAttempts) +
                            " more attempt(s) before account is LOCKED!")

                if (countInvalidLogin >= self.maximumInvalidLoginAttemps) and (
                    (userSatus == None) or (userSatus == "active")):
                    print "OTP (with lockout). Locking '%s' for '%s' seconds" % (
                        user_name, self.lockExpirationTime)
                    self.lockUser(user_name, self.maximumInvalidLoginAttemps)
                    return False

                if (countInvalidLogin >= self.maximumInvalidLoginAttemps
                    ) and userSatus == "inactive":
                    print "OTP (with lockout). User '%s' is locked. Checking if we can unlock him" % user_name

                    unlock_and_authenticate = False

                    object_from_store = cacheService.get(
                        None, "lock_user_" + user_name)
                    if object_from_store == None:
                        # Object in cache was expired. We need to unlock user
                        print "OTP (with lockout). User locking details for user '%s' not exists" % user_name
                        unlock_and_authenticate = True
                        # Analyze object from cache
                        user_lock_details = json.loads(object_from_store)

                        user_lock_details_locked = user_lock_details['locked']
                        user_lock_details_created = user_lock_details[
                        user_lock_details_created_date = LocalDateTime.parse(
                        user_lock_details_created_diff = Duration.between(
                        print "OTP (with lockout). Get user '%s' locking details. locked: '%s', Created: '%s', Difference in seconds: '%s'" % (
                            user_name, user_lock_details_locked,

                        if user_lock_details_locked and user_lock_details_created_diff >= self.lockExpirationTime:
                            print "OTP (with lockout). Unlocking user '%s' after lock expiration" % user_name
                            unlock_and_authenticate = True

                    if unlock_and_authenticate:
                            user_name, self.invalidLoginCountAttribute,
                        ### TODO: Fix free attempt after unlock
                        authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(
                        if authenticated_user == None:
                                user_name, self.invalidLoginCountAttribute,

            if authenticated_user == None:
                return False
            ### LOCKOUT

            # Check the otp_group user membership
            if (self.use_otp_group):
                print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 1. Checking if user '%s' belongs to otp_group" % authenticated_user.getUserId(
                is_member_otp_group = self.isUserMemberOfGroup(
                    authenticated_user, self.audit_attribute, self.otp_group)
                if not is_member_otp_group:
                    print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 1. User '%s' not a member of otp group, skipping OTP" % authenticated_user.getUserId(
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps", 1)
                    return True
                    print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 1. User '%s' is a member of otp group, continue to OTP" % authenticated_user.getUserId(

            otp_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second OTP registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    otp_auth_method = "enroll"

            if otp_auth_method == "authenticate":
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    otp_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 1. There is no OTP enrollment for user '%s'. Changing otp_auth_method to '%s'" % (
                        authenticated_user.getUserId(), otp_auth_method)

            if otp_auth_method == "enroll":
                print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps: '%s'" % 3
                identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps", 3)

            print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 1. otp_auth_method: '%s'" % otp_auth_method
            identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method", otp_auth_method)

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 2"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method == 'enroll':
                auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
                if not StringHelper.isEmpty(auth_result):
                    print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 2. User not enrolled OTP"
                    return False

                print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 2. Skipping this step during enrollment"
                return True

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(
                requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 2. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
        elif step == 3:
            print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 3"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method != 'enroll':
                return False

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(
                requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP (with lockout). Authenticate for step 3. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print("SMPP Authenticate for step {}".format(step))

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

        if step == 1:
            if not user:
                credentials = identity.getCredentials()
                user_name = credentials.getUsername()
                user_password = credentials.getPassword()

                if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                        user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

            if not user:
                return False

            numbers = self.getNumbers(user)
            if not numbers:
                return False
                # Generate Random six digit code
                code = random.randint(100000, 999999)
                identity.setWorkingParameter("randCode", code)

                if len(numbers) == 1:
                    return self.sendMessage(numbers[0], str(code))
                    chopped = [number[-4:] for number in numbers]

                    # converting to comma-separated list (identity does not remember lists)
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("numbers", ",".join(numbers))
                    return True
            if not user:
                return False

            session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            code = session_attributes.get("randCode")
            numbers = session_attributes.get("numbers")

            if step == 2 and numbers:
                # Means that the selection number page was used
                idx = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                    requestParameters, "OtpSmsloginForm:indexOfNumber")
                if idx and code:
                    number = numbers.split(",")[int(idx)]
                    return self.sendMessage(number, str(code))
                    return False

            form_passcode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if form_passcode and code == form_passcode:
                    "SMPP authenticate. 6-digit code matches with code sent via SMS"
                return True
                facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
                                  "Wrong code entered")
                return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()


        if step == 1:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1"
            authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(credentials)
            if authenticated_user == None:
                return False

            otp_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second OTP registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    otp_auth_method = "enroll"
            if otp_auth_method == "authenticate":
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(authenticated_user.getUserId())
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    otp_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. There is no OTP enrollment for user '%s'. Changing otp_auth_method to '%s'" % (authenticated_user.getUserId(), otp_auth_method)
            if otp_auth_method == "enroll":
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps: '%s'" % 3
                identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps", 3)

            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. otp_auth_method: '%s'" % otp_auth_method
            identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method", otp_auth_method)

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method == 'enroll':
                auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "auth_result")
                if not StringHelper.isEmpty(auth_result):
                    print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. User not enrolled OTP"
                    return False

                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Skipping this step during enrollment"
                return True

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
        elif step == 3:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 3"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method != 'enroll':
                return False

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 3. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
            return False
Exemple #35
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()


        if step == 1:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1"

            # Modified for Casa compliance
            authenticated_user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if authenticated_user == None:
                authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(
                if authenticated_user == None:
                    return False

            otp_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second OTP registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    otp_auth_method = "enroll"

            # Modified for Casa compliance
            if not self.hasEnrollments(configurationAttributes,
                return False

            #if otp_auth_method == "authenticate":
            #    user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(authenticated_user.getUserId())
            #    if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
            #        otp_auth_method = "enroll"
            #        print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. There is no OTP enrollment for user '%s'. Changing otp_auth_method to '%s'" % (authenticated_user.getUserId(), otp_auth_method)

            if otp_auth_method == "enroll":
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps: '%s'" % 3
                identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps", 3)

            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. otp_auth_method: '%s'" % otp_auth_method
            identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method", otp_auth_method)

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method == 'enroll':
                auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
                if not StringHelper.isEmpty(auth_result):
                    print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. User not enrolled OTP"
                    return False

                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Skipping this step during enrollment"
                return True

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(
                requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
        elif step == 3:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 3"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method != 'enroll':
                return False

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(
                requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 3. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        if (step == 1):
            print "U2F. Authenticate for step 1"

            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2"

            token_response = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "tokenResponse")
            if token_response == None:
                print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2. tokenResponse is empty"
                return False

            auth_method = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "authMethod")
            if auth_method == None:
                print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2. authMethod is empty"
                return False

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            if (auth_method == 'authenticate'):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Call FIDO U2F in order to finish authentication workflow"
                authenticationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance().createAuthenticationRequestService(self.metaDataConfiguration)
                authenticationStatus = authenticationRequestService.finishAuthentication(user.getUserId(), token_response)

                if (authenticationStatus.getStatus() != Constants.RESULT_SUCCESS):
                    print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2. Get invalid authentication status from FIDO U2F server"
                    return False

                return True
            elif (auth_method == 'enroll'):
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Call FIDO U2F in order to finish registration workflow"
                registrationRequestService = FidoU2fClientFactory.instance().createRegistrationRequestService(self.metaDataConfiguration)
                registrationStatus = registrationRequestService.finishRegistration(user.getUserId(), token_response)

                if (registrationStatus.getStatus() != Constants.RESULT_SUCCESS):
                    print "U2F. Authenticate for step 2. Get invalid registration status from FIDO U2F server"
                    return False

                return True
                print "U2F. Prepare for step 2. Authenticatiod method is invalid"
                return False

            return False
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()


        if (step == 1):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1"

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()

            authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(credentials)
            if authenticated_user == None:
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second device registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"

            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'. Changing uaf_auth_method to '%s'" % (
                        user_name, uaf_auth_method)

            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method

            identity.setWorkingParameter("uaf_auth_method", uaf_auth_method)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2"

            session_id = CdiUtil.bean(
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False
            user_name = user.getUserId()

            uaf_auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if uaf_auth_result != "success":
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. auth_result is '%s'" % uaf_auth_result
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")

            if not uaf_auth_method in ['enroll', 'authenticate']:
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to authenticate user. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method
                return False

            # Request STATUS_OBB
            if True:
                #TODO: Remove this condition
                # It's workaround becuase it's not possible to call STATUS_OBB 2 times. First time on browser and second ime on server
                uaf_user_device_handle = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                    requestParameters, "auth_handle")
                uaf_obb_auth_method = session_attributes.get(
                uaf_obb_server_uri = session_attributes.get(
                uaf_obb_start_response = session_attributes.get(

                # Prepare STATUS_OBB
                uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(
                uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = {
                    "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,

                uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(
                    uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',', ':'))
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (
                    uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

                uaf_status_obb_response = self.executePost(
                    uaf_obb_server_uri, uaf_obb_status_request)
                if uaf_status_obb_response == None:
                    return False

                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Get STATUS response: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response
                uaf_status_obb_response_json = json.loads(

                if uaf_status_obb_response_json["statusCode"] != 4000:
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF operation status is invalid. statusCode: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response_json[
                    return False

                uaf_user_device_handle = uaf_status_obb_response_json[

            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_user_device_handle):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to get UAF handle"
                return False

            uaf_user_external_uid = "uaf:%s" % uaf_user_device_handle
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF handle: '%s'" % uaf_user_external_uid

            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                # Validate if user used device with same keYHandle
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'." % user_name
                    return False

                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(user_enrollment,
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is UAF enrollment for user '%s'. User authenticated successfully" % user_name
                        return True
                userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

                # Double check just to make sure. We did checking in previous step
                # Check if there is user which has uaf_user_external_uid
                # Avoid mapping user cert to more than one IDP account
                find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                    # Add uaf_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                        user_name, "oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                        return False

                    return True

            return False
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        extensionResult = self.extensionAuthenticate(configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step)
        if extensionResult != None:
            return extensionResult

        print "Passport. authenticate for step %s called" % str(step)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            jwt_param = None

            if self.isInboundFlow(identity):
                # if is idp-initiated inbound flow
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Detected idp-initiated inbound Saml flow"
                # get request from session attributes
                jwt_param = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes().get(AuthorizeRequestParam.STATE)
                # now jwt_param != None

            if jwt_param == None:
                # gets jwt parameter "user" sent after authentication by passport (if exists)
                jwt_param = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "user")

            if jwt_param != None:
                # and now that the jwt_param user exists...
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. JWT user profile token found"

                # Parse JWT and validate
                jwt = Jwt.parse(jwt_param)
                if not self.validSignature(jwt):
                    return False

                if self.jwtHasExpired(jwt):
                    return False

                # Gets user profile as string and json using the information on JWT
                (user_profile, jsonp) = self.getUserProfile(jwt)

                if user_profile == None:
                    return False

                return self.attemptAuthentication(identity, user_profile, jsonp)

            #See passportlogin.xhtml
            provider = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:provider")
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(provider):

                #it's username + passw auth
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication detected"
                logged_in = False

                credentials = identity.getCredentials()
                user_name = credentials.getUsername()
                user_password = credentials.getPassword()

                if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password):
                    authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
                    logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication returned: %s" % logged_in
                return logged_in

            elif provider in self.registeredProviders:
                # user selected provider
                # it's a recognized external IDP

                identity.setWorkingParameter("selectedProvider", provider)
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Retrying step 1"

                #see prepareForStep (step = 1)
                return True

        if step == 2:
            mail = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:email")
            jsonp = identity.getWorkingParameter("passport_user_profile")

            if mail == None:
                self.setMessageError(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Email was missing in user profile")
            elif jsonp != None:
                # Completion of profile takes place
                user_profile = json.loads(jsonp)
                user_profile["mail"] = [ mail ]

                return self.attemptAuthentication(identity, user_profile, jsonp)

            print "Passport. authenticate for step 2. Failed: expected mail value in HTTP request and json profile in session"
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()


        if (step == 1):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1"

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()

            authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(credentials)
            if authenticated_user == None:
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second device registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'. Changing uaf_auth_method to '%s'" % (user_name, uaf_auth_method)

            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method
            identity.setWorkingParameter("uaf_auth_method", uaf_auth_method)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2"

            session_id = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionIdFromCookie()
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(session_id):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False
            user_name = user.getUserId()

            uaf_auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "auth_result")
            if uaf_auth_result != "success":
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. auth_result is '%s'" % uaf_auth_result
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")

            if not uaf_auth_method in ['enroll', 'authenticate']:
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to authenticate user. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method
                return False

            # Request STATUS_OBB
            if True:
                #TODO: Remove this condition
                # It's workaround becuase it's not possible to call STATUS_OBB 2 times. First time on browser and second ime on server
                uaf_user_device_handle = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "auth_handle")
                uaf_obb_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_obb_auth_method")
                uaf_obb_server_uri = session_attributes.get("uaf_obb_server_uri")
                uaf_obb_start_response = session_attributes.get("uaf_obb_start_response")

                # Prepare STATUS_OBB
                uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(uaf_obb_start_response)
                uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = { "operation": "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                                                      "userName": user_name,
                                                      "needDetails": 1,
                                                      "oobStatusHandle": uaf_obb_start_response_json["oobStatusHandle"],
                uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',',':'))
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

                uaf_status_obb_response = self.executePost(uaf_obb_server_uri, uaf_obb_status_request)
                if uaf_status_obb_response == None:
                    return False

                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Get STATUS response: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response
                uaf_status_obb_response_json = json.loads(uaf_status_obb_response)
                if uaf_status_obb_response_json["statusCode"] != 4000:
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF operation status is invalid. statusCode: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response_json["statusCode"]
                    return False

                uaf_user_device_handle = uaf_status_obb_response_json["additionalInfo"]["authenticatorsResult"]["handle"]

            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_user_device_handle):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to get UAF handle"
                return False

            uaf_user_external_uid = "uaf:%s" % uaf_user_device_handle
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF handle: '%s'" % uaf_user_external_uid

            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                # Validate if user used device with same keYHandle
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'." % user_name
                    return False
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(user_enrollment, uaf_user_device_handle):
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is UAF enrollment for user '%s'. User authenticated successfully" % user_name
                        return True
                userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

                # Double check just to make sure. We did checking in previous step
                # Check if there is user which has uaf_user_external_uid
                # Avoid mapping user cert to more than one IDP account
                find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                    # Add uaf_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                        return False
                    return True

            return False
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        extensionResult = self.extensionAuthenticate(configurationAttributes,
                                                     requestParameters, step)
        if extensionResult != None:
            return extensionResult

        print "Passport. authenticate for step %s called" % str(step)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            # Get JWT token
            jwt_param = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "user")
            if jwt_param != None:
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. JWT user profile token found"

                # Parse JWT and validate
                jwt = Jwt.parse(jwt_param)
                if not self.validSignature(jwt):
                    return False

                (user_profile, json) = self.getUserProfile(jwt)
                if user_profile == None:
                    return False

                return self.attemptAuthentication(identity, user_profile, json)

            #See passportlogin.xhtml
            provider = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(provider):

                #it's username + passw auth
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication detected"
                logged_in = False

                credentials = identity.getCredentials()
                user_name = credentials.getUsername()
                user_password = credentials.getPassword()

                if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                        user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
                    logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                        user_name, user_password)

                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication returned: %s" % logged_in
                return logged_in

            elif provider in self.registeredProviders:
                #it's a recognized external IDP
                identity.setWorkingParameter("selectedProvider", provider)
                print "Passport. authenticate for step 1. Retrying step 1"
                #see prepareForStep (step = 1)
                return True

        if step == 2:
            mail = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            json = identity.getWorkingParameter("passport_user_profile")

            if mail == None:
                                     "Email was missing in user profile")
            elif json != None:
                # Completion of profile takes place
                user_profile = self.getProfileFromJson(json)
                user_profile["mail"] = mail

                return self.attemptAuthentication(identity, user_profile, json)

            print "Passport. authenticate for step 2. Failed: expected mail value in HTTP request and json profile in session"
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "Casa. authenticate %s" % str(step)

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password):

                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute(self.uid_attr, user_name)
                #foundUser = userService.getUser(user_name)
                if foundUser == None:
                    print "Casa. authenticate for step 1. Unknown username"
                    platform_data = self.parsePlatformData(requestParameters)
                    mfaOff = foundUser.getAttribute("oxPreferredMethod") == None
                    logged_in = False

                    if mfaOff:
                        logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)
                        acr = self.getSuitableAcr(foundUser, platform_data['isMobile'])
                        if acr != None:
                            module = self.authenticators[acr]
                            logged_in = module.authenticate(module.configAttrs, requestParameters, step)

                    if logged_in:
                        foundUser = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

                        if foundUser == None:
                            print "Casa. authenticate for step 1. Cannot retrieve logged user"
                            if mfaOff:
                                identity.setWorkingParameter("skip2FA", True)
                                #Determine whether to skip 2FA based on policy defined (global or user custom)
                                skip2FA = self.determineSkip2FA(userService, identity, foundUser, platform_data)
                                identity.setWorkingParameter("skip2FA", skip2FA)
                                identity.setWorkingParameter("ACR", acr)

                            return True

                        print "Casa. authenticate for step 1 was not successful"
            return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "Casa. authenticate for step 2. Cannot retrieve logged user"
                return False

            #see casa.xhtml
            alter = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "alternativeMethod")
            if alter != None:
                #bypass the rest of this step if an alternative method was provided. Current step will be retried (see getNextStep)
                self.simulateFirstStep(requestParameters, alter)
                return True

            session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            acr = session_attributes.get("ACR")
            #this working parameter is used in casa.xhtml
            identity.setWorkingParameter("methods", ArrayList(self.getAvailMethodsUser(user, acr)))

            success = False
            if acr in self.authenticators:
                module = self.authenticators[acr]
                success = module.authenticate(module.configAttrs, requestParameters, step)

            #Update the list of trusted devices if 2fa passed
            if success:
                print "Casa. authenticate. 2FA authentication was successful"
                tdi = session_attributes.get("trustedDevicesInfo")
                if tdi == None:
                    print "Casa. authenticate. List of user's trusted devices was not updated"
                    user.setAttribute("oxTrustedDevicesInfo", tdi)
                print "Casa. authenticate. 2FA authentication failed"

            return success

        return False
Exemple #42
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "Casa. authenticate for step %s" % str(step)

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if step == 1:
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()
            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(

                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    self.uid_attr, user_name)
                #foundUser = userService.getUser(user_name)
                if foundUser == None:
                    print "Casa. authenticate for step 1. Unknown username"
                    platform_data = self.parsePlatformData(requestParameters)
                    mfaOff = foundUser.getAttribute(
                        "oxPreferredMethod") == None
                    logged_in = False

                    if mfaOff:
                        logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                            user_name, user_password)
                        acr = self.getSuitableAcr(foundUser, platform_data)
                        if acr != None:
                            module = self.authenticators[acr]
                            logged_in = module.authenticate(
                                module.configAttrs, requestParameters, step)

                    if logged_in:
                        foundUser = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser(

                        if foundUser == None:
                            print "Casa. authenticate for step 1. Cannot retrieve logged user"
                            if mfaOff:
                                identity.setWorkingParameter("skip2FA", True)
                                #Determine whether to skip 2FA based on policy defined (global or user custom)
                                skip2FA = self.determineSkip2FA(
                                    userService, identity, foundUser,
                                    "skip2FA", skip2FA)
                                identity.setWorkingParameter("ACR", acr)

                            return True

                        print "Casa. authenticate for step 1 was not successful"
            return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "Casa. authenticate for step 2. Cannot retrieve logged user"
                return False

            #see casa.xhtml
            alter = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if alter != None:
                #bypass the rest of this step if an alternative method was provided. Current step will be retried (see getNextStep)
                self.simulateFirstStep(requestParameters, alter)
                return True

            session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            acr = session_attributes.get("ACR")
            #this working parameter is used in casa.xhtml
                "methods", ArrayList(self.getAvailMethodsUser(user, acr)))

            success = False
            if acr in self.authenticators:
                module = self.authenticators[acr]
                success = module.authenticate(module.configAttrs,
                                              requestParameters, step)

            #Update the list of trusted devices if 2fa passed
            if success:
                print "Casa. authenticate. 2FA authentication was successful"
                tdi = session_attributes.get("trustedDevicesInfo")
                if tdi == None:
                    print "Casa. authenticate. List of user's trusted devices was not updated"
                    user.setAttribute("oxTrustedDevicesInfo", tdi)
                print "Casa. authenticate. 2FA authentication failed"

            return success

        return False
    def processOtpAuthentication(self, requestParameters, user_name, identity, otp_auth_method):
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

        otpCode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:otpCode")
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(otpCode):
            facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Failed to authenticate. OTP code is empty")
            print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. otpCode is empty"

            return False
        if otp_auth_method == "enroll":
            # Get key from session
            otp_secret_key_encoded = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_secret_key")
            if otp_secret_key_encoded == None:
                print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. OTP secret key is invalid"
                return False
            otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(otp_secret_key_encoded)

            if self.otpType == "hotp":
                validation_result = self.validateHotpKey(otp_secret_key, 1, otpCode)
                if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                    print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during enrollment. otpCode is valid"
                    # Store HOTP Secret Key and moving factor in user entry
                    otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % ( otp_secret_key_encoded, validation_result["movingFactor"] )

                    # Add otp_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                        return True

                    print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during enrollment. Failed to update user entry"
            elif self.otpType == "totp":
                validation_result = self.validateTotpKey(otp_secret_key, otpCode)
                if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                    print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during enrollment. otpCode is valid"
                    # Store TOTP Secret Key and moving factor in user entry
                    otp_user_external_uid = "totp:%s" % otp_secret_key_encoded

                    # Add otp_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                        return True

                    print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during enrollment. Failed to update user entry"
        elif otp_auth_method == "authenticate":
            user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(user_name)

            if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. There is no OTP enrollment for user '%s'" % user_name
                facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "There is no valid OTP user enrollments")
                return False

            if self.otpType == "hotp":
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    user_enrollment_data = user_enrollment.split(";")
                    otp_secret_key_encoded = user_enrollment_data[0]

                    # Get current moving factor from user entry
                    moving_factor = StringHelper.toInteger(user_enrollment_data[1])
                    otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(otp_secret_key_encoded)

                    # Validate TOTP
                    validation_result = self.validateHotpKey(otp_secret_key, moving_factor, otpCode)
                    if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                        print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during authentication. otpCode is valid"
                        otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % ( otp_secret_key_encoded, moving_factor )
                        new_otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % ( otp_secret_key_encoded, validation_result["movingFactor"] )
                        # Update moving factor in user entry
                        find_user_by_external_uid = userService.replaceUserAttribute(user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid, new_otp_user_external_uid)
                        if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                            return True
                        print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during authentication. Failed to update user entry"
            elif self.otpType == "totp":
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(user_enrollment)

                    # Validate TOTP
                    validation_result = self.validateTotpKey(otp_secret_key, otpCode)
                    if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                        print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during authentication. otpCode is valid"
                        return True

        facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Failed to authenticate. OTP code is invalid")
        print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. OTP code is invalid"

        return False